Another Small Favor
Our favorite green-skinned favor trader is back and he's learning a very potent lesson from the last time he performed A Small Favor. Performing political assassinations can be bad for one's health. Still, once a favor trader, always a favor trader. Use your point-and-click skills to scrub your ID badge and keep the government goons at bay.
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I ran into the same bug, when I tried to trade my cigar. He just sat down.
And also in the beginning, when I pushed the trading tray with no possessions, I suddenly traded a shield that I didnt get yet, and ended up with two shields later.
Besides the bugs, it's a very smooth and nice game. But I missed different endings like in the first one. I would have loved to find a use for some of the other items.
So I ran into a different bug but still in the same vein...
When attempting to kill Commander Poppet, I'm able to call the kitty brigade but when it's time to call the old collector the guard just starts shooting and I can't move anymore... I can open the menu and choose items and switch between the slingshot and the gun but no red target comes up and I can't call in the last favor...
AWESOME. Zeebarf does it again.
One question: at the very end, did anybody
Put away their gun instead of shooting the guy? I don't want to play the game through all the way again, but I'm curious if anything different happens. I remember in the last one there was an alternative path where you cut a deal with the Senator and kill the worm, although I can't say I tried it...
Got almost all the way to the end of the game, then sat down in front of the spider's web and couldn't get up. Also, haven't seen this one reported yet but I started a new game,
gave the purple flower to the gardening guy, clicked on the blue flower before he was done talking, and now theres a white outline called "blue medicinal flower" on the screen, no matter where I go in the map. It never made it into my inventory.
Maybe I'll try the game again tomorrow, I want to finish it but it's too buggy right now.
I hit the bug where he sits down at the trading center and the game gets stuck. I reloaded, and now I've encountered a new bug:
The cat thinks I've already saved him from the spider, but I hadn't gotten that mission yet. Oh... Fortunately I left that screen and came back, and this time the mission started correctly.
Here's what you do to off the Pig Hunter
Talk to the Old Collector at the Favor Hub in the forest city to activate the favor. He'll give you an energy shield that can only withstand one hit (luckily, the Pig Hunter's can also). When you go back and face-off against him, make sure to AIM FOR THE SHIELD. He'll run to the next screen and take cover behind a rock. Aim and shoot the second he stands up
Bam, you've killed him!
Another Small Favor Walkthrough
Click on the message after you have read it.
Click on the package by the door. After you have read the message, leave by clicking on the door.
Head to the forest.
Pick up the pebble on the ground just to the left of the tree and then head right. (Note: You'll need a good amount of pebbles in this game, so pick them up when you see them. I'll point out pebbles as I go along).
Pick up the purple rose and head back to the left.
Now click on the wooden wall in the background. When you get closer, click on the door. You'll automatically relinquish your gun before entering the forest village. Don't worry, you will get it back automatically upon leaving.
Head to the pub (purplish colored tent in the upper left).
Here's where you have to find the contact. Go into your inventory and click on the scanner. Your cursor automatically becomes a translucent blue rectangle. Hover the cursor over each patron at the pub until you find a red dot (the contact's host changes for each game). When you find the red dot, it will automatically jump out of the host and give you a new objective: Find the Teddy Guard.
Leave the pub and head to the fashion district (one building to the right of the pub). Talk to the tailor to get a new objective: Find a Fuzzy Green Shawl.
Leave the fashion district and go to the Favor Hub (the next hot spot to the right of the fashion district). Talk to the retired favor trader to get a new objective: Eliminate the Pig Hunter.
Leave the retiree, and head to the Snail Farm (the right most building in the forest city). Click on one of the snails. This will give you a new item (a BAGEL registration form), and a new Objective: Become a BAGEL member.
Leave the Snail Farm and go to the Medical Tent.
Talk to the Doc to get a new Objective: Find Blue Medicinal Flower.
Leave the Medical Tent and go to the trade center in the exact middle of town.
In the lower left hand corner of this scene is a pebble, pick it up.
Use your cigar from your inventory on the Trade-O-Matic and pick out the slingshot in return.
Leave the Trade Center and return to the forest.
There should be another pebble by the tree, go ahead and get it, then head to the right.
Go right once more. You'll come across a bridge and the armed Pig Hunter. He'll shoot you. This is okay, you'll need the head wound for later. After shooting you, you'll get knocked back a scene. This time, go into your inventory and click on your energy shield.
With energy shield in place, head right once more to the bridge. This time the Pig Hunter hits your shield and you take cover behind the bridge railing. You also automatically draw your gun. Hover your mouse over the Pig Hunter and keep clicking until you hit him. His shield will be destroyed, and he'll get blown one screen to the right.
Before chasing the Pig Hunter, don't forget to pick up the pebble on the other side of the bridge.
Now head right to chase the Pig Hunter. On the next screen, you'll automatically take cover again. Just like the last time, hover your crosshairs over the Pig Hunter and keep clicking until he's taken out. (Notice how this time when you accomplish a mission, your inventory pops up and a button appears on the right? Remember this as you can now call in favors people owe you)
Go right twice. You'll see a guy holding a spear and wearing a large teddy bear head. Click on him to talk to him. You'll get a new mission: Retrieve Sky Key.
Head all the way back to the first forest scene.
By now you should have four pebbles in your inventory. If you don't, return to the forest city to get another stone from the trading center, or explore around a bit until you do have four.
HUNTING. This can be done later in the game, but we're going to do it now to get it out of the way. You need to get four dead animals. Any combination of rabbit or bird will work. First go into your inventory and click on the slingshot. This will replace your gun with the slingshot on the regular view (Note: You CAN kill animals with your gun, but they get vaporized and are no longer useful to you). Now you can shoot the rabbit and the bird in the first screen of the forest, and collect both bodies. Head one screen right. There's another bird and another rabbit, but the rabbit can be kind of hard to see. Shoot the bird with the slingshot and if you can shoot the rabbit as well. If you can't get the rabbit, it's not a big deal, just head back to the first forest scene and get another rabbit or bird from there. Once you have four carcasses, go ahead and leave the forest.
First stop is the scavenger village on the left side of the overworld map. Click to go there. (Note: Sometimes there are pebbles in this location. Check here if you find you are in need of some)
Give the dead animals to the scavenger. You have to do this one at a time, and in return for each dead animal, you can pick out one of his items. You'll get a pole, a bungee cord, a bowling ball, and a hat. Once you've gotten everything, return to the overworld map.
Now head for the little house on the Hills. Give the application from your inventory to the old man. Next give the purple rose to the old man. You now have proof that you are a member of BAGEL. Before you leave, grab one of the blue flowers behind the old man. Now return to the overworld map.
Go back to the forest pick up the same pebble by the same tree (last one I promise), and then head into the city.
Go to the medical tent and give the doctor the blue flowers. Your inventory automatically pops up and the doctor has a button over on the right. Go ahead and click it and a message pops up that you have an appointment.
Talk to the doctor again. He'll fix your head wound, and let you take the teddy bear from the "gift shop". Leave the medical tent.
Go back to the snail farm. Give your membership paper to the snail farmer and he'll automatically give you a furry snail (no need to pick one up on your own). Leave the snail farm.
Go to the trade center and if you don't have any pebbles in your inventory, go ahead and get the one here. Now, use the bowling ball and the hat to get from the vending machine the seat and the glue paper. Leave the trade center.
Head to the fashion district. Give the green snail to the tailor to make the mayor come out. You also get a button from the tailor allowing you to call in a favor (which we will be doing quite shortly).
Once the mayor comes out, pull out your slingshot and shoot the key on his wrist. If you don't have any pebbles (and you should), there is a pebble lying on the ground here. Pick up the sky key, and leave the forest city but stay in the forest.
Head all the way to the right where you met the Teddy Guard. Give him the key and he tells you to meet him at the Great Chasm. He'll also give you a new objective: Obtain a Teddy Uniform.
Go ahead and bring up your inventory now and call in the favor from the tailor. You say you have all the materials you just need to get there, so go back to the tailor in the fashion district.
Give the tailor the teddy bear, and he'll give you a teddy mask in return. We can now leave the forest for good.
From the overworld, head to the scratching trees in the lower right hand corner of the screen.
Click on the purple cat post to watch the Kitty Captain get kidnapped by a giant spider monster. Leave the scratching trees and head to the Spider's Lair in the mountains.
Use the glue paper on the spider web. The spider will swing down and get stuck. Pull out your gun and blast him. Now click on the kitty and you'll have earned the fourth favor owed to you. Leave the Spider's Lair and head to the Great Chasm.
Click on the contraption to get a new objective: Fix the Catapult.
From your inventory, use the seat, pole, and bungee cord on the catapult to fix it and cross the chasm.
On the other side of the chasm, click on the bear mask in your inventory. You can now use the blue elevator to go up into sky camp.
Click on the ladder in the background to keep going up.
Click on the crooked stairs to reach Mr. Personality's office. Enter the green tent.
Mr. Personality is impressed with you. He says he'll give you a new ID if you eliminate Commander Poppet. Thus do you come to your final objective.
Head down the stairs and enter the toy soldier barracks to the left at the foot of the stairs.
From your inventory, call in the favor from the Kitty Captain.
Pull your gun and shoot at the toy soldier. You'll take cover behind some crates.
Call in your favor from the favor trader. He'll arrive and start shooting at the Toy Soldier. As he shoots, you also need to shoot at the toy soldier and you'll eventually vaporize him.
Holster your gun and talk to the figure cringing behind the rock. He'll beg you not to kill him.
Draw your gun and shoot him.
CONGRATULATIONS! You've just beat the game!
And Special Thanks to our very own Kyle for writing up this walkthrough \o/
I know there is a walkthrough posted but I felt like posting mine.
• Click Box, read note, take scanner
•Click Door
•Click Forest
•Click Door, Click Window on door (sideways slats), view dialog
•Click Pub, use scanner on pub goers (this changes), view dialog
•Click Favor Hub, click man, view dialog, take shield
•Return to forest, click right
•Pick up flower, click right
•Get hit, activate shield, un-holster gun, click right
•This needs some luck. Shoot the target indicated by man at favor hub. Click right and repeat. Objective accomplished. Click right twice.
•Talk to blue headed man.
•Click left three times. Pick up pebble near bridge. Click right twice.
•Click door.
•Click medical tent, click doctor, view dialog, go back.
•Click snail farm, click farmer, view dialog, go back.
•Click fashion district, click tailor, view dialog, go back.
•Click forest, click left.
•Click the hills, click gardener, view dialog. Give gardener BAGEL application. Give gardener purple flower. Click blue flower. Click down.
•Click forest, click door. Click snail farm. Give application to farmer. Take snail. Go back.
•Click fashion district, give snail to tailor. Click pebble in bottom left. Go back.
•Click trade center. Give machine cigar, take slingshot. Take pebble in screen. Click back.
•Click fashion district. Use sling shot on mayor's hand. Take key. Go back.
•Click forest. Use sling shot on bunny and bird. You will need four animals total. Revisit screen with bridge and screen with door in background for more pebbles.
•From screen with door, click left. Click scavenger village. Trade four animals for everything the scavenger has. Click right.
•Click scratching trees. Click scratching post. View dialog. Click right.
•Click forest. Click door. Click trade center. Trade hat and ball for seat and glue paper (bowl and yellow folded thing) Go back.
•Click forest. Click left. Click spiders lair.
•Use glue paper on web, shoot spider, free cat.
•Go right, click forest, click door, click medical tent. Give doctor blue flower. Use favor for doctor. Take bear. Go back.
•Click forest. Go all the way to the right, give bear-man key, talk to bear-man. Go back to door and enter.
•Click fashion district, use tailor favor, give bear to tailor. Put on mask. Go back.
•Click forest. Click left. Click Chasm. Use seat, cord and pole on catapult. Use catapult.
•Click elevator thing. Go up. Click Mr. Personality's Office, view dialog. Click down.
•Click barracks. Call cat favor. Attempt to shoot guard, call last favor. Shoot guard.
•Shoot Mr. Poppet. View endgame.
There seems to be a glitch in the game
Pebbles are not located at times. like when i first played,when i went to the forest,a pebble was there,but i messed up and restarted and there is no pebble. and also where i messed up was the trade center,and it said that there was a pebble there but there isn't.
anyone getting this as well?
At the point where you should've had 4 pebbles, I have 11.
The thing about pebbles is...
sometimes pebbles are where Jay is Games says they are, sometimes they're not. If you don't see a pebble where it should be, leave and reenter the scene til you see the pebble. If you Really want to stack up on pebbles...
Constantly travel back and forth between two scenes, preferably the 1st and 2nd forest scenes, picking up the pebble on the 1st scene when they appear.
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Walkthrough Guide
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Another Small Favor Walkthrough
Click on the message after you have read it.
Click on the package by the door. After you have read the message, leave by clicking on the door.
Head to the forest.
Pick up the pebble on the ground just to the left of the tree and then head right. (Note: You'll need a good amount of pebbles in this game, so pick them up when you see them. I'll point out pebbles as I go along).
Pick up the purple rose and head back to the left.
Now click on the wooden wall in the background. When you get closer, click on the door. You'll automatically relinquish your gun before entering the forest village. Don't worry, you will get it back automatically upon leaving.
Head to the pub (purplish colored tent in the upper left).
Here's where you have to find the contact. Go into your inventory and click on the scanner. Your cursor automatically becomes a translucent blue rectangle. Hover the cursor over each patron at the pub until you find a red dot (the contact's host changes for each game). When you find the red dot, it will automatically jump out of the host and give you a new objective: Find the Teddy Guard.
Leave the pub and head to the fashion district (one building to the right of the pub). Talk to the tailor to get a new objective: Find a Fuzzy Green Shawl.
Leave the fashion district and go to the Favor Hub (the next hot spot to the right of the fashion district). Talk to the retired favor trader to get a new objective: Eliminate the Pig Hunter.
Leave the retiree, and head to the Snail Farm (the right most building in the forest city). Click on one of the snails. This will give you a new item (a BAGEL registration form), and a new Objective: Become a BAGEL member.
Leave the Snail Farm and go to the Medical Tent.
Talk to the Doc to get a new Objective: Find Blue Medicinal Flower.
Leave the Medical Tent and go to the trade center in the exact middle of town.
In the lower left hand corner of this scene is a pebble, pick it up.
Use your cigar from your inventory on the Trade-O-Matic and pick out the slingshot in return.
Leave the Trade Center and return to the forest.
There should be another pebble by the tree, go ahead and get it, then head to the right.
Go right once more. You'll come across a bridge and the armed Pig Hunter. He'll shoot you. This is okay, you'll need the head wound for later. After shooting you, you'll get knocked back a scene. This time, go into your inventory and click on your energy shield.
With energy shield in place, head right once more to the bridge. This time the Pig Hunter hits your shield and you take cover behind the bridge railing. You also automatically draw your gun. Hover your mouse over the Pig Hunter and keep clicking until you hit him. His shield will be destroyed, and he'll get blown one screen to the right.
Before chasing the Pig Hunter, don't forget to pick up the pebble on the other side of the bridge.
Now head right to chase the Pig Hunter. On the next screen, you'll automatically take cover again. Just like the last time, hover your crosshairs over the Pig Hunter and keep clicking until he's taken out. (Notice how this time when you accomplish a mission, your inventory pops up and a button appears on the right? Remember this as you can now call in favors people owe you)
Go right twice. You'll see a guy holding a spear and wearing a large teddy bear head. Click on him to talk to him. You'll get a new mission: Retrieve Sky Key.
Head all the way back to the first forest scene.
By now you should have four pebbles in your inventory. If you don't, return to the forest city to get another stone from the trading center, or explore around a bit until you do have four.
HUNTING. This can be done later in the game, but we're going to do it now to get it out of the way. You need to get four dead animals. Any combination of rabbit or bird will work. First go into your inventory and click on the slingshot. This will replace your gun with the slingshot on the regular view (Note: You CAN kill animals with your gun, but they get vaporized and are no longer useful to you). Now you can shoot the rabbit and the bird in the first screen of the forest, and collect both bodies. Head one screen right. There's another bird and another rabbit, but the rabbit can be kind of hard to see. Shoot the bird with the slingshot and if you can shoot the rabbit as well. If you can't get the rabbit, it's not a big deal, just head back to the first forest scene and get another rabbit or bird from there. Once you have four carcasses, go ahead and leave the forest.
First stop is the scavenger village on the left side of the overworld map. Click to go there. (Note: Sometimes there are pebbles in this location. Check here if you find you are in need of some)
Give the dead animals to the scavenger. You have to do this one at a time, and in return for each dead animal, you can pick out one of his items. You'll get a pole, a bungee cord, a bowling ball, and a hat. Once you've gotten everything, return to the overworld map.
Now head for the little house on the Hills. Give the application from your inventory to the old man. Next give the purple rose to the old man. You now have proof that you are a member of BAGEL. Before you leave, grab one of the blue flowers behind the old man. Now return to the overworld map.
Go back to the forest pick up the same pebble by the same tree (last one I promise), and then head into the city.
Go to the medical tent and give the doctor the blue flowers. Your inventory automatically pops up and the doctor has a button over on the right. Go ahead and click it and a message pops up that you have an appointment.
Talk to the doctor again. He'll fix your head wound, and let you take the teddy bear from the "gift shop". Leave the medical tent.
Go back to the snail farm. Give your membership paper to the snail farmer and he'll automatically give you a furry snail (no need to pick one up on your own). Leave the snail farm.
Go to the trade center and if you don't have any pebbles in your inventory, go ahead and get the one here. Now, use the bowling ball and the hat to get from the vending machine the seat and the glue paper. Leave the trade center.
Head to the fashion district. Give the green snail to the tailor to make the mayor come out. You also get a button from the tailor allowing you to call in a favor (which we will be doing quite shortly).
Once the mayor comes out, pull out your slingshot and shoot the key on his wrist. If you don't have any pebbles (and you should), there is a pebble lying on the ground here. Pick up the sky key, and leave the forest city but stay in the forest.
Head all the way to the right where you met the Teddy Guard. Give him the key and he tells you to meet him at the Great Chasm. He'll also give you a new objective: Obtain a Teddy Uniform.
Go ahead and bring up your inventory now and call in the favor from the tailor. You say you have all the materials you just need to get there, so go back to the tailor in the fashion district.
Give the tailor the teddy bear, and he'll give you a teddy mask in return. We can now leave the forest for good.
From the overworld, head to the scratching trees in the lower right hand corner of the screen.
Click on the purple cat post to watch the Kitty Captain get kidnapped by a giant spider monster. Leave the scratching trees and head to the Spider's Lair in the mountains.
Use the glue paper on the spider web. The spider will swing down and get stuck. Pull out your gun and blast him. Now click on the kitty and you'll have earned the fourth favor owed to you. Leave the Spider's Lair and head to the Great Chasm.
Click on the contraption to get a new objective: Fix the Catapult.
From your inventory, use the seat, pole, and bungee cord on the catapult to fix it and cross the chasm.
On the other side of the chasm, click on the bear mask in your inventory. You can now use the blue elevator to go up into sky camp.
Click on the ladder in the background to keep going up.
Click on the crooked stairs to reach Mr. Personality's office. Enter the green tent.
Mr. Personality is impressed with you. He says he'll give you a new ID if you eliminate Commander Poppet. Thus do you come to your final objective.
Head down the stairs and enter the toy soldier barracks to the left at the foot of the stairs.
From your inventory, call in the favor from the Kitty Captain.
Pull your gun and shoot at the toy soldier. You'll take cover behind some crates.
Call in your favor from the favor trader. He'll arrive and start shooting at the Toy Soldier. As he shoots, you also need to shoot at the toy soldier and you'll eventually vaporize him.
Holster your gun and talk to the figure cringing behind the rock. He'll beg you not to kill him.
Draw your gun and shoot him.
CONGRATULATIONS! You've just beat the game!
And Special Thanks to our very own Kyle for writing up this walkthrough \o/
Posted by: Kero
August 26, 2009 9:05 PM