An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Blocks With Letters On

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4.7/5 (211 votes)

An anagram puzzle game from Martin Sears, presented with the distinct flavor of British educational programming. Don't be fooled by the charming hand-drawn appearance and the curiously twisted vignettes between levels; don't worry if the first few levels seem too basic. This turns into a serious brain-twister.

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Walkthrough Guide

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Word list

  1. MAN

  2. HAND

  3. CUT

  4. BLUE

  5. JAR

  6. FAN

  7. LOG

  8. RUG

  9. WORLD

  10. MILK

  11. JUMP

  12. TWELVE

  13. FLAG

  14. CRAB

  15. BALD

  16. WINK

  17. DANGER


  19. TRAMP

  20. STYLE



  23. KING

  24. COIN

  25. WOLF

  26. PARK




  30. BACKED

  31. STOP

  32. DUCK

  33. YAWN

  34. TANK

  35. BONES


  37. CLAP

  38. LYNX

  39. HAT

  40. TANGO


  42. MOON


  44. MYTH

  45. AMAZED

  46. GROW

  47. UGLY

  48. ENVY

  49. INSECT

  50. COW

  51. JUDGE


  53. GRAVY



  56. ENOUGH

  57. PILOT

  58. CRASH


  60. GAMBLE

  61. SCARF




The walkthrough compilation is finally done. Good gravy, this thing's so long that it's slowing the cursor down when I type this. Heck, I think I have to type this part in on my notepad too. I had to chop each section into groups of ten (and the last four) in order to actually keep things together. Ah well. Anyway, thanks to every single person who posted here with tips and solutions, every bit went into this guide. Also, a piece of my sanity. I am totally not doing the sequel, unless I feel like I have more sanity to give away. THERE BETTER NOT BE ANY FORMAT ERRORS IN THIS. Lol.


Levels 1-10

Level 1

Move the M to the left, letting it fall directly beside the A. Move N, A, and M into the spaces to form the word MAN.

Level 2

Move the D to the last position, the N next to that, and then the A and H, likewise. HAND.

Level 3

Move the U to the right, then into the niche on the far left. Move the T into the last position, then move the U next to it, and then move the C down left and next to the U. Cutcutcutcutcutcut.

Level 4

The word is BLUE, so just move B, L, and E into their positions and then move the special U block up and over into the appropriate spot.

Level 5

Move the A block to the left, then drop the R block on top of it. Then move the R block all the way to the right, followed by the A block, and move the J block to the right into the last spot.

Level 6

Move F, A, and N (in that order) to the right until they drop into the yellow zone. Let them stay where they land in that area.

Level 7

Move G over and down to bridge the gap, then move L over and shift G and O to form the word LOG.

Level 8

Drop U down to the left and then center it. Move R to the left also, and then G to the right. If a block touches any of the blue spots, it'll stick to it, so watch out.

Level 9

Move W and D to the left and right niches (respectively) and then move O, R, and L to form the word WORLD.

Level 10

Move K to the right to drop it to the ledge below, then shift it to the left to press switch 1. Then move M to the right, passing over switch 2 and sticking to the blue spot. Move K off and back onto switch 1 to make green block 1 reappear, then push K against green block 1. Drop I down to the left, then move it all the way to the right until it falls, and then all the way to the left. Then move L next to I, and finally K next to L.

Levels 11-20

Level 11

Move M one space to the left, then move P, M, U, and J to the left in that order so that they fall into each space to form JUMP.

Level 12

Move L over, then carefully guide W up to switch 1 without touching the sticky blue spots. Then move T down and left until it is right above the first yellow space. Move V all the way down and left until it is directly under T, then move the E that was next to the V all the way down and left until it falls next to the V. Move the E and V all the way to the right. Move the T up the now unblocked path to switch 2, and then move L and the other E all the way to the right. Carefully move W once again through the area while avoiding the blue spots to the bottom, then move it all the way to the right. Finally, move T back through the twisting path into the first position.

Level 13

Move G to the right once, and then drop the R onto the blue spot. Now you can move G, A, L, and F in that order all the way to the right to spell FLAG.

Level 14

Move B all the way to the left, then A right next to it. Move R down to the right into the second position, and C to the first. Now move A and B into the last two spots to spell CRAB.

Level 15

Drop the B down onto the pink switch, then move the newly pink B into the first yellow space. Drop the L down to the left, then move it past the red dot and onto the pink switch, and guide it into the third yellow space. Do the same for A, but instead of going up, move the pink A back to the left, then up and over the red dot. When it touches the grey switch, it will turn grey again and fall down. Then move A over the red dot again and it will now be right side up. Move A up into the right corner. Use that same process on D, but it'll take more than one go to turn it completely around. When D is right side up again, move A and D up into the second and fourth spaces, respectively.

Level 16

First, move I all the way left and down, and leave it right next to green block 4. Then move W down, and slide N on top of it. Now the K block is free to press green switch 1. From there, move K all the way back to its original position (one left and one down from green block 3) and slide N back on top of K. Move the now unburdened W down and around to press green switch number two, then back up and around to press green switch number three. Then slide W to the right of that tolock it onto the first yellow square.

From here, move N to the right, over the edge, and then all the way to the left to lock it onto the third yellow square, then move K through the same way but press green switch number four, and then move it into the fourth yellow square. Finally, drop the I block into the second yellow square.

Level 17

Ignore how the letters are arranged right now, it's impossible to solve it with that word. You need it to spell DANGER. First, move one of the pink blocks (doesn't matter which) to the first yellow square, then another pink block to the second yellow square. Then move N over those pink blocks and let it fall into the third yellow square. Then take the third pink block and place it in the fourth yellow square, and move E to the right until it lands in the fifth yellow square. Move the pink block in the first yellow square up and to the left out of the way, so that D can slide into that spot, and then rearrange the pink blocks so that they are in the right locations to spell DANGER.

Level 18

This level's pretty intuitive; just spell out QUESTION. Rearrange the pink blocks in order to get QUE and ION into the left and right areas, then drop the ST down in the middle.

Level 19

Move A to the left, and then T to the right, so that they stack. Then move Q left so that it falls, and then to the right so that it lands on the yellow switch and turns into R. Then move P, M, A, R, and T in that order all the way to the right one by one in order to spell TRAMP.

Level 20

Move both pink blocks (doesn't matter which order) over to extend the ledge below L, with a one block space between the pink blocks and the ceiling. The word is STYLE, so Y, L, and E will have to get in the third, fourth, and fifth yellow squares respectively. Take Y, move it to the right until it is on top of the second pink block, then move the first pink block around and to the right of the second one, being careful not to touch the floor. Then you can move Y over, and repeat that process until you can drop Y down onto the third yellow square. Do the same with L and E (one at a time), using the pink blocks as a shifting platform. After they're in their spots, move the pink blocks into the first two spaces to spell STYLE.

Levels 21-30

Level 21

No trick here, you have to spell SWIMMING below. First, move G over to the right ONCE. Don't fall off the ledge. Then move N, the second I, and both M's over to the right also. Now you can press green switch 1 with the first I (watch out for the blue spots). Move S and W to the left into the newly opened niche, and then take the I block on green switch 1 down and around to press green switch 2.

Here's the tricky part: like the stage when you had to spell QUESTION, the beginning end parts of the words have to go in first. However, as mostly grey blocks, they cannot normally manouveur freely. Luckily, the gap closed by green block 3 can be used as a bridge. Now with the gap at the right end has been filled by green block 2, move N, G, I, and both M's over one more space to the right, then move S and W also to the right until S is sitting on green block 3. Now take the second I block and press green switch three, which should drop S down into the yellow area where it should be moved all the way to the left. Then move W left, down, and right up next to S. Then take the first I block left, down, right, down and then left next to W. Use the second I block to press green switch 3 again to close the gap.

Move both M's and the N over to the left so that they are on the left side of green block 3, and then move G onto green block 3. Press green switch 3 with I again, and move G all the way to the right end of the yellow squares. Move N to the right and push it next to G. Then take the I block right, down, left, down, and right next to N, and then push both M's into the hold to complete this level.

Level 22

The word of the day is actually TRACTOR, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. First, move S to the right and it'll press green switch 1, then move it to the left, which will turn it into T. Now move the new T all the way over to the left to press green switch 2.

Move C to the left, leaving it on the ledge next to green block 2. Then drop A down next to C. Then move the first R block left and down, leaving it on top of C. Then move the second R to the left, dropping it next to the first R.

Push green switch 2 and watch it all fall down, then take O and the remaining T and drop them down the chute. Move A to the left, and then move the three letters in the stack (R, O, T) to the right so that they fill the last three yellow squares.

Move C to the right and next to the second T, then move A next to C. Drop the R down, and then move the first T next to it and you're done.

Level 23

Random note: there's a slight optical illusion that makes some of the squares look darker than the others, but they're not, which makes it sort of look like a checkerboard. Neat, right? I'll lead that into a bad pun later. Anyway, you've got one pink block, and a whole mess of traps. You'll just have to press all four switches without touching the blue spots, and even though I'll provide instructions, you still need to be VERY CAREFUL. Move G, N, and I all the way over to the right so that K can go right and up and left and all the way up and right, and down and left to reach green switch 1. Crikey.

Next, move I and N to the left against the wall, then G to the right one space, then move K back through the same path around to the bottom and go right until you touch G, then up, then left, and down to press green switch 2. Now move G all the way to the left, and move K back around to the floor and go to the right to touch green block 3, then up and right so that you are diagonally between two blank wallblocks, then left, up, ALL the way right, down and left to press green switch 4, then go back all the way around until you reach the same spot diagonally between the two grey blocks. This time, go left, down, right, down through where green block 4 was, all the way to the right, and then up to press green switch 3. Then go back down, left, and one space above where green block four was, so that you can let G, N, and I through to their yellow square locations before placing K in the first yellow square. KING ME!

Level 24

The word is COIN. Move C to the right, then down so that there is one space between it and the floor, then left so that it is right under N. Then move N to the right, and do the same with I. Move N down and all the way to the right, then I all the way to the right, then O all the way to the right, and then C to the right, down, and all the way to the right.

Level 25

A bit of braintwisting leads to the word WOLF. Only N and E have to touch the yellow switches; the other two letters can just move the other way and into their spots. There's no particular order to do this, since all the letters are forced to end in the same spot.

Level 26

Word is PARK. Move A to the right once, P left and up, then move K, R, and A to the left. Move P right and down, and then right again, up against green block 1. Move A, R, and K all the way to the right (heheh, krap) before moving P up to press green switch 1, which will seal off the earlier chamber which should be empty now. Then move P down to the first yellow square. Move A, R, and K to the right to drop them in their respective places.

Level 27

Believe it or not, the word is actually WASHING. It's simpler than it looks. Move H down and to the left all the way, then move I, N, and G to the left all the way each time. Then push those three to the right to fill up that side.Now move H back up to bridge the game, and move A and S all the way to the right, and then place H next to A. Move W all the way to the right, then once it falls, all the way to the left. Move H to the left to make way for A and S to fall down the hole and then push them all the way to the left. Finally, guide H down the hole and watch as the Death Star explodes. I mean, you're done with this level.

Level 28

Okay, now they're messing with you. The word is DIGNITY. Move the Y down and to the right, but not all the way (don't touch the sides!), and then drop D down and move it all the way in to the left. Do the same with I, then move Y back up to bridge the gap. Move N over to the left, and then move Y down and to the right again (still don't touch the sides!) so that G can drop down to the left and next to I. Move Y back up to bridge the gap again.

Now, move N, I, and T all the way over to the right side, and then finally move Y down and all the way to the right (touch the sides!). Then move the three letters down the chute once again, and watch as the Death Star blows up again. Or not.

Level 29

The word is OUTSIDE. Which means only E and D can use the teleporter. Anyway, shift the three pink blocks out of the way so that T can drop down and then move to the left, firmly jamming in the blue spot. Then move I (shifting whatever pink blocks as necessary) down the hole and stick firmly to the yellow square on the right. Move a pink block down the center and right between T and I so that O and U can move to the left and fill their spaces out. Then move the pink block back up so that S can fall down the center and land in its rightful place. Finally, put E and D (in that order) in the teleporter so they can fill the last two spaces.

Level 30

Do you know your ABC's? Well, I know that the word you need is BACKED. So, that means one of the letters has to be turned into K. You can either quickly do the alphabet song backwards, or just look at your pile and see that F isn't used in BACKED.

Ah, but that menacing grey pad is just waiting to trip up your pink blocks, so that means your five other letters will have to dogpile in order to let F reach the yellow stairway. Move D, E, C, A, and B in that order left through the grey pad and leave them where they drop. Then move F through, and watch as it turns into G, H, I, J, and finally, K. Then move D and E all the way to the right, then K, then C, A, and B to spell BACKED.

Levels 31-40

Level 31

The word is STOP. Carefully move S two spaces to the right and one down, then move T one up and one right. Move O down one space, then move P to the right so that it rests on S. Move S down once, then T right twice and down twice, then O three times to the right and down once, and then right once and down once. Then move P all the way to the right.

Level 32

The word is DUCK. This stage is quite daunting, but pretty easy once you get the hang of things. First, move U down to green switch 3, which will lock off the area behind it. Then move it right once more, and it will land on the pink pad. As you can see, all four letters have to be pink, and the only way to get back up there is through green block 3. Anyway, move U up once, right (but don't touch the grey pad!), up, left, up, and right over the grey pad, which is easily solved by going right even more and landing on the pink pad below. Then go back up all they way, over the grey pad, and going right to drop down onto the pink pad there. Then go left and down, right, down, and around the block to go left through the lower passageway. Then go up (stop before the grey pad) and right to press green switch four. Then go back left and down, through where green block four was, up (stop before the grey pad), and left, which will turn U back to grey.

Now, this next part requires reflexes. You will have to use U to press green switch 1 twice in succession as fast as you can to release K from above down onto a successfully reformed green block 1, so you may as well practice now. When you are ready, make green blocks 1 reappear, and then place K on top of the green block 1 above. Then quickly press green switch one twice. If it went well, K should now be able to move to the right to turn pink, then go back left and up to press green switch 2. Now you can drop D and C through the hole so you don't have to keep pressing green switch 1.

There's many ways to finish this up, but as it is, you can turn D and C pink by moving them to the left one at a time (leave C resting on the grey pad next to U) to use the pink pad that you used K on. Then you can move them back up through green block 1 by opening up the way with U. However, you will need one pink block to repink U and get it back through green block 3, so move K all the way down, back over the pink pad, then the grey one, then the pink pad after that. Place K right and down, so that when you push U to the right, it'll land on K and be able to tap the pink pad to the left. Once that's done, move K and U back the way you came with U, but when K falls down to the left from up top, move it so that it's next to the part of the floor with green switch 3, so that when U falls down, it can just move left to press the switch. After that, move K around and up to the yellow spaces, then drop U onto the pink pad, move it up and place it in the last spot to spell DUCK.

Level 33

This stage is sort of funny. First, take the N and push it all the way to the left. Luckily, N's are the same upside-down. It should rest right in the corner next to green switch 1. After that, take M and push it to the left, resulting in....W. Drop it down and press green switch 1. Now push N all the way to the right, followed by W, and then take A, and guide it to the right and around, coming back going left and into the second yellow square. Y can then follow A to form YAWN.

Level 34

Anyway, the word is TANK, but that's not the problem. Move K to the right and onto the pink pad, then further to the right and take the teleporter into the magical green switch room OOOOH. This next part might be somewhat confusing, but here we go!

Take T and move it to the left to land on green block 2. Now use K to press green switch two. T will fall onto green switch 1. Then press green switch 4. Move T over to the right. Now press green switch 2, followed by green switch 3. Move T to the right again. Then press green switch 3 again, followed by green switch 1. Move T to the right. Now press green switch 4, followed by green switch 3. Move T over to green switch 5.

Now you need to get to green switch 6, but the only block available for that is T, and it'll have to float to get there. Press green switch 2 and 1 to form a platform, and then push T all the way to the left. Then press green switch 1 again and it'll drop down right next to the pink pad, which you should use right now. There should be a clear way to the pink teleporter, so guide T into that, then teleport and move to the right to press green switch 6. Then teleport back.

Press green switch 4 to let T drop back down to the pink pad, and also clear the whole area so that N and A (in that order) can move down in the second and third yellow squares. T can just float to the first square, and K can teleport back out of the switch room and go down to fill in the last spot.

Level 35

Hm...NDMRA is OENSB when forced through the letter filter, so the word is BONES. Not as simple as it looks. Move A down to the yellow switch, but leave the newly formed B there. Then move N so that it falls on top of B. Take D and move it down and past N to the right. Then take M and move it so that it rests on top of N. Now take the three letter stack down the chute (B, N, and M will be B, O, and N) and push them into their spots. Then take D down (E), followed by R (S), and there you have it.

Level 36

Not a hard one. It's fairly....TYPICAL.
Anyway, you can bridge the gaps with T and I so that A and Y can pass through the center, but remember that T and L must remain pink. You can use the center to rearrange the letters however you like.

Level 37

This just takes some thinking ahead. The word is CLAP. First, drop A to the right, then drop C on top of it, and push it to the right to fall beside A. Then take L and push it to left on top of A, then move over C to land beside it. Then move L so that it's right below where P is, and drop P on top of it so it can move right and avoid all the red dots. Then move the rest of the letters into their positions to get CLAP. Uh....not THE clap, just CLAP.

Level 38

A bit of thinking outside the box....blocks, as it were. The word is LYNX, so arrange L, Y, and N in the proper order, and then take O over them and keep pressing the yellow switch until you get X. Taadaaaa.

Level 39

So many to choose from, but only HAT is correct. Which means the other letters can go do something else. Drop M down and move it into the right side of the hole. Then take E, move it down on top of M, and push it to the right into the thin hole. Drop G on top of it.Push T left and down into the corner in the platform, then drop H on top of it and push it left once to leave it standing on the edge. Then push T to the left, and then to the right between the two red dots. Move A to the left to drop onto T, then move it left twice and push T next to it. Push H onto A, over T, and then in between the two red dots. Then push all the letters to the right accordingly to spell HAT.

Level 40

It's not TONGA, it's TANGO! The pink pad is useless. Now, move A all the way to the right, then N, and move it up once so that A can move all the way back to the left and use the yellow teleporter. Then move A to the left, land on top of N, and move to the right once so that N can go all the way up. Now press green switch 1 with A. Keep in mind that if N is in the wrong spot, it'll either get locked off and you'll have to press the switch again to move it, or it'll stop the switch from operating, so you'll have to move N before every single move you make with green switch 1. Move N all the way up to press green switch 2, then take the green teleporter and press green switch 3. Take the green teleporter back so that N is in the center shaft.

Now you'll have to place the four grey letters in the top area using N as a bridge on all floors. Move T to the yellow teleporter, go through, and then move N down to the middle level. Press green switch one to let N through, and use it to bridge the gap on the floor that A is on. Drop T down on top of N, and move left to the green teleporter, but don't use it yet. First move A across next to T, then move O to the left, through the yellow teleporter, and place it next to A. Then take G through the teleporter, but this time, have it ready next to green switch 1, and move N up to the middle level again. Now press green switch 1.

Take N and bridge the gap right beneath the yellow squares. Then send T through the green teleporter and push it to the left, followed by A. Then teleport O and push it to the right, and finally G, which should be next to O. Push N up and you're done.

Levels 41-50

Level 41

Oh no, MONSTER. Well, actually, it's not that bad. Move M to the left all the way and R to the right all the way, then N to the left and push E all the way to the right. Push S and O above the yellow squares, then bridge the gap with T and move N to the right. Move O down and left into its spot, then push N to the left next to O. Push T into the right side, and then move S to the center.

Level 42

MMMM? Nah, MOON. Push the second (from the left) M left, so that it falls into the first yellow square. Push the first M to the right so that it turns into O, and falls into the second spot. Then push the third M to the right, and then to the left once, so that it rests on the second yellow switch. Push the last M left over the yellow switch and the O, so that it falls onto the fourth yellow square, and then push the O into the third yellow square.

Level 43

Ooh, PENGUIN, my favorite. Move G into the left gap, then N over it and let it sit on green block 5. Then take U and press green switch 1 with it. Then use the N to press green switches 2, 3, and then 2 again so that only green block 3 is lit up, and press green switch 1 again. Drop N down to the next level and press green switches 4, 5, 4, and then 4 again, so that green block 5 is gone but 4 stays. Press green switch 1 once more and move G to the left and press 2-3-2 again so that N can move to the right and touch the pink pad. From there, it can float all the way to green switch 6, loosing all the other blocks to touch the pink pad (ONE AT A TIME, don't jam the pathway), but before you do that, let G through by pressing green switch one, so that it can touch the pink pad before the others. Once they're all pink and flying free (unlike a penguin) up in the main area, you can easily rearrange them into the proper order.

Level 44

No vowels? Absurd! I guess Y will have to stand in, although I consider Y being a vowel an urban MYTH. Anyhoo, move D and Z down so that they sit in the center side by side (in no particular order), and then drop T down, followed by W, so that it rests on top of T. Then push W to the right. Do the same with H, so that it rests upon W. Then push M down and left so that it sits next to T. Move Y until it is on top of T, then move J until it is on top of M, and then drop it down to the left. Move M to the left once and Y to the left once, and watch as the game makes light of faith in the afterlife.

Level 45

The word is AMAZED, which is what you'll think when you actually sort this mess out. First, sort out A like you did so many levels ago just by moving it counterclockwise in those four squares above the red block until it's right side up. Once it's fixed, feel free to exit that area, which will turn the A block grey. Leave it in that area for now.

Take the D, move it to the right, and press green switch 4, which will free up the M to drop down to the pink pad on the lower platform. From there, it can go to the pink teleporter and press green switch 2, allowing all blocks to turn pink.....except that A up in the right corner there.

After you've turned M, A, and D pink, you need to get E right side up again. Bridge the gap between E and the platform to the left, then move a pink block back into the left area (which will turn it grey) and position it below where the E will fall. Then it can fall on that block, then to the left of it, and it's right side up again after moving over the red dot. Take these two grey blocks and pink em.

Now for Y. Take a pink block and bridge that gap, so Y can go over to the stairway. Move all the way right with Y, then go left down the stairs and pink the new Z you have.

You have enough blocks to take care of the A now. Place a pink block below the square with the grey pad above it, then scoot three blocks past it into the yellow area. Move the already grey A up against them so that four grey blocks are together on the left side, then move your second to last pink block through and as it goes off the edge, it'll tap green switch 1 on the ceiling. Now you can pink all and any of the letter blocks, and you're free to rearrange them into AMAZED.

Level 46

The word is GROW. And those X's are important. First, move O to the right and up in the corner. Move W to the right to let the X fall, and then move R all the way right, followed by G. Now move O all the way to the left, and then all the way down into that gap. Drop an X down on top of the O, then move it to the right into the ditch. Do the same with the other X. Now you have two X's in a ditch. Time to work.

First, move G down on top of O, then place it on the bit of ground before the ditch, and take your O and form this in the ditch on the left side: XOX. Then move the G right so that it is on top of the second X, and then move the O up to the ceiling. Move the first X to the right, then move the G on top of it, then move the second X one space to the right, and place the O in the center. Keep doing this to cross the ditch, and drop G into the yellow square area, where it should go all the way left.

Repeat this same process with R (remember to fill the gap with O to catch it), but when you get to W, remember to leave W on the edge so that you can move O into position BEFORE you drop W into the yellow square area.

Level 47

Ooh, colorful and tricky. Also makes me want pizza. Not even the fact that the word is UGLY can ruin that. To start, move the L to the right, then below the teleporter squares. Since it's already right side up, it won't have to use them. Move the Y once to the right so that U can drop down to the left, followed by G, followed by Y. Then teleport Y, G, and U in that order.

Here comes the confusing part. Push the U to the left but stop at the orange teleporter, then use it, and then use the green teleporter again to appear back to the right of the red dot. Keep doing this until U is right side up, then instead of using the orange teleporter again, move L all the way to the right, and push U until it falls to the left of L, and move it into the first yellow square. Then move G to the left in the same way, and leave it next to U. Finally, push L to the left, followed by Y, to spell UGLY.

Level 48

Pretty straightforward, just shift the two outermost letters until you can spell ENVY.

Level 49

The word is INSECT (what were YOU thinking?). There are also a lot of pretty buttons. Which may be your downfall. See, if you push anything other than 2 and 3 at the moment, it'll trap another block. However, once those are pressed, any blocks not on top of their starting positions are safe, so you can press those, and so on. So press the green switches in this order: 3-2-6-4-5-1.

You can use the two pink blocks like you did in that other level to make a shifting platform to carry I to its location, but all the other letters can make it to their spots just fine after the spots between are filled.

Level 50

Don't break your noggin on this one, the end result is COW. Also, each letter has to go down a different chute. Send N in first, then A, then T, and just arrange them as you see fit at the bottom right corner.

Levels 51-60

Level 51

It's JUDGE. Fairly easy level. Take J and move it all the way to the right to press green switch 2. Then go all the way up, right, and down the bend to press green switch 3. Return to the pink pad and go up near green switch 1. Try to move in left, and the block will turn grey, but it'll also fill in the gap.

Next, move U through the same way you brought J through, but this time, move it into the hole to press green switch 1. Now you can move D, G, and E through the hole above, being careful to avoid all grey pads. Once they are in position with where they should be in the yellow squares, take E and move it up and over so it fills in the gap below where green block 3 used to be.

Now take J, make it pink, and move it to where green block 3 used to be. It'll be grey, so it will fall on top of E. Then move J once to the left, move E around it to bridge the gap, and move J all the way to the left into its spot. Do the same thing with U, and you're done.

Level 52

GIGGLING. I wish I had that many G's in my bank account. Just place the G's where they should be, and you should be able to push all the other letters into their spots.

Level 53

Yay, GRAVY. Like the last level, G's got a lot of work to do. First, move G to the right so it falls, and then instead of pressing green switch 5, move right so it falls again. Go to the left, over the dots, and down to where green block 5 should be. Then go all the way to the right, turning G pink, and float up and press green switch 4. Now go all the way back around, through the red dots again (but back up on green switch 2 to keep green block 2 on), and when G is right side up and pink again, leave it under the gap to the right of Y....which you should push Y into. Take R right across the bridged gap, and stop when you get to the second gap. Move G right (which will make Y fall) and up to fill that gap.

Now move A all the way to the left, falling next to green switch 1. Move V likewise, but it will land on A, and be able to move left to press green switch 3. Now move V to the left so that it lands next to A. Take Y and move it all the way to the left until it is on top of green square 4.

Move R left, but when you past over green switch 5, press it again so that it stays lit up, and then move AVY to the right, so that R can move over them and it'll be RAVY. Move this to the left so that when you move G through the same way, there won't be any blocks on top of green square 5 when you press the switch. Relight green square 5, move RAVY back to the right, and move G all the way to the left to complete this level.

Level 54

HE BIT PAT? PATHETIC. But yeah, B needs to be C. Just place PATHETI below the squares they're supposed to be in, shove B through the stairway, and scoot it all the way down to the last spot before pushing all the letters back up.

Level 55

Okay, this is getting a bit strange. TAXI SNOGging is totally inappropriate. Anyway, just place ANXIOG on the bottom, S at the last yellow square, and shove T through to get U. Scoot U all the way to the right, then push the letters back up. Except S. And G. Which has had enough, frankly.

Level 56

Speaking of having ENOUGH, here's a fun one. It's not as simple as it looks; if you try to move U left, it'll fall in that hole, but if you move it right, it'll be facing the wrong way. So, first, take E and push it right until it falls down, and then left so that it's next to where it should be when we're done. Then push N to the left so that it'll land on E, and then G to the right, so that it'll land on N. Push G to the left until it's underneath the gap between the first two sets of platforms, and then push O and H on top of it, in that order. Now U is clear to push right until it is right side up, and then stop and don't go any further.

Get H and G (in that order) into the right side of the yellow squares, then drop U down and push it next to them. Then push E to the left, and finally place O in the last spot.

Level 57

Simpler than it looks. First, move O to the right, then press green switches 4-2-1-5. Move I into the center (press green switch 3 twice) and up to one space below the ledge. Move L onto I to bridge the gap, then use P to light up green block 4 again and push it to the left until it falls onto green block 3. Then move T into position and you get PILOT.

Level 58

Now we're getting to the crazy levels. The word is CRASH (you can probably guess what the animation for that is), so W is expendable....and pink. Which is just dandy.

First, we'll get H into position. Move the S up and through the leftmost gap to extend the ledge for H. Then move W left, up, left, down, left again, and through the same way S went, but place W one space below the right side of S. Move H onto W, then move S back down, but instead of going all the way down, go right after passing between the two grey platforms and up, between the W and the platform there so that H can slide onto it.

Now take S and move to the other side of that platform, and do the same with W, but stick it on top of the blue surface a bit down and right of S. This will allow A to drop down onto W, then to the center yellow square. Move H down to on top of W also, but then move S up and around the platform on the upper right (watch out for the blue stuff) to get to the other side of W. You can then move H to the right, where it will land right where it needs to be.

Now to fetch C. Move R up, left, up (watch where you're going), right all the way, up, then left and up in between the gap so that C can reach the first platform. Use S to bridge the second gap, and move C over to the next platform. Move S back down and left on top of the platform between and above A and H, then move R up, left, down, left, and next to the right side of S.

Move C left until it is on top of S, then move R up and left, then down and into the gap between W and S. Move C all the way left and it will drop into the right place.

All you have to do now is guide R carefully around the left side of the screen to get to the yellow square, and S on the right side of the screen to that yellow square using the path you took with one on the other (R using S's path, S using R's path). And you're done.

Level 59

The word is HANGOVER. All of the blocks are crammed into one spot, and the only one that can move is....G. Move it left unti it falls into the hole. Then H, then N, and when you get to A, the gap has been closed, and you can press green switch 1.

This results in turning V pink. Move it right, down and left into the teleporter, then left (it'll turn grey again) against the wall, and leave it there for now.

Drop E down the hole, then when it is pink, move it back up and right into the ceiling somewhere, so it'll stay out of the way. Then drop R onto the pink pad too, but this time move it up and through the passageway to press green switch 2. Then go through where green switch 2 was, down onto the platform (which will make it grey again), and move left twice, leaving it next to the spot with blue on it.

From there, you can take V back through the teleporter, turn it pink again, and move O, V, and E to where they need to be through the hole next to green switch 2 (put O and E in first). After that, move G to the right, H to the left, N to the right and do the time war-I mean drop A down the hole to finish the stage.

Level 60

Another fun teleporter stage. The word is GAMBLE.

Since most of the teleporters lead to places that would make things hard on you, we're gonna shove most of them through the orange teleporter. Move A to the right, then move B to the right. Push E left, teleport, and move it to the right where it will fall onto the last spot and stay there.

Move B right, where it will land on L, then move L to the right, teleport it, and drop it on top of B. Move it to the left, teleport it, and drop it down and to the left of E. Drop A down, teleport B back up, then drop it down and teleport it, where it will join the other blocks, forming BLE.

Now just teleport M, where it will land safely on B, and move it to the left. Do the same with A, and finally, teleport G and move it into the last...well, first yellow square to finish this level.

Levels 61-64

Level 61

Twin pits of doom. The word is SCARF. Since you can only move a couple of things anyway, let's do that. Move S and C on top of green block 3, and then from there you can move F about freely. Sort of. Use F to bridge the gap, then move A to the right until it is sitting on the grey pad (don't touch green switch 3!). Move F down and one space under C and S, then let 'er rip and press green switch 3. Move S and C to the middle of that platform, with either one resting in the center. Now move F back up so that it is next to the platform above C, so that A can land on it and move to the center, where it will fall on top of the block you left there. Now push R right onto F, then left, following A down, but this time, you can press green switches 1 and 2.

Now take F and go all the way up, then left, past the grey pad (which will turn it grey), and then continue left down the green blocks until you almost fall, but don't because of the pink pad on the wall. Yay! Now use F to bridge the gap between green block 1 and the platform, and proceed to pinkify all the other blocks.

Finally, move the blocks into the teleporter in this order: S-F-C-R-A and put them into position as you move them in and you'll have SCARF.

Level 62

The word is STRENGTH. You're going to need it.
Move the right side T to the left so that it is next to the red dot, then move the S so that it falls on top of the T. Then move the H so that it falls on top of the S, and move it to the right on the platform. Don't teleport it for now.

Move the same T from earlier to the right to let the S fall, then move the N below all the way to the left. Then move the left T all the way to the left so that it falls on the N. Then move the S all the way to the left until it falls on the T. Now that the gap is bridged, move the rightside T all the way to the left and hit green switch 1. Move the T back to the left, so that it is two spaces left from the red dot. It should be resting on top of a grey pad.

Now move H over to the right to press green switch 2, and now you should teleport it up. Carefully move R out left and down, and place it on top of the rightside T. It will turn grey. Then drop the H down and left, so that it lands on the R. Move it left onto the platform.

Move S, the left T, and N to the right. You can put N on the first sticky blue spot for now. Just make way for E, which should then be moved out right and up to bridge the gap between the teleporter and the platform that H is on. Then move H across and teleport it. Move E up again to bridge the gap between the platform and the ledge that H is now on, and move H across to the right to press green switch 3. Leave it there for now.

Move E up once again to bridge the gap between the ledge that G is sitting on, and the platform, and move G to the right so that it falls, and then to the left so that it lands on the R, and then to the right again, over the dot to turn it upright. Leave it next to the dot. Move the T that the R is sitting upon to the right, so that now it is arranged RTG. Then move the H all the way to the right so that it is on top of the G.

Move the S and T on the bottom all the way to the left, then move the R to the left so that it falls, and place it on the spot to the right of that T. Move E all the way down so that it is to the right of the R, and then move STRE all the way to the left up against N. Then move G all the way to the right, and drop H on top of it. Move T all the way to the right, and then move H over T into the last yellow square.

Level 63

Second to last level. Probably as hard you'd expect it to be. It's HORIZON. But you'll probably not be able to tell from just looking. Anyway, move the left G one space over to the right, then move the N left once, then right once, and it should land on top of the G. Use the teleport. Once again, move the N left once, then right once, and use that teleport too. Then drop it to the right and it'll become O.

Drop P to the right, and then move it left until it becomes R. Move O past R and have it land on the bottom. Drop R on top of O, and move it to the right. Then take the left G, and move it right, making it an H, and putting it on the first yellow square.

Move Y into the teleporter and drop the Z to the left. Then move M into the teleporter and drop the N on the right. Move K to the left, drag it down all the stairs, and then teleport it and move the O down and between Z and N. Drop the G where green block 1 used to be, then move it once right, once left, and right again down to the bottom, then into the teleporter, and use the new I to fill in the last yellow square.

Level 64

This last one may be FIENDISH, but you'll be FINISHED after this level.

First, move S up, then move the second I to the right. Then move D right and up, and move N all the way to the right. Move E up through the gap and press green switch 1, which should drop H. Push H to the right, stop before the blue spot, and then drop both I's, and S through the hole and also to the right so you'll have INI-H. That dash is the gap you'll be leaving for S.

Now get all of your pink letters safely out of the hole. Move S left and up, then right, onto the platform. It'll turn gray. Then move D the same way so it's right behind S, and E so it's under D. Now position F below that platform, to the right, so that when you move S to the right, it will land on F. Do the same with D (which will turn it grey) and it will land on S. Now do the same to E (which makes it also grey), but since it is level with the next platform, continue on to the right, over green switch 2, over the red dot, and onto green switch 3. From there, move F to the right once, then down to bridge the gap, and send S through the teleporter, into the next teleporter, and move right and leave it where it falls. Do the same with D. Now you have S, D, and a space to the right of that.

Here's the weird part. You now have to do a bit of teleporter hopping with E and F. Put F in the teleporter, but instead of going right when you come out on the other end, go left and down until F is to the right side of the grey pad on the floor of the platform. Move E left over F and use the teleporter to get E back up top. Then move F onto where the greyed out green block 4 is, and move E to the left over F and keep going until you flip E upright. Then use the teleporter to get F back to the other side, and bridge the gap once again, so that E can continue left, fall down, cross over F, and into the teleporter, where it once again appears up top. Then drop E next to D. Tons more work than it was worth, really.

Now that the bridge is complete, teleport F up top, then cross over SDE (which will turn F grey) and press green switch four, dropping all those letters down. S and E should have fallen into place, with D on top of the small platform. Move D to the right ONCE (if you screw up now, it'd really suck), move F to the left to drop it on top of D, and then move F into the wall, which will turn it pink again. Now drop D to the right, and move F through the passage under the platform with green switch 3 (watch out for the grey pad underneath), past the grey pads (which will now turn F grey again), and past the teleporter into the hole. Then scoot F all the way to the right and you're done with this blasted game. DONE!


stuck on level 10? any clues on how to get the letter "I" down?



Use the K to hit the number 1 switch and the m to hit the number 2 switch. then you turn the 1 switch back on so the I doesn't fall all the way down.


Distinct flavor? Surely, you mean flavour? :-D


Nice game - some beautifully original ideas in their and I love the presentation. However, for the ten percent (or so) of males who are colour blind this game is unfortunately inaccessible. Pink was not a good choice.


Anyone know what the word is at number 13?


Any hints on level 22?
I know the word is


, but just can't figure out the sequence!

blakyoshi7 October 8, 2008 5:41 AM

I'm stuck on level 13. The available letters don't seem to be able to spell out any actual words...


Ah the power of the post! Level 22 sorted!

Anonymous October 8, 2008 5:45 AM

Take the 'S' clockwise to the 2 button in the far left bottom corner ... and procede ...

Anonymous October 8, 2008 5:47 AM

13: there is only room for 4 of the 5 letters!

Anonymous October 8, 2008 5:49 AM

Oh dear, level 32 is causing me grief.

Anonymous October 8, 2008 5:54 AM

Level 13:

How many spaces are there for the answer?


K, I'm really stuck on level 24 :(


This is a really great original game.
Thanks for the review :)


Stuck on 20.
Don't know this word.
Plz help.


This is a clever and fun game, I can see myself wasting a lot of time on it.

blakyoshi7, I was also puzzled by Level 13, but:

Clue 1

You don't need the letter r.

Clue 2

The word starts with F.

Clue 3

Meh. It's "flag".


Has anybody done level 47?

I'm a bit stuck there.


Just a few words

13 :


20 :


Steerpike October 8, 2008 8:49 AM

Is anybody else having problems with it not saving? I'm logged in to Kongregate, but it always starts me back at level 1 :(


I'm stuck on level 17.
What's the word?

4everPlaid October 8, 2008 9:56 AM

Great game! A puzzler disguised as a word game - and the animations are just off-center enough to keep me solving, if only to see what's coming! (Although if Level 4 HAD been 'lube', I shudder to think what would have been the result!)



does not a word make...



It's important to drop the letters on the pink/orange/green stack in the right order.

It's not going to work if you try to get all the letters to go through all the rotators.

In particular, you want one of them to rotate more than once in the same place.


I really like this game, although it can be quite unforgiving when after a couple of minutes of shuffling letters, you make a mistake, only to have to reset the level and start again. An undo button might come in handy here.



the word is not ICON...

...but COIN


Could someone please post all words for witch level from 12 to 20 please

thanks... Ticcer( ive got tourettes ).


You can hit space to go from letter to letter, though clicking is faster when you have many letters.



bring the C down below the N/above the blue anf it is easy from there. See Word above.

Blue squares/colored squares

they are teleports. Hit enter to teleport




Like wolfa said above order matters
L has to go below the green to start. Then the U G and then Y.

Teleport, the Y, G, then U. Flip the U and use the orange teleport and then the green teleport and repeat until it is upright, then move the L next to the Y. Then teleport the U and put it at the front where the word is going to go. Now flip the G and put it next to the U. Now just move the other two letters over.


Word list

  1. MAN

  2. HAND

  3. CUT

  4. BLUE

  5. JAR

  6. FAN

  7. LOG

  8. RUG

  9. WORLD

  10. MILK

  11. JUMP

  12. TWELVE

  13. FLAG

  14. CRAB

  15. BALD

  16. WINK

  17. DANGER


  19. TRAMP

  20. STYLE



  23. KING

  24. COIN

  25. WOLF

  26. PARK




  30. BACKED

  31. STOP

  32. DUCK

  33. YAWN

  34. TANK

  35. BONES


  37. CLAP

  38. LYNX

  39. HAT

  40. TANGO


  42. MOON


  44. MYTH

  45. AMAZED

  46. GROW

  47. UGLY

  48. ENVY

  49. INSECT

  50. COW

  51. JUDGE


  53. GRAVY



  56. ENOUGH

  57. PILOT

  58. CRASH


  60. GAMBLE

  61. SCARF





I thought at first the word for level 13 was FRAG... *Ptew, ptew*

The whole thing reminds me of sokoban with letters. It looks as if you're supposed to just play for a bit when you'd be perusing this site for games anyway.

ThemePark October 8, 2008 11:54 AM

Any help on level 14? I can't figure out how to get both the R and the A rotated.

stupidcheeseboy October 8, 2008 12:07 PM

level 32? help!

stupidcheeseboy October 8, 2008 12:09 PM


drop the R between the 2 red rotators and then move it to the left to make room for the A

stupidcheeseboy October 8, 2008 12:32 PM

Oh hallelujah! The power of posting
Level 32 pwned


I'm sure Level 61 has a solution. I just don't know what it is. =_=


Level 61:


If you enter a square with sticky spikes, or a pink or grey switch, you will get the effect of the block, even if you are just falling past it.

Hint 2

F needs to lose its pink.


Allow S and C to fall onto the 3. Move the F so that A crosses the gap, but doesn't turn off 3. Move F below the 3, then move A to turn 3 off. Move S and C onto the horizontal blocks so that either of them is at the bottom of the vertical corridor. Move F so you can drop A into the corridor. Drop F, and turn on both 1 and 2. Move R left 3 times, then use it to fill the hole so all the other letters can become pink.

Patreon Crew SonicLover October 8, 2008 12:56 PM

Never mind 61, I'm going insane over 62! I know the word, but how the heck do I spell it?



"F A N J H
does not a word make..."

You'll notice that there are only 3 yellow squares. Thus not all of the letters are to be used.

Anonymous October 8, 2008 2:11 PM

I'm stuck on level 34. Any hints on the order to hit the switches?


Anybody figured out level 28? It looks easy but I can't do it! Thanks!


34 Walkthrough

move K to teleporter and teleport
hit 2,4 with K
move T

hit 2,3 with K
move T

hit 1,3 with K
move T

hit 4,3 with K
move T to 5

hit 1,2 with K
move T

hit 1 with K
turn T pink and teleport with pink teleporter

hit 6 with T and teleport back
hit 4 with K and teleport back

move K to correct box
move N to correct box
move A to correct box
drop T off ledge and turn pink again.
move T to correct box

monkeyswinkle October 8, 2008 3:28 PM

Level 62 Walkthrough:

Move the bottom right T to the right side of the rotator.

Move the S left until it falls, then right so that it falls on the T.

Move the H left until it falls, then right so that it falls on the S. Then move it to the right so that it is no longer on the S.

Move the T under the S to the right so that the S falls down.

Move the N to the left to the bottom of the "elevator shaft."

Move the left T left until it falls on the N.

Move the S left until it falls on the T and N.

Move the other T to the left to hit the 1 switch, then back to the right until it is two spaces to the left of the rotator.

Move the H right to hit the 2 switch, then back left to the green teleporter. Teleport up top.

Maneuver the R so that it rests on top of the sideways T. The R should turn gray once it is resting on top of the T.

Move the N, T, and S to the right to clear the way for the E. Go ahead and put the N on the first sticky space.

Move the E up the "elevator shaft" until it's level with the R.

Move the H left to the yellow teleporter. Teleport.

Move the E up a level to allow the H to go right to hit the 3 switch.

Move the E to the top floor to allow the G to go right.

Move the G to the right, then left until it falls on the R, then right two more spaces, so that it is flipped upright.

Move the sideways T to the right from under the R so that it is now between the R and the G.

Move the H to the right so that it falls, then right until it is on top of the G.

Move the S and T all the way to the left at the bottom.

Move the R to the left so that it falls, then move it to the left to sit next to the T at the bottom.

Move the E all the way down.

Move the STRE to the right to sit in the answer box next to the N.

Move the G right until it falls next to the N.

Move the H to the right until it falls on top of the G, then move it left on top of the N.

Move the last T to the right to fall on the G, then right again to fall next to the G.

Move the H to the right to fall next to the T.


Help needed on level 23, I know the word, but I can't find my way through the maze... :(

Patreon Crew SonicLover October 8, 2008 3:52 PM

Great, now I'm stuck on Level 63... I got the word, but there's just no way to get the P into position!

Patreon Crew SonicLover October 8, 2008 4:08 PM

Oh, wait, never mind, I got it. Now let me drive myself crazy with Level 64... I know the word...


Aha I got it!
Hint for 23:

You have to set off the #4 switch before the #3 switch. Try tracing it on your monitor with your finger backwards from the switch to see where you need to start from.


I like the game but it's not saving my progress. If I quit and return I can only select level 1. Is it something I'm doing wrong?


Anybody know how to get through level 32?

monkeyswinkle October 8, 2008 4:23 PM

Hints for 64:

Use E to hit switches 1, 2, and 3.

The F will be the last pink block, and it will need to become pink again.

Use F to hit switch 4.

Use D to help F become pink again.


any help with level 47 i know the

word is ugly

but whats the procedure?

monkeyswinkle October 8, 2008 4:30 PM


Hint for 28:

The final word is not TIDYING.Try an anagram.

Patreon Crew SonicLover October 8, 2008 4:31 PM

Wait, I got #64, too. Finished!

...Weird how I always get the solution myself right after I ask for help.

madeoutofpeople October 8, 2008 4:36 PM

I'm really stuck on 32. I was so proud of myself on 31, but 32 is just stymiying me. I see I'm not the only one ... can one of you 62 types give me a hint?

I've figured out how to use "U" to turn off [4]. I can sacrafice its pinkness to close [1], but either way I can't open [2] -- or re-open [3].

Anonymous October 8, 2008 4:47 PM

Oh man, 32 is killing me! Anybody got any hints? Here's what I've done so far

Dropped the U off to the right, turning on #3 block. Maneuvered it around to turn off #4 block. Not sure where to go from there!

Patreon Crew SonicLover October 8, 2008 4:59 PM


Turn 1 on, and rest the K on it. Then turn 1 off and immediately back on again (gotta be fast!) so the K lands on the 1 block in the loewr left.


Someone help with level 63!


@SonicLover, needing further help on 32:

But how do you get to the 1 switch? With the U?

Patreon Crew SonicLover October 8, 2008 5:08 PM



@SonicLover: LOL I was hoping for something a little more concrete. But I did figure it out just now, so here's a more step by step thing, just up until a certain point:
Spoiler for 32:

Move the U to the right, over the 3 switch, and up around to the top right, falling onto pink switches along the way, around the bottom right, and onto the 4 switch. Then move the U around the bend where the 4 block was before, and get it onto the 1 switch. Then do what SonicLover said about putting the K on the first one block, and quickly moving the U off and on and off and on to drop the K to the next block.

Here's where I get stuck... I can see how to pinkify every letter except for U.

Sorry about the doublepost, don't know how it happened.

Patreon Crew SonicLover October 8, 2008 5:22 PM

You know that little channel near the lower left with pink button, hole, gray button, pink button? Fill that hole with a pink block and you're good to go.


Aha, thanks SL. :D

Note to JIG: I don't know if you could call this game entirely kidsafe. The animation after level 33 features

a man squeezing a woman's breast (through her clothes).


Level 63:

Move G (the one on the far left) over to the right one.

Move N left one then right one on top of G and go through Blue teleport.

Move N left one then right one, take N through red teleport.

Move N right one to fall on top of letter block and it becomes O.

Take P right two then left two.
Take O left two, then R left one then R right one.

Take Y into yellow teleport then drop left.

Take M into yellow teleport and drop right.

Take K left one then go down into yellow teleport. Put between Z and N.

Move G (the one to the far right) left one, then right one, then left one and into yellow teleport, move left one and place.

The last G (to the far left) move right one then place H in the beginning


Help on 40? Nothing will stay pink long enough to do anything!


Does anyone know how to complete level 64? I'm stumped!


nvm, got 40.

keep your N pink!!!

And there are certainly some busty women in this game!

Anonymous October 8, 2008 6:43 PM

Any hints for level 56? I end up with E upside down, at the best!



YAY! My recommended game got a review! (Would have been nice to get a mention, tho). :)


Can anyone help me with level 16?


I need help on level 35.

Tang Drinker October 8, 2008 9:22 PM

I was drinking Tang while I read your review and I ALMOST DID A SPIT TAKE. Are you clairvoyant?

The game's pretty fun.


Arrrrgh. I'm stuck on level 64.

I can hit switches 1, 2, and 3, but whatever block I use to hit 3 is both sideways and grey, which leaves me with no way to get to switch 4. :-/

SkfyS Day October 9, 2008 1:18 AM

Walkthrough/guide for level 64

I just finished the whole game. Here is a video walkthrough for level 64.

Anonymous October 9, 2008 1:29 AM

So on level 63, I got the right word without it counting it...

When I put the N and P on the stairs, I can make them whatever I want them to be by moving them repeatedly on and off a step. So when I needed an O and an R, it ended up that my N became the R and my P became the O. Thus, my tiles weren't in the right order even though the letters were .


Ahhhh, thanks muchly, SkfyS Day--that clip showed the key step I was missing. The rest worked right out after that.

SkfyS Day October 9, 2008 1:58 AM

Walkthrough/guide for level 32

Here is a video walkthrough I made.

BTW, this level tests your reflex, which seems odd in a puzzle game.

SkfyS Day October 9, 2008 2:16 AM

Walkthrough/guide for level 47

If you still can't figure it out after SHA's hint, I made this walkthrough.

The key is to move Y (the first move of Y) on the top of G, so that G is under Y in the 4-block-pile.


Bah. You guys are talking about 33, 61, 16 and all. While my tiny brain doesn't allow me to get past level 5. Please, i need help!


This is an excellent, excellent game! The seemless graphics, bug-less levels, clever puzzle designs, 'feindish' tricks and to top it off - those marvellous cartoons. I personally loved it as it had just the right mix of gameplay and puzzles that I enjoy. I was 'amazed' the number of times I had to sit back with a pencil and paper and decode the letters, which became both challenging and satisfying. Although the levels looked impossible at first, once I understood the task, the only thing stopping me was my terrible forgetfullness, ie: getting stuck with the final block after 5 minutes of hard work and repetition.

My only pain was the limitation of hints to Gimme5Games, whereas I followed the link from this site to Kongregate, and was thus left to fend for myself. Can that be redirected, Jay?

For those of you struggling with Level 64, monkeyswinkle's comment was all that I required. However, one further hint:

Blocks can also move left from the red teleport at the top-right, and this is necessary to un-rotate a block.

Oh, and for those who have finished:

I sang along, did you?

harpdevil October 9, 2008 4:52 AM

It doesnt seem very intuitive to me to move with arrow keys but have to select each letter with the mouse. On a laptop this felt particularly awkward. Might I suggest using the letter keys to select them? When a word has multiples of the same letter, that letter key be used to cycle through them.

Patreon Crew SonicLover October 9, 2008 7:29 AM


A left one
R left one, right 5
A right four
J right two


That sounds like a good idea in principle, but it would fall through on certain levels, such as the "MANY/YAWN" level where they try to deceive you by disguising the W as an M.


or you could use the space bar to cycle through them, as them game tells you to do?


Help! Can't figure out how to do level 31!!!


Help with level 31 please!

Anonymous October 9, 2008 9:42 AM

I'm stuck on level 45. I know what the word is, i just can't hit switch 1, or get all of my blocks up top. Can anyone help?


ANY HELP ON 40?? i know what the word is, I just cant get the letters up there!

BTW....captcha's suck

[Edit: then create an account so we don't have to worry whether you're a real person or a bot. We get a LOT of spam and it costs us time and energy moderating all the comments, which sucks more than captchas do. -Jay]


Whoever made that You Tube of level 32 you rock! Thanks!

Um, 33, little help anybody? I can't unlock the door without flipping another letter.



The second letter doesn't have to be in the same position as it started out... it just has to look the same as it did starting out. More?

Flip the N twice and it is still an N.


I don't get access to you tube where I am at. Can anyone right up a walkthrough of level 64. I just can't figure it out!

stupidcheeseboy October 9, 2008 12:57 PM

Another request for help on Level 56
I can get as far as the JIGuest above and have E upside down


Please help! Stuck at level 35...



Move the E to the right and into the second leftmost spot in the yellow area. Then move the N to the left and on top of the E. Then move the G right on top of the N, then left until it is between the first and second shelves. Move the O left onto the G, and the H right onto the O. Then move the U right (over where the O started out). Now everything is right-side up.

But if you had the E upside down, you probably just moved it in the wrong direction. The U was the hard part.



Stack the A and the N on top of the switch to allow you to change the order of the letters. Then you can move the D or the R out of the way so that the M can be third.

stupidcheeseboy October 9, 2008 2:10 PM

Thx LizM
Now I know, I cant see why I couldnt work it out myself ?!!


It is not saving for me either. I got to level 36 yesterday but it's back to one today. :(


J: make sure you enable cookies on your browser so that I can save your game. Try testing it quickly by doing Level 2, closing the window and then reloading to check if it has worked.

Further help for Level 64:

A video solutioon to Level 64 (albeit a very poor quality one) can be found at:


Flash doesn't save data in cookies:

Perhaps you need to increase the amount of storage allowed to the site hosting this game (Kongregate).

The game is saving levels just fine for me.


Level 56 walkthrough:

1. Move E right two spaces off its platform, then left four spaces to under the gap between the right and middle platforms.
2. Move G right two spaces on top of E.
3. Move N left two spaces, onto the two stacked letters, then left four more spaces under the gap between the left and middle platforms.
4. Move O left two spaces and H right two spaces to form a stack on top of N.
5. Move U right until its atop G and E.
6. You should be able to contruct the word from here.


Okay. The word list has been really great in getting me through the levels. =D

...Stuck on 39. D: I can't get the 'H' in upright position.
Tip? Help?

snowchick01 October 10, 2008 3:00 AM

I can't view the spoilers can someone help me

[Edit: Spoilers require Javascript to be enabled in your browser. -Jay]


Anyone able to get past level 46? I know what the word is but I have no idea how to get the blocks where they are supposed to be.


I am completely and totally stuck on level 62. So close to the end and all seems hopeless. Any help would be much appreciated.


on the wlakthrough for lvl 22 the first T in the first paragraph should be an S

(What the first paragraph should actually look like)

The word of the day is actually TRACTOR, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. First, move S to the right and it'll press green switch 1, then move it to the left, which will turn it into T. Now move the new T all the way over to the left to press green switch 2.


On your walkthrough for 39, the line

then drop H on top of it and push it left once to leave it standing on the edge.

I think you meant

push it RIGHT once


For those having trouble for the level 63, Kongregate's version:

-Left G: Right
-K: Left, Right x4 (becomes N)
-Right G: Left, Right, Left, Right x2 (becomes H)
-M: Left, Warp, Right (becomes N, sticks)
-Y: Left x2, Warp, Left (becomes Z, sticks)
-Right N: Left x2, Warp, Left, Right (becomes O, sticks)
-H: Left x2, Warp, Left x2 (becomes I, sticks)
-N: Left, Right, Warp, Left, Right, Warp (becomes O)
-G: Right x3 (becomes H, sticks)
-P: Right x2, Left x2 (becomes R)
-O: Left x2 (sticks)
-R: Left, Right (sticks)

Hope that helped.


on level 58 there is no letter W... i think you mean the letter K


Did you guys know that there is a new version of this game in with few diferences but the most significant one is that only the lvl 63 is completely changed. If you guys could post something about it i'd be greatful. ^^

notverygood November 6, 2009 9:11 PM

28 has me confused. When you say,

drop D down and move it all the way in to the left. Do the same with I, then move Y back up to bridge the gap.

Do you mean

The I on the left or the right?


I appreciate the guide...very helpful, but I had to say it was extremely poorly written. There were so many errors with instructions given that it was an entirely new puzzle at times to figure out what you were trying to say.

Patreon VIP Chiktionary November 15, 2009 3:45 AM

Great game! And most excellent work on the walkthroughs.
I love this game, the challenges punctuated by the humour.

Pwn1337all November 25, 2009 6:06 AM

I use the Kongregate version, so there are greys and whites, and I mention:
green block 1
yellow block 2
blue block 3
red block 4
purple block 5
orange/brown block 6

Level 64 hint-through:

  1. Execute the obvious move. Don't grey any blocks now.

  2. A tower of blocks is needed. Keep the F white.

    The tower consists of (top to bottom) EDSF.

  3. Hit the 1 switch first and arrange:


  4. Get E to the alcove with blue switch 3.

  5. F can be a bridge.

  6. Aim S and D in position.

  7. Try getting F to the other side of the grey switches.

  8. F always is a bridge.

  9. Think about arranging "FINISHED" for now. Aim S and E in position.

  10. You need to grey the F.

  11. D can assist F to get to its location.

If you understand all the hints, you can win.


Did they change the skin on the game so that floating blocks are white and a couple other things? Or was it always like that?

michelle June 30, 2010 1:04 AM

hey i am stuck on level 7..any helpp.


There's an alternative solution to level 64.

You don't need to use the 4 key at all

Follow the existing level 64 walkthroughs as far as the tower of blocks, but with the white D at the bottom instead. The E is still on top. Unlock the 3 key with the E and use the D as a bridge to get it back across the rotator - you'll need to put them both through the teleporters; the E ends up back on top of the tower. Feed all the letters but D back down through the starting position and into the goal, in order. Finally navigate the still white D home and you are done.


Psychotronic, that was a funny hint about "LUBE", but it's not possible to make that now.


Hmm.... stuck on level 53. Help, anybody?
I'm using the game found on Kongregate, and it's a bit different, so the walkthrough posted at the top is slightly unusable for me.


Pink blocks? The walkthrough is confusing, first noted on level 20.


The walkthrough for level 32 also has some color errors.


Level 34 is ALSO error-prone.
First off, the colors are wrong. Just say "switch" and the number, instead of "green switch" and the number. ALL THE SWITCHES ARE UNIQUE COLORS.

(first paragraph skipped)
Take T and move it to the left to land on green block 2. Now use K to press green switch two. T will fall onto green switch 1. Then press green switch 4.

No. T will not fall onto "green switch 1." T will fall onto "BLOCK 1."


And level 58 as well.

Now we're getting to the crazy levels. The word is CRASH (you can probably guess what the animation for that is), so W is expendable....and pink. Which is just dandy.



SkylerF, are you playing the version on Kongregate, by any chance?

It has a different color scheme, and a few other differences. I don't know why. Check the other comments.

Reply December 21, 2013 2:03 AM

Many thanks to ray9na for the following post on Level 39:

"OKAY! I got level 39, and here's how I did it:"... *grin*
Posted by: ray9na | October 10, 2008 1:31 PM"

I had been struggling with a couple of Levels, but when reading the walkthrough for Level 39, it just wasn't making sense / working for me.
I found the description posted by ray9na to be much more helpful, and got through the level straight after reading it.
I found that some sections of the walkthrough were very confusing at times - I'm a Kongregate user, but often find myself here when looking for game tips etc.

My main problem with this walkthrough is that several colours seem to have been altered for Kongregate - meaning I also had to decipher the walkthrough!

Many thanks to you all for the effort that you put into walkthoughs, beta-testing etc.

This is my 1st time posting, but I've been using the site for several years now - it is appreciated! :D

Em / Icklem

Daniel B. October 11, 2015 8:46 PM

The level 30 cutscene... lol


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