3 Doors
3 Doors is a standard point-and-click escape game that involves a basic room with three mysterious doors and a lot of fun and tricky puzzles, mostly visual. You're faced with the usual dilemma, getting out of a locked room, and the standard "pick up everything that's not nailed down" in order to get out scenario. This is definitely an escape skewed towards those who take careful note of their surroundings and can spot the hidden patterns.
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Stuck on the blue pedestal puzzle.
I've opened two of the doors and solved the puzzle with the little figurines. I see the red numbers on the wall, but of course my red 3 button is stuck in the pedestal so there's nothing I can do there.
I've tried applying the arrows behind the second door to the pedestal puzzle in a couple of different ways, but nothing really works.
Any help?
"Circle" door and safes.
You start facing a wall with a door with a circle, a black safe, and a red safe.
Of course the door is locked.
The black safe looks like it needs a four digit code.
The red safe also looks like it needs a four digit...Darn! One of the buttons broke! Looking at it you can turn it over to see the peg on the back of it. Maybe you can put it back. Nope.
Well, better hang on to it for now.
You turn right to face the ...
Shelves, clock and desk.
Looking around you find...
A plant. No very interesting.
A spikey robot doll. More interesting, but you don't seem to be able to do anything with him.
You look at the clock, but soon realize that you are just wasting time.
Maybe something is on the desk. Huh! What a strange looking chair! But, it goes with those odd shelves and the red clock pretty good.
Looking closer at the desk you find a plain blue cup and...what's that in the lamp? A Square Key!
Not much else here, so you turn right again to face ...
"Square" Door and a table with strange blocks.
Hmmm...a square door and a square key. Sure enough the door opens to reveal a code 3 2 5 and a fat 1?
On the table you see four blocks and a spot for a fifth. You take the blocks and play around with them a bit but really don't accomplish much. Other than you notice a weird pattern in one of the holes.
Keeping the blocks for now you decide to move on, so you turn right again to face a...
"Triangle" Door and a Large Blue Pedestal.
Of course this door is locked also and you don't have another key, so you decide to check out this large blue thing.
You see a strange keypad near the bottom, but but none of the keys will press.
It has an odd "T" slot in the middle also. It looks like something should fit in there. You check your pockets to see if you have anything that will fit in there, and discover that the red "3" key fits nicely and activates the buttons. But, you have no clue as to wich ones to push, so you stand up to look at the top.
There you find another of those weird blocks, but this one is blue. You pick it up. What was that?
Stepping back, you notice that a door closed ove the keypad. Oh well, you didn't know what to do with it anyway.
Since you now have five blocks you decide to turn left, back to the...
You are playing with your blocks again when it dawns on you that...
they can be arranged to resemble numbers in the blank spce in between! So, you place them to create the code from the closet.
Start with the blue block. Next the one with one tab on the upper right side. Then the one with tabs at the bottom on both side. Then one tab upper left. and finally one tab lower right.
You step back to admire your work and discover that a hole has opened in the wall with a tringle key!
You grab the key and take back the blocks, then quickly turn right to face the ...
Tringle Door.
Using your new key, you open the door to reveal a set of arrows.
Hmmm...could those be a clue for...
the keypad on the blue pedestal?
You palce the blue block back on the top to open the door to the keypad and let's see up arrow must mean the top button? But you soon find that that doesn't work out.
Hmmm. Perhaps instead of indicating certain keys, the arrows indicate direction? But where to start?
There is only one place you can start that you can move up one, and then down to the left.
The bottom right button.
Then just follow the directions of the arrows.
Entering the proper sequence casuses the keypad to rise, revealing a circle key!
You grab the key and turn right to face...
The Circle Door.
...only to find that it does not work!
Looking around the room for somewhere else to use your key you finally stumble upon...
the hole in the table that has the strange diagram.
The key goes in the hole, and now you can't get it back!
But, looking closer, you discover that the key and the strange diagram make out...
numbers! 5237
You turn twice to face the...
Black Safe.
You enter the code into the black safe and hit enter. You open the safe and find
Your anger gets the best of you and you slam the safe shut causing a button to pop loose on this one also.
Perhaps you can use this key to replace the broken one on the red safe? But, what is the code for it?
Taking the key, you turn right to see the red code spelled out...
You replace the broken key in red safe and enter the code. Opening the safe you find another circle key!
You back up, use the key on the circle door, and ...
Outside, you discover that you are a woman with large sunglasses.
3 Doors Walkthrough
General Information
Although there are only a couple of basic colors in the room, this walkthrough will include directions for the colorblind.
Think negative space.
Even if an object isn't useful where you'd think it would be useful, it might be helpful somewhere else. Think outside the box.
There is only one end.
Good luck!
You begin facing a wall with two safes, a black safe on the left and a red safe on the right.
To the left of the safes is a locked door with a circular window.
Turn right.
You are now facing a wall with a large bookcase, a clock, and a table.
The bookcase is red and it holds a plant and a robot toy. Most importantly, the shape of the bookcase looks mighty familiar.
The clock on the wall has a red case.
Click on the chair in front of the table to move it to the side.
Okay, now that the chair is sideways there's another familiar shape in red.
Click on the table for a close up.
Click on the lampshade for a close up.
There's something wedged in there by the light bulb, take it (square key) and back up.
Turn right.
Now you are facing a door with a square window, and a low table with some odd shapes on it.
Click on the table for a close up.
Take the odd shapes (all 4) and notice that there are five notches in the table.
The first notch has some sort of picture in it, click on it for a close up.
Huh, wonder if that pattern means anything?
Back up and turn right.
Now you are facing a third door, this one with a triangular window.
There is also a large blue machine here. On the front of the machine is an open panel, click on it for a close up.
There are some buttons here, but something appears to be missing from the middle. Back up.
Click on the top of the machine for a close up.
There's another odd shaped object here, like the gray ones but this one is blue. Take it.
Hmmm, there was a mechanical sounding noise when we took the shape. Back up.
Yep, the panel on the front of the blue machine is now closed.
Turn right.
You should now be back facing the circular door. Time to solve some puzzles!
The Square Door and the Red Safe
Turn right to face the table and the bookcase.
Notice that the bookcase, the clock, and the sideways turned chair are all numbers. The bookcase is a 5, the clock is 0, and the chair is 6.
Could that be the combination to the red safe?
Sadly, it doesn't work.
Turn right to face the square door.
Use the square key on the square door to open it.
Inside the doorway you can see the numbers 325 and a square, all in black.
Hey, there's also something on the inside of the door!
Turn left and now you can see a four digit number in red, 5063 (3 being on the inside of the door in red).
Turn left and click on the red safe for a close up.
Click on the numbers 5, 0, 6, and 3.
And wonderful, the number 3 is now broken. Click on the broken 3 to take it.
Now what?
The Low Table
Turn right twice to face the wall with the open square door and the low table with the notches.
Maybe the number inside the door (the 325 square) is a clue?
Click on the low table for a close up.
You can place the objects you picked up (the 4 gray and one blue thing) in the notches.
You need to place the shapes in the notches so that the negative space between them forms the number 325 square.
Start with the blue shape in the far left notch.
Here's a screenshot of the solution.
Once you place the objects correctly you will hear a mechanical noise. Back up from the table.
A notch opened up in the wall!
Click on the notch and take the item inside (triangle key).
Back up.
The Triangle Door and the Blue Machine
Turn right to face the triangle door and the blue machine.
Use the triangle key on the triangle door to open it.
Okay, we have a clue that involves a lot of arrows. Maybe it's directions for clicking buttons?
There were buttons on that front panel of the blue machine, but it's closed right now.
Turn left to face the low table.
Pick up the blue object from the table. The notch in the wall will close, but don't worry about that.
Back up and turn right back to the blue machine.
Click on the top of the machine for a close up.
Place the blue object back in the blue slot at the top of the machine. Yes, I hear a mechanical sound!
Back up and you can see that the front panel is open again. Click on the panel for a close up.
Hmmm, the buttons don't seem to work. Maybe the panel needs to be activated?
All we have in our inventory is that stupid red 3 button from the safe.
Put the red 3 into the center of the panel (there's a T-shaped notch there).
Voila, the buttons light up! Now we're cooking!
Now we just need to figure out the order to push them.
What you need to do is pick a start button, then push buttons after that in a sequence that is shown by the arrows inside the triangle door.
Start with the button in the lower right of the panel, then the button above, the button below and to the left, then to the left, then above, then above, then to the right, then to the right again.
When you finish all of the buttons will have been pushed once.
Here's a screenshot of the solution.
If you push the buttons in the correct order, the panel will slide open to reveal a key (open circle key). Take the key and back up.
The Open Circle Key
Well, you can try the open circle key on the circle door, but it won't work.
Perhaps because the key has an "open" circle on it, and the circle on the door is solid?
So what else can we do with this key?
Hmmm, maybe it's the shape of the key that's important?
Much of this game has been about shapes, and the combining of shapes, so maybe that's a clue?
Look at the shape of the key. The open circle means something, perhaps that if combined with another item you will get a shape that makes sense.
Turn left to face the low table.
Click on the table for a close up.
Click on the first notch, the one that held the blue object. Remember that odd pattern in the notch?
Place the open circle key in the notch and whoa, you see numbers!
Look closely and you can see a four digit number: 5237.
Here's a screenshot of the numbers.
Okay, now we have a code, now what?
Back up.
The Black Safe
Perhaps the fact that the code we just got was black means it is the code for the black safe?
Turn left (or right) twice to face the wall with the safes.
Click on the black safe for a close up.
Enter the four digit code you got from the circle key and click the enter (lower right) button.
And it's open! And it's empty! Wait...
Close the safe door and joy, the 3 key is broken again.
Take the 3 key and back up.
Now what?
Getting Out
Click on the red safe for a close up.
Use the black 3 on the space where the red 3 broke off. Great, now we've fixed the number pad!
Now enter the red code (5063 if you remember) and click on the enter button.
Yay, the safe opened! Take the solid circle key and back up.
Use the solid circle key on the circle door and you're out!
Congratulations on your escape, you strong gorgeous woman you! (Sorry guys)
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Walkthrough Guide
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"Circle" door and safes.
You start facing a wall with a door with a circle, a black safe, and a red safe.
Of course the door is locked.
The black safe looks like it needs a four digit code.
The red safe also looks like it needs a four digit...Darn! One of the buttons broke! Looking at it you can turn it over to see the peg on the back of it. Maybe you can put it back. Nope.
Well, better hang on to it for now.
You turn right to face the ...
Shelves, clock and desk.
Looking around you find...
A plant. No very interesting.
A spikey robot doll. More interesting, but you don't seem to be able to do anything with him.
You look at the clock, but soon realize that you are just wasting time.
Maybe something is on the desk. Huh! What a strange looking chair! But, it goes with those odd shelves and the red clock pretty good.
Looking closer at the desk you find a plain blue cup and...what's that in the lamp? A Square Key!
Not much else here, so you turn right again to face ...
"Square" Door and a table with strange blocks.
Hmmm...a square door and a square key. Sure enough the door opens to reveal a code 3 2 5 and a fat 1?
On the table you see four blocks and a spot for a fifth. You take the blocks and play around with them a bit but really don't accomplish much. Other than you notice a weird pattern in one of the holes.
Keeping the blocks for now you decide to move on, so you turn right again to face a...
"Triangle" Door and a Large Blue Pedestal.
Of course this door is locked also and you don't have another key, so you decide to check out this large blue thing.
You see a strange keypad near the bottom, but but none of the keys will press.
It has an odd "T" slot in the middle also. It looks like something should fit in there. You check your pockets to see if you have anything that will fit in there, and discover that the red "3" key fits nicely and activates the buttons. But, you have no clue as to wich ones to push, so you stand up to look at the top.
There you find another of those weird blocks, but this one is blue. You pick it up. What was that?
Stepping back, you notice that a door closed ove the keypad. Oh well, you didn't know what to do with it anyway.
Since you now have five blocks you decide to turn left, back to the...
You are playing with your blocks again when it dawns on you that...
they can be arranged to resemble numbers in the blank spce in between! So, you place them to create the code from the closet.
Start with the blue block. Next the one with one tab on the upper right side. Then the one with tabs at the bottom on both side. Then one tab upper left. and finally one tab lower right.
You step back to admire your work and discover that a hole has opened in the wall with a tringle key!
You grab the key and take back the blocks, then quickly turn right to face the ...
Tringle Door.
Using your new key, you open the door to reveal a set of arrows.
Hmmm...could those be a clue for...
the keypad on the blue pedestal?
You palce the blue block back on the top to open the door to the keypad and let's see up arrow must mean the top button? But you soon find that that doesn't work out.
Hmmm. Perhaps instead of indicating certain keys, the arrows indicate direction? But where to start?
There is only one place you can start that you can move up one, and then down to the left.
The bottom right button.
Then just follow the directions of the arrows.
Entering the proper sequence casuses the keypad to rise, revealing a circle key!
You grab the key and turn right to face...
The Circle Door.
...only to find that it does not work!
Looking around the room for somewhere else to use your key you finally stumble upon...
the hole in the table that has the strange diagram.
The key goes in the hole, and now you can't get it back!
But, looking closer, you discover that the key and the strange diagram make out...
numbers! 5237
You turn twice to face the...
Black Safe.
You enter the code into the black safe and hit enter. You open the safe and find
Your anger gets the best of you and you slam the safe shut causing a button to pop loose on this one also.
Perhaps you can use this key to replace the broken one on the red safe? But, what is the code for it?
Taking the key, you turn right to see the red code spelled out...
You replace the broken key in red safe and enter the code. Opening the safe you find another circle key!
You back up, use the key on the circle door, and ...
Outside, you discover that you are a woman with large sunglasses.
Posted by: Itt
December 7, 2011 2:57 AM
3 Doors Walkthrough
General Information
Although there are only a couple of basic colors in the room, this walkthrough will include directions for the colorblind.
Think negative space.
Even if an object isn't useful where you'd think it would be useful, it might be helpful somewhere else. Think outside the box.
There is only one end.
Good luck!
You begin facing a wall with two safes, a black safe on the left and a red safe on the right.
To the left of the safes is a locked door with a circular window.
Turn right.
You are now facing a wall with a large bookcase, a clock, and a table.
The bookcase is red and it holds a plant and a robot toy. Most importantly, the shape of the bookcase looks mighty familiar.
The clock on the wall has a red case.
Click on the chair in front of the table to move it to the side.
Okay, now that the chair is sideways there's another familiar shape in red.
Click on the table for a close up.
Click on the lampshade for a close up.
There's something wedged in there by the light bulb, take it (square key) and back up.
Turn right.
Now you are facing a door with a square window, and a low table with some odd shapes on it.
Click on the table for a close up.
Take the odd shapes (all 4) and notice that there are five notches in the table.
The first notch has some sort of picture in it, click on it for a close up.
Huh, wonder if that pattern means anything?
Back up and turn right.
Now you are facing a third door, this one with a triangular window.
There is also a large blue machine here. On the front of the machine is an open panel, click on it for a close up.
There are some buttons here, but something appears to be missing from the middle. Back up.
Click on the top of the machine for a close up.
There's another odd shaped object here, like the gray ones but this one is blue. Take it.
Hmmm, there was a mechanical sounding noise when we took the shape. Back up.
Yep, the panel on the front of the blue machine is now closed.
Turn right.
You should now be back facing the circular door. Time to solve some puzzles!
The Square Door and the Red Safe
Turn right to face the table and the bookcase.
Notice that the bookcase, the clock, and the sideways turned chair are all numbers. The bookcase is a 5, the clock is 0, and the chair is 6.
Could that be the combination to the red safe?
Sadly, it doesn't work.
Turn right to face the square door.
Use the square key on the square door to open it.
Inside the doorway you can see the numbers 325 and a square, all in black.
Hey, there's also something on the inside of the door!
Turn left and now you can see a four digit number in red, 5063 (3 being on the inside of the door in red).
Turn left and click on the red safe for a close up.
Click on the numbers 5, 0, 6, and 3.
And wonderful, the number 3 is now broken. Click on the broken 3 to take it.
Now what?
The Low Table
Turn right twice to face the wall with the open square door and the low table with the notches.
Maybe the number inside the door (the 325 square) is a clue?
Click on the low table for a close up.
You can place the objects you picked up (the 4 gray and one blue thing) in the notches.
You need to place the shapes in the notches so that the negative space between them forms the number 325 square.
Start with the blue shape in the far left notch.
Here's a screenshot of the solution.
Once you place the objects correctly you will hear a mechanical noise. Back up from the table.
A notch opened up in the wall!
Click on the notch and take the item inside (triangle key).
Back up.
The Triangle Door and the Blue Machine
Turn right to face the triangle door and the blue machine.
Use the triangle key on the triangle door to open it.
Okay, we have a clue that involves a lot of arrows. Maybe it's directions for clicking buttons?
There were buttons on that front panel of the blue machine, but it's closed right now.
Turn left to face the low table.
Pick up the blue object from the table. The notch in the wall will close, but don't worry about that.
Back up and turn right back to the blue machine.
Click on the top of the machine for a close up.
Place the blue object back in the blue slot at the top of the machine. Yes, I hear a mechanical sound!
Back up and you can see that the front panel is open again. Click on the panel for a close up.
Hmmm, the buttons don't seem to work. Maybe the panel needs to be activated?
All we have in our inventory is that stupid red 3 button from the safe.
Put the red 3 into the center of the panel (there's a T-shaped notch there).
Voila, the buttons light up! Now we're cooking!
Now we just need to figure out the order to push them.
What you need to do is pick a start button, then push buttons after that in a sequence that is shown by the arrows inside the triangle door.
Start with the button in the lower right of the panel, then the button above, the button below and to the left, then to the left, then above, then above, then to the right, then to the right again.
When you finish all of the buttons will have been pushed once.
Here's a screenshot of the solution.
If you push the buttons in the correct order, the panel will slide open to reveal a key (open circle key). Take the key and back up.
The Open Circle Key
Well, you can try the open circle key on the circle door, but it won't work.
Perhaps because the key has an "open" circle on it, and the circle on the door is solid?
So what else can we do with this key?
Hmmm, maybe it's the shape of the key that's important?
Much of this game has been about shapes, and the combining of shapes, so maybe that's a clue?
Look at the shape of the key. The open circle means something, perhaps that if combined with another item you will get a shape that makes sense.
Turn left to face the low table.
Click on the table for a close up.
Click on the first notch, the one that held the blue object. Remember that odd pattern in the notch?
Place the open circle key in the notch and whoa, you see numbers!
Look closely and you can see a four digit number: 5237.
Here's a screenshot of the numbers.
Okay, now we have a code, now what?
Back up.
The Black Safe
Perhaps the fact that the code we just got was black means it is the code for the black safe?
Turn left (or right) twice to face the wall with the safes.
Click on the black safe for a close up.
Enter the four digit code you got from the circle key and click the enter (lower right) button.
And it's open! And it's empty! Wait...
Close the safe door and joy, the 3 key is broken again.
Take the 3 key and back up.
Now what?
Getting Out
Click on the red safe for a close up.
Use the black 3 on the space where the red 3 broke off. Great, now we've fixed the number pad!
Now enter the red code (5063 if you remember) and click on the enter button.
Yay, the safe opened! Take the solid circle key and back up.
Use the solid circle key on the circle door and you're out!
Congratulations on your escape, you strong gorgeous woman you! (Sorry guys)
Posted by: grinnyp
December 7, 2011 3:08 AM