ClickPLAY Time
That's right: you do know what time it is. Time for another eclectic installment of click festive minigames and puzzles to NinjaDoodle up your day in all the best of ways. At each stage, the play button is hiding, waiting for you solve the problems presented for you to correctly unscramble words, perform backwards mathematics, decipher the pattern, negotiate a maze... Or whatever needs/must be done—part of the challenge is figuring out exactly what that is. Find the play button, click it, and do it in the best time possible to claim your prize at the end.
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ClickPLAY Time Walkthrough
Click and drag the zipper to open his jacket.
Click the play button on his shirt pocket.
Look at the picture for a hint, and figure out who those two famous characters are.
Unscramble the letters to spell out their names...
When correct, the play button will turn up: click it.
X out the heart for the things that kitties hate...
The kitties disappear and the play button shows up when you're right.
Figure out the number according to the clue...
Enter that code into the box below to get the play button.
Figure out the sequence in which to click these light bulbs to light them up.
Hint: the eyes have it!
If you get it wrong, you'll have to start from the beginning, but when correct, the play button comes out.
Who are these two?
Unscramble the letters to make the names...
Go through the maze, following the correct path until you find the play button at the end.
If you go the wrong way, your minigame ends and you'll be transported back to the beginning. Use the hint to find the right path: "Red leads the way, blue leads astray."
Sometimes you need to click on the things in each room to reveal the next clue...
Figure out the number shown in the clue and enter it into the boxes below.
Click the alarm clock repeatedly until it rings (about 30 or so times!)
The worm will pop his head out of the hole. Click and drag him up until the KEY is shown.
Click the KEY and it will go into the chest. Click it again and the chest will open.
Get a piece of CLOTH from the chest and drag it to the worm's monocle to clean it.
The play button is revealed on the worm's eyepiece: click it.
Who are these two? Use the clues (scene title and image) to figure it out.
Unscramble the letters to spell their names...
Click on each panel of this story strip to put the scene in the correct order...
Use the clues given to figure out the 4-digit code...
Enter each number in the code box below (a is first number, b is second, and so on).
Click the play button.
Click the ninjas in the order they appear from behind the wall.
If you're click, you can click to remove a ninja the moment he appears.
Follow the exact sequence in each of the three scenes; if you make a mistake, you'll have to start again at the first scene.
Who are these two? Use the clues in the title and picture to figure it out.
Then, unscramble the letters to spell their names...
You have a limited number of moves (17) to remove all the arrows from the screen.
Click on an arrow and it will move in the direction it's pointing.
If nothing blocks its way, it'll be moved off screen.
If there's another block in its way, it won't be removed, but you'll use up a click nonetheless.
Click each arrow block in the correct sequence to remove them all before running out of moves...
Figure out what the clue is indicating...
Enter those numbers into the code box below.
Click play.
Each girl looks nearly identical, but each has her own name. What is it?
Give each girl the correct name, clicking on the name tag to shuffle through the list of names available.
What are the names of this pair of characters? Use the clues in the picture and title to figure it out.
Unscramble the letters to spell their names correctly.
Use the ferry to move the yellow characters to the east (right) island and the red characters to the west (left) island...
Click the taxi to move east. Then pick up 1 red character.
Go west. Pick up 1 yellow character. Drop off the red character. Then pick up 1 more yellow character.
Go east. Drop off a yellow character. Pick up 1 red character. Drop off the other yellow character. Pick up the last red character.
Go west. Drop off a red character. Pick up the last yellow character. Drop off the last red character.
Go east. Drop off the last yellow character.
Click the play button which comes out from behind a cloud.
Using the clues provided, in the title and clue slip, figure out the 4-digit code.
Enter those numbers in the code box below.
Homer and Marge (of The Simpsons)
H20 (water), K9s (dog), and noisy machines (vacuum)
Screenshot: Pet Hates SOLUTION
Turn the picture around 180 degrees to get:
5 7 0 7
Start with the first bulb on top left corner. When you click it, look where it looks: that's the next bulb you should click...
1 - 2 -5 -4
10- 9 -3 -6
11-12 -8 -7
Screenshot: All Lit Up SOLUTION
Finn and Jake (from the Adventure Time cartoons)
Don't where the blue arrow points; instead, go where the red arrows point...
Mirror images of each are crossed over the numbers...
1 5 2 4
Bert and Ernie (of Sesame St.)
"Hey dude!" - "do something about that frown"
"you should go see this guy!" - "How do you feel?"
Add up the numbers on the dice with this catch: if the eye icon is crossed out, add the numbers that aren't seen on the dice. For example, in panel "b" the 1, 2 and 4 don't show so the answer is 7.
Screenshot: First In Ninjas, Stage 1
Screenshot: First In Ninjas, Stage 2
Screenshot: First In Ninjas, Stage 3
Shrek and Donkey (from the Shrek movies)
Sequence might vary:
Screenshot: Arrows Away SOLUTION
Click on each of the four corners on the clue slip. In the order indicated by the arrows...
1 3 7 4
Screenshot: Funky Corners SOLUTION
Match the number of stripes on her dress to the number of letters in a girl's name...
Shaggy and Scooby (from the Scooby Doo cartoons)
The first three letters of four months are spelled, backwards, in each of the four squares. Match the month to its numerical representive on the calendar. Put those numbers in the order as indicated by the arrow design at the center of the square...Feb, Aug, Sep, Jun:
2 8 9 6
Well done! When you're finished, you will receive a shuriken rating for your time (more shurikens for less time used). Use the password to claim your reward. Enjoy!
Thanks to elle for the walkthrough!
Clickplay is ALWAYS awesome, and this was no exception. But I was disappointed in the anagram puzzles that required
a knowledge of TV shows like "Adventure Time" and "Scooby Doo." Either you've seen the show or you haven't, which makes it a trivia contest rather than a puzzle. Are all these TV shows really familiar to puzzlers of all ages everywhere in the world?
Figuring out the trick to the lightbulb puzzle was VERY satisfying, though.
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Walkthrough Guide
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ClickPLAY Time Walkthrough
Click and drag the zipper to open his jacket.
Click the play button on his shirt pocket.
Look at the picture for a hint, and figure out who those two famous characters are.
Unscramble the letters to spell out their names...
Homer and Marge (of The Simpsons)
When correct, the play button will turn up: click it.
X out the heart for the things that kitties hate...
H20 (water), K9s (dog), and noisy machines (vacuum)
Screenshot: Pet Hates SOLUTION
The kitties disappear and the play button shows up when you're right.
Figure out the number according to the clue...
Turn the picture around 180 degrees to get:
5 7 0 7
Enter that code into the box below to get the play button.
Figure out the sequence in which to click these light bulbs to light them up.
Hint: the eyes have it!
Start with the first bulb on top left corner. When you click it, look where it looks: that's the next bulb you should click...
1 - 2 -5 -4
10- 9 -3 -6
11-12 -8 -7
Screenshot: All Lit Up SOLUTION
If you get it wrong, you'll have to start from the beginning, but when correct, the play button comes out.
Who are these two?
Unscramble the letters to make the names...
Finn and Jake (from the Adventure Time cartoons)
Go through the maze, following the correct path until you find the play button at the end.
If you go the wrong way, your minigame ends and you'll be transported back to the beginning. Use the hint to find the right path: "Red leads the way, blue leads astray."
Sometimes you need to click on the things in each room to reveal the next clue...
Don't where the blue arrow points; instead, go where the red arrows point...
Figure out the number shown in the clue and enter it into the boxes below.
Mirror images of each are crossed over the numbers...
1 5 2 4
Click the alarm clock repeatedly until it rings (about 30 or so times!)
The worm will pop his head out of the hole. Click and drag him up until the KEY is shown.
Click the KEY and it will go into the chest. Click it again and the chest will open.
Get a piece of CLOTH from the chest and drag it to the worm's monocle to clean it.
The play button is revealed on the worm's eyepiece: click it.
Who are these two? Use the clues (scene title and image) to figure it out.
Unscramble the letters to spell their names...
Bert and Ernie (of Sesame St.)
Click on each panel of this story strip to put the scene in the correct order...
"Hey dude!" - "do something about that frown"
"you should go see this guy!" - "How do you feel?"
Screenshot: Get Happy SOLUTION
Use the clues given to figure out the 4-digit code...
Add up the numbers on the dice with this catch: if the eye icon is crossed out, add the numbers that aren't seen on the dice. For example, in panel "b" the 1, 2 and 4 don't show so the answer is 7.
Enter each number in the code box below (a is first number, b is second, and so on).
Click the play button.
Click the ninjas in the order they appear from behind the wall.
If you're click, you can click to remove a ninja the moment he appears.
Follow the exact sequence in each of the three scenes; if you make a mistake, you'll have to start again at the first scene.
Screenshot: First In Ninjas, Stage 1
Screenshot: First In Ninjas, Stage 2
Screenshot: First In Ninjas, Stage 3
Who are these two? Use the clues in the title and picture to figure it out.
Then, unscramble the letters to spell their names...
Shrek and Donkey (from the Shrek movies)
You have a limited number of moves (17) to remove all the arrows from the screen.
Click on an arrow and it will move in the direction it's pointing.
If nothing blocks its way, it'll be moved off screen.
If there's another block in its way, it won't be removed, but you'll use up a click nonetheless.
Click each arrow block in the correct sequence to remove them all before running out of moves...
Sequence might vary:
Screenshot: Arrows Away SOLUTION
Figure out what the clue is indicating...
Click on each of the four corners on the clue slip. In the order indicated by the arrows...
1 3 7 4
Screenshot: Funky Corners SOLUTION
Enter those numbers into the code box below.
Click play.
Each girl looks nearly identical, but each has her own name. What is it?
Give each girl the correct name, clicking on the name tag to shuffle through the list of names available.
Match the number of stripes on her dress to the number of letters in a girl's name...
Screenshot: Naming Mixup SOLUTION
What are the names of this pair of characters? Use the clues in the picture and title to figure it out.
Shaggy and Scooby (from the Scooby Doo cartoons)
Unscramble the letters to spell their names correctly.
Use the ferry to move the yellow characters to the east (right) island and the red characters to the west (left) island...
Click the taxi to move east. Then pick up 1 red character.
Go west. Pick up 1 yellow character. Drop off the red character. Then pick up 1 more yellow character.
Go east. Drop off a yellow character. Pick up 1 red character. Drop off the other yellow character. Pick up the last red character.
Go west. Drop off a red character. Pick up the last yellow character. Drop off the last red character.
Go east. Drop off the last yellow character.
Click the play button which comes out from behind a cloud.
Using the clues provided, in the title and clue slip, figure out the 4-digit code.
The first three letters of four months are spelled, backwards, in each of the four squares. Match the month to its numerical representive on the calendar. Put those numbers in the order as indicated by the arrow design at the center of the square...Feb, Aug, Sep, Jun:
2 8 9 6
Enter those numbers in the code box below.
Well done! When you're finished, you will receive a shuriken rating for your time (more shurikens for less time used). Use the password to claim your reward. Enjoy!
Thanks to elle for the walkthrough!
Posted by: Dora Breckinridge
September 15, 2013 10:33 AM