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Aah Little Atlantis

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3.8/5 (61 votes)

This is your mission in Aah Little Atlantis, a pixelated turn-based strategy game; try to save as much of the Atlantean populace as you can, using nothing but floods, meteors, and the populace's own panicked fleeing. Your tools are floods and meteors, and you will deploy one of each on a single map tile, once every turn. Your charges are little Atlantean sprites, who will flee in terror from the ravaging deluge you let loose upon them, though they are oddly sanguine about meteors and will happily run toward them.

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Credit should be given to Sean O'Connor since this game is very much like his End of Atlantis from many years ago


Ooh, this game is pretty fun. The music is kind of catchy too. Not Annoying as a loop.

However, I wish when the island sunk, the previous beach would turn into a sandbar, the plains into beaches, etc.

Robert Swan November 23, 2010 2:25 PM

Hi guys,

I'm the author of the game and it's a totally fair review; the far simpler instructions were my second attempt as the Xbox version of the game had a complete tutorial. There were complaints it was too long and explained too much, but I went too far in the other direction for the flash version.

I also think the fundamental game rules ended up being too complicated (as a result of unforeseen edge cases of the game logic) for a game that has a simple premise!

PS I'd never seen or heard of End of Atlantis until a few days ago - although I am happy to say I took some inspiration from the "Escape from Atlantis" board game although the differences are more numerous than the similarities. End of Atlantis is a reskinned clone of that board game, so we share a common ancestor.



"...the developers have spared little such effort."

To spare means to hold back. You're saying they held nothing back, or very little. Meaning, that they went to great effort.

You no doubt meant "... the developers spent little effort." or "...the developers were sparing with their effort."


I got bronze medals on every level and silver on a few. Do the medals do anything? I don't want to break my brain trying to get all gold if it doesn't even do anything.


@ rendall

"...the developers have spared little such effort."

"6. To give or grant out of one's resources"
Meaning they have given little effort.


I dropped a flood east of an Antlantean and it moved north onto sand rather than west onto meteor, which is a direct violation of the directions. Clearly a bug.


Tahsis, the instructions say that an Atlantean can't move up or down more than one elevation at a time. Thus, any Atlantean who can move onto sand couldn't have moved onto a meteor instead.


Really fun game. Wish there were more levels.

I also kind of wish some of the levels were smaller... Gold is ridiculously hard to achieve on some of them, mainly because there are just too many guys to worry about with each and every move.


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