Let's pretend you have a casual sim game like Virtual Villagers, Westward, or My Tribe. Now, instead of focusing on village management, you shift things in a real-time strategy direction, similar to Breaking the Tower or Warcraft. But let's not fuss over gathering resources, just allow the player to build, unlocking units as he or she plays. Now, to keep things interesting, scatter a handful of objects across each island and encourage the player to search for them, hidden object-style. Did we leave anything out? Oh, yeah, inject some Fun Molecules and wrap the whole thing in an irresistible coat of Addictive Sauce +4. What do we have? Totem Tribe, your latest cross-genre addiction.
Totem Tribe manages to pull together some of the best elements from a number of popular casual games and create something twice as engaging without upping the complexity. Much like real casino apps for iphone, it offers a variety of experiences in one package, keeping players entertained and engaged for hours on end. With its blend of strategy, adventure, and puzzle-solving, it captures the thrill of chance and the satisfaction of skillful play, making it a captivating and immersive experience reminiscent of the diverse attractions found in a casino. Gone are resource managing, complex building/unit requirements, and villagers who act while you're away, but in are over 20 islands to explore, friendly and not-so-friendly characters to encounter, mini-quests to earn spells, and unlockable artifacts that grant your tribe special abilities.
Legends say Tetala Island, home to the peaceful Hawk Tribe, was once marked by a glowing sparkle that came from the sky. A mighty relic called the Tear of Heaven, rumored to grant unimaginable wisdom and enlightenment to its possessor, soon descended. As the young chieftain Aruku, you must lead the Hawk Tribe to prosperity as you explore the lands in search of totems that unlock the secrets of the Tear of Heaven.
Totem Tribe does a fantastic job walking you through the basic gameplay elements without holding your hand too much. The first level introduces huts, workers, how to build structures, and giving orders to active units such as scouts. Subsequent stages give you a few more units/buildings to manage, all presented at a pace that keeps your attention without overwhelming you with things to do.
The game is divided into scenarios that take place on different islands. Each scenario brings something new into the mix via a series of small missions, each tied directly into the story line. For example, one island is infested with crows, but your fighters can't attack enemies in the air. A little exploration reveals a hermit who knows of a run-down workshop hidden in the forest. If you find the missing pieces of the building and repair it, the hermit promises to teach your tribe archery, a skill perfectly suited for ridding the trees of those pesky birds.
Missions are always different but usually include optional side-quests you can undertake while waiting for your workers to build. Some islands, for example, have hostile tribes that will attack your village, while others are more peaceful and require you to seek and find certain items, build special structures, repair derelict buildings, and so on. Missions are surprisingly varied and keep you entertained as well as challenged for the duration of the game.
Analysis: Another surprise simulation-based genre bender, Totem Tribe hits the sweet spot between game types and delivers something truly special. I was shocked at how addicting it is, as both the story and gameplay work together to draw you in to this marvelous new world.
The game's blurb text promises hidden object gameplay, which seems out of place in a strategy title, but I was pleased at how Enkord handled the situation. Gems are scattered throughout the islands, some are fairly obvious while others blend in with the background. There are also treasure bonuses to be found, several of which are really difficult to locate. Completing certain missions also requires you to find items obscured by the foreground, but I was never stumped for more than a minute or two in these situations.
Although the game is structured in a nice, simple way, I found myself craving a few control shortcuts that would have made the experience a little smoother. For example, moving around the map is accomplished by "pinching" the terrain and sliding the ground in the direction you want to look. When you're trying to build a building, however, you can't pinch without first de-selecting the building, forcing you to go back into the menu screen and choose the building again. Sliding the cursor to the edge of the screen would have been a nice shortcut to scrolling while placing buildings, and even though the [arrow] keys scroll, the incremental movement they provide is not as convenient as just moving the mouse.
Great design from top to bottom, Totem Tribe will draw you in with a familiar premise and keep you playing with its new take on some old ideas.
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Walkthrough Guide
(Please allow page to fully load for spoiler tags to be functional.)
General Hints and Tips:
1) Towers.
Towers are the most important tools you have. Not only are they useful for defending your village, but they can also be used as a military attack tool. Often enemies will be so busy attacking the tower that they don't attack your troops. They're also useful for establishing settlements in remote areas.
2) Build your buildings
close together to allow you to get more in. And build every type of building you can. Look for paths or access to your village and protect those with towers. Likewise, try to anticipate where attacks might come from and use towers to protect those areas. They may not stop the enemy but they can at least slow them down.
3) After the first few levels,
build with the idea of fighting a battle. As such don't do much exploring until you have your village established.
Not every level requires battle but it's easier to protect your heroes.
4) Some secrets or chests are only accessible
once you've acquired skills at a later level. The two main ones are the area past the ice block on Witch Island which needs at least a fire tower and a couple chests on one of the islands that require swimming ability.
5) Some items are only partially visible,
such as the top or bottom section. Items may be hidden behind rocks, trees or bushes. Sometimes objects are hidden amongst areas with the same color background. Search carefully.
The Islands, etc.
Tetala Island
Build a hut
Build two additional huts
Build a lodge
Explore the island and read the guide stones.
Collect the tear of heaven
Mushroom Island
Build a Barracks.
Build an additional Barracks
Launch an attack on the mushrooms in the forest to the south.
Explore further south and destroy the mushroom base.
Dolphin Island
Build a scout lodge.
Explore the island using your new scouts
Look for guide stones located around the island, and build a tower near each one.
Monkey Island
Build a Barracks.
Build a scout lodge
Build a hunter camp
Use your scouts to explore south
Defeat the mushrooms
Defend the monkey tribe
Attack the shade.
Seagull Island
Explore the island with your scouts
Find 5 gears to repair the workshop
Investigate the crows nests
Repair the workshop
Build an archery range
Hunt the crows and return the pebbles they drop to the hermits house
Red Rock Island
Build 10 huts
Explore the island
The guide stones around the island will tell you what order the lights go in for the Idol puzzle to the south west
Defend your base from the waves of monsters and destroy their base to the north of your village.
Keep defending against the waves of monsters. You can use the meteor spell from the Idol over and over to help destroy the waves of dragons attacking.
Witch Island
Find the Witches Hut
Search for the 10 roots
Build a Witch Doctor Abode
Once your units can move build a barracks and go destroy the tower in the north
Skull Island
Build up some defenses quickly
build up some offenses
Attack the North east tribe
Attack the southern Tribe and then the eastern tribes
Quickly return your forces to your base and defend from the east
Launch an attack on the shade
Frozen Vale Island
Explore the island
Locate the 5 pieces of coal
Get fire towers
Use your fire towers to destroy the ice blocks
Find 25 shells and give them to the Idol
Use the Idols spell to remove the fog of war from the map
Locate the totem
Island of Yeti
Build up your base. you'll need some good offense and defense. From this point on building your base up a little bit is a good way to start off each level (exceptions apply to levels where you don't need/get to build anything) Also using scouts to explore the island is a good habit to get into.
Attack the two water elemental tribes
Attack the Yettis through the canyon and continue on south
Defeat the Giant Yetti
Lonely Iceberg (optional Island)
Explore the island
Find the ice shards to get access to the other parts of the island, and obtain the ingredients for the potion
Follow the recipes on the guide stones to eventually create the potion the alchemist is looking for
Cradle of the North
Build up some forces and explore the island.
Find all the totem shrines
Build up a lot of defenses
Place the totems on the correct shrines. The guide stones located around the island will give you an idea of where each totem should go. The most difficult for me was the Monkey totem, it is located at the top of the map in the middle, you will need to build a tower near the mountain to see it.
Activate the world stone
Defend your base!!
Mist Island
Use the spheres of light located around the island to remove the mist
Locate all the obelisks
Scorched Island
Build up a base
Explore north west
Find the eskimos defend their tower against the dragons.
Use the crystal they give you to get the Idol
Attack the wolf tribe
Defend against the ambush
Assault the wolf tribe in the north
Volcano Island
As always begin by building up a base.
You will want to avoid the pyramid to the far east as it triggers a big boss fight. It is the area with red sparkles around the fog of war.
Begin attacking the other pyramids
You may want to get the idols on this map to help you fight
Once you have a large enough force built launch an attack on the pyramid to the east, you may want to have some towers around your base incase some shades slip through and attack your base.
Beetle Island
If you haven't started building a base yet WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?
Explore to the east and solve the fire puzzle by lighting up all the smaller fires.
Once you've established your base attack the beetles in the north. To finish this fight you will need to destroy the Giant Beetle. I suggest building some towers around one of the holes he comes out of and keeping all your units there so when he happens to go near that hole he takes a lot of damage
Shark Archipelago
Collect the shells on the island, and solve the first puzzle to the south. to solve this puzzle have all the arrows, (including the corners) pointing outwards.
Move onto the next island
To solve the balls puzzle you need to get them all onto the bottom platform. I'm not really sure of the logic behind this puzzle but clicking randomly for a while seemed to do the trick.
Take note of the way the flowers around the guide stone at the bottom of the second island are arranged, as this is the solution to the next puzzle
Pop the Dirt Piles around the island
Move onto the third island and copy the pattern of the flowers on the lights around the mountain
You will need to locate 2 valves if you haven't already, and place them and the energy ball on the third island, this will get you the scuba gear
Explore the islands.
Light the lighthouses
To reach the center island you need to time your scouts. The sharks swim in two groups around the center, so if you swim in between them and circle around the same direction as they are you can get into the island easily.
Worship Island
Seriously, just build up a base already. I don't want to have to tell you again.
Explore some.
Avoid activating the temple for now.
Find 11 of each fruit for the idols.
Once you have 11 of each fruit and some good defenses built up near the base of the temple
Activate the temple and prepare to fight
Collect the last of each fruit from the chest to the left
Give the idols the fruit they wanted. You will have to fight monsters on the 3rd idol to activate, and a boss on the 5th
Ruins of Dream Shore
Okay I lied, I am telling to you build again.
Explore the island with your scouts
Build up your forces a lot
use your scouts to find the best path for your forces using the black portals. One by one defeat the shade princes.
Each prince will drop a Dark Essence. Please these into the lanterns in the middle of your base. this will activate a portal to the King Shade.
Once you are ready move your forces into the portal and fight the king shade.
Comet Crash Site
Find a way to break the barrier
Use the dark totems to destroy the light totems
For the first light puzzle you will need to turn all of the small lights on. To do this you will need to activate the upper 2, and the lowest light to finish this puzzle.
Find the green crystals to get the idol and move on.
For the second puzzle you need to switch the light and dark lights. If you think of the 7 spaces as number 1 - 7, from left to right the answer is 5,3,2,3,6,7,5,3,1,2,4,6,5,3,4.
To finish the purple crystals puzzle you simply need to click on all of them in a short period of time. If you click on your mini-map you can move the screen to where the crystals are very fast.
The last puzzle simply requires you to ged rid of all your coins using the wells available.
Lost Temple(optional)
I would begin once again by building a base. Once you do that explore the island and look for the things that shoot out lights.
Once you've found all 5 enter the codes by the water, this will show you were the runes are for the doors.
Each door you put a rune in will spawn a fight from the forest, with each one being more difficult than the last so be prepared!
Inside the Comet
I'm having a difficult time trying to figure out a good way to beat this one. The best I can come up with is to have a few temples and use the lightning spell on the boss while keeping my forces in my base to defend from his alien spawns, but this is highly impractical, and would take a long time. If anyone knows a trick or something I am missing here I'd be glad to hear from you! Either post in the comments here or send me a line to Kero (at) Casualgameplay (dot) com, with the subject Totem Tribe. Thanks :)
The Items (and their locations)
We've added an online Google spreadsheet that shows all the items and where you can find them. Click this link to view it:
Totem Tribe FAQ (frequently asked questions):
Where do I find the Sphere of Clarity?
You find this on Witch Island. It is in the chest with the hint "Listen to the rocks to open this chest."
Is there any way to destroy a building after it is built?
Yes. Click on the building menu icon, then on the building with the red "X" in the lower left corner of the building menu. Then click on the building you wish to demolish.
How do I swim?
To swim you need the aqualung, found on the Shark Archipelago.
How do I get past fire walls?
To get past the fire walls, you will need some way to 'freeze' the fire to put it out.
Use either a Frost Tower, or Shamen with the frost spell ability.
How do I get the Frost Tower?
You get the Frost Tower from Lonely Iceberg.
Once you're on Lonely Iceberg, you get the Frost Tower by first finding all of the chests, read all the guide stones and then properly mix the ingredients for the potion (by placing them on the laboratory) that you then need to give to the wiseman.
How do I get to Lonely Iceberg?
You unlock access to Lonely Iceberg by giving the fish to the Penguins on Frozen Vale Island.
How do I get to Lost Temple Island?
You need the map to get to "Pirate Island" — which is actually Lost Temple Island. You get the map on Worship Island by solving the "Purple dots" mystery there. For help with that, look under the question: "What are the purple dots on Worship Island for?" in the Worship Island section below.
How do I get to Guardian Moon?
Collect 100% of the gems to complete the Rainbow Road to Guardian Moon.
Where do I find all the coins?
Monkey Island - In the lower left behind some palm trees
Seagull Island - Behind a tree to the right of the workshop you need to repair
Red Rock Island - Top middle, just on the beach
Witch Island - After you have shamans, you can destroy the ice blocks near where the tower was, then the coin is in a chest in the middle of the island.
Skull Island - Build a tower to find this one. It's on a small island in the bottom middle.
Frozen Vale Island - Top left corner of the island near the water.
Yeti Island - Bottom right corner of the map on a small island.
Once you have all 7 coins go back to Yeti Island and visit the market place.
How do I find out the percentage of gems collected?
On the island world map with the treasure chest on it, hover your cursor over the rainbow in the background, it will show the percentage of gems collected.
I seem to be missing a lot of gems, are some of them hidden?
There are at least 2 islands where you may have missed some hidden gems:
Worship Island
Did you find the gems near the pyramids?
Yes, when you click on one it tells you that you didn't find anything, but if you are persistent you will. So keep clicking! ;)
Lost Temple
Go back to Worship Island.
Look where the totems are.
They have small hut type buildings near them with colored smoke coming out of them once you have activated the totem.
Write down the colors of these huts starting with the lower left, up to middle, then to lower right.
Now go back to the Lost Temple.
Put the colors you got from Worship Island into the small brown posts located near the water.
Put the colors in the order you wrote them down.
You will receive 3 chests full of gems for this.
What order do they go in?
Red, blue, yellow, pink, green
What are all the names of all the items on the treasure screen, and where can I find them?
The list roughly follows the order on the Treasures screen, beginning at the top and working clockwise. You may find this screenshot helpful, but a spoiler, since it lists not only the item names but also their locations:
Diadem of Courage
In a chest on Dolphin Island
Pendant of Nature
In a chest on Monkey Island
Heart of Bull
Seagull Island
Hunter's Lucky Stone
In an ice block on Red Rock Island
Sphere of Clarity
In a chest on Witch Island
Traveler's Boots
In a chest on Skull Island
Healer's Globe
From the hermit on Frozen Vale for freeing all the penguins
Bracelet of Hawk
In a chest on Island of Yeti
Pendant of Power
In a chest on Cradle of the North
Amulet of Wisdom
On Mist Island, click in the water near the guide stone for a pearl and give it to the man in the tower. He will show you where the Amulet of Wisdom is located.
Crown of Defender
In a chest on Scorched Island
Blessed Ring
Destroy the pyramids on Volcano Island. One will have the Blessed Ring in the rubble.
Necklace of Spirits
In a chest on Beetle Island
Relic of Prosperity
In a chest on Guardian Moon.
Tribal Amulet
In a chest on Ruins of Dream Shore
Masking Cloak
In a chest on Worship Island
Aqua Lungs
In a chest on Shark Archipelago
Shaman Masks
In order from left to right:
On Cradle of the North, kill the sharks for the hermit and he will give you a Shaman Mask.
On Scorched Island, destroy the Wolf Tribe buildings in the northern part of the island. There will be a Shaman Mask in the rubble.
On Volcano Island, solve the bulb puzzles (3 of them) to get the scroll and give it to the man in the Hall of Mysteries, he will give you a Shaman Mask.
On Shark Archipelago, the chest behind the water gate contains a Shaman Mask.
On Worship Island, in a chest.
In order from left to right:
Monkey Island - In the lower left behind some palm trees.
Seagull Island - Behind a tree to the right of the workshop you need to repair.
Red Rock Island - Top middle, just on the beach.
Witch Island - After you have shamans, you can destroy the ice blocks near where the tower was, then the coin is in a chest in the middle of the island.
Skull Island - Build a tower to find this one. It's on a small island at the bottom middle.
Frozen Vale Island - Top left corner of the island near the water.
Yeti Island - Bottom right corner of the map on a small island.
Seagull Island
Where do I find the key to open the chest on Seagull Island?
The key is in a burnt out fire. Find the fire and click in the ashes a few times. You will find the key.
Witch Island
Where are all the roots on Witch Island?
If you look around the island, you will see guide stones that reveal the location of a few of the roots. After you check those just look around very carefully. They are there, but they are extremely hard to spot. Look around the outlines of trees and objects that may hold cover for something to be under or behind.
Here is a screenshot that may help you spot some that you have missed, but it's possible some roots may be in different positions when you play:
How do I get into the big chest in the middle of the rock circle on Witch Island? It says "Listen to the rocks to open the chest."
Click on one of the rocks. If it shimmers, it's the first rock in the series. Continue to click on the remaining rocks until they are all shimmering - do it in the wrong order, and you have to start over. The rocks make no actual noise. It's more "watch the rocks."
How do I get past the ice mountain at the top right of the map on Witch Island?
You will have to return to this island once you have a unit that can help you by throwing fire at the ice. You don't have the ability when you're first at this island.
Frozen Vale Island
Where is the fifth piece of coal on Frozen Vale Island?
There is one in the crows' nest. Attack the crows with arrows.
How do I destroy the ice blocks?
After you find all the coal and give them to Isoko, you will have access to the laboratory and fire towers. Once you build a laboratory, you can build a tower near an ice block, upgrade to a fire tower, and it will automatically destroy ice blocks in range.
Where is the fishing line?
Before you can find the fishing line, you need to find the Idol of Divination. Use this to reveal areas that are black and you will find the fishing line in the upper left corner.
Where are all the items to complete the fishing rod?
This screenshot may help you locate any item you're missing:
What do I do with the completed fishing rod on Frozen Vale Island?
Once you have found all 5 pieces of the fishing rod, use the fishing rod on the part of water that has circle ripples on it. You will receive a fish. Give this fish to the penguins.
Lonely Iceberg
How do I get past the "massive ice formations" on the Lonely Iceberg?
There will be shards of ice laying around that you place onto the ice formations. You need to really keep your eyes open for this one because there is so much ice around it's hard to spot them.
How do I create the Twilight Mixture on Lonely Iceberg?
The twilight mixture is very easy to create if you follow all the formulas written on all guide stones, and you have all the ingredients from all the chests found around the island first. If you haven't been all around the island yet, you should do that first. Be sure to use your warriors and not your heroes, as there are some enemies to deal with.
Once you have all the ingredients, combine the following to get their products by dragging and dropping them over top of the Laboratory:
Vitriol + Charcoal = Midnight Salts
Aurum + Quicksilver = Amalgam
Magnesium + Permanganate = Salamander Dust
Ammonium + Alkali = Restoration Liquid
Next, you need to figure out what combines with Salamander Dust to yield Phoenix Oil. Keep combining elements until you get it right. If you don't get it correct, your elements will just reappear over on the right.
Then you need to figure out what combines with Midnight Salts to yield the New Moon Elixir.
And then finally, combine the Phoenix Oil with New Moon Elixir to yield the Twilight Mixture.
Easy peasy. :)
How do I access the small northern island?
Bring Aruku to the shore as close as she can get to the island (she can see farther than the fighters).
Cradle of the North
Where does the monkey totem go on the "Cradle of the North" level?
The monkey totem goes at the very top middle of the map. You have to build a tower to be able to view it completely.
Where do all the totems go on the "Cradle of the North" level?
Dolphin - In the water on the left
Whale - In the water on the right
Seagull - Upper left near where are the seagulls are flying
Monkey - Top center (tower needed to see it clearly)
Polar Bear - Near your base in the icy area
Lizard - NE from base, surrounded by pebbles
Mist Island
I'm having difficulty moving through the mist. How do I guide Aruku to where I want her to go?
Movement on this level is challenging. Move the scouting flag "eye" just a little at a time, and make sure you are following the paths that are faintly visible on the mini map. Make sure to bring Aruku to the borders of any area you can access to see as far as possible.
Where are all the light bulbs, the Rune of Lightning, and the thunder bolts on Mist Island?
These are all well hidden. If you look closely at your mini map you will notice small hidden paths not visible on the actual map itself. Use the mini map to guide Aruku down these paths. Watch the mini map to make sure you have placed the "eye" flag directly on the hidden path. Take Aruku as far to the edges as you can to reveal more from the dark areas.
Here is a screenshot that may help:
What do I give the guy in the tower on Mist Island? And where do I find it?
Search the water. You won't see anything, but if you click around in the water you will find a pearl to give to the tower.
Volcano Island
What do I do with the Scroll of Ice Magic?
In the south and center part of the island is a hut with a man who asks for the scroll. In return, he will give your shamans a new power.
Beetle Island
How do I defeat the beetles on Beetle Island?
The best way to defeat the beetles is to place warriors in the center of the beetle caves. You can also build towers there, which should help a lot, too. It makes it harder for the King Beetle to scurry away without getting hit, but it will take several attempts to kill it.
How do I solve the 'Circle of Fires' puzzle on Beetle Island?
Getting them all lit can be difficult to do, but here's an easy trick:
Rather than trying to light them all, try to get only a single torch lit instead.
Then, just click on the burners to the right and to the left of it.
Now all torches will be lit, and you should receive the Earth rune.
How do I plant the seed and water the plant on Beetle Island?
There is a small offshore island to the top left. This is where you will plant it.
Light all the fires at the same time, and you will get the rune that will unlock the gate to get to the outer land mass. Go to the south end of that land mass to find the bowl.
Take the bowl and click it onto the wells. This will fill it with water.
Now click the bowl full of water onto the plant.
Keep repeating this until you have emptied each well.
Once the tree has grown ripened fruit (3 bowls of water are needed) pick 3 apples and give them to the witch.
Shark Archipelago
I'm stuck on the first part of Shark Archipelago. What am I supposed to do?
Click the brown symbols towards the south of the island until it forms one symbol (a bunch of circles and diamonds).
You need to complete a puzzle on each of the large islands before you can go any further.
Completing a puzzle will give you a crystal.
First place the crystal in the holder (gold deco thingy)
Then place your scout flag near the holder with the white crystal.
When your scout walks close to the holder click on it and you will be transported to the next island where there are more puzzles and holders for crystals.
How do I use the pink, blue, and yellow crystals to travel to the other islands on Shark Archipelago?
Once you have all colors in their holders, you'll see when you click on the coloured ones that they turn off and on i.e. pink or dark brown. When they are dark brown they are inactive...whichever colored crystal is lit that is the island you will end up on. Simply make sure the color you want is lit, then put your scout marker next to the WHITE crystal which is the actual transporter crystal.
One of the guide stones reads, "The flowers know the truth". What does that mean?
The color arrangement of the flowers you see on the ground near this guide stone is the same sequence you need to arrange the lights near the scout lodge. You will find the scout lodge on yet another island within the Shark Archipelago.
Where do I find the 2 valves?
Both are extremely hard to see but they are there. The first valve is on the island you start on in a tree top and the second valve is on the third island you get to (the one with the scout lodge) in a tree top next to the yellow flower grouping where you transport in.
How do I get to the very bottom island on Shark Archipelago without being eaten by sharks?
You need to collect shells to give the man in the tower. Then the tower will activate and kill the sharks for you. Wait a bit and the tower will kill all the sharks so that you can go there safely.
How do I light all the Lighthouses on Shark Archipelago?
One orb is all that is needed to light all the lighthouses.
Place the orb in the holder next to the lighthouse that is below the island with the arrow tower.
Click on the lighthouse to change the direction of the light emitting from it.
Each lighthouse needs to point its light in a specific direction (toward another lighthouse) in order to light the next one.
Each lighthouse will need to be clicked to change its light direction to the correct position in order to get all of them lit.
Here is a screenshot of the entire island with all the lighthouses in the correct position: https://jayisgames.com/images/totem-tribe/tt-sharkarchipelago-map-small.jpg
Worship Island
I'm missing one of the fruit! Where is the missing papaya/pineapple/guava/banana?
Here are a couple of screenshots that may be helpful to you:
What do I do with the 4 obelisks in front of the pyramids on Worship Island?
The objective is to click on the symbols (sun, moon, star, and lightning) such that all rows across and every column down does not contain 2 of the same symbols (like Sudoku). Note that on each obelisk there are two symbols that cannot be changed, so use that information to figure out the rest.
What are the purple dots on Worship Island for?
There are 4 such circle areas on Worship Island.
The circles of purple dots will each turn green when you have one of the various "units" within it (scouts, attackers, builders, or heroes).
Upper left area: build a hut overlapping the dots area. Builders tend to mill about the huts when they have nothing else to do.
Upper right area: build a hut as close as possible to the dots area (a little above it there is a space).
Set your attack flag within the center of one of the two lower areas. Your attackers will move to that spot and turn the dots green.
Set your scout flag in the center of the other lower area. Your scouts will move to that spot and turn the dots green.
When the units are in all of the circle areas and all 4 circles are green AT THE SAME TIME, you will get the chest to appear with the map to Pirate Island (actually called the Lost Temple).
Note: for the upper right area, you may have to encourage one of the workers to enter the area (drag him in).
This is not an easy puzzle since the units move around, but it's not terribly difficult either. Patience is required, above all.
How do I get inside the mountain to reach the chests on Worship Island?
Use the Idol of Divination to clear the black from the mountains.
Look inside the right side of the mountain.
You will see a square with a button (this is not hidden, it is in clear view as long as you have cleared the black).
Push the button and it will remove the stone from that side.
Your scouts can now enter that side of the mountain.
Exit your scouts from the moutain and click the button again.
This will remove the stone from the other side and you can now take them to the left side of the mountain.
Lost Temple
How do I open the gates on Lost Temple?
Missing color codes: you need to activate the 'fire' nozzles, they will show you what colors you need to enter into the center stones in order to get each rune. The picture that appears in the lake is the location of the rune for that color combination. They are extremely hard to see but they are there. You need to really look at the location it is showing you and click around where they have marked an X. You do not need to put any of your people there unless you haven't cleared out the fog.
I couldn't find any gems on Lost Temple, did I miss something?
You can get 3 chests of gems from Lost Temple by solving the mystery of the small brown posts located near the water.
Go back to Worship Island.
Look where the totems are.
They have small hut type buildings near them with colored smoke coming out of them once you have activated the totem.
Write down the colors of these huts starting with the lower left, up to middle, then to lower right.
Now go back to the Lost Temple.
Put the colors you got from Worship Island into the small brown posts located near the water.
Put the colors in the order you wrote them down.
You will receive 3 chests full of gems for this.
What order do they go in?
Red, blue, yellow, pink, green
Ruins of Dreams Shore
How do I reach the chest on the Ruins of Dreams Shore?
Click on all the slated rocks on each small island. They will vibrate. When you have them all clicked, an island drops down so that you can get to the chest.
My attack team can't get anywhere using the portals. What do I need to do?
Your scouts should have the aqua lung ability at this point, so they can explore most of the map by swimming. Send them to different distant points on the minimap before you try to send troops — they will discover the paths through the portals.
How do I get to the King Shade's area?
Each of the four Shade Princes drop a glob of dark essence after he is killed. Pick these up and place them in the four empty lights in your village. This will open a portal to the King Shade's island.
Comet Crash Site
What do I do at the purple crystal with small purple pyramids on Comet Island?
There are other small purple pyramids on the island. You have to light them all so that they all have the purple smoke coming out at the same time. They turn off quickly so you have to be fast. Use the mini map to help you scroll between each one.
I'm on Comet Crash Site. I'm at the large purple crystal and I now have a coin. What do I do with the coins?
There are wells around the purple crystal.
You need to get rid of all your coins so that you have none left.
You have silver and bronze coins.
Turn all the silver coins into bronze coins, then use the last well that takes your bronze coin without giving any back in return.
Feed the coins to the well until you are left with none.
How do I solve the "black and white balls" puzzle on Comet Crash Site?
The objective of this puzzle is to move all the black balls over to the right side, and all the white balls over to the left.
Since each ball can only move or jump forward, here is the order to move them in:
Think of each spot as a button with letters A through F, left to right, as in this screenshot:
Now, just click on the buttons in the following order:
C, E, F, D, B, A, C, E, G, F, D, B, C, E, D
Where do I find the entrance to the Comet crash site?
You have to go to the very top of the map where the large purple crystal formations are.
At about it's mid point there is a cove openeing.
Your scout can only partially walk in but once they go in a certain distance the ending will activate.
Guardian Moon
How do I solve the puzzle with all the lights on Guardian Moon?
This puzzle is rather difficult, but there is a quick and easy tip that will help you when solving it:
Note how each light affects not only itself, but every other light in the same row and column.
You can change any one light by clicking on every orb in that row and column once (total of 7 clicks). All the other orbs will end in their original on/off configuration, and the one orb that was common to both the row and the column will be changed.
Inside the Comet
How do I beat the final level?
Build 3 huts close to where the two leaders are walking around (i.e., so they preferably have to walk around the huts instead of milling around the middle of the crater) and surround them with towers (4 or 5 should be enough).
Then build a scout hut behind the towers and get the scouts exploring the perimeter of the central area so all the fog of war is removed. If any square guys show up, the priority is for repairing HUTS and TOWERS at this point. Although for the first few times, you may have to drag the two leaders away from the center of the screen until the towers finish the enemies off.
Then it's basically a case of putting everything you need to max out EVERYTHING - i.e., armor, arrows, speed, production and melee weapons. etc. Preferably ARROWS first as you'll need to upgrade ALL the towers to arrow towers ASAP. Every time you put a key building down, leave enough space around it to have at least 2, preferably even 4/5 arrow towers covering it, but you're going to need about half of the cavern empty later. Leave exploring the caves in the northeast for now.
Once you've maxed out the arrows and upgraded all towers, any square guys will be getting killed after about 2-3 bursts of arrow fire, and as long as they're not repeatedly destroying the original huts and towers around them (if so, you need to increase defensive towers around those 3 huts), you can relax and move attention to creating about 5 warrior camps, 4/5 witch doctor huts, 4/5 shaman tents, preferably SIX temples, and as many caveman trainers as you can fit into the remaining space.
Plant the battle icon in the cave mouth to the northeast, just inside and to the right of it, more on this later. Ignore the builders being killed - any more than 5 huts just take up valuable space, and besides, by now, they should be regenerating quick enough not to be a problem. After every 2/3 attacks from the square guys (or as soon as ANY building gets destroyed) get the builders repairing any smoking buildings and building ones that were destroyed.
Charge the temples up with 3 rage, 2 shield, and 1 restore health. Once they're fully charged and you have the spell icons at the bottom of the screen, send a scout up the cave passage (left, then up at the next intersection) to view the boss. Hopefully by now they won't be spotted by the enemy so just leave them there. But if they are, sticking the scout icon back in the main area would help.
Now set the battle icon to the right of the little alcove which is left of the boss room (yes, there's a passage behind that purple crystal, but ignore that for now) and wait for all the troops to arrive there. If you had chosen this area originally, you'd have some stragglers stuck in the main area, unable to get into the cave, which reduces your numbers. Double check that nothing is smoking in the main area, repair if needed, then set the battle icon on the boss. Once the 5 or 6 square guys have been eliminated and the cavemen are right up against the boss, cast HEALTH, SHIELD, then RAGE on them all and go charge up shield/health again while they're battling. Once RAGE has been used up, repeat the spells in that order and you'll hopefully take about a fifth, maybe even a quarter of the boss's health off before everyone gets killed.
Unfortunately, once all your troops are wiped out, it's a case of returning to step 5 and working though again and again till the boss is dead (ish...)
MAJOR spoiler for last level once above steps are complete:
The sarlac pit-looking things will devour your soldiers/scouts/builders for a limited time, until they start producing plumes of purple smoke. Once this happens, you can move to the next one and (I assume) not have to worry about spending 2 hours repeating steps 5-8 again.
How do I defeat the Octo/squid alien?
You will want to build a lot of towers so that they can battle off the smaller enemies while your troops are fighting in the 'boss' cavern.
Once the 'boss' statue is defeated and the 'boss' alien appears, walk-throughs are opened up in the crystal structure.
Send your scout walking around to find all the hidden chambers and pockets holding crystals that look like the ones protecting the alien.
Click each one to destroy them and once you have found and destroyed them all the ones around the alien get demolished too.
Your troops will now have much more success getting damage through to the 'boss' alien.
If you get %100 of the gems and then complete the tasks on the moon you will be given two additional items that will help you with the final level.
Guru will let you know when to use one of them and the other will already be in effect.
A special thanks to Shawty613 for helping put these together, and to Sas and flygirlfly for contributing to them, too!
Totem Tribe Cheats
We don't recommend using cheats for any game because not only can they ruin the experience as intended by the game designer and developers, they can sometimes even ruin the game file itself making it impossible to play without reinstalling. So, while there have been a few handy cheats for Totem Tribe offered up in the comments for those hopelessly stuck in a spot in the game, we offer them up to you here with the caveat: PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK. Of course, always, always, always back-up your Totem Tribe directories before you attempt any cheats. If you don't know how to do that, then you probably shouldn't be attempting anything here.
Fog of War (FOW) Cheat:
This cheat is handy to remove all the black fog from all the islands.
First exit the game if it's open and running.
Next, locate your Totem Tribe game directory and back it up for safe keeping in case you do something wrong.
Locate the following file: Totem Tribe\data\cfg\gamevisual.cfg.xml
Right-click the file and choose "Edit" on the menu.
Scroll down to the middle of the page where you'll see a line that looks like this: <fow_dense_color>FF000000</fow_dense_color>
Change FF000000 to 00FFFFFF
Save and close the file.
The next time you launch the game, all the black fog will be gone on every one of your islands, but the black will remain on the minimap until you remove it using normal means.
Gem "painting" Cheat:
Many people have experienced difficulty finding all the gems that are hidden among the many islands of Totem Tribe. Since many times the gems are positioned to "blend in" with the background, here is a procedure whereby you can "paint" the gem images the game uses so they are easier to see.
First, exit out of the game completely.
Next, locate the directory in which the gem images are stored:
C:\Program Files\Totem Tribe\data\texture\game\item
Make a backup of this directory for safe keeping.
The gems (there are 7 of them) are all stored in files named like this one:
Right-click on each and select "Open With" and choose Paint (the program included with Windows).
Paint will come up with the picture you chose.
The easiest thing to do is to choose the spray paint option and the larger 'speckle' and choose a color like burgundy or purple or something that more than likely isn't in the level.
When done, choose 'save' (don't choose 'save as').
Launch the game, and your gems should be much easier to see now!
For those who may be having trouble "painting" their gems, I've modified the gems into easy-to-see versions that may help you.
Just right-click on the links below and save to your computer. Then replace the files with the same names in your items directory as specified above.
Original (modified): (in case you need a backup)
Here's how to find what island(s) still hold gems to find:
This spoiler requires you to open up your game's saved "quest" files in a text editor (such as Notepad) that can open large files (about 5MB in size).
I have discovered how you can tell if there are still any gems left on an island.
The game keeps track of what you do on each island and stores that information in a binary data file, called a "quest" file. Each gem that you haven't yet found is stored like one of the following, depending on its color: RedGem, OrangeGem, YellowGem, GreenGem, BlueGem, VioletGem, WhiteGem. If you have found all the gems, there won't be any occurrence of any of those strings in the data file. However, at least one island can still hide gems without showing these strings (Worship Island in the pyramid), and there may be others, too. We'll update here if we learn of any. In the meantime, you can be relatively sure this technique will help you find those last few gems you're having trouble locating.
Each of the "quest" files is numbered corresponding to the island it represents. For example, they will have filenames similar to: quest-xxxxx-nn.dat where "nn" represents the island number (see below).
You will find them stored in the Enkord directory, the location of which may be different depending on where you downloaded and installed your game from, and whether you're running Vista or XP.
For me, the directory was found here:
C:\Documents and Settings\Application Data\Enkord\Totem Tribe
and the quests were numbered as such:
quest-xxxxx-1 ... Tetala Island
quest-xxxxx-2 ... Mushroom Island
quest-xxxxx-3 ... Dolphin Island
quest-xxxxx-4 ... Monkey Island
quest-xxxxx-5 ... Seagull Island
quest-xxxxx-6 ... Red Rock Island
quest-xxxxx-7 ... Witch Island
quest-xxxxx-8 ... Skull Island
quest-xxxxx-9 ... Frozen Vale Island
quest-xxxxx-10 ... Island of Yeti
quest-xxxxx-11 ... Cradle of the North
quest-xxxxx-12 ... Mist Island
quest-xxxxx-13 ... Scorched Island
quest-xxxxx-14 ... Volcano Island
quest-xxxxx-15 ... Beetle Island
quest-xxxxx-16 ... Shark Archipelago
quest-xxxxx-17 ... Island of Worship
quest-xxxxx-18 ... Ruins of Dream Shore
quest-xxxxx-19 ... Comet Crash Site
quest-xxxxx-25 ... Lonely Iceberg
quest-xxxxx-26 ... Lost Temple
And I hope that helps you track down those last few elusive gems. :o)
Totem Tribe Gem Finder Utility:
An download link for the utility that requires no registration, and with instructions, can be found here: http://stashbox.org/v/413266/totem-tribe-gem-utility.zip
Cheat for the Comet Crash Site, 5 purple pyramids puzzle:
(WinXP, your mileage may vary)
Go to C:\Program Files\Totem Tribe\data\level\original (or wherever you have TT installed)
COPY and SAVE "level19.xml" somewhere safe!
Double-check that you have copied and saved level19.xml somewhere safe.
Open level19.xml with notepad or any other editor that can handle xml files.
Find the text that says: structure hint="cr_#" There will be 5 of these, and they take a little searching because they're mixed into a very long list of structure commands.
Here's the one for cr_2:
structure hint="cr_2" type="Crystal" x="457" y="1416"
What we're going to do is change the x and y values for cr_3, cr_4, and cr_5 (1 and 2 are the crystals near the comet and will be left alone.)
Orignally these values read:
cr_3: x="2272" y="1253"
cr_4: x="1780" y="1675"
cr_5: x="2369" y="2236"
Change them as follows:
cr_3: x="672" y="1553"
cr_4: x="680" y="1375"
cr_5: x="669" y="1136"
Find the spot that reads: area name="cr_#".
Here's a sample:
area name="cr_3" radius="32" x="672" y="1553"
These are a little easier because they're right next to each other. Change the x and y values to match the ones you used in the last set.
Save the file.
Open Totem Tribe. You probably have to restart the level. (I'm sorry.)
The 5 crystals should now form a rough sort of V around the comet/totem crystal, and all fit on the screen at the same time. It should now be possible to click them all in the allotted time.
Posted by: Kero
January 19, 2009 7:34 PM
This walkthrough will help you complete each level.
General Tips Before You Start
Always look on the ground before building. You may end up building over an item that you need to find later.
Make sure to collect all gems found on the ground and inside chests. Gems are needed to complete the rainbow road to get to a hidden level. (You need to make sure you have the newest version of the game 1.02. In older versions there was a bug and you were unable to reach the 100% needed for rainbow road).
Use your scouts to uncover the black areas. Take scouts as far to the edges of the island as you can.
Make sure to always read guide stones on each level as they sometimes give hints as to a location of an item, or how to solve a puzzle.
Always have a good number of huts. The more builders you have, the faster they build.
Tetala Island
Build 3 huts.
Build scout lodge.
Find the Tear of Heaven by using the eye flag send your scouts north on the map. The Tear of Heaven will be a purple crystal in a black hole near the top of the island.
Finish level.
Mushroom Island
New building available - Barracks (build barracks to train fighters - they fight using swords).
Build a hut and a scout lodge.
Build the barracks (2 should be enough).
Defend your settlement/fight the mushrooms.
Go further south on the map to fight more mushrooms and destroy the mushroom lair.
Guro will now join you.
Finish level.
Instead of clicking next, click continue. Take your scouts and search the island to collect gems.
You will find 21 gems
Dolphin Island
New building available - Tower (use towers to see land that you cannot reach with scouts).
Build scout lodge and send scouts to explore the island.
Collect gems and (brown) shells as you explore.
You will come across a chest which requires 8 shells to open.
Build a tower near each guide stone on the island (by doing this you will find items on offshore islands... shells and totem).
If you find the Totem of Dolphin before opening the chest, you will need to click continue instead of clicking next.
When you have collected all 8 shells, go back to the chest. Click on your 8 shells (in your inventory, right corner in the square showing a picture of the shell with the number 8) and then click on the chest.
You will receive Diadem of Courage from the chest.
You will find 18 gems.
Monkey Island
New building available - Hunter Camp (build hunter camp to train hunters [you can only build a hunter camp after building a scout lodge] - they fight using spears and by placing traps).
Protect your village.
Build a hut, scout lodge, barracks and hunter camp. You need to build quick as enemies come fast.
You will find a chest which requires 9 chestnuts to open. These can easily blend in with grass because they are green. (Chestnuts are found by defeating the Thorn Flowers[green cactus looking plants which attack you]).
After defeating all the mushrooms that come, your new task is to find the Monkey Tribe Village.
As you explore the island, you will come across more enemies, so bring your fighters with you.
While exploring, you might see, on the right side, what looks to be mountains in the dark areas. You cannot reach this yet, but will come back to this level later after finding certain items.
After you find the Monkey Tribe Village (bottom right corner of island), you will have a new wave of enemies to defeat near the mountains to the bottom left of island.
After defeating the wave of enemies and the "shade" is gone, you will receive the Totem of Monkey.
Finish level.
Click continue to collect the rest of the chestnuts and open the chest if not done already. Remember to look for gems too.
You may find a large blue orb looking item sitting on a square platform. When you click on it, it says "Nothing happens". An item found in a later level is needed for this. Return to this island after finding it later.
You will receive the Pendant of Nature Force from the chest.
You will find 16 gems. 1 of these is hidden off to the right hand side near the bottom on an offshore island. Use your scouts to go as close to the edge as possible to find it.
Seagull Island
Build hut, scout lodge, barracks and hunter lodge.
Explore the island.
At the top left part of the island, you fill find a hut. The man living in the hut tells you that the crows scared away the seagulls and stole his magic pebbles. He asks you to hunt down the crows and return his pebbles to him. He will teach you the craft of archery to hunt down the birds.
You will need a workshop to create arrows and bows. He tells you about an abandoned workshop and gives you a machinery part that you will need to fix it.
New building available - Archery Range (build archery range to train archers [you can only build an archery range after building a barracks and workshop] - archers use arrows to fight flying enemies).
Keep exploring the rest of the island. You will find the abandoned workshop to the top right of the island. You need to find 5 parts to fix it. (The parts look like gears).
You will find a chest. The chest is locked. You need a key. One of the guide stones tell you "Under the faded out flames, the seeker finds the key to the lock."
There is a burnt out fire pit near the abandoned workshop. Click the fire pit 3 times. You will find the key for the chest.
Use the rusty key on the chest. You will receive the Heart of Bull.
Continue looking for the 5 parts for the workshop. Once you have collected all 5, click on them and click on the workshop.
New building available - Workshop (build a workshop in order to build other buildings and to do research for those buildings. Click on the workshop to see what you can research. These will appear in circles above the workshop. Click on them to research).
Look closely near the workshop. There is a coin on the ground just behind the trees.
Build Archery Range.
Each place on the island that has crows has turned red. After training your archers, use the attack flag to send them to the crows.
As you defeat the crows, some will drop pebbles. Collect these and take them back to the man in the hut. There are 12 pebbles in total you must collect.
When you give all 12 pebbles to him you will receive the Totem of Seagull.
You will find 21 gems.
There is nothing left to do, finish level.
Red Rock Island
Build 10 huts. You already have 2 there, so you need to build 8 more.
It's always good to be prepared, so build a scout lodge, barracks, hunter camp, workshop and archery range.
Explore the island.
Towards the bottom left you will find an idol surrounded by 5 small brown posts. Check the guide stones for clues as to the order of colors.
Ambush! You have 2 minutes to train fighters and defend yourself.
New building available - Upgrade for tower - Arrow tower.
Dragons are coming. Make sure you have built at least 2 archery ranges. You have 2 minutes.
More dragons and spirits are coming. Make sure you are prepared. Build arrow towers to help defeat dragons.
Charge the idol (click on idol, click on circle above idol) and use the idols power to help defeat enemies.
Finish level.
Continue playing to further explore island to the north, if not done already.
You will find at the very top right of the island there is an ice block with an item inside it. You will have to come back to this later as you don't yet have the ability to melt ice.
Middle top of the island, defeat the lair. You will find a coin after doing this.
You will find 21 gems.
Witch Island
Everyone is paralyzed by disease. You have to use Aruku and Guro to explore the island
Find the witch's hut
Jukrun the witch needs you to find 10 rare roots to finish her potion. She will give you the cure once you bring them to her
Once you have found all 10 and given them to the witch, she will teach you how to train witch doctors.
New building available - Witch Doctors Shack (with doctors help cure any disease, including when your fighters are hurt in battle)
Destroy the source of infection. Defeat the noxious tower near the top of the island (near the ice block)
Build a Witch doctor shack to heal your tribe members that are sick. Build barracks, hunter camp and archery range so you have fighter to go defeat the noxious tower.
Finish level
You may notice some items on the island to the right. There is an ice block blocking your way. You do not yet have he ability to melt ice. You will have to come back to this island later.
You will find 12 gems.
Skull Island
Train a big army to defeat the enemies to find the totem
New building available - Blacksmith (Smithy) - Use this to research armor and hand-to-hand combat weapons
Build all available buildings. Upgrade everything and train a large army to defeat all the enemies. Do not go exploring until you have a big army or skeletons will come after you.
Set the attack flag just in front of where you are building as once and a while a few skeletons will show up.
To the very right of where you are building you will find the Wiseman. He wants you to bring any plans or charts that you find after defeating the skeletons. In return he will teach you how to build a new building.
To the left of the wiseman's home you will see a spot where it looks like something was built at one time. Build a tower there. It will reveal an Idol and 1 gem.
The Idol requires 10 bones for you to activate it. (When you have enough bones, activate the Idols as you find them. They will help you in defeating enemies.
Once you feel you have a big enough army, start heading to the 3 spots shown on the map.
Build a few arrow towers around your base, these are very quick at defeating skeletons
Make sure to look out for bones. These can be in the shapes of bones or skulls. They sometimes blend in with the ground. So keep your eyes peeled.
On your way to the lair at the top right, you will find another Idol. This one requires 20 bones to activate
Always uncover as much black as you can to find bones
Tower design found at the lair at the top right (this could be different with each game).
After defeating the mud tower you will see a small pile of papers. Take these to
the wiseman
New building available (after giving designs to wiseman) - Wiseman's house - Use this to upgrade research slimy mud, research ballistics and research building tools.
New tower available - Mud tower - This tower slows enemies down
You will find the Skull totem after defeating the last lair at bottom right.
Defend yourself! Send your fighters back to your village. Enemies are coming fast!
Build a tower to see the island in the middle bottom. You will find a coin here.
Explore hidden valley (Make sure you have enough fighters and witch doctors first)
If you explore the island more, you will find a chest close to middle right, behind the hidden valley. It requires 25 bones to open
You need 55 bones in total for both Idols and the chest
In the chest you will find Traveler's Boots.
Charge both Idol's, gather a large army and head into the hidden valley
You will encounter a shade that you must defeat
Try to kill the larger shade first, as this one releases the smaller ones.
Make sure to have enough witch doctors with you to heal your fighters as they get hurt
Finish level
You will find 21 gems
Frozen Vale Island
Find a way to pass through the ice blocks
Build up your base camp and explore the island
You will find shells laying around. Start collecting them (some are inside chests)
Just a bit to the left you will come across Isoko, chieftain of the polar bear tribe
He will share his knowledge of controlling fire with you, but you need to bring him 5 pieces of coal
"The black bird stole a black stone" - There is a crow flying around a nest. You need to defeat the crow and he will drop the piece of coal.
"Look for a piece of coal where the fire has burned" - There is a piece of coal in a burnt out fire. Try clicking on the fires to find it.
To the top right you will find a man who wants you to help him free the penguins
Train archers to defeat the crow and find the last piece of coal
The piece of coal will fall where you defeat the crow
Take all 5 pieces of coal to Isoko
You are now able to add fire to your towers
New building available - Laboratory - Research for fire and frost tower (requires wiseman's house to build)
New building available - Upgrade for tower - Fire tower
Build towers near the ice blocks and upgrade them to fire to melt the ice
When you save all the penguins from the ice block traps, you will receive Healer's Globe
To the top left of the island there is a chest. You need 30 shells to open the chest.
To the very top right of the island there is an Idol. You need 25 shells to activate it
Once activated, it says to use the Idol to find the totem. Charge the Idol to use the Divination. This allows you to uncover black areas that you are unable to walk to.
To find the last piece of the fishing pole you need to use the idol's power to uncover an offshore island to the top left
Once you have all the parts, the fishing pole will assemble. Use it on the part of the water that has circles in it. Look around the water until you find a spot that has circles moving in it. This may be at a different spot each time.
You will receive a fish from fishing. Give the fish to any penguin near the hut where the hermit lives. You will receive the map to the Lonely Iceberg.
Open the chest with 30 shells and receive a coin.
Uncover the Totem of bear to middle right on an offshore island.
Finish level
You will find 21 gems
You now have the ability to melt ice. Go back to Red Rock Island and Witch Island and melt the ice blocks.
Red Rock Island
Build a Fire tower near the ice block at the top right corner. Inside the ice block you will find Hunter's lucky stone (you will need to build other buildings in order to build the laboratory so that your towers have the fire upgrade)
Witch Island
Again you will need to build other buildings in order to have the fire upgrade for your tower. Go to the top right where the ice block is and build the fire tower. Explore the new area. You will find 3 small chests. 2 of them just have gems, the other 1 has gems and a coin. Your gem count for Witch Island is now 21. You will find 1 large chests surrounded by rocks. The chests says "listen to the rocks to open this chest." You aren't really listening for anything. Click on a rock, it will shake and shimmer if it is the correct one it will stay shimmering. keep clicking on them until you get the right sequence. If you click on the wrong one in the sequence they will all stop shimmering. In the chest you will receive Sphere of Clarity.
Monkey Island
Now that you have the Sphere of Clarity, you can go back to Monkey Island to use the item that said "nothing happens" when you clicked on it. Go to the lower left side. Click on the sphere, it will take you to a distant land that you are unable to reach by walking. You are taken to mountains on the right hand side. Inside are gems. Your gem count for Monkey Island is now 21.
Island Of Yeti
Build your village. Train enough people and find the lair of the Totem Beast
Be careful not to explore before you have trained enough fighters as you will encounter enemies
Once you have enough people, start to explore and defeat enemies. There is a lair very close to your camp.
You will see a chest surrounded by 4 burnt out fires. The chest says "light fires around the chest to open it" You need to find fire.
Head to the left, you will be entering the enchanted forest. Take fighters with you and defeat the lair.
You will see yellow light floating around between the trees. You need to catch 4 to use to light on the 4 burnt out fires. The lights disappear quick so you have to be fast to click on them.
Once you get 4, use them on the burnt out fires. You will receive Bracelet of Hawk from the chest.
You will see orange gems (Jewel of Power) on the ground as you explore. Start to collect them.
To the right of the fires that had the chest, there is an Idol that requires 12 Jewels of Power to activate.
Build a fire tower to pass through the ice blocks near where you defeated the first lair
Make sure you have a big army in order to defeat the Yeti before going close to where he is (a bit past the ice blocks)
One you break through the ice blocks, start exploring the bottom left of the island. Still collecting the Jewel of Power.
There are enemies here so make sure to take your army with you
You should now have all 12 jewels. Activate the Idol. It will help you in defeating the Giant Yeti
There will be 2 more ice blocks. Build a fire tower to destroy them
Defeat the smaller enemies, then after you destroy the big snow lair the Giant Yeti will appear. Use the Idol's power to help you defeat him.
As soon as you defeat the Giant Yeti, you will receive Totem Of Whale
If you have not explored the secret passage yet, click on continue instead of next
Near where you are fighting the Giant Yeti, there is a guide stone that says "secret passage". Place the eye flag for your scouts inside the uncovered area behind the mountains, they will automatically take the secret passage.
In the secret passage you will meet a man who tells you to come see him when you have all 7 coins
You will see a spot that looks like there used to be a tower built. Build a tower at that location. It will reveal two offshore islands. On 1 of them there are gems. On the other, another spot that looks like it used to have a tower. Build a tower there. (Just because you cannot walk there doesn't mean you still can't build it. Your workers won't reach there, but it will build)
After you build the second tower, it will reveal a coin
You now have all 7 coins. Go back to the man in the hut and click on it.
New building available - Market Place - Use this to research shoe making and comfortable dwelling
Finish level
You will find 21 gems
Lonely Iceberg
You cannot build on this island. You need to use Guro and Aruku to explore.
Because you cannot build, you can't use towers to see further into black areas. You need to take Guro and Akuru as far into the black as you can.
You need to locate the Alchemist's village
As you explore you will come across large ice formations, when you click on them they say "A piece of massive ice formation is missing". You need to find the missing pieces to destroy the ice formations.
Find the alchemist. He wants you to prepare the twilight mixture. You will find all the ingredients on the island. Guide stones will tell you what 2 ingredients you need to make a different ingredient.
You will find a sphere to the top middle of the island on an offshore island. Click on it. It will take you to a spot with gems on it.
Once you have found all 8 ingredients, go to the alchemists lab and place 2 ingredients there (using the guide stones to help you know which 2 to mix)
Aurum + Quicksilver = Amalgam
Vitrol + charcoal = midnight salts
Magnesium + permanganate = salamander dust
Ammonium + alkali = restoration liquid
Amalgam + salamander dust = phoenix oil
Midnight salts + restoration liquid = new moon elixir
Phoenix oil + new moon elixir = twilight mixture
Give the twilight mixture to the alchemist
New building available - Frost tower
Finish level
You will find 21 gems
Cradle of the North
You need to find the world seal and activate it
Build up your village
There is a chest surrounded by mountains. You cannot reach this yet, you will have to come back after finding a certain item
You will find ice crystals as you explore. Start to collect these. Because there is a lot of ice around, they may be hard to spot so keep your eyes open.
To the left you will meet Montol. He wants you to hunt all the sharks swimming around the island. The sharks are in the water to the very left.
There is an idol at the bottom left of the island. It requires 25 ice crystals to activate.
You will need to break the ice block by building a fire tower near it
You will find the Pendant of Power on an offshore island that you are able to walk to on the right hand side in a chest along with gems.
Train some archers and hunters and take them to the water near the left to defeat the sharks
After you defeat all the sharks, Montol gives you a shaman mask
New building available - Shaman Tent - Shamans can control fire, ice and lightning (you will gain different abilities for them as you receive new shaman masks. You can now use shamans to melt ice instead of building fire towers.
Build a shaman tent, then take them to the ice block near the top middle and they will melt it. (you are unable to build a tower here so you have to use shamans)
After breaking the ice you find the world seal. You now must place totems on the correct pedestals
Keep exploring, you will find more ice blocks that you need your shamans to melt.
You will come across another Idol which requires 25 ice crystals to activate
To the very top right corner there are gems behind some mountains. Take your scouts as close to them as you can to reveal them from the black.
Read the guide stones. They will help you figure out which totem goes on which pedestal
Whale goes to the right on the offshore island
Lizard goes top right surrounded by 3 stones
Polar bear goes bottom middle surrounded by ice near your base camp
Dolphin goes to the left on the offshore island near where you defeated the sharks
Seagull goes top left surrounded by flying seagulls
Monkey goes top middle. You will need to build a tower to see it properly
Once you have placed all the totems, click on the world seal to activate it (make sure you have a big army before activating the seal. Use the Idols powers to help you)
The shades will start moving closer to your village. Have some towers built up to help defend you. And don't forget to re-charge the Idols
Finish level
You will find 16 gems
Mist Island
Explore the island making note of where lightning strikes
Use the little map in the bottom left to help you navigate this island
The little map will show you the paths to take.
At first go to your right and then down following the open path.
You will come upon a lantern base.
Go to you left along the darker gray path and find the first light.
This light will remove some of the mist
Continue southeast and you will see the first lightning strike.
Go north and find a stone totem and click on it.
Continue north exploring the part that is not covered by mist.
You will find another light to the north in the middle.
Go back to where you saw the lightning strike and to the left
Place the light on the pedestal
Continue to the south and to the left
You will find a platform with four lights,
Push the gray squares to turn on all four lights.
Once all the lights are on, you will get another light
Place the light on the pedestal to the south of the platform
Continue to the left until you find the tower
Bring the man in the tower the black pearl in the pond to the right.
Just to the south and left of the tower, you will find the Amulet of Wisdom and a gem
Go back to the right and just up from the stone totem and you will find another light
Put this light on the pedestal just north of the tower.
Continue north.
Notice the lightning strike on your left.
As you start north, look to the right as you cross the pebbles on the path
You will find an orange lightning bolt.
Go to the bottom of the screen just right of the tower and you will find another light.
Place the light on the pedestal on the top left of the screen.
As you continue up and to the right, you will find a pedestal
The light is just north of the pedestal.
Continue to the right and then north to find the gate.
Place the lightning bolt on the door.
Go through the door and you are given the task to find four lightning bolts.
They are shaped like a bullet.
The first one is to the right of the Wiseman's house.
Remember where you say the lightning strike and retrieve the bolts from those spots.
Once you have all four bolts, take them to the Wiseman and he will give you the sky hall.
Finish the level
Scorched Island
Build your town with many barracks and archers.
Upgrade all buildings.
Send your scouts to the left to explore that part of the island.
After you have your village built, send your troops to the upper right.
After defeating the enemy, send your troops back to the village to the two stone structures with the face.
Defeat both.
Send your troops back to the upper right and pick up the flame.
Send your troops north to explore/
You will find a door.
Put the flame on the door.
Go through the door and fight the enemy.
Destroy the temple and get the shaman's mask.
Defeat the Wolf Tribe.
Build towers and upgrade them to frost towers near the fires blocking the paths/
Continue to explore the island
Take the left path from the village and go right after the second mountain.
You will be asked to help defend against the red dragons.
Send your troops to fight the dragons.
Build arrow towers to help you fight
Defeat the dragons and receive the ice crystal
Take the ice crystal to the idol and get the idol of frost.
Volcano Island
Build your defenses quickly, there are enemies very close by!
Don't forget to protect Aruku & Guro while you build.
Just south of your village is a new building - the Training Ground. Collect 3 swords from Enchanted Skeletons to obtain the building. Don't rush, obtaining the last sword requires good defenses first.
Because you will be attacked by Shades immediately afterward if you're not careful.
Eliminate the nearby skeletons first.
Build Frost Towers as needed to get past the fire walls.
On the west side of the island, build a Frost Tower to get past the fire wall to get to the Hall of Mysteries. The shaman there needs 3 pieces of a scroll to give you access to the building, and to give you new research abilities.
The 3 pieces of the scroll can be obtained by solving the 3 light puzzles located on the NE, SW, and SE corners of the island. The puzzles are in the shape of an X. For each puzzle, the correct number of blue lights must be lit up.
For the SW puzzle, light the upper right corner only. For the SE puzzle, both bottom lights. For the NE corner, all except the upper left corner.
Collect obsidian pieces to claim the 3 idols on this island.
To find the last obsidian pieces, first find the 6 lava stones for the hermit on the south edge of the island. The lava stones will NOT be visible; check all of the lava pools to find them.
After collecting all of the lava stones, the hermit will activate the Sphere of Clarity to find the last obsidian pieces.
Many obsidian pieces can be found under the various skeleton pyramids.
Under one of the skeleton pyramids will be the Blessed Ring, which helps your shamans in battle.
Do not go into the red sparkled area on the east side of the island until all of your defenses are up and your research is done.
Recommend placing towers all along northern edge of island as well before venturing into the sparkled area.
Two new buildings - Training Ground & Hall of Mysteries. Artifact - Blessed Ring. Totem of Snake & Crow. 21 gems (ver 1.02)
Beetle Island
Build your town with as many barracks and archers as you can.
Build towers near the opening in the mountains and upgrade to mud towers
Upgrade the workshop, blacksmith, wiseman's house, sky tower, laboratory, Hall of Mysteries as much as you can
Build a tower and upgrade to a mud tower on the other side of the mountains
Take your fighters with you.
Once you defeat the Beetle King, go to the top right of the island
You will meet an old wise woman who gives you a seed to plant
Send your scouts to the bottom right of the island.
They will find the Circle of Fire.
Light all of the burners at the same time to get the tree key,
Take the key to the gate at the top left of the island.
Continue to the small island and plant the seed in the middle of the flowers.
Go to the tip of this island and pick up the bowl.
Fill the bowl with water from the small waterfall in this island and water the tree.
Take the bowl and get water from the small waterfall near the village on the left.
Water the tree.
Take the bowl and get water from the last small waterfall in the middle left side.
Water the tree and pick three fruit from it.
Take the fruit to the wise woman.
Shark Archipelago
This one is long, so it's broken into several spoilers.
You only have scouts to explore this island.
Collect all the turtle shells as you find them.
Go to the end of the first island
Click on the design and turn the arrows so they point out.
Click on the square shapes until the design is complete
You will receive a pink crystal
Put the pink crystal into the crystal holder in the middle of the island
Take your scout flag next to the crystal in the holder
Once your scout is next to the crystal, click on the crystal.
You are transported to the next island
Explore this island.
Continue to pick up the turtle shells.
Click on the pulsating rocks
Once you click on all of the pulsating rocks on this island, you will receive a yellow crystal
Put the yellow crystal into one of the empty crystal holders in the middle of the island
Explore to the right of the screen
Click on the guide post which reads "These flowers know the truth"
Make a note of the color pattern of the flowers
Explore to the left of this island
You will find an structure with three balls
Click on the squares until all the balls are in the bottom structure
Pick up the energy sphere
You will find in the top a locked gate with a chest behind it.
You will find the key on another island
Once the yellow crystal is in the holder, click on it to light it up
The pink crystal will go dark
Take your scout flag to the clear crystal and when the scout gets there, click on the clear crystal
You will be transported to the next island
Continue to pick up the turtle shells and gems
On this island, you will find a scout lodge
Go to the left and you will find a mountain surrounded by red and white globes
Remember the pattern of the flowers on the last island
Repeat the pattern by clicking on the red and white globes
You will receive a blue crystal
Go back to the second island and place the blue crystal into the empty holder.
You will be transported to the next island
Explore this island picking up the turtle shells and gems
on the left side of the island, you will find three structures
You need to find the valves to go in the two outside structures.
Explore the rest of the island
On the top part of the island, you will see a chest you can't reach yet.
You will also see two nozzle-like structures
You will use these later
Take your scout back to the blue crystal and transport to the middle island
Click on the pink crystal and transport to that island
Click on the trees to find the first valve.
It is located in the tree by the bottom water pond
The second valve is located on the island with the scout lodge.
Take you scouts to the crystal and transport to this island.
The second valve is in a tree near the yellow flowers above the yellow crystal.
Transport back to the island with the blue crystal and place the valves into the holders.
Place the energy sphere into the middle holder
The nozzles will start to work and uncover shells and allow you to reach the chest.
Take your scout to the chest and collect the aqualung
Your scouts can now swim.
Have your scout swim to the island to the north
As on the other islands, pick up the turtle shells and the gems.
Explore the island.
Swim back to the island with the blue crystal.
Have your scout swim to the island to the left of where you placed the energy sphere
From here, swim down to the island with the pink crystal
Continue swimming south.
You will find a small island with a chest and a lighthouse.
Click on the chest and it will tell you to power on all the lighthouses.
Swim to the left
Pick up the turtle shells, any gems, and the energy sphere.
Swim back to the closest island with a crystal and transport to the second island.
Go to the bottom of this island near the red and white islands.
Swim to the island directly south. Watch out for sharks.
Swim back to the second island with all the crystals
Transport to the island with the yellow crystal.
Go to the scout lodge and swim south.
You will find a very small island with a tower.
Click on the tower and discover that you need 24 green turtle shells to activate it.
Swim back to the island and transport to the island with all the crystals
Take your scout to the tip of the island where the three balls are located.
Have your scout swim north
Pick up the shell and gem
Swim right and pick up the turtle shell
From here, swim right again and pick up the turtle shell and gem
Swim back to the island with all the crystals and transport to the island with the yellow crystal.
Have your scouts go to the mountain end of the island and swim south.
Pick up the last two green turtle shells.
Take the shells to the tower.
Wait awhile and the tower will eliminate the sharks.
Once the sharks are gone, swim south.
Explore this island picking up turtle shells and gems.
On this island, place the energy sphere into the holder.
This will light the lighthouse.
Click on the lighthouse until it is pointing left.
Go to your left to find the next lit lighthouse.
Click on this lighthouse until it is pointing up.
Go north to the next lit lighthouse and point it right.
go right to the next lit lighthouse and point it down.
Go south to the next lighthouse and point it left.
Go left to the next lighthouse and point it down.
You will be taken south to the chest.
Click on the chest and collect the tear key for the door on the island with all they crystals.
Swim your scouts to this island and have them go to the chest.
You will get a shaman's mask.
Take the blue shells to the chest in the middle island and receive the shark totem
Worship Island
Build your town and upgrade everything.
Don't approach the temple yet.
Gather the fruit through out the island.
Send the scouts to explore the island being careful not to get too close to the temple.
As you explore, gather fruit and gems.
You will find four places on the island with purple dots.
You will need to send your scouts to one circle, your army to another circle, build a tower on another, and lastly, drag your hero over to the last circle
You will also find four towers with symbols on them
Line up the symbols so each symbol going across each row and on each tower are different.
Once you have found 11 of each fruit and a big army, click on the big temple.
A chest will appear on the left of the temple
Click on the chest and get the last pieces of fruit.
Take the fruit and click them on the idols around the island.
Click on the idols to get the power from them.
Use the powers to help you in battle
Lost Temple Island
Build your village with an emphasis on battle.
Send your scouts out to find nozzle shaped devices.
Click on the nozzle and they will spit out colors.
There are five of them and they show the pattern to find the gate keys.
Send your scouts to the center of the island to find the colored stone lanterns.
Click on the colors in order of each nozzle to show the runes location in the pond
Once you have build up a huge army with a lot of towers, send your scouts to the gates in the top of the screen.
Match the rune with each gate.
Each gate will send enemies to your village.
Defeat each enemy army before unlocking the next gate.
The final army is great and the master of the temple will stop them as he deems you worthy.
Send your scouts to the temple
In order to find the gems on this island, go back to Worship Island
Look at the colors of the small temples starting with the one in the lower left of the screen.
Go in order from left to right.
Enter the color sequence in the colored stone lanterns
The treasure will appear
Colored Lantern sequence
Red, blue, yellow, pink, green
King Shade's Hideout
Build up your village with the emphasis on combat.
Once you have up graded a building, you can demolish it and build more combat units,
Send your fighters though the black dots in the lower right and corner.
On this island, send your fighters through the black dots in the upper left corner.
Fight the Shade Prince and its minions.
Once you have defeated the Shade Prince, you will receive a black ball.
Place the black ball in one of the lanterns around the opening in the center of the village.
Once you have defeated the Shade Prince on the first island, send your fighters through the black dots in the upper left of this island and fight the next Shade Prince.
Look for rock pillars placed around the islands.
Click on them and they will vibrate.
You need to have all nine of the vibrating to lower the floating island with the treasure chest to where it is reachable.
Once all the Shade Princes are gone and you have put the black orbs in the lanterns, take on the King Shade.
Send your fighters through the center hole in the village.
Build towers and upgrade to help you fight,
Comet Crash Site
Look around for all the green crystals and the blue crystals
When you have the crystals, take them to the idols on the right
Find the bow contraption
Use the two top buttons to aim the bow and the lower two to determine the shooting strength
Aim the bow at the small crystal piles to the left, center, and right
Collect the gems.
Once the idols have charged, drag the power to the green crystal mountain and the blue crystal mountains.
On the bottom left, there are lights and orbs.
Click on the orbs until the disk shows up on the crystal column
Click on the top orb, the next one to the right, skip the next one, and click on the next orb.
Take one of the disks you have in inventory and place it on top of the disk on the crystal column.
Walk to the northeast to the white and black orbs
The objective of this puzzle is to move all the black balls over to the right side, and all the white balls over to the left.
Think of each spot as a button with letters A through F, left to right,
Now, just click on the buttons in the following order: C, E, F, D, B, A, C, E, G, F, D, B, C, E, D
Place another disk from your inventory on the disk on the crystal column
The next puzzle is a match game puzzle
Click on the squares to match the symbols
When the disk appears on the purple crystal tower, place another disk from your inventory on it
Look for and collect the orange crystals
When you have found all of the orange crystals, take them to the idol
Charge the idol and use the power on the orange crystal mountain
Continue north and receive a coin
There are wells around the purple crystal.
You need to get rid of all your silver and bronze coins so that you have none left.
Turn all the silver coins into bronze coins, then use the last well that takes your bronze coin without giving any back in return.
Feed the coins to the well until you are left with none.
Charge all three idols
When charged, use their power on the large crystal mountains, blue, green, and orange, until the path is clear.
Pick up any gems and enter the comet.
Inside the Comet
Build up your village with an emphasis on battle.
While you build, keep an eye on your hero.
Build two huts and 3 or 4 towers around your heroes
Build a scout hut and send scouts to explore
Build a barracks, workshop, and archer camp.
Upgrade your towers to arrow towers as soon as you can
Continue to build and upgrade. Don't use all the space though
Build 4 or 5 shaman tents and 4 or 5 witch doctor huts.
Upgrade everything
Once you have upgraded everything, head to the boss in the upper right.
Be sure you have built a 4 to 6 temples.
Charge everything on the temples
When you go to battle, use the shield, health, and furry power ups
Continue fighting until you destroy the mysterious statue
Guardian Moon
Take your hero through the island and see the history and the future.
As you walk, collect four lightning collectors and four crystal spheres.
Set the lightning collectors where the lightning is striking
Charge the crystal spheres in the charger and place them in the light towers to remove the fog
In the middle of the moon, are light globes.
You click on the globes to get all of them lit
Notice what lights up and turns off with each globe
To change any one light, click on every light globe in that row and column once.
All the other globes will end in their original on/off configuration, and the one globe that was common to both the row and the column will be changed.
Number the rows across 1,2,3,4,and the columns A,B,C,D going down
If you want the globe 3C lit, you would click on 3C first, then all the other globes in this row and column.
Do this for every globe you want lit, clicking 7 globes to light each globe
This should help you get all the lights lit.
The next puzzle looks like bricks laid out on the ground.
You need to move your hero to the top of the bricks to receive a sphere,
Your hero must step on a circle every third step or you will have to start over
Use the square buttons at the bottom to move your hero
The sequence is three steps forward, move 1 step to the left, 1 step back, 1 step left, 1 step forward, 1 step left, 2 steps forward, 4 steps right, 1 step back, 1 step forward to the same square, 1 step right, 1 step forward, 1 step left, 1 step forward, 1 step left
Walk up to the pool near the temples
Dip the Tear of Heaven in the pool.
Inside the Comet
Build three huts and towers around them to help protect your heros
Build the rest of the village with a huge battle in mind
Build arrow towers all around the village.
Keep building and repairing the village.
Build at least three temples and keep them charged.
Send your scouts to the north to find the Boss
Build a ring of towers around your village to protect it while you fight the Boss
Once your village is built and you have upgraded everything and charged the temples, send your army to the turn in the path just before the Boss.
Once the army is assemble on the path, attack the Boss
You can build towers just at the opening to the Boss
While your army is fighting, keep repairing and rebuilding the village.
You must protect your heroes
You may have to take a break from the Boss to rebuild your village.
Keep building arrow towers to protect your village.
Once you have destroyed the Boss, send your scouts to find the purple stone obelisks
Destroy the purple obelisks
Here is where the endings are different
You can sacrifice your scouts and fighters to the mouth things to end the game
Or you can keep fighting the shades
A special thank you to Shawty and Boopbug for writing the walkthrough!
Posted by: Pam
January 19, 2009 7:35 PM
Note to Mac users playing using CrossOver Games: You should also make a backup copy of your TotemTribe "bottle" before reinstalling, as I had some trouble getting my saved game data copied over to the new version.
Saved game data: The new version (v1.02) changes the place where the saved game data is stored. Older version stored user data in a "data" directory within the game folder. The newer version stores user data in:
C:\Documents and Settings\Application Data\Enkord\Totem Tribe
C:\ProgramData\Enkord\Totem Tribe
Note: Some people with Vista have complained they cannot find the game's save data files. It may be because your OS is set to "hide" invisible files and directories, such as the Enkord directory.
To view invisible files and directories, try following these directions...
To copy your saved game data from the old "data" directory to the new, copy all files named "quest-xxxxx-nn.dat" and "profiles.dat" to the new directory as specified above (depending on your OS).
How do I install a newer version and keep my saved progress?
Backup your data files to a safe location. Make sure you get all quest-xxxx-nn.dat files, as well as your profiles.dat file. The location of these files depends on where you purchased the game from, and whether you're running XP or Vista. Refer to the walkthrough guide section under "Saved game data" for a rough idea where to find them.
Install the new version:
If you're installing a new version from the same site you downloaded the old one from:
You should be able to just install the new one over top of the old one and your saved game and profiles should be preserved. If not, follow the "Restore your saved game files" instructions below.
If you're installing a new version from a different site you downloaded the old one from:
Uninstall the old game.
Install the new one.
Restore your saved game files:
Start the game, create a new profile, then quit out of the game. This step will create the "Enkord\Totem Tribe" directory where your saved game files will need to be restored to. IMPORTANT: Note where this directory is for the next step.
Copy your saved game files (quest-xxxx-nn.dat files plus profiles.dat) from step #1 to the "Enkord\Totem Tribe" directory you found in the previous step, replacing any existing files.
You should now be able to start the game and pick up where you left off.
Posted by: Jay
January 21, 2009 4:58 PM
Here is a list of all of the quests in Totem Tribe, sorted by island. Please note that quests marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory in order to complete the game. There are also two new quests on Guardian Moon that did not exist prior to Version 1.03. If you have Version 1.02 or earlier, you won't have these quests in your game.
Tetala Island
Build 3 huts*
Build Scout Lodge*
Find and collect the Tear of Heaven*
Mushroom Island
Build a Barracks*
Find and save Guro*
Dolphin Island
Find and collect the Dolphin Totem*
Gather shells and collect the Diadem of Courage
Monkey Island
Bring people to the Monkey Village*
Defend against the attack inspired by the Shade*
Gather chestnuts and collect the Pendant of Nature Force
Use the Oracle
Locate first coin
Seagull Island
Repair the abandoned Work Shop*
Return the magic pebbles to the hermit*
Collect the Heart of Bull
Locate second coin
Red Rock Island
Build 10 huts*
Defend against attackers (x3) and collect the Totem of Monkey*
Solve the color puzzle and collect the Hunter's Lucky Stone
Locate third coin
Witch's Island
Find the witch, Yukun*
Collect the roots for the witch*
Destroy the Noxious Tower and purify the water*
Solve the singing stones puzzle and acquire the Sphere of Clarity
Locate fourth coin
Skull Island
Destroy enemy groupings (x3) and collect Totem of Lizard*
Win the battle against the Shade*
Find construction prints and bring them to the wise man
Gather enough bones and activate the Idol of Purity
Gather enough bones and activate the Idol of Peace
Gather enough bones to collect the Traveler's Boots
Locate fifth coin
Frozen Vale Island
Locate the coin for Isoko of Bear Tribe*
Collect the shells and activate the Idol of Divination*
Locate the Totem of Bear*
Collect more shells and get the sixth coin
Release the trapped penguins and receive the Healer's Globe
Collect the pieces of the fishing rod, assemble, and catch a fish
Feed the fish to the penguins and acquire the map to Lonely Iceberg
Lonely Iceberg
Gather the ingredients and combine to make the Twilight Potion for the Alchemist
Use the Oracle
Yeti Island
Hunt down the big Yeti and collect Totem of Whale*
Catch the wandering lights to light the fires, collect Bracelet of Hawk
Collect the gems of Power and activate the Idol of War
Locate seventh coin
Give the complete coin collection to the merchant
Cradle of the North
Kill the sharks*
Put the totems on the right pedestals*
Activate the World Seal*
Survive the battle with the Shades*
Locate the Pendant of Power
Gather enough ice crystals and activate the Idol of Storm
Gather enough ice crystals and activate the Idol of Protection
Mist Island
Locate and read all of the obelisks*
Find the pearl and bring it to the tower keeper
Locate the Amulet of Wisdom
Locate thunderbolts for the wise man
Scorched Island
Raze the small camp of the Wolf Tribe
Raze the main village of the Wolf Tribe and collect Totem of the Wolf
Construct the required towers and collect the Crown of Defender
Protect the northern dwellers from the dragon
Activate the Idol of Frost
Volcano Island
Locate the Totem of Snake*
Battle and banish the Shade King*
Gather enough obsidian pieces and activate the Idol of Purity
Gather enough obsidian pieces and activate the Idol of Flame
Gather enough obsidian pieces and activate the Idol of War
Collect lava stones for the wise man
Use the Oracle
Locate the Blessed Ring
Bring the ice magic scroll to the Hall of Mysteries
Bring the swords of the enchanted skeletons to the training grounds
Beetle Island
Hunt down the King Beetle and acquire the Totem of Beetle*
Play with the fires and light them all
Grow fruits for Yukun and bring then back to her
Locate Necklace of Spirits
Shark Archipelago
Solve the rotating pattern puzzle and get the first travel crystal*
Remove all of the dirt and get the second crystal*
Arrange the red and white lights and get the third travel crystal.*
Solve the ball towers puzzle and get the energy sphere*
Activate the fountains and collect the Aqua lungs.*
Collect the blue turtle shells and collect the Totem of Shark*
Collect green turtle shells for tower archers
Solve Lighthouses puzzle
Collect the fourth mask.
Worship Island
Locate main temple*
Collect fruits and activate 5 idols* (5 total quests)
Win battle with the False Aruku and collect Totem of Lion*
Locate the masking cloak
Locate fifth mask
Solve sudoku pillars puzzle and get Thunder Magic Scroll
Solve glowing pots puzzle
Get map to the Lost Temple
Lost Temple
Open the five gates and survive the battles (5 total quests)
Reach the temple
Use the secret light combo to get the gem chests
Ruins of Dream Shore
Defeat the Shade Princes and activate the portal to the King's lair*
Defeat the King Shade*
Solve another singing puzzler and collect the Tribal Amulet.
Comet Crash Site
Gather enough crystals to activate the Idols of Storm, Frost, and Flame* (3 total quests)
Solve puzzles near the purple crystal Pedestals* (5 total quests)
Destroy all pedestals and remove the force field*
Find the entrance to the comet.*
Guardian Moon
Activate the sphere charger device (Version 1.03 only)
Solve the labyrinth puzzle (Version 1.03 only)
Purify the Tear of Heaven in shining waters
Solve the 4x4 lights puzzle and collect the Relic of Prosperity
Inside the Comet
Break down the Stone Statue*
Do something about alien octopus (feeding Comet the is also considered, faugh)*
Destroy the killing crystal cones.
Posted by: Pam
March 4, 2009 4:13 AM