Swinger 2: Rock & Roll Apocalypse

Swinger 2: Rock & Roll Apocalypse is an action game of skill that offers a delightful and gratifying game play experience. It begins with a humorous and frivolous introduction sequence that sets the tone and mood for a ridiculous galactic adventure.
Use the arrow keys to swing the... um, er, thing around each of the nodes to turn them all grey; the [right] arrow swings clockwise, [left] counter-clockwise. Press [space] to jump. You can also press [ctrl] to skip nodes or pick-ups, and to control movement when jumping in combination with the arrow keys.
Some nodes will require multiple visits and their color indicates that. For example, blue nodes turn grey when visited, green turn blue, red to green, and so forth. Visit all nodes on each level to activate the exit, which appears like a small target somewhere in the level.
Overall, loads of humor, loads of fun, and highly recommended.
Play Swinger 2: Rock & Roll Apocalypse
Be sure to read what we had to say about other Ridiculopathy games: Happy Flower Music Time, Legend of the Pointy Stick, Carnyville, and the original Swinger.
Cool, I found the previous one easier though...
Fun, but on the second level i got caught on a spring. I didn't hit it at an angle, i just kept bouncing forever. not cool.
Anirb, you can press CNRL and hold it to move while in the air, so getting caught on a spring shouldn't happen, have you tried that?
The difficulty level definitely borders on frustrating, at least for me. This somewhat common game concept was always one I had trouble grasping the controls for. Weird.
Still very fun. The intro is hilarious!
I've always felt the same way about this game mechanic, Scramble... too much to handle at once, I suppose. Maybe if it only rotated one way or the other... although you could play that way, I suppose.
I laughed my a-- off at the intro, but the gameplay was too hard for me. And i've played other games with the same concept, and I kinda suck at them. Oh well the graphics and stuff were really good tho. And if i WAS good at it, it would be really fun.
Yeah. The speed of the rotation and the seemingly unpredictable way the "arm" seems to jump from peg to peg (i.e. at high speeds, it's difficult to tell if the arm is going to hit a peg when it's moving quickly) makes it impossible to concentrate on properly bypassing pegs with the CTRL feature. It's always been like that for me with this sort of game. The fact that the game adds an element of "time bonus" is almost insulting! Haha. Roar.
I have to agree with the majority here - the arm is too short and fast, and the pegs are too close to make this playable. I much prefer the original Swinger.
It's easier to finish Halo on Legendary with one life than it is to finish this with a 'time bonus'.
Yeah, it's pretty crazy, and I just tended to hold one key or the other and try to hit the dots, but I did manage to place on the high score list somehow, so it's not impossible.
Yay! Finally someone else that has been able to play and have fun with this one. =)
I was beginning to think I was a freak or something. (oh...right. Well nevermind then. =p)
I enjoyed it!
Thought it was ridiculously hard, but enjoyed it!
TerrorByte... true, very true. (Unless it is the Library.) But the game is fun nonetheless.
I was doing quite well. Mainly due to sheer and utter blind luck. And skill, sure. But, mainly luck. *grin*
all I will remember about this game:
"Oh, I wanna change the direction, let's press the other direction key. Oh, the arm has miraculously changed the side of the line of pegs, and my keypress only continues my travel into a direction I don't wanna go"
this game is so ridiculously difficult. not only is it near impossible to control the peg (because my brain isn't fast enough to consider the consequences of changing rotation that quickly as expressed by Nathan) but also because the arm magically changes length. if you swing past certain pegs long enough, you can, for some reason, eventually reach those you once couldnt or not reach those you once could...hello?
That's one of the most frustrating things i've experienced in my life.
I actually don't reccomend this.
Bad Garageband guitars
ripoff of a great miniclip game (It even has one of the same sound affects)
Hard to play
difficult levels
It does have a fully storyline, though!