An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.


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4.6/5 (84 votes)

Avalanche is a fast-paced climbing game in which your goal is to scale the mountain of falling blocks, without being flattened or falling into the river rising from below. The flood of cascading blocks starts slowly, with only a few blocks to start. Before you know it, you'll be madly scrambling to avoid being turned into a marshmallow pancake.

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Supertarman September 4, 2007 1:36 PM

This game is awesome. I've played it for hours and so far my record is 1608


I love it. My personal high score is 530.
I just miss an option to turn the sound off.

And it's really annoying when the water catches up with the blocks..


i love this game :P
played it on other sites too..
i hope they will make a sequel soon.. =]


Agh! Boxed in by blocks to be killed by the rising... water? How come it is pink?


I pictured it as a marshmallow running from punch. =) And maybe the blocks are flavored ice cubes.


It'd feel a lot fairer if blocks did not have the ability to hang out as far as they sometimes do, and if it weren't so easy to get boxed in by the falling blocks. I find jumping consistently does help in getting advance notice for falling debris, and in fact now that I've hit my personal best of 417 I suspect it may become actually necessary to do as prescribed in the review and use blocks before they land; certainly that can be helpful if you fall behind by jumping off a side.


Arrgh! The first time I tried to play, little blocks blocked me in and I was trapped! The the Kool-Aid got me! :(


Personal best is 996... followed by a shreek of frustration for missing those last 4 feet.
Does anyone else find that the game slows down the higher you climb?


Ezrabbit - Yes I have the same problem. I think it's because the game keeps creating new blocks, and all that data slows your pc down. I improved my score to 999 now, can you believe that.. 1 yard!


I still like this game a lot, especially the music, the guy who made it has it for download on newgrounds

I also liked the techo beat to the Turret Defense 2 onthe link dump, no idea what it is though.

Dustfinger September 4, 2007 7:22 PM

Can someone take a screenshot of what the sky looks like when you're really high up? I know it turns red, but I want to see how red it turns.


This game would be great if the blocks had realistic physics. It's pretty good anyway.

Supertarman September 4, 2007 8:39 PM

Dustfinger, the sky turns red, then gets darker until it turns black.


I feel like this game would be a lot less frustrating if 1) there was more screen space for the sky above you, and 2) if you were only pushed back instead of instantly destroyed when only a small sliver of your white box is hit by a falling block (same goes for having a falling block land above you when you're clinging onto the side of another block)


This is a great game. Very addicting, and with great music.


I was just about to submit this until i saw it was on a link dump a while back and didn't. I'm glad that it managed to get a review anyway.


Highly addictive game that's great in everyway! Can't stop playing!


Haha, it broke! It's playing the main game tune on the "you died, here's your score" screen.

record: 606 feet


315 :D


This game rocks. A very simple idea, but it continues to be chalenging, I haven't even gotten to 500 yet. I don't know if I'm trying to hard and being impatient, or I suck. I love jumping higher and higher on the blocks as they are still falling.

The music is cool and I like how you can see your tower after you die.

Plus it's great practice for those Ninja Gaiden tournaments.


As for the real physics, when was the last time you were a jumping marshmallow in square cheerio land?

reece/reecer6 September 5, 2007 8:48 PM

im reece and reecer6 on the website for this and thanks for reviewing this, it's my favorite game on the game homepage!!!


Oh man. My roommate and I have been addicted to this game for about a week. I got up into the 500's or 600's, it was a good round.


I still can't get beyond 500 ft.

If the blocks don't fall in a completely unclimbable configuration, then the water level eventually catches up to the top of the tower. I end up dying either way.


Yay! 765 \o/



A few pieces of advice:

- If you jump off the edge of the screen, you will appear on the other side. This can quite often be of help, should you get stuck.
- The game has some glitches that you can use to your advantage. For instance, if you jump off the edge of the screen to the other side and try to catch hold of blocks that are partly off the screen, you will appear on top of these blocks. You can also get through some tight spots in this way.
- I find that it's generally safer to jump on the side of a falling block, not directly on top of it. This way, there's less chance of being crushed unexpectedly.
- The most important thing, I think, is to keep moving. Always. If there's nothing to jump onto, keep jumping up and down to see what's coming your way.


My high score is 1342 yay!
My fav games at the moment.
I play is for hours!
The only thing that irks me is that I keep getting trapped by the colored ice cubes. But otherwise, really really good!


This game is surprisingly addictive! 1042 was my best.

stromboli1994 September 8, 2007 7:29 PM

You know, i always thought the guy looked like one of those pieces of gum. yeah, my record's only about 454 feet.


for some reason, my game is slow from the start. Not slow enough that I'm having a huge problem playing the game, but slow enough to give me a huge reaction time for my next move.

if there is ever a sequel or an updated version, he really should get rid of all the blocks 50 feet below the kool-aid/blood/juice/red liquid. That way, no matter what, you won't have to store all the data for those blocks that you're never going to access.

Along with that, you shouldn't have to go to the bottom of the liquid to know your high score (or do you? I haven't played it in a while)


When the liquid is reaching dangerously close to your marshmellow thing, try jumping in place, and if you see any blocks, try going to the sides and jumping off of them. Even if you survive, you will have gained extra feet.


I feel like this would have won the CGDC "Replay" competition. It's so frustrating when you lose, but like an abused spouse, you keep coming back for more!


899 is my top score. annoying. this is the most ive ever been addicted to a game.


My high score was about 1800

NeuesKinder September 15, 2007 7:10 PM

I think I've noticed (though I could be wrong) that for every time you jump a new rock is created. At least for me it seemed that if I jumped a lot the rocks would be coming down in greater numbers than if I just slid around and only jumped when I needed to.

...Maybe if you jump a lot you can get higher faster. :P


i love this game, but it gets frustrating after a while, when i keep getting boxed in and trapped, or when i can see the kool aid rising and yet no blocks are dropped on my side of the column and i die. personal best 425

Man number 5 September 16, 2007 4:27 AM

I only got 300 =(

Tiffany Goddard September 19, 2007 11:04 PM

wow. that game is addicting. :)
my record was 785.
i like how the sky changes to a darker color the farther you go up. but i do wish there was a way to turn off the music, and it gets pretty glitchy the farther you go up.


lol, i can't get past 207 feet. when it comes to games i'm a loser. so why do i visit this site every day?!


Great game I have gotton to 1026 feet.


YAY!!! 404 FT!!!!


mine is 768


1304 my best :D


Marshmellow stuck in a cherio land cherio land dont get blocked from the cherios man cherios man you gota run away from the cherios land cherios land SQUASH

Sory bad song i kno but whats with the water! well i can relate to the marshmellow. I dont like pinkdrinks either!


Love this game. My high score is 1800 something feet... or maybe 1080ft.. or 1008ft... (or 108? no just kidding). Anyway, i love this game. I wish someone would make a game like this with real physics. So if the character were something that of "Gish" - squishy blob guy that can stick to stuff - and the blocks would topple sideways, the pink liquid would cause light blocks to float up, then that would be the kind of game i'd love. This is great too - definatly one of my favorites!

Marshmallowjumper(lamename) November 10, 2007 2:44 PM

You CAN jump on sides of brick to avoid being crushed

pls read my blog here 408 feet my best.

Scrooge_mcduck November 27, 2007 1:08 PM

My official record is 1400ft


I got 400 odd. Then I got 720! WOOT!

LarryCucumber December 31, 2007 8:11 PM

You guys know a really fun minigame that you can do in avalanche? As soon as you hit the ground, run to the right or the left. See how many times you can run around before you lose.


-No backtracking
-If you go from right to left, than subtract one point.
-You can jump on the blocks.
-My Record is 18
-Monkeys Rule :P

LarryCucumber January 1, 2008 10:22 PM


(Hey EMDF and bj8rn, I used some of your advice in this. Sorry.)

-When the liquid is reaching dangerously close to your marshmellow thing, try jumping in place, and if you see any blocks, try going to the sides and jumping off of them. Even if you survive, you will have gained extra feet.- If you jump off the edge of the screen, you will appear on the other side. This can quite often be of help, should you get stuck.
- The game has some glitches that you can use to your advantage. For instance, if you jump off the edge of the screen to the other side and try to catch hold of blocks that are partly off the screen, you will appear on top of these blocks. You can also get through some tight spots in this way.
- I find that it's generally safer to jump on the side of a falling block, not directly on top of it. This way, there's less chance of being crushed unexpectedly.
- The most important thing, I think, is to keep moving. Always. If there's nothing to jump onto, keep jumping up and down to see what's coming your way.
- Don't try to be dramatic. You will waste time...
...and probably get squished.
- Don't stop to look at how high you are. It only distracts you from your goal. Actually another way to see how high you are. It starts getting red at 200ft, and Black at 400ft. I don't know when it gets completely black.
- Don't criticize monkeys :P

Cheezy912 January 4, 2008 4:48 PM

on the m minigame you told us about is realy fun
my high score was 26. Its kinda hard but its fun

Monkeys rule ;)

LarryCucumber January 4, 2008 5:50 PM

Wow Cheezy 912!
Good Job!

Anonymous January 17, 2008 7:58 PM



HA! 99,999 FEET! too bad i can't acces high scoreboard =(


I GOT 389 FEET! I"M USUALLY BAD AT THIS GAME! 'whew' Anyway, I used what I call "climbing". You do a wall jump whilst holding the arrow key towards the block you jumped off of.


Help! Every time I try again my "Personal best score" gets set back to 21! It makes no sense! WTF! Yes, I think this deserves that.


Never mind, I get it now...

FOX McCLOUD January 26, 2008 10:26 AM

I just jump from block to block in mid air!


i thought this game was really cool for a while, until i got to my highest score ever of 1486, when the game decided that i had gone too far and wouldn't let me cling on to the sides of the blocks. Without this, I fell to my death. Who knows how high I would have gone. Has this happened to anyone else???


Jay B: not to me, but my high score is a shade less than half yours. But this, I figure, will be what comes of the game remembering every block in the stack (as I assume it does since it rescrolls the whole stack at game over). It's bound to run out of memory and therefore misbehave at some point.

Ainegue July 8, 2008 5:27 PM

Does anyone notice that this game is much harder (and slightly less fun) when played on a fast computer?

I'm using my new Vista and my highest is only 188ft (so far). Which is a major difference from the highscore I got using the old-dead-laptop-that-can't-even-run-2-programs-at-the-same-time, which was either 1800...or 1080... wait, didn't I already say this before?

It seems that the blop/marshmallow has a better tendency to slip off the top of a block, and gets harder to control and whatnot. I keep finding myself slipping around and then falling to my pinkish lemonade doom. It's also much harder to jump from the sides of the falling blocks and upwards, because you have to react faster and jump sooner. So instead, I have to keep to the tops of the blocks and it becomes a test of quick reactions to jump up and not be squished.

It's much more fun on a laggy laptop. If I were to rate it as if I were using my laptop, I'd give it a 4/5. Now I'd give it a 3.5/5.

Oh yeah, and LarryCucumber:
29, YEA!


1637 wooo
i think that qualifies for 2nd


When you lose, the "You climbed 'x' feet" screen also shows some of the tower you climbed on the left hand side.

Neat touch.


Totally awesome! My only complaint is that sometimes you get trapped and you cannot get out.


I have the supreme record!
Forty-one thousand feet!

flowerdoggie June 20, 2009 11:23 AM

I love this game! I could spend hours trying to escape the red liquid and falling blocks!


Haha marshmallow dude go BOOM! And to get out of a tricky situation the marshmallow dude goes to the other side when you go out of bounds :)

Silverflame October 4, 2009 3:46 PM

Best score? well, I suck at this sooo...I can't even get to 100...only on the tutorial. SEE?! I SUCK.


I LLLOOOVVVEEE this game! So addicting! I find myself groaning every time I explode into confetti, letting my breath rush out in a sigh every time I make another tough jump, & in general getting into the game! You JIG users are amazing! My record is only 202 feet! Man!


Beat it! Now I'm at 309! Take me on, I dare you! Try to beat my score! I know I'm trying to talk smack, but it's not very convincing. Oh well. Beat 202, now 309!!!!!!!!!!


My average seems to be improving. My highest is still 309, but now I rarely get under 110 or so. wOOt!


Beat my high score! 369 feet, then got crushed by a block! The lava turns more reddish as you go higher, & the sky changes color.


really fun game! I could play it forever and not get bored. (maybe not, just exaggerating)
my record is 359 feet! The guy you control is like a marshmallow, and the blocks remind me of donuts. However, the liquid reminds me of rising lava.

choirboy July 26, 2010 11:09 AM

it'd be sad if someone got 21 as their max...


The only reason I gave this game up is because the controls are too slippery. I feel I often am trying to shift a little and I go flying off a block. This really put me off.

Leopardmask March 26, 2014 9:54 AM

I always thought the pink liquid was supposed to be lava.


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