An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.


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Weekday Escape

JessIt can't be easy to always be on the road. The constant back and forth between locations, the many nights away from home, the endless string of bland hotel rooms; after a while, even the smallest bit of extra hospitality might be enough to make your day. It's nice when hotels go the extra mile, right? A fruit basket, super-fluffy towels, maybe a glass of complimentary champagne…lovely. In all seriousness, though, I think that the good folks over at G-Sensor, the new escape game from Japanese developer HILG, have gone just a wee bit overboard in their eagerness to please their patrons.

G-SensorAs the game begins, you, an unnamed business-person, have just checked into your room at Uncle Boo's Hotel. You see a questionnaire on the desk; it thanks you for your stay and asks if you have any demands. Cheekily, you write that you wish to be placed into a "safe room" (an odd request, to be sure) and, exhausted, promptly fall into bed. Just as you drift off to sleep, a strange voice echoes in your head: "Certainly, Sir." The next morning, you wake in a different place altogether! It certainly is "safe"; locked up tight, you'll need to solve puzzles and figure out the mechanisms of the room in order to escape. It was nice of the hotel to honor your request so thoroughly…but really, couldn't they have left you the key?

G-Sensor has many of the qualities of a great escape game. It's clear that, especially in regards to the game's puzzles, HILG had some really creative ideas; the last major puzzle in particular I found to be innovative and exciting. That being said, it seems that at times the game does not possess the necessary clues to make the logical leap from problem to solution (this is despite an in-game hint system, which I found to be nearly useless). There are many intelligent and interesting puzzle elements embedded into G-Sensor, but this lack of logical fluidity makes it harder to fully appreciate them. Happily, however, while the game can sometimes be unnecessarily frustrating, it never becomes unplayable and always remains entertaining.

The game's graphics are pretty good, if a bit bland in color, and I'm not sure that they explain G-Sensor's surprisingly long load time. The interface is simple, classic point-and-click, and the inventory system is easy to use. The game does have a bit of pixel-hunting, but nothing terribly excessive; make sure to click all the obvious angles and you should be fine. There's a save feature, which is nice, and the background music can be toggled on and off. As I mentioned earlier, the game does have a hint system; it seems sporadic at best, however, and the Japanese-to-English translation (specifically in the hint system, the rest of the game is okay) isn't great. On a related note, although some of G-Sensor's loading text is in English, make sure to press the language selection button before beginning the game. The button will say "Japanese" when you first see the loading screen; pressing it will change it to "English."

Despite not having quite the professional polish of some other high-quality room escape games, G-Sensor is nonetheless solid, well-plotted and very enjoyable; what deficiencies may exist are mainly made up for by the game's excellent puzzles. So, let's help this hapless traveler:

Play G-Sensor

Walkthrough Guide

(Please allow page to fully load for spoiler tags to be functional.)

Just for those who want it...


(please excuse the fact that this is my first walkthrough so I hope it's ok!)


opening screen - click on the chair, lifting the cushion, to receive a purple battery.


If you click behind the sofa, you will find a bottle containing blue liquid


go right and explore through the cupboards - you should find a remote control, a gold symbol and a wine bottle, containing the elusive battery!


Turn right again, and examine the flower arrangement to find the screwdriver. if you look at the books to the right, you will find a clue for later in the red backed book.


in this same screen, click below the TV to find a little white circle. to the right of this is a switch, which when pressed will turn on the light (little white circle!) revealing some numbers - this will be useful later :)


turn right again, so you are facing the green cupboard. open the doors and take the magnet bottom left. Use this magnet on the bottle containing the battery


this caused me a lot of trouble too, but the best way is the view the bottle with the magnet selected and click the base of the bottle until it attaches - then keep turning the bottle until the battery is sticking out of the top :)


now you have both batteries, you need to put them in the remote! i didn't need the screwdriver for this, but you may do, just view the remote, click the batteries so they are selected them click on the remote. it should flip over and the back should come off to put the batteries in


back to the picture in the green cupboard - the red glasses indicate the code for the TV - remember them in relation to the yellow glass (i'm not sure if this changes or not)


go to the TV, click the remote, and then the tv and a keypad will appear. remembering the order of the red glasses, type in the order and press check. this should open the far left cupboard underneath the TV.


inside the cupboard, you should find a magnifying glass and a mug


you will need to keep going back between the green cupboard and the tv, entering several codes that the green cupboard gives you into the tv, which in turn open the cupboards below - please note: the following spoilers include the appropriate codes!


1: use magnifying glass on the yellow glass to reveal 3971 - this will open up the 2nd cupboard, producing a hammer and wire outlet


2: use the hammer on the yellow glass, to reveal 2935 - this will open the third cupboard, giving you a little black key and a fork


3: click the curtains to open them, and use the key to open the window. zoom back out, click on the table, and it will reveal 9581 - this will open the final cupboard, giving you the green liquid wine bottle - you must note the positioning of the red tea cups as well :)


the red cups give you the final code of 278, which will produce a design on the screen - take note of this ;)


zoom out completely, and turn right. behind the potted plant, you will find the wine bottle containing red liquid


turn to the door and examine the white box next to it. you will need to put in the right colour wine bottle to the corresponding colour (you will need to turn all of the bottles round, so the bases are facing upwards). click to the right of the white box, and it should reveal a plug socket. insert the wire outlet that you have here. this should activate numbers on the bases of the bottles. type in these codes into the boxes in front of them. this should now open the door!


this isn't the end though!!


open the door, put down the toilet seat, and click the blue picture. if you click the left side (i think!) it should reveal a screw, undo that, and click the right side so that the picture is now pointing downwards.


now return to the TV, and the white light under it. place the fork over it, and turn it on. now look at the numbers again



remember the pattern on the tv? combine that with the numbers now shown to reveal the code for the safe in the toilet!




return to the toilet, and look for the arrow pointing up. insert the code into the box to reveal a silver symbol.


turn to face the wardrobe/cupboards, and click on the yellow rectangle next to it. insert the symbols here. if you look at the symbols, you will see that they are also arrows, indicating a direction. facing the cupboards, follow the gold symbol direction first, clicking on each cupboard door in turn, until they are all open. then close them following the silver symbol.


the cupboard has now become a ladder, click the panel on top of the cupboard and insert the beer mug, to form the handle. inside you will find a small grey handle


return to the toilet, click the little grey area to the right of the cistern and flush the loo!!

I hope that this is ok, and that i haven't missed anything out!! :)


What's happen???

Somebody set up us the room escape.

*gets to playin'*


@Joye: you made me lol, for real. That was good.


Okay, colour me a fool but...


I can't get the battery out of the bottle?


seemax, i was just aout to ask the same thing!!
its really buggin me now


Anyone been able to use any items? I can't seem to find places to use any of the items/codes i have


Also stuck at the same place as SeeMax. Thought I had a clever idea but it failed.


anyone figured out what the


picture in the red book

is about?


Power of post! My clever idea was indeed clever, I just wasn't clicking in exactly the right spot.


Use the magnet on the very, very bottom of the bottle when in the sideways position.


to get battery


use bar magnet on bottom of bottle

Pixelated April 22, 2009 4:12 AM

I might be at a different point to you guys, but about the bottle thing, I'm pretty sure


you're not supposed to be able to get it out. It's stuck in a bottle...I think there's something else we have to get first...


nice on LS! i was thinking the same thing but couldn't seem to find the right spot!


Gah, that was the first thing I tried and it didn't work, grr. Well done!

Pixelated April 22, 2009 4:15 AM

Oh, thanks LS. I tried that too, but like you I wasn't doing it right. :)


Wow good thinking! Has anyone found the


Wireless controller?

The only thing I've figured out to do is


to stick the bottles into the device near the door. If you put in the bottles upside down there are numbers on the other side


Random frantic clicking ftw, heh! :)

But now I have


a remote that has batteries and power -- to judge from the little red light -- but doesn't do anything.

I can see the connection between


the picture(?) of the glasses in the cabinet and the remote number pad

But I have no idea what to do with that, and


nothing happens when I push things on the remote.

I also have:


the screwdriver -- no use for it found thus far
a red bottle and a blue bottle --


upended in the thing by the door; showing numbers, but no power to device.

a gold Z-thing I've placed, see picture in review
and a picture in a book I can't make heads or tails of.


I cant find


the remote

I have


2 batteries, red liquid, blue liquid and a screwdriver and i used the Z




click the remote then click on the tv

that should help you along a bit.


Remote control


turns on tv on top of bar

but has anyone been able to input code into tv like device??




yes, look at the painting, that should give you a clue!


Thanks suz! Overthinking, that's me. I've done 2/4 now.

Coldfrog April 22, 2009 4:40 AM

Urg, I'm so close to the end but I think I'm either missing some pixel hunting or I'm just stumped. Here's my situation:


If you're not done with the TV yet you might not want to read this, just in case.


I have a beer mug and a picture from the little sculpture thingy but I can't seem to find the toilet lever. These two things are all I have. Am I missing something or did I forget to do some things? A little hint would be nice.


Coldfrog, I've been stuck where you are for a bit. I've no idea either, except judging by the item list on the right I haven't found about 3 items. No idea what they are.


Ow. Those brick walls hurt when you smack into 'em. Soo....


I've gotten into the bathroom and I've input the coffee cup code to see the xxx= chart, but I cannot enter a code in the bathroom and I don't understand what I'm supposed to be doing with the fork.


i think i'm just a step or so behind you. can you tell me


whats the last puzzle for the tv? i had a screen with a zig zag thing but i don't get what im meant to do.


Coldfrog, I'm stuck there too but if you look on top of the shelf, there seems to be something up there, I think the next step is to find a way up there...



The book on the shelf says to put the fork on a round thing...try the light in the middle shelf, the fork will change a 8-digit code into a four-digit code


LS & suz, you both need to:


put the fork on the light under the tv and then look at what numbers are greyed out. Don't forget to do your sums!


thank u LS it worked


Yay! I'm out!!


Oh power of post!

For the picture


if you look at the picture the two and the five seem to be arrows with a head and a tail. You need to follow the pattern of 2 to open the doors of the shelf, then the pattern of the 5 to close the doors of the shelf. When opening, start at the tail of the 2 and when closing, start at the head of the 5. If done right the shelf will turn into a ladder


thanks seemax!
now i just need to figure out how to get out of here...

Coldfrog April 22, 2009 4:56 AM

OK, I don't know where you guys are in the world but it's almost 5am where I am. Are you guys as insane about room escape games like I am or is it just insomnia night for me today? (I'm thinking about packing it in for the night anyway.)

By the way, SeeMax, I just noticed that I have 3 spots open as well. I hope it's not some bad pixel hunting, I'm pretty terrible at that.

I hope that everyone who asked has had their questions answered to their satisfaction because I'm too burnt to figure out any solutions right now :P

I will say this,


If you haven't seen the light under the TV, try looking nearby for a switch. If you HAVE then make sure you have a fork (in the game) and a calculator (in real life, unless like me you are a mental mathematician)

Good luck!


hmm i think i'm pretty much done but can't seem to actually leave.

i did the thing with the


shelves and arrows, but how do you actually get out?

i must be missing something




do you have the glass? I believe it's in the first shelf under the tv. After turning the shelf into a ladder, back up and click the box above the shelf, then insert the glass into the handle(?) of the door thing that appears. It should open to reveal the handle of the toilet




You should have nothing left in your inventory. If you still have the screw driver take a closer look at the sign in the bathroom. Have you flushed the toilet?


Coldfrog -- only 2am here. And I'm also stuck again. *ponders the last item in inventory*


thanks magelie, but i'm still a bit stuck,


i've got the lever for the toilet and put it on but nothing happened. i've tried flushing it but nothing works.

what am i missing?


You all are way ahead of me. I can't seem to find the last wine bottle (green one). Any help?


OK, now I feel really dense! I can't find


the second number for the picture - I've got the 2, but not the 5




take a closer look at the picture, there's a screw in the top left hand side, this should enable you to turn the picture and flush to your freedom



I don't remember exactly but I think the green bottle was in one of the shelves beneath the TV


And out! And just about bedtime too, I think


yes i still have have the


screwdriver, and i found the little button on the side of the sign but it doesn't seem to do anything, and the toilet still won't flush. what am i doign wrong?


yah out finally! thanks for all the help!
and just in time for dinner (here in oz at least!)


oh and by the way i think the three empty spots in the inventory are just the 3 bottles that went into the machine thingy. they reappear in the inventory after you escape.

peroxide555 April 22, 2009 7:09 AM

Just for those who want it...


(please excuse the fact that this is my first walkthrough so I hope it's ok!)


opening screen - click on the chair, lifting the cushion, to receive a purple battery.


If you click behind the sofa, you will find a bottle containing blue liquid


go right and explore through the cupboards - you should find a remote control, a gold symbol and a wine bottle, containing the elusive battery!


Turn right again, and examine the flower arrangement to find the screwdriver. if you look at the books to the right, you will find a clue for later in the red backed book.


in this same screen, click below the TV to find a little white circle. to the right of this is a switch, which when pressed will turn on the light (little white circle!) revealing some numbers - this will be useful later :)


turn right again, so you are facing the green cupboard. open the doors and take the magnet bottom left. Use this magnet on the bottle containing the battery


this caused me a lot of trouble too, but the best way is the view the bottle with the magnet selected and click the base of the bottle until it attaches - then keep turning the bottle until the battery is sticking out of the top :)


now you have both batteries, you need to put them in the remote! i didn't need the screwdriver for this, but you may do, just view the remote, click the batteries so they are selected them click on the remote. it should flip over and the back should come off to put the batteries in


back to the picture in the green cupboard - the red glasses indicate the code for the TV - remember them in relation to the yellow glass (i'm not sure if this changes or not)


go to the TV, click the remote, and then the tv and a keypad will appear. remembering the order of the red glasses, type in the order and press check. this should open the far left cupboard underneath the TV.


inside the cupboard, you should find a magnifying glass and a mug


you will need to keep going back between the green cupboard and the tv, entering several codes that the green cupboard gives you into the tv, which in turn open the cupboards below - please note: the following spoilers include the appropriate codes!


1: use magnifying glass on the yellow glass to reveal 3971 - this will open up the 2nd cupboard, producing a hammer and wire outlet


2: use the hammer on the yellow glass, to reveal 2935 - this will open the third cupboard, giving you a little black key and a fork


3: click the curtains to open them, and use the key to open the window. zoom back out, click on the table, and it will reveal 9581 - this will open the final cupboard, giving you the green liquid wine bottle - you must note the positioning of the red tea cups as well :)


the red cups give you the final code of 278, which will produce a design on the screen - take note of this ;)


zoom out completely, and turn right. behind the potted plant, you will find the wine bottle containing red liquid


turn to the door and examine the white box next to it. you will need to put in the right colour wine bottle to the corresponding colour (you will need to turn all of the bottles round, so the bases are facing upwards). click to the right of the white box, and it should reveal a plug socket. insert the wire outlet that you have here. this should activate numbers on the bases of the bottles. type in these codes into the boxes in front of them. this should now open the door!


this isn't the end though!!


open the door, put down the toilet seat, and click the blue picture. if you click the left side (i think!) it should reveal a screw, undo that, and click the right side so that the picture is now pointing downwards.


now return to the TV, and the white light under it. place the fork over it, and turn it on. now look at the numbers again



remember the pattern on the tv? combine that with the numbers now shown to reveal the code for the safe in the toilet!




return to the toilet, and look for the arrow pointing up. insert the code into the box to reveal a silver symbol.


turn to face the wardrobe/cupboards, and click on the yellow rectangle next to it. insert the symbols here. if you look at the symbols, you will see that they are also arrows, indicating a direction. facing the cupboards, follow the gold symbol direction first, clicking on each cupboard door in turn, until they are all open. then close them following the silver symbol.


the cupboard has now become a ladder, click the panel on top of the cupboard and insert the beer mug, to form the handle. inside you will find a small grey handle


return to the toilet, click the little grey area to the right of the cistern and flush the loo!!

I hope that this is ok, and that i haven't missed anything out!! :)

Schmorgluck April 22, 2009 7:28 AM

I can't find what to do with


the remote. I first tried (and failed) to enter the code on the tv. At that moment, the red led was on on the remote, and the red box was on the screen, but it's no longer the case. And now, each time I try to enter digits, I'm told "cannot input." Is it that I, in fact, succeeded at entering the code the first time, and I'm now done with the tv? I noticed something changed in the room: when zooming on the glasses, I'm shown the one filled with yellow liquid, which has digits on it. Is it tied?

Schmorgluck April 22, 2009 7:37 AM

Ah, nevermind...

Pixelated April 22, 2009 7:49 AM

Ok, I must be an idiot. I am doing unusually bad at this, even for me, so I read the top of the walkthrough. Apparently the cupboards underneath the TV table are all able to be opened. They won't open for me. I thought they were locked or something, but they're obviously not, but I still can't open them. I know it sounds stupid, but any help for this idiot here?

And please don't say "just click on the door", a bit more specific would be helpful. :)

peroxide555 April 22, 2009 7:59 AM

Have you entered the code in the TV? you can check to see if the code went in ok by checking the green cupboard to see if the picture has changed.
When it came to opening the doors, i just clicked on the handles on each. other than that I'm not sure!
Sorry I couldn't be more help!! :)

Alkalannar April 22, 2009 8:54 AM

What an utterly, utterly bizarre ending. If we had not been led to believe that we were still in a hotel (one of the special, penthouse suites perhaps), it would simply have been surreal.

Otherwise, very enjoyable.


Does anyone else find the ending kind of creepy?

ThemePark April 22, 2009 9:11 AM

I'm hoping someone can explain the bathroom safe code to me.


Using the fork, you get the number 8936. The pattern on TV shows the points of the fork with 3 multiplicity signs and 1 equal sign. How do you get from 8936 to 1296 with that?


i can't figure out the battery in the bottle thing. all it does is upside down and right side up. and i have the magnet selected but it don't do anything. Any advice?


I appear to be missing something completely obvious. I got into the bathroom,


saw the screw on the side of the picture, but can't get it undone!

Is there a trick or pixel I'm missing?

[Edit: Spoiler added ~ Kayleigh]

Patreon Crew SonicLover April 22, 2009 10:31 AM



8 x 9 x 3 x 6 = ...?


sorry but


I can't figure out the code. i keep checking the painting for the red glasses and they are in 1,2,4,and 9. i typed that and it said it was incorrect. Any ideas?


nevermind. i got it. i was looking in the wrong spot!


I understand how you can get


1296 from 8936,

but where does it say to





you have to click on the bottom of the bottle (the side pointing at the left side of the screen) not the bottom of the bottle (pointing at the bottom of the screen). you need to click on the part of the bottle that is the bottom of the bottle when it is standing upright.

ThemePark April 22, 2009 12:42 PM

Right. Stupid of me. Thanks, SonicLover.


For some reason, I saw it as being 8x9x3=6, which made no sense to me, or the equal sign meaning that the last digit didn't change, and the x meaning that the other digits did change according to some formula. So much for overthinking it.

dulcythefrog April 22, 2009 1:34 PM

Same issue as xanador above... where do you click? I've done everything else already.


Jess i know now. I just can't figure out the code for the picture puzzle.


The picture shows the Red Wine as 1 3 4 and 9. i tried typing that in but it says it's invalid. what am i doing wrong?


I can't reach the safe in the bathroom. Every time I click the safe area, it just shows the painting pointing down and it's supposed to go up. Confusing.

Patreon Crew SonicLover April 22, 2009 3:49 PM



I had that problem, too. You can't reach the safe unless you have something to stand on.


I keep wanting to get something out of the plant.


The beer mug is so transparent, I can't tell if I am getting potty water from the toilet or not. But that is the only water I can see. If I can just water it maybe something is in the dirt maybe???

I am trying really really hard to resist show spoiler. The temptation is getting.... I'm about to start clicking ALL of them.

This game is a g o o d one!

I just hope that


they don't offer beer at the end of the game.


Well! I wasn't too far off about the


potty water.

I wasn't expecting that ending.

Still -- overall -- a good game. :)

I'm still glad I didn't have to drink from the


beer mug.

Anonymous April 22, 2009 5:23 PM

I love you Jess!


I'm having trouble with


window in green cupboard

I don't understand about


the key

in the walkthrough


I must be stupid or what. I can't seem to get the doors to go in the right order. I've tried it a few times but just can't seem to get them to open as the arrow symbols show. Any suggestions.




what do i get to stand on? the toilet maybe?


I dont know what I did, but the TV won't work! Any ideas?


I am having trouble actually entering the code into the safe in the bathroom. Can someone help me out here?


the code:



does not work. Anyone have any ideas?


man the


5 and 2 thing is hard to understand. i go down and up like it shows but nothing happens.

any ideas what i'm doing wrong?


The hotel put me in a


treehouse! I said SAFEhouse!


Okay, I have some birdseed... a pneumatic jackhammer... a snowball... and a brain in a jar of formaldehyde. Now what?

Oops. Wrong game. But seriously: I completed the game, but I had to resort to the walkthrough for


The final code for the TV of 278. I don't understand how this is determined from the red cups. Any help?

In any case, I really enjoyed the game. A good one.


Never mine. I didn'r realize I wasn't following the arrows correctly.


don't forget to enter the last code 278 on the tv before going back to the toliet, or it won't allow you to push the numbers


Anyone know how to:


do the door open and close puzzle close to the end with the 5 and 2 thing you get? i can't seem to get the door combinations right.

Thanks in advance.


I'm having trouble with the code


neither 1296 nor 3491 work for me, all the four blocks on the tv are blank too

peroxide555 April 23, 2009 3:44 AM



for the cupboard part at the end you should follow the pattern:


(i put them in number order of which should be pressed - if i remember properly!)

32 for the gold

87 for the silver



The codes are for the safe in the toilet - have you discovered the pattern on the TV that is produced when putting in the tea cups?

Bad Dog


The tea cups are in the same positions as the numbers on the TV - so the red tea cups represent 278 on the number panel - hope this helps explain that :)


Something rather odd. I was following peroxide555's walkthrough to the letter and everything was working perfectly until


I tried to enter the second code on the TV, the one written on the side of the yellow glass in the picture in the green cupboard. The TV will not accept any input. I click on the numbers, and the hint system actually says "cannot input."

Obviously, I really can't proceed until this gets sorted out.




are you saying on the remote i have to enter that in? i thought the directions said to simply open them in the walkthrough.


never mind. i can't figure this out


whether i call the 1 and 2 the two top ones or 7 and 8 the 2 top ones,i can't get this thing to work out to make a ladder. can someone tell me exactly how to do this? :(


Okay, I figured it out, and it's slightly stupid.


I had to zoom in on the yellow glass with the magnifying glass first, then the TV allowed me to input the numbers. I could make out the numbers just fine without zooming in, though. *grumblegrumble*


Anyone? Help with the:


2 and 5 dresser puzzle? i can't figure it out.

Please help.


Ok I'm not getting the first TV code. I tried


to follow the "2" but 31874 did not work. Other combinations are not opening the cabinet either

peroxide555 April 23, 2009 5:40 PM



there are 8 cupboards doors that you need to open and close. the gold is one pattern to follow to open the cupboard doors, and the silver is to close them again. when the are done correctly, the doors will change and if i remember rightly, you zoom out of them to see a rectangle above the cupboards.
the patterns that i have put below are to the route around the cupboards, starting at one working the way around the numbers. if you look at the cupboard doors, they are in the same shape as the numbers, and if you trace the numbers around, you should see the number 2 of the gold symbol, and the 5 of the silver.
for the gold to open the cupboards doors:
7 6
8 5
4 1
3 2

and for the silver to close them:
3 2
4 1
5 6
8 7

i hope this explains it a little better -sorry that i didn't help much before :)




Is 1 at the top or at the bottom? I tried that formula already and it doesn't seem to work for me, but I'll try once more.

peroxide555 April 23, 2009 5:48 PM

me too: I'm a little confused as to which 2 you are following for the first tv code.


when you look at the green cupboard for the first time, you should see a table with one yellow glass on it in the bottom left corner, and then an arrangement of 8 more glasses, some with red liquid in, others empty. if it helps, draw a three by three square and write with colour is where in the grid in relation to where they are on the table. then when you turn on the tv using the remote, a blue screen should appear with a three by three number grid on it. looking at where the red glasses are, hit that number square on the tv. if you type them in exactly the same, when you zoom out, you should be able to open the far left cupboard under the tv (or just check to see if the green cupboard picture has changed).

I hope this helps :)




what i mean is,does the cupboards go like this in numerical order:

1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8

or is it like this:

7 8
5 6
3 4
1 2

or does it mean call the gold direction 1 2 at the top,then call the silver direction 7 8 at the top?

i'm very confused



Here is what I tried


The 2 i'm following is the is the big one found in the cupboard that goes into the yellow stand next to the cupboard. Here's why, when I look at the glasses in the picture, I see the following pattern:

r r o 7 8
r o o or 4
y o r 1 3

Following the big 2 I get 31487 or 314874, neither of which works. Is there a specific order they are entered onto the screen? No matter what I try the cabinet doors do not open.


does anyone know the direct solution to the cupboard puzzle?


i tried several ways,especially the

7 6
8 5
4 1
3 2

and for the silver to close them:
3 2
4 1
5 6
8 7

but i don't know if that means that the cupboards are numbered 1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8

of idf they are numbered 7 8
5 6
3 4
1 2

or what

i'm confused and really need some desperate help. Thanks.


i guess i'm never going to figure this out :(


Video Walkthrough

looked it up on youtube and found the problem. i'm autistic so you have to explain things just right to me or else i get confused. I realize what you meant by those directions now. I thought you meant starting from the top hit these numbers and i totally got confused. Anyway,hope you enjoy the Video Walkthrough.


Okay, I followed the link, the page loaded and the Flash window went blue with the load bar in the middle. Then it went black and I got this:


uchinoko ver.070623 by

checking file address...
result: allowable address.
wait for loading completely...
checking page address...
result: illegal address.
file was locked.

Any ideas?


Cornelius - the code output you're seeing appears to be some URL locking code in place to make sure the game is played from the author's website.

If you're not playing the game in a browser, or you have a firewall or other software that blocks certain HTTP data, then those scripts might conclude that the game is being played at an unauthorized site.

It runs through fine for me without error. After the black screen and text, the actual loading of the game takes place.

peroxide555 April 24, 2009 3:43 AM

Paul - my apologies that i didn't explain myself better, glad that you found you're way out though!! :)

Anonymous April 25, 2009 10:01 AM

are we trying to escape from the opening page?


Thanks, Jay! I had to "temporarily allow all this page" with NoScript to get it to work. Just thought I'd take the time to write this while waiting for the game to load.


Aaargh. Hate this one.

I'll spoiler the biggest reason, just in case.


The battery is in the bottle. I have the magnet. Hey, I should probably use the magnet to get it out, right?

Click-click-click. Click-click-click-click. No, obviously not, it doesn't work anyway I select it. Let me search around more.

(half an hour later)

OK, I'm out. I give up, capitulate, throw in the towel. Let me see the walkthrough.

WHAT? I have to use the magnet to get the battery out? Didn't I.. wasn't I.. ugh. OK.

Click-click-click. CLICK-CLICK-CLICK-CLICK-CLICK! Get out from the bottle, damn you! Get out! AAAARGH!

Close window. Aaah.. that's better.

And I'm never coming back to it again. 1 mushroom for you, you frustrating, non-working, time-wasting game.

allimarie May 17, 2009 3:29 PM

Yeah, this was only so-so. Definitely has some not-so-intuitive puzzles. But the big question is,


what if you had to pee while you were trying to escape? Maybe that's what the bottles were really for.


Great game, but it was a HUGE file. Besides taking forever to load, it lags a bit and causes INSANE virtual memory leaks. We're talking 300k for one little flash game!!

Aside from that, there were just too many logic leaps. A complete "Guide, Dang It" game which was still difficult, even with the walk through! Enjoyable, but just barely so.

Cyberjar88 July 13, 2009 9:47 PM

The game seems to be missing...


Fixed. Thanks for the heads-up! :)


LS thanks... that did the trick... but still very annoying game...

Veterans Wife August 30, 2009 10:45 PM



a treehouse!

I wish there was more than one escape game shown per week :( I'm too addicted.


VERY, VERY good walkthrough! Well done and thanks for helping!

hothotpot January 13, 2010 2:08 PM

Just wanted to let whomever know - the website this game is hosted on seems to be no longer available. I tried searching and checking other escape game websites, and they all linked back to the same site, and each time I got a 404 error message. Might consider taking this one down.


I found an official site for the game, and updated the links in the review. The author must have changed sites.

hothotpot January 14, 2010 9:51 AM

That's awesome! Thanks so much! I really wanted to play this one!


Alright gettin a bit ticked here :] im stuck:


I cant put any code in in the bathroom...done veryhting else tht ur suppsoed to and cant change the numbers =/

any pointers..or if anyone else encountered this problem...


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