ClickPLAY Rainbow
Let your fingers do the walking (and the clicking) in this latest installment of NinjaDoodle's popular point-and-click series, packed with puzzles, mini-games, monsters, sad pirates, and robot-waiters galore. In order to proceed, you'll have to find and click the play button hidden in each level, but since each stage has a different setting and different solution the answer is never the same twice!
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ClickPLAY Rainbow Walkthrough
Last Sip
Grab the mug by the handle and turn it upside down.
Brain Surgery
Click the stitches along Frankie's forehead. Lift the top of his head off.
Click and hold the mouse button down over the mountain's nose and move your mouse slowly up and down. As the nose rises, stay on the nose and keep moving your mouse until the top blows off.
Monster Munch
Click a monster and raise it up off the other monster. Keep doing this until you reveal the play button.
Paper Pirates
Click the white triangle in the background and flip it over. Drag and drop the pirates into the boat.
Bat n Ball
Click the red X box. When the ball is just a little more than halfway down, click the circle with the arrow to swing the bat.
To complete the level you have to get the ball into the container to the left.
Pokey Pokey
Click on the roof and drag it into the hole in the tower so that one of the bottom points and a little bit of the rectangular bottom go in. Screenshot
You'll know you have it right when you push the play button out.
Robot Dinner
Parts of the code are hidden in various places on and around the robot. You'll find:
1W along the bottom front of the robot
2B found by clicking the robot's right foot (the one to the player's left)
3W in its mouth found by clicking anywhere on the robots head
4B found by clicking the crack in the wall enough times to break the wall
The code is:
1W 2B 3W 4B = White, Black, White, Black.
When you have it entered the correct code, click the robot's left arm, then raise the lid off the tray in his right hand.
Keep clicking the truck to make it accelerate. Make it go fast enough to jump the gap.
Click a piece to move it. Keep clicking it until it is to the left of the piece before it. Then, click the top wedge to move out another piece and repeat the process. Continue moving the pieces around to complete the full circle and a complete play button.
Each circle has a symbol on it. Move each ball to the ball with the opposite symbol. For example, the circle with the checkmark clears the circle with the X. Clear all the balls to beat the level.
Make each balloon match the shape of the person carrying it.
From left to right: triangle, square, circle, rectangle.
Wet 'Em 2 Get 'Em
Drag and drop each ball into the water to reveal the play button.
The farthest ball on the right is the play button.
Safe Landing
There's a few ways to do this one. All that has to happen to reveal the play button is the black circle has to touch the box that says GOAL. The easiest way is to remove the red blocks from the top down.
Ball n Chain
Swing the ball around and destroy the bricks at the top of the screen to cause the play button to drop.
The button is in the middle, above the word "Ball" in the level name.
Pipes n Us
Keep dropping balls into the pipe until the play button gets pushed out the other end.
Captain Hook
Take the hook to the top left corner and raise it up above the word "clicks". Your hook should snag another hook. Drag it down and let it drop. When you successfully pull down the play button, click it.
Click and drag to rotate the blue box and guide the ball around the maze to collect all the yellow dots.
Hardly Wordly
There are dials hidden behind each picture; enter the correct combinations according to the clues given by each portrait to unlock the play button.
Norton Everett
Samuel Warrant
Nelson Winkle
Stefan Egmund
NE = North East. Click the dial 1 time.
SW = South West. .Click the dial 5 times.
NW = North West. Click the dial 7 times.
SE = South East. Click the dial 3 times.
Ding Dong
Press the red button when the mallet is as close to the center as possible.
Do this until the mallet hits the bell and turns into a play button.
The four squares in the dead center of the level can be rotated to form a play button. As always, the play button points to the right. Screenshot
Spot On
To the right and left at the top of the screen you can find hints. P=16, L=12.
Spell out the word PLAY using the number code.
The code is 1612125.
Ball Sorter
The fractions at the bottom refer to the ratio of antennae and eyes. 1/1, means one antenna and one eye. Get each creature into its proper spot, by clicking the barriers to remove them. Clicking them again restores the barrier. Screenshot
Canon Balls
Think Peggle or Pachinko. Shoot a cannonball at the black X circle to turn them into check marks. Hitting them again will turn them back into Xs. Turn them all into checkmarks.
On Hook, it looks to me like the walkthrough instructions work when the level is in its initial state. But once you've made contact with the hidden hook, it's possible to push it all the way over to the upper right, in which case you're out of luck. There's no way to grip it, since your hook curves left.
You can check whether this has happened by grabbing your hook by the base, moving it all the way against the right wall, and slowly moving it up. When you're near the top, it might act as if it's bumping into something off-screen. That's the other hook. It actually is possible to pull it down from there if you're *extremely* gentle and make contact with it in exactly the right position (nearly, but not completely, against the right wall). You don't get your hook around it, but somehow the two hooks' outer curves stick to each other. But honestly, it seems like it would take less time to just start over.
If you increase the view size (ctrl-shift-+ in Firefox, under the view menu) then the game window will enlarge but the game itself will not, which allows you to see what's going on out of the view frame. You can pass or tweak a couple of levels this way, and it makes the hook level a LOT easier, 'cause you can see where to aim the darn thing. Now that I think about it, I wonder if I could have clicked without even using the hook?
Played it. Enjoyed it.
Didn't like the physics bits much. I find I rarely enjoy physics games with their fussy timing issues, so not a reflection on this too much.
The sorter puzzle I couldn't even figure out how to try to succeed. I knew what how i wanted them to roll, but I couldn't come up with any means to get them to roll anywhere but the obvious, and collide, and reset. Is there a trick?
How come the JIG embed cut off the borders of the game rather than shrinking it down to the right size? There were several levels that required me to be able to see the whole screen.
[If the game appears to be the wrong size, then your browser is most likely zoomed. We have embedded the game on the page here in the proper dimensions. See our support page for how to reset your browser's zoom setting. -Jay]
"Fan-tastic" = "Brain freeze". Can someone please explain how much times you click the pieces?
And to all the people having trouble on "Achoo!".
If you are using Mac with touchpad then try press and holding on the touchpad left click then move the mouse NOT to fast, or not to slow. do it at medium speed then as the nose rises move your mouse more up a little then follow my previous step and so on and "Achoo!". There you go:) (I managed to do this on Laptop using Windows Vista and Internet Explorer 8 and im very young).
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Walkthrough Guide
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ClickPLAY Rainbow Walkthrough
Last Sip
Grab the mug by the handle and turn it upside down.
Brain Surgery
Click the stitches along Frankie's forehead. Lift the top of his head off.
Click and hold the mouse button down over the mountain's nose and move your mouse slowly up and down. As the nose rises, stay on the nose and keep moving your mouse until the top blows off.
Monster Munch
Click a monster and raise it up off the other monster. Keep doing this until you reveal the play button.
Paper Pirates
Click the white triangle in the background and flip it over. Drag and drop the pirates into the boat.
Bat n Ball
Click the red X box. When the ball is just a little more than halfway down, click the circle with the arrow to swing the bat.
To complete the level you have to get the ball into the container to the left.
Pokey Pokey
Click on the roof and drag it into the hole in the tower so that one of the bottom points and a little bit of the rectangular bottom go in. Screenshot
You'll know you have it right when you push the play button out.
Robot Dinner
Parts of the code are hidden in various places on and around the robot. You'll find:
1W along the bottom front of the robot
2B found by clicking the robot's right foot (the one to the player's left)
3W in its mouth found by clicking anywhere on the robots head
4B found by clicking the crack in the wall enough times to break the wall
The code is:
1W 2B 3W 4B = White, Black, White, Black.
When you have it entered the correct code, click the robot's left arm, then raise the lid off the tray in his right hand.
Keep clicking the truck to make it accelerate. Make it go fast enough to jump the gap.
Click a piece to move it. Keep clicking it until it is to the left of the piece before it. Then, click the top wedge to move out another piece and repeat the process. Continue moving the pieces around to complete the full circle and a complete play button.
Each circle has a symbol on it. Move each ball to the ball with the opposite symbol. For example, the circle with the checkmark clears the circle with the X. Clear all the balls to beat the level.
Make each balloon match the shape of the person carrying it.
From left to right: triangle, square, circle, rectangle.
Wet 'Em 2 Get 'Em
Drag and drop each ball into the water to reveal the play button.
The farthest ball on the right is the play button.
Safe Landing
There's a few ways to do this one. All that has to happen to reveal the play button is the black circle has to touch the box that says GOAL. The easiest way is to remove the red blocks from the top down.
Ball n Chain
Swing the ball around and destroy the bricks at the top of the screen to cause the play button to drop.
The button is in the middle, above the word "Ball" in the level name.
Pipes n Us
Keep dropping balls into the pipe until the play button gets pushed out the other end.
Captain Hook
Take the hook to the top left corner and raise it up above the word "clicks". Your hook should snag another hook. Drag it down and let it drop. When you successfully pull down the play button, click it.
Click and drag to rotate the blue box and guide the ball around the maze to collect all the yellow dots.
Hardly Wordly
There are dials hidden behind each picture; enter the correct combinations according to the clues given by each portrait to unlock the play button.
Norton Everett
NE = North East. Click the dial 1 time.
Samuel Warrant
SW = South West. .Click the dial 5 times.
Nelson Winkle
NW = North West. Click the dial 7 times.
Stefan Egmund
SE = South East. Click the dial 3 times.
Ding Dong
Press the red button when the mallet is as close to the center as possible.
Do this until the mallet hits the bell and turns into a play button.
The four squares in the dead center of the level can be rotated to form a play button. As always, the play button points to the right. Screenshot
Spot On
To the right and left at the top of the screen you can find hints. P=16, L=12.
Spell out the word PLAY using the number code.
The code is 1612125.
Ball Sorter
The fractions at the bottom refer to the ratio of antennae and eyes. 1/1, means one antenna and one eye. Get each creature into its proper spot, by clicking the barriers to remove them. Clicking them again restores the barrier. Screenshot
Canon Balls
Think Peggle or Pachinko. Shoot a cannonball at the black X circle to turn them into check marks. Hitting them again will turn them back into Xs. Turn them all into checkmarks.
Posted by: Brad
August 26, 2011 6:13 PM