An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.


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4.5/5 (700 votes)

Best Game award winner at the Flash Forward Festival in San Francisco, Chasm is a point-and-click adventure game that stands head-and-shoulders above the rest of the pack. Containing top-notch production values that rivals many commercial products, the animation is excellent with colors and cell shaded graphics that resemble a Warner Bros. Loony-Toons cartoon. Highly recommended.

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Walkthrough Guide

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Chasm Walkthrough

The Beginning

  1. After the intro, put your mouse over Joe when he stops moving. It will change to a hand icon.

  2. Click on Joe, and he will go across a bridge of wooden beams. After he walks for a bit, a piece of wood will collapse under Joe. He catches himself, so all is well.

Getting Inside the Structure

  1. Joe will continue along the path. When he stops and looks at you, click on the path in front of Joe. He will walk in that direction.

  2. Joe will round the corner and come to a spot where water is pouring into the chasm from the broken part of the channel. He can
    traverse to the very end of the bridge right before the place where the gap begins; so click anywhere in this area for him to continue.

  3. Click the inside of the channel (to Joe's left). He will hop to this area safely.

  4. Now move your mouse to the left, (behind Joe), and click. He will go down a tunnel and arrive at a dead end. (Note that the door
    is closed).

  5. Click on the ladder so Joe can climb it.

Inside the Structure

  1. When Joe reaches the top, you can click on the windows and see outside to get an idea of what's ahead. But we won't be attending to these spots just yet. For now, walk Joe over to the blue lever, and click it so that he can turn it.

  2. Walk Joe over to the window at the far top right of the screen and click the window. Joe will make a short trip, and you will see him pass by a window overlooking the broken channel.

  3. When Joe comes to a stop, click the round window on the right wall for Joe to go through it.

Getting to the Top

  1. You should now see an overhead view of the chasm. Click the top of the channel that Joe is in; he will make his way to a point where water is pouring through a hole.

  2. Make Joe climb the ladder.

  3. When he stops, click the ladder on the pipe, and he will climb it.

  4. When Joe stops again, he will be on a plank with 3 valves. Click the valve near him. (This is "valve 3", counting from left to right).

  5. As Joe turns this valve, it lowers a door that dams the flowing water. The trapdoor below is now accessible.

Crossing the Chasm - The Two Valves

  1. Click on the rope below the middle valve so that it drops, and let Joe climb down the rope.

  2. Click on the trapdoor to open it, and then again so that Joe will climb down inside.

  3. Now click the bridge. Joe will make his way across.

  4. Let him go up the ladder to another trapdoor. Click once for it to open, and again to make him go through.

  5. After he emerges, click the bottom of the screen so that Joe walks toward you.

  6. Make Joe climb the ladder to the narrow ledge, and then around the corner to the right.

  7. Joe will be near 2 valves. Take him to the valve between the 2 wheels and get him to turn it.

Back to the Three Valves

  1. Now you need to get Joe back to that rope. Click the right side of the ledge that Joe is standing on. (This is where he entered this area). He will go back to the ladder.

  2. Climb down the ladder, go down through the trapdoor, back across the bridge, and then up through the first trapdoor. Voila, there is the rope.

  3. Click the rope so Joe can climb up. Note that the 3rd valve is lower than the 1st 2. This is because Joe already turned it.

  4. Now, turn valves 1 and 2 to lower the doors, and turn the 3rd valve to lift that door again. Now Joe needs to get to the other side of the chasm where there are only 2 valves again. (See "Crossing the Chasm - The Two Valves").

The Two Valves - Round Two

  1. Once you are at the 2 valves again, you need to turn them both. (You already closed the valve between the 2 wheels; it now needs to be opened, and the other needs to be closed). You will see a brief scene with water flowing. Joe will run along the ledge and stop to watch the water flowing near a pipe.

Pink Belts

  1. Walk Joe to the end of the ledge where he is watching the water, and then around that corner. Continue along past the ladder (do not go down the ladder — keep moving) — and you will see a pink, spinning belt.

  2. Get Joe close to the belt and then click on it. He will jump up and grab it, and ride to the top.

  3. Click the far end of the plank that Joe is on (towards the top of your screen).

  4. Click the wooden planks ahead of Joe so that he will continue. He will stop near a hanging sack.

To the Telescope or the Sack?

  1. At this point, you can either take a detour to the telescope to get a good view of the water system, or continue on via the sack. From the telescope, you may be able to to figure out how the system works and solve the rest of the puzzle. If you'd like to try the detour, continue to the next spoiler. If not, continue here...

  2. For now, we shall bypass the sack to get a good look at the water system. Click on the ledge in the distance (above Joe).

  3. Then click to the left of the screen.

  4. When Joe stops, click on the wooden step on the lower right of the screen. Joe will make his way along these precarious steps.

  5. When he stops near a curving tower, click ahead of him so that he will continue.

  6. Now click the telescope for a better look.

    • To move up or down, left click on the screen and drag in either direction.

    • To zoom in, place the mouse on the outer circle of the telescope view and drag downward.

    • To zoom out, follow the same procedure and drag upward.

    • To exit the telescope view, click anywhere outside of the glass lens.

Returning to the Sack

  1. Click the wooden steps below the telescope and Joe will make his merry way back to the ledge. Now go down the tunnel and he will reach the sack again.

The Sack

  1. Click on the sack so Joe can jump in.

  2. Click to the left of the screen (in front of Joe), and the sack will make its way to the other side.

  3. To get him out, click the ground.

  4. Now click the ledge in the distance, and Joe will make his way along it. He will arrive at the top of a set of ledges with wooden steps. Now, he needs to get to the ground level to tackle this problem.

Maze of Pipes

  1. Oh Joy. A maze. Get Joe inside the 4th pipe (from the left).

  2. Keep going straight ahead, past tunnel exits labled "D1", "D2", and "D3".

  3. When Joe gets to exit "D4", make a left into that tunnel. He will now be at juncture "C4A", where light is pouring through.

  4. Click to the left of Joe, and he will emerge at "C4".

  5. Click the tunnel hole at the top of the screen.

  6. Go left at "C5", and left at "B5". He will arrive at "A5", where there is a door.

  7. Open the door and click the ladder so Joe can climb up. Joe is now at door "A9".

  8. Once inside door "A9", go straight ahead, past "B9", and make a left at "B10".

  9. No, you are NOT going to that light ahead. When you pass "A10", you will see another light at the end of that tunnel. Head straight towards it. Make Joe walk along the ledge until he reaches a wooden plank and a valve.

  10. Open the valve and Joe will surf along with the water. He thinks he's finally made it. (Not yet!)

The Belts Revisited

  1. So after quite a ride and a bit of banging up, Joe ends up back on the ledge. Now walk Joe along the ledge, around the corner, and back to those pink belts. This time, we are choosing the belt in the middle. Grab it in the same way you did earlier. Joe will land on a small ledge.

  2. Send Joe into the dark entrance, and he will make his way again
    to the sack.

  3. When the sack stops moving, click the ledge to Joe's right so he can get out. This time when he jumps out, the sack retreats to its former spot. Tough luck, Joe.

The Beginning is the End

  1. Well, there is nothing to do now except to go down the road (back toward the sack). Joe will end up near the broken channel, which is where he was in the beginning of the game. Get him back to the control room as you did earlier.

  2. Joe needs to turn the lever again so that the direction of the water will head once more to Chasmton. After this, he will do the rest to get back to his town, and you will finally be able to relax and watch him cruise home.

Congratulations! \o/

Chasm pipes map
this is a map for any having trouble climbing the pipe


this game is really good jay....


Great game. It took a while but got through it. Make more like that!!


the ending
the challenges
the cute character
the pipes
the story
the bird


thumbs up.


hmm who wants to give some advice for after you get up the 6 pipes?? dont need to ruin it, just helpful information! hehe


this is hard

i kant go further cause all i got to was the place where you can ride in the bag & ive done it a cupple times i need help or else ill flelp*!

*flelp: go crazy! (i wanted it to ryme)


I dont know how to get up the pipes either. Plz help someone!


go up c and then go up 3 whole sections, then when you get to the 4th go to your right right away. then after the wave passes, go up 1/2 (i forget but i dont think it matters) and go left twice through the pipes on the side and then up the ladder. then after you get up the ladder go up twice and then to your left. thats as far as i get and then idk what else to do. if anyone else has any suggestions after you turn on the water POST A NOTE!! its killing me.


This game is brilliant! Bring on the sequel


Kate, that is only as far as I get as well. I feel your pain! I cant finish the game because it doesn't matter which way I go, I keep ending back at the door!


to: kate
after you click on the wheel and "swim" then climb the second pully and POST ANOTHER NOTE!


(after kate's)
after you click the wheel then go up the 2nd loop. then go to the water system (not the pipes) and put all the switches on the 1st side down. then go to the 2nd side and put the 2nd switch down. then change the rightmost switch on the first side. change both the switches on the 2nd sidethen go up the 2nd loop. then go to the room with 2 hallways, and change the switch...and you're off!


Well i did it, very frustrating climbing the pipes, took forever but enjoyable! From that point on very easy, bit of a disappointing ending really considering it was quite difficult!

Hey Ho!

Can we have a sequel please which is longer and a more satisfying ending?


can some 1 plz tell me were to go!
im only up to the bit were there r pink belts with arrows pointing upwards and i dont no how to get them working!
plz can some 1 tell me wat to do next i really want to finish it and im nearly in tears!



You need to lower the first and second wheel on the opposite side to the belts (go near wheel and double click)then go to the belt side and lower the first and second wheel. Go back to the opposite side to the belts and raise the first wheel only. Then go back to the belts and raise first wheel, then go to belt side and raise first wheel, They should then work. Then just jump onto the moving belt to go up to the high level.


Ps Don't want to spoilt it for you, get stuck write another question.



i do not get u!!!



dear hania,
if you want to move the belts i have a way grab the belt(just click on the belt)right click your mouse then click on play but some computers dont have that


has anybody ever won this game?


Aleea - I have finished the game, and without cheating as you have described. The game is fairly short and not that difficult. The worst part for me was getting up the pipes. Once you do that, the game is essentially won.


i am haveing trouble going up the pipes once i get to the middle the water rushes out on me. can somebody post a note!!!!!!

this game is great jay.......!!



ive just started this game and i have no idea wat to do now someone plz help me!


aleea r u there?
im at the begining and have no idea what to do! plz help me!!!!!!!!!!!!


i cant really help u if i dont know where u r at tell me what your surroundings are then i can help u


My hardest part was just figuring out that you could just use the belts to go up to the next level once they were moving.

To get up the pipes, it's helpful to see the layout of the pipes. When you're at the conveyer belt place, go to the left gear/water paddle. It has water feed shoot, click it. This will allow you to see the mess of pipes you have to climb up. You may want to save the screen by hitting the PrintScreen button and then pasting it into paint. That will keep a display of the screen, which you can reference as a map when you're going up the pipes. When you're in the pipes "forward" means you're moving up a pipe (for example, from A0 to A1) and going left or right means your switching pipes (from, say, A1 to B1.) What you will have to notice is three things: on level C4 there's a hole, which means you can stick your head and not get flushed out. After that you go over left a few pipes to pipe A, something like section A6 or A7 I guess. At this point, there's a door you can step out of, and a ladder just outside that. If you've got the pipe map for referencing, you can barely make it out on the left side. Go up the ladder, wait for the water to go by, and continue up. The tunnel will merge into pipe B, then just go left and back into pipe A and continue up ("forward".) Then you're out.

The rest is pretty easy, and I won't ruin it ;)


I've gotten up past the pipes and managed to get the water flowing, then what?


Huahoooo!! It's really exciting playing this game with my son. I've got the pipes and so on, but we can't figure out how to get the water flows to the right place... Someone?!?!

Terje BrÂten April 4, 2005 5:36 PM

What to do after you have solved the problem with the flushing pipes?
What do you do after you have surfed down from the top of the dam?

Here are some hints for you. Do not read further if you want to solve it on your own.

The purpose of being on the top of that dam in the first place, is to get the smaller pink conveyor belt moving. The water is makeing the upper wheel

Now, what is the purpose of the whole game? If you skipped the intro, shame on you. If not you know the purpose is to get the water back to Chasmville.
Go back to the game and try some more with the purpose in mind.

Ok, more hints ....

The smaller upper pink belt gave you a way to get from that side of the chasm, and back to the side of the chasm where you started. When you enter the broken aquaduct, you see a sign on the floor, pointing to Chasmville. This is where you need to get the water to flow. Up the ladder is what I call the water gate control room. It has a magnificent view with 3 windows and an open door.

So what about the water gate control room?
In the water gate control room, you could control the flow of the water.
If you had some water flowing there.

How do you do that? Go to the game and ponder some more ...

Hmm, do you still want some more hints?

You need to route the water into the spare aquaduct. The tunnel that you go through with the view to the broken aquaduct is the spare aquaduct.

I am sure you are now able to go back to the game, and solve the rest of the puzzle.



Here is yet another hint.

By surfing down from the dam, and starting the small pink conveyor belt, you got another route open to you back to the water gate control room.

It is necessary to have the second route open to you to solve the puzzle of how to route some water back to Chasmville.

Try to figure it out now. Play the game some more.

Back again?
Ok, here is a final hint from me.

At the screen with all the valves that control the gates ...

Why do you think it is two pipes crossing the chasm?
One is enough to make the lower, and longer of the two pink conveyor belts go around.
The other pipe has another purpose ...

Now you can play the game, and solve the puzzle.
Hope these hints have been useful.


i dont understand what i have to do after you go up the pipes and make the water flow down that long pipe that gos to the belts
i need help

Pete Mac April 21, 2005 1:19 PM

Fantastic game.. I'd just like to know how long it took to create. Very, very impressed..
Thank you for creating something so enjoyable.


Yes, Chasm is a fantastic game. It was created by Dave Jones and the folks at Transcience in Australia. I am sure he would appreciate hearing what you have to say about his game. =)


This a way more intricate than Legend of Zelda! Well, all except the water temple in Majora's Mask... that I just couldn't figure out. But THIS game is complex... maybe I'm just dumb?


what is the purpose of the other pipe and how do i get the smaller conveyor belt going?


I've gotten halfway up the pipes, but I can't make it out the door -- ???


I got it I got it. It seems that every time I get frustrated enough to post, I get the game working directly after! :)

What a great game that was! More!

Jason Rizos May 3, 2005 9:33 PM

This game was a blast figuring out and I didn't even need to cheat. Great artwork and perfect challenge. But on a few occasions I thought I was "stuck" and turned out I didn't know I could just go around a corner (bag part). Don't be like me! Exlpore the screen!

Aaron Rivers May 10, 2005 5:22 PM

Spoiler Alert!!

I came upon this method my accident. All you need to do is get to the part were you see all the pipes and belts from the overhead view. Close the gate on the far left side of the screen, diverting the water thru the tunnel with the three windows (the screen will follow the water current if you did it right). Now right click and click "Rewind" you'll start the game over but with the water flowing out the side of the mountain, just go to the room with the two doors that open and close with the lever in the middle of the room. Turn the lever to dirrect the water towards town and Viola!

Love the site Jay, escpecially all the puzzle games where you have to get out of a locked room. Keeps me from going crazy at work.

Danielle May 11, 2005 5:31 PM

I need help! after you get up the pipes and surf down them, how so you get out back to chasm if it is baracaded?

brezzer May 19, 2005 7:51 PM

im on the part with the pipes but everytime i get close the water flows on me!?!?!!? help me and tell me where to go please!


how do you get to the opposite side


where is the wheel dingey you can to bend water off in pipes...?


how do i get up the dam pipes?


read the previous posts! Someone already explained how to get up the pipes and such.


Whats all this about, you lot are all complaining about the ending, the pipes & so forth. For goodness sake it's a freebie, what more do you want


everytime I reach the second door in the pipes I can't get the door open. am I doing something wrong?


I finished it too !! Some "key" people seemed to forget to give (and I had to really go around my brain was burning of going through this corridors) is that the water as to do a "loop" back and forth of the dam. Then just go inside the bag (throught the little turning wheel) and open the door to give water back to Chasmville.

swissmade May 25, 2005 6:43 PM

how do you get back to chasmaton after you get the water running to start the second belt? i tried going to the control room but there is so much water flowing, that you cannot....could someone tell me how to get back?

swissmade May 25, 2005 6:51 PM

to JOE B.

i think your instructions on winning were the best, you told it perfectly, thank you so much!

Melvine May 26, 2005 5:26 AM

Hi! Just want to thank the ff persons:
a. kate
b. joe b
c. chris
d. MYSELF :)

It almost made me CRAZY!! Omg!! Thanks, really!
uhmm..just want you to know, esp. the creator, that I almost punch my PC whenever I see that BIRD you created! Good thing it was killed! HAHA!!


I really need help!!!!! May 26, 2005 2:16 PM

i need help when at the part with the switch? Because when you start the game there is the stairs and the plank of wood. I crossed the plank of wood and i got to the part where you have to activate the switch. Then there are the doors and you activate the switch, then the doors get covered and you can't go anywhere. I need someone to tell me what i do after the doors get covered! It just seems hopeless to me because i tried every single little thing that i could. So if someone does not help me i think i will smash my computer screen in!!


Chasm Walkthrough

The Beginning

  1. After the intro, put your mouse over Joe when he stops moving. It will change to a hand icon.

  2. Click on Joe, and he will go across a bridge of wooden beams. After he walks for a bit, a piece of wood will collapse under Joe. He catches himself, so all is well.

Getting Inside the Structure

  1. Joe will continue along the path. When he stops and looks at you, click on the path in front of Joe. He will walk in that direction.

  2. Joe will round the corner and come to a spot where water is pouring into the chasm from the broken part of the channel. He can
    traverse to the very end of the bridge right before the place where the gap begins; so click anywhere in this area for him to continue.

  3. Click the inside of the channel (to Joe's left). He will hop to this area safely.

  4. Now move your mouse to the left, (behind Joe), and click. He will go down a tunnel and arrive at a dead end. (Note that the door
    is closed).

  5. Click on the ladder so Joe can climb it.

Inside the Structure

  1. When Joe reaches the top, you can click on the windows and see outside to get an idea of what's ahead. But we won't be attending to these spots just yet. For now, walk Joe over to the blue lever, and click it so that he can turn it.

  2. Walk Joe over to the window at the far top right of the screen and click the window. Joe will make a short trip, and you will see him pass by a window overlooking the broken channel.

  3. When Joe comes to a stop, click the round window on the right wall for Joe to go through it.

Getting to the Top

  1. You should now see an overhead view of the chasm. Click the top of the channel that Joe is in; he will make his way to a point where water is pouring through a hole.

  2. Make Joe climb the ladder.

  3. When he stops, click the ladder on the pipe, and he will climb it.

  4. When Joe stops again, he will be on a plank with 3 valves. Click the valve near him. (This is "valve 3", counting from left to right).

  5. As Joe turns this valve, it lowers a door that dams the flowing water. The trapdoor below is now accessible.

Crossing the Chasm - The Two Valves

  1. Click on the rope below the middle valve so that it drops, and let Joe climb down the rope.

  2. Click on the trapdoor to open it, and then again so that Joe will climb down inside.

  3. Now click the bridge. Joe will make his way across.

  4. Let him go up the ladder to another trapdoor. Click once for it to open, and again to make him go through.

  5. After he emerges, click the bottom of the screen so that Joe walks toward you.

  6. Make Joe climb the ladder to the narrow ledge, and then around the corner to the right.

  7. Joe will be near 2 valves. Take him to the valve between the 2 wheels and get him to turn it.

Back to the Three Valves

  1. Now you need to get Joe back to that rope. Click the right side of the ledge that Joe is standing on. (This is where he entered this area). He will go back to the ladder.

  2. Climb down the ladder, go down through the trapdoor, back across the bridge, and then up through the first trapdoor. Voila, there is the rope.

  3. Click the rope so Joe can climb up. Note that the 3rd valve is lower than the 1st 2. This is because Joe already turned it.

  4. Now, turn valves 1 and 2 to lower the doors, and turn the 3rd valve to lift that door again. Now Joe needs to get to the other side of the chasm where there are only 2 valves again. (See "Crossing the Chasm - The Two Valves").

The Two Valves - Round Two

  1. Once you are at the 2 valves again, you need to turn them both. (You already closed the valve between the 2 wheels; it now needs to be opened, and the other needs to be closed). You will see a brief scene with water flowing. Joe will run along the ledge and stop to watch the water flowing near a pipe.

Pink Belts

  1. Walk Joe to the end of the ledge where he is watching the water, and then around that corner. Continue along past the ladder (do not go down the ladder — keep moving) — and you will see a pink, spinning belt.

  2. Get Joe close to the belt and then click on it. He will jump up and grab it, and ride to the top.

  3. Click the far end of the plank that Joe is on (towards the top of your screen).

  4. Click the wooden planks ahead of Joe so that he will continue. He will stop near a hanging sack.

To the Telescope or the Sack?

  1. At this point, you can either take a detour to the telescope to get a good view of the water system, or continue on via the sack. From the telescope, you may be able to to figure out how the system works and solve the rest of the puzzle. If you'd like to try the detour, continue to the next spoiler. If not, continue here...

  2. For now, we shall bypass the sack to get a good look at the water system. Click on the ledge in the distance (above Joe).

  3. Then click to the left of the screen.

  4. When Joe stops, click on the wooden step on the lower right of the screen. Joe will make his way along these precarious steps.

  5. When he stops near a curving tower, click ahead of him so that he will continue.

  6. Now click the telescope for a better look.

    • To move up or down, left click on the screen and drag in either direction.

    • To zoom in, place the mouse on the outer circle of the telescope view and drag downward.

    • To zoom out, follow the same procedure and drag upward.

    • To exit the telescope view, click anywhere outside of the glass lens.

Returning to the Sack

  1. Click the wooden steps below the telescope and Joe will make his merry way back to the ledge. Now go down the tunnel and he will reach the sack again.

The Sack

  1. Click on the sack so Joe can jump in.

  2. Click to the left of the screen (in front of Joe), and the sack will make its way to the other side.

  3. To get him out, click the ground.

  4. Now click the ledge in the distance, and Joe will make his way along it. He will arrive at the top of a set of ledges with wooden steps. Now, he needs to get to the ground level to tackle this problem.

Maze of Pipes

  1. Oh Joy. A maze. Get Joe inside the 4th pipe (from the left).

  2. Keep going straight ahead, past tunnel exits labled "D1", "D2", and "D3".

  3. When Joe gets to exit "D4", make a left into that tunnel. He will now be at juncture "C4A", where light is pouring through.

  4. Click to the left of Joe, and he will emerge at "C4".

  5. Click the tunnel hole at the top of the screen.

  6. Go left at "C5", and left at "B5". He will arrive at "A5", where there is a door.

  7. Open the door and click the ladder so Joe can climb up. Joe is now at door "A9".

  8. Once inside door "A9", go straight ahead, past "B9", and make a left at "B10".

  9. No, you are NOT going to that light ahead. When you pass "A10", you will see another light at the end of that tunnel. Head straight towards it. Make Joe walk along the ledge until he reaches a wooden plank and a valve.

  10. Open the valve and Joe will surf along with the water. He thinks he's finally made it. (Not yet!)

The Belts Revisited

  1. So after quite a ride and a bit of banging up, Joe ends up back on the ledge. Now walk Joe along the ledge, around the corner, and back to those pink belts. This time, we are choosing the belt in the middle. Grab it in the same way you did earlier. Joe will land on a small ledge.

  2. Send Joe into the dark entrance, and he will make his way again
    to the sack.

  3. When the sack stops moving, click the ledge to Joe's right so he can get out. This time when he jumps out, the sack retreats to its former spot. Tough luck, Joe.

The Beginning is the End

  1. Well, there is nothing to do now except to go down the road (back toward the sack). Joe will end up near the broken channel, which is where he was in the beginning of the game. Get him back to the control room as you did earlier.

  2. Joe needs to turn the lever again so that the direction of the water will head once more to Chasmton. After this, he will do the rest to get back to his town, and you will finally be able to relax and watch him cruise home.

Congratulations! \o/

wolfcub May 28, 2005 10:29 AM

how do you get to the pipes that you have to climb from by the wheels?


i need help at the end. i reach the bag and can get into it. but i cant ride to the other side. is there something ive forgotten to do?


HELP ME ... i have the 2 rubber bands and all that working but how do u get the water to enter chasm town when the only way for thew water to enter that hall is over a BROKEN BRIDGE????


This game was great, until almost the end, when it decided to glitch out on me. I had climbed the pipes and had the second belt running, went back to the first 3 valves, then when I reached the board with the valve controls the game glitched and won't let me continue.

shaperboy June 4, 2005 1:00 AM

i got the water flowin down the mountain to chasmton, how do i get to chasmton?


ok now wat is the pipe??!! well i am stuck on a part after i do the water thing. the water thing is umm.. i dunno.... well after the water thing it like i told u the water thing has a long curvey line and on the top of it is a sign lookin thing how do u get up threre and is it the pipe?! and plz resond.



This is very addictive!

I have climbed up the dam and got the small belt running. I have grabbed it to climb, but once I go into the bag I go back to the beginning. I don't get it, what is the use starting the small belt? I am stuck here. Thanks to anybody who can help...

Mary-Kate June 16, 2005 11:34 PM

i need help im not even to the pipes yet!


Okay I got up the pipes, surfed down the pipe, lost my board got laughed at by that annoying bird and ended up at the bag. I went across and to my avail I couldn't get over to the other side. Was I not supposed to have lost the board? Am I going to have to start all over again? What did I do wrong? Both conveyors were working but as you know you can't get up the trap door if water is flowing out of the large conveyor so I turned it off to go inspect. Since I can't save or anything I'll have to start all over tomorrow. I know I can't expect much for a free game but my goodness. It almost hurts to get so far then to get stuck because then you'll just have to start all over again. If you can help please post here or send me an email.


Seems like everyone here on the board is ignoring the telescope (which is accessible on the 'high path' right after you travel up the larger of the two waterwheel conveyor belts - click on the little path in the background before you get to pulley bag #1). Using the telescope's zoom it's easy to map your route up the pipe maze. From that vantage point, you can easily see the ladder going up the "A" pipe network, as well as the breathing hole in C pipe and the broken pipe trap in the B pipe complex near the end. After that, the game should be a breeze to the end. Great work from the ABC flash team!


Hi guys...

Whoever has played this game will not regret it...i think this game is one of the best ever..i just love adventure games...just like this one...i had much trouble with the got frustrating and i was gonna give up...but i was like...hey! there are hints at some website, rit? thnkz to Chris and his post message...i figured it out...thnkz!! anyone have any more free adventure games in mind that i can play?? (somewhat like this game)

Nichole July 10, 2005 2:41 AM

Chasm keeps glitching on me (cannot get guy to move) once I turn the middle valve near the end. (Already went through vertical pipes and have water flowing through the parallel pipes and out to the "control room"


hia i got the second conveyor belt working but from then on i get lost, i understand Joe B instructions a bit but not totally, i dont mean to keep repeating questions but please can someone help me and give me step by step instructions? i am getting really fustrated and really would like to finish the game. thanks everyone!!

ineedhelpthanks July 16, 2005 11:31 AM

i know i sound stupid but hey what happens when you reach the the broken 'bridge' where the water is flowing downwards? i've just started the game but i don't even know where to go, there's no where to click once i'm at the 'problem site'. how does the game work? somebody help pls? thankew!


Great game! Loved the little possum!


Great game!!! Loved it....very Australian!!! Can I clear something up though. It's not a possum it's a platypus.


Ok ive done everything i need 2 i think but i cant get the water down into chasm town its really annoying me ive beenplaying it for 6 hours now sumone help!!!!!!


How d I get up the dam pipes?


I've managed to get the second conveyor belt running, but I can't get across to it while the water is running through the spare water tunnel in the control room, so I can't use the bag. Could anyone help me with this, as it's starting to bug me!


is there any walkthroughs

Terje Br?•ten September 21, 2005 2:44 AM

Hi shaperboy, Jim, Ecast, chloe, ozzy, Kris and others reading this that has got the second conveyor belt running, but still are lost about what to do in this game. Did you find my hints that I posted in this forum earlier dated April 4, 2005 05:36 PM any useful?

If you want more help from me (anyone) please send me a mail to [email protected] and I will be glad to help you out.


Terje Br?•ten September 21, 2005 3:23 AM

I just love this game. A great adventure game, that needs some good old fashioned logic to solve.

And do not just bang your head into the pipes without thinking. It is a way in the game to get a very good clue of how to ascend the pipes.

If anyone wants help with this game, please send me a mail at [email protected]. I find it fun to help others to get through it.


Hm this has crashed twice now on the blue pipes maze bit. Well not crashed exactly, he just runs off to the end of the pipe when I click there, but the screen never switches to the next one.

Frustrating :)


I've been trying to go outa the pipe for half an hour but the water kept on pushing me back down!!!! Everytime I see the exit hole outa the pipes, the water blows me back down...Its too fast for me.. =/


I think that's the toughest, and most frustrating, part of the game, Carrie.

My best advice is to memorize the correct steps by reading the comments above (there are directions that explain exactly how to do it). Then keep tryng until you get it right. You can do it! =)


I had posted this before, but I guess it didn't show up. For all of you who have experienced the "glitch", whereby the screen freezes, and you seem unable to go on:
Try right-clicking and choosing "Forward" multiple times until you advance to the next "scene". I got stuck on the bag-pully one time, and thought I would be unable to continue, but used "Forward" and was able to get it to inch into the next scene, and from there it got back on track. Don't click "Back" however, or the game will restart(and especially don't use this to CHEAT!).


Hi! Could someone please help me out....i'm stuck in the game....a good old walkthrough might do the trick ;) please....anyone?


heLP..!! i haVe pasSed the pipEs..surF down the daM.. noW whaT shoulD i do ?? i'M stuCk..!! I haVE trieD frOm morNing to noW(nigHT).. caN anYonE plEase helP me..??


WOOOOOHOOOO YAY!!! that was the moste awesomest clicky puzzle game ive ever played and i didn't take hints from anybody. The hardest part for me was finding out you can jump over one of the flood doors! TOTOLYWICKEDFREAKENAWESOME thats my word



The best flash game! Great plot, music and everything!


wow i dont think without these spoilers i would have ever figured the game out it was lots of fun though


i've played this before.. but i never finished it!! its soo hard! can someone like.. post a walkthrough?


Ok, I've gotten through most of it - I think. I got through the pipes and down. I've gotten the water flowing through the extra aquaduct. My understanding is that then you need to get back to the control room - but I can't! Ah! I just keep going down the rope, down the water, and back up the pipes. Any suggestions???


I don't think I would've been able to solve this game without the help of this site. I was stuck on the pipes. That's probably the most difficult part of the game to figure out. This game is truly amazing especially when you solve it and get the water flowing back to the Chasmton. Good Job!!


Loved It!! Is there more? Finally, I did not need to read the comments, just did it! Hurrah! The Kookaburra was a particularly fine touch. Encore!


Does this remind anyone else of the Voltaic level in Myst III?


can i get a walkthrough please i have a problem with the whole game and other people do have problems too so can you please post walkthrough


Dang. The cutscenes are too long and I hate pipe-climbing. Other than that, it's very nice and I'm playing it again.

arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrra March 30, 2006 10:50 AM

arrrrrrrr i gt to get bac 2 the pipes but i cant


can someone help me finish the game i am almost done. i have al de rubber nads working but dont know how to get the water to town HELPPPPPPPPPPP


im right at the start. went over the bridge that broke, then went down the pipe and changed the doors. Trying to click on the rope to slide over but it won't let me slide over. Where am I supposed to click?

Lilian Faber April 13, 2006 6:42 AM

i really enjoyed this game... it was nice..


I got all the way to the top of the dam without any help but then couldn't figure it out, so just I ended up using the "Rewind" trick somebody posted a long time ago.

Helifix May 16, 2006 7:27 AM

There is some glitsch that keeps me from finishing the game. Someone help me!!!!!!!


I love the CHASM game. I had some trouble in the pipes but after help from post, I was able to figure it out.....Are there any other games like this? I love the challenge. This game kept my attention for hours. The bird was soooooo annoying!!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to shoot it. I was glad to see in the end he gets fried!! LOL


yo amit! I DON'T HAVE A CLUE WHAT YOUR ON ABOUT, when you say door do you mean hole? like to a different place?


hi! I'm beep and the way to get up the pipes, go up D, then go up twice you go up again (all this is to be done VERY quikly) then you should see three ways, one nearest to you which goes left, the one farthest from you to go right, and one to go up, go up then you should see a left, take that left then go up air valve, whait for wave to pass, the go left as many times as posible, then you should see a door, go in that ( door is at left) then there's a lot of bars, cklick on that, you go up rrrrrrreeeeeeeeaaaaaaalllllllllyyyyy far and then go up, right, up, left, up, and your up! and for more advice go left at that stage and cklick the little handle, then you go down, I haven't been able to go any further because of a glich which all of the people who done it have probaly experienced (or somthing like that) so basicly it's impossible!


omg this game was AWESOME!!!
i used a walkthrough cause i gave up :(
but it was still really really fun.
the pipe part took me a few tries ..
realized i had to wait until the gushhh of water went away.


Ok, this game is absolutely great. I've been a lurker here for a while, but I just had to open my mouth to say "Thanks, Jay!"

That's all.

Oh, and I love the main character's strange green overalls. (What can I say? Strange things amuse me.)

Mea Hing Jii July 1, 2006 11:20 AM

This game is Awesome!!!!!!!
Cute Platypuss,stupid mocking bird,
2 thumbs up .


Thanks for info on the pipes beep! really helped! But what I did when I got to the top door on the pipes was wait for the water to gush past, go thru and up til B10 then left and up to the top, a bit easier... I FINALLY FINISHED THE GAME!!!! Transcience ROCKS! haha


Yea, this game is awsome, but I can't even find where to climb the pipes. I know once ive found that, im in for a real treat, huh?

Purple Platypus July 8, 2006 12:36 AM

I feel like a complete retard.

I can't even make it across the rope at the beginning.

Amid said to click the rope, but no matter what I do, that damn platypus just runs to the next screen.

What I am I supposed to do?!?!?!!?


this game frustrates me i even tried calling 5 friends and wetried telling each other what to do


Whoooo i finnally did it
The bit i got stuck on was near the very end when i had the water flowing in all sorts of places but i figured it out.

you have to close all the gates on both sides. Then you open the very last gate on the side WITHOUT the bands so that the water flows into the side WITH the bands but is stopped by a gate. Then you go down the rope and onto the side WITH the bands and climb over the gate and open the gate that is stopping the water from flowing. This allows the water to go through the second pipe and flow into the controll room. Now its easy you just go up the short rubber band, into the controll room and turn the switch, now you've got the water to flow into chasmton and the electricty and crops are doing fine again XD.


hi. dont anyone have a run trough??? I have some problems here and it would really help!!


wow... that took sooo long! but thanks for all the hints! i wouldn't have made it without them.. i didn't even notice the moving bands until the spoilers told me! thanks for all the help!


Jay I just wanted to say that your site is totally kickass!! But I'm completely addicted! Ur so gonna get me fired lol! BTW... this game is hard!! The pipes are confusing the hell outta me!


I am at the stage where both belts are moving, and i have figured out that The water must double back on itself through both pipes, my problem is, I cant get back to the control room when the water is flowing through it as I cant get to the other side to use the short belt and the other way is blocked with water.. its very frustrating, and i have read all the posts on here and none seems to have the answer to my problem, if fact no one seems to have encountered my problem. Possibly I am misunderstanding what people say, and the answer is right in front of my face however, please humour the dumb-ass (me) ..


Hi Megan,

It's been a long while since I played this one, but I recall having a similar time with that puzzle. From what I remember, the answer was right in front of me.

I do remember there is a ladder you need to climb up or down, and I think you may have just missed something along the way that allows you to get to where you need to be. Keep trying, you'll find it. =)

Sorry I can't be more help than that.



Hi everyone, I tried the following and it worked for me:

1- Once you get to the three valves near the rope you need to close all of them and go down to the other side using the rope and ladder.
2- Close the left vale and go back to open the right vale on the other side, so the water can follow through the channel.
3- Cross to the other side again open the left valve and close the right valve then go through the right belt to the top.
4- Using the sack find your way to the telescope (very helpful to find your way through the dam pips) or to the main pipes at the bottom of the dam.
5- This step is modified with thanks from Jay: since water flushes every few seconds we have to wait and estimate roughly the time for each flush, using the third pipe from the left wait until next flush and go through it to the fourth gate or pipe C4, wait a sec and go to the main pipe turn left then left then to the opposite pipe to find a door go through that door (A5) then up the ladder to another door (A9) wait for the next flush and then go to the main pipe then left, then left, then left and out of the hole to the top of the dam.
6- Slide happily to the channel, watch your head :-), if not open, open the left valve and close the right valve.
7- Go up thought the small (left) belt and find your way to the main valve and turn it to the chasmton.

I hope this helps




^___^ I finally found this game again! Then again maybe if I had been searching for the word chasm instead of gorge.. (stupid memory)But so happy now .. and so dam annoying (just like I remember it...) I was soo much cleverer when I was younger.. I gave up this time and used the spoilers *eheh* I have passed it without them before.. but I have no patience now.. ^^ and the stupid water in the pipes always comes just when I have nearly reached the top.. *argh!* .. kookabara sits on the electric wire.. ^^


I loved this game. And I'm so glad that the stupid bird got electrocuted at the end.


this game was a little hard, but when i got it it was really fun


loved this game, fantastic animation.

i found the best way up the pipes was to look through the telescope and zoom in so you had some idea where to go. then have little post-it notes on the screen to know where to click so to avoid getting washed back down.

very good logic involved and glad the bird got what it deserved at the ened.

great site, Jay, it's helped in many a game, although i managed Chasm on my own.


please! can some-one give to a runthrough of the game! i am soo stuck! i just want the whole... or the confusing parts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Google the name of the game and the maker and about the 3rd one down is a complete walk through with pictures to help you out.


i need hlp


i remember back in 2005 when a friend of mine showed me the link to this game. i was instantly hooked, and passed it to all of my friends. i was two hours into the game, when another friend of mine beat it in under half an hour! with a little fiddling, i did get it though.
this still remains as one of my favorite puzzle games of all time. i give props to the creators, and to jay for recommending this gem. i just replayed the game, and it's still as good as ever!

however, for those who are still stuck...

let me give you this fair warning: the first time i attempted this game, i found out that it is possible to LOSE... not necessarily by dying, but by creating a situation in which it is impossible to move forward with the game. of course, the game doesn't let you know this, you have to surrender by yourself. my advice...

there is a certain position that the walls that control the waterflow through the chasm (the three gears on the left side and the two on the right side) have to be in before you go to the dam. think about where each wall can redirect the water carefully, and arrange the setup before you go.

happy playing!



I'm really confused in this game. I have no idea how to get to the dam. I have nno idea where to go or where I am. Can someone post a comment to help me. Really need some help!!!!



oo this game was so awesome!! I didn't need any help or any walkthrough at all! It was difficult enough without being impossible...
Very nice work!!
And the platypus was adorable! : )


YAYAYAYAYAYAY, I finishes, and Im fully behind anyone here who like LOZ! Legend of Zelda all the way! The best is Ocarina of time, LOVE IT, my friends and I had an all night Zelda-thon and finished the game in 18 hours, 9 minutes and 25 seconds (we had a stopwatch)


wat do u do to get onto the pulley. i'm so lost, i spent 2 hours trying to figure it out!


Wow, this game is still around & it still gets responses. I've never finished it though I've tried my hardest all alone on 3 different occasions to get through it. I remember a few years ago I got up to the point of trying to climb up the big pipe-maze on the chasm wall. That's as far as I got.

Maybe I'll give it another go. It's a unique game with a special atmosphere regardless of its simple Flash design which simply reeks of ingenuity & exploration.


the birdy keep laughing at me!
oh man!


Kookaburra sittin' on a 'lectric wire,
Jumping up an' down 'cos his butt's on fire...

Great Game


Please help me through the whole chasm game! i am only at the part where to turn the crank in the big red room! SOME ONE PLEASE HELP ME!!!


i feel like an idiot, a very frustrated don't want to give up idiot. i've been clickin that rope at the beginning for about 10 minutes now. why why why won't get get on the friggin rope? am i adventure game illiterate or what? i want to play this game, but i honestly need a tip about this friggin rope.


danielle if you are at the top of the rope click down near the base of it, and you will go down. Hope that helps,


One of the most astonishing things about this game is its incredible replay value. The puzzles are all so unique, and varied, that it's hard to remember what you did last time, so you get to solve them all over again.

This game is really very interesting in its flow. It's not just one puzzle or mini-game after another, it really requires you to use some problem-solving skills.


Alright, I give up. Just started the game. At the room with the three windows on the left and I'm lost. Utterly. Help?


I need help getting through the pipes i keep getting flushed out.


I'd pay a good $30 to $50 for a game with 6 to 12 of these kind of chapters in it. Great story. Fun graphics. Fun gameplay.

The only thing wrong was that I did not know how to get back into the control room tunnel. I knew the water needed to be directed through there, but I exited the tunnel with a wide angle shot and really only came back across the entrace by accident.

Also, I the ending for this chapter could have been improved. There was no Grand Final at six as I expected. Nor did the citizens drink beer or celebrate. Oh well.


crunchymunchneedshelp!! April 28, 2007 1:51 PM

alrite, so I did the part where you go up the ladder, and turn the switch then you go through the door in the upper right hand corner.. then i went through the blue hole in the wall, then i went up and around to the ladder, then went up again, then I got to the 3 gears at the top. I closed the left gear, and all the water went through the chasm.. then i closed the right one, and it stopped. blah blah blah, then I went through the trap door, across the bridge to the other side, then I came up, and went up the little ladder, and i kept walking then they did the short video showing the whole maze of pipes. and if yu go around the other way, there is two gears, andi turned both of them, but nothing really happened and I just got more confused.
but I'm completly lost now, I don't know what to do

can someone help me! Please


It is possible to get stuck at the end after you go up the pipes. I was crossed to the first side via the small conveyor and bag and was messing with the valves. I realized that I needed to get back to the conveyor side but I couldn't because the bag had already crossed back and valve was shut between the trapdoor on the conveyor side and the ladder.

If you have the valves set up right before going up the pipes (the water flows through the tunnel with 3 windows) then you don't need to change them after the pipes.


What a totally brilliant game! Great graphics, great gameplay and I loved the laughing kookaburra bird. Only complaint is that there should have been more of it! :D


How do you make the little guy throw himself off the ledge? Man this game is annoying!

napster June 23, 2007 4:39 AM

for the dam you go up 4 times in tube c and go right 1. If you do it quick enough you end up in a hole. Wait for the water to calm down, the go left 1 and up 1, go left 2 and through the door. Climb to the top and wait at the door for the water to pass and make a mad dash up 1 right 1 up 1 left 1 up 1 and you're there.


I thought this game is way to hard i mean I know what what to do except find a way back to town:
when you get to the 3 valves close the valve to the far right then click on the rope and slide down, after that go through the trapdoor and across the bridge when you climb up the ladder and go inside climb the other ladder and click on the sides until you see the 2 vales click the one to the left to close it then go to the wheel that's turning and click it then walk until you see a bag and rope & ride across. I'm tired of typing so good bye


Chasm pipes map
this is a map for any having trouble climbing the pipe


oh man!!!! I'm stuck at the part where you need to climb on the pink stuff upwards, but I can't go upwards and if I make the blue wheel go, there's water and I can't go up!!! And I think I heard a bird laughing at me... not sure.


haha, solved that part. hey guys, I know the solution to those who are stuck. After you've finished doing the pipe part, you have to go on the short rubber band and into the hole.Then you will know what to do. :)


hallo to all! please, when you reach the end of the pipes, how do you close the valve and go out of them? I am half out half in the last pipe but I see no choice that I can use to stop the water or go out.. Am I missing something?


WOW that was tough!!! Thank you joe! for telling me what to do with the water to get back to the crank to get the water to the town!!! i never would have thought to jump over the wall! awesome game i actually tried to beat this game about 3 years ago now and refound it the other day and was frustrated that i got stuck AGAIN!! but im soo gald i figured t out!!!

andy(imagirl) September 28, 2007 4:57 PM

i love this game. fun, but kinda hard.

the dam part was really hard though all that timing gives a person with no hand to eye co-ordination a hard time.

once you beat that part its not that hard. this game is really short.

Francesca October 7, 2007 12:16 PM

amazing game.
very addictive too !
but i did it ! i beat it



Guess what this is?

ALMOST COMPLETE WALKTHROUGH (see end for why this is only almost complete...)

The Basics:

Click on Joe to get him moving. A plank will fall off - no way back now! Don't worry though. Continue forward, around and into the dry end of the broken waterway. Go up the ladder. A nice place - get a good perspective of where you are by looking at the windows if you want - then click on the middle. Turn the lever (notice, one side has an arrow with the word "chasmtown" on it, pointing to a gate) to open the door, and head down the stairs at the north-east. If you continue forward, you will meet a stopped door with water on the other side. There is no way to get through. Instead, go to through the pipe on the right. Welcome to what i will call, the System. If you go left with the current, you will arive at a dead end. Go north against the current. Climb 2 ladders and arrive at the top. Click on the rope. You now have a fast way up and down. There are 3 gears here, that will stop the water and increase the flow to certain areas.

The Other Side of the System:

The simplist way to get to the other side (the eastern side) is to turn the last gear, go down the rope, down the trap door, over the bridge, and up. However, what i will call the Elevators will not be turning (those wheels). Turn the second gear, and you won't be able to get up (you will be hit by water...glug glug...)So, begin by turning the middle and the last gears. Down the rope, trap door, bridge, ect., to the other side. Head down the screen, and up the ladder. Go around the turn so that you are in front of the Elevators. You should now see 2 gears on this side. Turn the one at the leftmost. Now retrace your steps to the first side, and unturn the last gear. Now, re-retrace your steps to the Elevators. Nothing yet. Go back up to the front of the Elevators, and unturn the gear. The tall Elevator should be turning now! Go around, and hold on as you ride to the top. Onward!

New Teritory With New Transportion:

You should see a bag on a rope on a pulley gear thing. As one would guess, jump in to get to the other side. Click on the left though, to move. Before you do that though, notice the path on the upper right. Click on it, to go through a cave. To the left, you will encounter a MAGNIFICENT view of the Pipes (i'll call them that). Nothing else though. To the right is a series of steps, and then a telescope to view the Pipes more clearly. Now back to that bag on a pulley. Head over to the other side, and jump on out. Theres to paths here - one down, which leads to the other end of the broken bridge, and the one on the upper left. That one leads to a series of steps down to a shore, with tubes. This is the bottom end of the Pipes. Climb up the wrong one at the wrong time, and you will be washed down (and birds with laugh at you.)

Up the Pipes:

This is the hard part - Go to the telecope area, and REMEMBER - REMEMBER THE RIGHT PATH! Another way to help would be to use the Chasm Pipes map that someone posted. If you don't want to, heres what to do: Go to the 4th pipe in the row. Go up four times and to the left for a short break. Continue left and up once, left 2 more times and enter the door. Climb up the ladder. Wait for the water to blow over, then enter the next door. Stick to the left and keep going. If you get to the top, you should be on top of the dam.

Dam to the Finish: I'm afraid i can't say, because at the last moment ARGG! The game glitched. Yes it did. No matter WHAT i clicked or what i did, the game did not respond. I clicked on every gear lever walkable place and... no. Sigh. Figure out the ending yourself. I can say that after the dam, you click on the wheel, then surf! Then bump your head. Then i was trying to click on some stuff on the first side of the System, but then... yeah. Good luck!


HA!!! Stupid bird got what it deserved! that will teach him to laugh at others. lol. no but really, great game. very enjoyable. i loved the southern/western harmonica music! awesome! 10 out of 10! thanks for a great game.

andy(imagirl) November 28, 2007 6:02 PM

Hey, Ainegue.
where exactly did it glitch?, 'cuz if you tell me i'll tell you what you have to do next.

andy(imagirl) November 28, 2007 6:13 PM

I forgot to mention this.

I got some sick feeling of happiness when that DUMB BIRD died

DEAD BIRDIE! HAHAHA! HAhaaaaah. happy feeling gone now. got to go play some stickman sam. MUST KILL.


Oh my god!!! Finally!!! After 12 hours of playing...1 did it, but this amazing game drove me out of my mind, u know....thanks for all your walkthroughs!!!!


I found this game years ago on Jig but never managed to get past the dam pipes until I found it again a few days ago.

The telescope came in very handy. Apparently I never found it the first time I had played. Very neat game.


that was a great game. Quite challenging and really fun. The end was obvious, but I still missed it and needed a hint. Nice find!




how do u get back to the lever place at the end of the level plzplzplz tell me


Why is everybody so glad the laughing bird gets electrocuted in the end? I let Joe get washed down The Pipes several times on purpose - just to see the bird laughing his pants off! And besides, the bird is a kookaburra, a native Australian bird, whose call sounds very much like human laughter. So the chances are it's not even laughing at you... Well, just maybe.

When I come to think of it: the bird actually laughs at Joe, so why would you be offended? You wouldn't identify yourself with a platypus, now would you?


that walkthrough really helped me, the game was very good but hard:D that bird was just funny.


if anyone is still playing this, I have the water flowing thru the unbroken channel. However, I cannot figure out how to get back to the room that has the single turnstyle (that opens the door to the town. Please help me get back to that room. I am flooded out when I climb down the rope. Thanks in advance.


LOVE the game, i just finished it about 30 seconds ago. I think I must have given my little blue guy a concussion, getting washed out of those pipes so many times. Bring on the sequel!


can anyone help me find the end of this game how to solve this problem please shortly and clearly i am to the pipe which one is the right to climb .thanks them who will help me


Thank you so much Aaron Rivers! Without you I would still be stuck! I first played this game about two years ago and got stuck in the same place as I was stuck this morning. Then I saw your comment and it was so simple then. Thank you!

This is a great game, Jay. Thank you for posting it. Probably the most difficult game I've ever played!


I'm not English. I am an Arab, but I understand some of the words so I will try help you
The solution is as follows:
1))I will start from the pipeline. Written on the side of each tube name. So you enter the c> c4> c5> b5> a5 when entering for the c4 out of the hole and go back to the same path C TO c5 and COMPLETE :: After the exit door, climb the ladder. Wait until the water falls from the top, completed a road through B9> A10 left


what do you do with that big long slide?


Lol this game just sums up my worst fears.

First, drowning. I don't like not breathing and I don't like water in my lungs.

Second, heights. Just... heights.

Fourth, small spaces. Namely, small TUNNELS. I'm not claustrophobic but being inside those


I don't think there's much air in there.

Then it went and made a combo out of all of them. XP

Water + pipes + GOING UP? = ._.

Being inside a small tunnel while sliding down a water slide is fine maybe (I did it twice in my lifetime and I'm quite proud of that) but going up? No! I'm glad I'm not a platypus lol.

In total I just need to see the sky and feel some breeze in order to be comfortable. XP

Enough ranting though!

Well made flash game. Reminds me of old times when point and click games were like this and none of those newfaggled ones where you have to have a mini game just to get an item.

And I'm not that old for reminiscing!

Smooth, polished and the sound effects were perfect. The bird got annoying though.

The real winner here is the puzzle. I don't think I played a point and click adventure without an inventory or my memory is failing me.

P.S. I'm not old!


Ugh, I think I created an impossible to get out of scenario. Guess I have to do it all over again...

wildflower12 December 22, 2010 12:19 AM

This is the very first escape game I ever played. I was so confused at first, but it got me completely addicted!

WellHeyTherePal October 24, 2019 8:19 PM

The fact this post is about 2 months older than me hit a place I didn't know I had. 15 years ago. Let that sink in. That's like reading something from the '80s in the year 2000.

I also spent like 10 years making an account for a website I know nothing about just to comment this. However, it's like 1:15am; so you could argue I have nothing better to do.


Anyone in 2020? Can't believe I just found a time capsule. Kids here are maybe already in their 30's, I wasn't even born when you guys were being crazy about this. I played this game when I was 8y/o. I just came back because flash will be gone in Dec.31 . It was fun playing this game even though I had hard time just few seconds ago. I will remember all of these in my heart. Anyway I was also shook to find that Chasm was created in 2002 talk about 18 years.


This Chasm walkthrough was taken word for word from my old guide that I made at the end of 2004 for my site, Larashots (though you didn't include the screenshots I put between the text).

It would've been really nice if you had at least linked to the source— especially since you have a "do not copy" notice at the bottom of the page. :(


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