An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Charger Escape

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4.5/5 (435 votes)

Charger Escape, from Pastel Games, is not simply an excellent escape game, it is also one that features ponies! And farm animals! And kittens!! It is a rare game that manages to soothe and relax you even as it challenges your mind. Although not particularly difficult, nor is it very long, Charger Escape contains puzzles that are well-executed and creative.

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Walkthrough Guide

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Charger Escape Walkthrough:

  1. Click on the broom to get a small key. Go right.

  2. Use the key on the tool box in the upper left hand corner to get instructions.

  3. Then click on the boots to reveal a horseshoe.

  4. Click on the apple to put it in your inventory. Go right.

  5. Click on the pitch fork to place it up on the wall.

  6. Click on the green apple to put it in your inventory.

  7. Click on the the left most carrot on the ground to put it in your inventory.

  8. Click on the handle of the wheelbarrow to move it and reveal a yellow apple. Get the apple.

  9. Click on the chicken sitting on the stack of hay on the right revealing a horseshoe with the eggs. You got to be kind of quick to grab the horseshoe. Go right.

  10. Pick up the horseshoe on the ground. Leave the one on the wall alone.

  11. Go right until you are back at the screen where two saddles are hanging on the wall. In the middle of the wall are two handles click on them both to reveal another room. Go in.

  12. To the right of the screen you see a pair of tongs. Pick them up.

  13. Click on the box holding the kittens three times to reveal a hammer. Pick it up.

  14. On the right side and at the very top of the oven in front of you is a plaque. click on it to see the instructions for cleaning up the horseshoe. It should instruct you to go 0-1-0-2-0. Click on the down arrow to return to your normal view.

  15. Use the latch to open the door.

  16. Insert a horseshoe and close the door.

  17. click on the red button.

  18. Using the plaque instructions click 1, then 0, then 2, then 0.

  19. Click on the red button and use the latch to open the door.

  20. Use the tongs on the horse shoe, then use the hammer on the horseshoe, then click on the horseshoe to put the clean horseshoe back in your inventory.

  21. Repeat the above for each of the remaining horse shoes.

  22. Go to the screen with the pad locked barn door and the single clean horseshoe hanging on the wall. Place your three horseshoes in the corresponding spaces on the barn (Horse Shoe 1 goes upper left, horseshoe 2 goes in the upper right, and horseshoe 3 goes in the lower right space).

  23. Go to the screen with the horse.

  24. Undo the latch.

  25. Look at the feeding and watering trough. Those symbols over the feeding trough tell you how to orient the horseshoes.

  26. While you are here, you can go ahead and feed the apples to the horse if you like.

  27. When you are ready, return to the horseshoes.

  28. Click the upper left horseshoe until it faces right.

  29. Click the upper right horseshoe until it faces down.

  30. Click the lower right horseshoe until it faces to the left.

  31. Pick up the rock that is now lying in front of you among the wreckage.

  32. Go back to the oven.

  33. Place the rock in the oven. This time you are going to look at the instructions in your inventory. They tell you 0-2-1-2-0.

  34. Close the door, press the red button.

  35. Click on 2, then 1, then 2, then 0.

  36. Click on the red button and open the door.

  37. Use the tongs on the rock.

  38. Use the hammer on the rock. Click on the rock.

  39. Return to the horse. Look at the food and water troughs again. Press the square above the water trough to fill it with water. Place the magic rock in the water.

  40. You can now feed the carrot to the unicorn.

  41. Return to the screen with the chickens. Look out the window. Click on the star.

  42. One of the chickens moves to reveal a scoop. Pick it up.

  43. Use the scoop on the open bag of feed in which the star fell.

  44. Return to the horse screen.

  45. Look at the food trough.

  46. Use the scoop filled with feed on the food trough.

  47. Congratulations, you just beat the game!


I liked this one. I found the puzzles are not tremendously challenging, but still fun. Also: horsies! Eeee!

honeybeebear December 9, 2008 9:09 PM

very calming..perhaps that is a trick trying to prevent me from discovering how to escape! thus causing me to be trapped forever...gone are the room escapes that rely on fear to maintain their prisoners, they have been replaced by gentle music and a friendly horse.


ZOMG I CAN HAZ PONIESS!!!!1111!!!!eleventy-one!!

(I'm sorry, I couldn't resist)


Hmm. I'm not very good at room escape games, and I'm stuck on this one as well.

I have all three horseshoes, and it would seem that they need to go by the main door, but I can't seem to put them there. OK, maybe I need to use that machine and that set of instructions I found to... polish them, maybe? Well, I can put the horseshoes in the machine and then move the lever back and forth, but it doesn't seem to do anything to them.

The only other objects I have are the hammer and tongs (pincers). I fed the red and green apples to Charger.


Wouldn't you know it... as soon as I post that, I figure something out.

There's a plate on the side of the machine that shows the settings needed for the horseshoes. *sigh*


I'm in the exact same predicament as Suho. I just have a question, are there sound clues in this game? I'm working without sound.


Woot, post and solve.


There's another set of instructions on the side of the oven near the top. Look for a small discolored patch!


If there is sound clues, I didn't catch any of it.

the instructions on the side of the oven are for the horseshoes. The paper instructions are for.. er.. something else! :P


Yep, thanks guys--I figured it out right after I posted my first comment.

I also realized that there's a walkthrough available straight from the game. Oops.


I finished the game... but I can't close the game tab. The music is sooo relaxing! :D


It's okay, I beat it, no sound clues.

Nice and easy, and the fact that I liked it so much now has me questioning both my age and masculinity.



Huh. Managed to get most of the way through, but I seem stuck, not because of puzzle-solving problems, but it seems due to the limitations of using a laptop trackpad.

It appears that I need to make the full set of stars appear from Charger's horn, and I can't seem to move fast enough before they disappear. Kind of irritating.



You're kind of looking for stars in all the wrong places. The star you need to be looking for is on a different screen, right where you would expect to see a star.

Hope that helps.

I guess I can write a quickie walkthrough.


Frig, nevermind, found what I was looking for.


I'm in the "weary of spooky-to-downright-terrifying point-and-click adventures" crowd so thank you for this! Waiting to play this tomorrow while I should be working. :)


Charger Escape Walkthrough:

  1. Click on the broom to get a small key. Go right.

  2. Use the key on the tool box in the upper left hand corner to get instructions.

  3. Then click on the boots to reveal a horseshoe.

  4. Click on the apple to put it in your inventory. Go right.

  5. Click on the pitch fork to place it up on the wall.

  6. Click on the green apple to put it in your inventory.

  7. Click on the the left most carrot on the ground to put it in your inventory.

  8. Click on the handle of the wheelbarrow to move it and reveal a yellow apple. Get the apple.

  9. Click on the chicken sitting on the stack of hay on the right revealing a horseshoe with the eggs. You got to be kind of quick to grab the horseshoe. Go right.

  10. Pick up the horseshoe on the ground. Leave the one on the wall alone.

  11. Go right until you are back at the screen where two saddles are hanging on the wall. In the middle of the wall are two handles click on them both to reveal another room. Go in.

  12. To the right of the screen you see a pair of tongs. Pick them up.

  13. Click on the box holding the kittens three times to reveal a hammer. Pick it up.

  14. On the right side and at the very top of the oven in front of you is a plaque. click on it to see the instructions for cleaning up the horseshoe. It should instruct you to go 0-1-0-2-0. Click on the down arrow to return to your normal view.

  15. Use the latch to open the door.

  16. Insert a horseshoe and close the door.

  17. click on the red button.

  18. Using the plaque instructions click 1, then 0, then 2, then 0.

  19. Click on the red button and use the latch to open the door.

  20. Use the tongs on the horse shoe, then use the hammer on the horseshoe, then click on the horseshoe to put the clean horseshoe back in your inventory.

  21. Repeat the above for each of the remaining horse shoes.

  22. Go to the screen with the pad locked barn door and the single clean horseshoe hanging on the wall. Place your three horseshoes in the corresponding spaces on the barn (Horse Shoe 1 goes upper left, horseshoe 2 goes in the upper right, and horseshoe 3 goes in the lower right space).

  23. Go to the screen with the horse.

  24. Undo the latch.

  25. Look at the feeding and watering trough. Those symbols over the feeding trough tell you how to orient the horseshoes.

  26. While you are here, you can go ahead and feed the apples to the horse if you like.

  27. When you are ready, return to the horseshoes.

  28. Click the upper left horseshoe until it faces right.

  29. Click the upper right horseshoe until it faces down.

  30. Click the lower right horseshoe until it faces to the left.

  31. Pick up the rock that is now lying in front of you among the wreckage.

  32. Go back to the oven.

  33. Place the rock in the oven. This time you are going to look at the instructions in your inventory. They tell you 0-2-1-2-0.

  34. Close the door, press the red button.

  35. Click on 2, then 1, then 2, then 0.

  36. Click on the red button and open the door.

  37. Use the tongs on the rock.

  38. Use the hammer on the rock. Click on the rock.

  39. Return to the horse. Look at the food and water troughs again. Press the square above the water trough to fill it with water. Place the magic rock in the water.

  40. You can now feed the carrot to the unicorn.

  41. Return to the screen with the chickens. Look out the window. Click on the star.

  42. One of the chickens moves to reveal a scoop. Pick it up.

  43. Use the scoop on the open bag of feed in which the star fell.

  44. Return to the horse screen.

  45. Look at the food trough.

  46. Use the scoop filled with feed on the food trough.

  47. Congratulations, you just beat the game!


Does anyone else find it a little weird that at the end,

the horse gets out, but you DON'T

?! ;)

Dan Someone December 9, 2008 10:40 PM

I'm going to have to show this to my 7-year-old daughter. It has potential to be a gateway escape game for her.


I used Grimmrook's walkthrough, and at the ending I figured out why you couldn't escape out the clearly not blocked window. Because

You don't escape yourself, you help the horse escape!

Dan Someone December 9, 2008 10:48 PM

Although I was a bit disappointed

that the apples didn't seem to make any difference. The first time through, I missed the yellow one, so I went back and did it again with all three. No difference.


I didn't use my apples at all, so I guess they aren't necessary in the slightest.


I wonder how Cute Overload will react to this game.


awwww...this is toooo cute! <3


This was a great little game. Very enjoyable and it was very logical and easy. Thanks! Love the cute little chooks.


Man, almost got through it by myself. I just needed #41 in the walkthrough :(

Cute and relaxing, though. I'm glad it wasn't another Halloween escape this week.


I can't believe this game seriously ended with a magical, flying unicorn. This is more terrifying than Hotel 626!


Kind of proud of myself. Got through with no assistance.


Aww. Early morning cuteness was just what I needed. The ending was unexpected, too, which makes it extra nice.


Beat it, with some walkthrough help.

This is all very well and good for the horsey, but how am *I* going to get out of this stable?


I'm into cute things as much as the next girl, but

flying purple unicorns

are a bit too much for me.

Fun game though :)


Aww, that was lovely.


Elsa! You're not into flying purple unicorns?! You are a disgrace to womankind! Pah! :P


Quite possibly the easiest escape game ever. I hope another one is posted today, I finished that one in about 3 minutes with no help, and now how am I supposed to waste the rest of my Wednesday?!?

queen-of-diamonds December 10, 2008 3:00 PM

Yep, probably one of the easiest escape games, but it's so beautifully executed that I really didn't mind.


Very cute. Not too difficult. I tend to like the way the pastel folk think.


Seriously, I want to know how you guys...

got 0-1-0-2-0 from the scroll. Mine says 0-2-1-2-0, which I tried a million times, but 0-1-0-2-0 works. It looks like an M with the 0 line on the bottom and the 2 line on the top. I can't see any way to interpret that as 0-1-0-2-0



ACK! I missed

the plaque

. Disregard my last message :)


Papachabre December 11, 2008 6:28 AM

At the end I thought

Oh great, so the horse escapes, but what about me? =P

I enjoyed the game though it was a bit too easy.


Aw, pretty! Horsies! Yay! The only thing that bugged me is that the kittens are staring at the oven fearfully, as if afraid they are going to get baked!


Pretty good! I actually did it all by myself! :D


So cute! I love it!

stardollcute December 13, 2008 9:49 PM

Unicorns! I love this game!

just trying out the spoiler thing


wow, amazing! cool outcomes


I totally agree with zar! funny and not too difficult: almost perfect


quite a cute game. very easy, which is nice for once (considering i cannot finish any other than easy...) cute animals

unicorns though? :] again quite cute....


haha the horse turned into a unicorn o.o that was sorta random...


i can't

get the rock, i've put the horseshoes in order on the wall but nothing happens.


OMG my pony turned into a unicorn!!!!!than it flew away!!!OMG


say burr

to find out the correct order for the horseshoes, go to the horse stall and zoom in on the water and feed. then look at the shapes above the feed. it should read from bottom right clockwise: facing up, facing right, facing down, facing left


I was thinking the whole time that the food was supposed to make her poo, so that I could use it for something (like a heat source?). I think the fact that I have a horse was making me think too literally. :D


I would have just hit the lock on the door with the hammer.


I know a bit of it but I do'nt know why the key dos'nt open the door?

Kittymama January 4, 2009 2:02 AM


The key opens something else.


that was such a cool game!!!!!


hahahaha i think this is the first click-escape game i've finished. in my life.
my only issue is that i was stupid enough to not be able to open the latch on the oven.
no offense to stupid people or anything.
fun game. love the music.


Fab game! Loved it! I managed to do it all by myself:) Well apart from one little bit...doh!


Did anyone else notice...

After the horse turns into a unicorn, move your cursor around the horn and little stars appear. Keep following the stars out past the tip of the horn and it turns into a large star identical to the one on the instruction roll. They don't last long so you have to move the cursor rather quickly. Silly me I was trying to make them all turn on at once. My wrist started hurting and I thought I was going nuts! I didn't think of going to the other window and clicking on the star! LOL


i love this game only i cant figure it out.


This game is super cute! Great graphics!


So theres a walkthru in the game where is it?

Anonymous March 10, 2009 3:26 AM

i dont know how to open the stupid oven door! im peeved. especially at the fact that i seem to be the first person to notice this.

Anonymous April 11, 2009 9:19 AM

Wait...where's the walkthrough?!?!


That game made me laugh really hard! It was fun though.


This game is challenging but fun at the same time. I've been doing it for about an hour and I'm stumped on how to get in the locked room.

Jackayeee June 8, 2009 9:04 PM

So all stars are unicorns huh? xD

WooooHersheys June 14, 2009 8:53 PM

Wow, this game IS honestly, VERY REALISTIC!! When I played it I thought "Hey, this is just like what happened to my friend, Mochojojo! Amazing <3

silverwolf7392 June 14, 2009 9:44 PM

That's funny... the walkthrough doesn't say anything about the

yellow apple, but I suppose you feed it to the horse the same as the others.

KADIJAH June 15, 2009 3:06 PM

easy peasy lemon squeezy hahaha!!!!

Red Orchids June 17, 2009 8:04 PM

What?? Horse to Unicorn to Pegasus!!! Evolution at its best!!!

♥Kayjay♥ June 23, 2009 12:06 AM

HAHA this game game had me laughing out loud!

it was fun though


could someone please tell me how to do the sequence in the furnace room when it says to do it 1,0,2,0?

JIGuest July 3, 2009 8:35 PM

So easy, but like others; Yay, the unicorn gets out, but I don't! :( ;)

zonongaon July 25, 2009 6:00 PM

you have to look at the food bin in the stable to see the code to the door

/lbj.kjbh July 26, 2009 4:12 AM

i cant open the latch of the oven thing?

nerdypants August 23, 2009 9:36 PM

To open the oven:

Push the red button. The oven needs to be off before you can open it.


Lol. I think this was a cute game.
At the end

where Charger turns into a unicorn and then flys away and turns into a star and then comes back down as charger. i was like awww..


[Edit: Spoiler added ~ Kayleigh]


The link to the game has changed. The new one is:

[Edit: Thanks for the note, links fixed. -Jay]

ScarletBegonias December 6, 2009 2:15 AM

In regards to food:

Only Charger will eat apples, only Unicorn will eat carrot. However, neither is necessary to escape.


So, I really really liked this one.
It didn't make my brain hurt, and it was just...happy.


Great game with great following sequence should be charger excape 2


Getting 404 error today--was going to link it to my work site (I work for a horse magazine) but I will wait until the link is fixed.

[Edit: Link fixed. -Jay]

prudence March 27, 2010 7:57 PM

It's funny you go threw all that just to escape a house


This really helped;) Thanks!!!


Hey! I turned the horse into the pegasus and after all my hard work well gosh darn it that ungrateful horse just left me there....I find this to not be so much an "escape game" as it is a "sit in a barn while your horse runs away and is presumably incinerated in the cosmos while you are STILL STUCK IN THE STABLE" game


I can beat almost any escape games but for me this was kinda tricky. I love the game though my cousin would love it to death! ^_^


This Game is great! I did it in 1 minute! Is that even possible?! well of course it is, I did it!! :-p


That was a good game. But completly Random?


how do you get the meteor hot

Baladail March 3, 2011 12:01 PM

omg such a great game i am 12 and i still like that website! ahhhhhhh such a beautiful message it sends! the glory of Gods creations.... even though God did not make unicorns because there not real...


If you liked this you should try the escape series games...

#1. the car, #2 the closet, #3 the phone booth, #4 the bathroom, #5 the freezer. :D


Wow this game took an unexpectedly wonderful turn at some point, from charming to amazing! Heigh-ho Charger!


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