Aether is a gloriously imaginative and atmospheric puzzle adventure game in which you swing through the stars to reach several different planets, each with a unique puzzle to solve. The designers have made a truly compelling experience, and it's a fantastic artistic endeavor. You can also just spend some time flying through space or the clouds, the music and movement are so relaxing.
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This game is excellent. That's all that needs to be said.
Well, I completed everything except for the one with the moons that you can grab onto, but I can't seem to complete it. I think I'm supposed to
Amazingly fun game and very good ambiance. Unfortunately, it was very short.
I have no idea how to solve the puzzle on each of the planets? I talk to everyone and then what, do I have to find something? or do something? I don't understand the basics of how to solve the puzzle? Any help would be appreciated.
I've gotten the island one
And I've done the grumpy/happy planet
But now i'm stuck on the snow one...any hints?
evilmrhenry -
And the one with the moons you can grab onto is...
For the planet where you can go underground:
for the pink planet you need
For the snow one you need
Island w/water
Planet with cave
Planet with moons you hang from
Planet with emotional moons
then all you have to do is...
In the cave, after making all the notes chime, and the core is smiling. How do you EXIT the cave...?
The controls are getting on my nerves, though; and how long it takes to get to any particular goal. The game has so much going for it, otherwise. Grrrr
whoo. that was quite the interesting game. although i'm happy that at the very very end it says "to be continued..." because that means that there's going to be a second one. or a sequel. can't wait!
it was kinda easy, though, once i figured out the green planet.
Wow. The first one I went to was the underground one, and I was tempted to just quit right there because
1) I didn't have the sound on
2) All the spinning was making me queasy
But I managed to finish. Neat game. If you need me, I'll be the one with his head between his knees.
I'm stuck at the sad planet.
2 words:
the other word is just me holding my mouth open in amazement for some time.
And oh so sad... or is it just me?
Everybody is so enthusiastic... Is is just me having this bug when scrolling suddenly stop? All the physics remain the same, but no matter where I go, I still see the same screen. Makes it somewhat difficult to leave a planet since I cannot see or even blindly aim towards the clouds.
Starting all from scratch for the 3rd time is not so appealing. If it's just me, I guess I'll try again from another computer...
great game, the atmosphere and music is so relaxing... the graphics are beautiful
So, on the planet with the emotional moons:
Wow, I just came home from a lecture where I learnt that "Aether", in Greek mythology, is where the Gods live, the air which is too thin for man to breathe in.
This game is stunning, yet somewhat scary, I was in constant fear of getting lost in space.
Jess, there is an fourth moon, higher than the others. I found it because when i first came on bibulon, i crashed on the moon.
Another thing, if you come back to earth after each planet finished, you will notice it gradually becoming smaller.
this is a truly lame game. I can't even find the first planet. How do you find a planet and the puzzles? Stupid game.
I can't even start the game yet!!!!
The loading screen stops at 41%
And how to deal with it?
Wow, that was an unexpected ending...
Okay, there are a lot of good hints here, and I'm going to go ahead and compile them into a walkthrough because it's about time I contributed more than just a sentence or two to the mix
Though the text made me cringe on several occasions it was a very enjoyable experience.
After all, we can't all be Dr. Seuss.
The major complaint I have with the game is that my key buffer or mouse click buffer, not sure which, overloads during play and I have to wait for all my key strokes and mouse clicks to catch up. It makes for a game I can't play, period.
Ooh, got it. Thanks all. :) I finished it...what an odd, lovely game. I'm looking forward to the sequel.
The major complaint I have with the game is that my key buffer or mouse click buffer, not sure which, overloads during play and I have to wait for all my key strokes and mouse clicks to catch up. It makes for a game I can't play, period.
I had the exact same experience. A shame as it looked/sounded very nice when it wasn't getting beeped over by my motherboard speaker....
If you are having problems with the browser version, there is an option to download the game at the start. I found that if I just waited a moment and didn't try to click anything, it would catch up.
John Moses: Once you are in space, follow the colored arrows - they look a bit like butterflies. Once you are near a planet the indicator will start to point down and you can fall onto a planet.
How do you get the character to swing all the way around? It hits a maximum arc swinging back and forth whenever it's under the influence of gravity. Is there a trick to the game physics that I'm not insightful enough to try?
I have played the game on two different PC's both online and downloaded, same problem every time; the motherboard speaker whining at me from the buffer overload. I am bummed too, the game (what I could play of it) was fun.
A pause or save feature would have been nice though.
Strange ending.
Username: If you press Esc, that will pause the game.
StaceyG, I tried hitting Esc but nothing happened, I think it was due to all the commands trying to play catchup. I swear it blows my mind that only one other person is experiencing the same problems I am.
that is one seriously awesome game!!
the end was weird though...
and there is a pause, press P and the screen says PAUSED.
sorry for double post, but Username, esc didn't work for me either then I pressed P and it paused.
I can't find any planets. I've been following one arrow around for five minutes or more and space just keeps on going and going and going...
I tried another arrow and it just disappeared off the screen. Suggestions anyone?
It was kind of short. You think they'll make game packs for it?
auroraB: This was something irksome about the game - when the color arrow disappears toward the bottom of the screen that seems to mean you have arrived at a planet, you just need to keep going down to the surface.
Love this game. It took me a while to figure out though... Did anyone else find that sometimes all the butterflies just looked grey??? I hope there's a sequel.
The atmosphere and the music are what is most compelling to me. If more people could create games like this to pass the time, I probably would be a completely unproductive member of society. Thank god games like these don't come out everyday... I would never get anything done.
I'm not sure if the ending was supposed to be happy or sad, but either way a fun little game
Not that I dislike the music, but a mute button is ALWAYS nice. That aside, very cute (if quick) game.. it's too bad you can't cheer up everyone, but I guess that's a sort of life lesson.
Did i just?
Yeah i think i did.
But it was a metaphor?
And it was real?
Sort of?
I'll figure it out eventually. Awesome ending.
I can't get the snow planet, Biblion. I've stood on the moons, I've landed on them from great heights, nothing's happening! What obvious thing am I doing wrong?
You have to stay standing on the top of the moons and they will start to sink. It may take a few tries to stay on long enough
ok... im confused, how do you change the screen you are on? i kept spinning on the planet at the beginning but i cant find a way to move go into space.
I cant get out of the darn pink planet! It wont let me go any higher than those crystals......
After I finished the planet with grabbable moons, I found a very small planet with things that look like beans, saying "please don't hurt me!"
Anyone know what that is?
Wow, cool, a hidden planet... Maybe a little bit of forshadowing before the sequel?
Also I find that going all the way around stuff is always a good thing, if only because it's a lot of fun.
After finishing the puzzle on Biblion (yellow planet), the camera froze in place. I can move my character around, but the camera doesn't follow him anymore, and I can't get off the planet because of it. Has anyone else run into this? Is it just a bug?
The key to quick movement is to use ASDW while you are swinging on your tongue. You add to your momentum. So if you want to go up from a planet, grab a cloud off to the side (say right) and above you, press the direction you are swinging (right) while you swing down. At the lowest part of your swing also press up (right and up together) to gain momentum. At the side point (farthest right) let go and you will be going quite a bit faster and up!
i cant get the snowy planet =/ any tips? crushing down from space doesnt seem to work O_o
The online game is looping badly for me, anyone got the download link?
I finished!
great and lovely game!
a bit confusing but dreamfull and really emotional
I'm looking for the sequel
One. word.... WOW. Amazing game! :)
this is an explanation to the 2 faces on the yellow planet
Cute, but dull.
Are there more than 4 moons on the yellow planet? Because I crashed 4 and can't find another one. Help please.
I found the hidden planet too, right after I finished the green one. I thought it was just a big star or something to pass over, then my little creature stopped when I hit it and landed. It was only in space, no atmosphere and I could walk around it like other planets, but was small and had little thingys, beans I guess, running around. The green planet was my last, so I went off to earth to see the ending, and didn't bother too much with the planet. Did I mention it was grey? And it was the only planet that talked. It said AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! The little bean things just scurried along.
How do I get out of the cave?
Amazing. This game was fun and sad all at once. I ... I'm speechless.
For the planet with the moons all you have to do is just swing around them.
I want to try this game, but it won't load. It just sits at "1% loaded" on the screen. I'll leave for awhile and see if it's different when I come back.
I really liked this game, had alot of fun playing it and solving each puzzle and solving the mystery. Im looking forward to more games from this guy, he did a really good job.
But am I the only one who wants an mp3 of the song? Its quite well done and I would kill for it.
i found a second hidden planet that has a bean on it that says im cool cause im dead.
I really really wanted to like this game. I just can't give it the best comment because it was seriously TOO hard to get out of one of the planets. I'm so motion sick right now from trying to get out! I would take a break and try again later, but you can't save either, and I do not want to do this entire thing again!
For anyone having trouble getting out of the cave on the red/pink planet, I really struggled with that, too. What I did is used the crystals to start going around in a circle. When you get going fast enough, you'll be slung out of the cave.
Music is relaxing, true, but I find the mechanics quite difficult to get the hang of. For instance, I swing off a cloud, then my (laggy) computer will (momentarily) freeze, and the next thing I know, I'm plummeting back to Earth.
Then, when I can get a bit further up, I land on a moonish-looking planet thing, and then, I am forced to re-load, because, despite my futile attempts, I can't get of the moon-thing!
Really, I'd like to love this game, but I can't.
Is this a bug? I click play, click through the introduction and instructions, then the screen fades black and it freezes! I was looking forward to playing this game (high average rating), but I can't.
I love this game. But I can't play it on Kongregate.When it loads the bar says 888%. So I played it on Armorgames. Even so, I love the game and I think the animal thingy that the little boy rides on is cute.
Very interesting game, but I've never gotten around to finishing it. It's way too time consuming. Wait, I actually should say I'm way too impatient.
So I was hoping some generous person would willingly tell me the ending. I really want to know so badly! (And obviously hide it in a spoiler - just so we don't ruin it for the other players.)
That would be cool!
Here is a walkthrough (my 1st) for people who are dozing off in space not knowing what to do.
I hope this helps!
I love this game, short but emotional especially for the song. I wanted the song too!!
wow. that was very depressing. but other than that it was very good and intresting game.
The green planet was annoying. >:(
awww the ending was so sad! but great game. I would say the only annoying thing was the difficulty of changing direction in space
yeah! i did it!
Like an above poster my mouse/keyboard buffer continually overloads, making the game nearly impossible to play for long periods. I did enjoy the sections I've managed to play though.
You can find the music on, just look for Glaiel-gamer or somthing like that. The name of the song is skybridge, i think.
AHHH!!! I try to eat the fish but its not working...i swim up to them and the mouth touches them but the fish dont disappear...i cant do anything...
that was an
I tried standing on all the 4 moons for a long time, jumped on them, crashed into them but still nothing happens, what am I doing wrong?
how to eat fishies?!
Rob, I found that one too.
For anyone who cares, here is it's location:
Sorry for the double post, but I just found another small grey planet above
This game is beautiful. And it has everything. It has the graphics. It has the music. It has a little boy on an octopus. It has stars. It has space. It has planets, aliens with issues, moons, random backdrop images and fish. EVERYTHING.
im just wondering, but
I still can't win the planet with the moons I can grab onto.
I keep grabbing and spinning but they don't explode.
i dont know what to do on this planet that has trees and a cottage and im stuck
I used to feel like those lonely kids on that polluted planet. :(
I guess I am an idiot lol. I have absolutely no clue what to do. I am sitting on something on a planet with a face and birds are turning into snowballs. I have tried running them over and jumping on them. I tried clicking with my mouse- nothing. I don't get it :(
just getting to this game after seeing it win the "best of". in 15 minutes I haven't managed to get off the first planet. the controls on this game are atrocious. I get up a few cloud levels and then fall back to earth b/c my tongue won't extend. from all the reviews, it seems like it's a good game, but I don't see it. Music and cute graphics don't make a good game if just getting started is that frustrating. shame.
I'm having trouble with the grabby moons one.
Got it! [sorry for the double post]
If you are having trouble with the grabby moons one,
I think at the end, it said "to be continued". I heard they were going to make Aether 2, but there is nothing about that now.
i dont understand what these puzzles are...i go to a planet and just walk around and then these things say stuff that has nothing to do with helping me in knowing what im supposed to be doing. help?
I must be missing something. Is there another moon on the yellow planet? Because I can't get the one that has three things popping out to budge!
I sighed with relief when I finished the game and it said
What about the mini planets? LIke the one where there is a mini planet (MOON? BUT Not related to a planet), and next to it a little rock broken off, on one a creature says: I'm glad I left and do they think about me ON the ohter, creature says I'm glad he's gone. Is there a solution for those ones?
the mini planet where theres one who screams at you.
Anyone think those grey planets might be
I've seen a random person floating through space. It sort of looked like a miniplanet, but it says I'm so outof here I think. Maybe there are more?
If you know the locations of the mini-moons for each planets (which are subtle hints to the planet) please tell us where to go. Are they above the planet's face? Are they on the bottom end? The happy or sad end? TELL US!!!!!
I found a gray moon!
1 down, four more to go!
Good Luck.
Ding, moon #2 is found!
Ding Gravida's err, dead moon, has been found!
Sorry again. Just here to say another random encounter. i was swinging through space i found a little sad-looking, eyeless planet. I couldnt land on it, and it was uninhabited, but when i got close it said "im outta here" Weird. Greant game, though. :)
wow this is AMAZING....reminds me of spewer thoand spewer also has the name EDMUN MCMILLEN
ps:edmun is getting poplular
well if this is about the childhood memories and experiences of the person who made this, then they did not have a very happy time.
People talking about 'hidden planets', they're not planets, they're moons.
I wonder when the sequel will come out. It was a fun game, funny in appearance, but with such a deep meaning underneath. >_>;
Cool game. :] It was a bit hard to figure out what to do on a few levels... but I got the hang of it. :) (Also, hints are always very helpful! :D)
won't work.... the camera won't move so I can't see where i am going.
There are a few ways to tell whether you've solved a planet. Either
Once at the green planet, how the heck are you supposed to get above the atmosphere? I fell through and I paused it for a moment, and now I can barely move, let alone build up enough momentum to swing. Heck, I can't even jump. What do I do?
Keep trying, it takes awhile to get momentum. Once you get through the lower atmosphere it becomes easier.
How do you do the planet with the emotional moons?
Are there any secrets in aether?
when is aether 2 coming out?
I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for it. I doubt you'll ever see it.
You know... after stopping by to check out this game again... I begin to realize that this is a rather emotional game. It saddens me to have seen that more people were focused more on the puzzles, then the actual issues that were going on with each and individual planet...
If you play the game believing that this game might be about the life of Edmund McMillen (the creator)... you start to realize that the ending is happier then some might believe, while the issues portrayed on the planets are... tragic...
Play the game again, but pay attention to the characters, both on the planets, and their adjacent moons...
i can't swing him enough to grab higher clouds he keeps falling eventually and I have to start all over again (ToT) is it cause i'm using a laptop mouse pad that it's so difficult? i really want to get to at least one planet