Canoniac Launcher
It never hurts to have a dream. Unless, of course, your dream is to be repeatedly shot out of a cannon, crashing into various boosters and blockers, so as to earn money for the purchasing of upgrades. That might end up hurting quite a bit. Canoniac Launcher is a new Toss The Turtle-style action game. While unbalanced upgrades and unclear objectives mar the experience, its solid presentation and gorgeous art helps it stand as a hilarious blast of a game.
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Every time.. the flying robot catches me in mid air. Every time.
You too Diego? I'd really like to love this game, but I can't. When there's far more luck involved to depend on in what's supposed to be a skill game and more items out there hinder than help you, I know I'd be frustrated even if I had all the upgrades. I thought in games like this the challenge or 'opponent' was yourself, not a random generator. With just a few tweaks this could be a fantastic game.
Also, can anybody make sense of the bonuses/awards? What does Eagle mean?
reminds me a lot of burrito bison but not as good. kindof fun but it really irked me that after playing for, well, way too long and purchasing every available upgrade and winning all but two achievements, there were still several locked upgrades. As a compulsive upgrade completer I was miffed and quit.
yeah.. i'd like to like this game! it's just missing a few tweaks here and there (randomly generated gameplay is tricky)
Guess I should have read the review. Glad I accidentally got the end scene, because I would have been going for distance until tomorrow. They definitely need to make that clearer to the audience.
anyone figured out how to get the locked items unlocked?
Neo1973 : To have the unlocked items you'll have to register at Funbun and play directly from there.
I did that but seems we have to start all over again...still wondering if there's a way to get all the stuff already earned. The game is fun though but don't feel like going through all once more.
If you want all of the achievements, don't buy the wallbreaker or drill until after you have the reverse distance ones.
The facial expressions make this a fun launch/upgrade game. I
What would make it a lot better:
Once I have nothing more I can do, give me a fast forward button. It takes way too long to get to the end of a turn.
Let me see what the various upgrades mean after I have bought them.
Say what's required to get an achievement, or at least, say what was required to get it once I have it.
Did I mention a fast forward button?
what is reverse operations i dont know what the drill is for or the negetive they relate in any way?