If life gives you lemons, make lemonade, and if life gives you a reputation for an infestation of evil preternatural vampiric creatures, make a resort location and capitalize on the notoriety. Specifically, the family who star in Innkeeper are dealing with the legend of the aswang, a kind of demonic beastie from Filipino culture. They're also dealing with building and outfitting rooms, upgrading amenities, attracting customers from rednecks to Men in Black, and dealing with all kinds of hotel simulation gameplay you would expect. Can you help them take it all the way to a five star rating?
Unlike most sim games that are set in a make-believe, generally vaguely American world, Innkeeper is emphatically set in a real place: Siquijor, Philippines. This is perhaps the most significant aspect of the game. As you progress through the game, the character Hilaria gives you a rundown of the various types of aswangs in Filipino lore, but you'll also pick up quite about the country just by reading the short bios of each family member in the information section. Without taking itself too seriously, the game manages to satire both Filipino internal society and its international reputation. The game also delights in references to other Flash gaming hits and internet memes. This gives it a good balance of local color and global appeal.
Getting a really excellent simulation game within the confines of the typical Flash game dimensions is tricky, but Innkeeper wisely keeps the overall scale of the game down, with a maximum of six floors even at the very end of the game. The excellent, although unskippable, tutorial does a good job of explaining the complicated but efficient interface, and the game makes a great use of space generally. Some balance issues remain. Although the developer has tweaked some of the random chances, the relative difficulties of the various quests remain uneven. The room service area is particularly bad, largely because there is only one elevator and so deliveries get held up. However, this doesn't detract from the game's essential fun. Only one mystery remains: why do all the guests leave the hotel before nightfall? Maybe Sequijor really is a creepy place.
Walkthrough Guide
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Innkeeper Strategy Guide
Native (Lower Class)
Favorite Amenities: Breakfast Buffet, Laundry, Chapel.
Secondary Amenities: Game Room, Clinic, Spa.
Favorite Furnishings: T.V., Refrigerator, Microwave, Ironing Board, Radio, Sofa.
Redneck (Lower Class)
Favorite Amenities: Breakfast Buffet, Gym, Clinic.
Secondary Amenities: Bar, Game Room, Interior Garden.
Favorite Furnishings: T.V., Curtains, Refrigerator, Radio, Alarm Clock, Sofa.
Bachelor (Middle Class)
Unlocked: 1 Star Rating.
Favorite Amenities: Gym, Bar, Game Room.
Secondary Amenities: Computer Shop, Spa, Convention Center.
Favorite Furnishings: Refrigerator, Mirror, Curtains, Microwave, Ironing Board, Computer.
Pseudoscientist (Middle Class)
Unlocked: Researched 4 Upgrades.
Favorite Amenities: Breakfast Buffet, Computer Shop, Clinic.
Secondary Amenities: Laundry, Spa, Convention Center.
Favorite Furnishings: Radio, Computer, Refrigerator, Curtains, T.V., Microwave.
Cryptozoologist (Middle Class)
Unlocked: +20 Approval Rating.
Favorite Amenities: Gym, Interior Garden, Bar.
Secondary Amenities: Computer Shop, Chapel, Fine Dining.
Favorite Furnishings: Alarm Clock, Sofa, Radio, Microwave, Ironing Board, Computer.
Pensioner (Middle Class)
Unlocked: 6 Fully Furnished Rooms.
Favorite Amenities: Laundry, Clinic, Chapel.
Secondary Amenities: Spa, Interior Garden, Fine Dining.
Favorite Furnishings: Alarm Clock, Curtains, Sofa, Ironing Board, Radio, Mirror.
Critic (Special Class)
Unlocked: 3 Fully Upgraded Amenities.
Favorite Amenities: Spa, Game Room, Fine Dining.
Secondary Amenities: Breakfast Buffet, Chapel, Gym.
Favorite Furnishings: T.V., Computer, Refrigerator, Sofa, Alarm Clock, Microwave.
Blogger (Special Class)
Unlocked: Survey Goal Completion.
Favorite Amenities: Computer Shop, Game Room, Convention Center.
Secondary Amenities: Breakfast Buffet, Laundry, Clinic.
Favorite Furnishings: Refrigerator, Computer, Radio, Microwave, T.V., Sofa.
Socialite (Upper Class)
Unlocked: 3 Star Rating.
Favorite Amenities: Bar, Spa, Fine Dining.
Secondary Amenities: Chapel, Computer Shop, Convention Center.
Favorite Furnishings: T.V., Curtains, Refrigerator, Mirror, Computer, Sofa.
Politician (Upper Class)
Unlocked: 60 Room Service Requests Acknowledged.
Favorite Amenities: Chapel, Clinic, Fine Dining
Secondary Amenities: Gym, Interior Garden, Convention Center.
Favorite Furnishings: Alarm Clock, Radio, Curtains, Ironing Board, T.V., Mirror.
Celebrity (Upper Class)
Unlocked: +85 Approval Rating.
Favorite Amenities: Bar, Gym, Convention Center.
Secondary Amenities: Breakfast Buffet, Interior Garden, Fine Dining.
Favorite Furnishings: Refrigerator, Mirror, Microwave, Curtains, T.V., Computer.
M.I.B.(Special Class)
Unlocked: Recruitment Goal Completion.
Favorite Amenities: Computer Shop, Clinic, Convention Center.
Secondary Amenities: Interior Garden, Gym, Laundry.
Favorite Furnishings: Alarm Clock, Microwave, Curtains, Ironing Board, Radio, Computer.
Jetsetter (Upper Class)
Unlocked: 4 Star Rating.
Favorite Amenities: Interior Garden, Spa, Convention Center.
Secondary Amenities: Gym, Bar, Fine Dining.
Favorite Furnishings: Alarm Clock, Computer, Refrigerator, Sofa, T.V., Mirror.
Hipster (Middle Class Class/em>)
Unlocked: Receive 12 Zero Star Ratings.
Favorite Amenities: Chapel, Interior Garden, Breakfast Buffet.
Secondary Amenities: Laundry, Bar, Convention Center.
Favorite Furnishings: Radio, Mirror, Microwave, Sofa, Ironing Board, Curtains.
A Hipster will only enter a building that has received at least 12 Zero Star Ratings. To lower your Approval Rating, click all of the hotel rooms and select "Restrict". This will block all non-priority customers from entering the room.
Make sure before you restrict your rooms that you have enough money saved to stay out of debt. If you go into negative $ amount, the IRS will take away items out of every hotel room.
You will also need to ensure that the receptionist does not have any priority guests set to any of the rooms. Simply set the "Priority Room" for each guest to "ANY."
It is also a good idea to wait until this time to attempt the Serial Killer trophy, as killing a guest will lower your Approval Rating by -1 each time a customer dies.
Members & Stats
You can have up to 10 family members under your employment.
Some family members can only be gained by earning certain Goals.
You can check how much a family member costs in wages by checking the Family tab in the Info page.
Each member has specialties and weaknesses in each of the three following stats.
Charisma - Increases Receptionist service quality, Marketer's filter points, and Server's service quality.
Speed - Increases Receptionist's customer check-in speed, Cleaner and Server movement speed, Cleaner's mopping speed.
Industry - Increases Cleaner's reaction time, Marketer's filter points, and Server's service quality and rest period.
Try to allocate Family Members to jobs that they would perform the best at, depending on their stats.
Maintenance - Click the Maintenance Room to see who is currently employed there.
Click the "Assign a Family Member" box to select a person to work there.
The Maintenance team is responsible for cleaning up all the messes left by hotel guests.
Choose your priority floor for each worker depending on their Speed stat; slower workers should work lower floors and faster workers should be assigned to higher floors to handle the messes most efficiently.
It is important that your rooms stay nice and neat, because guests who enter a messy room will be disgusted and will give your hotel a lower rating.
Service - Click the Service Room to see who is currently employed there.
Click the "Assign a Family Member" box to select a person to work there.
The Service team is responsible for delivering room service to the hotel guests.
Select the priority room for each worker depending on their Speed stat; slower works should be assigned to less important rooms or rooms on lower floors and faster workers should be assigned to high-priority rooms or rooms on higher floors.
If it takes too long for room service to reach a hotel guest, they will cancel their order and ultimately give a lower rating.
The Lobby is one of the most important areas in the building.
You can click the Receptionist window to change the person currently employed as Receptionist.
The receptionist is responsible for allocating all guests to priority floors and rooms.
Organize the amenities and furnished rooms on each floor to make prioritizing guests much easier. If you can consistently send guests to their favorite rooms, they will enjoy their stay and rate you much higher - the Lobby is an irreplaceable asset to managing those guests.
Click the button under "Priority Floor" to cycle through all available floors, then click the button under "Priority Room" to select the type of room you want to assign that guest to.
The Marketing tab contains all your advertising information, your marketer employees, filter points, and customer rate.
Marketers are employees that allow you to activate Promotions and assign Filter Points. Choose workers with high Charisma and Industry stats for a higher amount of Filter Points to spend on customers.
Filter Points are points that you can spend on specific customers to increase the chance that they will visit your hotel. They are a great asset when you have a goal that requires you to book a certain type of guest. You can spend up to 5 filter points on each guest.
The Customers section gives a rough figure of how many guests you can expect to visit the hotel. Many factors can increase or decrease the Customer rate including Seasons, Promotions, Approval Rating, Word of Mouth, and other Miscellaneous effects.
Promotions are advertising campaigns that can significantly increase the amount of guests who visit your hotel. The more expensive promotions will yield greater reward, so don't let a promotion expire!
Flyers - Cost $100. Increases daily customers by 1-3 depending on the season.
Print Ads - Cost $250. Increases daily customers by 1-6 depending on the season.
Online Ads - Cost $500. Increases daily customers by 1-8 depending on the season.
T.V. Ads - Cost $1,000. Increases daily customers by 1-12 depending on the season.
Free Parking (20 exp) - Slightly increases customer rating.
Computer Shop (40 exp) - Unlocks Computer Shop amenity.
Third Server (80 exp) - Unlocks third server slot.
Clinic (130 exp) - Unlocks Clinic Amenity.
Wi-Fi (180 exp) - Increase customer wait time tolerance.
Fourth Server (240 exp) - Unlocks fourth server slot.
Fine Dining (300 exp) - Unlocks Fine Dining Amenity.
Word of Mouth (20 exp) - Increases daily customers by 1.
Game Room (40 exp) - Unlocks Game Room amenity.
Longevity (80 exp) - Increases the duration of Marketing Promotions to 6 days.
Bar (130 exp) - Unlocks Bar amenity.
Second Marketer (180 exp) - Unlocks second marketer slot.
Marketing Blitz (240 exp) - Allows up to 2 active Marketing Promotions at a time.
Convention Center (300 exp) - Unlocks Convention Center amenity.
Stain Resistance (20 exp) - Reduces customer mess by 20%.
Interior Garden (40 exp) - Unlocks Interior Garden Amenity.
Third Cleaner (80 exp) - Unlocks third cleaner slot.
Chapel (130 exp) - Unlocks Chapel amenity.
Spa (180 exp) - Unlocks Spa amenity.
Potpourri (240 exp) - Increase customer rating.
Fourth Cleaner (300 exp) - Unlocks fourth cleaner slot.
Dependable - Receive +99 Approval Rating.
Prestigious - Receive 5 Star Rating.
Persuasive - Recruit all Family Members.
Accessible - Unlock all Customer Types.
Cutting Edge - Unlock all Upgrades.
Veteran - Play for 100 Days.
Wealthy - Earn $50,000.
Serial Killer - Kill 15 Customers.
To earn this achievement, wait for a customer to enter a Room or Amenity, then remove the building with the Demolish tool.
The best way to do this is to designate one room as the "trap room". After the guest enters, demolish the room, then replace it right away with another inexpensive room such as an Alipin room.
Go to the Lobby tab to set the Priority Floor and Room to the trap room, which will direct more customers into it.
You will lose 1 point in your Approval Rating each time you kill a customer, so a good time to use this strategy is when you are also trying to get Hipsters into the hotel.
Build as many rooms as possible to accommodate your guests.
More expensive rooms can contain more furnishings, and guests will enjoy their stay and give higher ratings if they are placed in rooms that contain their favorite items. Conversely, guests will dislike rooms that are missing their favorite furnishings, which will lower their overall rating.
Try to keep your building organized by floor to make prioritizing rooms easier.
Alipin: $200 to build. Can have up to 3 furnishings.
Timawa: $400 to build. Can have up to 4 furnishings.
Requires 3rd Half Star Goal completion to build.
Lakambini: $400 to build, Can have up to 4 furnishings.
Requires 3rd Half Star Goal completion to build.
Maginoo: $800 to build, can have up to 5 furnishings.
Requires 5th Half Star Goal completion to build.
Maharlika: $800 to build, can have up to 5 furnishings.
Requires 7th Half Star Goal completion to build.
Datu: $1500 to build, can have up to 6 furnishings.
Don't forget to upgrade your Amenities frequently; guests will enjoy themselves more when they visit higher upgraded buildings.
Pay attention to feedback from guests too: they will tell you if they like certain types of features in each Amenity.
Every Amenity can have one of three possible features; it costs $20 to change features.
Breakfast Buffet: $500 to build. Features American/Continental/Filipino cuisine.
This is one of the favorite amenities of Natives, Rednecks, Pseudoscientists, and Hipsters.
Laundry: $500 to build. Features News/Sitcom/Drama T.V. channels.
This is one of the favorite amenities of Natives and Pensioners.
Gym: $500 to build. Features Weightlifting/Aerobics/Martial Arts training.
This is one of the favorite amenities of Rednecks, Bachelors, Cryptozoologists, and Celebrities.
Interior Garden: $800 to build, requires the Interior Garden aesthetics upgrade. Features Zen/Vegetable/Flower garden types.
This is one of the favorite amenities of Cryptozoologists, Jetsetters, and Hipsters.
Game Room: $800 to build, requires the Game Room marketing upgrade. Features Sports/Arcade/Billiards game types.
This is one of the favorite amenities of Bachelors, Critics and Bloggers.
Bar: $1200 to build, requires the Bar marketing upgrade. Features Brew Pub/Club/Comedy Bar types.
This is one of the favorite amenities of Bachelors, Cryptozoologists, Socialites, and Celebrities.
Computer Shop: $800 to build, requires the Computer Shop service upgrade. Features Doors/Abanta/OSZ Operating systems.
This is one of the favorite amenities of Pseudoscientists, Bloggers, and M.I.B.'s.
Clinic: $1200 to build, requires the Clinic service upgrade. Features Dental/First Aid/Preventative treatment specialties.
This is one of the favorite amenities of Rednecks, Pseudoscientists, Pensioners, Politicians, and M.I.B.'s.
Chapel: $1200 to build, requires the Chapel aesthetics upgrade. Features Classic Hymns/Contemporary/Christian Rock Psalms.
This is one of the favorite amenities of Natives, Pensioners, Politicians, and Hipsters.
Spa: $1200 to build, requires the Spa aesthetics upgrade. Features Reflexology/Thermal/Ayurveda Massages.
This is one of the favorite amenities of Critics, Socialites, and Jetsetters.
Fine Dining: $1500 to build, requires the Fine Dining service upgrade. Features Chinese/Japanese/French Cuisine.
This is one of the favorite amenities of Critics, Socialites, and Politicians.
Convention Center: $1500 to build, requires the Convention Center marketing upgrade. Features Cirque de Lune/Nickelfield/Whitney Spears Shows.
This is one of the favorite amenities of Bloggers, Celebrities, M.I.B.'s, and Jetsetters.
Seasons & Events
Peak Season - The highest number of customers will visit the hotel. Make sure you have plenty of rooms to accommodate the large amount of guests, or they'll leave you with a bad rating!
Moderate Season - The average number of customers will visit the hotel. Pay attention to guests during this time to see how well your hotel rates on a regular basis.
Rainy Season - The lowest number of customers will visit the hotel due to the bad weather. Try to have enough money saved up in preparation for this period.
In addition to the regular series are a number of random events. You will be notified of an event at the end of the day, and the effect it will have on customers in the next few days.
Some events, such as being featured in a game or TV show, can significantly increase the number of future customers or give additional benefits.
Other events, like a nearby murder or kidnapping, will lower the amount of people willing to travel to your hotel.
There are also some occasions events, such as finding money in a hotel room, that can earn extra cash for your hotel.
Check the Customer rate section of the Marketing tab to see the number of customers gained/lost.
Half Stars (Primary Story)
First Half Star - Condition: Get at least a 1 Star Rating from 8 customers.
Reward: Enables you to build a second floor.
Second Half Star - Condition: Upgrade Amenities 4 times.
Reward: Enables you to build a third floor.
Third Half Star - Condition: Get at least a 2 Star Rating from 10 customers.
Reward: Unlocks Timawa and Lakambini room.
Fourth Half Star - Condition: Maintain +25 Approval Rating for 8 days.
Reward: Enables you to build a fourth floor.
Fifth Half Star - Condition: Get at least a 2 1/2 Star Rating from 10 Middle Class Customers.
Reward: Unlocks Maginoo room.
Sixth Half Star - Condition: Fully Furnish 12 rooms.
Reward: Enables you to build a fifth floor.
Seventh Half Star - Condition: Get at least a 3 1/2 Star Rating from 10 Middle Class customers.
Reward: Unlocks Maharlika room.
Eighth Half Star - Condition: Get at least a 4 star rating from 15 Upper Class Customers.
Reward: Enables you to build a sixth floor.
Ninth Half Star - Condition: Fully upgrade 8 amenities.
Reward: Unlocks Datu room.
Final Half Star - Condition: Get at least a 5 Star Rating from 20 Upper Class Customers.
Reward: End of main story.
Family Members
Raul - Condition: Build an Amenity.
Reward: Unlocks Tatay Raul.
Marikit - Condition: Check-in 5 Rednecks.
Reward: Unlocks Ate Marikit.
Fernando - Condition: Receive 10 positive comments regarding room cleanliness.
Reward: Unlocks Tito Fernando.
Juana - Condition: Receive 6 positive or neutral comments regarding room service.
Reward: Unlocks Tita Juana.
This one requires a bit of patience. Customers will be slow to order room service to begin with, and your Service Room workers will move slowly until they gain a few levels, so it can takes some time to earn all 6 comments.
If you still haven't earned your first positive comment after 10 days, try setting your fastest employees as Servers and prioritize guests to first floor rooms for quicker access.
Amparo - Condition: Check-in 20 Bachelors.
Reward: Unlocks Tita Amparo.
Estrellita - Condition: Check-in 30 Upper Class customers.
Reward: Unlocks Lola Estrellita
Restituto - Condition: At least 4 star rating from all customers for 4 days.
Reward: Unlocks Tito Restituto.
Secondary Story
Survey - Condition: Check-in 20 customers.
Reward: +$1,000. Approval Rating +5.
Advertising - Condition: Get at least a 2 Star Rating from 6 Bloggers.
Reward: +$1,000. Approval Rating +5.
Expedition - Condition: Get at least a 2 Star Rating from 6 Cryptozoologists.
Reward: +$1,000. Approval Rating +5.
Science? - Condition: Get at least a 2 Star Rating from 6 Pseudoscientists.
Reward: +50 exp. Approval Rating +5.
Recruitment - Condition: Check-in 20 Natives.
Reward: +50 exp. Approval Rating +5.
Spend your Filter Points in the Marketing tab to increase the percentage of Native guests as high as possible to earn this reward more quickly.
Pitchblack - Condition: Check-in 10 Men in Black.
Reward: +$2,000. Approval Rating +5.
Spend your Filter Points in the Marketing tab to increase the percentage of M.I.B. guests as high as possible to earn this reward more quickly.
Threat - Condition: Check-in 8 Hipsters.
Reward: +$2,000. Approval Rating +5.
A Hipster will only enter a building that has received at least 12 Zero Star Ratings. To lower your Approval Rating, click all of the hotel rooms and select "Restrict". This will block all non-priority customers from entering the room.
Make sure before you restrict your rooms that you have enough money saved to stay out of debt. If you go into negative $ amount, the IRS will take away items out of every hotel room.
You will also need to ensure that the receptionist does not have any priority guests set to any of the rooms. Simply set the "Priority Room" for each guest to "ANY."
It is also a good idea to wait until this time to attempt the Serial Killer trophy, as killing a guest will lower your Approval Rating by -1 each time a customer dies.
Investment - Condition: Check in 12 Socialites.
Reward: +$2,000. End of secondary story.
Spend your Filter Points in the Marketing tab to increase the percentage of Socialite guests as high as possible to earn this reward more quickly.
Posted by: Trinn
April 6, 2012 10:36 PM
I got tired of pulling up the information for every customer over and over again while I was making and furnishing rooms, so here's a chart I made of the customers' preferences:
Chart of Customer Preferences
Chart Image
I hope it helps!
Posted by: tastesgoodontoast
April 9, 2012 4:31 AM