Being One:
Episode 5 - Infection
We thought we had seen the last of Being One. The nigh-indestructable creature had escaped from the humans who imprisoned him and experimented upon them in their orbital lab, and returned to his people. Now he's back, though, and he's looking for vengeance. But nothing is as it seems in Being One: Episode 5 - Infection, the newest in Psionic's series of horror adventure games. Awesome atmosphere and twisty plotting is hampered by a lack of documentation and an abrupt ending, but all fans of sci-fi horror should love it.
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Being One: Episode 5 - Infection Walkthrough
List of Evidence
The Falcyon: automatically gained after the flight at the beginning.
MK 2 Multi-Pistol: in Security after defeating the gunbots.
The Layout: from the map on the table in the sleeping quarters.
Nanobots: after examining the remains of a second nanoslave.
Venus: from listening to the message on the Quantum Relay about someone afloat in space.
Dr. Rycroft's Theory: from the terminal in lab 4.
Earth Attack: from watching the QTV Screen in the living quarters.
Nanoslaves: from the datapad in lab 5.
Weston Carnodyne: from the manifest on the boxes in storage.
The Teleporter: from the terminal in lab 4.
Locations of Datapads
On the walkway in front of the lift.
Next to the skeleton in the living quarters.
On the ground next to the pod in lab 2.
On the ground in lab 4.
Next to the pod in lab 5.
On the ground in storage.
On the ground to the left in maintenance.
Next to the overturned chair.
Locations of Security Cameras
Two above the security door after the focusing mini-game.
Above the door in security.
To the left of the lift.
Above the quantum relay (to the right) in the living quarters.
On the ceiling in the labs.
Above the maintenance door in storage.
On the ceiling in maintenance.
Above the switch on the wall in the freezer.
On the middle pillar in the computer room.
Main Walkthrough
Entering the Nano-Station
You start out in an avoidance mini-game. You cannot die, presumably, the less you're hit, the higher your score.
Enter the Nano-Station.
After the shower, exit the Radiation Screening.
Next is a focusing mini-game.
Where exactly to place the focusing meters is randomized.
The image will not change as you scroll the meters, you have to do it incrementally.
Enter Security.
Use your gun on the gunbots when they are up; they take about two shots each.
Exit Security.
Read the datapad on the walkway.
Living Quarters
Examine the Quantum Relay and QTV Screen.
Read the datapad by the skeleton.
Enter the Sleeping Quarters.
Sleeping Quarters
Collect the layout map off the table to the right.
Enter the restroom.
Use the gun to kill the nanoslave.
Now use the microscope on the remains and shoot the four odd-looking cells.
Back up to the main hallway.
Enter Lab 2.
Lab 2
Use your gun to kill the nanoslave.
Now use the microscope to examine the remains and shoot the four bad cells.
Read the datapad on the ground next to the pod.
Use the autohacker on the terminal to the right.
This is the mini-game called Difference Engine.
Watch the numbers as they pass through the middle and observe how they change.
Enter the numbers from top to bottom that represent the change in the floating numbers.
The code is randomized each game.
Now click the terminal to read the messages.
Flip the swith to the left of the pod to deactivate it.
Back up, enter the next corridor and head into Lab 4.
Lab 4
Use the Autohacker on the terminal.
Read the terminal.
Now read the datapad on the ground.
Back up and enter Lab 5.
Lab 5
Use the autohacker on the terminal.
This is the mini-game called Difference Engine.
Watch the numbers as they pass through the middle and observe how they change.
Enter the numbers from top to bottom that represent the change in the floating numbers.
The code is randomized each game.
Click the terminal to read the messages.
Read the datapad next to the pod.
Enter the room to the left and examine the body.
Use the microscope on the body and zap the four abnormal cells.
Back up to Lab 5 and flip the switch.
Now back up to the main corridor.
Read the datapad on the ground.
Examine the manifest on the boxes to the left.
Enter maintenance.
Read the datapad on the ground to the left.
Examine Access Panel 1 and use the multi-tool on all four bolts.
Solve the pressure mini-game by rotating each dial to match the target.
Each dial runs clockwise from 0-9.
Simply rotate the dials to match the target.
Wait for the target to change, a green light at the bottom should light up.
Do this three times to complete it.
Back up and examine Access Panel 2.
Again, use the multi-tool on all four bolts, then solve the mini-game.
Enter the freezer.
Use the microscope to examine the remains and shoot the four abnormal cells.
Flip the freezer switch.
Make note of the numbers scrawled on the right.
Back up to the main corridor.
Computer Room
Read the datapad near the overturned chair.
Use the autohacker on the terminal to the far left.
This is the mini-game called Difference Engine.
Watch the numbers as they pass through the middle and observe how they change.
Enter the numbers from top to bottom that represent the change in the floating numbers.
The code is randomized each game.
Click the terminal to read the message.
Use the autohacker on the terminal to the right.
This is the mini-game called Difference Engine.
Watch the numbers as they pass through the middle and observe how they change.
Enter the numbers from top to bottom that represent the change in the floating numbers.
The code is randomized each game.
Click the terminal to read the message.
Examine the server and enter the code from the freezer wall.
Back up to the main corridor
Main Corridor
Use the autohacker on the lift and enter the numbers as indicated by the difference engine.
This is the mini-game called Difference Engine.
Watch the numbers as they pass through the middle and observe how they change.
Enter the numbers from top to bottom that represent the change in the floating numbers.
The code is randomized each game.
Now use the lift, then exit it.
End Room
Use your gun on all four yellow pipes.
Finally shoot the lightning panel above to kill the creature.
Congratulations! You've beat the game!!!
Just the other day I was thinking of how the endings to ongoing mystery/sci-fi series tend to be disappointing, and Episode 4 of Being One stuck out in my mind as one of the worst ever.
Now, three full years after a series that normally only had a couple months apart, they announce that they aren't, in fact, done? Wow. Just... wow. I am thrilled.
I've played all the Being One games up through #4, and the first one is still my favorite. Mainly this is because it's not so shootery and reflex-oriented :). I'm not sure if I want to play this since I tend to get frustrated with games I'm terrible at, but idk. I'd like to know the story, so maybe.
And a sequel, three years later... this gives me more hope for Ghostscape!
I really love this series. It is "believable", if you will, and the graphics are very high quality. The plot grows deeper and deeper as you progress through all 5 in the series, and I like the occasional gun fights thrown yo keep you engaged. Props to the game makers. Being One 6 (and beyond) would be very well received indeed!
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Walkthrough Guide
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Being One: Episode 5 - Infection Walkthrough
List of Evidence
The Falcyon: automatically gained after the flight at the beginning.
MK 2 Multi-Pistol: in Security after defeating the gunbots.
The Layout: from the map on the table in the sleeping quarters.
Nanobots: after examining the remains of a second nanoslave.
Venus: from listening to the message on the Quantum Relay about someone afloat in space.
Dr. Rycroft's Theory: from the terminal in lab 4.
Earth Attack: from watching the QTV Screen in the living quarters.
Nanoslaves: from the datapad in lab 5.
Weston Carnodyne: from the manifest on the boxes in storage.
The Teleporter: from the terminal in lab 4.
Locations of Datapads
On the walkway in front of the lift.
Next to the skeleton in the living quarters.
On the ground next to the pod in lab 2.
On the ground in lab 4.
Next to the pod in lab 5.
On the ground in storage.
On the ground to the left in maintenance.
Next to the overturned chair.
Locations of Security Cameras
Two above the security door after the focusing mini-game.
Above the door in security.
To the left of the lift.
Above the quantum relay (to the right) in the living quarters.
On the ceiling in the labs.
Above the maintenance door in storage.
On the ceiling in maintenance.
Above the switch on the wall in the freezer.
On the middle pillar in the computer room.
Main Walkthrough
Entering the Nano-Station
You start out in an avoidance mini-game. You cannot die, presumably, the less you're hit, the higher your score.
Enter the Nano-Station.
After the shower, exit the Radiation Screening.
Next is a focusing mini-game.
Where exactly to place the focusing meters is randomized.
The image will not change as you scroll the meters, you have to do it incrementally.
Enter Security.
Use your gun on the gunbots when they are up; they take about two shots each.
Exit Security.
Read the datapad on the walkway.
Living Quarters
Examine the Quantum Relay and QTV Screen.
Read the datapad by the skeleton.
Enter the Sleeping Quarters.
Sleeping Quarters
Collect the layout map off the table to the right.
Enter the restroom.
Use the gun to kill the nanoslave.
Now use the microscope on the remains and shoot the four odd-looking cells.
Back up to the main hallway.
Enter Lab 2.
Lab 2
Use your gun to kill the nanoslave.
Now use the microscope to examine the remains and shoot the four bad cells.
Read the datapad on the ground next to the pod.
Use the autohacker on the terminal to the right.
This is the mini-game called Difference Engine.
Watch the numbers as they pass through the middle and observe how they change.
Enter the numbers from top to bottom that represent the change in the floating numbers.
The code is randomized each game.
Now click the terminal to read the messages.
Flip the swith to the left of the pod to deactivate it.
Back up, enter the next corridor and head into Lab 4.
Lab 4
Use the Autohacker on the terminal.
Read the terminal.
Now read the datapad on the ground.
Back up and enter Lab 5.
Lab 5
Use the autohacker on the terminal.
This is the mini-game called Difference Engine.
Watch the numbers as they pass through the middle and observe how they change.
Enter the numbers from top to bottom that represent the change in the floating numbers.
The code is randomized each game.
Click the terminal to read the messages.
Read the datapad next to the pod.
Enter the room to the left and examine the body.
Use the microscope on the body and zap the four abnormal cells.
Back up to Lab 5 and flip the switch.
Now back up to the main corridor.
Read the datapad on the ground.
Examine the manifest on the boxes to the left.
Enter maintenance.
Read the datapad on the ground to the left.
Examine Access Panel 1 and use the multi-tool on all four bolts.
Solve the pressure mini-game by rotating each dial to match the target.
Each dial runs clockwise from 0-9.
Simply rotate the dials to match the target.
Wait for the target to change, a green light at the bottom should light up.
Do this three times to complete it.
Back up and examine Access Panel 2.
Again, use the multi-tool on all four bolts, then solve the mini-game.
Enter the freezer.
Use the microscope to examine the remains and shoot the four abnormal cells.
Flip the freezer switch.
Make note of the numbers scrawled on the right.
Back up to the main corridor.
Computer Room
Read the datapad near the overturned chair.
Use the autohacker on the terminal to the far left.
This is the mini-game called Difference Engine.
Watch the numbers as they pass through the middle and observe how they change.
Enter the numbers from top to bottom that represent the change in the floating numbers.
The code is randomized each game.
Click the terminal to read the message.
Use the autohacker on the terminal to the right.
This is the mini-game called Difference Engine.
Watch the numbers as they pass through the middle and observe how they change.
Enter the numbers from top to bottom that represent the change in the floating numbers.
The code is randomized each game.
Click the terminal to read the message.
Examine the server and enter the code from the freezer wall.
Back up to the main corridor
Main Corridor
Use the autohacker on the lift and enter the numbers as indicated by the difference engine.
This is the mini-game called Difference Engine.
Watch the numbers as they pass through the middle and observe how they change.
Enter the numbers from top to bottom that represent the change in the floating numbers.
The code is randomized each game.
Now use the lift, then exit it.
End Room
Use your gun on all four yellow pipes.
Finally shoot the lightning panel above to kill the creature.
Congratulations! You've beat the game!!!
Posted by: Kyh
May 25, 2012 2:43 PM