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Casual Gameplay Escape

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This week, we present the exclusive debut of a super-duper, extra-special room escape game, one we can guarantee that absolutely no other website has yet featured. Don't you feel special? To all the JIG faithful, we present to you the world premiere of.... Casual Gameplay Escape!

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Walkthrough Guide

(Please allow page to fully load for spoiler tags to be functional.)

Casual Gameplay Escape: Hint-Through

Since these are hints and not explicit step-by-step, the clues will always assume that you have explored the screen and the obvious clickable items.


Getting Started:

So, facing the door at start, you've got a light switch, a panel of 8 red lights, a locked door and a note. Then, two walls each with three panels, and a grid wall that appears clicky but not scrolling.

Actually, you've already got the info you need for the grid wall.

Yes, I know what the note says, but you can't trust a game developer. ;)

And the three-paneled walls...

...maybe the room is too bright to really see them.

Turn the light off, and look again.


Technically, you don't have to solve both of the three-panel puzzles in order to go forward after solving the grid... but it helps immensely.

Three-Panel Walls and the Grid


On the grid, recreate the pattern that appears in red squares on the note.

It has to be exact.

If you numbered the rows and lettered the columns, the grid coordinates would be 1,a; 3,c; 8,c; 10,c; 4,d; 9,d; 3,e; 6,e; 7,f; 2,g; 6,g; 1,h; 2,i; 1,j (thanks, SHA and Tonypa!) Here's a screenshot to assist.


Fit the shapes into the outline. You won't use all the shapes each time. You'll know you have it right when the next panel opens.

Also, you'll have to bring shapes from the first and second panels over to use later.


You have to get the man through the door safely. Unfortunately, there are many ways to kill him before he gets there...

...namely, clicking on him too much or letting him get by a laser or fireball. You know, the usual.

Pre-set the purple icons to direct him, and then click him to start moving.

The icons can be set left, right, up (jump) or gun.

Order for Stickman Icons (there are multiple solutions for these but the following will work):

Starting in the top left: up, shoot
middle level: left
bottom level: right, no change Here's a screenshot of the icons set up for 1st panel.


top: jump, shoot
middle: left
bottom: right, shoot, up, no change. Here's a screenshot of the icons set up for 2nd level.


top floor: first one is right, and then no change for the other four
middle floor: up, up, shoot, left
bottom floor and then to the right up the stairs: right, right, up, right, shoot, up, up, up, shoot, up, up. Here's a screenshot of the icons set up for 3rd level.

Argh! Help me! WHERE ARE THE "POSTER PUZZLES" everyone is talking about?

This is a little confusing, because the puzzles aren't actually in the posters. That's why you can't do anything besides zoom in on them.
-There are six posters, which will appear behind the wall panels when you've completed the house and stickman games.
-There are also six more puzzles, that live in the grid wall. You can get to them by scrolling. You'll know you've accessed them when you can see the light blue "pipes."
-The posters aren't actually puzzles, but clues to the six puzzles in the grid wall. It won't be obvious which corresponds to which - put your thinking cap on.

Hint-Through Part 2:

The "Poster Puzzles", Part 1 (I'll refer to these by what appears when you first view it in the grid scroller.)

The poster clue here is "CG Wireless".

It's a bizarro-world pipes puzzle, to be sure.

Whatever you do for a regular pipes puzzle, don't do here.

"No connections," see?

Solve this one by making sure no pieces connect. Screenshot of my solution.

Line of Green Blocks:

The poster clue is the DJ party.

You need to add red, green and yellow blocks into a specific pattern.

The design you need to recreate is hidden in the poster.

The bottom giveth, and the top taketh away.

In other words, by clicking on the bottom row, you can add blocks, and by clicking on the top row, you can remove them.

I had to use a walk-through on this one, eventually: Click the top of the second column twice, then the bottom of the first column twice. Click the top of the third column once, then the top of the fifth column three times, then the bottom of the fourth column once. Click the top of the seventh column twice, then the bottom of the sixth column once. Lastly, click the top of the eighth column once. (Thanks, SHA!)

Tank and UFO:

The poster clue is the "peace tank"...

...although there isn't much "clue" needed.

This is like a very simple ground defense game.

Only the mouse won't work.

Use your arrow keys to avoid the UFO's beam, and don't die. There's a hint for you. ;)

Hint-Through Part 3:

The "Poster Puzzles", Part 2 (I'll refer to these by what appears when you first view it in the grid scroller.)
Rows of White Numbers and Triangles:

The clue here is the casino supply poster

Notice anything about the numbers in this puzzle?

They don't go any higher than 6.

Much like a die.

Notice the red outlined shape on the puzzle? What would that shape fold up into?

The red outline represents the red dice on the poster.

Click the triangles to make sure all six numbers are represented in the red outline. Click the check mark to reset if needed. Screenshot of solution.

Crossword Looking Thing:

The clue is the JiG poster with the gameboard pieces.

You need to make some sense out of the letters.

The final layout of the solution appears in the poster.

Move the letters by clicking the white dots, to swap rows and columns.

Click the round icon to reset.

There are four words in the puzzle, all of which should be very familiar by now.

Red and Yellow Blocks:

The clue is the JiG soda poster.

I found this one to be too abstract for a logical hint sequence, so I'll just say that you want to try and recreate an image from the poster, using the clicky lights.

What image in the poster could you faithfully recreate in the puzzle?

It's the J from the soda can.

You need to click on red buttons, and then press the big red "scanner" button, in order to light up a yellow J.

If you were to start at the bottom right corner of the red side and number those squares backwards and vertically, it corresponds to the yellow side, backward and horizontally.

Or something like that. Anyway, here's a screenshot.

When you've completed all eight puzzles:

(the stickman, the house, and the six poster puzzles), the panel on the door should be lit completely in green. Be free!


darlingdeath August 27, 2008 4:58 AM

so excited to see something original for JIG!

but already I'm a little stuck..

on the second set of games (you're playing as a little stick guy).. how do you get past the second panel? do the double arrows have anything to do with it?


Yeah, I'm stuck on that too. How do you get past the double-screened stickman run?


I've just passed the second slab of the second game, daringdeath

Can't remember it exactly, but the bottom left hand corner's double arrow is very important.

You'll need to get rid of that plasma thing by shooting it at some point

Set one arrow to shoot and the other to Right. When you walk into it from the left, he'll shoot the wall, turn around and then shoot the plasma.

Any help on the third? I can't get past the double laser the switch on the middle floor triggers.


I'm stuck on the third to, please help :(

Gladi8or2 August 27, 2008 5:38 AM


my stickman is stuck in an eternal loop...


I'm stuck on the third stickman game too.

I don't think you can turn the beams off once they're on, which means that you can't turn either set of beams on, otherwise you can't get to the end.

great game though so far. Really like the general feel of it. Would be nice if the stickmen game didn't reset after each run though (and that there was a reset button instead).

Anonymous August 27, 2008 5:42 AM

second panel with stick guy

turn the right of the double arrows into a gun


I did it! I'm escaper #0!

great game, logic puzzles, fair music and nice graphics.
I like the way all the puzzles connect to eachother in some way.
I give this all my points. 5/5

ben5555525 August 27, 2008 5:55 AM

i solved the stick games, and the block games, and now i dont know what to do>:


i solved the third stickman thing...

Dont activate the double laser! First go to the right (so you are on the middle floor walking to the right) and use the first of the two arrows to shoot the fire thing and the second to go back. Then go left and down and use the bottom way. Now you have to try to time your stickman right so it isnt killed by the last laser. I am not sure how I did this.

can anybody help me with the other puzzle?

ben5555525 August 27, 2008 5:59 AM

never mind, i figured it out~


wow. i must be completely inept if no one else had problems on the first (im assuming its the first) set of games.

i can only find one solution to the pipes but it always tells me it is wrong

i kill the ufo but nothing special happens, no lights light up or anything, it just gives me the option of restarting

i have NO idea what to do on the numbers thing


Ok, the other puzzle is solved as well:

The frame is not just to be filled, it has to look like a house i.e. it has to have a door and a window...

I dont know what to do next.


(sorry for the double post) nevermind, i got the ufo thing


Sloth - you might be better off looking for some clues to help you with those. ;)


(and the triple...) im also trapped on the red, yellow, and green puzzle. any hints for any of these?


no hints?
there are hints all over the place!


can somebody help on any of the puzzles after the stickman and the block puzzle?


Got the 3-panel stick man!

Basically, what you need to do is activate the 1st and last lasers and then let your man shoot the gun in any unused arrow spaces in order to slow him down so he doesn't get killed.

Here's what you need to do to the arrows to achieve this.

Top level: leave all arrows as they start, pointing right.

Middle level, left to right: gun, up, gun, left.

Bottom level, left to right: right, right, up, right, gun, up, up, up (this should be the square under the first double laser), gun (second double laser), up, up.

Let me know if that didn't work, I was doing the arrows from memory since I can't reload the stick man game


Right, done three (almost four) out of the six puzzles.

Each poster relates to a different game!

Game 2 - Tanks

Look at the second poster for some words to do with the game

Don't shoot the UFO for the duration of the game

Game 3 - Numbers

The fifth poster is the clue.

The red thing is a net for something

Create a die, so the opposite numbers add up to 7

Game 4 - Red and Yellow blocks

Click on some red blocks, then the little red bar, and then se what happens. Then check out the fourth poster.

So you need to make something appear on the yellow grid, right?

Figure out the squares needed to make a yellow "J"

Game 5 - Letters

The third poster this time... surely you can see something helpful!

Look in the top right corner.

I can't vouch for this just yet, but it fits so perfectly it must be right. Use the little grid that looks like a crossword puzzle and fill it in with words ou can make from the given letters.


Any help on the first or last game?

Here's what i have for those so far:

First - Pipes

I can link the pipes from the top to bottom, but I'm looking at the first poster and it says "No connection needed". Is that true for this game as well?

Sixth - Green, Yellow, Red

Got to have something to do with "One Nite Only", surely?

Anonymous August 27, 2008 6:23 AM

For the first:

"no connections"

and last:

the coloured blocks in the background of the poster


Got the pipe puzzle!

Warning! It's oh so obvious if you just think about it! Have a go first!

Set up all the pipes so that none of them connect.


solution to Sixth - Green, Yellow, Red

look at the red, green and yellow squares on the poster, and replicate it in the game.


I do appear to be posting a lot, but I'm out! Escaper #5!

The sixth puzzle is rather simple if you just look at it carefully!

masozravapalma August 27, 2008 6:38 AM

Escaper #12...
That is good for me....
Interresting puzzle.


Good game, not so simple though
Escaper #11 :D


#9 for me.

The hints in the posters were devious. I had to finish the houses puzzle and spot the peace sign (after already hitting upon the UFO solution) before I realized what I was seeing.

Well done, Sean! Reminds me of The Dark Room.


I dont understand how when u finish the first 2 games do u start playing the poster games..
All i see is posters..


Escaper #16.

Really great game. I liked that a lot. The stickmen was a little obtuse (and slightly buggy) but overall, excellent. Thanks!


I've got past the stickmen and the house, but I don't see how to find / activate the six games. Am i missing something?

Papachabre August 27, 2008 6:51 AM

Woo #19! And all I had to do was skip shaving before work.

masozravapalma August 27, 2008 6:57 AM

Cat: To activate six games:

Is said that the note does not contain any clues.... But is it true?

Yes I mean the red squares on the note

Copy the pattern from note to the squares on opposite wall.


masozravapalma: I guess that means that

The note is a lie!

greekblondenj August 27, 2008 7:45 AM

I cant activate posters, i copied the red square patern from paper but nothing , help please...........thanx


Good fun! And for once I didn't even have to look at the walkthroughs. :)


I finished the stickman and house puzzles. I have the posters open, now what do I do?
They relate to games? I don't get it.

Spikeyboy August 27, 2008 8:03 AM

OK, I don't have any posters either. I solved the 'house-building' trio and 2 of the three stick man bits - but no posters


click on the panels of where the house and jigman games were once you are done and woila! posters!
still cant figure out green, yellow, red puzzle. ithink it has something to do with

the number of letters devoted to each color in the poster

but that doesnt work. i need help :(


nevermind...i feel dumb...and blind...

Patreon Crew SonicLover August 27, 2008 8:15 AM


Look for a pattern of red, green, and yellow squares that could conceivably be duplicated to the puzzle. One poster in particular will "B" your guide...

I've already beaten this one, but I didn't pay attention to which number I was. One puzzle really threw me for a loop.

I thought "Peace Tank - Half Off" meant I had to reduce the UFO's health to exactly one-half.


Solve all three of each 3-panel puzzle or you can't get to the posters

Walkthrough part 1:

Grid wall puzzle:

look at document in front of the door

use the red squares on document somewhere in the room

Go to the wall opposite the door. You can click on the correct spots or click all of the spots except those to make the pattern, it works either way. The red squares are the pattern you need.
Can't quite get them in the right spot?

top horizontal row 1,2,3, ect. left side vertical, a,b,c, ect.
1,a; 3,c; 8,c; 10,c; 4,d; 9,d; 3,e; 6,e; 7,f; 2,g; 6,g; 1,h; 2,i; 1,j

Stickman 1:

top: up, shoot
middle: left
bottom: right, no change

Stickman 2:

top: jump, shoot
middle: left
bottom: right, shoot, up, no change

Stickman 3:

top floor: right (you can shoot but you don't need to) other four, no change
middle floor: up, up, shoot, left
bottom floor and up the stairs: right, right, up, right, shoot (shooting before the stairs makes the timing right), up, up, up, shoot, up, up (otherwise you get stuck in the whole)

House 1:

door on bottom and roof on top

House 2:

door on bottom, orange triangle on left, window above door and roof above window

House 3:

bottom: orange triangle on left, door in middle, red/orange window on right
middle: blue smiley on left, light blue smiley on right above red/orange window
top: window with roof on top and other roof above light blue smiley

next puzzle "posters":

go back to the door, turn off the lights and go right


I need a boatload of help for the 3rd stickman game.I need someone to give me an arrow-by-arrow walkthrough for it. Thanks.


Ahh. The power of posting.


I actually beat the UFO game without knowing the posters even exist - and without having the faintest idea I actually beat the game (totally by chance - i didn't realize i could shoot wth the tank all i could do is go left and right :)) - because it seems to go on after you've beaten it. OK, the background changes but i thought it was only kinda "next level"... :D

acorn2oak August 27, 2008 9:35 AM

I have the posters, but can't get to the poster games. Help please!


I searched everywhere and I can't find these "games"; in the game, on the jig site, googled the jig site, nothing.

Where are these games?


OK, got the last standing mini-game, the connecting one.

Remember: the hint is "no connections needed!"

Meaning no connections AT ALL...

So, simply makesure NO adjacent tiles get connected thru the white line.


The perfect fuel to my never-ceasing ausement is that most of the escape games make you wander in a room/house for hours on end trying the weirdest ideas and doing impossible things, impossible leaps of logic - and in the meantime the door you wish to open so bad is a simple wooden plank door that could be broken into shreds with your own human power in the matter of minutes :DDD

Erik Van Dyck August 27, 2008 9:54 AM

I'm loving this game. One remark maybe: it's possible to get the stickman running around in an infinte loop, so a reset function as someone already mentioned would be useful. Now I had to restart the entire game!


I put the Wall in the back to match the paper, but nothing happened. Help?


Aaaagh I can't do the final puzzle... I know what to do, but not how... :(


I loved it!

Demonskrye August 27, 2008 10:31 AM

OK, could someone just explain what the pattern should be for...

the Red Yellow Green puzzle? I checked the hints and i know it's supposed to look like the background of the DJ poster, but I must be getting some part of the pattern wrong because I just can't seem to do it.


Where are the mini games? I got to the posters and I dont know what to do now.



Aaaagh I can't do the final puzzle... I know what to do, but not how... :(


I did the wall too, with nothing happening

Demonskrye August 27, 2008 10:40 AM

Never mind, I solved the last puzzle. My problem was that I...

didn't realize that the first visible column on the right in the poster was completely blank and not part of the puzzle. How silly of me.

I think I was escapee #235 (with a good deal of spoiler help), though I could be wrong as my number disappeared as I started writing this.


I have revealed the posters but where are the other games????



I've found

the posters, but all I can do is click to zoom in on them. Nothing else happens.

What do I do next?


Okay, I feel like an idiot, but I really, really can't figure out how to make the posters become games. Please help?

DeadlySaintJimmy August 27, 2008 11:43 AM

Fantastic! Lovely to see something so JIG orinentated :)

And I managed to do it all alone! Escapee #330 yay!!


The red squares pattern SHA posted in the walkthrough is wrong. Most are actually one space left.


Me too Lotte! I have revealed all 6 posters but cannot figure out where to play the mini games. Help! Pretty please!


Hmm, I've done the block thing with the letter and the 6 games haven't appeared yet. Have I done anything wrong?


I see what I did. Sorry about that. Miscalculated the space between the farthest on the right and the one next to it. It was 4:00 a.m. I was frustrated and just wanted to get the stickman walkthrough up. The grid was last minute. Thanks for noting it, now I know how to continue for now.

Grid fix: 1,a; 3,c; 8,c; 10,c; 4,d; 9,d; 3,e; 6,e; 7,f; 2,g; 6,g; 1,h; 2,i; 1,j

Reset and tried it, so it should work now.


Aaaug! I got the stickman and the houses, but I can't activate any of the other posters! The lights are off, and the wall has all the buttons pressed! AAARG!


I tried the buttons backwards, too. Please help.

likephilshead August 27, 2008 12:57 PM

Nice degree of difficulty. It reminds me a lot of The Dark Room. Sort of a mix between a room escape game and the ClickDragType series.

I hope there's more to come.

likephilshead August 27, 2008 1:01 PM

DaDewd... perhaps you should do some reading...

Read the note again

What are those funny red squares on the page?

Anonymous August 27, 2008 1:16 PM

What is the sequence for the red, yellow and green squares? I can't for the life of me figure it out. :(


#464 Thanks for the Game Sean, Jay and Jess
Thank again Tonypa for the fixer
Walkthrough part 2

  • Correct the Grid wall if you haven't already, if it is incorrect you won't be able to get to the next set of puzzles.

Posters & puzzles
The game is relatively easy once you have everything in the right order.

If you mess up just click up or down and then back to the one you were on and it will start over. Your game progress is not lost, the mini game is reset.
When solved the background behind the puzzle animates.


Poster 1 CG wireless cellphone

No pipes can connect to each other. "no connection"

Stacks of color/grid

Poster 6 d-jay B

Clicking at the top of the grid builds up, clicking at the bottom of the grid takes the top off. It is in sets of three unless you click on the outermost side.

From NetMonster on
Click the top of the second column twice, then the bottom of the first column twice.
Click the top of the third column once, then the top of the fifth column three times, then the bottom of the fourth column once.
Click the top of the seventh column twice, then the bottom of the sixth column once.
Lastly, click the top of the eighth column once.

Letters in a grid

Poster 3 Casual Game play with cards, crossword and board pieces

It is a small crossword puzzle. Once you know the order it is easy

Try just with the words first
Play, games, casual, jay

Top horizontal, play; vertical connected to play, games; horizontal connected to games, casual; vertical connected to casual, jay

Number grid:

Poster 5, gambling with cards dice and chips

Create a die; look at the dice on the poster for an example.

The poster shows you most of the sides. 1 is on the opposite side of 6. Opposite sides equal 7.

Top 4; second from top 1 and 5; second from bottom 3 and 6; bottom 2

Alien and tank:

Poster 2 Peace tank half off

He shoots at you when you cross under him, so do not stop under him
Part one of solution:

Do not die
Second part of solution:

Do not shoot the UFO

Red and yellow blocks

Poster 4 JIG SODA

You have to click the red button to start the "reader"

Trick, the red squares correspond with the yellow, but the red is vertically and the yellow is translated horizontally in order. Click a few red squares and watch to see the order.

It is a J
In order it reads it:

Blank, blank, red, blank, blank, red, blank, blank, red, red, blank, red, red, red, red
Left: middle red
Middle: top red, bottom two red
Right: bottom 4 red

Finished all the puzzles?
You are free.

Ewan Whosarmy August 27, 2008 1:29 PM

Well I enjoyed that. Took ages for the penny to drop on the pipes puzzle as it was so counter-intuitive. And yeah it reminded me of ClickDragType too, which is still one of my top 10 games of all time. Also by following the links to contributors websites at the end I discovered Clack 3 is out - yay! Time to go play it.

Thanks Jay and team for an excellent game :)

Ewan Whosarmy August 27, 2008 1:35 PM

Ok so Clack 3 isn't out yet. My bad. I just got a bit excited when I saw the icon for it on Sean's website.


I've got the posters up and everything, I just don't understand how to activate the games?

I transferred the red squares off the paper onto the wall grid, which opened the posters

but I don't know how to start playing the other games!


Love it, took a few hints for what poster related to each puzzle, but other than that I managed to solve most by myself. This game was great and I hope more follow!


I finished stickman and house puzzle. Now what? All I have is 6 posters a grid wall and the door screenshot with the two top lights green. Where are the other games?


I guess I'm just too tired. This game just didn't appeal to me. The "clue" letter has TMI and I don't have the energy to sit and "draw" it out by hand.

There are too many red blocks to memorize and then go to the block wall and put them there.

Who decided that the browser menu should be disabled. At least I would have a print screen of the info I needed.

Sorry this game is not an escape game. I am not rating this game because I would give it low marks and too many others have truly enjoyed it. So it's just me an old escape the room purist :) who hopefully will be back next week.


Loved this game. Thank you so much for such an enjoyable time. Except that I should be working...

Shuffledog August 27, 2008 2:36 PM

Beautiful! Did it without any hints. Fun game!

Anonymous August 27, 2008 2:40 PM

Will someone please answer the question that has been asked multiple times regarding how to get the other games open after getting to the posters.

tenkuchima August 27, 2008 2:45 PM

That was really fun. The best part about it, I think, was that everything stayed the way you left it. Unlike in most room escape games where the puzzles reset when you leave the screen.


It does put me in mind of the Archapeligo and Dark Room games; I was wondering when there'd be another like them. My only problem was when I got stuck slightly after the beginning, thanks to mini-game-like puzzles that were so slow, I knew I'd failed it but it would take nearly a minute more for the game to acknowledge it. An "Abort/retry" button to instantly restart the Stickman game would probably lead to less frustration, and thus less bumbling around without a clue.

It's a nice touch about how many of the "room escapers" always seem to end just with the door opening out into a park or field. It's like the Internet equivalent of people actually building puzzle rooms for people to enter and figure out, with the ultimate message of "congratulations, now reward yourself by going outside!"

Also, I got #790. There's a possible in-joke to make out of that, but it'd be way too obscure.


Ditto on stickman caught in loop. Ummm... any way to assassinate him?


You can turn the lights on, that will close the panels.

Then turn the lights off again, that should reset the JIGman puzzle.

We'll get a fix or a reset button in the next update. Sorry about that.

yojimbo 30 August 27, 2008 3:36 PM

Easier Stickman 3 method in fewer moves than the walkthru says!

In only seven moves!

top floor: no change to any

middle floor: no change, shoot, up, no change

bottom floor: no change to any

the stairs: up, up, shoot, up, up

The "up" on the middle floor gets him to jump directly to the stairs without turning on any lasers -- that matter anyway. Haha!


Hint-through on the way, with screenshots. :)

mixedmetaphor August 27, 2008 3:40 PM

getting to the other games...

have you turned off the lights?


Thanks Jay. Anyway I restarted and as it saves progress no major frustrations. Nice game. Puzzles logical, clues helpful... and no, not too frustrating at all.


If you're having trouble getting the games to show up after making the posters appear...

Try moving your red blocks one column to the left.


Some very interesting puzzles in there, it's great to have a totally different kind of room escape...a change from those turn-all-the-lights-out puzzles or fiddling around with colours and numbers hidden around rooms...*has possibly played too many room escapes*

Really like the design, but it really could have done with some hints! Subtle ones, but still. Without the walkthrough I don't think I would even have realised

that the puzzles related to the posters, which was pretty much the whole point!

...maybe that's just me though.
Otherwise I really enjoyed it. I particularly liked the

stickman game, although it was tricky...


Casual Gameplay Escape: Hint-Through

Since these are hints and not explicit step-by-step, the clues will always assume that you have explored the screen and the obvious clickable items.


Getting Started:

So, facing the door at start, you've got a light switch, a panel of 8 red lights, a locked door and a note. Then, two walls each with three panels, and a grid wall that appears clicky but not scrolling.

Actually, you've already got the info you need for the grid wall.

Yes, I know what the note says, but you can't trust a game developer. ;)

And the three-paneled walls...

...maybe the room is too bright to really see them.

Turn the light off, and look again.


Technically, you don't have to solve both of the three-panel puzzles in order to go forward after solving the grid... but it helps immensely.

Three-Panel Walls and the Grid


On the grid, recreate the pattern that appears in red squares on the note.

It has to be exact.

If you numbered the rows and lettered the columns, the grid coordinates would be 1,a; 3,c; 8,c; 10,c; 4,d; 9,d; 3,e; 6,e; 7,f; 2,g; 6,g; 1,h; 2,i; 1,j (thanks, SHA and Tonypa!) Here's a screenshot to assist.


Fit the shapes into the outline. You won't use all the shapes each time. You'll know you have it right when the next panel opens.

Also, you'll have to bring shapes from the first and second panels over to use later.


You have to get the man through the door safely. Unfortunately, there are many ways to kill him before he gets there...

...namely, clicking on him too much or letting him get by a laser or fireball. You know, the usual.

Pre-set the purple icons to direct him, and then click him to start moving.

The icons can be set left, right, up (jump) or gun.

Order for Stickman Icons (there are multiple solutions for these but the following will work):

Starting in the top left: up, shoot
middle level: left
bottom level: right, no change Here's a screenshot of the icons set up for 1st panel.


top: jump, shoot
middle: left
bottom: right, shoot, up, no change. Here's a screenshot of the icons set up for 2nd level.


top floor: first one is right, and then no change for the other four
middle floor: up, up, shoot, left
bottom floor and then to the right up the stairs: right, right, up, right, shoot, up, up, up, shoot, up, up. Here's a screenshot of the icons set up for 3rd level.

Argh! Help me! WHERE ARE THE "POSTER PUZZLES" everyone is talking about?

This is a little confusing, because the puzzles aren't actually in the posters. That's why you can't do anything besides zoom in on them.
-There are six posters, which will appear behind the wall panels when you've completed the house and stickman games.
-There are also six more puzzles, that live in the grid wall. You can get to them by scrolling. You'll know you've accessed them when you can see the light blue "pipes."
-The posters aren't actually puzzles, but clues to the six puzzles in the grid wall. It won't be obvious which corresponds to which - put your thinking cap on.


I LOVED IT!!! Got out without help, but the puzzles were none too easy, some of which took me around 20 min. Way to go, Sean!


Hint-Through Part 2:

The "Poster Puzzles", Part 1 (I'll refer to these by what appears when you first view it in the grid scroller.)

The poster clue here is "CG Wireless".

It's a bizarro-world pipes puzzle, to be sure.

Whatever you do for a regular pipes puzzle, don't do here.

"No connections," see?

Solve this one by making sure no pieces connect. Screenshot of my solution.

Line of Green Blocks:

The poster clue is the DJ party.

You need to add red, green and yellow blocks into a specific pattern.

The design you need to recreate is hidden in the poster.

The bottom giveth, and the top taketh away.

In other words, by clicking on the bottom row, you can add blocks, and by clicking on the top row, you can remove them.

I had to use a walk-through on this one, eventually: Click the top of the second column twice, then the bottom of the first column twice. Click the top of the third column once, then the top of the fifth column three times, then the bottom of the fourth column once. Click the top of the seventh column twice, then the bottom of the sixth column once. Lastly, click the top of the eighth column once. (Thanks, SHA!)

Tank and UFO:

The poster clue is the "peace tank"...

...although there isn't much "clue" needed.

This is like a very simple ground defense game.

Only the mouse won't work.

Use your arrow keys to avoid the UFO's beam, and don't die. There's a hint for you. ;)


Hint-Through Part 3:

The "Poster Puzzles", Part 2 (I'll refer to these by what appears when you first view it in the grid scroller.)
Rows of White Numbers and Triangles:

The clue here is the casino supply poster

Notice anything about the numbers in this puzzle?

They don't go any higher than 6.

Much like a die.

Notice the red outlined shape on the puzzle? What would that shape fold up into?

The red outline represents the red dice on the poster.

Click the triangles to make sure all six numbers are represented in the red outline. Click the check mark to reset if needed. Screenshot of solution.

Crossword Looking Thing:

The clue is the JiG poster with the gameboard pieces.

You need to make some sense out of the letters.

The final layout of the solution appears in the poster.

Move the letters by clicking the white dots, to swap rows and columns.

Click the round icon to reset.

There are four words in the puzzle, all of which should be very familiar by now.

Red and Yellow Blocks:

The clue is the JiG soda poster.

I found this one to be too abstract for a logical hint sequence, so I'll just say that you want to try and recreate an image from the poster, using the clicky lights.

What image in the poster could you faithfully recreate in the puzzle?

It's the J from the soda can.

You need to click on red buttons, and then press the big red "scanner" button, in order to light up a yellow J.

If you were to start at the bottom right corner of the red side and number those squares backwards and vertically, it corresponds to the yellow side, backward and horizontally.

Or something like that. Anyway, here's a screenshot.

When you've completed all eight puzzles:

(the stickman, the house, and the six poster puzzles), the panel on the door should be lit completely in green. Be free!


In the stick man puzzle, it would be nice to have a reset button. It's stuck in an endless loop on part II for me.



Please explain exactly how to access puzzle games. I only can zoom in on all puzzles, but cannot play, i have read & re-read comments, but cannot make it happen!

Sesquiped August 27, 2008 7:53 PM

Oh man! I wanted to cheat so bad, but I knew the clues were there.

And, ha, i beat you. Good game, I liked the clues, the games were fun, and the atmosphere was cool too.

the note in the note threw me off

Ewan Whosarmy August 27, 2008 8:23 PM

Michelle, the 'puzzles' that you can zoom in on are not puzzles, they are merely posters, each of which contains a clue to solving the puzzles.

To access the actual puzzles you must activate the wall opposite the door. To do that

look at the piece of paper beside the door.. notice the red blocks on the paper? Good, now turn to the opposite wall and replicate the pattern of blocks :)

skoodge80 August 27, 2008 8:59 PM

The very subtle meaning of this game is that after you finish playing games on the internet, you should go outside. At least, that's what I think it's saying. :P


Woot! Well, it took me...half an hour? And I spent half of that half hour on the walkthroughs...But still! Escapee #77456!! Or close to that. Whatever.


I got all of the puzzles quite easily apart from the yellow and black rectangles, my method was different though

I made the J shape in the red box, then duplicated what appeared in the yellow box over and over until the yellow box showed a J shape also

Skullmonkeys September 19, 2009 6:36 PM

hi hi !! i love this game very good, very fun, very umbelievable !!

I am french, and the Walktrought is very inderstandable !!

ty for these 15mins funny adventure =D


Nota Bene : you create great games!! see you next games^^


# 88134


i got the smiley house thing and 2 panels for the stickman PLEASE tell me wat 2 do!!!! Thanx

Crazy Joe December 5, 2009 5:48 PM

I know what I have to do with the houses but it wont let the blue piece fit into the center! Am I wrong or is it just messing things up?

drevilkenni December 21, 2009 8:26 AM

i'm escaper number 83412 i think. it was really cool.

i am single for any guys out there.


For the ufo game you ARE NOT supposed to attack the ufo your supposed to just survive until time runs out. It's kinda obvious when the poster is for a PEACE tank *hint*hint*

EpicViolin January 16, 2010 4:10 PM

um... I finished the house and stickman levels, but the poster puzzels aren't appearing...
what do I do?


Then you haven't finished the house and/or stickman puzzles correctly.

Chances are it's the house one you think you solved, but really didn't.

Is the smiley face together or split apart? If split apart, then you haven't yet solved it correctly.


I done both the house and stickman puzzles. But the poster puzzles won't appear on my grid, any ideas?


Weird, I complete all puzzles, I open the door and I can't leave the room. What is up with that?

I did turn on the lights once and back off before doing it, did this mess it up?

[Hi Pucky, that's very strange, and I've never heard of that issue before. Turning on and off the lights before leaving shouldn't affect it at all. Try reloading the game page, it will remember that you've solved all the puzzles, and then try to leave again. It should work. -Jay]


how many rounds of the ufo game are there?!? i've done it like 80 times already!!arrg

[There's only 1 round in that game. If you're shooting the ufo then you're doing it wrong(!) Use the clues from the posters. -Jay]


i passed everything but i just can't get past the UFO poster any hints?


@olivia: check my hint in the comment just above yours. The poster hint for the UFO is the "peace" t-shirt.


Escaper #98320!

The green, red and yellow blocks almost made me cry. ;_;

It's 2:15 am.


P.S - For all of you that think you can open a minigame by CLICKING on the poster - no. You advance (click on the right arrow at the top right of the screen), and play THOSE minigames accordingly with the posters. (the posters are just hints, not actually games in themselves)

Hope that helps! Good luck! ;)


I think I'm getting a bug - there is a black rectangle where the "casino supply" poster should be (or where its panel should be). When the lights are on, it's just the gray panel, but when they're off, it's just a black, unclickable rectangle.


I am also getting Pucky's bug about not being able to go outside. I see can open the door, see outside but clicking it doesn't do anything. Also, turning on the lights closes the door (not sure if that's how it's supposed to be).


Hmm, yes, I see the problem. Must be the new Flash Players that are causing a bug that never happened before.

I've just uploaded a new version that should address the problems seen before.

Please let me know if anyone discovers anything else. :)

eddiemonster July 17, 2012 4:14 PM

pretty cool!


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