Button x20
Guide the yellow ninja on a quest through 20 riddling rooms in this simply tricky puzzle platform game from Tom "Ninjadoodle" Vencel. It boils down to doing one thing twenty times: press the big red button so you can reach the key and unlock the door. Yet doing that means hopping, pushing, avoiding, and jumping through all manners of hoops to make it happen.
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Button x20 Walkthrough
Press the button, grab the key,leave
Repeatedly press the button until the laser turns off. Grab the key,leave
stand on the button until the laser turns off. grab the key, leave
jump over the button, then push it off the screen to the left. press the new button, grab the key, leave
wait for the button to apear, then jump in it. grab the key, leave
Repeatedly press the button until the laser turns off. Grab the key,leave
watch the buttons flash when the level starts. press the buttons in that order. grab the key, leave
There is a discolered block on the ground , 1 tile away from the wall. jump on it, and it will fall. wait for the spikes to go down, then goet off the block, push it under the button, and jump up to hit the button. time jumping down and pushing the block to the right with the spikes going down, jumping back on the block for saftey, until you can reach the ledge at the right. Climb up, and it the path will drop you onto the key. leave.
click the button with the mouse. grab the key, leave
push the button against the left wall. jump on the block above it; it will fall and press the button. grab the key, leave
jump onto a block stick out of the wall, then jump from it to the ground.this shakes the level. repeat until the button falls down. press the button, grab the key, leave
go off the screen to the right, and jump down the pit. jump along the platforms before they fade away, until you get to the button. push it to the right, then jump on it. grab the key, leave
press the button. the laser emmitters start sparking. climb up and hit the laser emmitter(not the laser) with your head. repeat with the other side. grab the key, leave
jump onto the right ledge. jump onto the button, and bounce up to the left ledge. jump onto the button, and let it bounce you up to the key. leave
press the button. go 1 block away from the left wall, and jump. you will land on an invisible block. jump up for another block, then jump all the way to the right to find a 3rd. jump up again for another block, then jump to the key. leave
climb up the right side, and push the block to get off the right side of the screen. there are floating blocks here. jump on every other one. push the button. jump back on the blocks you left behind. grab the key, leave
push the button. jump through the illusionary laser beam, grab the key, and leave.
press the button. grab the key with your mouse, and drag it down to yourself. leave
Press the button. The laser starts to blink. climb the blocks, and jump past the laser when its off, grabbing the key. pause the game in midair. watch the laser continue to blink, and unpause the game so you fall past it safely. leave.
press the button. Jump over the laser, and to a secret passage to the right. There are a series of pillars here, which drop a level when you jump on them. Jump of the first one once, the next several twice, and the last one 3 times. grab the key, then jump back across the pillars. return to the first room, and leave
This is like a cross between those find the star games with platformer. I love it! But the controls are too unresponsive for precision jumping, these should have been avoided during level design. Sometimes, when changing screen, the character moves forward more than you want, as if it's buffering your input while the screen is moving. It's almost impossible to perform a jump while running and have just landed. Anyway, small stuff, wouldn't be a problem if there were no precision jumping. But there is, so I quit playing at level 20 :P
Diego: there are only 20 levels.
Although I agree the controls aren't perfect, I was able to finish the entire game, so it's really not that hard to adjust to the controls.
For levels 12, 16 and 20 where precision jumping is required, I found that pressing [up] and [left] or [right] simultaneously when I landed each time was key to my success.
I agree with Jay. I was frustrated with trying to jump while running at first too but eventually I realized you don't actually need to do it, you can just jump quickly from a stop when hopping from block to block.
I also agree with Diego about it being a great mix between the find the star games and a platformer. I generally don't like point-and-click games that much but I do always like the one-screen ones where you have to interact with the level in different ways. It was nice to have that sort of game as a platformer.
Level 12 is very possible.
I'm not very good at high-difficulty platformers and I was able to finish this game without too much frustration. Granted, level 12 took me about 20 or 30 tries, but once I figured out the [up] + [left] simultaneously upon landing (see my previous comment), it was pretty easy.
I loved it up until level 12. Ugh. Only so many times I'll try before giving up. The precision wasn't too bad, but combined with the fade, it was impossible for me. I was going pretty much full speed using the tip suggested above and still only made it to the last platform before climbing. Maybe have each platform fade individually or have a longer fade timer?
I get the following when I try and load this game
Hi there! It looks like somebody copied this game without my permission. Just click anywhere, or copy-paste this URL into your browser.
Thanks, and have fun!
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Walkthrough Guide
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Button x20 Walkthrough
Press the button, grab the key,leave
Repeatedly press the button until the laser turns off. Grab the key,leave
stand on the button until the laser turns off. grab the key, leave
jump over the button, then push it off the screen to the left. press the new button, grab the key, leave
wait for the button to apear, then jump in it. grab the key, leave
Repeatedly press the button until the laser turns off. Grab the key,leave
watch the buttons flash when the level starts. press the buttons in that order. grab the key, leave
There is a discolered block on the ground , 1 tile away from the wall. jump on it, and it will fall. wait for the spikes to go down, then goet off the block, push it under the button, and jump up to hit the button. time jumping down and pushing the block to the right with the spikes going down, jumping back on the block for saftey, until you can reach the ledge at the right. Climb up, and it the path will drop you onto the key. leave.
click the button with the mouse. grab the key, leave
push the button against the left wall. jump on the block above it; it will fall and press the button. grab the key, leave
jump onto a block stick out of the wall, then jump from it to the ground.this shakes the level. repeat until the button falls down. press the button, grab the key, leave
go off the screen to the right, and jump down the pit. jump along the platforms before they fade away, until you get to the button. push it to the right, then jump on it. grab the key, leave
press the button. the laser emmitters start sparking. climb up and hit the laser emmitter(not the laser) with your head. repeat with the other side. grab the key, leave
jump onto the right ledge. jump onto the button, and bounce up to the left ledge. jump onto the button, and let it bounce you up to the key. leave
press the button. go 1 block away from the left wall, and jump. you will land on an invisible block. jump up for another block, then jump all the way to the right to find a 3rd. jump up again for another block, then jump to the key. leave
climb up the right side, and push the block to get off the right side of the screen. there are floating blocks here. jump on every other one. push the button. jump back on the blocks you left behind. grab the key, leave
push the button. jump through the illusionary laser beam, grab the key, and leave.
press the button. grab the key with your mouse, and drag it down to yourself. leave
Press the button. The laser starts to blink. climb the blocks, and jump past the laser when its off, grabbing the key. pause the game in midair. watch the laser continue to blink, and unpause the game so you fall past it safely. leave.
press the button. Jump over the laser, and to a secret passage to the right. There are a series of pillars here, which drop a level when you jump on them. Jump of the first one once, the next several twice, and the last one 3 times. grab the key, then jump back across the pillars. return to the first room, and leave
Posted by: Mystify
April 7, 2013 4:24 PM