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Cube Escape: Harvey's Box

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Rusty Lake returns with another of their popular unsettling and surreal escape games, also free for iOS and Android. You find yourself in a box, surrounded by a strange mish-mash of items, and to get out, you'll need to solve a variety of puzzles that will force you to think outside the box.

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Walkthrough Guide

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Comb Puzzle

Start by grabbing all the tape pieces. There is one behind the wine glass, one behind the dominos, one behind the potato and one in the matchbox. Put the pieces together and you’ll get the notes for the comb. The combination is


Domino Puzzle

This one can get a little overwhelming at times. In case you get stuck, here’s how the final form should look like –

Use the key from the Domino puzzle to unlock the box on top of the matchboxes. Use the knife to open the jar of flies.
Flies Puzzle

Take a look at the paper you took from the locked box. Use the information inside to easily solve the puzzle. Simply look for 2 flies or 2 larvae and put the opposite. Also remember that every row and column should have 3 flies and 3 larvae. This will easily help you fill up any gaps when you have a 4 row or column. The end result should look like this -

Grab the fireflies and go to the potato. The pieces of tape you put together earlier show how far each spike should be pointed out. From left to right we have,

none, max, max, middle

Use the knife to slice it and go inside.
Go to the side where you put the tape together. Cut open the part of the box where the pokes are coming from using the knife. A pigeon will show up. Click on it to get all 5 notes for the wineglass puzzle.
Wineglass Puzzle

Light the match on the matchbox. Take a look at the paper you took earlier. It shows the position in which the crow and the fish need to be put in. Once this is done, put the cigar in the fish’s mouth and light it up. Click on the glass and the wine will appear. All that’s left is to get the same notes out of the wineglass, which the pigeon gave us. Using your spoon on the top of the wineglass to create notes, the sequence should look like this:

starting amount, 1/2, 1/4, starting amount, full.

Place the safety pin in the two holes, next to the jar of flies. Pull the rope down to tie it to the pin. Look up and quickly give the three fireflies to the creepy shadow, before it grabs you.


Haven't completed it yet, but I love all of these games. It took me a couple trips around the walls to notice

the shadow

which is just an amazing idea.


And done. Here's the only part that caused me trouble:

When you get to the point where you need to pull the rope down, you have to fasten it to the safety pin to keep it down. There are two small black dots below the rope where you put the safety pin.

This visual clue wasn't very intuitive for me - I thought it was just part of the background.

HeartMelody June 25, 2015 1:11 PM

I'm kind of stuck when:

where the pigeon starts singing through the hole. I've got a spoon, safety pin, lit match, three fireflies, cigar, the fly puzzle hint paper, and the knife.

Any suggestions?

HeartMelody June 25, 2015 1:33 PM

Got a breakthrough!

When you see the fish now has legs, give it a cigar and light it with the match!


I got through the game. The Rusty Lake series has been pretty good so far!

Fair warning: There is a jump-scare.

After you fasten the rope to the safety pin, there'll be something scary when you look up.

I have a couple complaints. Mainly I'm not a huge fan of the inventory system. When you pick up enough things that you have to scroll down, then you use up a bunch of the earlier things, the later things will be stuck low in the inventory. It wasn't much of a problem this game, but when puzzle pieces are picked up early, it gets to be a problem.

About this game in particular, there were a couple places I got stuck:

Sometimes there are hotspots that are easy to miss. I tried using the spoon on the glass a few times before looking at a video and seeing you have to use the spoon on the top of the glass.

Also the fact that you have to hold down the rope to pull it down is annoying. There was no other point in the game where holding down the mouse button was necessary, so I didn't think to try it until making sure I'd exhausted all the other puzzles in the game.

I guess these could just be things we can learn to expect from this developer in future games.

expired June 25, 2015 4:30 PM

You can click and drag the inventory up or down which makes navigating it a bit more bearable

Moonfire June 25, 2015 5:33 PM

Feeling like an idiot, but

after you look up and Creepy McCreeperton grabs you, what then? I've got fireflies and a couple other random bits, but can't figure out what to do with them. If I click around the outside of the black screen, nothing happens, if I click in the middle, I go back to being in the box. That can't be it...

I also

tried stabbing the guy when he reaches for me, but no luck there. Lol.

Patreon Crew SonicLover June 25, 2015 7:06 PM

Here's a hint for the dominoes puzzle:

The extreme corners of the puzzle, starting at the marked 6 and going counterclockwise, are 2, 3, 4, and 5.

jason9045 June 25, 2015 7:10 PM

So I have a dumb question. Why can I not seem to

play the comb? I've got the notes hint assembled on the wall, but when I click any of the tines of the comb, nothing happens. No notes appear on the bars like they do in the walkthrough. Am I not allowed to finish this game?

Patreon Crew SonicLover June 25, 2015 7:25 PM replied to jason9045


Instead of clicking the tines, try clicking the note names themselves.

jason9045 June 25, 2015 7:33 PM replied to SonicLover

Thanks for the tip. I played it on another computer, and didn't have a problem. It looked like maybe the animation didn't work well with my Chromebook's touchpad, because to get it to work there I had to double-tap and hold on each one.

Patreon Contributor Questioner June 26, 2015 2:35 AM replied to Moonfire

Too advance from there you will have to:

Use all three fireflies on the creepy black shape.

spike21 June 26, 2015 2:51 AM

how do you

light the match? I have tried swiping it everywhere but it won't light itself and won't like the cigar.


spike21 June 26, 2015 3:12 AM

Got it. And out.

somehow this seemed a bit less satisfying than the others. Maybe because it was so short?


@spike21 - i felt like this too... i really love this series, the surrealism and the gloomy toys-in-the-attic atmosphere, but

like in cabin, the ending is a bit anticlimatic, because you have this slow build-up during the game, and then suddenly big scare, and it's over, far too quick, end screen. i dunno, some kind of slower ending somehow, or an end animation...? anyway i still like this series, kudos to the creators - albeit the emptiness after the game is a little unsatisfying.

jayisgamed June 26, 2015 4:06 PM

It was quite short, but I like the puzzles in this one.


walkthrough ready?

houseworkisevil June 27, 2015 11:26 AM

Got through with no hints which is rare for me. I liked the puzzles and that I had to play and experiment to figure out what to do next.

GillieBean June 27, 2015 5:28 PM

so how, exactly, does one leave a walkthrough? I'd love too but i have no idea how

Callidy June 27, 2015 7:58 PM

I'm stuck at the part where

you have to arrange the pigeon and fish and then the wine glass level goes up or down when you click on it. I can't figure out what to do with the glass, and it doesn't seem to have triggered anything.

I have

a safety pin, a spoon, a lit match, three fireflies, a paper with the hint for the spikey fruit thing, and a paper with the hint for the pigeon, fish, and glass.

Callidy June 27, 2015 8:00 PM replied to Callidy

Correcting an error in my post, since I'm not sure how to edit it...

the first paper I have is not the one with the spikey fruit thing, it's the hint for the flies and maggots.


keep me updated on a walkthrough,please.

GillieBean June 28, 2015 12:09 AM

Paul, I'd love to make one. Do I just post it in the comments?


You can find a link to a video walkthrough if you click on the symbol in the upper left corner.

I cannot believe this: (dominoes)

there's a piece missing in my dominoes! I checked the walkthrough up to the point where I am now, since I thought the missing piece is somewhere else to be found, but in the walkthrough there are 15 pieces on the board already! This doesn't make any sense. And I have double checked there are none on top of each other.


Could someone PLEASE explain what all these cube escape games have in common? I think some story is forming, but I have NO idea.

jayisgamed June 28, 2015 9:22 PM replied to Jenni

Can you take a screen shot?

Jenni June 29, 2015 8:15 AM replied to jayisgamed

Sure thing!

I'll start from the beginning on another tab, let's see if that'll fix it - strange if I'm the only one with this problem...

Jenni June 29, 2015 8:27 AM replied to jayisgamed

I started again (using Firefox instead of Crome which I used first, OS 10.6.8), and alas, now there are 15 pieces! I'm dumbfounded. I still have the original game progress left on the other browser.


Okay, from other people's hints and what I figured out:

The glass

If you hit the top of the glass with the spoon, it makes a note.
If you click on a pigeon after making a hole with a knife, you get 5 different notes.

First, solve the dominoes puzzle to get the bit of paper that tells you which position to put the bird and smoking fish in. You will know if you are correct when there's a small bit of red wine in the bottom of the glass.

Carefully clicking between the top and the bottom of the glass, experiment with getting the right notes, then play the correct sequence. Hint: note orientation is important, and the notes certain liquid levels play changes depending on whether you're emptying or filling...

The dominoes

Somebody mentioned the hint that got me through it earlier in the comments.

Start with the 2/6 piece on the space with the 6 on it. NW corner = 3, NE corner = 2, SW corner = 4, SE corner = 5

Start with the parts where there is only one domino that could go there. If you get stuck, think about if everything can be shuffled around. E.g. if you have a group of 1s, they might work better all in a row rather than in a T shape over on the left...

The rope

Needs something to anchor it down, on the two black dots underneath the rope.
Then drag the rope down.

The scary shadow guy

What gets of darkness? Light. Do you have any creatures of light to throw at him?

That's all I can remember for now, since I walked away from the computer for a bit.


yes but a video walkthrough goes too fast. I prefer text walkthroughs so I can take my time. and yes you post it in the walkthrough with each step with a spoiler tag.

lazerbuddy June 29, 2015 5:29 PM

Is someone already making a walkthrough? If not, I would like to try my hand at it.


go ahead lazer


Came back to see if anyone wrote a hint-through since this game is rather short. Looks like Catherine's got a decent one up there, and lazer is apparently on it?

It's not Seasons (though I recognized Harvey from it by name before he even showed up), but it's still a lot of fun to play. Definitely enjoying this Cube Escape series. I just hope we'll have one with more story to it eventually.


I cannot for the life of me


the cigar.

kanna July 1, 2015 9:11 AM replied to Littleghost

Did you...

strike the match somewhere, first?


I thought by now a walkthrough was going to be in place.

Kyttynjirr July 1, 2015 11:46 PM replied to Paul

Paul: It's only been 6 days since this review was actually posted. Just hang on a little longer; I'm sure that any who are working on a walkthrough have just been busy with other things in their lives as well. ;)


The one place I didn't think to do it.

Maybe I get a pass since I don't smoke cigars and forgot all about the box.

lazerbuddy July 3, 2015 1:57 PM

Almost done with a walkthrough - hopefully it will be up later today. Just have to add spoiler tags and proofread it. It'll be my very first, yikes.

Thodan July 6, 2015 12:39 PM replied to Jenni

The missing domino happened to me too. However, I did find it. If you click at the top it will tilt your view - probably works on the other sides too. The domino was off screen. It took some quick clicking, but I managed to drag it back to the screen and continue.


no walkthrough?


Domino - hope you can understand this xD




Comb Puzzle

Start by grabbing all the tape pieces. There is one behind the wine glass, one behind the dominos, one behind the potato and one in the matchbox. Put the pieces together and you’ll get the notes for the comb. The combination is


Domino Puzzle

This one can get a little overwhelming at times. In case you get stuck, here’s how the final form should look like –

Use the key from the Domino puzzle to unlock the box on top of the matchboxes. Use the knife to open the jar of flies.
Flies Puzzle

Take a look at the paper you took from the locked box. Use the information inside to easily solve the puzzle. Simply look for 2 flies or 2 larvae and put the opposite. Also remember that every row and column should have 3 flies and 3 larvae. This will easily help you fill up any gaps when you have a 4 row or column. The end result should look like this -

Grab the fireflies and go to the potato. The pieces of tape you put together earlier show how far each spike should be pointed out. From left to right we have,

none, max, max, middle

Use the knife to slice it and go inside.
Go to the side where you put the tape together. Cut open the part of the box where the pokes are coming from using the knife. A pigeon will show up. Click on it to get all 5 notes for the wineglass puzzle.
Wineglass Puzzle

Light the match on the matchbox. Take a look at the paper you took earlier. It shows the position in which the crow and the fish need to be put in. Once this is done, put the cigar in the fish’s mouth and light it up. Click on the glass and the wine will appear. All that’s left is to get the same notes out of the wineglass, which the pigeon gave us. Using your spoon on the top of the wineglass to create notes, the sequence should look like this:

starting amount, 1/2, 1/4, starting amount, full.

Place the safety pin in the two holes, next to the jar of flies. Pull the rope down to tie it to the pin. Look up and quickly give the three fireflies to the creepy shadow, before it grabs you.

Patreon Donator Infant Tyrone July 21, 2015 1:23 PM

(This comment is crossposted from the review for Samsara Room, which, if you love the mystery and atmosphere of the Cube games, hie your cheeks over and play that one for new data.)

So who knows how often anyone checks this thread for a game that came out two years ago, but I just noticed that this game is almost identical to the "Cube" games coming out of Rusty Lake. In fact, Samsara Room is hosted over on Rusty Lake, alongside the Cube games. Considering that they share music, images, and even specific furniture, not to mention some conspicuous mechanics, (like searching different versions of the same creepy room to find mysterious cubes that ping-pong you around space/time) one has got to conclude that these games are related somehow.

Also considering Rusty Lake's implications that their games are all developing into one bigger storyline/world, well there's got to be some other compulsive catalogers or wiki editors out there who've noticed this.

Soramamekun April 29, 2016 12:41 PM


Playing on an iPhone and have 2 pieces missing. Any ideas?


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