An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Click Drag Type

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4.5/5 (60 votes)

Like eating the middle of an Oreo first, ClickDragType skips past the plain cookie outside to deliver only the sweet puzzle center in a collection of 10 intriguing, mind-bending puzzles for your pure and uncompromising enjoyment.

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Walkthrough Guide

(Please allow page to fully load for spoiler tags to be functional.)

Here is a walkthrough compiled from selected comments

Puzzle #1

  • The "recycle" icon is when you mess up the key and need a new one.

  • Drag the key into the box which will open.

  • Shave down the key so that it lines up to either side. This will open the box below.

  • Drag the sliders on the outside edges so the transparent box forms over the "empty" box to get each number.

  • Type in the numbers from left to right in the white area, then click the green arrow.

Puzzle #2

  • In this puzzle, you must have the sound on.

  • The red dial is for the even numbers and the blue is for the odd numbers.

  • When the lock is closed you are able to turn your dial Right Blue - 1, Left Red - 2, Left Blue - 3, Right Red - 4.

  • Unlock the lock and bring either the red dial or blue dial to the other side to mute it.

  • Then lock it again.

  • Turn the dial that is audible to one side or the other.

  • Listen to the calculation and type what the answer is to the corresponding number on the bottom.

  • Turn the dial for the other number.

  • Repeat this process for the other dial.

  • When this process is done, click on the green arrow.

Puzzle #3

  • On the left side of the puzzle area are four circles with colours. Drag all the circles to the top of the screen.

  • Take note of one colour and drag it down to the bottom. It will change into the colour it needs to be attached to.

  • Click and hold on the first coloured wire that represents the top colour and draw a line to the corresponding coloured wire on the bottom.

  • Repeat this process until all wires are connected.

  • If a mistake has happened or you need to redo, use the wire cutters to erase ALL wire drawings.

  • If done correctly the phone will ring.

  • Drag the receiver to desired volume and wait for a pause in numbers. The number right after the pause is the first number in sequence.

  • Place these numbers in the white box and click green button.

Puzzle #4

  • Drag one of the "eye glasses" around the patterned area to look for "tabs"; Square, Circle, Triangle, and X.

  • In the bottom left area you can drag a little leaver left or right to set to "Move" or "Turn". Use this to adjust the squares so that the tabs on the outside match the tabs on the inside.

  • When they are matched, drag the eye glass around the area that matches the colour of the tabs. This will form a number.

  • Place the number in the corresponding colour in the lower right corner.

  • You will notice that the red input area has 2 underscores. This indicates two digits in the number.

  • Repeat this process till all numbers are entered and then hit the green arrow.

Puzzle #5

  • At the very top is a half circle with a green dot in it. Just move your mouse over this area. A sliding menu will open on the left side with a key and check mark icon.

  • Click on the key icon to get an eye glass.

  • Bring the eye glass to the four-square object.

  • Click on screen to get rid of eye glass.

  • The "mechanical" box in the lower right corner is to paint the colours onto the four-square object.

  • To select what square does not receive the colour, click on a green machine empty square to have them turn to an X. Only the green machine squares that are blank will receive colour.

  • To add colour, which the machine will use, place a canister (Red, Blue, Yellow) that you need near the left side of the machine near the tube.

  • It may be necessary to place two colours to combine them to make a combined colour; Red/Blue = Purple, Red/Yellow = Orange, Blue/Yellow = Green.

  • When you have the colour(s) inserted, place the four-squared object at the top of the green machine.

  • The top blue machine is a cutter. The dark right angle lines represent the square to be cut, and the lighter line connecting them is the cut it will make. If there is no line, then the square is removed (don't worry, the square isn't gone. You can put the square back with the cutter.)

  • To rotate the square to be cut, click on the curved arrow tips.

  • To change the shape of the cut, click within the grey square border.

  • When desired shape and square to be cut place the four-square object on the left side of the machine. You will need to do this a few times to get the right shaped "key".

  • When you are done and match the eye glass example, click on the check mark instead of the key.

Puzzle #6

  • boards: In order to correctly build that shape, you'll have to slide the lowermost rectangle to the top left.

  • nails: You've only got four nails to hold it all together, but fortunately you can pull and redo nails. You can check your work by clicking boards - connected boards highlight and move in unison.

Puzzle #7

  • Line up the circles using the red level meters.

  • Move the circles until the bars above them become clear, unclick it and it should turn blue.

  • Once you have all the circles placed correctly, form a 2 with the arms.

  • After that the lock at the bottom right should turn into an arrow.

  • Type 2 in the white box and click the arrow. You're done.

Puzzle #8

  • Rearrange the gray boxes so the dark gray parts are coming out of it and point to boxes.

  • Make sure none are pointing at nothing.

  • Then cut the wood to fit between the gray boxes to interconnect them.

  • Then click on the green arrow.

Puzzle #9

  • Grab the cover plate to the left of the plunger and slide it right to reveal the paintbox.

  • If the plunger causes two boxes to slide over each other, paint those boxes the same color.

Puzzle #10

  • Listen to the correct song on the left, and try to match that with the pieces on the bottom.

  • After you get the bottom song to play in the correct order, match the shape of the pieces with their colors from the cards.

  • Take the shape of the first piece of the song (along bottom), match it to a color (from the cards), and then change the first color block on the left to the matching color.


Cool little puzzles! I really had to use my ear-training from when I studied music to get #2.


That was fun
Finished all ten =]


Couldn't complete number 9 and number 7.. any hints?

childofsai May 23, 2006 5:32 AM

omg! i got a mention. yay :D

I too have completed all 10. Took me about an hour, but that's only cos I knew the first 5 puzzles from the original clickdragtype.


This is fun, but I just don't get 7,8 & 9 :(

8 is so simple that I am sure I am doing something just a tiny tiny bit wrong :(


Ah, I finished it now too!

How's second feel? Feels like FIRST, 'cause I did it without ANY help.

The music on puzzle ten is GREAT--it sounds so familiar, but I can't think of where it's from. Does anyone know?

Puzzle...I think 7? was a doozy, with the colored rings on the bars? WHOO.

Overall, took me like...I think 53 minutes, 'cause of puzzle seven with those RINGS!


That was fun, A well balanced game- challenging yet not too frustrating. Good job Andrew , I'd love to see more of these.

I finished all 10 levels , got stuck for a while on the 9th because i didn't realize that...

there was a color menu hiding behind that bar


Simply an amazing game, stumped me at points, wanted to come here and find spoilers, but now very thankful I didn't find any and completed it myself. I'm going to e-mail the developer also and thank him for the game.


i get what you have to do with the wood one (i forget what number it is) but it can't seem to do it without

turning that one rectangle, but that's not possible....

.... so, help?


Slightly stuck on puzzle four... *embarrased*


Never Mind! Got it, Doh!


omg i cant beat one of them. can u help me?


The thought that goes into some of these games.

Great fun, all ten done.



Am I insane, or did you post this here once before? I am sure that I have played the first 5 levels of this game before, and almost positive that I found it here on your site.

It is a great game.


Hrm ... I can't figure out what to do on the 3rd one after I connect the wires?


eyebrows, turn your sound up ;)


Bah. Can't figure out what to do in 7 and 9....

GreenPeace May 23, 2006 11:10 AM

i can't get 7... What the hell am I supposed to do?

All the others were easy:

1.Click and drag the key to the lock. You can see the inside of the lock. What you need to do is get all the green in a straight line. Not very hard. Then the password is (always): 870901.

2.A bit trickier. Click on the lock, and drag one of the turners near the other one. Now, click on the lock again. Turn the un-moved turner right or left (until only one number is visible). You will hear a voice saying a mathematical problem (such as "20 minus 24 plus 4"). Then you write the answer to the problem beneath the number that you left visible. Do it also with all the others.

3.almost too obvious. I rather you find yourself. But u need to turn the speakers on.

4.I really enjoyed this one: pick one of the circles. Any color will do. Now, if you go over the squares you will see little symbols. What you need to do is match each symbol with the same one. To do that, look at your left right corner. Then take the color of the symbols and go over the squares… Tha-da!! A number appears. Just write it in it's color. Same for all. (and Now for you lazy ones: 2 10 5 9). to explain… hmm… ok. Look above- there is a green light. Put your mouse on it (no clicking needs). A box will jump. Click the key and go over the box. You will see the answer- what you need to get. Now there are two machines. The one above is used to change shapes, and the right to change colors. you just need to change the box to what the key showed you. Note that the x marks in the right machine means what NOT to color. After you're done, put the mouse on the green light again and the press the little "v".

6.this took me some time to figure out. Here. Just go to this link:

7.already told you I have no clue…

8.measure, cut and put in place! If u couldn't figure this urself, you have serious mind problems. the right column you can click-drag the blank column to the right. Now you will see a column with colors. you can now click on one of them and then paint a block. You need to find the colors to match each block. How do you do that? Here, the golden rule: a color can never be crossed with another color. which means: use the right column to find what block is crossing with what and then paint it accordingly. need to change the shapes (not the cards) so the music would be in order. Then you need to put the colors in order according to the cards and shapes (if the first one is a star, and the card star is yellow, change the colors on your left so that the yellow is first. When finished click on the white arrows that point to the big green arrow… andd… done!


A few tips for some of the levels: (low level tips, if u just want a hint)- i havent done them all yet, so its not full

IS that a wire?


Dude, turn down the music!


colors are subjective to time and place. mainly place.

4(didn't finish yet)

Ooh... Preety colors :-)


key shows needed result- but how can u operate those machines to get it :-O


i wonder if that "A"-like shape has a meaning...

7(havn't done yet)



a woodsaw and a piece of wood. connect the dots, will you?

9(haven't done yet)



I ain't no bloody mozart, but those two songs aren't the same! wait... preety colors... :-)

Hope this help- anyone wants to give a hand on 4,7 and 9?


I am also stuck on 7


Yer 7 is killing me :(


A hint on 7

The individual rings will turn Blue when you have them in the right location

Kristen May 23, 2006 12:26 PM

Figured out 7!!

The moving bars serve as meters of a sort. You need to move the ring so that both meters are at zero, i.e., no red is showing. Once no red is showing on the bars, the ring is in the right spot and will turn blue. Then just place the linked rings on the blue rings. They will spell out a number for you to type in the box.

Smartin May 23, 2006 12:26 PM

For number seven:

First you have to find the right position for each circle. When you move one there are two red bars which depend on how far away you are from the point where the circle belongs. Use them to find the correct position. The game lets you know when you place a circle correctly. The rest is easy.

I'm stuck on the second puzzle. I have all the numbers

2, 3, 1, 0 - I think

but it won't let me pass.

Smartin May 23, 2006 12:32 PM

My bad. I mixed up "multiplied" and "divided". My English is not that good. I just could not understand why the word began with an "m" . . . =]


On 7, you can move the BACKGROUND rings (the little black ones) as well as the rings on wrenches.

Move the background rings FIRST.

You want the two bars to both be empty when moving the background rings.

Pick a quadrant and make the bars as empty as you can. One denotes horizontal and the other vertical. Then move into the next appropriate quadrant to get the bars all the way empty, if necessary. The rings will turn blue when properly placed.

Once you've got the background rings placed, the wrench rings are easy.

You've got them all placed and you still can't click the green arrow? Don't forget you have to TYPE something!


Also, on 8, with the woodsaw, I discovered a maybe-glitch (I was using firefox) - I did one of the middle pieces LAST and it wouldn't let me set the piece, give me a new piece, or move any old pieces. Not sure if this is a spoiler or not but

I had to start over and go in order.


Smartin -

The 3rd number is not 1

if you really want the number its next


Tumbler May 23, 2006 1:09 PM

Finally done too. It took 28 mins. (without looking at hints)

For Level 7

Have you tried clicking on everything ***around***

Click on the circles (a round, get it?) lol

Pick a quadrant, and then use the sliders to determine the lat and longitude that you need to move the circle to. They should turn blue when they are in the correct place. Then type in the number you make by connecting the circles

santuro May 23, 2006 1:16 PM

im really stuck on 9!!! GRRRR!!!


For Number 8

I can't seem to be able to turn the pieces of wood. I was able to do it once, but haven't been able to do it since. Do I need to click somewhere other than the red bar in the middle?


Mmm... I liked this game, a lot. But yes, the main menu music is terrible. Not only the splice but the whole piece of music is just not quite rewarding. I would use the same music as on level 10.


I'm having a terrible time with Number 8 as well...

I've got all the wood in place, but some of them I had to do multiple times before they would turn green. Now I'm on the last one, and I keep recutting it and lining it up, and it just isn't turning green.


Major hint for the level 10:

rearrange the colours.


And for the turning problem on level 8:

Just place the other end of the log first. But don't click on the red area unless you want to remove the log.


Oh, WOW.

These puzzles are unbeleivably creative!

I'm addicted already.

I LOVE this game!

I don't see how 7 is possible, though.


I feel really dumb, but I'm not getting number 3 at all.

holydevilgal May 23, 2006 4:25 PM

Feeling silly... even after spoilers I don't understand 9. But quite fun! =D

holydevilgal May 23, 2006 4:36 PM

-10 minutes later-

Success! What a trickster, level 9.

For 9, make sure to move the bar all the way right for the paint function to work.


I can't get number 9, all the others I figured out, I found the colors, but I still don't know what to do with them


I was only able to do one (the one with the wires and telephone) I tried the rest and gave up after about a minute. I thought I had the wood one with the nail gun but I guess I was wrong.

Mortice May 23, 2006 5:22 PM

Level 9 has me stumped.

I have

all the blocks painted so that the colours don't disappear at any setting of the bar on the right hand side.

What do I do now? Am I missing something ridiculously simple?


Hint for 9

Intersecting colors should match


I really need help! I'm on #2 and I

can't understand what it's saying on 3


PAH! I JUST finished nine.

when the brownish slider is to the right, there's a bar you can drag. Drag it, and see where the sqaures intersect in the grid. Fill the blank ones with the colors they cross, and you should be fine.

A winner is me, done! 00:47:00


Stacia - on #2:

if you can't understand what it's saying on 3, then you still have more than one recording playing at the same time. Find a way to isolate each recording on its own.



Hmm. Maybe you all can help me. I know I've played some of these before. The initial key puzzle, I found was familiar, as was the rest of the first five. The ones with the colors and lenses, I remembered the answers for some of them, even.

However, the latter puzzles, 6-10, were new and very satisfying to play. Also, the main page is new to me.

So, is this just a continuation of a set, or did they guy add the games his friend made? Where have you all seen these before?


The music in 10 is an exerpt from W.A. Mozart's clarinet concerto KV 622, 3rd movement...


MelonCandy - the first 5 were previously released under the ClickDragType name. Andrew, the game author, just released puzzles 6-10 in this "Deluxe" version, which I should have titled "ClickDragType 2".

I hope that helps put your mind at ease. =)

Mortice May 23, 2006 6:41 PM

Sutter, Luca, thanks, but I'm still stuck. As you can see:, I have every block coloured in so that intersecting blocks match,

and I don't have a green arrow to click or any other indication that I've finished this puzzle. Any ideas? Thanks, I'm tearing my hair out here! :)

Lechloan May 23, 2006 7:12 PM


you got it wrong

GothikPinkLennard May 23, 2006 7:32 PM

I have been familiar with this game for a very long time :)

Its my most faver-ut-ist game EVER.

I would post a spoiler but the fun in this game, honestly, if figuring it out on your own.

The beauty of this game is that everything you need to do is STRAIGHT forward and yet we find ourselves getting mind numbingly stuck on one simple puzzle. :)


GothikPink - While you may have seen the first 5, I'm willing to bet that 6-10 are new to you.

As I mentioned before, there are fresh new puzzles in this expanded collection that was just released.


Level 6 - how do you get the nail gun to work???


#6 Nail gun:

You can move it around with either the cursor keys or the cursor key buttons in the lower right game window.

You have to click on it first to select it. When it's selected, the handle will turn yellow.

Click the Turn button to position it properly, and when it's positioned in an acceptable place, the Fire button will enable.


Thanx for that.


I am having a lot of trouble on level


ive gotten all the logs cut perfectly and the arrow still isnt turnin


any help :) - ?

Metakan May 24, 2006 2:48 AM

I finished all 9 puzzles in 45 minutes but I am stuck on number 3 and I am sure that is the easiest. How do you connect the wires?

Metakan May 24, 2006 2:58 AM

Never mind.... Geez that was easy

Who would have thought to just to draw the lines between the cables


WHOO. Thank you SO much, Zaphod!

njm10Amarillo May 24, 2006 2:34 PM

Jay, this was a fantastic game, mentally draining as it was (had to cheat once or twice but it was necessary). All in all, I'll stick to point and click games. Thanks for putting up this one!


i still cannot figure out the log one... i don't get where the wood is supposed to be exactly...


I think there might be a bug in the wood one. I also could not get the last piece to turn green, and when I closed it and went back to the menu, the piece of wood was still on the screen.


ok, a few questions on the wood one.

1. the little mesure things- do you go from the outside or inside edges of the little orange things?

2. do you place the wood on the little grey tabs sticking out or not?


Sylario May 24, 2006 7:37 PM

I did everything except the 3, i connect the wires the phone ring, i wait he continue to ring, i click on it and... nothing

Evilwumpus May 24, 2006 8:24 PM


I don't know. I think it's the inside. However, it doesn't matter as long as you use the same system for each measurement you make.


Yes. You do NOT place it on the boxes, doing so will give you an X.


The measuring is consistent, assuming that you always measure from exactly the same spot and from the same spot on the orange tabs.


Great games. Only #9 was a stumper.

James Ng May 24, 2006 11:14 PM

Wow! This is amazingly absorbing and yet frustrating at the same time. I managed to do 9 puzzles without any help. Number 7 is the toughie. Only managed to get number 9 after I accidentally dragged to see the hidden color bar.

heinous May 25, 2006 2:45 AM

like it alot, was tons of fun. got a wee bit stumped on #9, so i only got 1:05:39 :(

ah well, can't wait for the next one...

Sylario May 25, 2006 6:07 AM

I am really lost i did all the puzzle except the 3, the one with the phone. What must i do when he ring? i clicked on it but nothing happen, where do i find the numbers?


Great puzzles. Helped in #10 that the music is one of my favourites, Mozart's Clarinet Concerto in A, K.622 (if anyone was wondering)

charlie May 25, 2006 9:36 AM

u know on number 7 the secret is to find the secret of where to put the circles..

the meters u see when u start moving them will help

then u have to put the chain and connect the ccircles in the right way... which im not telling u
not giving specifics

charlie May 25, 2006 9:37 AM

to turn the block on lv 8 u click on the end


I loved puzzle #9- absolutely genius.

Am I the only one that didn't have a tough time figuring it out? my first guess at the solution turned out to be right. A hint:

Every single one of those boxes gets touched by another box- only once, and by only one other box. Hmmm...

We definately need more games like this, or like Unlock. Or... something.


tststs, number 7 is easier than the log-one:-)

just click the rings one time(activates the moving-field)and then click one time within the field. an orange meter appears. what you gotta do is to move the meter in the directions where the orange scales are gone. with this action you move the rings. if you placed them well they will change their color into light green. the rest is easy...cheers and thanks for the coloring machine hints!!!!ngb

Brianna May 25, 2006 8:50 PM


3 you pick up the phone and drag it to the speaker and a voice will call out numbers which you type in the box!

Brianna May 25, 2006 9:24 PM

i can not figure out how to make the wood turn green in number 8!!!!!!!!


ahhh, sound! It should be called, click drag type listen!


finally! finished em all ha!


lvl 4 has me mentally obliterated, any hints before i call a shrink


DerekW, i also as well had an easy time figuring out number nine. it was the second easiest puzzle that i had to face. Great minds think alike.



Wow, that was one great game.

I managed to get it all done without cheating in about an hour.

Simple Andy May 29, 2006 11:03 PM

I am glad to see all the great responses here! Thank jay for this one, he was the one who sought me after playing it somewhere else. Good to see the puzzlers helping the puzzled : P thanks for playing my game! There will be a CDT3 out sometime when I gather enough unique ideas!

cody6052 June 3, 2006 3:37 PM

ok, call me a dork or blind....but i'm on the startup do i get this game started? i'm clicking everything, but can only email Andy, or go to the website...


Cody - click on one of the puzzle pieces to start. If you don't see the puzzle pieces, or nothing happens when you click them, try updating your Flash player.

cody6052 June 3, 2006 3:58 PM

yea, thanks....the pieces didn't show n i tried


A few of the comments on level eight suggest I wasn't alone. Andy, this is probably worth debugging; the bug turned a properly straightforward level into a pain-in-the-ass exercise of trying to figure out whether the logs needed to be flipped 180 degrees, or maybe twitched into perfect vertical, etc. - all the sorts of things which puzzles inferior to this one sometimes require.

The bug showed up in Firefox under Windows XP, and with the bug happening the "log is correct" green outline simply wouldn't appear regardless of correct length, orientation, or placement. It covered all logs cut after (whatever happened behind the scenes), regardless of which spot they were aimed at; in my case it covered the last four logs. Quitting the puzzle and restarting, the cursor remained a log on the title screen (amusing), but once I placed and deleted that log, and reentered the puzzle, it didn't recur.


Ok i've done all of them except 8 and 9. 8 is really getting on my nerves because everyone seems to think it's so damn simple and I CAN'T FIGURE OUT WHAT THE HELL TO DO. Stop telling me I have mental problems and help me figure out what to do!

Please. Because I'm extremely frustrated. Save me :)


I really was pumped to play this game, but the bloody thing wouldn't load for me! T___T

Oh well, I guess I'll have to skip out on the brainteasers, eh?


Hi, Stephanie, the game is loading just fine for me. Are you waiting long enough for the game to load? Depending on your connection, it may take a few moments.

Also, do you have the latest Flash Player installed? Click on the red "Get Flash" button in the sidebar to update your Flash plugin.

Try that and see if that works for you. Let me know how you make out.


i finished it in


is the background song trying to sing something


Hint for 8

all your measurements must end with 0 when the red band is of the log you have it right


On number 9 I am completely stumped. If anyone can post a pic of what it is supposed to look like I'd really appreciate it seeing as I already tried the picture posted which yieldsed no results.


Remember guys, this is an awesome puzzle game. If you give up a get a hint, there's no going back to the feeling of pure satisfaction of doing it yourself. Once it's known, it's known. There's only 10 puzzles. Give it time.


I had the same problem as Eric Finley.

Same version of FF, but on a mac. After finally beating the puzzle, and exiting to the menu, one of the green logs stayed floating, and I can't seem to get rid of it.


Somebody please help with level 6 i'm really stuck!

kayprof June 13, 2006 1:25 PM

Walkthrough for 7:

each circle has a specific position on the screen.To find its position,site the circle till the red bars demarcating position is down to 0.Then play around with the wrench till each hinge fits each circle to spell out a digit to crack the level!Good luck!


could someone post a picture of the log puzzle? i just don't get it!

also, is there a way to completely restart? clearing cookies dosn't work surprisingly...


Ruka - I've just uploaded a new version of the game that lets you clear the game history, among other minor tweaks. Clear your browser cache and then click to get the new one.

Cheers to Andy for the quick fix to the game! =)


Now you're in for some server load... the Myst forums have this link :)


Hi Eleri! Corona here!!! (waves) :) YES!!! Great game. I had to use hints to get through 5 of them. But I am so proud I got the other 5 all on my own. Good puzzles.

You want really tough? Try the 15-minute puzzles of The Path Of The Shell, or Riven, or the Spire Throne puzzle. Yeesh!

What I love about this authors' puzzles is that they jump from logic to logic, & they're diverse. This author is definitely Cyan material.


i finished in 22:07 These games are really cool we need more like them!!!!!!


Ok, I finished level 9, got the green arrow but then it disappeared. Help!


hey ok I was stumped on #8 for a really long time...I knew what to do but for some reason it wouldn't turn green and I always got red x's and I though I must have been doing something really simple wrong becuase I knew exacally what to do I just could get it to turn green instead of red x's and sure enough I was so if you had/have the same problem I did then here's the TINY thing your doing wrong

make sure you don't let the log touch the light gray part of the box only let it touch the dark gray part :)



i really neeed help on 6 and 8

Lorenzo&Gerome July 13, 2006 6:48 AM

OH snap heres a hint for #8

Don't pick the logs up by the red strips...they'll go *POOF*

We're geniuses.

jacs101 July 20, 2006 7:39 PM

i got done in

19 minutes



Can someone please post an image of the solution to puzzle #8


I managed to get them all solved with minimal spoiler help in about 1:10. I thought 9 in particular was especially clever, although 5 was the one I had the most trouble with.


Please HELP! Walkthrough for #3



I finished!


*quieter* 2 hours...*quieter* and 47 minutes...

You can't blame me! I had to take a big dump in the middle.


How do u connect the wires in number 3 i cant figuire it out ?:S? also those coloured balls?


number 10 didnt work for me i knew what to do i did it and it didnt work=[

Sargjaeger August 27, 2006 6:36 PM

One of the best web-games I've ever played. And I have played hundreds. Plus: I'm not even a puzzle-fan.


I got the whole thing done in a time of


so beat that ha!


39:11 so ha to you


Well while you are all sitting there saying ha and bragging about how short of time you solved it in.. maybe you should have tried it without the spoilers.. You probably wouldn't have done it so well.. It took me 2 1/2 hours to solve them and there was a couple I had to use spoilers on, but most I did myself.. So don't brag because everyone who did it the best they could without help knows better.. To all of you looking for help.. Ask for hints.. don't look for the answer unless you absolutely need it because it takes the fun out of it just getting the answers

AestheticWaif September 1, 2006 10:40 AM

Awesome game! I want MORE!!!
Stupid freaking Level 8 wood had me stumped though.
Hey Rulz, it drove me mad as well until I figured out that what isn't mentioned in other spoilers is that:

You need to rotate the grey blocks until the dark grey 'platforms' line up before you measure.

Hope this helps...


1:04 - No spoilers, no hints. Just came here trying to figure out if I was done with the game or not :).


Here is a walkthrough compiled from selected comments

Puzzle #1

  • The "recycle" icon is when you mess up the key and need a new one.

  • Drag the key into the box which will open.

  • Shave down the key so that it lines up to either side. This will open the box below.

  • Drag the sliders on the outside edges so the transparent box forms over the "empty" box to get each number.

  • Type in the numbers from left to right in the white area, then click the green arrow.

Puzzle #2

  • In this puzzle, you must have the sound on.

  • The red dial is for the even numbers and the blue is for the odd numbers.

  • When the lock is closed you are able to turn your dial Right Blue - 1, Left Red - 2, Left Blue - 3, Right Red - 4.

  • Unlock the lock and bring either the red dial or blue dial to the other side to mute it.

  • Then lock it again.

  • Turn the dial that is audible to one side or the other.

  • Listen to the calculation and type what the answer is to the corresponding number on the bottom.

  • Turn the dial for the other number.

  • Repeat this process for the other dial.

  • When this process is done, click on the green arrow.

Puzzle #3

  • On the left side of the puzzle area are four circles with colours. Drag all the circles to the top of the screen.

  • Take note of one colour and drag it down to the bottom. It will change into the colour it needs to be attached to.

  • Click and hold on the first coloured wire that represents the top colour and draw a line to the corresponding coloured wire on the bottom.

  • Repeat this process until all wires are connected.

  • If a mistake has happened or you need to redo, use the wire cutters to erase ALL wire drawings.

  • If done correctly the phone will ring.

  • Drag the receiver to desired volume and wait for a pause in numbers. The number right after the pause is the first number in sequence.

  • Place these numbers in the white box and click green button.

Puzzle #4

  • Drag one of the "eye glasses" around the patterned area to look for "tabs"; Square, Circle, Triangle, and X.

  • In the bottom left area you can drag a little leaver left or right to set to "Move" or "Turn". Use this to adjust the squares so that the tabs on the outside match the tabs on the inside.

  • When they are matched, drag the eye glass around the area that matches the colour of the tabs. This will form a number.

  • Place the number in the corresponding colour in the lower right corner.

  • You will notice that the red input area has 2 underscores. This indicates two digits in the number.

  • Repeat this process till all numbers are entered and then hit the green arrow.

Puzzle #5

  • At the very top is a half circle with a green dot in it. Just move your mouse over this area. A sliding menu will open on the left side with a key and check mark icon.

  • Click on the key icon to get an eye glass.

  • Bring the eye glass to the four-square object.

  • Click on screen to get rid of eye glass.

  • The "mechanical" box in the lower right corner is to paint the colours onto the four-square object.

  • To select what square does not receive the colour, click on a green machine empty square to have them turn to an X. Only the green machine squares that are blank will receive colour.

  • To add colour, which the machine will use, place a canister (Red, Blue, Yellow) that you need near the left side of the machine near the tube.

  • It may be necessary to place two colours to combine them to make a combined colour; Red/Blue = Purple, Red/Yellow = Orange, Blue/Yellow = Green.

  • When you have the colour(s) inserted, place the four-squared object at the top of the green machine.

  • The top blue machine is a cutter. The dark right angle lines represent the square to be cut, and the lighter line connecting them is the cut it will make. If there is no line, then the square is removed (don't worry, the square isn't gone. You can put the square back with the cutter.)

  • To rotate the square to be cut, click on the curved arrow tips.

  • To change the shape of the cut, click within the grey square border.

  • When desired shape and square to be cut place the four-square object on the left side of the machine. You will need to do this a few times to get the right shaped "key".

  • When you are done and match the eye glass example, click on the check mark instead of the key.

Puzzle #6

  • boards: In order to correctly build that shape, you'll have to slide the lowermost rectangle to the top left.

  • nails: You've only got four nails to hold it all together, but fortunately you can pull and redo nails. You can check your work by clicking boards - connected boards highlight and move in unison.

Puzzle #7

  • Line up the circles using the red level meters.

  • Move the circles until the bars above them become clear, unclick it and it should turn blue.

  • Once you have all the circles placed correctly, form a 2 with the arms.

  • After that the lock at the bottom right should turn into an arrow.

  • Type 2 in the white box and click the arrow. You're done.

Puzzle #8

  • Rearrange the gray boxes so the dark gray parts are coming out of it and point to boxes.

  • Make sure none are pointing at nothing.

  • Then cut the wood to fit between the gray boxes to interconnect them.

  • Then click on the green arrow.

Puzzle #9

  • Grab the cover plate to the left of the plunger and slide it right to reveal the paintbox.

  • If the plunger causes two boxes to slide over each other, paint those boxes the same color.

Puzzle #10

  • Listen to the correct song on the left, and try to match that with the pieces on the bottom.

  • After you get the bottom song to play in the correct order, match the shape of the pieces with their colors from the cards.

  • Take the shape of the first piece of the song (along bottom), match it to a color (from the cards), and then change the first color block on the left to the matching color.

mysteryguy September 9, 2006 3:23 PM

I need a walthrough for #3 please help

chicmariana September 15, 2006 11:37 AM

please help me with puzzle 8.I can't seem to figure out wher to put logs.I cut 6 pieces,aligned them on one side of dark grey,nothing happend.what to do ?a picture with solution please

va cowboy October 9, 2006 5:55 PM

help im stuck on 9 for 6 days any help


can someone please help me with number 4. its emarasing to say but i cant work out the code. i think i know how to work it out but it wont let me put in my code :(


its ok.. i did it :)


now i need help with 4


how can i change the color of the cards in lvl 10?


The final step in #7 was cute, hehe.


I'm stuck on level 4... I just can't read the red number, it looks like a greek character turned on its side, or half of an 8, and the red boxbelowhas two dashes underneath it whereas the others only have one... what's the red number? And how the heck am I supposed to figure it out?


Never mind, I got it figured out... I had tried

10, and it didn't work, but it turned out that

it was one of the other numbers I had upside down.


Woot. Finally! 1:38:37. Hey I had to feed my dog and cat. Plus I had like 80 cups of soda.


nubmer 7 is EASY! how an you not figure it out!

click on a circle and chose a box, then see those two red line? yeh well you gotta make them BOTH disapear nother little clue once al the circles are plaes corectly they sould form the shape of a number, then all you do is place the bars till they fit onto each circle.

diamondhead January 5, 2007 11:17 PM

I liked all of them but number 8. Number 8 was just plain tedious to measure, cut the wood (which took just about forever to cut one piece, it kept popping back to the top of the log), then find out that something wen't wrong and it doesn't like it, measure it again, do another long cutting sequence, and then find out that it's still too big. I haven't finished the game because number 8 is too freaking irritating.


#4 is evil!!

I was stuck thinking 10 for red was wrong, but my mistake was the 9 pretending to be a six!

awesome game. just great.

Criminal9021 January 18, 2007 9:17 PM

I Found out the # for number 7!!!!!

It's 7!!



Just type "2" in the little white box under the lock... you're welcome everyone who wanted the answer to #7.

Yazmyster January 20, 2007 6:15 PM

all you have to do is click on the circles and zero out the gages. then you just line up the the circles with your arm levers. which well tell you the secret number to pass the stage.


i'am from China.i'm not good at English.who can tell me the keys for 2?thanks
i want to know the 4 numbers.


help on second part of #1 please.


Did everything except for 14 in less than an hour...
Damn... :)


#5 - I got the shapes exactly right, I click on the check mark, goes to the other screen and nothing. What am missing?


Im Stuck on number 8 how do u turn the wood round


please can somone give me the answer to number 10 im so stuck i've made the tune the same an i've done the shape and colour thing and its still not working soo please can somone give me the answer


I did it in 52:04. Yay I had a lot of trouble with #4, because I thought the..

last number was a 6 when I originally did it without looking at the shapes on the sides

x0xbl0ndi3x0x March 3, 2007 1:22 PM

On level 3
I can't figure out...

what cables you connect. I know you just draw the line but which one goes to which


x0xbl0ndi3x0x March 3, 2007 2:26 PM

Never mind i figured it out
but now i cant figure out number 7
can someone explain it to me
and please do a GOOD job explaining it!


I need hints for #6, I just cant get the right shape of the boards right. Thanks.


I need more hints for #9! It's driving me crazy! It's the last one I have left and I can't figure it out! Argh!

Dummer-N-Dirt March 10, 2007 7:23 PM

call me stupid but the red band on the logs had me stumped for an hour

BrokenFixer March 12, 2007 3:37 PM

Second half of CDT...

Spoiler on #6:

In order to correctly build that shape, you'll have to slide the lowermost rectangle to the top left.


You've only got four nails to hold it all together, but fortunately you can pull and redo nails. You can check your work by clicking boards - connected boards highlight and move in unison.

Spoiler on #7:

Click a circle, click a quadrant, then slide the circle to "zero out" the orange vert/horiz error bars.

...and then...

After positioning all five circles, grab and rotate the wrench to match. The green ring moves the wrench, blue rotates it about green, orange rotates about blue, and so on.

And on #8:
Um, it doesn't matter whether a tape measure reads inside-inside or outside-outside! Just use it the same way in your workspace as in the field, and you can't go wrong.

After you've cut and placed a board, the red strip discards your board. :( Instead, hover the mouse over the northernmost part of the board, then click and drag left-right to rotate. Click elsewhere to reposition it again.

Spoiler on #9:

Grab the cover plate to the left of the plunger and slide it right to reveal the paintbox.

...still stuck?

If the plunger causes two boxes to slide over each other, paint those boxes the same color.

Spoiler on #10:

If the horizontal shape bar is in the correct order and the vertical color bar is in the correct order, simply click on the continue strip to "deal the cards"! (That thin vertical strip just to the left of the green advance arrow.)


How do i get past th on with the colored and emty squares?


SapphireSiren April 22, 2007 5:06 PM

I figured out the bug on the wood one (#8).

If you click on the red area of the log, it just gets rid of the long as soon as you drag it out into the open area. If you set it down after grabbing any brown part, it will let you turn it and set it without any problems. Don't touch the red.

By the way, on the one with the circles and rods (#7), there is no meter that shows up. I'm stuck on this one and I don't know what to do. I think I missed something...

MR. scary May 9, 2007 7:15 AM

please help me i am stuck on puzzle 2 i need a detailed walkthrough contains words that are not used in high classes like 8th or something like that.


It's 2AM, I can't anymore. I am new at this type of games (I got hooked with escape games first). I finished the 6th puzzle, I am sitting and playing games for hours, and for the last hour or so I played Click Drag Type and it drained me... So much that

when I moved the boards (it was quick, I am a master in using space, I move a lot :) and got the shape, I couldn't figure out how to use the nail gun (?!?), because at first I presumed that I can't move it (!!! - definitely tired). I stayed and managed to finish it only because I knew I saw the FIRE button activated while moving the boards (probably I selected the nail gun close to a board by accident), so I figured there had to be a way... Now, I read the writings on the wall and

I know it's time for bed.

Good night and don't stay up too late... :)


i'm confused on #6, i know most of you probably think it's easy and that i'm stupid for asking, but can somebody help me?

i got all the boards put together and hit the down arrow on top. the string thing came down and all of them are held together, but nothing happens! did i not do something??

Please Help!!!
by the way--i'm not sure if that qualifies as a "spoiler"...probably does though! haha


I am sooooo stuck on number 4.....none of them are looking like numbers. Can anyone help??


For some reason, I cant finish puzzle #1! I know what to do and everything,

but I cant type the numbers in the box.

Is anyone else having that problem? I have a Mac so I didnt know if that has something to do with it..


finally finished. really only had trouble with 9 and 10
It took me one hour and twenty four minutes


Okay..I think I'm just a moron, but I can't do the first part of puzzle #1. You can't shave keys UP, so how are you supposed to get it even with the sides or whatever?


call me dumb but what is the 4 digit code for :4

help me help me!!!!


i hate # 9 out of all of them!!! i dont get it!! i colored the blocks, i move to se if they match IDK!!!! its annoying. but i ♥ the game tho!!! very interesting. =)


For #6, with the boards, I have on clue how to build that shape..... in respone to some of the spoilers...

What does it mean for slide the lowermost rectangle to the upper left? And which rectange is the lowermost? The lowermost one when the level starts? I don't understand!!! I am an idiot.

Murdoc Niccals January 31, 2008 9:37 PM

How are you supposed to make the shape on #6? how about somebody posts a screenshot or something?


Help! Can't get CDT or CDT3 to load! Worked earlier today, now nothing.

[Edit: Both are working for me. Are you sure you're still having trouble? -Jay]


I am annoyed at 8. The first and last horizontals won't turn green.


Wow, found this place looking for the second ClickDragType. It should be called ClickDragTypeListen, I tried beating it without sound, and of course it was impossible... Oh well off to play the second.

I HATE #8 May 22, 2008 2:55 PM

Everytime I cut the wood to my measurement it ends up longer and doesn't fit between the measures any more. Is this a glitch. I have been cutting with guuessing but I still can't get the last board, Argh!


I think I'm stupid... I'm stuck on level 6. That shape looks really weird.. T-T Help?


i need help on 5# i need the codes

i have green 2, blue 5, yellow 6



on level 8 im having trouble with the wood, i cut about 40 pieces of wood and in two of the spaces none of them fit, does anyone know whats going on


What are they saying in number 4? I don't understand it. Can someone tell me?


Level 8 is broken...I'm having the same issue, the last board fits but won't turn green. :(


i cant do the first one


I can't really hear what 3 is saying on Puzzle #2.

It sounds like 3 multiply divided 3.

I don't really get it....


I finished in 1:00:50 some were easy some weren't but the hardest one was #4

rainbowkenny May 27, 2009 9:58 PM

So I finally beat the game. Thanks to everyone here who posted a hint. I ended up with a time of 00:43:19. Thank you again

anonymous July 8, 2009 5:50 PM

can someone post a pic of lvl 11 done plzz


Number 8 I couldn't complete, when I got to the final piece to put in, it wouldnt work, a box wouldn't have a X inside it if I put one inside a box, and when I put the correct size and connectewd the end and the last box, it decided not to connect.


It's good to hear a number of other people are having troubles with #8. I am completely dumbfounded. I've gotten four of the 6 logs in place to the point where the red stripe has disappeared and I can no longer move them which I assume means they are set. But with the last two (Log 6 and Log 4 in order) the red Xs on the platforms aren't even showing anymore if they are too long. I've tried measuring mm by mm and nothing seems to be working. I don't want to give up but this is ridiculous.


The answer for 2 is:

Not yet




Amazing! No one can say the answer of #2!
Every one knows what to do, but the code, no one knows...


I have no clue on the circle color things... is it #3 or #4, and what do you do!?!?


i sound really dumb, but on number 6 i dont get how to get the drill out of the box :P


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