Since there's never been a bandwagon Tricky hasn't jumped on, he presents to you JayIs2048, a tribute to UsVsTh3m's Make Your Own 2048 generator, a tribute to Gabriele Cirulli's MIT-licensed 2048, a tribute to 1024 by Veewo Studio, a tribute to Threes by Asher Vollmer, which, of course was a tribute to the postulate that small stuff can be combined bigger stuff. There's a whole lot of tributin' going on, is what we're saying.
Taking over phones and browsers in just a few weeks, this fiendishly addictive puzzle game has just one goal... get to 2048 by swiping and combining numbered tiles until they add up. But it's harder than it seems, and players looking for simple, casual puzzling will quickly find themselves saying "just one more round", though it bears more than a passing resemblance to Threes!
Games Featured:
- • 2048
- • Shybot
- • Piggy in the Puddle
- • Shippo Neko and the Missing Fried Shrimp
Fridays are sort of like the tease of the work week. You know what's coming, but it seems to take forever to get there, seconds not so much ticking by as they are inching with the slow unhurried pace of the shift of plate tectonics. So why not play some games? I mean, when you look up, it's still going to be hours earlier than it feels like it should, but hey... shiny graphics!
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