The game begins just as all cliché film noir types do: You're a detective in a smoke-filled office sitting with your feet on the desk when a dame walks in and asks you something totally bizarre. Within the game are even references to other noir type films like Casablanca, which you may recognize.
Written by Mark Darin, Ron "AAlgar" Watt, and Jason Ellis, the game was produced by Pinhead Games. It is evident that quite a lot of work was put into the game, as it looks fantastic—save for those awful faces. Unfortunately, the game is short and has a few puzzles that will leave you scratching your head, even if the solution is fairly logical. The black and white atmosphere and the fitting soundtrack create a sense of immersion that is both engaging and entertaining. And, as an added bonus, the ending is quite good. Plus there is a hidden extra at the end, a-la Stongbad-style.
Walkthrough Guide
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Nick Bounty: The Goat in the Grey Fedora Walkthrough
You start out in your office.
Best idea would be to grab the spy kit on the shelf behind you.
Also take the ruler on your desk, you'll need them both later on.
Walk out the door, and you'll see the map.
Only 3 areas are open currently, but as you progress, more will open.
For right now, head to the law office in the buisness district.
Talk to the secretary and select the option "Actually, I'm looking to rent his office. I'm a lawyer." it's the third option down.
Select "Habeas Corpus", "Ex post facto", and "Modus operandi".
You get into the office.
While in the office, all you should grab is the tape, seeing as you can't do much else currently.
Now head back to the secretary and show her the goat picture (click on your inventory, click on the goat picture, click the hand icon, then click on the secretary).
Now head to chinatown.
Head into the farthest shop away from you.
A crazy chinese guy should greet you.
Speak to him again after the entrance scene.
Buy the abstract blob and the black lightbulb.
Leave and head into the next shop.
Look at the blob, you'll find out it's just some silly putty.
Speak to the english guy.
Show him the picture.
Try the spy camera on the mailing list. The stupid cheap camera doesn't work.
Speak to the english guy again and ask to get on the mailing list.
Attatch the blob to the blank card, and then give it back the the english guy.
Select Nick Tronty as your name.
Speak to the english guy. Now you have the address!
Watch the cut scene.
Head to the news stand now.
Buy the Modern Sculptor magazine.
Ask to be in the show.
Since you dont have a stickpuppet, you will have to make one.
Head back to the law office and into the room with the copier.
Copy your face.
Stick the paper onto the ruler, then attach it with the tape.
Head back to the news stand.
Show the puppet to the girl puppet. It will play a demented scene.
Head out, you already have the magazine.
Go to Mr. Tosser's house in Private Hills.
After the cut scene, head into the fake's room.
Read the magazine you got, then turn off the farthest lamp.
Remove the lightbulb and put the black lightbulb in.
Turn the lamp on.
Look at the goat statues, then turn off the other lamp.
Look at the statues again.
After the cutscene, head out into the entrance.
Then go back to the chinatown.
Go to the resturant and talk to Sam.
Select the third option down.
Talk to him again and select the 3rd option again.
Head outside and get kidnapped.
After the cut scene, kick the corndog into the cannon.
Try the plyers on the ropes. Again, the cheap piece of junk breaks. So now what?
Burn through the ropes with your match.
Open the crate, and be attacked by...monkeys! Wow, this game is weird.
Use the scoop tractor, you unearth an ancient civilization.
Let the strangness ensue.
A giant kraken shows up. Goodlord.
Grab the bomb and feed it to the overgrown sushi (the kraken).
Climb in the hole.
Head to Kitty's house in the Residential area.
Head into the next room. The creeps show up again.
Search the goat remains. You get a key.
Head back to the lawyer's office.
Use the key on the safe.
Go back the the chinaman who offered to make you a goat.
Speak to him.
Go back to Kitty's house.
Watch the cut scene.
Distract Kitty with the hand puppet 3 times to use up her bullets.
Watch the end game cut scene.
Posted by: Kitty
April 4, 2007 7:13 PM