The Serpent of Isis is a new hidden object game by Gamgo with some considerable mystery and adventure game elements added into the mix. Beneath the ever shifting sands of Egypt, untold treasures remain buried. These are the kinds of treasures that drive men mad, possessing the minds of the adventurous and luring explorers into catacombs that twist and writhe beneath ancient pyramids. The Serpent of Isis was just such a treasure, and your grandfather was just such an explorer.
Your grandfather managed to attain the coveted treasure, but shortly thereafter it was stolen from him. Now, a century later, a mysterious letter is slipped under your door tipping you off that five passengers aboard the Mont Palu Express are attempting to smuggle the lost Serpent of Isis.
It's now time for you to take up the quest your grandfather started so long ago. You must chase down the Serpent of Isis, searching for clues, scouring European cities, and tracking down the people that stole your family's legacy.
Analysis: Considering the popularity of Hidden Object Games, they are definitely not hard to find. Finding a great Hidden Object Game, however; can be rare and remarkable. In this context, Serpent of Isis is quite remarkable indeed.
Production quality is simply top notch, if only lacking a little bit in ambition. There's no voice acting and jaw dropping cut scenes, but in not over-reaching, Serpent of Isis excels in staying humble. The visuals are both clean and gorgeous with music that is perfect for setting the mood. Even the presentation (using playing cards to identify locations) is clever without being obnoxious.
But how does Serpent of Isis play? One word: wonderfully! The core of the mechanic is good old fashioned object hunting that will definitely keep purists very happy. At the same time, Serpent of Isis manages to stay true to object finding while finding a multitude of ways of mixing things up. This is where the adventure elements really come into play. As you are faced with one hidden object scenario, there will be items that you can't access without first having other usable items in your possession and probably solving some puzzles as well. This will have you running back and forth from one scene to the next, and it's a blast. On top of this, there is no shortage of puzzles and mini games that are surprisingly fresh while also resurrecting some golden oldies (like piecing together the torn pieces of a map or a letter).
Serpent of Isis is notably generous with the hints, and by finding the special clues for the five suspects in each scene, you can get even more. This is most handy for those who are not perhaps the most die hard hidden object fans, or for those struggling with the timed game.
But perhaps the best of all is that there's just a whole lot of game to be played here. A common problem that a lot of hidden object games have is that they're over just as you're getting warmed up. That shouldn't be a problem with Serpent of Isis.
All in all, Serpent of Isis is incredibly well done and is easily one of the best hidden object games to come out since Mystery Case Files: Return to Ravenhearst.
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Walkthrough Guide
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The Serpent of Isis - Walkthrough
This Walkthrough describes the most sensible way through the game
Of course you can use a different order. Just be aware that in certain cases things do not work out at once and you will have to go to certain places more often
The special objects of the suspects are written in the walkthrough and shown on the screen shots with a blue square
The search lists are random, you might have totally different objects than me. They are not mentioned and not shown in the screen shot
The inventory - objects are the same for everyone and always at the same place. They are described in the walkthrough und marked in the screen shots
List of all suspect items
From the beginning, you will find a card with a profile of all five suspects in your inventory
Beneath other information, it shows you the suspect's favorite object and the amount of how many of these you will find in the game
These objects are additional hints
When you find one, click it and an additional hint will be added to your hints
These objects are not in every scene
In some scenes you can have more than one object
It can happen that you have two different kinds of suspect-favorites in one scene
These objects are not shown in the search list
When you manage to find all objects of one suspect, you will be awarded with three additional hints
6 cigars from Viktor Jasili
Viktor Jasili's Cabin - in the lower middle of the scene
Paul's Antique Shop - lower right corner, in the bucket
Budapest Market - in the middle of the scene, under the watermelons and the pumpkins
Bar Cart- Top left in the shelf
Car Garage - lower left side, next to the buffer
Bathroom Cabin 2 - right, next to the faucet
9 fortune cookies from Yue Lan Yun
Yue Lan Yun's cabin - in the middle of the scene, on the chair
Bathroom Cabin 2 - underneath the faucet
Yue Lan Yun's cabin - in the upper part of her suitcase, lower left corner
Prater - Top right side, in the tree
Clock tower - lower left side, right side of the table
Cafe - middle of the scene on top of the column behind the piano
Old Music Store - at the right side of the street organ
Old Music Store - inside the shop, left side, second shelf form the top
Belvedere Garden - In the scene after the labyrinth on the bench left
12 Chips from Carlo Siro
Luggage Cart - Lower right corner on the crate, behind the hammer
Carlo Siro's cabin - lower right corner on the roulette wheel
Taxi - On the dashboard, under the right front window
Museum - at the painting in the background, which is only seen half, right lower corner
Bookshop - left book page, top right
Bookshop - right book page in the middle
Tatoo Shop - right lower corner, on the wooden sign
Magician outside - on top of the stair, right of the door
Magician outside - lower right corner, under the wooden beam
Magician inside - Above the shelf, right side
Magician inside - On the barrel, lower left corner
Clock tower - lower right side of the scene
8 brushes from Peres Blanche
Eiffel Tower - In the middle of the scene, at the long bar of the ticket shop
Rue Vineuse - in the middle of the painting, right side of the roof
Champs Elysees - On the top left, at the upper part of the sunflower painting
Rue De Bourgogne - in the horse rider's hand
Winery - in the lower right corner
Inside the barrel - second rung from the bottom of the ladder
Parc De Monceau - in the middle of the stone wall
at the pyramid - on the left at the lantern pole
8 telescopes from Lord Penroy
Lord Penroy's cabin - on the round table, left side
Lord Penroy's cabin - right side in the shelf on the top
Peres Blanche's cabin - Inside the suitcase, top the left of the suitcase top
Hyde Park - right, on top of the letter drop of the red mailbox
Hotel - on the table in the middle of the scene
Junkyard - at the lower part of the bus' front window
Telephone booth - lower middle on the suitcase
Tower of London - lower left side, right between chair and vase
Hotel Room
Find all items from your list
Get the key from the couch at the lower part of the scene - it will go into your inventory
The hammer, which is located on the floor, left in front of the chair will also go into your inventory
Get the hammer and smash the piggy bank, which is standing on the table, right side
Grab the key from your inventory and open the left door of the closet left side
In the lower shelf you will find batteries, they go into your inventory
The flashlight is located in the middle shelf
Go to your inventory and drag the batteries on the flashlight
Screenshot 1 - hotel room
Screenshot 2 - Hotel Room Closet
Train station
You have to find eight numbers
You will find all positions on the screen shot
All numbers will go to your inventory
screen shot - train station
Click the red button of the intercom system in the middle of the window
In the display on top of the intercom system, you will see a number - click it to make it go into your inventory
Get the green loco at the right side of the window, get it out of the inventory again and drag it to the picture on the other side of the ticket shop
You will receive another number - click it to make it go into your inventory
Click the flower painting in the background at the wall
A safe appears underneath
Get all the numbers out of your inventory
The Safe will open
Click the safe again to receive your ticket
Chapter 1 - On the way to Budapest
Dining Cart
Get all the items on your list
You will find the screwdriver in the tree, right in the back
The tea kettle is standing in the middle of the back table
screen shot - Dining Cart
Your cabin
Get the items from your list
Open the upper drawer of the closet with the screwdriver from your inventory and get the tea bag
The pencil is located at the left back part of the table - it goes into your inventory
Pick up the paper on the right side of the table
screen shot - Your cabin
A mini game opens
Move your cursor with pressed left mouse button over the paper until the secret message is shown
You have to do it until you are told that this is another message from the anonymous friend
screen shot - Message
Move on to Victor Jasil's cabin
Victor Jasil's cabin/kitchen cart
cigar: In Viktor's cabin, lower middle of the scene
Find the items from your list
For the location of the 9 paper scraps, please have a look at the screen shot
Click the tea cup in front of the mirror in the back of the scene
You will unlock a new location on the map by doing this
screen shot - Victor's Cabin
After finding all 9 paper scraps, a mini game will open
Assemble the 9 pieces
By clicking, you can drag a piece to its right place
They will be locked if laying at the right place
screen shot - Paper Puzzle
Go to the map, you can now enter the kitchen cart
Kitchen cart
Find the items for your list
Place the kettle from your inventory at the faucet, right side
After the kettle is filled, it will go back into your inventory automatically
Get it out and place it on the oven
When the water is hot, go back to Victor's cabin
screen shot - Kitchen Cart
Victor's Cabin
Get the tea bag out of your inventory and put it into the tea cup under the mirror
Put the hot water over the tea bag
Because of the steam, the mirror will show you a secret safe, click it
It is locked, but underneath a part of the code is standing and help for the solution
The code has four different combinations, each of them has two numbers
The first combination is already standing there: 8 + 12 = 20
Move the left dial by clicking onto the 8 and the right one onto the 12
Now click "unlock"
On top a green light appears - the combination is correct
The next number on the paper is 46
As it is only one number, this is obviously the result
Now you have to look for the two numbers whose sum will be 46
The only fitting combination is 39(left) + 7(right)
After clicking the numbers onto the dials, you have to press "unlock" again to make sure, the combination is added
You have to add all four combinations like this
You have to add the combinations in the order, the results show on the paper
If you are mistaken, you will have to start again
The solutions are
The safe opens and you will receive the stone of Ra
screen shot - Victor's Safe
Chapter 2 - Budapest
Car Garage
Cigar: Left down, next to the buffer
You will find the screwdriver in the left lower corner, leaning on the blue barrel
Get it out of the inventory and click the vent on top left side inside the garage
Get the snake disk out
The weight is located on the drawer, left side inside the garage
The elephant is standing on the floor, left side next to the buffer
The drawer on the left side can't be opened yet, you will have to come back later
screen shot - Car Garage
Move on to Paul's Antique Shop
Paul's Antique Shop
Cigar: lower right corner, inside the bucket
You will find the positions of the elephants on the screen shot
screen shot - Antique Shop
You will find a checkerd box on the lowest shelf
Click it when you have all elephants and a mini game will open
You have to bring all elephants in the right order
The board shows you how they have to lay
The picture less shows the blue elephant left, back to back with the red elephant
The picture down shows the red elephant left, trunk to trunk with the yellow elephant
And finally the left picture shows the yellow elephant left, back to back with the green elephant
By clicking of two elephants , they will change their position
The correct order of the columns from left to right:
blue, red, yellow, green
At last, get the elephants you still have in your inventory and place them at the empty spaces in the right column
screen shot - Elephant Puzzle
You will receive an elephant stone for it
Move on to the Budapest market
Budapest Market
Cigar: in the middle of the scene, under the watermelons and pumpkins
Get the weight out of your inventory and hang it on the hook, right side of the blind
That will open the curtains on the left and you will be able to find the bee stone and other gray written objects
The know is at the long pole at the right side
screen shot - Market
Go back to the car garage
Car Garage
Grab the knob from inventory and place it on the drawer that is inside the garage, left side.
Click on the drawer once the knob is on and you will enter a mini game.
Grab the snake disk from your inventory and place it on the empty slot on the right side
Your goal is to duplicate the snakes that are on the 4 outside disks on the disk that is in the middle.
The way you change the middle disk is by clicking on the four disks that are outside.
Each disk controls a different section in the center
After reproducing one of the snakes in all four sections, a beam will appear
You can see one example in the screen shot
screen shot - Snake Puzzle
You will receive a snake stone for it
Now solve the two question mark puzzles
Question marks
You have to look for letters in both pictures
The picture with the six letters shows the word SIRIUS
The picture with the seven letters shows the word CANOPUS
screen shot - Sirius
screen shot - Canopus
Move on to Fisherman's Bastion
Fisherman's Bastion
The capsule key is the little silver one, in the middle on the floor, left at the red boat
When you find all items from your list, you will see a capsule in the background
Click it to open the puzzle
screen shot - Fisherman's Bastion
You see a board with four free slots underneath a tablet with text
Ra said: When elephants will sleep and bees will still fly, snakes wake
Open your inventory and place the four keystones in the order as they appear in the sentence in the free slots
When you are done, use the key from your inventory in the key hole under the tablet
screen shot - Keystone Puzzle
Chapter 3 - On the way to Vienna
Bar Cart
Cigar: left on top of the shelf, in front of the bottles
The handle is in middle on the stool
The match is used as a clock hand on the clock above the bar
screen shot - Bar Cart
Move on to the dining cart
Dining Cart
Pick up suitcase key #3 on the table that is closest to you, lower center of the scene.
Click on the batteries that are in the lower right side of the scene.
Move on to the cabin from Yue Lan Yun
Yue Lan Yun's cabin
Fortune Cookie: In the middle of the scene on the chair
Find the objects from your list
You won't be able to find one of the keys, before you didn't go to another cabin
Get the batteries from your inventory and click them left, at the big statue
The statue opens the mouth and you can grab a key out of it
Get the match from your inventory and light the candle on the table, lower left side
When you find all other items, move on to Victor's cabin
screen shot - Yue Lan Yun's cabin
Victor Jasil's cabin /Bathroom/Safe
The scene is dark, use the flashlight from your inventory to find the items from your List
You can click the safe in the mirror, but nothing will happen right now
Enter the door to the bathroom, right side
screen shot - Yue Lan Yun's cabin
Fortune Cookie: in the bathroom, in front of the faucet
Cigar: in the bathroom, right next to the faucet
Use the flashlight
Get the drain lever out of your inventory and click it on top of the faucet
Click once again and wait until the water is gone
Grab the capsule and have a closer look at it in the inventory
You see numbers, probably the new safe combination
screen shot - Victor Jasil's Bathroom
Go back to the cabin and click the safe
The safe
The combinations found the same way as the first time
8/8 (=16)
36/8 (=44)
39/23 (=62)
2/4 (=6)
screen shot - Safe
Go back to Yue Lan Yun's cabin
Yue Lan Yun
Fortune Cookie: Top of the open suitcase, lower left corner
The candle on the left table is burnt down, you can grab the last key from there now
Click the suitcase and a mini game opens
Get key #1 from your inventory and place it on the left keyhole
Get key #3 from your inventory and place it on the right keyhole
Get key #2 from your inventory and place it on the middle keyhole
The suitcase will only open when key #2 is placed last
screen shot - Suitcase
A new scene appears
Find all items from your list
The scroll in the middle of the lower suitcase part is a map of the Belvedere Garden and will go into your inventory
Chapter 4 - Vienna
Question marks
Find all signs and animals from this list
Both scenes are random
Your found items will be written down in the book for later use
The Prater
Fortune cookie: Right upper corner in the tree
Find all objects from your list
The letter is laying on the floor, in the middle of the first ticket shop
You will find the handle on the first post of the second ticket shop
screen shot - The Prater
When you find all, go to the clock store
Clock Store
Fortune cookie: Lower left corner on the right side of the table
Find all objects from your list
Click on the clock face of the grandfather clock, lower right corner
A mini game will open
screen shot - The Clock Store
Read the text written around the clock face
My brother traveled from Vienna to Russia and later to Japan. After some weeks he decided to visit his sister at the East coast of Americabefore he traveled to Egypt to reopen the Egypt museum
It's your goal to click on the times on the clock in the right order, according to the text
Start with the button in lower right corner saying "Vienna Time" , because the brother started there
The clock hands will turn to the Vienna time
Now the brother traveled to Russia
There is a picture of the Russian town Moscow down in the middle, but you have to find out which time it is in Moscow
Open your inventory and have a look at the paper you found in the Prater
You will find the time zone differences for all towns
To put in the time, you have to click the Roman numeral on the clock
In Moscow it's 3 o'clock now, so click on the III
The clock hands turn until they reach the time
If you are mistaken, you will have to start from the beginning
In this case, think about pressing the "Vienna Time" button first
The correct order is III, IX, VIII, II
Now click the button "Unlock" in the lower left corner and the grandfather clock will open
Pick up the organ pipe
screen shot - The Clock
Move on to the Cafe
Fortune Cookie: Middle of the scene, on top of the column behind the piano
Find all objects from your list
The organ pipe is hidden as a table leg in the lower right corner
screen shot - Cafe
Go to the Old Music Store
Old Music Store
Fortune Cookie: At the right side of the street organ
Fortune Cookie: Inside the Shop, second shelf from the top on the left
Click the street and a mini game will open
screen shot - Music Store 1
Get the two organ pipes from your inventory and place them at the empty slots
Now you have to put them into the right order
By clicking two of the pipes, they will change places
The solution of how the pipes have to stand is standing in the low right corner
screen shot - Music Store 2
After you are standing in the main scene again, get the handle out of your inventory and click it on the little hole, lower part of the organ's front side
Click the organ once again and the lights in the shop will go on
Find all items from your list
You will find the music key in the middle of the scene
screen shot - Music Store 3
Move on to Belvedere Garden
Belvedere Garden
Fortune Cookie: In the search scene after the maze, left on the bench
You have to find a way through the dark maze
You found the map for it in the suitcase from Yue Lan Yun
Open your inventory and have a closer look at it by clicking the magnifier
It tells you to follow the eyes of Ra
So when you see the eye of Ra, you will know which direction to choose
You have to reach the lower right side
The screen shot is brightened up and shows the correct way
screen shot - The Maze
You will be brought to a pure search scene, find all objects
screen shot - Belvedere
When you are standing on front of the three trumpets, get the music key out of your inventory and place it in the slot beneath the middle trumpet
screen shot - Trumpets
Chapter 5 - On the way to Prague
Your Cabin
A part of the pliers is laying on the couch in the lower part of the scene
Grab the record at the right side, in the middle shelf
Click the door handle once to unlock another location
screen shot - Your cabin
Go to the map and enter the kitchen
Kitchen Cart
You find the second part of pliers right of the oven
Combine the two parts in your inventory
You will find the chocolate donut on the oven
screen shot - Kitchen Cart
Move on to the luggage cart
Luggage Cart
Chip: Lower right corner on the crate, behind the hammer
Place the record from your inventory on the gramophone, left side
The book is located left of the gramophone
Find all objects from your list
THE LAST THING to do: Grab the pliers out of your inventory and cut the wires on top of the door
If you do this before you find all objects from your list, you will have to use the flashlight for the remaining objects
screen shot - Luggage Cart
Go back to your own cabin and use the wire at the door
Now you can enter Carlo Siro's cabin
Carlo Siro's Cabin
Chip: Right lower corner on the roulette wheel
First click the slot machine in the back, right side
Carlos gets you and you will be brought back to the luggage cart
The conductor gives you a note he received from Carlo: carrot, cherry, broccoli
Go back to Carlo's cabin
Click the slot machine
You have to press the Stop buttons so that the machine stops at all three parts with the right symbol in the order of the note: carrot, cherry, broccoli
screen shot - slot machine
Now look for all items of your list
The book is located in the middle on the chair
You will find the business card on the left side of the table in the lower right part
After finding the ten play cards, a mini game will open
screen shot - Carlo's Cabin
You have to get the cards in the right order
Please recognize the blue line on the lower part of each card
The cards have to be sorted, so that the line will always fit
You need two lines with five cards each
screen shot - play cards
When the cards are in the right position, click each of them again
They will turn around and show a map of Prague, which will go into your inventory
Now enter the door you opened with the slot machine
Get your books out of the inventory
Place book 1 in the empty space in the lower shelf and book 2 in the empty space on the upper shelf
Look for the crowns
screen shot - Position of the crowns
Chapter 6 - Prague
Chip: On the dashboard, under the right front window
Find the 15 coins
screen shot - Position of the coins
Chip: at the painting in the background, which is only seen half, right lower corner
Find the 7 cups
You will find the handbag in the left lower part of the scene on the pedistal
screen shot - Museum
Go back to the taxi
Look for the 9 parts of the map
screen shot - 9 scraps of paper
Assemble the pieces
The right upper corner is already placed right
Each piece that is placed right will be locked
Doesn't matter if it is already connected with another part
screen shot - Map Prague
Move on to the book store
Book Store
Chip: left book page, top right
Chip: right book page, half middle
Find all items from your list
The pyramid key is in the lower left
screen shot - Book Store
Go to the taxi
Find all items from your lis
The red paper weight is on the co drivers seat
screen shot - Taxi
Next stop is at the Tatoo Shop
Tattoo Shop
Chip: Lower right side, on the wooden sign
Find all items from your list
You will find the purple weight in the lower left corner
screen shot - Tattoo Shop
Move on to the Magician
Chip: On top of the stair, right at the door
Chip: Lower right side, under the wooden beam
Find all items from your list
Click the door to enter the wagon
screen shot - Magician - Outside
Chips: Left side above the shelf
Chips: On the barrel, lower left corner
Look for all items of your list
Click the pyramid, which is standing left in front of the window
A puzzle opens
Place all parts at the right place
Parts, which are at the right place, are locked
When you are done, get the key out of the inventory and open the lock
You receive half of a golden ring
screen shot - pyramid
Get the two weights out of your inventory and place them on the table
Take care that only the round part is highlighted when you place the weight, otherwise it will not work out
screen shot - Magician - Inside
Go back to the museum
Find all items from your list
Click the pyramid, which is standing in the back on a crate
screen shot - Museum
A puzzle will open, as you already solved on at the Magician
After finishing, get the key out of your inventory and place it in the keyhole
screen shot - pyramid
You will receive half of a golden ring
Open your inventory and combine the two halves into a complete ring
Place the ring at the finger of the big statue
This will open the little chest at the statue's feet
Move on to the clock tower
Clock Tower
Chip: On the floor, right side in front of the milk can
Find all items of your list
screen shot - Clock Tower
After finding the last one, you will be brought to a scale
The statue's will be put on the left scale pan automatically
It's your goal to find the right weights for each statue and place it on the right scale pan
Clicking on of the weights on the bottom of the scene will bring the automatically on the scale pan
If you want to it put back on, just click it and it will be laid back
The screen shots will give you the solution for each statue
screen shot - Statue 1
screen shot - Statue 2
screen shot - Statue 3
screen shot - Statue 4
Chapter 7 - On the way to Paris
Bar Cart
Find all items from your list
The little key is located in the lower shelf behind the bar
screen shot - Bar
Click the picture at the wall
A puzzle will open
You will notice that there are some small circles around the left and right side of the picture
Your goal is to find the picture that is within the tiny circles inside of the larger painting
When you find the picture, click on it and it will be marked on the page
screen shot - Puzzle
After finding all items, click the door right in the back
You will enter the storage room
Find all items from your list
The hammer is located right in the lower shelf
screen shot - Storage Room
Enter the Dining Cart now
Dining Cart
Find all items from your list
The napkin with the 3 dollar signs ( $ $ $ ) is located on the table at the bottom of the screen
screen shot - Dining Cart
Go to Carlo Siro's cabin
Carlo Siro's Cabin
Find all items from your list
screen shot - Carlo Siro's Cabin
Use the slot machine again
This time you have to have $$$ to open the library door
screen shot - slot machine
When you find all, click the door to open the library
Before you are able to find the amulet, you will have to find all other items from the list
Now get the hammer out of the inventory and smash the vase on the lower shelf with it
screen shot - library
Move on to the luggage cart
Luggage Cart
Get all items from your list
Pick up the bucket from the floor in the middle of the scene
Click the fuse box - its locked
screen shot - Luggage Cart
Open it with the key from your inventory
Click the fuse for cabin 12
screen shot - Fuse Box
Go into the kitchen
Kitchen Cart
Find the items from your list
Get the bucket from your inventory and fill it with water
screen shot - Kitchen
Enter Peres Blanch's cabin
Peres Blanch's Cabin
Find all items from your list
Use the bucket with water on the fire in the fireplace
It will go off, but only for a short moment
screen shot - Peres Blanch's Cabin
Above the fireplace, you see a frame but without a picture
Click the button on the lower part of the frame and then click in the middle of the wood
The wood moves and shows a painting
Click the button on the frame again
The painting seems to look the same as the one on the easel, but the fruits are laying in a different order
screen shot - Painting
Click the painting on the easel and you will get a closer look
Your goal is to change the positions of the fruits so that they are the same as on the painting above the fire place
You can pick up a fruit by clicking and place it at another part of the painting by clicking again
When you place a fruit right, it will be locked
screen shot - Painting 2
When you are done, the fire will be out and you receive a diary
Chapter 8 - Paris
Eiffel Tower
Brush: In the middle of the scene, at the pole of the souvenir shop
Find all objects from your list
Click the postcards inside the souvenir shop, in the middle, to write a post card to your mother
Click the newspaper machine right next to the souvenir shop
Talk With Monsieur Blanch
Get the coin on the left side of the counter
Get it out of the inventory and click it at the tourist telescope right next to the souvenir shop
screen shot - Eiffel Tower
You will see a few houses
Have a look at the diary you found in Monsieur By Blanch's room
He says something about three symbols: the French lily, the sun and the thunder
Now look again at the houses
They all show symbols
By moving the mouse up, down, right and left, you can change the view
Find the three houses which have the three symbols Monsieur Blanch mentions in his diary
Click them all - when you find all symbols of one kind, you will get a new address
Rue Veneuse
Brush: Middle of the painting, right side at the roof
Find all items from your list
After you find all, you will get a hidden symbol - the moon
screen shot - Painting
Go to the Souvenir Shop
Souvenir shop
You will have to sort the correct stamps with the postcards
To do so, click one of the stamps on the bottom and click it on a postcard you think is the right one
If the stamp is correct, the postcard will change - a wrong stamp will just lay on the postcard and you can pick it up again
screen shot - Postcards 1
screen shot - Postcards 2
Your next goal is the Champs Elysees
Champs Elysees
Brush: In the upper left corner on top of the sunflower painting
Find all items from your list
The faucet is in the left middle, right next to the woman's head
After finding all, this painting also reveals a secret symbol - a dove
screen shot - Painting
Rue de Bourgogne
Brush: In the hand of the horseman
After finding all items, you will receive another secret symbol - a star
screen shot - Painting
Go to the Winery Blanch
Winery Blanch
Brush: in the lower right corner
Find the items from your list
You can see a sign at the barrel in the middle
Click to read it - the wine is not for drinking
Get the faucet out of your inventory and click it under the sign
The wine runs out
When it's empty, use the ladder to climb in
screen shot - Winery
Inside the barrel
Brush: second ladder step from below
Find all items from your list
The wine bottle is standing on the barrel in the background
At the end you will bring it out of the barrel automatically
screen shot - Inside the Barrel
Click the wine shelf right in the background
Get the wine bottle out of your inventory and place it in the empty slot
You have to bring the bottles in the right order
By clicking two bottles, they will change places
You can see how they have to stand at the neck of the bottle
The letters have to spell out Parc de Monceau at the end
The other way is to look at the drawing at the bottom of the bottles
It has to be a line after
screen shot - Bottle Puzzle
You unlocked a new location on the map
Go now to Parc de Monceau
Parc de Monceau
Brush - in the middle of the stone wall
Find all items from your list
You will be brought to the next scene automatically after the last item
screen shot - Park
In front of the pyramid
Brush: on the left side at the lantern pole
Find all items
When you are done, you can click the pyramid door
screen shot - In front of the pyramid
pyramid door
Find all the secret symbols from the paintings
Doves, stars and moons
screen shot - pyramid 1
Chapter 9 - On the way to London
Lord Penroy's Cabin
Telescope: On the round table, left
Telescope: Right side on the top shelf
Get the black king from the round table in the middle
Click the big telescope on the right side
You can't do anything with it and will be brought out of this scene
Lord Penroy allows you to stay in the room but asks you not to touch anything
Find 2 items from your list
After the first item, you will get a warning
After the second one, Lord Penroy will send you out of his cabin
Talk with the conductor and ask him to show Lord Penroy his record collection
Now you can go back into the cabin
Get all other items from your list
Then place the black king from your inventory on the chess board
You can't do anything at the moment, but with this, you unlocked other locations on the map
screen shot - Lord Penroy's Cabin
Carlo Siro's Cabin
Get all items from your list
The Queen is standing on the floor in front of the door
screen shot - Carlo Siro's Cabin
Victor Jasil's Cabin
Find all items from your list
The chess figure in the bucket in the lower left corner
screen shot - Victor Jasil's Cabin
Yue Lan Yun's Cabin
Find all items for your list
The chess figure is standing on the floor, next to the right chair leg
screen shot - Yue Lan Yun's Cabin
Peres Blanch's Cabin
Telescope: Inside the suitcase, top left
Find all items on your list
The chess figure is standing on the fireplace, right side
When you find all, click the suitcase in the lower left side
screen shot - Peres Blanch's Cabin
Inside the suitcase you will find the a map with zodiac signs right next to the globe
screen shot - Suitcase
Lord Penroy's Cabin
Look again through the big telescope
Because of the map from Peres Blanche's suitcase, you now recognize the zodiac signs
You see: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Scorpio, Libra
Now click the Frame in the middle back
You see four chess figures outside
top left: Queen
top right: King
bottom left: bishop
bottom right: horse
Beyond them are buttons which you can press and they show positions on a chess board
Outside of the circle, names of zodiacs are written. Not only the names, but also the signs you just saw through the telescope
Inside the circle you see four planets
One chess figure, the tower, is missing, but in the middle of the circle you see the position C3
Your goal is now to find the right positions for the chess figures
Click one of the buttons and let the planets stop at one of the zodiac signs Sagittarius, Capricorn, Scorpio, Libra
It's kind of trial and error, because if your are right or not, you will only see when you are right with all four position
The correct positions are
Queen: B2
King: D2
Bishop: B4
Horse: D4
screen shot - Chess Figures
Now click the chess board on the floor
When you are in the closer look, get the chess figures out of your inventory and place them on the chess board, like you located them before
The tower didn't have its own planet, so it seems C3 is its position
Queen: B2
King: D2
Bishop: B4
Horse: D4
Tower: C3
screen shot - Chess Board
Chapter 10 - London
Hyde Park
Telescope:right, on top of the letter drop of the red mailbox
Look for the items of your list
The green gem is under the pillow, lower right of the scene
After finding the 7 paper scraps, you will automatically be brought to a puzzle
screen shot - Hyde Park
You have to assemble all pieces
The upper right corner is already placed right and locked
All other pieces will only lock when they are connected with an already locked piece
screen shot - Hyde Park - Puzzle
Go to the hotel
Telescope: on the table in the middle of the scene
Look for the items from your list
The coin is shimmering at the end of the stair rail
The red gem is behind the jar
Click the obelisk on the painting in the back
A name is written there with scrambled letters - we will need that later
screen shot - Hotel
Move on to the junk yard
Junk Yard
Telescope: At the lower part of the bus' front window
Find all items from your list
The blue gem is behind the suitcase in the lower right corner
You will find the pyramid in the lower back window of the bus
Next location is the telephone booth
Telephone booth
Telescope: at the bottom, on top of the suitcase
Get the items from your list
Get coin out of your inventory and click it at the phone
The gem will appear in the coin slot
screen shot - Telephone Booth
Now go to the Tower of London
Tower of London
Telescope: lower left side, right beside chair and vase
Find all items from your list
Get the pyramid from your inventory and place it on the stone in the middle of the scene
screen shot - Tower of London
Get one of your gems out of the inventory and place it on top of the pyramid
A laser beam will appear and at its end you will see a number
Do this with all four gems
You don't have to write the numbers down
They will be written down in your book at the end on the paper you found in Hyde Park
screen shot - Red Gem
screen shot - Blue Gem
screen shot - Green Gem
screen shot - Cyclam Gem
Now only Cleopatra's needle is left - go there
Cleopatra's needle
Open your inventory and have a look at how the letters Henry Higgins are laying on the obelisk-painting in the hotel
You have to turn the letters in the puzzle the same way by clicking
When using the screen shot for help, take care that the thick parts of each letter are laying the same way as shown
It won't work otherwise
screen shot - Puzzle Henry Higgens
You are brought into the next scene
Click the stone left
screen shot - Enter Cleopatra's Needle
This is the elements puzzle
It works the same as the safe in Victor Jasil's cabin
Get the note from the Hyde Park out of your inventory - the numbers you got in Tower of London are sorted there with the elements
screen shot - Elements Puzzle
With the white buttons right and left, you are moving the arrow
With the white button in the middle you actived the choosen number
When you have the numbers for one element, move the arrow and activate the number
When you are mistaken, you will have to start all over
The numbers are
Earth: 71 = 23 + 48
Water: 154 = 9 + 145
Fire: 345 = 174 + 171
Air: 218 = 86 + 132
screen shot - Numbers for element puzzle
Every time you find the solution for one element, a part of the middle will disappear
After you finish all four elements, you will get the key of Isis
screen shot-Key of Isis
You will be brought back to the scene before
Get the key and click it on the door
screen shot - Last step
Enjoy the END
A big thanks to Kayleigh for the walkthrough!!
Posted by: Pam
March 11, 2009 4:25 PM