Best of 2011 (Top 5):

General Zoi brings us an easy to use webtoy based on the show you love to watch when you think nopony is looking. Choose from a huge array of options to create and share your inner pony. Not included; premade denial and excuse in case any of your coworkers catch your designing your own custom cutiemark.

So, there's this company named Google. You might have heard of them. One day this company decides to have a meeting. The big boss guy stands up at the front and says: "People, we are obviously crushing the competition in the fields of searching, mapping, translating, and plussing. What we need now is an html5 puzzle game based around our company's various and sundry products. Also, we need it to be completely friggin' insane, so we should probably outsource development to the Japanese puzzle-smiths at SCRAP." And so, from that simple brainstorming session has come great things: The Google Puzzle: coming soon to wreck a desktop near you.

Favimon, the new HTML/Javascript webtoy by Matthew Hollet, is a combination of the two topics the internet was founded on: Pokémon and "Who Would Win In A Fight?". You see, Favicons (the little graphical icons in your browser's address bar) have come to life, ready to attack all other pretenders to the internet throne RPG-style. And yes, you know it's your destiny to try and cache 'em all!

Sometimes receiving a message can be so exciting that the letters seem to jump off the page. Then those letters form into a giraffe, which will dart across the landscape pursued by snakes, sharks and Godzilla. Okay, that just might be the interactive music video for Japanese rock group Andop's song "Bell". With an amazing combination of typographic and charcoal art, the game so visually interesting that it makes up for the CPU-hogging and somewhat loose gameplay. There are probably easier ways to post a missive, but this is definitely one of the most fun.

Go underwater in Lucas Paahk's stunning new exploration-centric sandbox game about one lovely fish and one big, beautiful ocean. Collect tokens, run races, perform acrobatic tricks and uncover secrets in a truly stunning oceanic environment. Though lacking any sort of story or overarching goal, Azurefish provides a relaxing, atmospheric experience that you can really sink yourself into.
Pony on!