Rocket Cat-girl game (Bania Kururin)

Bania Kururin is an action arcade game in which you play as an anime-style cat-girl character with a rocket-pack on her back. The author of the game has kidnapped your little cat-friend and plans to eat him, and your task is to rescue him by collecting stars. At the loading screen, click the large picture of the cat-girl to get to the main game screen.
There are two modes of play: Practice and Normal. Practice mode is the top button on the main game screen. This mode gives you infinite energy and is a good place to start when first playing the game. Normal mode, the second button from the top, utilizes the energy gauge on the left side of the play field. As you hold down the mouse button to fire the rocket, energy is depleted. Releasing the mouse button slowly refills the gauge.
Control the rocket-pack by moving the mouse relative to the girl and click. The longer the button is held down the longer the rocket fires. When the mouse is positioned above the girl, the rocket will propel the girl up; likewise, when the mouse is positioned to the right of the girl, the rocket will propel the girl to the right. Inertia causes the girl to continue to move even when the mouse button is release, and gravity will cause the girl to eventually fall to the ground.
The game consists of 10 levels of increasing difficulty with a few bonus levels thrown in as a reward. A timer counts down each level giving you 60 seconds to collect as many stars as you can. A few of the levels test your dexterity by awarding points only when cat-girl is kept within a particular target area, such as with the electric field and the moving heart. When cat-girl is hit by the electric field or by enemy objects, such as the bombs, time is reduced for the level.
You are given five (5) tokens—shown along the right side of the play field—with which to re-try any of the levels for a higher score, though you are not obligated to use them. The game culminates with a boss fight against the 'author'. Unfortunately, the cat-girl takes too long, the cat-friend is boiled and its ghost chides the girl for the delay in rescuing him. There may be an alternate ending to the game, though I have only seen the one.
Mastering the control is key to getting higher scores. It takes a little practice to get the hang of it, though the game is not difficult to play and have fun with immediately. Start with Practice mode to get a feel for the game, and then advance to Normal mode for an increased challenge.
An excellent production with charming graphics and exceptional gameplay. There is lots of fun wrapped up in this quirky Japanese Flash game.
Also, double click the mouse very fast to get an instant speed boost.
Very, very useful.
Thanks for catching that Will, forgot to mention that.
I should have also mentioned something about the 'heart' level, which confused me at first since there were no stars to collect. To gain points in this level, keep the cat-girl positioned over the heart. Points will accumulate as long as the girl is touching part of the heart.
Finally, I was unable to mention the author's name since my Japanese is not so good. If anyone can translate it for me, I'll update the post with the information. Thanks! =)
heh heh
this game takes a while to get used to....
i think i've played something like this before. such fun. = )
just a side note- what's with all the authors of the posts? there have been several on the last few updates.
Brandon - several people have come forward with offers to help out with reviews from time to time, and I welcome their contributions. As my final year at RIT approaches with less than a week until classes begin, my intention is to ensure that the blog goes unneglected when I am up to my ears in school projects.
I should have a post up soon making an annoucement about it.
Yeah, I got the same ending...maybe it's supposed to be comical...?
I'm pretty sure that that's the only ending. Although, the bullets on the last two levels don't seem to have any purpose. Maybe avoiding all of them could help?
PS. Loved the Congratualtion! message.
if you get hit you lose time
Thanks, Magus. I've just now gone back and revised the review with a couple of details that I forgot to mention.
My boss a splode. I think.
You have a life bar at the right, I think. those yellow circles. But maybe I'm wrong...?
I beat the game. I think on Stage 9 the note at the bottom says that you need to have at least 10000 points from stages 1-9 to get to stage 10. When you beat stage ten, you get the happy ending.
she is actually a fox
I think you're right. With that tail...I should have known.
Too much NEKO MIMI MODE on my mind. @_@
Pardon me talking in japanese, but KAWAII!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVED the game, although the lack of english subtitles in the ending theme was (to say the least) disappointing. Oh well. The some of the pictures after you finished a level were so dang cute! If you are an Anime/Manga fan I think you will enjoy this. Saonara!
19959 :x not bad for a touch pad xD
...and it seems that was practice mode :x ...
well then xD
The music in the bonus round of this game sounds remarkably like that which plays at the end of Grow v.1 (and maybe someother Eyezmaze games?) I wonder if it's just a coincidence or if both got it from the same source?
Does anyone know the translation for the movies at the end of the game? I don't feel I've played the game unless I know what exactly I played.
And, can anybody find the music "Cheerful Feeling?" I love that song! It really does give you a cheerful feeling. *sigh*
So cute!! Love this game. Looks like the developer spent a lot of time on pictures for this. Props to them!