Virtual Villagers: Origins
For millions of time management and simulation fans, the opening is unmistakable: a ragtag, desperate group of people fleeing the volcanic destruction of their home wash ashore on the mysterious island of Isola, a place of wonder and magic. With that prologue began one of the most popular and best-selling village sims of all time, Virtual Villagers. Now available for all iOS devices is that very first adventure, Virtual Villagers: Origins, lovingly designed by Last Day of Work. It's full of vintage nostalgic game design elements, and this beautiful retro style blends perfectly on custom pins.
Custom Pins are not just a fashion accessory, they are also a tool to convey a message and even family spirit. Custom pins with retro gaming styles can add a unique and personal touch.
Whether as a gaming souvenir or a way to express your personality and opinions, custom pins allow you to better connect with your favorite items.
Virtual Villagers: Origins is essentially Virtual Villagers: A New Home re-tooled for the touch screen mobile device. The premise is pretty much the same: your small group of people (guided by you) must learn how to provide food and shelter for themselves, all while researching scientific advancements that will allow them to expand their settlement, support a larger population, and solve the many mysteries scattered about the island. Simply dropping a villager onto a task, set their preferences to that task, and keep them on it until they work on their own. Before you know, you've got a lovely little settlement full of happy people. Assuming they don't die from disease or hunger!
Virtual Villagers: Origins consists of 16 different puzzles to achieve, ranging from the simple (finding a clean water source) to the complex (producing the magical "golden child" who will bring peace and fortune upon your villagers). The village, tasks, and puzzles are pretty much the same as the original PC release, with a few neat additions. You can use excess tech points gained by your little people researching at the lab table to buy fun new upgrades. Time Warp, for example, moves the game ahead three hours, while Grant Youth de-ages a villager by 35 years. You can even make villagers faster or masters at their trade, something that would take ages to accomplish without the little boost.
Virtual Villagers: Origins is completely free, though there is a small banner ad running across the top of the screen. If you want to move the game forward at a faster pace, some micro-transactions are available to purchase extra tech points and the like.
For those who already love the series Virtual Villagers: Origins is a nostalgic look back to the beginning. For those who have never played it is a fun, free, and above all portable introduction to the origins of the mysterious land of Isola and its magical inhabitants. Either way Virtual Villagers: Origins is an adventure not to be missed.
Update: (May 08, 2012) — Update for Virtual Villagers: Origins is live! New ways to spend tech points...make bigger tribes!
NOTE: This game was played and reviewed on an iPhone. Game was available in the North American market at the time of publication, but may not be available in other territories. Please see individual app market pages for purchasing info.
Walkthrough Guide
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Virtual Villagers: Origins Walkthrough Part I (General Information)
I. General Information
This Walkthrough will be divided into five parts: I. General Information, II. Strategy Guide, III. Technical Section, IV. Puzzles, and V. FAQ.
The General Information section will include overall hints and tips about the game including the controls and things to look out for while playing.
The Strategy Guide is a step by step guide of playing through the game from beginning to end. The guide is meant as a general guide, there are other ways or orders in which to do the puzzles if you so choose. This guide is based on NOT using the tutorial in the beginning.
The Technical Section is for lists of technologies, upgrades, purchasable content, and other information such as how much each food is worth in food points and the like.
The Puzzles section is the 16 puzzles in the game in order and how to solve them.
The FAQ will cover frequently asked questions about the game.
Learn the controls! Under "Menu" and then "Options" are the controls to set the challenge level of the game (easy, normal, and hard) and the speed of the game (2x speed, normal speed, 1/2 speed, and pause). Also under "Menu" are the purchasable upgrades, the help feature, and the ability to start your village over from the beginning.
Know your villagers! Click on a villager and you can see a brief summary of them at the bottom of the screen, their name, their current skill (and level) and what they are doing. To the right of the information is the Detail button which allows you to set their tasks, see their status (age, gender, health, etc.) and the ability to upgrade them using extra tech points. Upgrades include the ability to make them younger, granting them instant master status, or giving them "running" in their likes.
Always check a villager's likes and dislikes before assigning a task! A villager who dislikes wood or stone will not accomplish anything on a building task as they will run away from what they don't like. A villager who doesn't like carrots will not farm vegetables, a villager who dislikes fish or swimming will not fish, and a villager who dislikes bushes will not gather berries. A villager who dislikes work or learning will make a poor laborer (they will often wander off) and will require closer monitoring. A villager who dislikes running will move like a slowpoke.
Don't forget to set work preferences for your villagers! For instance, if you want someone farming, make sure to check the farming preference. Villagers without preferences set will often wander around and do their own thing.
Watch your levels closely! On the left side of the screen is the information on your village's population, food supply, and tech points. Below that are the buttons for the puzzles (to see what has been accomplished and what is left), the map (for an overview of the settlement), the tech screen (where you purchase new technologies), and the menu button.
Keep your villagers fed! When the food drops below levels of 300 the villagers will start to worry about food. This means they will wander away from their tasks and will refuse to have children. Be especially careful about the food when leaving the game for a while, it is possible to come back to a village that has starved to death.
On the bottom of the screen, between the villager information and the gray buttons, is a colorful mask. Tap on the mask to get hints and information about the game.
Collect Ruthlessly! Mushrooms can mean the difference between life and death to your tribe in the early stages.
Learn to love children! Always make sure there is one child at any given time, as their mushroom collection abilities can keep a tribe from starving in the early stages of the game.
Watch for sparkles! Mushrooms produce faint white sparkles, which enable them to be spotted more easily.
Cross Train Ruthlessly! Some tasks will require villagers with more than one skill, and it is helpful to be able to quickly shift your workforce from one task to another if necessary.
Learn to Navigate! You can move around the area in a couple of different ways. (1) Simply touch the ground and drag, (2) pick up a villager and move them to the edge of the screen, the scenery will scroll, and (3) use the map function (control is on the lower left) to get an overview and simply click on a location to zoom in.
Don't pick up a villager that is busy unless it is absolutely necessary! If you pick up a villager that is in the process of a task or is carrying something, they will drop the item and it will be lost. They will also "forget" what it is they were doing.
Children under the age of 14 will not work, except for picking up mushrooms. Once they reach age 14 you can put them to work, but they won't be fully "adult" until age 18. That means if a story time for the children is going on, the 14-17 year olds will drop work and attend. Villagers cannot have children until fully "adult", i.e. the age of 18.
Based on their parentage, some children will be born with a little bit of skill in some areas after the school is built.
Nursing mothers will not work until the baby is 2 years old! So be careful about getting the women pregnant. With no one farming a tribe can easily starve.
Don't forget to take off the parenting preference if you are going to leave the game! If you forget and leave a male villager on parenting, you may wake up to a tribe that has doubled or more in size, or one that has starved from too many people and not enough food.
The game continues even when it is turned off! Virtual Villagers: Origins plays in "real time", which means things will still happen even when the game is closed. Remember this if you're going to be away for a while.
Choose your time settings wisely! Playing in "2 x time" live is fun, but if you're going to be gone for a while consider switching to "Normal", "1/2 time", or even "Pause". If something goes wrong, you can come back to a dead village and have to start over again.
Use children as temporary healers! If a villager becomes sick before you have a permanent doctor, find the nearest child, set their preference to healing, and drop them on the ill individual. Keep doing this until they heal the villager.
Watch where people go! Children (and adults) will often wander off to look at "interesting" areas of the island. These areas are usually important.
Fly around the island! Pick up a child and hover him/her over various interesting areas and watch the text that shows up in the control screen. Do this with adults as well, to identify certain items and hotspots that are important to the game.
Watch out for island events! These events happen randomly, and often feature a choice. Opening a mysterious crate that washed up on the beach can result in extra food or biting spiders (or rats) that make your villagers ill. Eating something unknown can add to knowledge, but it can also kill a villager.
Posted by: grinnyp
April 15, 2012 2:00 PM
Virtual Villagers: Origins Walkthrough Part II (Strategy Guide)
Getting Started
Basic Food and Shelter
You will begin with a group of 6 villagers, 5 adults and one child. Click on each villager and look at the status screens at the bottom of the screen to find the trainee builder (you will always start with 4 untrained adults and 1 trainee builder).
The village will be a small collection of huts (including one larger hut), a low table in front of the larger hut, and the beach and the ocean below the huts (along with a dark patch of ground and a pile of white stones). Above the village you will find a large berry bush full of berries, a covered well, two mysterious dried out patches of ground in the upper left and upper right, and some strange plants around the perimeter.
It is important to start gathering food immediately. The berry bush is a finite resource, once it is stripped it will only generate small amounts of food very slowly.
Grab 2 adults, one at a time. Set their preferences to "Farming" in the detail screen, then drop them on the berry bush. Wait until they start harvesting berries and taking them to the food bin in the village. If they refuse, drop them on the bush again and again until they pick up the skill. Once they reach trainee status you can leave them to the task.
Find your trainee builder, make sure their preference is check on "building" and drop them on the unfinished hut in the middle of the village (it looks like a long board leaning against a sawhorse and is located between the large hut above the research table and the smaller hut to the right).
Once the farmers are bringing in food and the builder is working on the hut, find the last 2 adults and set their preferences to "research", then drop them on the long table in the middle of the village. Keep dropping them on the table until they become trainee scientists, then let them research.
This opening strategy is based on NOT using the tutorial at the beginning of the game. If you have used the tutorial, you will be reduced to 4 working adults as one of the women will be pregnant (the tutorial takes you through producing a child). If you did use the tutorial, then make sure you have 2 people bringing in food, one building the hut, and one on the science table.
Search for mushrooms in the area. When you see a mushroom drop the child on it to collect.
Once your food gets above 300 the villagers will stop worrying about it and getting off task.
If you did not follow the tutorial, now is the time to get one of the women with child. Drop the woman on one of the men (or vice versa) until a child is produced. This will take a while due to the fact that you are at level 1 of fertility.
Once you have a nursing mother wandering around, move one of the farmers over to the science table and set him (or her) to research.
Solving Early Puzzles
Puzzle 1
Once the food starts coming in you will need fresh water for your villagers.
Above the huts there is a large berry bush. To the right of the berry bush is a covered well.
Find your builder, and drop them on the covered well. They will uncover the well and voila, fresh water.
Puzzle 2
You should have already started your trainee builder on the half-completed hut at the beginning of the game.
Once the hut is complete you have completed puzzle 2.
Puzzle 3
Once your builder has completed the hut, you can move him/her over to the wood that is scattered on the left side of the beach. This is the wood from the raft that carried your villagers to the island.
Once the wood is completely cleared away this puzzle is finished (this is also necessary for puzzle 6, fishing).
Puzzle 8
Pick one of your villagers and go to their detail screen.
Set the villager to "healing" in their preferences.
On the left side of the screen, to the left of the large white rock, is a plant that looks like a cabbage. Drop the "healing" villager on this plant and wait for him/her to study it. It might take more than one try to get them to study the plant.
Once the cabbage looking plant has been studied, pick up your villager and move them to the top of the screen, to the left of the large boulder.
There you will find a plant that looks like a cactus. Drop the villager on the cactus and have them study the plant.
Once you get the text that indicates the plant has been learned, pick up the villager and move to the right side of the area.
In the upper right area, directly to the right of the well is a small, purple/white flower. Drop your villager on the flower to study it.
Pick up your villager again. Still on the right side of the scene, move down until you can see the pile of white rocks on the beach. Above that area, directly to the right of the food bin, is a small red rose.
Drop your villager on the rose and wait for him/her to study it.
Once all four plants have been studied and learned, the puzzle is complete and your village will have herb mastery. You can now train healers by checking the healing preference and dropping them on the cactus to learn healing.
Stability and Growth
Keeping Your Tribe Alive
The berry bush will only feed your tribe for so long, so you need to get another food source.
Once you have enough tech points, buy second level farming.
You will notice an area of dark soil below the research table, immediately to the left of a hut.
Drop a villager set to farming on this area. They will plant seeds and water it.
Once the area has been planted, crops will grow. The first crop will come in quickly (30 to 60 minutes, depending on what speed your game is set).
Each plot of crops will supply 800 food when harvested. When the crops appear, set your farmers to harvesting.
Eventually the crops will come in every 2 hours or so (again, depending on what speed the game is playing at).
These crops will sustain a village of up to 15 people for quite a while.
Once you have enough tech points, buy level 2 construction.
In the upper left corner of the area, above the dry ground, there is a pile of rocks. Once you have level 2 construction drop a builder on these rocks and they will start to clear the blockage. This is a good way to train builders while you are waiting to build the second hut.
Continue to put as many people as possible on the research table (you need the tech points) while making sure that the food supplies stay steady.
Growing Your Tribe
Once you have the crops growing and the first hut built, you can slowly start to increase your population. Remember, if you are still at first level fertility it will take multiple tries to get another baby.
Assign one woman to reproduce, and have her have a baby every 2 to 4 hours.
With the first hut built, you can continue to have babies until you hit a population of 15. At this point, you cannot add to the population until the second hut is built.
Once you hit 15 population the foundation for a second hut will appear on the far left of the village. You can set one or two builders to working on this hut.
Once the hut is built you can continue to add population, but it is not advisable until you manage enough tech points for level 3 farming.
You can go above 15 population once the second hut is built, but go slowly and carefully, and collect lots of mushrooms. It's easy for a village to starve here until you can get level 3 farming.
The next tech purchase you make is up to you, but the best is to get level 2 science, as that will enable your researchers to earn tech points more quickly.
Middle Puzzles
Puzzle 4
The fourth puzzle is the school.
This puzzle requires a master scientist.
Once someone has become a master scientist, drop them on the long hut just above the research table.
The master scientist will turn that hut into a school. Once the school is built kids will inherit some knowledge from their parents.
Puzzle 5
This puzzle requires level 2 construction.
Once you have level 2 construction, drop a builder on the rocks at the far upper left corner of the area, above the dry patch of ground.
The builder will start to remove the rock blockage.
When the blockage is removed water will rush into the dry area and form a lagoon.
Puzzle 7
This requires level 2 spirituality and a dead villager.
A dead villager will appear as a skeleton lying on the ground above the school hut.
Drop an adult villager on the area in the upper right, above where the healing lily flower is.
The villager will then collect the skeleton and bury it in that area, and a headstone will pop up.
Once this is done once the villagers will bury their dead automatically.
Puzzle 9
This requires trained builders and puzzle 5 being solved.
There is a patch of ground on the right side of the area, between the medicinal rose and a large rock.
Kids often are curious about this patch of ground, as are adults.
Drop a builder on this area. The builder will go over to the lagoon to get water to water this patch.
You must have solved puzzle 5 and opened the lagoon, well water is not pure enough for this task.
The builders will keep watering the area until it blooms with beautiful flowers.
Building A Civilization
Feeding the Masses
In order to build something more than a small village you need a bigger food source.
After purchasing level 2 science let the tech points rack up until you can afford level 3 farming (100,000 points).
The farm plot can only sustain a population of 15 for so long, so remember to hunt for mushrooms with the children.
When Farming level 3 has been purchased, drop a master farmer into the lagoon and watch what they do.
The Master Farmer will be looking for a magical fish. They don't always get it on the first try, so if they come up empty handed drop them in the lagoon again.
Eventually the Master Farmer will emerge with the fish and take it to the food bin. When this happens your tribe will now be able to fish in the ocean for food.
Drop farmers into the ocean so they can fish. This is an unlimited food supply and can sustain a much larger village.
By this time if you haven't already get the second hut built. The foundation for the second hut will not appear until your population hits 15.
Once the second hut is built and fishing has been discovered assign 2 or 3 women to breeding and start having them knock out babies.
Don't try to expand too quickly, otherwise you will have problems later. You are trying to gradually work up to a population of 30 while assigning as many people as possible to the research table. Level 3 technologies take a lot tech points.
Go ahead and finish buying the remaining level 2 technologies that you haven't so far. Medicine and Fertility will be important at this point as your villagers should be getting elderly or close to it.
More Middle Puzzles
Puzzle 6
This is the puzzle for learning to fish.
You need to have flooded the lagoon (puzzle 5), level 3 farming, and a master farmer.
Once you have all of the requirements, drop your master farmer in the lagoon. The farmer will proceed to look for a fish.
Watch when the farmer leaves the lagoon. If they have the fish, let them go ahead to the bin. If they don't have the fish, drop them back into the lagoon.
Eventually the farmer will get the fish, and take it to the food bin.
When this happens you will be able to fish in the ocean. Your tribe's fertility will also go up.
Puzzle 11
Puzzle 11 involves the pile of white stones on the right side of the beach.
In order to complete this puzzle you need level 3 construction and a master builder.
Drop your master builder on the rubble and they will start to restore the temple.
Once the master builder has started the work, you can drop any builder (even untrained ones) onto the site to restore the temple.
When the construction is completed you will have something that looks like a miniature Stonehenge.
Building Nirvana
Now that you have unlimited food, you can build up your village to its maximum potential.
Once you get near 30 population (at about 28 or 29), the foundation for the third hut will appear.
Drop your builders on this foundation and get them started. This hut can take a lot of time and it is difficult to keep the builders on task.
Keep the builders on task until the third hut is complete. Otherwise, most villagers should still be at the research table earning tech points.
Once the third hut is complete you can increase the number of women having children up to 5 or 6. Don't go too crazy, you don't want to explode the population too quickly.
As children reach adolescence, start assigning them tasks, starting with research.
As you purchase level 3 technologies, you can complete the rest of the puzzles.
It is also around this time that some of your original villagers might start dying of old age.
Once the last hut is complete (and puzzle 11) and you have level 3 construction and spirituality, you can put your builders on the rock below the lagoon (see puzzle 12).
Continue to steadily grow your population and buy technologies.
Once you have the last of the level 3 technologies you can solve the rest of the puzzles and create a great civilization.
End Game Puzzles
Puzzle 12
This is the giant rock on the left side of the island, just below the lagoon.
Solving this requires that puzzle 11 has been completed, as well as level 3 construction and level 3 spirituality.
Once the temple has been restored (puzzle 11), buy level 3 spirituality (you should already have level 3 construction).
Drop a builder on the large rock and they will begin to chisel away. Drop other builders as necessary.
Once the builders are done you will have a giant idol.
Puzzle 15
This puzzle requires level 3 construction and level 3 science as well as a master builder and the golden child.
Once you have the required technologies, drag a master builder to the area between the food bin and the temple, and keep dropping him/her until they "see" something buried.
If you've found the right spot they will start to dig.
Once the dig has started you can drop other builders there to dig as well.
The puzzle is solved when the builders unearth a treasure chest.
Puzzle 13
This is the golden child puzzle. All of the other puzzles remaining cannot be solved until this one is.
The golden child puzzle requires that the lagoon has been filled (puzzle 5), the idol has been built (Puzzle 12), Level 3 fertility, and a nursing mother.
Once all conditions are met, drop a nursing mother into the lagoon.
The golden child will appear, 5 years old and looking like a miniature Buddhist monk.
The golden child can do all sorts of magical things, like bringing the berry bush back to full berries and throwing kicking parties in the village.
Puzzle 14
After you water the flower patch you will notice butterflies have appeared and wander around the scenery.
Drop the golden child into the flower patch and wait for the butterflies to follow him.
Puzzle 10
This puzzle requires that the golden child be born (Puzzle 13), the flower patch watered (Puzzle 9), and the butterflies to be attracted to the golden child (Puzzle 14).
Once the butterflies are following the golden child in the flower patch, pick up the golden child and drag him to the orange/yellow plant at the top of the area, halfway between the lagoon and the medicinal cactus.
The butterflies will pollinate the strange plant and the puzzle complete.
Puzzle 16
This requires the golden child (Puzzle 13).
The golden child will roll away that boulder that your other villagers have been trying to move.
There's no way to make the golden child do this, you just have to wait until he feels like doing it.
Once this is done you can drop a villager into the open cave and get a preview of the second game, Virtual Villagers: The Lost Children.
Posted by: grinnyp
April 15, 2012 2:02 PM
Virtual Villagers: Origins Walkthrough Part III (Technical)
These are the technologies in the game which can be purchased for tech points. Tech points are earned by researchers on the science table. The more researchers you have working, the more you will accumulate. The higher their level (trainee, adept, master) the more points they will generate.
Tech points can also be purchased as a microtransaction.
Level 2 Farming costs 6,000 tech points and enables your villagers to plant vegetables in the plot below the research table.
Level 3 Farming costs 100,000 tech points and enables your villagers to fish (after solving puzzle 6).
Level 2 Construction costs 5,000 tech points and enables your villagers to clear the lagoon blockage.
Level 3 Construction costs 160,000 tech points and enables your villagers to restore the temple ruins and carve the idol.
Level 2 Medicine costs 15,000 tech points and allows your villagers to live longer, pushing the age that they become elderly to their early 60's.
Level 3 Medicine costs 500,000 tech points and allows your villagers to live longer, pushing the age that they become elderly to their late 60's.
Level 2 Science costs 24,000 and increases the amount of tech points earned at the research table.
Level 3 Science costs 300,000 and increases the amount of tech points earned at the research table. It is also required to carve the idol.
Level 2 Fertility costs 22,000 and makes it easier for your villagers to have children.
Level 3 Fertility costs 480,000 and makes it easier for your villagers to have children. It also enables you to produce the golden child.
Level 2 Spirituality costs 5,000 and allows the villagers to open the graveyard to bury their dead.
Level 3 Spirituality costs 160,000 and allows the restoration of the temple ruins.
Food Supplies
There are a variety of ways to feed your villagers. There is a large berry bush above the village, but it is a finite resource.
Villagers can grow vegetables in a plot of ground, but this requires level 2 farming.
Villagers can eventually fish, but this requires the level 3 farming and the solving of puzzle 6.
Mushrooms will also pop up unexpectedly, they can be gathered by children and brought to the food bin. Only children can collect mushrooms. Children will not automatically collect mushrooms, you must pick up a child and drop it on the mushroom to collect it.
Each food source supplies a different amount of food "points". If your supply of food drops below 300 your villagers will worry about food and will wander away from their tasks.
If your food supply drops to 0 for too long, your villagers will start to die of starvation.
Food points are as follows:
Berries - 2 to 12 points. In the beginning harvesting will bring in large amounts (11 to 12 points) but it will soon settle down to 2 points for each trip to the bush.
Mushrooms - Gray mushrooms are worth 8 food points, red mushrooms are worth 45 food points. Mushrooms can only be harvested by children.
Crops - Vegetables from the garden are worth 7 food points. The garden will regrow every 2 hours (2 x speed) or 4 hours (regular speed).
Fish - Fish are worth 9 food points. These can only be gathered after level 3 farming is bought and puzzle 6 is solved.
Crabs - Crabs are worth 55 food points. These can only be gathered by master farmers who are fishing.
The game includes some new extras that can be purchased with excess tech points.
Two of the extras are available under the Technology screen, the rest are available under the villagers' Details screen (there's a button called "Upgrade Me").
The "overall" extras (those that affect the entire game) are:
Time Warp - 50,000 tech points. Time warp moves time forward 3 hours.
Island Event - 30,000 tech points. Island Events are random, but you can forcibly cause one using this button.
The "individual" extras (those that affect only one villager at a time) are:
Grant Youth - 50,000 tech points. This will de-age a villager by 35 years.
Grant Full Mastery - 100,000 tech points. This will immediately make a villager a master in a particular skill.
Grant Running - 40,000 tech points. This will create a villager who has "running" under their likes column in the details section. Villagers who have this like are called "runners" and will finish tasks around 3 times faster than normal villagers.
If you are impatient and want to move more quickly through the game, there are some micro-transactions available under the Menu/Upgrades that can be purchased.
Tech Point Doubler - $0.99 - doubles the amount of tech points produced at the research table.
Food Point Doubler - $0.99 - doubles the number of food points that go into the bin. Mushrooms become worth 16 points, vegetables 14, etc.
100,000 Tech Points - $0.99 - one-time purchase gets you 100,000 tech points.
250,000 Tech Points - $1.99 - one-time purchase gets you 250,000 tech points.
500,000 Tech Points - $2.99 - one-time purchase gets you 500,000 tech points.
Posted by: grinnyp
April 15, 2012 2:03 PM
Virtual Villagers: Origins Walkthrough Part IV (Puzzles)
Puzzle 1 - I Need a Drink
Requires: One trainee builder.
Once the food starts coming in you will need fresh water for your villagers.
Above the huts there is a large berry bush. To the right of the berry bush is a covered well.
Find your builder, and drop them on the covered well. They will uncover the well and voila, fresh water.
Puzzle 2 - Gimme Shelter
Requires: One adult villager (trainee builder).
You should have already started your trainee builder on the half-completed hut at the beginning of the game.
If not, find your trainee builder, set their preferences to building, and drop them on the first hut foundation.
The foundation looks like a slab of wood leaning against a sawhorse.
Once the hut is complete you have completed puzzle 2.
Puzzle 3 - Keep it Clean
Requires: At least one builder (any level).
Look at the left side of the beach and you will notice wood that is scattered there. This is the wood from the raft that carried your villagers to the island.
Drop a builder on the wood and they will start to clear it away. NOTE: You can use as many builders as you want to finish the task.
Once the wood is completely cleared away this puzzle is finished (this is also necessary for puzzle 6, fishing).
Puzzle 4 - Getting Schooled
Requires: Master Scientist.
The fourth puzzle is the school.
Once someone has become a master scientist, drop them on the long hut just above the research table.
The master scientist will turn that hut into a school. Once the school is built kids will inherit some knowledge from their parents.
Puzzle 5 - Mystic Lagoon
Requires: Construction level 2.
Once you have level 2 construction, drop a builder on the rocks at the far upper left corner of the area, above the dry patch of ground.
The builder will start to remove the blockage.
When the blockage is removed water will rush into the dry area and form a lagoon.
Puzzle 6 - Who's for Sushi?
Requires: Puzzle 5 (The Lagoon), Farming Level 3, Master Farmer.
This is the puzzle for learning to fish.
Once you have all of the requirements, drop your master farmer in the lagoon. The farmer will proceed to look for a fish.
Watch when the farmer leaves the lagoon. If they have the fish, let them go ahead to the bin. If they don't have the fish, drop them back into the lagoon.
Eventually the farmer will get the fish, and take it to the food bin.
When this happens you will be able to fish in the ocean. Your tribe's fertility will also go up.
Puzzle 7 - Rest in Peace
Requires: Level 2 Spirituality, dead villager.
A dead villager will appear as a skeleton lying on the ground above the school hut.
Drop an adult villager on the area in the upper right, above where the healing lily flower is.
The villager will then collect the skeleton and bury it in that area, and a headstone will pop up.
Once this is done once the villagers will bury their dead automatically.
Puzzle 8 - Dr. Herb and the Medicine Show
Requires: One adult villager.
Pick one of your villagers and go to their detail screen.
Set the villager to "healing" in their preferences.
On the left side of the screen, to the left of the large white rock, is a plant that looks like a cabbage. Drop the "healing" villager on this plant and wait for him/her to study it. It might take more than one try to get them to study the plant.
Once the cabbage looking plant has been studied, pick up your villager and move them to the top of the screen, to the left of the large boulder.
There you will find a plant that looks like a cactus. Drop the villager on the cactus and have them study the plant.
Once you get the text that indicates the plant has been learned, pick up the villager and move to the right side of the area.
In the upper right area, directly to the right of the well is a small, purple/white flower. Drop your villager on the flower to study it.
Pick up your villager again. Still on the right side of the scene, move down until you can see the pile of white rocks on the beach. Above that area, directly to the right of the food bin, is a small red rose.
Drop your villager on the rose and wait for him/her to study it.
Once all four plants have been studied and learned, the puzzle is complete and your village will have herb mastery. You can now train healers by checking the healing preference and dropping them on the cactus to learn healing.
Puzzle 9 - In Bloom
Requires: Puzzle 5 (The Lagoon), trained builders of any level.
There is a patch of ground on the right side of the area, between the medicinal rose and a large rock.
Kids often are curious about this patch of ground, as are adults.
Drop a builder on this area. The builder will go over to the lagoon to get water to water this patch.
You must have solved puzzle 5 and opened the lagoon, well water is not pure enough for this task.
The builders will keep watering the area until it blooms with beautiful flowers.
Puzzle 10 - Strange Fruit
Requires: Puzzle 13 (The Golden Child), Puzzle 9 (The Flower Patch), Puzzle 14 (Butterflies).
Drop the golden child into the flower patch on the right side of the village.
Once the butterflies are following the golden child in the flower patch, pick up the golden child and drag him to the orange/yellow plant at the top of the area, halfway between the lagoon and the medicinal cactus.
The butterflies will pollinate the strange plant and the puzzle is complete.
This plant is the fruit of life. Have your villagers eat it and they live longer.
Puzzle 11 - Mini-Stonehenge
Requires: Level 3 Construction, Master Builder, other builders.
Puzzle 11 involves the pile of white stones on the right side of the beach.
Drop your master builder on the rubble and they will start to restore the temple.
Once the master builder has started the work, you can drop any builder (even untrained ones) onto the site to restore the temple.
When the construction is completed you will have something that looks like a miniature Stonehenge.
Puzzle 12 - Isola Idol
Requires: Puzzle 11 (The Temple), Level 3 Spirituality, Master Builder.
This is the giant rock on the left side of the island, just below the lagoon.
Solving this requires that puzzle 11 has been completed, as well as level 3 construction and level 3 spirituality.
Once the temple has been restored (puzzle 11), buy level 3 spirituality (you should already have level 3 construction).
Drop a master builder on the large rock and they will begin to chisel away. Drop other builders as necessary.
Once the builders are done you will have a giant idol.
Puzzle 13 - A Bad Eddie Murphy Movie
Requires: Puzzle 5 (The Lagoon), Puzzle 12 (The Idol), Level 3 Fertility, Nursing Mother.
This is the golden child puzzle. Many of the later puzzles require this one completed first.
The golden child puzzle requires that the lagoon has been filled (puzzle 5), the idol has been built (Puzzle 12), Level 3 fertility, and a nursing mother.
Once all conditions are met, drop a nursing mother into the lagoon.
The golden child will appear, 5 years old and looking like a miniature Buddhist monk.
The golden child can do all sorts of magical things, like bringing the berry bush back to full berries and throwing kicking parties in the village.
Puzzle 14 - Pretty Butterflies!
Requires: Puzzle 13 (The Golden Child), Puzzle 9 (The Flower Patch).
After you water the flower patch you will notice butterflies have appeared and wander around the scenery.
Drop the golden child into the flower patch and wait for the butterflies to follow him.
Puzzle 15 - Digging in the Dirt...
Requires: Level 3 Construction, Level 3 Science, Master Builder, Puzzle 13 (The Golden Child).
Once you have the required technologies, drag a master builder to the area between the food bin and the temple.
Draw an imaginary line down from the food bin, then draw another imaginary line left from the temple. The area you are looking for is where those imaginary lines intersect.
Start dropping your builder on different spots in that area. Eventually he/she will "see" something (Is there something buried here?)
If you've found the right spot they will start to dig.
Once the dig has started you can drop other builders there to dig as well.
The puzzle is solved when the builders unearth a treasure chest.
Puzzle 16 - Like a Rolling Stone
Requires: Puzzle 13 (The Golden Child).
The golden child will roll away that boulder that your other villagers have been trying to move.
There's no way to make the golden child do this, you just have to wait until he feels like doing it.
Once this is done you can drop a villager into the open cave and get a preview of the second game, Virtual Villagers: The Lost Children.
Posted by: grinnyp
April 15, 2012 2:06 PM
Virtual Villagers: Origins Walkthrough Part V (FAQ)
Help, I have no food!
If the berry bush has been stripped and you still don't have the ability to farm the vegetable garden, look around for mushrooms and have a child collect them. Mushrooms can extend your food supplies.
I have the vegetable garden, my villagers are still starving!
The vegetable garden will sustain a village of up to 12 people easily. Anything over 12 and the food will go down faster than you can bring it in. If you still can't afford level 3 farming and you have too many people, hunting for mushrooms can keep your villagers alive between crops.
My villagers can fish, and they're still starving!
In that case you need to assign more villagers to farming. Even with an unlimited supply of food in the ocean, if you're not bringing it in fast enough you risk starvation. Make sure as the population goes up to assign more farmers.
How do I solve puzzle 5? Or puzzle 13?
Check out the walkthrough, part IV of the walkthrough is all of the puzzles, in order, and how to solve them.
Hey, how old can these women have kids? I have a 65 year old with a child!
In this game the women continue to have children right up until they die. Be careful to take them off of parenting when they get in their 60s.
But what happens if the 65 year old with the nursing child dies?
If a nursing mother dies of old age, the baby dies with her.
I've got level 3 of farming, why can't my farmers fish?
Did you clear up the driftwood on the beach? Until that is done, your farmers cannot reach the water to fish. Did you drop a master farmer in the lagoon to get the magic fish? Have you solved puzzle 5 and opened up the lagoon?
What's with the events? What choices do I make?
Island Events happen randomly and come in two types: those that have a choice and those that just occur. Those that have a choice can be either helpful or fatal depending on the event. There is a fairly comprehensive list of various events in the walkthrough for the PC version of Virtual Villagers: A New Home.
How can I stop the golden child from throwing parties? All of my villagers keep leaving work to party!
Sorry, there's no way to stop the little devil from throwing a party in the middle of the village. Yes, it's annoying.
How do I get the golden child to move the boulder?
There's no way to force him to do it, he will do it when he feels like it. Probably after throwing another party.
How long does it take to build a hut?
That depends on how many builders you have working on it, which hut it is, and what "speed" you have the game set to. There are three speed options, 2 x speed, normal speed, and 1/2 speed.
I went away for a day and I came back to find a bunch of skeletons! What gives?
Virtual Villagers: Origins runs in "real-time", which means that even when the game is off time passes for your little villagers. If you did not have adequate food supplies and left them alone for too long, they probably starved to death. When you are going to leave for long periods of time (a day or more), it might be best to set the game at "pause" to prevent tragedies like this.
How do I make time go faster in the game?
If playing at 2 x speed is still not fast enough, you can purchase an option called "Time Warp" with 50,000 tech points. Time Warp leaps the game forward 3 hours of playing time.
Is the game just like Virtual Villagers: A New Home?
Pretty much, yes. This is the full version of Virtual Villagers: A New Home, with a few upgrades such as the ability to upgrade your villagers and the microtransactions that can buy tech points.
My villagers keep getting sick, what do I do?
Make sure that at least one of your adult villagers is trained as a doctor. To train a doctor you need to set their preferences to healing, then start dropping them on the medicinal cactus at the top of the village. Eventually they become a trainee and will heal villagers when they become sick.
I'm trying to train a doctor, but he keeps running away from the plants!
Check the villagers' preferences, he may dislike herbs, or flowers. If he dislikes those things, he's never going to study the plants needed to become a doctor. This also goes for folks who dislike wood or stone (they won't train as builders), and folks who dislike carrots, turnips, fish, or swimming (they won't become farmers).
What do I do now that I've solved all of the puzzles?
You can keep your little village alive indefinitely, they are really fun to check in on and watch. Especially if the golden child is throwing another party.
Posted by: grinnyp
April 15, 2012 2:08 PM