Civiballs 2
Civiballs 2 is a phuzzle, heavy on the uzzle. Guide colored balls to their respective urns by cutting chains and letting momentum do its thing. This is one sequel that packs just as much oomph as the original!
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Yup, that did it. Was a bit complicated, here's a walkthrough for anyone who might get stuck like I did:
Drop the grey ball that's hanging by two chains into the catapult (you'll have to swing it over to make it land right)
Drop the red ball, he'll bounce into his pot.
Release the catapult, it will start the middle grey ball swinging, use him to knock in the red ball on the left.
Drop the grey ball on the right, it will put the one below it in position for the green ball to bounce off of him and into his pot.
I'm fairly sure I used the catapult.
As to screwed physics: cry more. The physics aren't perfect, but they don't need to be, because they're consistent and super-accurate physics would be completely unnecessary and make it harder - have fun with your pixel-perfect timing. Nothing makes me nerd rage more than "good game" being sacrificed on the altar of "good physics".
I'm stuck on R10 I9 V9.
Rome, LVL 10:
Cut top most grey guy
Swing top red guy onto platform, knocking off one grey ball to the right
Cut large grey ball
Swing lower red ball into cannon, he goes home.
Use ramp on right to drop green swinging ball into cannon, he goes home.
Use channel on the right to drop yellow ball onto ramp, into cannon, he knocks second red ball home then goes home himself.
Inca, LVL 7:
Swing red ball into crossbow on right.
Drop middle grey ball.
Fire red ball.
Drop grey ball on right, red ball goes home.
Cut swinging grey ball so he goes left and plugs hole.
Swing green ball into left crossbow, fire, he goes home.
Inca, LVL 8:
Swing green ball into updraft, he goes home.
Drop both grey balls, one red ball goes home and one green goes home.
Fire catapult, last red ball goes home.
Inca, LVL 9:
Swing lower red ball to right, he goes home.
Release chain on platform for upper red ball, he goes home.
Drop upper left green ball, two greens go home.
Drop upper left grey ball, one more green goes home.
Drop remaining grey ball (upper right) and final green goes home.
Inca, LVL 10: (more than one way to do this one)
Swing green ball into crossbow, fire, he goes home.
Drop upper right red ball, he goes home.
Cut swinging red ball so that he goes left, he'll go home (the long way).
Swing lower grey ball to the left, so that he rests up against the green pot.
Drop final green ball, he goes home.
Vikings, LVL 9:
Swing lower (small) green ball into the red ball on right, he'll go home.
Swing upper red ball to left, into crossbow, fire, he'll knock green ball home.
Drop fatty green ball, he and red ball will go home.
Cut swinging red ball so he goes right.
Cut right chain on grey ball and time the swing so that he knocks red ball home.
Here's the final level too:
Swing lower yellow ball into crossbow.
Swing red ball to the left, he goes home.
Swing green ball to the right, as soon as he's even with the lower grey ball, fire the crossbow, both yellow and green ball will go home.
Swing upper grey ball to the right, and drop him straight down onto crossbow
Drop second grey ball, he'll join his buddy in the crossbow.
Swing final yellow ball left, he goes home.
Tahsis: To address your comment on why so many games exhibit the same physics, Civiballs, like many other games uses the Box2D physics engine. It is a popular choice due to it being open-source, efficient, and easy to implement.
I'm not sure I understand your complaint about the bouncing, but I am certain that Box2D correctly accounts for mass and inertia. Probably in this case, the game maker chose to give larger objects the same mass as smaller ones (thus having a lower density).
PS, since Box2D is open-source, you can take your own crack at improving it if you like:
Oh I love this game even more than I loved first part! This game is more challanging than most of physics games, which is ofcourse advantage. Sweet graphics, suprises and all that stuff gave me a great warmup before work. My this week's best!
PS. Here's my video walkthrough for all levels if you guys need it:
I guess I'll write a walkthrough. :) I'll list them in the civs' RL chronological order.
Rome 1:
Cut the green ball.
Wait for it to stop and cut the red ball.
Rome 2:
Cut the gray ball.
Wait for the red ball to get over the hole and cut it.
Wait for the green ball to get over its urn and cut it.
Rome 3:
Swing the green ball right and cut it.
Cut the right gray ball.
Wait until it gets into the crossbow and then fire it.
Cut the gray ball when it's swinging right.
Rome 4:
Cut the green ball.
Cut the left red ball.
Cut only the left chain on the gray ball.
Cut the red ball when it's swinging left.
Fire the catapult when the gray ball's going right.
Rome 5:
Swing the yellow the ball right and cut it.
Swing the green ball right and cut it so that it falls into the windmill.
Fire the catapult.
Cut the gray ball when it's swinging to the right.
Rome 6:
Cut the red ball.
Cut the right green ball.
Cut the yellow ball.
Cut the left green ball.
Rome 7:
Swing bottom green ball to the right and cut it.
Cut the urn's rope.
Cut the top red ball and the bottom one quickly after so that they both go in.(Might take a few tries.)
Cut the top green ball.
Rome 8:
This level's kind of just trail-and-error.
Swing the right green ball left and drop it down the hole.
Try to hit them both with the big red ball there.
Drop the big red ball into it's urn.
Swing the little red ball right and drop it down the hole so that it shoots up and hits the big green ball.
Swing that ball left and into it's urn.
Rome 9:
Cut the red ball.
Cut the left gray ball.
Cut the middle gray ball.
Cut the right gray ball so that it plugs the hole left of it.
Fire the crossbow.
Rome 10:
Swing the top-left red ball left and drop it into it's urn.
Cut both gray balls.
Swing the other red ball right and drop it into the cannon.
Cut the green ball when it's swinging right so that it falls into the cannon.
Cut the yellow ball when it's swinging right so that it falls into the cannon.
Vikings 1:
Cut the red ball.
Cut the green ball.
Vikings 2:
Cut the green ball.
Cut the gray ball.
Cut the red ball when it's over it's urn.
Vikings 3:
Cut the red ball's left chain.
Cut the green ball's right chain.
Cut them both down.
Vikings 4:
Swing the yellow ball left and into the hole.
Cut the red ball.
Fire the crossbow.
Cut the green ball.
Vikings 5:
Cut the top-middle red ball.
Swing the bottom-left red ball left into the cannon.
Cut the top-right green ball.
Drop the left green ball into the cannon.
Cut the swinging right red ball left.
Vikings 6:
Drop the left red ball.
Drop the gray ball.
Drop the green ball.
Drop the swinging red ball to the left and into it's urn.
Drop the right red ball.
Vikings 7:
Cut the right green ball.
Cut the right red ball.
*ship sails left*
Cut the gray ball.
Cut the left red ball.
Cut the left green ball.
Vikings 8:
Swing the red ball down the hole.
Cut the right green ball.
Cut the sled.
Cut the left green ball's right chain and drop it when it's over the gray ball and quickly cut the gray ball.(This may take a few tries.)
Vikings 9:
Swing the top-middle red ball left, down the hole, and into the crossbow.
Swing the small left ball right into the red one.
Fire the crossbow.
Cut the top-left ball when it's going right so it'll roll down the hole.
Swing the gray ball into the red ball under it.
Drop the giant green ball.
Vikings 10:
Swing the left gray ball right and into the catapult.
Drop the red ball.
Fire the catapult.
Throw the swinging gray ball left into the red ball.
Drop the right gray ball.
Drop the green ball.
Inca 1:
Cut the right gray ball.
Cut the left gray ball.
Inca 2:
Swing the red ball right and cut it.
Fire the arrow.
Swing the green ball right and cut it.
Inca 3:
Cut the top-left gray ball.
Cut the gray ball above the red ball.
Cut the gray ball above the green ball.
Use the last gray ball to knock the green ball into it's urn.
Inca 4:
Cut the right red ball.
Use the giant gray ball to plug up the cannon.
Cut the green ball.
Cut the left red ball.
Inca 5:
Swing the gray ball left and drop it into the cannon.
Cut the right green ball.
Cut the red ball.
Cut the left green ball.
Inca 6:
Release the left balloon.
*platform moves left*
Drop red ball.
Release the right balloon.
*platform moves right*
*platform moves left*
Cut the gray ball.
Inca 7:
Swing the red ball right and drop it into the right crossbow.
Drop the middle gray ball.
Fire the right crossbow.
Drop the right gray ball.
Swing the green ball into left crossbow.
Drop the left swinging gray ball left into the hole.
Inca 8:
Swing the green ball left and drop over volcano.
Drop the bottom gray ball into the catapult.
Cut the big gray ball.
Inca 9:
Swing the bottom red ball right and throw it over the hole.
Cut the big platform with the red ball on it free.
Cut the green ball.
Cut the middle gray ball.
Cut the right gray ball.
Inca 10:
Swing the bottom green ball right and drop it into the crossbow.
Cut the right red ball.
Fire the crossbow.
Cut the left red ball when it swings right.
Swing the gray ball left and throw it over the crossbow.
Cut the green ball.
Final Level:
Swing the lower yellow ball into the crossbow.
Swing the red ball left and down the hole.
Swing the green ball right and down the hole. When it's level with the bottom gray ball, fire the crossbow.
Swing the top grey ball to the right and down the hole.(Easy to miss.)
Cut the bottom gray ball.
Swing the other yellow ball left and down the hole.
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Walkthrough Guide
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I guess I'll write a walkthrough. :) I'll list them in the civs' RL chronological order.
Rome 1:
Cut the green ball.
Wait for it to stop and cut the red ball.
Rome 2:
Cut the gray ball.
Wait for the red ball to get over the hole and cut it.
Wait for the green ball to get over its urn and cut it.
Rome 3:
Swing the green ball right and cut it.
Cut the right gray ball.
Wait until it gets into the crossbow and then fire it.
Cut the gray ball when it's swinging right.
Rome 4:
Cut the green ball.
Cut the left red ball.
Cut only the left chain on the gray ball.
Cut the red ball when it's swinging left.
Fire the catapult when the gray ball's going right.
Rome 5:
Swing the yellow the ball right and cut it.
Swing the green ball right and cut it so that it falls into the windmill.
Fire the catapult.
Cut the gray ball when it's swinging to the right.
Rome 6:
Cut the red ball.
Cut the right green ball.
Cut the yellow ball.
Cut the left green ball.
Rome 7:
Swing bottom green ball to the right and cut it.
Cut the urn's rope.
Cut the top red ball and the bottom one quickly after so that they both go in.(Might take a few tries.)
Cut the top green ball.
Rome 8:
This level's kind of just trail-and-error.
Swing the right green ball left and drop it down the hole.
Try to hit them both with the big red ball there.
Drop the big red ball into it's urn.
Swing the little red ball right and drop it down the hole so that it shoots up and hits the big green ball.
Swing that ball left and into it's urn.
Rome 9:
Cut the red ball.
Cut the left gray ball.
Cut the middle gray ball.
Cut the right gray ball so that it plugs the hole left of it.
Fire the crossbow.
Rome 10:
Swing the top-left red ball left and drop it into it's urn.
Cut both gray balls.
Swing the other red ball right and drop it into the cannon.
Cut the green ball when it's swinging right so that it falls into the cannon.
Cut the yellow ball when it's swinging right so that it falls into the cannon.
Vikings 1:
Cut the red ball.
Cut the green ball.
Vikings 2:
Cut the green ball.
Cut the gray ball.
Cut the red ball when it's over it's urn.
Vikings 3:
Cut the red ball's left chain.
Cut the green ball's right chain.
Cut them both down.
Vikings 4:
Swing the yellow ball left and into the hole.
Cut the red ball.
Fire the crossbow.
Cut the green ball.
Vikings 5:
Cut the top-middle red ball.
Swing the bottom-left red ball left into the cannon.
Cut the top-right green ball.
Drop the left green ball into the cannon.
Cut the swinging right red ball left.
Vikings 6:
Drop the left red ball.
Drop the gray ball.
Drop the green ball.
Drop the swinging red ball to the left and into it's urn.
Drop the right red ball.
Vikings 7:
Cut the right green ball.
Cut the right red ball.
*ship sails left*
Cut the gray ball.
Cut the left red ball.
Cut the left green ball.
Vikings 8:
Swing the red ball down the hole.
Cut the right green ball.
Cut the sled.
Cut the left green ball's right chain and drop it when it's over the gray ball and quickly cut the gray ball.(This may take a few tries.)
Vikings 9:
Swing the top-middle red ball left, down the hole, and into the crossbow.
Swing the small left ball right into the red one.
Fire the crossbow.
Cut the top-left ball when it's going right so it'll roll down the hole.
Swing the gray ball into the red ball under it.
Drop the giant green ball.
Vikings 10:
Swing the left gray ball right and into the catapult.
Drop the red ball.
Fire the catapult.
Throw the swinging gray ball left into the red ball.
Drop the right gray ball.
Drop the green ball.
Inca 1:
Cut the right gray ball.
Cut the left gray ball.
Inca 2:
Swing the red ball right and cut it.
Fire the arrow.
Swing the green ball right and cut it.
Inca 3:
Cut the top-left gray ball.
Cut the gray ball above the red ball.
Cut the gray ball above the green ball.
Use the last gray ball to knock the green ball into it's urn.
Inca 4:
Cut the right red ball.
Use the giant gray ball to plug up the cannon.
Cut the green ball.
Cut the left red ball.
Inca 5:
Swing the gray ball left and drop it into the cannon.
Cut the right green ball.
Cut the red ball.
Cut the left green ball.
Inca 6:
Release the left balloon.
*platform moves left*
Drop red ball.
Release the right balloon.
*platform moves right*
*platform moves left*
Cut the gray ball.
Inca 7:
Swing the red ball right and drop it into the right crossbow.
Drop the middle gray ball.
Fire the right crossbow.
Drop the right gray ball.
Swing the green ball into left crossbow.
Drop the left swinging gray ball left into the hole.
Inca 8:
Swing the green ball left and drop over volcano.
Drop the bottom gray ball into the catapult.
Cut the big gray ball.
Inca 9:
Swing the bottom red ball right and throw it over the hole.
Cut the big platform with the red ball on it free.
Cut the green ball.
Cut the middle gray ball.
Cut the right gray ball.
Inca 10:
Swing the bottom green ball right and drop it into the crossbow.
Cut the right red ball.
Fire the crossbow.
Cut the left red ball when it swings right.
Swing the gray ball left and throw it over the crossbow.
Cut the green ball.
Final Level:
Swing the lower yellow ball into the crossbow.
Swing the red ball left and down the hole.
Swing the green ball right and down the hole. When it's level with the bottom gray ball, fire the crossbow.
Swing the top grey ball to the right and down the hole.(Easy to miss.)
Cut the bottom gray ball.
Swing the other yellow ball left and down the hole.
Posted by: Ullallulloo
January 25, 2011 2:15 PM