Dibbles Pro Pack
Return to the same environment that started The Podge's addictive puzzle series, but this time with 33 all new problem-solving scenarios. As before, set action stones to command the dibbles and they'll lay down their lives in all manner of ways to ensure the king can safely complete his journey. Packed with puzzle fun, it's perfect for when you just can't get enough dibbles.
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Dibbles Pro Pack Walkthrough
General Information
The goal of the game is to create a safe path for the king from the entrance pyramid to the exit.
The king will always be the last Dibble to come out.
The other Dibbles are more than willing to give their lives to make the passage safe, but there are only a certain number of them per level so use them wisely.
If you save more Dibbles than just the king, you will get a score bonus.
You will be given a variety of stones that give the basic Dibbles orders. These orders always involve the death of the Dibble but will make things easier for the Dibbles that follow.
In this version, the "Boom" stone has been renamed "Blow Up," and the "Extend" stone has been replaced with "Bridge." Extend and Bridge commands are similar, except the Bridge connects two edges one space apart and requires both sides to work, instead of just one side like Extend.
Levels 10-19
Level 10
Allow the first Dibble to fall into the water.
Place a Bounce stone on the back of the floating Dibble.
Allow the next Dibble to bounce into the water.
Use a Float stone on the back of the second floating Dibble.
Use two Blow Up stones to break through the wall.
Use a Climb stone to get up the cliff.
Place a Bounce stone by the edge of the gap.
Level 11
Allow the first Dibble to fall into the water.
Place a Bounce stone on the edge of the cliff.
Allow the next Dibble to bounce into the water.
Use a Climb stone to get up the wall by the drowned Dibble from step 3.
Place a Bounce stone on the edge where the Dibbles climb up.
Allow the next Dibble to bounce into the water.
Use two Blow Up stones to break through the wall by the exit.
Level 12
Use a Climb stone to get up the first wall.
Use four Blow Up stones to make a tunnel.
Allow the next Dibble to fall into the water.
Use two Float stones on the next two Dibbles.
Use a Climb stone to get up the next wall.
Use three Blow Up stones to make another tunnel.
Allow the next Dibble to fall into the water.
Use a Bungee stone to get down to the floating Dibble.
Use a Float stone to get to the next wall.
Use a Climb stone to get up.
Level 13
Place three Block stones side by side in the first hole.
Place three more Block stones in the hole by the exit.
Level 14
Use a Bungee stone on the first drop.
Place a Block stone in the small hole before the first large wall.
Use a Blow Up stone directly before the Block so that it will destroy the walls to the left and right of it.
Use two more Blow Up stones to make a tunnel.
Use a Climb stone to get up the wall.
Place a Dig stone on the edge of the cliff before the water.
Allow the next Dibble to fall into the water.
Place a Block stone on the floating Dibble.
Use a Climb stone to get up the next wall.
Place two Block stones in the hole before the exit.
Level 15
Use a Climb stone to get up the first wall.
Use another Climb stone to get up the next wall.
Use a Dig stone on the edge of the cliff before the water.
Allow the next Dibble to fall into the water.
Place a Block stone on the floating Dibble.
Allow the next Dibble to fall into the water.
Level 16
Place three Dig stones starting on the first step up.
Use a Blow Up stone in the hole.
Place two Dig stones where the Blow Up cleared.
Use a Blow Up stone in the new hole.
Place another Dig stone to clear the way to the exit.
Level 17
Place a Bounce stone on the edge of the cliff.
Use a Bridge stone to cross the gap where the Dibbles land.
Allow the next Dibble to fall into the water.
Use a Float stone on the next Dibble.
Place a Bounce stone on the last floating Dibble.
Use a Bridge stone to cross the gap where the Dibbles land.
Place a Block stone to the right of the Bridge.
Place a Bounce stone on the Bridge.
Place another Block stone to the right and above the previous one.
Place a Bounce stone on the edge of the cliff where the Dibbles land.
Use a Bridge stone to cross the gap where the Dibbles land.
Place a Bounce stone to the right of the Bridge.
Level 18
Use a Bungee stone to drop down from the first edge.
Use a Climb stone to get up the wall.
Place two Dig stones one space from the edge of the cliff.
Place a Bounce stone on the edge below the Digs.
Use a Climb stone to get up the next wall.
Use a Bridge stone to cross the gap.
Place a Bounce stone to the right of the Bridge.
Level 19
Allow the first Dibble to fall in the water.
Place a Block stone on the floating Dibble.
Allow the next Dibble to fall in the water.
Use a Float stone on the following Dibble.
Place a Bounce stone on the last floating Dibble.
Place another Bounce stone on the edge by the next pool of water.
Place a Bounce stone on the edge to the left of the third pool of water.
Use two Float stones to cross the last pool of water.
Levels 20-29
Level 20
Use a Bungee stone to drop down.
Use a Climb stone to get up the first wall.
Place a Bounce stone on the edge of the cliff.
Use three Blow Up stones to make a tunnel in the wall where the Dibbles land from the Bounce.
Place a Dig stone at the end of the tunnel.
Use a Blow Up stone in the hole made by the Dig.
Level 21
Use a Climb stone to get up the first wall.
Place two Dig stones side-by-side one space away from the next wall, and one more Dig stone in the hole made by the right Dig.
Place a Dig stone on the right side of the room they dug to.
Use a Blow Up stone to break through the wall below.
Use two more Blow Up stones to get through the next wall.
Use a Climb stone to get up the last wall.
Level 22
Use a Climb stone to get up the first wall.
Place two Dig stones at the top of the Climb.
Use a Blow Up stone at the top of the Climb.
Place a Dig stone at the top of the Climb.
Use a Blow Up stone at the top of the Climb.
Place a Dig stone to the right of the top of the Climb.
Place a Bounce stone at the edge of the first cliff.
Use a Blow Up stone to break through the wall after the Bounce.
Place a Dig stone where the Blow Up was used and place a Bounce stone where the Dig was used.
Level 23
Place two Dig stones next to the spikes on the right.
Place a Dig stone right before the hole.
Place another Dig stone directly below the hole.
Place a Dig stone directly above the right side of the pool and allow the next Dibble to fall into the water.
Place a Dig stone to the left of the previous one and allow the next Dibble to fall into the water.
Repeat step 5 two more times.
Place two Dig stones to the left of the last one used.
Use a Blow Up stone in the hole.
Allow the next Dibble to fall into the water.
Use a Bridge stone to cross the gap on the other side of the pool.
Level 24
Use a Bridge stone on the first gap.
Place two Dig stones directly before the Bridge.
Use a Bridge stone to cross the gap on the lower level.
Place a Block stone next to the following wall.
Use a Bridge stone by the entrance to connect to the first Bridge.
Place a Block stone on the far right edge above the water.
Place a Dig stone to the left of the Block.
Allow a Dibble to fall into the water, then use a Float stone on the following Dibble.
Level 25
Place a Dig stone near the entrance.
Place a Dig stone to the right of the hole on the level below it.
Use a Blow Up stone to break through the wall on the bottom level.
Place a Block stone against the wall to the right, and another Block stone to the left of it.
Use a Bridge stone to cross the hole made by the first Dig.
Place a Dig stone above the next chamber.
Place a Dig stone on the right side of the room, above the Blocks from step 4.
Allow the next Dibble to fall in the water, then place a Block stone on its back.
Allow the next Dibble to fall in the water.
Use two Float stones on the next two Dibbles.
Use a Climb stone to get up the final wall.
Level 26
Place a Bounce stone as close to the entrance as possible.
Place a Bounce stone next to the first patch of spikes.
Place two Dig stones on the other side of the patch of spikes.
Use a Blow Up stone in the hole made by the Digs.
Place a Bounce stone on the lower level by the water and let the next Dibble bounce into the water.
Place a Bounce stone on the floating Dibble and let the next Dibble bounce into the water.
Repeat step 6 three more times.
Level 27
Use a Blow Up stone to break through the first wall.
Use a Climb stone to get up the next wall.
Place a Bounce stone on the edge where the Dibbles Climb.
Place a Dig stone to the right of where the Dibbles land from the Bounce to create steps.
Place a Bounce stone the left of where the Dig was used.
Place a Bounce stone to the right of the spikes, where the Dibbles land from the previous Bounce.
Use a Climb stone to get up the large wall on the left to the exit.
Level 28
Place a Bounce stone next to the first pool of water on the upper level.
Allow the next Dibble to Bounce into the water below.
Place a Bounce stone one space to the left of the first Bounce.
Allow the next Dibble to Bounce over the first pool and fall in the water below.
Place two Dig stones to the left of the second Bounce.
Use a Blow Up stone on the next wall.
Place a Dig stone in the hole made by the Blow Up.
Allow the next Dibble to fall into the water.
Use a Blow Up stone to break through the next wall.
Allow the next Dibble to fall into the water and place a Block stone on its back.
Allow the next Dibble to fall into the water.
Use a Blow Up stone to break through the next wall.
Use a Climb stone to get up the large wall before the exit.
Level 29
Place a Bounce stone on the first edge.
Use a Blow Up stone to break through the wall where the Dibbles land from the Bounce.
Place a Dig stone where the Blow Up was used.
Place a Block stone on the ledge below where the Dig was used.
Use a Climb stone to get up the next large wall.
Use a Blow Up stone below the drop after the Climb.
Use a Bridge stone to cross the gap by the exit.
Levels 30-33
Level 30
Use a Climb stone on the large wall.
Place a Dig stone at the top of the Climb by the next large wall.
Use a Blow Up stone in the hole made by the Dig.
Place a Dig stone where the Blow Up was used.
Place a Bounce stone near the entrance.
Use a Blow Up stone to destroy the top step.
Place a Bounce stone to the left of where the Blow Up was used.
Allow the next Dibble to Bounce into the water, making a path to the exit.
Level 31
Allow the first Dibble to fall in the water.
Use a Bridge stone to cross the first gap.
Allow the next Dibble to fall in the water.
Place a Bounce stone on the edge where the last Dibble fell.
Allow the next Dibble to Bounce and then fall in the water.
Place a Block stone on the edge where the last Dibble fell.
Allow the next Dibble to fall in the water.
Place a Dig stone on the edge where the last Dibble fell.
Allow the next Dibble to Bounce into the water.
Place a Dig stone before the Bridge, one space away.
Place a Block stone below the hole made by the Dig, to the right.
Use two Blow Up stones to break through the wall on the ground level.
Allow the next Dibble to fall in the water.
Level 32
Place a Dig stone next to the wall on the right.
Allow the next Dibble to fall in the water.
Place a Dig stone to the left of the previous one.
Allow the next Dibble to fall in the water.
Place a Dig stone to the left of the previous one, one space away.
Allow the next Dibble to fall in the water.
Place a Block stone in the small gap on the other side of the pool.
Place a Dig stone on the edge before the first patch of spikes.
Place a Bounce stone on the spot where the Dig was used.
Place two Dig stones where the Dibbles land from the Bounce, right before the second patch of spikes.
Place a Dig stone in the next chamber, right before the spikes.
Place a Dig stone below the previous one, to the left.
Allow the next Dibble to fall in the water.
Level 33
Place three Dig stones side by side where shown, and another two Dig stones in the middle.
Allow the next Dibble to fall in the water.
Use a Bridge stone to cross the gap where the previous Dibble fell.
Allow the next Dibble to fall in the water.
Place a Dig stone below the hole where the other Digs were used.
Allow the next Dibble to fall in the water.
Use a Bridge stone to cover the hole made by the Digs in step 1.
Place two Block stones to fill the small gaps ahead.
Place a Dig stone on the middle level, below the last step of the upper level.
Allow the next Dibble to fall in the water and place a Block stone on its back.
Allow the next Dibble to fall in the water.
Use a Float stone on the next four Dibbles.
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Walkthrough Guide
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Dibbles Pro Pack Walkthrough
General Information
The goal of the game is to create a safe path for the king from the entrance pyramid to the exit.
The king will always be the last Dibble to come out.
The other Dibbles are more than willing to give their lives to make the passage safe, but there are only a certain number of them per level so use them wisely.
If you save more Dibbles than just the king, you will get a score bonus.
You will be given a variety of stones that give the basic Dibbles orders. These orders always involve the death of the Dibble but will make things easier for the Dibbles that follow.
In this version, the "Boom" stone has been renamed "Blow Up," and the "Extend" stone has been replaced with "Bridge." Extend and Bridge commands are similar, except the Bridge connects two edges one space apart and requires both sides to work, instead of just one side like Extend.
Levels 10-19
Level 10
Allow the first Dibble to fall into the water.
Place a Bounce stone on the back of the floating Dibble.
Allow the next Dibble to bounce into the water.
Use a Float stone on the back of the second floating Dibble.
Use two Blow Up stones to break through the wall.
Use a Climb stone to get up the cliff.
Place a Bounce stone by the edge of the gap.
Level 11
Allow the first Dibble to fall into the water.
Place a Bounce stone on the edge of the cliff.
Allow the next Dibble to bounce into the water.
Use a Climb stone to get up the wall by the drowned Dibble from step 3.
Place a Bounce stone on the edge where the Dibbles climb up.
Allow the next Dibble to bounce into the water.
Use two Blow Up stones to break through the wall by the exit.
Level 12
Use a Climb stone to get up the first wall.
Use four Blow Up stones to make a tunnel.
Allow the next Dibble to fall into the water.
Use two Float stones on the next two Dibbles.
Use a Climb stone to get up the next wall.
Use three Blow Up stones to make another tunnel.
Allow the next Dibble to fall into the water.
Use a Bungee stone to get down to the floating Dibble.
Use a Float stone to get to the next wall.
Use a Climb stone to get up.
Level 13
Place three Block stones side by side in the first hole.
Place three more Block stones in the hole by the exit.
Level 14
Use a Bungee stone on the first drop.
Place a Block stone in the small hole before the first large wall.
Use a Blow Up stone directly before the Block so that it will destroy the walls to the left and right of it.
Use two more Blow Up stones to make a tunnel.
Use a Climb stone to get up the wall.
Place a Dig stone on the edge of the cliff before the water.
Allow the next Dibble to fall into the water.
Place a Block stone on the floating Dibble.
Use a Climb stone to get up the next wall.
Place two Block stones in the hole before the exit.
Level 15
Use a Climb stone to get up the first wall.
Use another Climb stone to get up the next wall.
Use a Dig stone on the edge of the cliff before the water.
Allow the next Dibble to fall into the water.
Place a Block stone on the floating Dibble.
Allow the next Dibble to fall into the water.
Level 16
Place three Dig stones starting on the first step up.
Use a Blow Up stone in the hole.
Place two Dig stones where the Blow Up cleared.
Use a Blow Up stone in the new hole.
Place another Dig stone to clear the way to the exit.
Level 17
Place a Bounce stone on the edge of the cliff.
Use a Bridge stone to cross the gap where the Dibbles land.
Allow the next Dibble to fall into the water.
Use a Float stone on the next Dibble.
Place a Bounce stone on the last floating Dibble.
Use a Bridge stone to cross the gap where the Dibbles land.
Place a Block stone to the right of the Bridge.
Place a Bounce stone on the Bridge.
Place another Block stone to the right and above the previous one.
Place a Bounce stone on the edge of the cliff where the Dibbles land.
Use a Bridge stone to cross the gap where the Dibbles land.
Place a Bounce stone to the right of the Bridge.
Level 18
Use a Bungee stone to drop down from the first edge.
Use a Climb stone to get up the wall.
Place two Dig stones one space from the edge of the cliff.
Place a Bounce stone on the edge below the Digs.
Use a Climb stone to get up the next wall.
Use a Bridge stone to cross the gap.
Place a Bounce stone to the right of the Bridge.
Level 19
Allow the first Dibble to fall in the water.
Place a Block stone on the floating Dibble.
Allow the next Dibble to fall in the water.
Use a Float stone on the following Dibble.
Place a Bounce stone on the last floating Dibble.
Place another Bounce stone on the edge by the next pool of water.
Place a Bounce stone on the edge to the left of the third pool of water.
Use two Float stones to cross the last pool of water.
Levels 20-29
Level 20
Use a Bungee stone to drop down.
Use a Climb stone to get up the first wall.
Place a Bounce stone on the edge of the cliff.
Use three Blow Up stones to make a tunnel in the wall where the Dibbles land from the Bounce.
Place a Dig stone at the end of the tunnel.
Use a Blow Up stone in the hole made by the Dig.
Level 21
Use a Climb stone to get up the first wall.
Place two Dig stones side-by-side one space away from the next wall, and one more Dig stone in the hole made by the right Dig.
Place a Dig stone on the right side of the room they dug to.
Use a Blow Up stone to break through the wall below.
Use two more Blow Up stones to get through the next wall.
Use a Climb stone to get up the last wall.
Level 22
Use a Climb stone to get up the first wall.
Place two Dig stones at the top of the Climb.
Use a Blow Up stone at the top of the Climb.
Place a Dig stone at the top of the Climb.
Use a Blow Up stone at the top of the Climb.
Place a Dig stone to the right of the top of the Climb.
Place a Bounce stone at the edge of the first cliff.
Use a Blow Up stone to break through the wall after the Bounce.
Place a Dig stone where the Blow Up was used and place a Bounce stone where the Dig was used.
Level 23
Place two Dig stones next to the spikes on the right.
Place a Dig stone right before the hole.
Place another Dig stone directly below the hole.
Place a Dig stone directly above the right side of the pool and allow the next Dibble to fall into the water.
Place a Dig stone to the left of the previous one and allow the next Dibble to fall into the water.
Repeat step 5 two more times.
Place two Dig stones to the left of the last one used.
Use a Blow Up stone in the hole.
Allow the next Dibble to fall into the water.
Use a Bridge stone to cross the gap on the other side of the pool.
Level 24
Use a Bridge stone on the first gap.
Place two Dig stones directly before the Bridge.
Use a Bridge stone to cross the gap on the lower level.
Place a Block stone next to the following wall.
Use a Bridge stone by the entrance to connect to the first Bridge.
Place a Block stone on the far right edge above the water.
Place a Dig stone to the left of the Block.
Allow a Dibble to fall into the water, then use a Float stone on the following Dibble.
Level 25
Place a Dig stone near the entrance.
Place a Dig stone to the right of the hole on the level below it.
Use a Blow Up stone to break through the wall on the bottom level.
Place a Block stone against the wall to the right, and another Block stone to the left of it.
Use a Bridge stone to cross the hole made by the first Dig.
Place a Dig stone above the next chamber.
Place a Dig stone on the right side of the room, above the Blocks from step 4.
Allow the next Dibble to fall in the water, then place a Block stone on its back.
Allow the next Dibble to fall in the water.
Use two Float stones on the next two Dibbles.
Use a Climb stone to get up the final wall.
Level 26
Place a Bounce stone as close to the entrance as possible.
Place a Bounce stone next to the first patch of spikes.
Place two Dig stones on the other side of the patch of spikes.
Use a Blow Up stone in the hole made by the Digs.
Place a Bounce stone on the lower level by the water and let the next Dibble bounce into the water.
Place a Bounce stone on the floating Dibble and let the next Dibble bounce into the water.
Repeat step 6 three more times.
Level 27
Use a Blow Up stone to break through the first wall.
Use a Climb stone to get up the next wall.
Place a Bounce stone on the edge where the Dibbles Climb.
Place a Dig stone to the right of where the Dibbles land from the Bounce to create steps.
Place a Bounce stone the left of where the Dig was used.
Place a Bounce stone to the right of the spikes, where the Dibbles land from the previous Bounce.
Use a Climb stone to get up the large wall on the left to the exit.
Level 28
Place a Bounce stone next to the first pool of water on the upper level.
Allow the next Dibble to Bounce into the water below.
Place a Bounce stone one space to the left of the first Bounce.
Allow the next Dibble to Bounce over the first pool and fall in the water below.
Place two Dig stones to the left of the second Bounce.
Use a Blow Up stone on the next wall.
Place a Dig stone in the hole made by the Blow Up.
Allow the next Dibble to fall into the water.
Use a Blow Up stone to break through the next wall.
Allow the next Dibble to fall into the water and place a Block stone on its back.
Allow the next Dibble to fall into the water.
Use a Blow Up stone to break through the next wall.
Use a Climb stone to get up the large wall before the exit.
Level 29
Place a Bounce stone on the first edge.
Use a Blow Up stone to break through the wall where the Dibbles land from the Bounce.
Place a Dig stone where the Blow Up was used.
Place a Block stone on the ledge below where the Dig was used.
Use a Climb stone to get up the next large wall.
Use a Blow Up stone below the drop after the Climb.
Use a Bridge stone to cross the gap by the exit.
Levels 30-33
Level 30
Use a Climb stone on the large wall.
Place a Dig stone at the top of the Climb by the next large wall.
Use a Blow Up stone in the hole made by the Dig.
Place a Dig stone where the Blow Up was used.
Place a Bounce stone near the entrance.
Use a Blow Up stone to destroy the top step.
Place a Bounce stone to the left of where the Blow Up was used.
Allow the next Dibble to Bounce into the water, making a path to the exit.
Level 31
Allow the first Dibble to fall in the water.
Use a Bridge stone to cross the first gap.
Allow the next Dibble to fall in the water.
Place a Bounce stone on the edge where the last Dibble fell.
Allow the next Dibble to Bounce and then fall in the water.
Place a Block stone on the edge where the last Dibble fell.
Allow the next Dibble to fall in the water.
Place a Dig stone on the edge where the last Dibble fell.
Allow the next Dibble to Bounce into the water.
Place a Dig stone before the Bridge, one space away.
Place a Block stone below the hole made by the Dig, to the right.
Use two Blow Up stones to break through the wall on the ground level.
Allow the next Dibble to fall in the water.
Level 32
Place a Dig stone next to the wall on the right.
Allow the next Dibble to fall in the water.
Place a Dig stone to the left of the previous one.
Allow the next Dibble to fall in the water.
Place a Dig stone to the left of the previous one, one space away.
Allow the next Dibble to fall in the water.
Place a Block stone in the small gap on the other side of the pool.
Place a Dig stone on the edge before the first patch of spikes.
Place a Bounce stone on the spot where the Dig was used.
Place two Dig stones where the Dibbles land from the Bounce, right before the second patch of spikes.
Place a Dig stone in the next chamber, right before the spikes.
Place a Dig stone below the previous one, to the left.
Allow the next Dibble to fall in the water.
Level 33
Place three Dig stones side by side where shown, and another two Dig stones in the middle.
Allow the next Dibble to fall in the water.
Use a Bridge stone to cross the gap where the previous Dibble fell.
Allow the next Dibble to fall in the water.
Place a Dig stone below the hole where the other Digs were used.
Allow the next Dibble to fall in the water.
Use a Bridge stone to cover the hole made by the Digs in step 1.
Place two Block stones to fill the small gaps ahead.
Place a Dig stone on the middle level, below the last step of the upper level.
Allow the next Dibble to fall in the water and place a Block stone on its back.
Allow the next Dibble to fall in the water.
Use a Float stone on the next four Dibbles.
Posted by: cheeko
July 27, 2012 6:58 PM