I know they say clothes make the man, but if teeth have anything to do with it, the flaxen-haired hero of Lucky Tower 2 is as manly as they come. In this sequel to Exotworking's original action platforming adventure, Von Wanst is still searching for glory. When his fellow hero Damokles meets... uh... an unfortunate end, Von Wants gets an opportunity to go on a quest for the king that sounds easy enough, but you forget that Our Hero isn't exactly operating on all four cylinders. Probably because the other two are all gummed up with sheer manliness. Like... sports and... meat... and stuff. Guy things.
Move with the [arrow] keys, jump with [A], attack with [S], and while tapping the down [arrow] will cause Von Wanst to block, tapping up lets you interact with things and pick stuff open. Hit [Q] to open your... quest hand... to keep track of what you should be doing, and [D] to open your inventory where you can click and drag items to use or equip them. Your health is represented by the gleaming teeth in the bottom left corner, so try not to get busted up too badly. Alas, if only you weren't so punchable! It seems like the moment Von Wanst steps out the castle gates, everything wants a piece of him, but if you're willing to dust up anything that takes a swing at you, you'll earn gold you can spend on everything from hats, to more teeth (ew), and better equipment. Like pillows. And dead fish on sticks.
While the original Lucky Tower was a fun but relatively straight-forward game that relied heavily on gags and a sense of quirky charm, Lucky Tower 2 is a much more fleshed out beast. It feels more like an adventure, with a bunch of side-quests to complete and places to explore, and a whole bunch of weird characters to meet. The work that's gone into it, from the voice acting to crafting a whole new adventure, means Lucky Tower 2 is one of those rare sequels where it really seems like a big step up from its roots. You could argue, of course, that the simplistic, slapstick nature of the original was what made it great, and certainly the combat on display here is more than a little dull, but Lucky Tower 2 makes up for it in variety. Use elaborate, silly sign-language to help someone cheat at cards. Defend your beauty secrets from bandits. Go spelunking in crystal caverns full of goblins and sea monsters. Despite the tedious combat, Lucky Tower 2's gorgeously silly sense of whimsy makes this one brave knight worth spending some time with if you're a fan of ridiculousness, dental work, and hats. Lots of hat.s
Walkthrough Guide
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Lucky Tower 2 Walkthough
(I'm new to this website so I am not sure how to format) [Formatted it for you. Thanks Anna Chan! ~Mike]:
Start adventure by going into middle door with jade crest atop it. Walk inside.
Then walk to right door, down stairs and into the kings room and he will give you a quest to find Anton Kaufmann. Then walk out.
Walk into town and into the tavern, there will be Anton Kaufman, left of the creepy guy. He will tell you that he lost his clock in a game and needs to win it back. You will have to play a minigame where you help him cheat.
After he wins, you walk him back to the kings castle, but get sidetracked by thieves and Anton will get struck and kill. Pick up the note he leaves and you will be on a new quest where you will need : a horse, slab of meat, and a map
Walk back into town and go to the mapmaker. He will tell you to get 12 goblin ears. To obtain these you will have to walk past the town into the second forest up the SECOND HILL WITH THE TOWER and there will lie the goblin. He is a little hard to kill.
Go to the food merchant and buy it. Simple.
Give the child next to the horse salesman candy, and then tell him to distract the horse salesman. Go inside the salesman's home and read his diary. Then go back outside and confront him.
Onward to the quest: you play a difficult minigame involving a horse and movement.
After the game, you are in a new town and can't go back. You will meet a red-headed man, and no matter what you say he is going to investigate, unless you say the second choice which will lead to instant death.
You go into town and you meet a wizard and you tell him there is fungi something something (i forget but it is the second option) and he will be intrigued and would like proof of the mushroom. To do this you will need a mushroom, resin, and a lock of red hair.
The mushroom is near the tower with the bull and highlights when you are near it. There is only one mushroom so this is simple.
You will have to fight the thieves in the far left forest and enter their cave. Inside will be the red head: just swing at him using your sword, and the hair will be cut off.
Buy it from the wizard by talking to him again and choosing the first option. Simple.
The mushroom will be made and you give it to the wizard. He will ask you to bring him to where the mushrooms are and you go far left until a cutscene. Then wack him on the head and steal his robes.
I suggest wearing the robes after walking into town because he is REALLY SLOW IN THEM. But go all the way to the top of the cult church and open the book and you will get the password.
Go into the bull tower after giving in the password and fight through the crypt. WARNING: THE THIRD STAIRCASE HAS A PUNCHING DEVICE THAT WILL KILL YOU INSTANTLY. Also the monster with the snake hair are medusas and will kill you instantly as well should they remove their masks.
Defeat them all or run really fast. At the end of the crypt are 3 doors which will decide your ending. The End!
Posted by: Anna Chan
November 30, 2012 10:34 PM
Okay, so all the medals:
Complete the unnecessarily long horse minigame and get to Brazendorn.
Defender of Manhood
In the second town (Brazendorn), go into the second house near the end of the city, and refuse to leave when the guy asks you to three times. Beat him in a fight. If you are having trouble beating him,
wait for him to begin to attack to punch.
Double the Wanderlust
When the first Wanderlust asks you if you've seen his brother at the right side of town, continue on and go up the hills until you find his brother's corpse (marked by the red hat). Take his hat, then go back to his brother. You can either tell him that his brother is relaxing just around the corner, in which case he will go to look for him, or tell him that he died gruesomely, which will prompt him to attack you. He will die either way (unless he kills you), so find his corpse (it will be where his brother's was if you pick the first option) and take his hat, too.
Buy an egg. Use it. It will splatter all over the floor.
Cleanse the City
Kill all the purple-robed cultists in the town. A few of them are lurking a bit outside of the temple, so you might have to walk around to find them if you don't get them immediately.
Cozy Fur
Kill and skin the purple monster behind the rock. NOTE: For some reason, the lollipop alone will not serve to lure it out. You must have a sweetie in your inventory as well, so grab a sweetie and a lollipop and go monster hunting. You must take its skin afterwards to get the medal.
Immortal Melody
Return the trumpet to the bard. If you are having trouble getting past the giant monster with the hammer,
either run down the middle set of stairs before it can get there or jump over it. You must go up the top stairs partway to trigger it to run down.
Click on the heart in the bottom left of either weapon merchants' shop window to get to the secret shop.
Get all the way through the tomb. Pick the middle door.
Get all the way through the tomb. Pick the right door.
Get all the way through the tomb. Pick the left door.
Sword of Glory
Tell the ghost the password to the tomb. He'll give you a (useless) ancient sword of glory.
Secret Medal One:
Cake Is My Favourite Vegetable: Buy and eat a cake from the food merchant in the first town.
Secret Medal Two:
W.U.R.S.T. Buy and eat a Wurst.
GLITCHED: This only works with wurst obtained from the merchant in the second town. For some reason, doing this in the first town does not work.
Secret Medal Three:
Secret Hallway. Go through the cave all the way to the right in the first town. When you get to the teleporter, stand on it and press up, then go through the tower until you exit through the door into the shop. If you are having trouble getting past the fish,
stand on the rock until it is almost all the way risen, then jump on its head and onto the next rock.
Secret Medal Four:
Spare Some Bling. When the beggar asks if you can spare some bling, click the second option ("Can you spare some bling?"). Keep doing this until he attacks you. He will keep swinging his mace at you and cannot be killed, so I suggest doing this just before you leave so you don't have to jump over him every time you pass. Might also be a good idea to dodge to the side just after you select the option every time, since you will take damage otherwise.
Posted by: daggerpen
December 15, 2012 10:53 PM