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Link Dump Friday №74

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Link Dump Fridays

JohnBLink Dump Friday? More like Link Deluge, AMIRITE?! Six really great games, a few of which are heavy-hitters and will take away your afternoon without apology, and a fun Flash animation. Could Friday get any better? Well, maybe if we had some waffles...

  • icon_rainwords.gifRain Words - A great twist on the crossword puzzle, Rain Words features a grid on the right and gently falling images to the left. Grab an icon and slots on the grid light up where that picture's name would fit. Experiment with the placement of shorter words so you can complete larger ones. Much more tactile/visual (and less brainy) than most word games!
  • icon_sixty.gifSixty - An arena shooter created by jmtb02, author of the Four Second series of games, that's played in exactly sixty seconds. Dash around shooting as many squares as you can, and after a minute has passed your score is tallied and you see just how much better you could have done. A great concept for a truly casual game.
  • icon_missiontoneptune.gifMission to Neptune - A follow-up to Mission to Mars, a nice-looking platformer from Pastel Games. Mission to Neptune is an arcade game that borrows a bit from Breakout and tasks you with bouncing your character to collect symbols that unlock a cage.
  • icon_kinetikz2.gifKinetikz 2 - A simple physics-based puzzle game that pulls elements of curling and even pachinko. Fire balls to push the disk into the target area. Avoid blue lines, shove enemies out of the way, and rotate the board to give yourself a better angle.
  • icon_classroompilot.gifClassroom Pilot - A build-a-paper-airplane game set in grade school. You have four categories of variables to choose from when making your paper airplane. Once made, launch it as far as you can, sometimes at a target. The launching mechanic is just the familiar "pull back on the mouse and release" slingshot deal. A surprisingly deep level of customization is at your disposal, and the production values are extraordinary.
  • icon_feelthebeat.gifFeel the Beat - Rhythm games don't get much attention in the browser-based world, so Feel the Beat steps in to try and fill the void. Similar to Guitar Hero in setup, use the keyboard and time your presses to coincide with falling notes on the screen. There are some balance issues in the difficulty level, but otherwise it's an enjoyable musical experience.
  • icon_theresheis.gifThere She Is!! Part 3: Doki & Nabi - Featured in previous Link Dump Fridays, the third installment in the Flash animation series has arrived. A charming, funny, and really rather cute animation.


Gryphon78 August 7, 2008 9:55 PM

Is it just me, or is the There she is link linked to a picture instead of a flash movie?

stupidcheeseboy August 7, 2008 10:45 PM

what a great LDF!
Something for everyone!
Please dont forget to let us know when step 4 is released for There she is!


ooh, a new There she is!! And there even seems to be some kinda plot development! I'm moist with anticipation!


I love There She Is!! so much!

Note that Rain Words uses British spelling. And is addictive.


The physics in Mission to Neptune are extremely messed up. You would think that angling the the space trampoline(?) in a certain direction would cause your character to bounce in that direction, but it actually has the opposite effect. I didn't fill like trying to adjust to the weirdness.

ThemePark August 8, 2008 2:59 AM

Took me about halfway through There she is, to understand what was going on, but cute as always, and with a nice plot twist and a Step 4 in the making. :-D


To be honest, Feel The Beat is less based on Guitar Hero than it is on a Konami arcade game called Beatmania, but it's good to see a working implementation in Flash nonetheless.

Also, hooray, new There She Is!!


Rain Words is actually a fun game in the puzzle sense more than a crossword sense.
However, I'm having issues, as it won't let me click the "red" icon, so I have to restart the puzzle whenever I see it.


My girlfriend and I were totally Doki and Nabi (except she was Japanese instead of Korean). Huge cultural differences. Very cat vs bunny.


And the no cat-bunny love sign? That happened to us in Japan. The rock through the window? Very similar. :-/

Ah! Cliffhanger!

Has everyone found all the easter eggs in this one? The cloud on the upper-right to start and the sign on the railing when the neighbors were yelling at them were all I found. Nothing on the moon this time?


Nice games here... I liked kinetikx until I found a bug that meant that all the respawning discs were still moving, and heading straight for blue lines, which means you lose all your lives in a few seconds... very annoying. Good idea though.


I love the music in "Sixty".

Although the slowdown is a bit irritating, and somehow I don't feel the game is fun enough for me to play it the second time.

Still, the music rocks. :)

ThemePark August 8, 2008 6:47 AM

Classroom Pilot would probably be fun, if I could actually figure out how to get any plane to go more than 3 feet.


Ah, themepark, try throwing a real paper airplane with all your might. It doesn't show up the same way, but the result is quite similar. Try throwing it in the game the same way you would throw it in real life.

CrossEyedCyclops August 8, 2008 9:12 AM

Nice bug in Feel The Beat


Just mash all the keys each time - the extras don't seem to count against you


There she is keeps getting stuck in the loading screen!


Hooray! Lots of people were waiting for Step 3 for a few years after watching the first two.

I'm among them. It's just so cute and applicable.

sleepn247 August 8, 2008 2:24 PM

You know, for classroom pilot, I did better without using full power. Try more like 90%.

cruelhazel August 8, 2008 5:14 PM

I did consistently pretty well with all three stages of Classroom Pilot using the same plane configuration:


I used 110 lb. paper, the blunt nose plane, wingtips on, and 7 degree elevator.
Then, launch it with an even throw, using about 80-90% power. (Don't use the full power!) I usually pull the arm all the way back, then push it forward about two "notches" before I let go.


I played the Sixty game, it was fun at first but then the screen got too messy.

I got to level 3 by the way with 741 shots fired, beaten 6 waves and 7k+ particles loaded.

And rank very pathetic lol


I can't believe they finally released part 3 for the Korean bunny-cat cartoon! It's been such a long time and the release date kept getting pushed back that I just gave up on it. Thanks for linking it, JIG!

My favorite episode is still #2.


Rain Words isn't working for me; I get the original screen where you pick the game, and then it goes (and stays) black. Anyone else have a similar experience?


In case anyone's curious, the next There She Is!! Will be released August 20th. Wee! :D


"Try throwing it in the game the same way you would throw it in real life."

That might work if, in real life, I threw paper airplanes by moving my mouse back and forth. ;)


Sixty's quite enjoyable, I thought. Never really noticed much slowdown - managed to get a score of 356 kills - for ranking of 'Exceeds Programmer' :).


I found that


120lb/ft paper, third plane type, wing tips, 6° elevator

was the way to go on Classroom Pilot.


Yay! There she is 3 is out. Thanks for telling.


Ok, this really has nothing to do with anything, but on feel the beat sc2 thraddash I got 51st on all time, and 100th on monthly... Does anyone know how this happened? At all? I understand weekly worse than monthly scores, but monthly worse than all time?!!


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