Tired of shooters where the experienced players get all the cool weapon upgrades and you get stuck with a lousy squirt gun? In DeGrade, that formula gets flipped on its head because the further you get in each world, the more weapons you lose! This arena shooter tests an interesting game theory-ish idea where progress forces you to play more skillfully later on, although there's a flaw that allows the game to be accidentally far easier.
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Is anybody else experiencing problems where the bullets are doing no damage?
Cool idea, really bad implementation. Since all your weapons fire at once, actually controlling what degrades basically impossible. On top of that, the game itself is really rough. Enemies just pop into existence on top of you, the different enemies don't really do anything, and overall it just feels like it was rushed.
I liked it until my computer started to lag on it due to how many enemies were appearing on screen (I have a decent computer) And with now way to change the graphics or ease it I end up getting "covered" by an enemy and can't seem to hit it while it can't seem to hit me until i run into a piece of scenery that I thought i could run past.
It's a nice blend, but I do agree that you can control some weapons like the flame, but others it more of a gamble on what will de grade.
I noticed too that collision detection with bullets seems to be... lacking. Bullets and rockets are just flying right over targets, with maybe one in 10 actually hitting anything. And this goes both ways: enemy projectiles aren't hitting me any more than I'm hitting them. Very frustrating.