Demon Decimator
Death is out to do his job, and instead of going after cute things like bunnies or people who think aliens aren't real, he's hunting demons! And you get to help! This great little puzzle game from Pixelulsar uses the sliding block concept to craft 20 levels of smart planning, testing, executing, and the other kind of executing, all in the name of tossing demons into pits of lava. Neat!
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Having to click on the demon to select it is incredibly annoying for anyone who has the arrow keys and the mouse on the same side (i.e. righties) - why not just have space to cycle among the demons?
I agree with the need for some sort of keyboard shortcut to cycle through the demons. After reading your comment, I wondered if WASD worked, and there isn't that option. I suppose I could try to use my left hand on the keys, but my desk isn't that big, and holding my arm across my keyboard makes for rather awkward gaming.
Also, I bet I will feel really dumb after I figure it out, but I can't for the life of me seem to get past level 5.
Game stopped responding for me at level 4. Echoing complaints from above about using arrows and mouse for game play, not very smart on the developers part.
I like it, but there should be a way to save your progress. Also agree about the mouse/keyboard thing mentioned
After the first few levels I had no problem with the controls. My only real complaint was the music not looping correctly.
So, at the risk of embarrassing myself: 1029 moves, 20 resets, 28:27 to complete.