Cow Room Escape
Cow Room Escape is a significantly more difficult room escape game than its hard-shelled brother. For this game's ultimate combo-lock puzzle, you're looking for several different colored coins and you will really have to use your wits if you are to find them all.
There are a couple more difficult pixel hunts that are present in this one, so if you're one that is easily turned off by this, then you might want to try a different one. In particular, there is a spot on part of the tall cabinet where you will need to get one item from. Knowing that should hopefully get you by. Again, the descriptions are entirely in Japanese, and this may tend to make the game a bit more difficult than necessary.
Remember to use all the resources available to you, and that some things may be dirty and require a good cleaning.
Walkthrough Guide
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Love the site, Jay! Gonna try my first post & first walkthrough here...
Walkthrough for Normal Ending:
Look at symbol on clock. Adjust blue box accordingly. Click center empty square to open box for BLUE coin.
Click top of leftmost wooden cabinet to find TV remote. Use on TV. Click/drag black box on TV to see a password (257412). Then click right arrow to get GREEN coin from back of TV.
On screen with sink, click bottom right corner of the cubby-hole that the glass is sitting in to find a sheet of grid paper. Take cup and fill it with water from the sink.
Use glass and grid paper on sink to fill both with water.
Use filled glass on plant to obtain GOLD coin. Then rinse GOLD coin off in sink to obtain YELLOW coin 1.
Click under desk with chair, at the bottom right corner. Pick up YELLOW coin 2 in bottom left corner of this screen.
Notice the yellow smudge under desk? Use grid paper filled with water on smudge to reveal an arrow. Click up above the arrow until you can take PURPLE coin.
Click around shadow under the sink to find a key. Use key on water fountain to obtain a screwdriver.
Click near the floor to the left of the desk with chair until you see a wall outlet. Use screwdriver here to obtain RED coin.
Now you have all 6 coins to place in the door, so you need a sequence...
Remember the code from the TV? Try matching that somehow with the colored-dot painting.
257412 I counted 2 Yellow, 5 Blue, 7 Red, 4 Green, 1 Purple. (Not sure whether yellow1 and yellow2 can be switched around or not)...but I got the code to be (from left to right) {Yellow/Blue/Red/Green/Purple/Yellow}
Click dot on far right of code (hopefully it turns Red). Click back once, then click door handle and you're out!
Not sure how to go about any other endings, but hope that helps someone!
Posted by: Reynor
August 6, 2008 4:22 AM