An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Autumn Melancholy Escape

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4.1/5 (125 votes)

There is nothing gloomy or sad about this beautiful apartment, lavishly appointed in warm autumn colors and textures. Adding cohesiveness and a thematic element to the escape gameplay, Autumn Melancholy sends guests riffling through furnishing and around corners on the hunt for picture fragments that need to be reassembled by game's end. The pursuit is made pleasant by every helpful feature an escape game fan could want: a light up cursor to indicate interactive areas, textual reminders when more clues are needed before attempting a solution, and several diverse puzzles to stimulate the mind.

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Walkthrough Guide

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Autumn Melancholy Walkthrough

General Information

  • Change direction by clicking the sides or bottom of the game screen; a greyish bar on the side or bottom of the screen will indicate when this is possible.

  • The cursor will light up when an area is interactive: click there to get a closer look or pick something up.

  • Examine areas and objects from every angle possible, exploring all sides for hidden panels or obscured parts.

  • Usable items are stored in your inventory on the right side of the game screen.

  • To use an item, click on it once to highlight its square.

  • Inventory items can be opened for close examination/and more information; click the "(i)" that appears in the top right corner of the item's inventory square.

  • Some items will not work until combined with others.

  • To try to combine inventory items, first open one for to examine it more closely. Next, select the other item then click on the first to combine the two.

  • You can also separate items in your inventory, using same methods as above.

  • To find out if a key opens a lock, highlight the key then click on the door. If the key works, the door will open.

  • Puzzles can only be solved when you have viewed the required clues or gathered all of the needed pieces. You'll see the message "I have no clue how to solve this" if further sleuthing is required.

  • If an item is not working the way you think its intended, it means some other step must be performed first.

  • Move picture puzzle tiles by first clicking on the tile you want to move, then clicking on the spot you want to move it to.

  • This game has only one ending. Have fun!

First Arrival in the Livingroom

  1. Zoom in on the lamp in the back left corner of the room; this will bring an end table into view.

    • Pick up the REMOTE CONTROL from the table.

    • Get the PICTURE TILE (1/16) from the baseboard.

    • Open the Photo Album--click through the pages until you find a missing photo. Seems that a photo should go there, shouldn't it?

    • Take the PIECE OF PAPER; open it in your inventory to view the clue: a numbered 3x3 grid. Perhaps it corresponds to something in one of the rooms?

    • Back up.

  2. Click on the sofa to face it straight on.

    • Move the large green pillow and small orange pillow to find another PICTURE TILE (2/16); grab it.

    • Back up.

  3. Click to take a closer look at the colored candles on the far end of the television cabinet.

    • Make note that each of the four colored candles are of varying heights; this may or may not be a clue. We'll worry about that later.

    • Back up and turn right, to face the TV.

  4. Zoom in on the TV.

    • Highlight the REMOTE CONTROL in your inventory; click on the TV.

    • The word "Z O O M" appears on the screen.

    • Under that are the numbers ""

    • The numbers indicate how to manipulate the letters in order to get a 4-letter code.

    • Turn the Z 90 degrees. Turn the M 180 degrees.

      N O O W

    • Make note of that code for later use.

    • Back up.

  5. While facing the television cabinet from behind a basket of pink flowers, click on the left cabinet door to bring it into closer view.

    • Grab the PICTURE TILE (3/16) that's under the cabinet.

    • Click the lock on the left door: you'll need a four-letter code.

    • Remember the code from the TV?

      N O O W

      Enter it to open the cabinet door.

    • Inside the left cabinet, get:

      • A PICTURE TILE (4/16)

      • A SILVER KEY

      • A butane LIGHTER

    • Also notice the CLUE: a drawing of a face? Make note of the angles of the lines representing the eyes, nose and mouth.

    • Now click the lock on the second door from the left: a diamond made up of four squares (a color code). You need more clues before you can solve this.

    • Back up.

  6. Now take a closer look at the right side of the cabinet.

    • You can't solve the puzzles on either doors yet; take note of what they are so you can look for clues.

    • Second cabinet door from the right: four blank squares for... Colors?

    • Right door: a four-digit number.

    • Back up and turn right:

    • In the corner, between the two doors, is another PICTURE TILE (5/16). Zoom in and grab it.

Bathroom, Part 1: Gathering Clues and Items

  1. To enter the bathroom, use the SILVER KEY to open the door on the right side of the room (as facing the TV)

  2. Take a closer look at the tulip picture above the toilet:

    • Click on the left side of its frame to see two arrow buttons as well as a slot needing two batteries.

    • You'll need to gather more clues--and two batteries--before you can solve this.

    • Back up

  3. Zoom in on the sink area:

    • Pick up the PICTURE TILE (6/16) next to the sink.

    • Get the LIGHTER FLUID (black can) from the left side of the counter.

    • Back up then click on the towels on the lower shelf:

    • Grab the PICTURE TILE (7/16) hidden amongst the towels.

    • Back up again.

  4. Now zoom in on the shelf above the tub, on the left side of the room.

    • Get PICTURE TILE (8/16) from next to the bar soaps.

    • Click on the Decorative Box: it has a pattern of leaves on its lid. There is probably something you have to do with getting from the first leaf on the top left edge to the leaf on the bottom right edge; right now you have no clue.

    • Back up twice to leave the bathroom.

Back in Livingroom: Middle Left Cabinet Door

  1. Go back to the candles by the TV.

    • Open the LIGHTER in your inventory.

    • Fill the lighter with LIGHTER FLUID; a flame will appear.

    • Use the lighter to light the candles.

    • The candles melt down to form a diamond of four colors:

    • From top, clockwise: green, purple, red, orange.

    • Back up; it's time to open the cabinet door second from the left.

  2. Focus in on the left side of the cabinet.

    • Click on the second door from the left:

    • The clue for this comes from the melted candles.

    • Colorblind Instructions:

      Top= 2 clicks. Right= 6 clicks. Bottom= 1 click. Left= 5 clicks.

    • When you've entered the correct color code, click the button to open the cabinet.

    • Inside the cabinet you'll get:

      • Another PICTURE TILE (9/16)

      • A GOLD KEY.

    • Now you have the key to the bedroom; back up.

The Bedroom, Part 1: Gathering Items and Clues

  1. Use the GOLD KEY on the door on the left side of the room, by the windows.

  2. Gather some items and picture tiles in this room:

    • Grab PICTURE TILE (10/16) hidden under the rug at the left side of the room.

    • Zoom in on the floor, next to the bed;pick up the PICTURE TILE (11/16) on the baseboard

    • While there, grab the BATTERY that's sticking out from under the bed. Back up.

    • Take a closer look at the pillows on the bed; there is a PICTURE TILE (12/16) under the right pillow. Back up.

    • Now focus on the table and armchair.

    • Pick up the TONGS from the silver tray.

    • Also get PICTURE TILE (13/16) near the right corner of the table.

    • Back out to face the whole room again.

  3. Take a closer look at the clock.

    • Looking straight on at the clock, you see a design which is probably a clue:

    • Going by the tulip symbol, it is the clue for the bathroom picture.
      Make a note of the leaf design; some leaves face up, some face down.

    • It also looks like the face of the clock requires another key. "I have no clue how to solve this." Oh well...later then.

    • Click on the right side of the clock to see a keyhole. Without a key, we can only guess at what's inside for now.

    • Time to go back to the bathroom.

Bathroom, Part 2: Tulip Picture

  1. Solve the Tulip Picture:

    • Click on the left side of the picture frame and find the battery slot:

    • You need two batteries. You have one, where is the other?

    • Open the back of your remote control, take out the other BATTERY.

    • Put both batteries into the picture frame.

    • Now use the clue from the bedroom clock to push the arrow buttons:

    • down--down--up--down--up--down

    • The correct combination will light up both sets of lights on the picture, giving you a new color code; back up to see it:

    • orange-green-pink-purple

  2. Now you can open another cabinet door. Go back out to the livingroom.

Livingroom: Middle Right Cabinet Door

  1. Open the TV cabinet door, second from the right:

    • Enter need the four-color code from correctly lighting up the picture in the bathroom.

    • Colorblind instructions:

      From left to right = 5 clicks--2 clicks--4 clicks--6 clicks

    • From inside the cabinet, take:


      • PICTURE TILE (14/16)

  2. Armed with new tools, now go back to the bathroom.

Bathroom, Part 3: Fan and Box

  1. Take a closer look at the fan, high on the wall above the window.

    • You can use the screwdriver to turn the screws but you need to turn them a certain direction, it seems.

    • Use the clue you gathered earlier on:

    • The "face" in the television cabinet:
      The screws in both top corners=horizontal.
      Middle screw=horizontal.
      Bottom screws=slanted inwards.

    • The correct position of the screws opens the fan cover.

    • Use the TONGS to grab a PIECE OF PAPER (open it to see another clue).

  2. Now you can open that decorative Wood Box on the shelf by the tub.

    • The goal is to change all the colored leaves to white.

    • Use the clue you found in the fan.

    • Solution (includes colorblind instructions):

      First, if you number the leaves in order from left to right:
      1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6
      7 -8 -9 -10-11-12

      Then, go in this order:

    • Inside the box you'll get: a six-petaled flower KEY.

  3. Go back to the bedroom.

Bedroom, Part 2: the Clock's Secrets

  1. Open the side of the clock:

    • Use the flower key to open the right side of the clock.

    • From inside the clock panel, take the PICTURE TILE (15/16).

    • Make note of the clue: "COOL. U=2"

  2. Go back out to open the livingroom.

Livingroom, Last Cabinet Door and Photo Album

  1. Open the far right door of the television cabinet.

    • After the clue in the clock, you can figure out the four digit code.

    • Don't read "cool" as a word. Look at it as positions on the 3x3 grid shown on the piece of paper still in your inventory:


    • Enter those four numbers and press the button to open the cabinet door.

    • Inside the cabinet you'll get:

      • PICTURE TILE (16/16)

      • CLOCK KEY.

  2. Back up and turn left; zoom in on the lamp table near the window.

  3. Placing the picture tiles back in the Photo Album:

    • You should now have 16 Picture Tiles in your inventory.

    • Pick up the Photo Album and turn to the last page where the picture is missing.

    • Place the Picture Tiles into the album and rearrange them until they form a picture of the clock:

    • Screenshot: Completed Picture

  4. Now you have the final clue, go back to the bedroom.

Bedroom Clock: "Time" for Your Exit

  1. Go back to the bedroom clock to get your exit key.

    • First, adjust the time.

    • Use the clue from the photo album:

    • 5:45

    • Then, insert the clock key into the keyhole by "6"

    • (The key won't go in until the time is correct. You can't fix the time until you've reassembled the picture tiles.)

    • "You can now take the key" so click on the right side of the clock, and peek into the opening.

    • The cylinder containing the exit key is now open. Take the DOOR KEY.

  2. Go to the last door (door on far right wall), use the key and exit.


(Colorblind instructions included.)

Autumn Melancholy Escape Walkthrough

General Information

  • There is a little white ball on your cursor when you can click, but not always, so, don't rely on this.

  • There are puzzles which are not colorblinds compliant, I'll explain in the solutions.

  • You have to find 16 tiles, their locations are in the specific section, not along the walkthrough.

  • Good Luck !


  • On the table to the right of the couch, you can found a picturebook, and at the last page, there is a grid with numbers from 1 to 9. Take it.

  • There is also a remote control on the table.

  • To your right, there are 4 cupboards, a plate with 4 candles, and a TV.

  • On the couch, you can move 3 cushions.

The left cupboard

You need a four letter code.

  1. You have a remote control and a TV set, and, lucky you, there is already a battery inside it.

  2. There is only on channel on this TV, and it says "ZOOM". This is only one clue.

  3. You have to apply the rotation to the letters.

    • Z + 90° = N

    • O + 0° = O

    • M + 180°= W

    The word code is NOOW !

In the cupboard, there are a silver key and a lighter.

The middle left cupboard

You need a four color code.

  1. Now that you have a key, let's open a door. The right one for example.

  2. You can take something on the left of the sink.

  3. It's a bottle of lighter fluid, and you have a lighter, fill it up !

  4. You can now light up the candles to the left of the TV.

  5. You have now four colors :

    • Up = Green

    • Left = Orange

    • Right = Purple

    • Down = Red

    For colorblinds, the rotation of colors is :

    • Yellow (starting color)

    • Red

    • Green

    • Blue

    • Pink

    • Orange

    • Purple

In the cupboard, there is a copper key.

The middle right cupboard

You need a four color code.

  1. Think about a thing you saw that has four identical things on it.

  2. The code will be on the roses painting in the bathroom.

  3. You have to turn it on.

  4. Click on its left.

  5. You need two batteries

  6. One is in the remote control, the other is under the bed, near the books.

  7. Now you have colors, but it's not enough. What about this two arrows ?

  8. The code for the arrows is on the clock above the bedroom.

  9. The leaves indicates down, down, up, down, up, down with a rose for the clue !

  10. Yay ! Four colors !
    Orange Green Pink Purple
    For colorblinds, the rotation of colors is :

    • Yellow (starting color)

    • Red

    • Green

    • Blue

    • Pink

    • Orange

    • Purple

There is a screwdriver in the cupboard.

The box above the bath

You need a three color code.

  1. You'll have to use the clue in the left cupboard.

  2. It's for the aeration in the bathroom (top left).

  3. Just turn the screws like on the clue. There's a paper inside ! But you can't reach it ...

  4. There are tongs on the table in the bedroom.

  5. You have to push every leave on the box, following the three color code, from the left leave to the other one.

  6. The code is Green Red Yellow.
    For colorblinds, the map of the box is :

  7. The solution is :
    R R D L D D R U R D R U U L U R R R D L D R D L
    R for Right, U for Up, D for Down, L for Left

There is a golden key in the box.

The clock

You need a time !

  1. You have to open the pannel under the clock.

  2. On its left, use the golden key, there is a code inside.

  3. Four signs, a number, what could you do with this code ?

  4. It's for the right cupboard ! And you only have one thing in your inventory.

  5. Each sign correspond with a number on your paper.

  6. The code is 6553.

  7. The little key from the cupboard is for the clock, but you still need the time.

  8. You need the 16 tiles ! (see the section to find them all)

  9. The tiles are in black and white.

  10. Put'em in the picturebook, and reorganize'em to form a picture of the clock.

  11. The time is 4:45.

  12. But you have to put 5:45 !

  13. And now turn the little key in the hole.

You can take the key ! (on the left of the clock)
And get out by the right door.

The 16 tiles

    In the main room :

  1. Near the table to the right of the couch.

  2. Under the cushions on the couch.

  3. In the corner between the two right doors.

  4. Under the middle left cupboard.

  5. In the left cupboard.

  6. In the middle left cupboard.

  7. In the middle right cupboard.

  8. In the right cupboard.

  9. In the bathroom :

  10. Above the bath.

  11. To the left of the sink.

  12. Under the sink.

  13. In the bedroom :

  14. Under the curtains, near the carpet.

  15. On the table.

  16. Near the books.

  17. Under the right pillow.

  18. In the clock.


Hmmm, can't seem to get very far. I have

a remote control, used, battery from the remote, a paper with numbers on it, and 4 of 16 puzzle pieces .

Of the 4 cupboards below the TV, it seems that I should be able to open the one on the left, but the clue from the TV doesn't seem to apply. Am I missing something obvious?


Use the code on the tv. use the numbers below to the letters (ZOOM) to get the code

Ewan Whosarmy November 11, 2011 5:16 AM

Hmm - have tried entering that word from the TV in various formats. i even

flipped it on it's head (90*) then rotated it 180* to get NOOE

but still no joy.



Note: the TV looks like it has two clues, but really it only has one. The numbers and letters combine to give you the combination.

Think maths.

Each number is angle. Rotate the corresponding letter to make a new one. Z>N, O>O, O>O, M>W.



numbers under the letters are angles


Now you people need to catch up, and give me a hand with the end!

I have all 16 tiles, and what looks like a clockwork key, but I can't find anywhere to use them.


@ jolson

the clockwork key might go on the clock in the bedroom, but I don't know because I'm stuck with paper, pliers, tiles and batteries but no idea what to do with them.



No such luck. Or maybe it does, but I'm still missing something. "I have no clue how to solve this!"
As for your situation...

You might try taking a closer look at the flower painting in the bathroom.


I just had a thought: I might be in an unwinnable game. Can anyone tell me:

whether the TV has more than one channel? As in, did/can anyone try using the remote on it again before taking the batteries out?



Thanks for the help! I'm OUT. If you still need help,

go back to the photo album where you got that first piece of paper

and you'll be out in no time...



I did not find more channels, I tried to use the remote multiple times.


the buttons on the flowerpainting do not seem to have any effect... do you have more tips? =)



The clue is in the bedroom.

On the clock.

The direction of the leaves on the vine indicates what order to press the buttons. Down down up down up down.

rhed: Thanks! I thought I'd tried that, but obviously not...


OK, out as well!
I'm a bit too tired to write a walkthrough, but I'll stick around for a while, if anyone has any questions!


yeah help me!

to what did I just get a key?



What sort of key? Star? If so...

Check out the clock.


I feel stupid today.
Let's hope it's the lack of sleep =)

I'll wait for the walkthrough.

crashlanding November 11, 2011 6:26 AM

ouuut :D

a couple things that might help people that don't seem to have been mentioned here:

the picturebook:

you can remove the piece of paper with the grid on it

the clock:

you don't need the clock key to move the clock hands...

but you need the hands in the right position in order to use the key


i have the tongs and the screwdriver...what do i do with them??


I am out! I really enjoyed this one. :)
Go to bathroom. Maybe you missed one of the view there ;)


I'm out.
Nice game. Had to think a LOT


Anyone care to explain what I should do after i got the paper grid, 2 batteries, tongs, and 13 pieces of puzzle?


Hello guys, I'm stuck with 13/16 card, pliers, 2 batteries, the 123/456/789 paper and ... nothing to do. All the locks are answering "No clue to solve this".
Any idea ?


I do not understand the picture in the bathroom. I saw part of it in the photo album but I still don't see what to do.


Out! And man, did I ever get stuck.

At this step:

The flower painting in the bathroom...

... it took me ages to figure out ...

... that you have to do the button sequence twice, and light both sets of lights, to the right colors to show up.


Thank you thank you elle. That was it. How was I meant to find those buttons ?



The album picture's a red herring. Look at the side of the picture in the bathroom.


That was fun. A couple of bits that had me stimmied.

I had the same problems with the flowers picture as everyone else. Couldn't find the switches, didn't realise out you needed both sets of lights, etc.

And for some reason I found the tiles puzzle a lot harder than I normally do in Tomatea's escapes. Especially frustrating, since it was easy to complete the clock, giving me the right time, but the "anti-brute-forcing" meant I couldn't enter it until I'd got the background sorted out.


Where are the tongs, please?


Dang it. I know I'm missing something obvious, but I can't figure out this silly

COOL / U=2 clue from the clock

. Someone please enlighten me so I can smack myself in the forehead, finish the game, and move on with my day!


look at grid with numbers and the shapes of the grid around particular numbers than compare it with the look of word cool ;)

I am out. Enjoed in this one :)


*headdesk* I really just post here to benefit from the power of posting.


Autumn Melancholy Escape Walkthrough

General Information

  • There is a little white ball on your cursor when you can click, but not always, so, don't rely on this.

  • There are puzzles which are not colorblinds compliant, I'll explain in the solutions.

  • You have to find 16 tiles, their locations are in the specific section, not along the walkthrough.

  • Good Luck !


  • On the table to the right of the couch, you can found a picturebook, and at the last page, there is a grid with numbers from 1 to 9. Take it.

  • There is also a remote control on the table.

  • To your right, there are 4 cupboards, a plate with 4 candles, and a TV.

  • On the couch, you can move 3 cushions.

The left cupboard

You need a four letter code.

  1. You have a remote control and a TV set, and, lucky you, there is already a battery inside it.

  2. There is only on channel on this TV, and it says "ZOOM". This is only one clue.

  3. You have to apply the rotation to the letters.

    • Z + 90° = N

    • O + 0° = O

    • M + 180°= W

    The word code is NOOW !

In the cupboard, there are a silver key and a lighter.

The middle left cupboard

You need a four color code.

  1. Now that you have a key, let's open a door. The right one for example.

  2. You can take something on the left of the sink.

  3. It's a bottle of lighter fluid, and you have a lighter, fill it up !

  4. You can now light up the candles to the left of the TV.

  5. You have now four colors :

    • Up = Green

    • Left = Orange

    • Right = Purple

    • Down = Red

    For colorblinds, the rotation of colors is :

    • Yellow (starting color)

    • Red

    • Green

    • Blue

    • Pink

    • Orange

    • Purple

In the cupboard, there is a copper key.

The middle right cupboard

You need a four color code.

  1. Think about a thing you saw that has four identical things on it.

  2. The code will be on the roses painting in the bathroom.

  3. You have to turn it on.

  4. Click on its left.

  5. You need two batteries

  6. One is in the remote control, the other is under the bed, near the books.

  7. Now you have colors, but it's not enough. What about this two arrows ?

  8. The code for the arrows is on the clock above the bedroom.

  9. The leaves indicates down, down, up, down, up, down with a rose for the clue !

  10. Yay ! Four colors !
    Orange Green Pink Purple
    For colorblinds, the rotation of colors is :

    • Yellow (starting color)

    • Red

    • Green

    • Blue

    • Pink

    • Orange

    • Purple

There is a screwdriver in the cupboard.

The box above the bath

You need a three color code.

  1. You'll have to use the clue in the left cupboard.

  2. It's for the aeration in the bathroom (top left).

  3. Just turn the screws like on the clue. There's a paper inside ! But you can't reach it ...

  4. There are tongs on the table in the bedroom.

  5. You have to push every leave on the box, following the three color code, from the left leave to the other one.

  6. The code is Green Red Yellow.
    For colorblinds, the map of the box is :

  7. The solution is :
    R R D L D D R U R D R U U L U R R R D L D R D L
    R for Right, U for Up, D for Down, L for Left

There is a golden key in the box.

The clock

You need a time !

  1. You have to open the pannel under the clock.

  2. On its left, use the golden key, there is a code inside.

  3. Four signs, a number, what could you do with this code ?

  4. It's for the right cupboard ! And you only have one thing in your inventory.

  5. Each sign correspond with a number on your paper.

  6. The code is 6553.

  7. The little key from the cupboard is for the clock, but you still need the time.

  8. You need the 16 tiles ! (see the section to find them all)

  9. The tiles are in black and white.

  10. Put'em in the picturebook, and reorganize'em to form a picture of the clock.

  11. The time is 4:45.

  12. But you have to put 5:45 !

  13. And now turn the little key in the hole.

You can take the key ! (on the left of the clock)
And get out by the right door.

The 16 tiles

    In the main room :

  1. Near the table to the right of the couch.

  2. Under the cushions on the couch.

  3. In the corner between the two right doors.

  4. Under the middle left cupboard.

  5. In the left cupboard.

  6. In the middle left cupboard.

  7. In the middle right cupboard.

  8. In the right cupboard.

  9. In the bathroom :

  10. Above the bath.

  11. To the left of the sink.

  12. Under the sink.

  13. In the bedroom :

  14. Under the curtains, near the carpet.

  15. On the table.

  16. Near the books.

  17. Under the right pillow.

  18. In the clock.


i need a snapshot for

the solution to the tile puzzle in the book. Please help.


Important clue for everyone having any trouble at any stage:

Click on the left and right sides of everything you can face to see whether there's something on the side.

Had I had that clue I could have finished it without help.



The top of the face of the clock goes on the top line of the four lines you can use.

[Thank you for sticking around to help, Pesky! There's a screenshot in the walkthrough also. ;-) elle]

nerdypants November 11, 2011 4:07 PM

Am I the only one who thought

that the second tulip in the bathroom was yellow, not green? I saw the orange, pink, and purple correctly, but that "green" just was not green.

That, coupled with the fact that the changing cursor does not always change when it should (it didn't change at all in the main view of the bedroom) keep me from rating this game a five.


Had to resort to the walkthroughs on a few things (nicely written, BTW), but I got out...kinda didn't want to, though. That music was rather soothing after a day at work.

Thought it was kinda jarring how it just cuts out when you get out, though...a soft fade would have been much nicer than a dead stop. *shrug* Still, that's the worst I have to say about the game; everything else was as beautifully done as Tomatea's been doing. Definitely a good up-and-comer in the room escape genre.


The inconsistent cursor behaviour (sometimes it lit up over an interactable item, other times it didn't) was annoying.

The colour puzzles in this game are bad. I'm not colour blind, but that light wasn't really green. And that one candle was between pink and purple, while the orange one was almost yellow (it doesn't help that what is apparently supposed to be yellow in this game is an off-white/cream colour).


Puzzle with the clock is wrong.

Instead 4:45 as is at the picture, you must set the clock at 5:45


Carny Asada November 13, 2011 7:07 PM

I have to agree with Tenzhi that the colors were difficult even for the non-colorblind.

I saw one of the greens as yellow and one of the purples as blue, and could not figure out why the locks weren't opening for me.

I also totally missed one clickable area and got stuck for quite a while because of that. But it was attractive and, other than the color quibble, the puzzles were fun and fair!

So, who else was surprised that the remote already had a battery in it? I was, like, "Sweet! Oh, wait... this can't be good."


I'm not really a fan of the protagonist's clairvoyance on what puzzles he can or can't solve. Apart from that, these games are pretty solid, though the details could be polished a bit.


Count me in among the "that tulip was NOT green" folks (my color vision is unimpaired). I had a little trouble with other colors in the game, but on that puzzle I tried numerous alternatives for every color that I thought I could be confused about, and I still wouldn't have hit on the right answer without a walkthrough.

Luishifto February 8, 2012 4:34 PM

Yeah. Finished without help!

sonicscrewdriver June 6, 2012 10:41 AM

I just came across this review and wow... is that what they call lilies in America?

Just to tell you, that word


is a pretty bad racial insult in some parts of the world (notably S Africa).

And the game didn't even feature that type of lily. They were calla or arum lilies.

That was a weirdly offensive moment in the middle of such a nice review for a gentle game.

sonicscrewdriver June 6, 2012 6:09 PM

To elle:

I saw afterwards the second type of (smaller flowered pink lily) that you meant.

I completely got that you didn't mean to be offensive.

Thanks for taking the word out.


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