Cyadonia 2
James Newcombe's massive sliding-block puzzle game makes a return in this huge sequel. Your goal is to get your four Cyads to the exit in each stage, but with lasers, bombs, glue, switches, and much, much more in the way the farther you progress, it quickly becomes clear this deceptively simple looking puzzle game is playing for keeps. With no timer or turn limit, it's just you, your brain, and some of the most cleverly designed and fiendishly huge levels around that will keep you busy for a long, long time.
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@ MtDewed.. There never has been sound in the Cyadonia games. Here's a quote by the developer from his Facebook page:
Why is Cyadonia silent?
One of the biggest criticisms of Cyadonia is that there's no sound. I thought I'd explain why.
When I created the game in Flash back in 2009 I wanted to add sound effects, however there was a problem: I couldn't get Flash to synchronise the sounds with the actions. Try as I might the sounds seemed to lag behind. This wasn't satisfactory! The alternative was to add music, but because you could end up playing a level for a long time it could get repetitive and annoying. So eventually I abandoned the idea to add sound. Personally I think it's nice to play your own favourite music whist you play.
I'm planning to get Cyadonia on Android devices this year and hopefully adding sound effects won't be a problem!
icvotria, hope this helps.
From the center column with the Green Cyad stacked on top of the Red Cyad.
Green in first then down. Red in. Green up and right. Red up, left, down, right. Red down, up, right, down, left, up, left, down. Green left. Red up, right. You should now be able to figure out how to get both Cyads out of the room and to the exit.
Good luck icvotria. I finally got out (I don't think the right way), haven't beaten it yet. Couple things:
You want to have two stacked on top of each other by the two bombs near the middle and get the last gem from the right. Then get two on that same wall (one by the top bomb, and the other by the bottom of the two yellow blocks) so you can move the top one to the left and get it on the right side of that red block).
Sorry that's sort of a terrible explanation, I don't really remember exactly how I got there. Hopefully I'll beat this level some day and can be more help.
Re: 2-13:
Yellow up, right. Green right. Yellow left, down, right. Blue right. All three back to the left wall. Green down, right, up, left. Yellow right. Blue up. Yellow left. Blue down, right, up, left. Green down. Blue left, down, right. Green right, up, left. Yellow up. Green right, down, left. Yellow down. Blue up. Yellow right, up, left, down, right. Blue down, left. Green right, up, right.
I really hope that's right. There's probably a better way to get to that point. From there I'm not really sure what to do. I would like to get all three on the bottom path but haven't figured out how.
james.jewell, you're on the right track. But you only need to send 2 Cyads to the bottom and one to the top. I didn't really follow you previous directions, but I'm assuming they're acurate. I'm not really good at walkthroughs and find L,R,U,D confusing when you're dealing with multiple Cyads. So I'll explain the gist of the tricky part that had me hung up until I figured it out. I'll trust you can get the Cyad(s) to their correct positions and figure out the solution yourself with just a slight push in the right direction.
Collect all the gems and then get 2 Cyads (doesn't matter which ones) side by side on the ledge below the red block. The 3rd Cyads should be one level above them to the right alongside the wall with 2 solid bricks seperating the 3 bombs (2 bombs above, one below.)
Move the Cyad on the left up one so it is below the red block and then move the other up to the inverted ledge above. The 3rd Cyad comes left and bumps up against the one below the red block. Move the one above straight down stacking on top of the one you moved left.
Now move all Cyads to the right. You'll have two against the wall stacked upon each other and one to the left kind of floating in space. Move that one down, left, down into the bottom path. For the 2 against the wall; move the top one up, left. Then move the next one up. The one to the left now comes left, down, left, down and follows into the bottom path.
DON'T move the 3rd one into the upper path yet. That comes later after you have gotten the 2 Cyads from the bottom through their paces of collecting gems and into the upper level. You'll see what I mean if you make the mistake of moving a Cyad into the upper level too soon and have to start all over again.
MtDewed if you're still having trouble with 2-3.
Both Cyads go down on the left side after the first bomb and end up stacked to the left of the second bomb. A little alternating and both Cyads will be stacked immediately to the right of the second bomb. Move them both down the right hand side and they'll be stacked to the right of the bottom bomb.
Move the one on the top to the left next to the yellow block. Now bring the other one right, up, left so it is stacked on top of the one next to the block. Go up, left and collect the last gem. Now it goes, down, right, down, left, up to the exit.
@Stachey: By "the last gem" I assume you mean the red one. Here's what I did:
After you get the yellow gem and the blue ones on the right hand side column, take both cyads back out to the left. They should be side by with the left one in the corner on top of the green block and to the right side of the silver pipe-thing, and the right one floating just to the left of the entrance to the right side column.
Move the left cyad up into the entrance to the top right part. Then move the other cyad one spot to the left to occupy the place the other one just left. Move the first cyad back down and to the right so it is against the green wall right above the entrance to the right column.
Then move the second cyad up into the entrance to the top right part where the other one just was. Move the first cyad one to the left so it is resting against the silver block. Move the second cyad down so it is on the first cyad with a direct line to the red gem.
From there it should be straightforward.
baileydonk, that one gave me fits too. Here's how I finally solved it.
You'll be moving in a counter clockwise direction. One Cyad in the corner to allow access to the center and gem. Start with Green going down, right, down, right, down. Then Red goes up, right followed by Green going up, right and you should be able to figure it out from there.
I believe in 2-3 he/she was referrng to the middle gem on the far left side between the two arrows. You have to take both Cyads down that side so they end up stacked to the left of the bomb. Then do a little alternating back and forth and you will hav them stacked to the right of the bomb. Now they both go down the right hand side.
icvotria you're on the right track. See if this helps.
Start by pushing the push block straight down. Then 'walk' the Cyads up the left wall by alternating between them so they are stacked on top of each other. One will be even with the right hand yellow block and the other will be right above that one. Move the bottom one right, up, left, down so it is on top of the middle block. Do the same with the other one so it stacked on top of the first Cyad. Now move the top one right, down, left so it is immediately to the right of the other Cyad and one space right of the block. Take the other Cyad up, right, down, left, down. Push the push bloack up against the other Cyad and it will be above the middle block with both Cyads on either side of it. Take the Cyads down and to the exits.
Whoa, Ricochet Robots on steroids. This is a pretty cool game. Embarrasingly difficult even on the earlier levels. I don't remember the first Cyadonia to be this difficult in the first five worlds. This "1-player co-op" (as dubbed by An Onyx Mouse) is really something my brain needs to work on.
On 3/6 I got the three gems on the right tunnel (putting one of the Cyads 'in da hole' to push the block back) and I know that one of the blocks goes into the bottom tunnel (easiest is the one from the right tunnel) but then I can't get the remaining block in the right place. I don't even know where the right place is!
I tucked the leftmost Cyad into the leftmost gem alcove and then pushed the block out with the back Cyad. That allowed a controlled exit and I then maneuvered the block to the bottom cavern. The problem I ran into was that to get those moves, I pushed the second block against the wall, which made it useless for the endgame.
@ Bantry
Not both in the tunnel, just one. The second one is against the right hand wall to set up the Cyads for going into the tunnel.
I set it up with one block against the right hand wall, just below the tunnel and the second block one spade away from the right hand wall, directly in line with the tunnel. One Cyad in the upper left corner of the spade, the other at the bottom right.
Bottom right Cyad goes up and pushes that block in front of the tunnel. Then to the left wall to act as a block for the upper left Cyad. Bring upper left Cyad down on top of the lower right one, in line with the tunnel. Lower right then goes to the right hand wall, pushes the block one space (above the tunnel) and then goes into the hole.
Upper left Cyad then pushes the 2nd block (the one that's one space away from the wall and still in line with the tunnel) into the tunnel. When it grabs the first gem, come down to the corridor to act as a block. Back Cyad then comes up to the block, grabs the top gem and the left had Cyad ducks into the vacant gem alcove. Right Cyad pushes, grabs gem, and then pushes the block out.
Now you need to move the other block away from the right hand wall. Pop the hiding Cyad out of the alcove, out against the other Cyad, then around to the upper right corner. Take the Cyad that is still in line with the tunnel back into the tunnel. Upper right comes down, pushing the block in front of the tunnel. Tunnel Cyad pushes it a space away from the wall and you're good to go. That block goes to the top wall and, being a space away, can get a Cyad behind it for the end game. The one that's 3 spaces away from the right wall goes to the bottom as a block for the bomb.
Hope that helps.
On 3-12, Round the Bend can anyone give me a general idea for what's supposed to happen? I'm stumped on the mechanics and overall idea. I'm trying to push the block right on the same level that it is in the beginning with both Cyads behind it but I can't get both of them on the same plane. Any hints?
Bantry, on 6-12 Deja Vu
I used the block to get the left Cyad into the right chamber. Then I lined up one Cyad with the block, the other below it and took both into the left chamber.
I aligned the block in front of the arrow with a space separating them with both Cyads on the bottom, one in line with the tunnel, the other to it's left in line with the arrow.
Bantry, on 7-8, Permanent Laser Frames 2 the key is that two laser frames cancel on the same Cyad and you need to have each Cyad laser charged for the ending corridors so you have to
carve a stair step path to the upper right Cyad but don't pick up the laser near by, that's for the blue Cyad. After the yellow is free, carve a path to the upper right laser but just leave it. Then carve another stair step path down to the bottom middle laser for the Yellow Cyad. Stair step all your paths and it's pretty easy, just make sure that you're leaving yourself a way to get to each exit.
Here's some hints Bantry
I'm assuming that you can get all of the gems in the uppermost main square.
To exit, make sure to keep in mind which side should have to go first to leave you an out.
Be sure to use your one way directional arrows.
Drill as much as you can before moving on. That worked for me at least.
Make sure that your paths are compatible for two way travel.
Stick to your guns.
I've been stuck on a particular one too for quite some time but I don't want help quite yet...
Stachey, for 3-13 Round the Bend you need to keep the pushblock on the same level as it is with the two Cyads stacked alongside the left wall. One even with the pushblock and the other one on top.
Use the lower one to move the pushblock to the right, but only as far as 3 spaces from the right wall. Move the Cyad down to the left-most red block. Now do the little dance around the blocks and the Cyad will be immediately right of the red block
Now move it up and position the pushblock even with the other Cyad. Back down again and the little dance again so the Cyad is to the right of the block.
The othe Cyad moves right and hits the block and then comes down on top of the first Cyad. Move the bottom Cyad down, left to the lower glue spot, then up to the upper glue spot. The rest is pretty straightforward.
Here's another hint.
The cyad on the button will go to the left side and the cyad on the sticky will go right.
Just because the one way arrow propels you up, doesn't mean you can't come back down.
In case you are still stumped, here's the solution.
Are you sure you want the answer? I bet you can get it with the hint.
Well if the hint's not quite doing it, here's some driving directions:
The trick is to go under the block that appears with the cyad stuck on the permanent sticky.
Begin with both cyads in the center of the bottom most part of the level.
Hit the button with the cyad on the left.
Switch to the one on the sticky.
Go right, up, down, left, and up.
Go down(button), right, right, up, down, left, up, and right.
Go down, right and right.
Go left.
Go up.
Go right
Go down, left, and up.
Auto switch
Go up, left, down, right, and down.
You have "SUCCESS!"
Bantry, for 8-10 The Robbery
First get the block out of the bottom. Hit the stickey over the switch from the left side. Then put one Cyad at the top, one space from the wall and the other at the lower left corner. Lower left goes first, then the one at the top. You should end up with a Cyad on top, then the block, then the other Cyad all at the top of the frame, one space from the left wall.
To get the gems you have to work your way up from the bottom. The general idea is to have a Cyad in line with a temp stop and one above it. Break the temp stop with the bottom Cyad then go down around below the block and push it into the Cyad above the opening. Both top and bottom Cyads go to the left wall, bottom Cyad goes up in line with the block, and pushes the block into the chamber and gets the gem and exits to the left wall. The other Cyad goes around the bottom and uses the temp stops to push the block against the gem grabber.
To get more than the first one, you'll have to hit the switch again to close the door to the bottom chamber. Then you can push the block to the bottom, one space off the left wall the right into the wall.
Work the Cyads to line up with the next temp stop with one aligned and one above. Rinse and repeat.
Bantry, since you're chugging along, I'm stumped on a couple of them.
4-3 Stars is really stumping me
5-4 Teleports 4 I can get the block in the hole but then I need both Cyads to go through the teleport and I can only get one. There's got to be something I' missing.
5-10 Balls 6 is the same type of screen. I'm just missing something there.
What a big pain 8-14 was. Patience is the key.
Working from the left wall 'walk' your group of 3 Cyads to the right (one level down from the top) collecting the gems along the way until you get below the upper room. Two Cyads go up into the room to get the gem and trigger the switch, just make sure the 3rd one blocks them from hitting the bottom when they exit. Back to the left wall and some more of the around dance so you can get all into the left room to get those gems and trigger the switch. Now all three come back out and start the around dance again so they can walk to the right like before. Eventually you'll have all three Cyads on the same level with one against the left wall and the other two floating above the last gem. One above the gem and one to its immediate right. The one above the gem comes down and the one against the wall come right. Then just move them all to the exit.
5 - 4 Teleports 4
The Cyad in the left room uses the pushblock to enter the right room. The pushblock needs to be on the same level as the gap between the two blocks in the right-hand room. Stack the two Cyads on the right wall with the lower one even with the lower block. The top Cyad goes left and pushes the pushblock into the left room a space or two (doesn't really matter.) The bottom Cyad goes left, up, left into the left hand room. Now stack them against the left wall with the top one being even with the pushblock. Both Cyads move right to the right-hand room with the top Cyad pushing the push block until it is directly above the hole in the floor. Now stack them against the right wall like before and when the top one moves left and bumps into the pushblock it will then go down into the hole. The other Cyad goes left, up, left pushing the pushblock until it can go up into the tunnel.
5 - 10 Balls 6
Bring both Cyads into the left room and alternate between them until you get the ball next to the opening in the middle. It should be two levels up from the bottom. Stack the two Cyads against the left wall with the bottom one being on the same level as the ball. Move the top one first to the right and down on top of the block so it can 'catch' the ball. The bottom Cyad knocks the ball into the right-hand room and follows it. Move that Cyad up and then the other goes up, left so it is above the ball. Switch to the other Cyad and move it down, right. Switch Cyads again and knock the ball down and follow it. Then go left, down so when the ball is knocked to the left it will stop above the hole. Knock the ball into the hole and move both Cyads to the left-hand room. Alternate between them until you can move one up into the tunnel.
4-3 Stars 3
Red cyad goes up, left, up. Yellow goes up, left, up, right, up. Move Red to the right and bring Yellow down on top of it. Red goes left and pushes the pushblock all the way up, then it goes right, down twice and then left so it is alongside Yellow. Finally Yellow goes left, up, right, down, right and up until it can go left and bump into Red and then down.
Albert, I was able to do 4-6) Switches 3 by
Start with the left hand red section but after you hit the switch make sure both Cyads are stacked on the left side of the middle divider wall and that they remain stacked when they get to the bottom. You're going to use the right hand green block to work your way over to the right red half.
The final setup is to have both Cyads stacked on the left side of the switch quad. Then they both go down, stacked, and the top one goes right into the green block. The bottom one goes up against the ledge, over, and down. Before you hit the switch drop the bottom Cyad into the cubby to act as a block. Hit the switch and go for it.
4-3 Switches 3
After you trigger the top switch take both Cyads down the left hand side so they end up stacked on top of one another. The bottom one goes left and the top comes down. Now the Cyad on the left comes right, up, right and the other Cyad goes up, left to trigger the switch. After triggering the switch the Cyad goes right, down and the other comes down on top of it.
Now the top Cyad goes right, up, left, down. The bottom Cyad comes right, up, left, down. Switch Cyads and go up, left. Switch again and go up, right. Keep alternating until you have the Cyads stacked on top of each other with the one top being on the same level as the switch and the one on the bottom being on the same level as the green wall. Move the bottom right and then bring the top Cyad up and around and trigger the switch. Proceed to the exit.
Stachey, for 9-3 the center Cyad ALWAYS stays on the same level only moving left and right so the other Cyads can move left, right, up and down. They will eventually end up one level above the center (blue) Cyad and then bump into each other. Using this method you can then 'walk' them across the space until they can access the stars. Hope that makes sense.
By the way, I'd like to thank the developer for making this game colourblind-friendly! Cyads have not only different colours, but also different shapes, and the Cyad-filters match the Cyads in both colour *and* shape. Similarly, keys and keyholes include an identifying letter. There are still a couple of levels where switches, gems, and walls are colour-coded to see what switch/which kind of gem triggers which wall, but this is only a minor annoyance.
(Currently at 8-15. Still fun!)
Albert, I just finished 4-15 Parting Company this morning. As the title suggests, the Cyads go in different directions, so you have to set up your exit from the room so that one Cyad goes right, the other goes down.
The bottom cyad pushes the block to the right wall, then up against the temp block, then into the switch passage to open the purple door for the right cyad. That one then takes the push block right, up, and left leaving it one space from the top wall. Then pop up and hit the switch that turns off the red block in the bottom right section
The bottom cyad now exits its corridor, up and right, destroying the temp block and tucking behind the push block. Then down against the one-way barrier, left and down into the bottom section. Hit the sticky, up and right against the push block.
The top cyad now hits the switch again, activating the red block and the bottom cyad goes left, up, right so it's on top of the push block. Push the block down, then left till you can hit the switch. Don't hit it yet.
You need to take the top cyad up behind the push block, down, and then left against the one way corridor. Once there, go up and clear out the blue gems erasing the blue block in front of the exit. Now you can hit the bottom switch. The top cyad will have to go back into the little switch closet to get the bottom cyad out.
Now the bottom cyad moves the push block into the corridor and push it until you can access the temp block and through the one-way passage, pushing the block into the upper right corner. Now go right and dissolve the temp block and into that switch passage again.
The top cyad goes into the switch closet and the bottom cyad slams the door on him. Top cyad goes right to a position over the switch. Bottom cyad is happy and opens the purple door and then exits, using the middle red block and the cornered push block to get into the blue corridor. Now the top cyad hits the switch and pushes the push block against the bomb. Get a cyad up against the bottom of the push block, then the other goes to the top, dissolves the temp block and both scamper to the exit
Sorry for the wall of text, I didn't know which part you didn't get.
I could use some help with the final move for 5-14) Hole in the Wall. I have a cyad on top of the middle switch with the ball to its right and the other cyad to the right of the ball. My idea is to push the ball against the switch to allow both cyads to get to the exit. It can't be against the top of the switch because I'm going to use that to get both cyads out.
Any hints would be appreciated.
Albert, on 5-4) Teleports 4
Take the left block up, right and down. That puts the push block at the top of the opening. Push it down one more time so that it's at the bottom of the opening, then take that Cyad left, down, right and up returning the push block in line to the top of the opening. Then move that Cyad to the right (against the block), down and right (against the right Cyad).
Now you need to position the push block in the right area to make your moves. The idea is to be able to get both Cyads on the same level as the push block so take the left Cyad up against the solid block and then right to act as a block for the right Cyad. Then the right Cyad goes up against the first, then left against the solid block. The first Cyad goes left and hits the push block, then the second follows. You should have the push block inside the left area and two Cyads behind it with the back one being in the opening.
The back Cyad goes down onto the opening block, and left to the wall. The top Cyad goes up, left and down on top of the other Cyad. Now take that top Cyad and push the block into the right area so that the block is directly over to bottom opening. Take your two cyads down to the lower right corner like before and set them up against the blocks, as before. The top cyad goes left, moving the push block one space and leaving the cyad over the hole. Go down into the hole. The second cyad pushes the block into the left area until the cyad is aligned with the top hole. Up, left, down. Success
icvotria, I never thought of shooting the arrows and now have managed to get both cyads into the chamber and can walk them over to the exit, but I run into the same problem that I did with 7-6 Laser Frames 3, I can't get both cyads in line with the Exit, one always has to act as a block and is therefore out of alignment.
icvotria, then leave a hint. I've been staring at that configuration for a couple of hours and can't figure out how to get them into that last room on the right.
Right now I have one Cyad over the bomb, the other on top of it just to the left of the gem. To get into the laser room just below it one of the Cyads has to act as a block, as you mentioned. The trick will be to break the temp block to the right of the laser but I need both Cyads in that room and can't get the second one down because, as soon as you grab the laser, the temp block below it disappears and going all the way up to the top to help the 2nd Cyad get down takes the last room out of play.
And there are no arrows to shoot !!
Thanks Tchakk, that's just as much hint as I wanted. Let my brain do the rest of the work.
Any hints on 6-9 Blue Cow? I can get the ball and one of the cyads to the bottom chamber with the cyad on top of the ball, in line with the switch (and exit) but that leaves the final cyad on the bottom wall and no way to get up on level.
For 5-12
you have to leave a cyad behind in the little room with the switch so you can get the cyad back after you've sent it round (after one ball) and hit the other switch. Remember to bring the cyad that's in the little switch room round and above the two remaining balls before you bring it back though, so you've got all of them to send back round
A hint for 6-9
Don't send the ball down till you've hit the switch
10-15 upper right has me really confused. Even reading Esprit Fort's hints didn't help. I managed to get the key in the lock, but was completely stuck and unable to do anything but go in circles. I also ended up with a movable block stuck against the left wall and the other stuck along the bottom. Can someone point me in the right direction?
I'm stuck on the lower left corner of 10-13 Travel Ball. The only way that I can see to hit the switch is
to stick the ball at the entrance, hit it left with the single cyad to the middle wall and then get it up to the top wall followed by the cyad which will then be in line with the switch to release the 2nd cyad.
But to get into the room I need to follow the ball which leaves me in line with (up) the temp block door or (down) an alcove flanked by a wall and temp block. The only way to get the ball into position that I can see is to hit it down onto the temp block, go around the wall and hit the ball to the right mini-wall, then go below it and knock it into the (now missing) temp block.
What am I not seeing?
Stachey, knock the ball onto the glue spot, then knock it left. Take the Cyad down, left, up and left so it is positioned above the ball. Knock the ball down and then go up and around and knock the ball right and then up into the disolver leading to the upper room. The ball stops and now you can take the Cyad up and it will stop upon contacting the ball. Now the Cyad goes right to hit the switch.
Lower left area of 10-15 now has me at a loss. I'm pretty sure you use the balls to destroy the mines that allow the Cyads to get the gems, but I can't see how to get them in position, much less knock them left. Oh yeah I also have a Cyad stuck holding the switch that turns off the laser.
Esprit Fort or anyone else give me a clue as to what I am missing. Thanks.
The laser will blast a way into the next room. The off switch is in the horizontal shaft in the previous room. Beware: turning it on with a Cyad will result in death.
Meanwhile, it's my turn to be stuck in the lower-left of 10-15. Am I correct in that:
You use the laser frame to shoot into the little 2-square room with the gems
? I've got the three gems that aren't behind the wall of mines, but I've only managed to get one ball down.
tchakkazulu, thanks for the input, but I found that out the hard way. I'm guessing you have to hit the laser switch with the ball and use the pushblock to exit down below. Haven't figured that part of the equation out yet. Can you give me a little more direction?
As for your question about 10-15, yes that is where you use the laser frame. You'll need all 3 Cyads and eventually all 3 balls to create access through the mine wall.
When moving the balls to the right DO NOT block the open to the Cyad that is holding down the laser switch.
Bantry, correct:
You go into the upper area with one Cyad and the ball. The ball will indeed trigger the laser.
First you use the pushblock to pick up the gem right above the laser, and push the switch that allows the second Cyad to return, without triggering the laser. Then you use the pushblock to get back to the lower area to retrieve the second Cyad. Use the two sticky blocks to maneuver yourself around the laser trigger, while pushing the pushblock around.
Only during this second part (between pushing the first switch, and going back down) do you push the ball again. Don't pick up the group of three gems until the second Cyad is also in the area.
Hope this helps. Will try 10-15 again :)
tchakkazulu, 10-15 I broke into the lower by
lasering the bomb. Entrance through the 2-square area seems like an oversight of the developer?
But anyway, I believe essentially, both ways are the same, neither of them is a shortcut.
There is only one way to get the trapped Cyad out, which is by positioning a free Cyad at a position where it can catch the other. Then by getting the balls and Cyads in position, in the process you should have them in an ending position of
1 Cyad on 2 balls on 2 Cyads on 1 ball, on the top of the room.
That's what I get, maybe there are other ways doing it.
Finally cleared all levels yesterday..:)
Bantry, then you'll have to find the intermediary position for the pushblock to sit. Which then allows you to maneuver the Cyads to the area below the mine.
To be specific, the pushblock should stay at this position:
2 left, 1 below the mine.
After that, both Cyads move to the stair area, one of them stay at this position:
1 right, 2 below the mine.
The other Cyad is free to move the pushblock towards the other Cyad and up to block the mine.
I'm kinda stuck in the lower left corner of 10-15 Deliverance at the bomb room. I've used the balls to
take out the bombs 2nd from the top on the right stack of bombs (for the red portal gem) and the bottom bomb on the right stack (for the yellow string of gems). I have the remaining ball in the upper left corner of the round-about rectangle room.
I can get the yellow cyad in against the red portal so that the green cyad can get its gems and scoot through the arrow gate, but I can't figure out how to get the red into the room since it needs to help the green cyad get through the bomb gate.
Did I screw up with the balls, having one left over?
Stachey, you need to use all the balls.
You need to take out the 2nd and 3rd bomb from the top and the one on the bottom. Red and yellow go in horizontally to collect the gems and then back out. Green goes left up against the metal block and then down to collect gems.
Leave green where it is after collecting the gems and then take red in left against the block and yellow goes in left against the red portal.
From there all 3 go up past the arrows. You should be able to figure out how to stack them for the next part.
My turn. Stuck in the lower left area of 10-15. I've read the hints, but I can't figure out how to get the balls out and down. Do I need to get them all right first, then get the cyad holding the switch down out, then get the balls down? Also, I can't figure out how to get the diamond above the switch, as I can't see how to line up two cyads with the opening. Thanks!
icvotria, what I've been doing is
having two balls side by side just above the opening to the switch and one ball against the right wall just below the switch. Then I can put a cyad behind the leftmost upper ball by using the laser nozzle for a blocking cyad to both position the back cyad and, once it's in position, hit the bottom ball then up to the cyad-backed ball to catch the cyad-in-the-hole.
I've managed to get the 2nd, 3rd and 5th bombs broken and all cyads through the tunnel but had a brain-poof at that point and pushed the yellow cyad through the hole.
Back to the beginning. I'm getting really good at the first two rooms.
icvotria, I'm guessing you have come out of the chute and have 3 Cyads stacked on top of one another just to the right of the laser. Its too difficult to provide exact instructions, but this will give you the gist.
The last Cyad goes right against the switch to turn off the laser. The other to go up and left so they can knock the balls right. DO NOT block the opening with a ball. Do a little back and forth and you can knock one ball down before knocking it right.
Eventually you'll end up with all 3 balls to the right of the laser path. 2 against the wall and one to the immediate left of the ball below the opening.
A little more back and forth and around and you will have knocked that ball down and you'll have 2 Cyads stacked on top of one another just to the left of the balls against the wall. The top Cyad will be even with the opening.
That Cyad goes right and the one against the switch goes up so you can collect the gem. Keep the laser turned off and bring one Cyad out and do the around about dance so it can block the Cyad when it leaves the switch and comes out. The position will be 2 Cyads atop each other and the other to their right between the 2 balls.
Bring the 2 Cyads down, left and up so they are stacked to the right of the mine wall. The last Cyad knocks the lower ball down and then follows it down. Knock a ball left into the arrow and start the around and around to knock out the mines 2, 3 and 5 counting down from the top of the mine wall.
That with the other previous posts should get you through the area.
10-15) Deliverance final moves. I'm in the last room and have found that
I can get the blue cyad out of the laser corridor but can't collect the gems in there. If I collect the gems with the blue cyad before I hit the laser-corridor-wall-melting switch, I can't align it in the middle to get it out of the corridor.
I've tried:
a)getting the blue cyad out and letting the laser remove the last two gems - blue gate doesn't open (has to have cyads collect gems, I guess)
b)removing all the blue gems, hoping that a secret door opens (nope - just the blue gate)
c)trying to move one of the mirrors from the first room into the last room to help the blue cyad - nope, can't get past the sticky
I'm befuddled what to try next. Is there a secret I'm not getting?
No, I haven't Bantry. That should do it, I believe, if I
use the third laser to take out the blue corner next to the upper right gem to allow the cyads to get to that area
Thanks a lot.
Now tell me how to get above or to the left of the ball in 10-14 Haunted House. I just keep going around in circles.
Stachey to get to the ball in 10-14.
Yellow goes up, left, up, right. Blue follows the same path and ends up to the left of yellow. Blue goes down and triggers the switch then back up knocking the ball up. Move both Cyads to the upper left corner so they are beside each other. For me Blue was to the right of Yellow. Blue comes down and then right knocking the ball right. Your goal is to get one Cyad on top of the left RIP gravestone with the ball on top of it. Then you're going to stack the Cyads on top of the cross to the left and the top Cyad will knock the ball into the switch. I can go into more detail if needed.
Yes, more detail please. I figured that the ball had to go
up (against the left bat in the 2nd row), and then right (against the only bat in the 3rd row), then down (against the right bat in the 5th row). That when I get lost.
I can't figure out how to get a blocking cyad in place to align the ball with the left RIP headstone but still get a cyad down there first.
If I don't send the ball all the way to the right, I can't see how to get a blocker two spaces below the left bat in the top row.
I think that I'm overthinking this.
Stachey, bats and tombstones.
From before, Blue has just knocked the ball right. Follow it and Blue goes down and triggers the 2nd switch, then it goes back up. Now Yellow comes right and down so it is on top of the tombstone. Move Blue left where it will be a blocker. Yellow comes up. Blue is on top of Yellow and Yellow is on the same level as the ball 4 spaces to the left.
Yellow goes right, up, right, down left. Blue follows the same path and the two Cyads are side by side with Blue 2 spaces below the ball. Yellow goes up, right, up left and becomes a blocker. Blue knocks the ball up and then goes to the right richochets off a few bats and ends up next Yellow. Now Blue comes down one and knocks the ball left.
Blue goes left following the ball, then down, left and richochets off a few bats on the left before coming right and then down atop the tombstone. Yellow goes down, left, up, right and knocks the ball down atop Blue.
Yellow follows the ball down and you'll have a stack of Blue, Ball and Yellow being on top. Now Yellow goes right, up, left, up, right, down and ends up on top of the cross on the left. Blue goes left, up, right, down, right, down, left, up, left, down on top of Yellow.
You should now have Yellow and Blue stacked on the left cross and the Ball 2 spaces to the right floating in mid-air. Blue goes right knocking the ball into the switch and then follows it to open the door to the house. Now you have to do a little around and around and alternating so you can get a Cyad atop each of the 2 RIP tombstones and collect the gems before they bounce around and enter the house.
Walkthrough help needed!
Hey all, we JiG editors have been looking at all the great tips offered here and wanted to see if anyone was interested in compiling them into a single post. It would be a great contribution to the community, and we'd be willing to offer whoever would claim and complete the project first a voucher at Big Fish Games or for their trouble.
Thanks for being such an awesome community, and for all the help you guys have offered so far!
Cyadonia 2 hints walkthrough
Ta-da! I think I got them all, but some of them might have slipped through the net. When there were a couple of hints for the same level, I've just put them in seperate spoilers. Hope it's ok!
Both Cyads go down on the left side after the first bomb and end up stacked to the left of the second bomb. A little alternating and both Cyads will be stacked immediately to the right of the second bomb. Move them both down the right hand side and they'll be stacked to the right of the bottom bomb.
Move the one on the top to the left next to the yellow block. Now bring the other one right, up, left so it is stacked on top of the one next to the block. Go up, left and collect the last gem. Now it goes, down, right, down, left, up to the exit.
From the center column with the Green Cyad stacked on top of the Red Cyad. Green in first then down. Red in. Green up and right. Red up, left, down, right. Red down, up, right, down, left, up, left, down. Green left. Red up, right. You should now be able to figure out how to get both Cyads out of the room and to the exit.
You'll be moving in a counter clockwise direction. One Cyad in the corner to allow access to the center and gem. Start with Green going down, right, down, right, down. Then Red goes up, right followed by Green going up, right and you should be able to figure it out from there.
You want to have two stacked on top of each other by the two bombs near the middle and get the last gem from the right. Then get two on that same wall (one by the top bomb, and the other by the bottom of the two yellow blocks) so you can move the top one to the left and get it on the right side of that red block).Yellow up, right. Green right. Yellow left, down, right. Blue right. All three back to the left wall. Green down, right, up, left. Yellow right. Blue up. Yellow left. Blue down, right, up, left. Green down. Blue left, down, right. Green right, up, left. Yellow up. Green right, down, left. Yellow down. Blue up. Yellow right, up, left, down, right. Blue down, left. Green right, up, right. Collect all the gems and then get 2 Cyads (doesn't matter which ones) side by side on the ledge below the red block. The 3rd Cyads should be one level above them to the right alongside the wall with 2 solid bricks seperating the 3 bombs (2 bombs above, one below.)
Move the Cyad on the left up one so it is below the red block and then move the other up to the inverted ledge above. The 3rd Cyad comes left and bumps up against the one below the red block. Move the one above straight down stacking on top of the one you moved left.
Now move all Cyads to the right. You'll have two against the wall stacked upon each other and one to the left kind of floating in space. Move that one down, left, down into the bottom path. For the 2 against the wall; move the top one up, left. Then move the next one up. The one to the left now comes left, down, left, down and follows into the bottom path.
DON'T move the 3rd one into the upper path yet. That comes later after you have gotten the 2 Cyads from the bottom through their paces of collecting gems and into the upper level. You'll see what I mean if you make the mistake of moving a Cyad into the upper level too soon and have to start all over again.
After you get the yellow gem and the blue ones on the right hand side column, take both cyads back out to the left. They should be side by side, with the left one in the corner on top of the green block and to the right side of the silver pipe-thing, and the right one floating just to the left of the entrance to the right side column.
Move the left cyad up into the entrance to the top right part. Then move the other cyad one spot to the left to occupy the place the other one just left. Move the first cyad back down and to the right so it is against the green wall right above the entrance to the right column.
Then move the second cyad up into the entrance to the top right part where the other one just was. Move the first cyad one to the left so it is resting against the silver block. Move the second cyad down so it is on the first cyad with a direct line to the red gem.
Start by pushing the push block straight down. Then 'walk' the Cyads up the left wall by alternating between them so they are stacked on top of each other. One will be even with the right hand yellow block and the other will be right above that one. Move the bottom one right, up, left, down so it is on top of the middle block. Do the same with the other one so it stacked on top of the first Cyad. Now move the top one right, down, left so it is immediately to the right of the other Cyad and one space right of the block. Take the other Cyad up, right, down, left, down. Push the push bloack up against the other Cyad and it will be above the middle block with both Cyads on either side of it. Take the Cyads down and to the exits.
Just one block goes into the right tunnel. The second one is against the right hand wall to set up the Cyads for going into the tunnel.
I set it up with one block against the right hand wall, just below the tunnel and the second block one spade away from the right hand wall, directly in line with the tunnel. One Cyad in the upper left corner of the spade, the other at the bottom right.
Bottom right Cyad goes up and pushes that block in front of the tunnel. Then to the left wall to act as a block for the upper left Cyad. Bring upper left Cyad down on top of the lower right one, in line with the tunnel. Lower right then goes to the right hand wall, pushes the block one space (above the tunnel) and then goes into the hole.
Upper left Cyad then pushes the 2nd block (the one that's one space away from the wall and still in line with the tunnel) into the tunnel. When it grabs the first gem, come down to the corridor to act as a block. Back Cyad then comes up to the block, grabs the top gem and the left had Cyad ducks into the vacant gem alcove. Right Cyad pushes, grabs gem, and then pushes the block out.
Now you need to move the other block away from the right hand wall. Pop the hiding Cyad out of the alcove, out against the other Cyad, then around to the upper right corner. Take the Cyad that is still in line with the tunnel back into the tunnel. Upper right comes down, pushing the block in front of the tunnel. Tunnel Cyad pushes it a space away from the wall and you're good to go. That block goes to the top wall and, being a space away, can get a Cyad behind it for the end game. The one that's 3 spaces away from the right wall goes to the bottom as a block for the bomb.
you need to keep the pushblock on the same level as it is with the two Cyads stacked alongside the left wall. One even with the pushblock and the other one on top. Use the lower one to move the pushblock to the right, but only as far as 3 spaces from the right wall. Move the Cyad down to the left-most red block. Now do the little dance around the blocks and the Cyad will be immediately right of the red block
Now move it up and position the pushblock even with the other Cyad. Back down again and the little dance again so the Cyad is to the right of the block.
The othe Cyad moves right and hits the block and then comes down on top of the first Cyad. Move the bottom Cyad down, left to the lower glue spot, then up to the upper glue spot. The rest is pretty straightforward.
Red cyad goes up, left, up. Yellow goes up, left, up, right, up. Move Red to the right and bring Yellow down on top of it. Red goes left and pushes the pushblock all the way up, then it goes right, down twice and then left so it is alongside Yellow. Finally Yellow goes left, up, right, down, right and up until it can go left and bump into Red and then down.
Start with the left hand red section but after you hit the switch make sure both Cyads are stacked on the left side of the middle divider wall and that they remain stacked when they get to the bottom. You're going to use the right hand green block to work your way over to the right red half.
The final setup is to have both Cyads stacked on the left side of the switch quad. Then they both go down, stacked, and the top one goes right into the green block. The bottom one goes up against the ledge, over, and down. Before you hit the switch drop the bottom Cyad into the cubby to act as a block. Hit the switch and go for it.
After you trigger the top switch take both Cyads down the left hand side so they end up stacked on top of one another. The bottom one goes left and the top comes down. Now the Cyad on the left comes right, up, right and the other Cyad goes up, left to trigger the switch. After triggering the switch the Cyad goes right, down and the other comes down on top of it.
Now the top Cyad goes right, up, left, down. The bottom Cyad comes right, up, left, down. Switch Cyads and go up, left. Switch again and go up, right. Keep alternating until you have the Cyads stacked on top of each other with the one top being on the same level as the switch and the one on the bottom being on the same level as the green wall. Move the bottom right and then bring the top Cyad up and around and trigger the switch. Proceed to the exit.
The bottom cyad pushes the block to the right wall, then up against the temp block, then into the switch passage to open the purple door for the right cyad. That one then takes the push block right, up, and left leaving it one space from the top wall. Then pop up and hit the switch that turns off the red block in the bottom right section
The bottom cyad now exits its corridor, up and right, destroying the temp block and tucking behind the push block. Then down against the one-way barrier, left and down into the bottom section. Hit the sticky, up and right against the push block.
The top cyad now hits the switch again, activating the red block and the bottom cyad goes left, up, right so it's on top of the push block. Push the block down, then left till you can hit the switch.Don't hit it yet.
You need to take the top cyad up behind the push block, down, and then left against the one way corridor. Once there, go up and clear out the blue gems erasing the blue block in front of the exit. Now you can hit the bottom switch. The top cyad will have to go back into the little switch closet to get the bottom cyad out.
Now the bottom cyad moves the push block into the corridor and push it until you can access the temp block and through the one-way passage, pushing the block into the upper right corner. Now go right and dissolve the temp block and into that switch passage again.
The top cyad goes into the switch closet and the bottom cyad slams the door on him. Top cyad goes right to a position over the switch. Bottom cyad is happy and opens the purple door and then exits, using the middle red block and the cornered push block to get into the blue corridor. Now the top cyad hits the switch and pushes the push block against the bomb. Get a cyad up against the bottom of the push block, then the other goes to the top, dissolves the temp block and both scamper to the exit
I'm assuming that you can get all of the gems in the uppermost main square.
To exit, make sure to keep in mind which side should have to go first to leave you an out.
Be sure to use your one way directional arrows. The cyad on the button will go to the left side and the cyad on the sticky will go right.
Just because the one way arrow propels you up, doesn't mean you can't come back down.
The trick is to go under the block that appears with the cyad stuck on the permanent sticky.
Begin with both cyads in the center of the bottom most part of the level.
Hit the button with the cyad on the left.
Switch to the one on the sticky.
Go right, up, down, left, and up.
Go down(button), right, right, up, down, left, up, and right.
Go down, right and right.
Go left.
Go up.
Go right
Go down, left, and up.
Auto switch
Go up, left, down, right, and down.
You have "SUCCESS!"
The Cyad in the left room uses the pushblock to enter the right room. The pushblock needs to be on the same level as the gap between the two blocks in the right-hand room. Stack the two Cyads on the right wall with the lower one even with the lower block. The top Cyad goes left and pushes the pushblock into the left room a space or two (doesn't really matter.) The bottom Cyad goes left, up, left into the left hand room. Now stack them against the left wall with the top one being even with the pushblock. Both Cyads move right to the right-hand room with the top Cyad pushing the push block until it is directly above the hole in the floor. Now stack them against the right wall like before and when the top one moves left and bumps into the pushblock it will then go down into the hole. The other Cyad goes left, up, left pushing the pushblock until it can go up into the tunnel.
Take the left block up, right and down. That puts the push block at the top of the opening. Push it down one more time so that it's at the bottom of the opening, then take that Cyad left, down, right and up returning the push block in line to the top of the opening. Then move that Cyad to the right (against the block), down and right (against the right Cyad).
Now you need to position the push block in the right area to make your moves. The idea is to be able to get both Cyads on the same level as the push block so take the left Cyad up against the solid block and then right to act as a block for the right Cyad. Then the right Cyad goes up against the first, then left against the solid block. The first Cyad goes left and hits the push block, then the second follows. You should have the push block inside the left area and two Cyads behind it with the back one being in the opening.
The back Cyad goes down onto the opening block, and left to the wall. The top Cyad goes up, left and down on top of the other Cyad. Now take that top Cyad and push the block into the right area so that the block is directly over to bottom opening. Take your two cyads down to the lower right corner like before and set them up against the blocks, as before. The top cyad goes left, moving the push block one space and leaving the cyad over the hole. Go down into the hole. The second cyad pushes the block into the left area until the cyad is aligned with the top hole. Up, left, down. Success
Bring both Cyads into the left room and alternate between them until you get the ball next to the opening in the middle. It should be two levels up from the bottom. Stack the two Cyads against the left wall with the bottom one being on the same level as the ball. Move the top one first to the right and down on top of the block so it can 'catch' the ball. The bottom Cyad knocks the ball into the right-hand room and follows it. Move that Cyad up and then the other goes up, left so it is above the ball. Switch to the other Cyad and move it down, right. Switch Cyads again and knock the ball down and follow it. Then go left, down so when the ball is knocked to the left it will stop above the hole. Knock the ball into the hole and move both Cyads to the left-hand room. Alternate between them until you can move one up into the tunnel.
5-12 you have to leave a cyad behind in the little room with the switch so you can get the cyad back after you've sent it round (after one ball) and hit the other switch. Remember to bring the cyad that's in the little switch room round and above the two remaining balls before you bring it back though, so you've got all of them to send back round
When you get into the top half of the lower room, send a cyad into the bottom left corner and knock the ball into it. Then send a cyad down into the lower room, and knock the ball to the left with the other cyad to get it over the gap and into the bottom room. Then send the cyad against the switch home, and go up and over the ball with the other, knock it down and you're away
Get the blue cyad to the x, then go through the down arrow with yellow and shoot the left arrow that would throw you into the remaining bomb, then go left and up.
the key is that two laser frames cancel on the same Cyad and you need to have each Cyad laser charged for the ending corridors so you have to carve a stair step path to the upper right Cyad but don't pick up the laser near by, that's for the blue Cyad. After the yellow is free, carve a path to the upper right laser but just leave it. Then carve another stair step path down to the bottom middle laser for the Yellow Cyad. Stair step all your paths and it's pretty easy, just make sure that you're leaving yourself a way to get to each exit.
First the top switch, then the middle switch three times and then the bottom. You have to have the yellow cyad on the correct side when you shoot (at the bottom for the first switch, at the top for the first shooting of the 2nd switch, then shoot the switch to open the bar, then yellow goes down, then hit the middle switch a third time to close the bar again, then stay there while you shoot the bottom switch to collect the gem, then again to release the yellow cyad).
REMEMBER to take the red cyad over to the right after all the gems are collected to block the yellow from going through the yellow gate. Yellow needs to help red get out, then can exit stage right.
Red has to come to the lower right area. It can't pass through the yellow filter, so get the yellow out of the way, run the red around counterclockwise to end up on top of the yellow filter, then yellow comes down on top of red, right, down and then both go over to the left to let red escape. Then yellow goes back to the right and exits.
First get the block out of the bottom. Hit the stickey over the switch from the left side. Then put one Cyad at the top, one space from the wall and the other at the lower left corner. Lower left goes first, then the one at the top. You should end up with a Cyad on top, then the block, then the other Cyad all at the top of the frame, one space from the left wall.
To get the gems you have to work your way up from the bottom. The general idea is to have a Cyad in line with a temp stop and one above it. Break the temp stop with the bottom Cyad then go down around below the block and push it into the Cyad above the opening. Both top and bottom Cyads go to the left wall, bottom Cyad goes up in line with the block, and pushes the block into the chamber and gets the gem and exits to the left wall. The other Cyad goes around the bottom and uses the temp stops to push the block against the gem grabber.
To get more than the first one, you'll have to hit the switch again to close the door to the bottom chamber. Then you can push the block to the bottom, one space off the left wall the right into the wall.
Work the Cyads to line up with the next temp stop with one aligned and one above. Rinse and repeat.
You need the block at the end to get both Cyads into the exit.
after you have pushed the key up against the arrow path, BOTH Cyads have to go up so one can hit the switch and the other enables that one to exit without hitting the bomb. Both will exit so you can get one back up to where the diagonal arrow is. The arrow will send it down below the key next to the bomb. The ball does NOT go through the teleport.
Working from the left wall 'walk' your group of 3 Cyads to the right (one level down from the top) collecting the gems along the way until you get below the upper room. Two Cyads go up into the room to get the gem and trigger the switch, just make sure the 3rd one blocks them from hitting the bottom when they exit. Back to the left wall and some more of the around dance so you can get all into the left room to get those gems and trigger the switch. Now all three come back out and start the around dance again so they can walk to the right like before. Eventually you'll have all three Cyads on the same level with one against the left wall and the other two floating above the last gem. One above the gem and one to its immediate right. The one above the gem comes down and the one against the wall come right. Then just move them all to the exit.
the center Cyad ALWAYS stays on the same level only moving left and right so the other Cyads can move left, right, up and down. They will eventually end up one level above the center (blue) Cyad and then bump into each other. Using this method you can then 'walk' them across the space until they can access the stars. Hope that makes sense.
1- Push the yellow key to rest on top of the green lock. 2- Clear the green lock. 3- Place one Cyad (3 blocks) below yellow lock, the other on its immediate right. 4- Now one Cyad can reach the yellow key, the other Cyad is ready to go up to the exit afterwards.
you have to use the green key to position the Cyads to move the yellow key down. Then go get the red key out and up. Use it to access the blue key and get it out. I ended up pushing Blue, Green and finally Red against the vertical wall directly above the Blue lock. Hope those hints help.
Position the two outer keys on either side of the center horizontal wall, same level on each end. Push the left one up into the lock FIRST. Now go get the center key and take it up the like you did with the key on the left and position it below the below the center lock up against the inner dissolver.
Collect the gems on the right and then push the key on the right up into the lock and go get the gems on the left. This opens the way for the center key to go into the lock. You'll do a little round and round to get a Cyad below the key, but that is pretty straightforward. A little more round and round and you can get the second Cyad into the upper level also to collect the stars on the outer walls.
(Blue section) send both cyads round before knocking the ball, that way you can get one of them into the bottom hole and knock the ball down and across with t'other
Since you can only move through the top and bottom row if there's still a block left on the middle row, keep the left- and rightmost blocks of the middle row around as long as you can. Also keep a way around of going back to the middle row
The push blocks are moved down as soon as they hit the middle corridor. First Pair- yellow's block came out first, green popped the sticky then moved its block against yellow's, Yellow up onto the sticky, green next and down Second Pair - Yellow's block out first again, green pops second sticky and brings its block out against yellow's, then up, yellow against green cyad, then move green around behind yellow's block and both down Final Pair - Both cyads are against the one way blocks. Green (left) gets to go first this time since they switched positions with the second pair. Bring the pushblock out, then use the temp block to get above the pushblock, down, and right against the yellow cyad. Green now goes up and right into the sticky.
Yellow moves the right block against the side of the one-way, then using green as a block, moves the pushblock down. Green now leaves the sticky and goes right, Yellow pops up and acts as a block so that green can push the block against the left one. Green now goes right and up, yellow comes down, green goes left, yellow pops up again, green comes right and stops over the right pushblock. It then pushes it down and comes back up on the right of the last pushblock. Yellow (against the top) goes left, down, right and up. Green now goes right, up, and left against yellow and pushes that pushblock down then comes up again. Since the pushblocks are now gone, you can work counterclockwise to get both cyads over the one-ways.
Can you get all three Cyads out of the little 3x3 starting area? If not, here's how you do it: Move the middle Cyad up->right->down->right, and follow with one of the other two. With that one, proceed up->left. Move the Cyad under the mine to the left, and keep it there. The "follower"-Cyad goes right->up->left->up->right->down. You can now retrieve the third Cyad, and exit the first room with two of them.
Green down the hole by the door, red pushes key to orange block then trips around to upper right corner, green pushes key up to red. Both reset with one in line with chute to door, the other back down in the hole by the door (clear the orange gems on top of the chute). Cyad down the chute, other cyad up, break temp block, left, down, left (orange block disappears), right, up against the cyad in front of where the orange block used to be, left and then up into the chute. push the key into the 2nd room and take it around and down on top of the arrows and use it to get a Cyad at the blue gems. Once they're gone the blue block in the 1st room disappears allowing you to get both Cyads to the 2nd room. That's as far as I've gotten. Still working on the rest.
positition the key in front of the passage to the fourth room, with the Cyads directly above and below.
Move the lower Cyad right->up->right, and push the pushstop all the way to the bottom. Move it through both one-way walls, and leave it at the top. Do the same with the Cyad on top, until it bumps into the bottom of the other Cyad. Repeat *again* with the top Cyad, and "stack-walk" both of them down until one Cyad is aligned with the key, and the other is aligned with the block that disappeared after picking the gems in room 4. I think you can figure it out from here on.
knock the ball onto the glue spot, then knock it left. Take the Cyad down, left, up and left so it is positioned above the ball. Knock the ball down and then go up and around and knock the ball right and then up into the disolver leading to the upper room. The ball stops and now you can take the Cyad up and it will stop upon contacting the ball. Now the Cyad goes right to hit the switch.
Put a Cyad-ball tower on the second headstone, and then the Cyad-Cyad tower on the first.
I pushed the switches while moving the ball around, and grabbed the gems after ringing the bell.
Yellow goes up, left, up, right. Blue follows the same path and ends up to the left of yellow. Blue goes down and triggers the switch then back up knocking the ball up. Move both Cyads to the upper left corner so they are beside each other. For me Blue was to the right of Yellow. Blue comes down and then right knocking the ball right. Your goal is to get one Cyad on top of the left RIP gravestone with the ball on top of it. Then you're going to stack the Cyads on top of the cross to the left and the top Cyad will knock the ball into the switch. I can go into more detail if needed.
From before, Blue has just knocked the ball right. Follow it and Blue goes down and triggers the 2nd switch, then it goes back up. Now Yellow comes right and down so it is on top of the tombstone. Move Blue left where it will be a blocker. Yellow comes up. Blue is on top of Yellow and Yellow is on the same level as the ball 4 spaces to the left.
Yellow goes right, up, right, down left. Blue follows the same path and the two Cyads are side by side with Blue 2 spaces below the ball. Yellow goes up, right, up left and becomes a blocker. Blue knocks the ball up and then goes to the right richochets off a few bats and ends up next Yellow. Now Blue comes down one and knocks the ball left.
Blue goes left following the ball, then down, left and richochets off a few bats on the left before coming right and then down atop the tombstone. Yellow goes down, left, up, right and knocks the ball down atop Blue.
Yellow follows the ball down and you'll have a stack of Blue, Ball and Yellow being on top. Now Yellow goes right, up, left, up, right, down and ends up on top of the cross on the left. Blue goes left, up, right, down, right, down, left, up, left, down on top of Yellow.
In the house - The laser will blast a way into the next room. The off switch is in the horizontal shaft in the previous room. Beware: turning it on with a Cyad will result in death.
You go into the upper area with one Cyad and the ball. The ball will indeed trigger the laser.
First you use the pushblock to pick up the gem right above the laser, and push the switch that allows the second Cyad to return, without triggering the laser. Then you use the pushblock to get back to the lower area to retrieve the second Cyad. Use the two sticky blocks to maneuver yourself around the laser trigger, while pushing the pushblock around.
Only during this second part (between pushing the first switch, and going back down) do you push the ball again. Don't pick up the group of three gems until the second Cyad is also in the area
10-15 Upper right area
have the movable blocks at a position where you can bring the 2nd Cyad into the room. From there, the next step is pushing the key out, but note that you need both the movable blocks free to move afterwards, one vertically, one horizontally. Then the Cyads are free to open the lock. Also, the blue sticky block is for one of the moveable blocks, which ending position will be on the rightmost wall
Lower left area
From having the cyads stacked one on top of the other to the right of the laser - The last Cyad goes right against the switch to turn off the laser. The other to go up and left so they can knock the balls right. DO NOT block the opening with a ball. Do a little back and forth and you can knock one ball down before knocking it right.
Eventually you'll end up with all 3 balls to the right of the laser path. 2 against the wall and one to the immediate left of the ball below the opening.
A little more back and forth and around and you will have knocked that ball down and you'll have 2 Cyads stacked on top of one another just to the left of the balls against the wall. The top Cyad will be even with the opening.
That Cyad goes right and the one against the switch goes up so you can collect the gem. Keep the laser turned off and bring one Cyad out and do the around about dance so it can block the Cyad when it leaves the switch and comes out. The position will be 2 Cyads atop each other and the other to their right between the 2 balls.
Bring the 2 Cyads down, left and up so they are stacked to the right of the mine wall. The last Cyad knocks the lower ball down and then follows it down. Knock a ball left into the arrow and start the around and around to knock out the mines 2, 3 and 5 counting down from the top of the mine wall.
Anyone still around? I have been stuck on Haunted House 10-14 for a couple weeks. I can get through entire game getting everything except the two gems to the right of the arrow when you first enter the house.
Someone posted a screenshot above with the arrow reversed, but there does not seem to be anything that reverses the arrow. I expected somthing in a lower room might be the trigger, but clearing everything else still leaves me stuck. I can use the ball, of course, but need that in the laser room.
To get those two gems, you have to sacrifice one of the Cyads for a while. First, set up one Cyad and the ball so you can push it into the room above the entrance. After that is done, shove the other Cyad into the corridor with the arrow, grabbing the gems.
Now, in the room upstairs, there are two switches. The rightmost activates the laser, while the leftmost will change the arrow's direction in the corridor below. With the Cyad that is still free, find a way to hit the left switch without hitting the one on the right (you can achieve that with some clever positioning of the pushblock), then go back downstairs (more pushblock positioning!) and help out the locked Cyad.
Hopefully this is clear enough without giving the solution straight away! If you still need more help though, I could post a walkthrough for that level =)
On 9-13
The trick is to use the switch in the upper right so that you have a cyad on each side of the disappearing red block before you send a cyad through. Remember switch can be pushed from below.
Cyad 1 (C1) on blue glue, cyad 2 (C2) immediately to left of C1. Then press switch with C1.
C2 goes left, down, right and up to push switch from bottom, C1 follows, which allows C2 to back off switch without moving, opening red block.
C1 goes left, up, left. C2 closes block again. C1 right against block.
Should be easy from here.
C1 goes down, presses switch in lower left. C2 goes down, pushes ball against C1. C1 pushes ball right, which gets rid of mine. All clear!
I did the first 2 games ("Follow the leader" and "Utopia") without any problems. Everything seemed so easy. But "Waterworks" gets me. I guess I am missing some basic concepts or tricks. I was able to do 3-3, 3-4, 3-5, 3-6. But I just cannot get 3-1 and 3-2. It is embarrassing... Any hints would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
For 3-1
You should position one cyad so that it can block the push block, allowing the second to push the block and both cyads proceed. For example, the first moves
are to take the blue cyad right, up, left, then bring the other cyad and block down. Continue by bringing the green right and up... and so on.
For 3-2
This one is a matter of planing the moves to make sure you can get into the next room. I won't give all the moves, but it will help to know that the left cyad can only move over one room by itself. You need to bring the right cyad over through the other rooms. Post if you are still stuck.
Thanks for the hints. When I wrote that I cannot do 3-1, I meant that I have stuck in the right chamber. The position I cannot resolve is as following: all pieces are along the left wall of the right chamber. The green cyad is to the left of the bended wall in the middle of the right chamber. Right under the green cyad is push block. And under the push block leveled with the upper cell of the vertical wall is the blue cyad. It is clear that if I can move all three pieces up one cell, the puzzle is solved. I just cannot find the way to do it.
With your hint I was able to finish 3-2.
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Walkthrough Guide
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Cyadonia 2 hints walkthrough
Ta-da! I think I got them all, but some of them might have slipped through the net. When there were a couple of hints for the same level, I've just put them in seperate spoilers. Hope it's ok!
Both Cyads go down on the left side after the first bomb and end up stacked to the left of the second bomb. A little alternating and both Cyads will be stacked immediately to the right of the second bomb. Move them both down the right hand side and they'll be stacked to the right of the bottom bomb.
Move the one on the top to the left next to the yellow block. Now bring the other one right, up, left so it is stacked on top of the one next to the block. Go up, left and collect the last gem. Now it goes, down, right, down, left, up to the exit.
From the center column with the Green Cyad stacked on top of the Red Cyad. Green in first then down. Red in. Green up and right. Red up, left, down, right. Red down, up, right, down, left, up, left, down. Green left. Red up, right. You should now be able to figure out how to get both Cyads out of the room and to the exit.
You'll be moving in a counter clockwise direction. One Cyad in the corner to allow access to the center and gem. Start with Green going down, right, down, right, down. Then Red goes up, right followed by Green going up, right and you should be able to figure it out from there.
You want to have two stacked on top of each other by the two bombs near the middle and get the last gem from the right. Then get two on that same wall (one by the top bomb, and the other by the bottom of the two yellow blocks) so you can move the top one to the left and get it on the right side of that red block).Yellow up, right. Green right. Yellow left, down, right. Blue right. All three back to the left wall. Green down, right, up, left. Yellow right. Blue up. Yellow left. Blue down, right, up, left. Green down. Blue left, down, right. Green right, up, left. Yellow up. Green right, down, left. Yellow down. Blue up. Yellow right, up, left, down, right. Blue down, left. Green right, up, right. Collect all the gems and then get 2 Cyads (doesn't matter which ones) side by side on the ledge below the red block. The 3rd Cyads should be one level above them to the right alongside the wall with 2 solid bricks seperating the 3 bombs (2 bombs above, one below.)
Move the Cyad on the left up one so it is below the red block and then move the other up to the inverted ledge above. The 3rd Cyad comes left and bumps up against the one below the red block. Move the one above straight down stacking on top of the one you moved left.
Now move all Cyads to the right. You'll have two against the wall stacked upon each other and one to the left kind of floating in space. Move that one down, left, down into the bottom path. For the 2 against the wall; move the top one up, left. Then move the next one up. The one to the left now comes left, down, left, down and follows into the bottom path.
DON'T move the 3rd one into the upper path yet. That comes later after you have gotten the 2 Cyads from the bottom through their paces of collecting gems and into the upper level. You'll see what I mean if you make the mistake of moving a Cyad into the upper level too soon and have to start all over again.
After you get the yellow gem and the blue ones on the right hand side column, take both cyads back out to the left. They should be side by side, with the left one in the corner on top of the green block and to the right side of the silver pipe-thing, and the right one floating just to the left of the entrance to the right side column.
Move the left cyad up into the entrance to the top right part. Then move the other cyad one spot to the left to occupy the place the other one just left. Move the first cyad back down and to the right so it is against the green wall right above the entrance to the right column.
Then move the second cyad up into the entrance to the top right part where the other one just was. Move the first cyad one to the left so it is resting against the silver block. Move the second cyad down so it is on the first cyad with a direct line to the red gem.
Start by pushing the push block straight down. Then 'walk' the Cyads up the left wall by alternating between them so they are stacked on top of each other. One will be even with the right hand yellow block and the other will be right above that one. Move the bottom one right, up, left, down so it is on top of the middle block. Do the same with the other one so it stacked on top of the first Cyad. Now move the top one right, down, left so it is immediately to the right of the other Cyad and one space right of the block. Take the other Cyad up, right, down, left, down. Push the push bloack up against the other Cyad and it will be above the middle block with both Cyads on either side of it. Take the Cyads down and to the exits.
Just one block goes into the right tunnel. The second one is against the right hand wall to set up the Cyads for going into the tunnel.
I set it up with one block against the right hand wall, just below the tunnel and the second block one spade away from the right hand wall, directly in line with the tunnel. One Cyad in the upper left corner of the spade, the other at the bottom right.
Bottom right Cyad goes up and pushes that block in front of the tunnel. Then to the left wall to act as a block for the upper left Cyad. Bring upper left Cyad down on top of the lower right one, in line with the tunnel. Lower right then goes to the right hand wall, pushes the block one space (above the tunnel) and then goes into the hole.
Upper left Cyad then pushes the 2nd block (the one that's one space away from the wall and still in line with the tunnel) into the tunnel. When it grabs the first gem, come down to the corridor to act as a block. Back Cyad then comes up to the block, grabs the top gem and the left had Cyad ducks into the vacant gem alcove. Right Cyad pushes, grabs gem, and then pushes the block out.
Now you need to move the other block away from the right hand wall. Pop the hiding Cyad out of the alcove, out against the other Cyad, then around to the upper right corner. Take the Cyad that is still in line with the tunnel back into the tunnel. Upper right comes down, pushing the block in front of the tunnel. Tunnel Cyad pushes it a space away from the wall and you're good to go. That block goes to the top wall and, being a space away, can get a Cyad behind it for the end game. The one that's 3 spaces away from the right wall goes to the bottom as a block for the bomb.
you need to keep the pushblock on the same level as it is with the two Cyads stacked alongside the left wall. One even with the pushblock and the other one on top. Use the lower one to move the pushblock to the right, but only as far as 3 spaces from the right wall. Move the Cyad down to the left-most red block. Now do the little dance around the blocks and the Cyad will be immediately right of the red block
Now move it up and position the pushblock even with the other Cyad. Back down again and the little dance again so the Cyad is to the right of the block.
The othe Cyad moves right and hits the block and then comes down on top of the first Cyad. Move the bottom Cyad down, left to the lower glue spot, then up to the upper glue spot. The rest is pretty straightforward.
Red cyad goes up, left, up. Yellow goes up, left, up, right, up. Move Red to the right and bring Yellow down on top of it. Red goes left and pushes the pushblock all the way up, then it goes right, down twice and then left so it is alongside Yellow. Finally Yellow goes left, up, right, down, right and up until it can go left and bump into Red and then down.
Start with the left hand red section but after you hit the switch make sure both Cyads are stacked on the left side of the middle divider wall and that they remain stacked when they get to the bottom. You're going to use the right hand green block to work your way over to the right red half.
The final setup is to have both Cyads stacked on the left side of the switch quad. Then they both go down, stacked, and the top one goes right into the green block. The bottom one goes up against the ledge, over, and down. Before you hit the switch drop the bottom Cyad into the cubby to act as a block. Hit the switch and go for it.
After you trigger the top switch take both Cyads down the left hand side so they end up stacked on top of one another. The bottom one goes left and the top comes down. Now the Cyad on the left comes right, up, right and the other Cyad goes up, left to trigger the switch. After triggering the switch the Cyad goes right, down and the other comes down on top of it.
Now the top Cyad goes right, up, left, down. The bottom Cyad comes right, up, left, down. Switch Cyads and go up, left. Switch again and go up, right. Keep alternating until you have the Cyads stacked on top of each other with the one top being on the same level as the switch and the one on the bottom being on the same level as the green wall. Move the bottom right and then bring the top Cyad up and around and trigger the switch. Proceed to the exit.
The bottom cyad pushes the block to the right wall, then up against the temp block, then into the switch passage to open the purple door for the right cyad. That one then takes the push block right, up, and left leaving it one space from the top wall. Then pop up and hit the switch that turns off the red block in the bottom right section
The bottom cyad now exits its corridor, up and right, destroying the temp block and tucking behind the push block. Then down against the one-way barrier, left and down into the bottom section. Hit the sticky, up and right against the push block.
The top cyad now hits the switch again, activating the red block and the bottom cyad goes left, up, right so it's on top of the push block. Push the block down, then left till you can hit the switch.Don't hit it yet.
You need to take the top cyad up behind the push block, down, and then left against the one way corridor. Once there, go up and clear out the blue gems erasing the blue block in front of the exit. Now you can hit the bottom switch. The top cyad will have to go back into the little switch closet to get the bottom cyad out.
Now the bottom cyad moves the push block into the corridor and push it until you can access the temp block and through the one-way passage, pushing the block into the upper right corner. Now go right and dissolve the temp block and into that switch passage again.
The top cyad goes into the switch closet and the bottom cyad slams the door on him. Top cyad goes right to a position over the switch. Bottom cyad is happy and opens the purple door and then exits, using the middle red block and the cornered push block to get into the blue corridor. Now the top cyad hits the switch and pushes the push block against the bomb. Get a cyad up against the bottom of the push block, then the other goes to the top, dissolves the temp block and both scamper to the exit
I'm assuming that you can get all of the gems in the uppermost main square.
To exit, make sure to keep in mind which side should have to go first to leave you an out.
Be sure to use your one way directional arrows. The cyad on the button will go to the left side and the cyad on the sticky will go right.
Just because the one way arrow propels you up, doesn't mean you can't come back down.
The trick is to go under the block that appears with the cyad stuck on the permanent sticky.
Begin with both cyads in the center of the bottom most part of the level.
Hit the button with the cyad on the left.
Switch to the one on the sticky.
Go right, up, down, left, and up.
Go down(button), right, right, up, down, left, up, and right.
Go down, right and right.
Go left.
Go up.
Go right
Go down, left, and up.
Auto switch
Go up, left, down, right, and down.
You have "SUCCESS!"
The Cyad in the left room uses the pushblock to enter the right room. The pushblock needs to be on the same level as the gap between the two blocks in the right-hand room. Stack the two Cyads on the right wall with the lower one even with the lower block. The top Cyad goes left and pushes the pushblock into the left room a space or two (doesn't really matter.) The bottom Cyad goes left, up, left into the left hand room. Now stack them against the left wall with the top one being even with the pushblock. Both Cyads move right to the right-hand room with the top Cyad pushing the push block until it is directly above the hole in the floor. Now stack them against the right wall like before and when the top one moves left and bumps into the pushblock it will then go down into the hole. The other Cyad goes left, up, left pushing the pushblock until it can go up into the tunnel.
Take the left block up, right and down. That puts the push block at the top of the opening. Push it down one more time so that it's at the bottom of the opening, then take that Cyad left, down, right and up returning the push block in line to the top of the opening. Then move that Cyad to the right (against the block), down and right (against the right Cyad).
Now you need to position the push block in the right area to make your moves. The idea is to be able to get both Cyads on the same level as the push block so take the left Cyad up against the solid block and then right to act as a block for the right Cyad. Then the right Cyad goes up against the first, then left against the solid block. The first Cyad goes left and hits the push block, then the second follows. You should have the push block inside the left area and two Cyads behind it with the back one being in the opening.
The back Cyad goes down onto the opening block, and left to the wall. The top Cyad goes up, left and down on top of the other Cyad. Now take that top Cyad and push the block into the right area so that the block is directly over to bottom opening. Take your two cyads down to the lower right corner like before and set them up against the blocks, as before. The top cyad goes left, moving the push block one space and leaving the cyad over the hole. Go down into the hole. The second cyad pushes the block into the left area until the cyad is aligned with the top hole. Up, left, down. Success
Bring both Cyads into the left room and alternate between them until you get the ball next to the opening in the middle. It should be two levels up from the bottom. Stack the two Cyads against the left wall with the bottom one being on the same level as the ball. Move the top one first to the right and down on top of the block so it can 'catch' the ball. The bottom Cyad knocks the ball into the right-hand room and follows it. Move that Cyad up and then the other goes up, left so it is above the ball. Switch to the other Cyad and move it down, right. Switch Cyads again and knock the ball down and follow it. Then go left, down so when the ball is knocked to the left it will stop above the hole. Knock the ball into the hole and move both Cyads to the left-hand room. Alternate between them until you can move one up into the tunnel.
5-12 you have to leave a cyad behind in the little room with the switch so you can get the cyad back after you've sent it round (after one ball) and hit the other switch. Remember to bring the cyad that's in the little switch room round and above the two remaining balls before you bring it back though, so you've got all of them to send back round
When you get into the top half of the lower room, send a cyad into the bottom left corner and knock the ball into it. Then send a cyad down into the lower room, and knock the ball to the left with the other cyad to get it over the gap and into the bottom room. Then send the cyad against the switch home, and go up and over the ball with the other, knock it down and you're away
Get the blue cyad to the x, then go through the down arrow with yellow and shoot the left arrow that would throw you into the remaining bomb, then go left and up.
the key is that two laser frames cancel on the same Cyad and you need to have each Cyad laser charged for the ending corridors so you have to carve a stair step path to the upper right Cyad but don't pick up the laser near by, that's for the blue Cyad. After the yellow is free, carve a path to the upper right laser but just leave it. Then carve another stair step path down to the bottom middle laser for the Yellow Cyad. Stair step all your paths and it's pretty easy, just make sure that you're leaving yourself a way to get to each exit.
First the top switch, then the middle switch three times and then the bottom. You have to have the yellow cyad on the correct side when you shoot (at the bottom for the first switch, at the top for the first shooting of the 2nd switch, then shoot the switch to open the bar, then yellow goes down, then hit the middle switch a third time to close the bar again, then stay there while you shoot the bottom switch to collect the gem, then again to release the yellow cyad).
REMEMBER to take the red cyad over to the right after all the gems are collected to block the yellow from going through the yellow gate. Yellow needs to help red get out, then can exit stage right.
Red has to come to the lower right area. It can't pass through the yellow filter, so get the yellow out of the way, run the red around counterclockwise to end up on top of the yellow filter, then yellow comes down on top of red, right, down and then both go over to the left to let red escape. Then yellow goes back to the right and exits.
First get the block out of the bottom. Hit the stickey over the switch from the left side. Then put one Cyad at the top, one space from the wall and the other at the lower left corner. Lower left goes first, then the one at the top. You should end up with a Cyad on top, then the block, then the other Cyad all at the top of the frame, one space from the left wall.
To get the gems you have to work your way up from the bottom. The general idea is to have a Cyad in line with a temp stop and one above it. Break the temp stop with the bottom Cyad then go down around below the block and push it into the Cyad above the opening. Both top and bottom Cyads go to the left wall, bottom Cyad goes up in line with the block, and pushes the block into the chamber and gets the gem and exits to the left wall. The other Cyad goes around the bottom and uses the temp stops to push the block against the gem grabber.
To get more than the first one, you'll have to hit the switch again to close the door to the bottom chamber. Then you can push the block to the bottom, one space off the left wall the right into the wall.
Work the Cyads to line up with the next temp stop with one aligned and one above. Rinse and repeat.
You need the block at the end to get both Cyads into the exit.
after you have pushed the key up against the arrow path, BOTH Cyads have to go up so one can hit the switch and the other enables that one to exit without hitting the bomb. Both will exit so you can get one back up to where the diagonal arrow is. The arrow will send it down below the key next to the bomb. The ball does NOT go through the teleport.
Working from the left wall 'walk' your group of 3 Cyads to the right (one level down from the top) collecting the gems along the way until you get below the upper room. Two Cyads go up into the room to get the gem and trigger the switch, just make sure the 3rd one blocks them from hitting the bottom when they exit. Back to the left wall and some more of the around dance so you can get all into the left room to get those gems and trigger the switch. Now all three come back out and start the around dance again so they can walk to the right like before. Eventually you'll have all three Cyads on the same level with one against the left wall and the other two floating above the last gem. One above the gem and one to its immediate right. The one above the gem comes down and the one against the wall come right. Then just move them all to the exit.
the center Cyad ALWAYS stays on the same level only moving left and right so the other Cyads can move left, right, up and down. They will eventually end up one level above the center (blue) Cyad and then bump into each other. Using this method you can then 'walk' them across the space until they can access the stars. Hope that makes sense.
1- Push the yellow key to rest on top of the green lock. 2- Clear the green lock. 3- Place one Cyad (3 blocks) below yellow lock, the other on its immediate right. 4- Now one Cyad can reach the yellow key, the other Cyad is ready to go up to the exit afterwards.
you have to use the green key to position the Cyads to move the yellow key down. Then go get the red key out and up. Use it to access the blue key and get it out. I ended up pushing Blue, Green and finally Red against the vertical wall directly above the Blue lock. Hope those hints help.
Position the two outer keys on either side of the center horizontal wall, same level on each end. Push the left one up into the lock FIRST. Now go get the center key and take it up the like you did with the key on the left and position it below the below the center lock up against the inner dissolver.
Collect the gems on the right and then push the key on the right up into the lock and go get the gems on the left. This opens the way for the center key to go into the lock. You'll do a little round and round to get a Cyad below the key, but that is pretty straightforward. A little more round and round and you can get the second Cyad into the upper level also to collect the stars on the outer walls.
(Blue section) send both cyads round before knocking the ball, that way you can get one of them into the bottom hole and knock the ball down and across with t'other
Since you can only move through the top and bottom row if there's still a block left on the middle row, keep the left- and rightmost blocks of the middle row around as long as you can. Also keep a way around of going back to the middle row
The push blocks are moved down as soon as they hit the middle corridor. First Pair- yellow's block came out first, green popped the sticky then moved its block against yellow's, Yellow up onto the sticky, green next and down Second Pair - Yellow's block out first again, green pops second sticky and brings its block out against yellow's, then up, yellow against green cyad, then move green around behind yellow's block and both down Final Pair - Both cyads are against the one way blocks. Green (left) gets to go first this time since they switched positions with the second pair. Bring the pushblock out, then use the temp block to get above the pushblock, down, and right against the yellow cyad. Green now goes up and right into the sticky.
Yellow moves the right block against the side of the one-way, then using green as a block, moves the pushblock down. Green now leaves the sticky and goes right, Yellow pops up and acts as a block so that green can push the block against the left one. Green now goes right and up, yellow comes down, green goes left, yellow pops up again, green comes right and stops over the right pushblock. It then pushes it down and comes back up on the right of the last pushblock. Yellow (against the top) goes left, down, right and up. Green now goes right, up, and left against yellow and pushes that pushblock down then comes up again. Since the pushblocks are now gone, you can work counterclockwise to get both cyads over the one-ways.
Can you get all three Cyads out of the little 3x3 starting area? If not, here's how you do it: Move the middle Cyad up->right->down->right, and follow with one of the other two. With that one, proceed up->left. Move the Cyad under the mine to the left, and keep it there. The "follower"-Cyad goes right->up->left->up->right->down. You can now retrieve the third Cyad, and exit the first room with two of them.
Green down the hole by the door, red pushes key to orange block then trips around to upper right corner, green pushes key up to red. Both reset with one in line with chute to door, the other back down in the hole by the door (clear the orange gems on top of the chute). Cyad down the chute, other cyad up, break temp block, left, down, left (orange block disappears), right, up against the cyad in front of where the orange block used to be, left and then up into the chute. push the key into the 2nd room and take it around and down on top of the arrows and use it to get a Cyad at the blue gems. Once they're gone the blue block in the 1st room disappears allowing you to get both Cyads to the 2nd room. That's as far as I've gotten. Still working on the rest.
positition the key in front of the passage to the fourth room, with the Cyads directly above and below.
Move the lower Cyad right->up->right, and push the pushstop all the way to the bottom. Move it through both one-way walls, and leave it at the top. Do the same with the Cyad on top, until it bumps into the bottom of the other Cyad. Repeat *again* with the top Cyad, and "stack-walk" both of them down until one Cyad is aligned with the key, and the other is aligned with the block that disappeared after picking the gems in room 4. I think you can figure it out from here on.
knock the ball onto the glue spot, then knock it left. Take the Cyad down, left, up and left so it is positioned above the ball. Knock the ball down and then go up and around and knock the ball right and then up into the disolver leading to the upper room. The ball stops and now you can take the Cyad up and it will stop upon contacting the ball. Now the Cyad goes right to hit the switch.
Put a Cyad-ball tower on the second headstone, and then the Cyad-Cyad tower on the first.
I pushed the switches while moving the ball around, and grabbed the gems after ringing the bell.
Yellow goes up, left, up, right. Blue follows the same path and ends up to the left of yellow. Blue goes down and triggers the switch then back up knocking the ball up. Move both Cyads to the upper left corner so they are beside each other. For me Blue was to the right of Yellow. Blue comes down and then right knocking the ball right. Your goal is to get one Cyad on top of the left RIP gravestone with the ball on top of it. Then you're going to stack the Cyads on top of the cross to the left and the top Cyad will knock the ball into the switch. I can go into more detail if needed.
From before, Blue has just knocked the ball right. Follow it and Blue goes down and triggers the 2nd switch, then it goes back up. Now Yellow comes right and down so it is on top of the tombstone. Move Blue left where it will be a blocker. Yellow comes up. Blue is on top of Yellow and Yellow is on the same level as the ball 4 spaces to the left.
Yellow goes right, up, right, down left. Blue follows the same path and the two Cyads are side by side with Blue 2 spaces below the ball. Yellow goes up, right, up left and becomes a blocker. Blue knocks the ball up and then goes to the right richochets off a few bats and ends up next Yellow. Now Blue comes down one and knocks the ball left.
Blue goes left following the ball, then down, left and richochets off a few bats on the left before coming right and then down atop the tombstone. Yellow goes down, left, up, right and knocks the ball down atop Blue.
Yellow follows the ball down and you'll have a stack of Blue, Ball and Yellow being on top. Now Yellow goes right, up, left, up, right, down and ends up on top of the cross on the left. Blue goes left, up, right, down, right, down, left, up, left, down on top of Yellow.
In the house - The laser will blast a way into the next room. The off switch is in the horizontal shaft in the previous room. Beware: turning it on with a Cyad will result in death.
You go into the upper area with one Cyad and the ball. The ball will indeed trigger the laser.
First you use the pushblock to pick up the gem right above the laser, and push the switch that allows the second Cyad to return, without triggering the laser. Then you use the pushblock to get back to the lower area to retrieve the second Cyad. Use the two sticky blocks to maneuver yourself around the laser trigger, while pushing the pushblock around.
Only during this second part (between pushing the first switch, and going back down) do you push the ball again. Don't pick up the group of three gems until the second Cyad is also in the area
10-15 Upper right area
have the movable blocks at a position where you can bring the 2nd Cyad into the room. From there, the next step is pushing the key out, but note that you need both the movable blocks free to move afterwards, one vertically, one horizontally. Then the Cyads are free to open the lock. Also, the blue sticky block is for one of the moveable blocks, which ending position will be on the rightmost wall
Lower left area
From having the cyads stacked one on top of the other to the right of the laser - The last Cyad goes right against the switch to turn off the laser. The other to go up and left so they can knock the balls right. DO NOT block the opening with a ball. Do a little back and forth and you can knock one ball down before knocking it right.
Eventually you'll end up with all 3 balls to the right of the laser path. 2 against the wall and one to the immediate left of the ball below the opening.
A little more back and forth and around and you will have knocked that ball down and you'll have 2 Cyads stacked on top of one another just to the left of the balls against the wall. The top Cyad will be even with the opening.
That Cyad goes right and the one against the switch goes up so you can collect the gem. Keep the laser turned off and bring one Cyad out and do the around about dance so it can block the Cyad when it leaves the switch and comes out. The position will be 2 Cyads atop each other and the other to their right between the 2 balls.
Bring the 2 Cyads down, left and up so they are stacked to the right of the mine wall. The last Cyad knocks the lower ball down and then follows it down. Knock a ball left into the arrow and start the around and around to knock out the mines 2, 3 and 5 counting down from the top of the mine wall.
Posted by: icvotria
January 2, 2013 11:11 PM