An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Hanna in a Choppa 2

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TrickyHanna in a Choppa 2With its sleek iconographic aesthetic, twitchy gameplay, and impish sense of humor, Chris Underwood's Hanna in a Choppa quickly became a favorite here at JayIsGames. In fact, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to say it's right up there with Stunt Copter and Comanche in the rotocraft gaming hall of fame. Now, after four years, and plenty of crossed fingers, the physics puzzle action returns in Hanna in a Choppa 2! Of course, the name is a bit of a misnomer, since it seems Ms. Hanna has earned quite a few more pilot's licenses this time around...

Using the [arrow] keys to fly, and [Z] and [X] to rotate (no mouse support this time around), you must guide your craft throughout each level's twisting maze of walls and objects, with the ultimate goal of landing at the flag. Some levels are straight exploration or maneuverability challenges, while others have puzzles that require solving before the flag is unlocked. Generally, your choppa is strong enough to handle a few wall bumps, but a glancing blow will ruin your chances at a perfect rating, and colliding too hard means game over. Pressing the [spacebar] will activate your winch manipulator, just the perfect thing for moving objects. As you progress, new aircraft will be unlocked, from the hover-friendly UFO, to the small-and-quick, but difficult to maneuver jetpack, to the slow-but-sturdy hot air balloon, and so on, each with their various quirks and skills to master. With 32 new levels to enjoy, though, you're unlikely to be coming in for a landing any time soon.

Play all the Hanna in a Choppa games:
Hanna in a ChoppaHanna in a Choppa 2

Hanna in a Choppa 2 proves that it is indeed possible to improve on perfection. As before, the cunning level design and satirical writing work together perfectly, without either feeling to be an imposition on the other. What's really great about Hanna in a Choppa 2 is how eager it is to please every segment of it's potential audience. Do you like the physics gameplay? Then you'll love how each level can be replayed with all the different vehicles, creating a host of subtly different, but equally intriguing challenges. Are you a Uber-Completionist Achievement Hunter? Well, Hanna in a Choppa 2 has unlockables and secrets to spare. Are you here for the humor? Then prepare to feel really smart as you click on each of the plentiful puns, parodies, and references to play the "Where's It From Bonus Quiz", where getting the joke gets you some neat rewards. Never played the first game? All the levels from the original are here, revamped for 2012 with all its new vehicles and all new secrets. (Sadly, said original levels are not unlocked from the start, which feels a rare misstep.) While the original set the benchmarks high, Hanna in a Choppa 2 flies above them, making for an instant classic. This is one Choppa that you need to get your browser to, stat.

Play Hanna in a Choppa 2

Walkthrough Guide

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Hanna in a Choppa 2 What's It From Quiz Answers

Note: Some questions may have alternate answers. These ones are confirmed to work. And yes, a lot of the references reach that demented level of British Cryptic Crossword Puzzle Obscurity
01 Training Wings

Click DON'T PANIC. Answer: Douglas Adams

05 Mothership

Once putting the cow in its place click APPLIED CRYONICS. Answer: Futurama

07 The 'Shrooms of Doom

In the flaming part of hell, click I ALWAYS KNEW THERE'D BE MUSHROOMS IN HELL. Answer: Monkey Island

07 The 'Shrooms of Doom

Use the SAM to collide with the Mushroom by the second switch. Click YOU HAVE STAYED UPON THE MOTORWAY TO HELL Answer: Road to Hell

09 Puzzling

After completing the jigsaw puzzle, go back down to the pit where the pieces were. Click IT'LL TAKE THE NIGHT TO SIT AND SORT THEM OUT BUT THAT'S OKAY, YOU CAN SLEEP HERE INSTEAD. Answer: Marla Hansen

10 The Vom-o-tron

In the rotating maze, there will be a section that has cracks in it. You can fly into the cracks, and then through the orange border of the maze. Near the bottom of the maze will be a picture of a kitten with a sun in front of it. Click SHE STROKED A KITTEN IN HER LAP AND WE WATCHED THE WORLD AS IT FELL PAST. Answer: Nick Cave

12 Strange Loops

Click LEVEL 12: STRANGE LOOPS. Answer: Godel Escher Bach

14 Catenaries and Dirigibles

Click LEVEL 14: CATENARIES AND DIRIGIBLES. Answer: Joanna Newsom

15 The Best Joke in the World, Evah

Wait for a bit until after the third joke. A fourth joke will come up. Solve it by dropping the piano-playing donkey in the receptacle. Go all the way to the left, and click DONKEYTASTIC! Answer: Cannon Fodder

16 Retro

Click the Circle-Missing-A-Wedge that's about to chow down on those dots. Answer: Pac Man

16 Retro

Click one of the three floating tetrominoes. Answer: Tetris

16 Retro

Click the figure of a man doing a karate move. Answer: Street Fighter

16 Retro

Click the circle with a lambda inside. Answer: Half Life

16 Retro

Click the figure of the man holding a sword and clutching the wall. Answer: Prince of Persia

16 Retro

Click the ring made of triangular segments. Answer: Portal

16 Retro

At the start of the level, fly all the way up, until "1975" appears. Click the pixelated creature. Answer: Space Invaders

18 Ode to the Bridge Builder

Click LEVEL 18: ODE TO THE BRIDGE BUILDER. Answer: World of Goo

18 Ode to the Bridge Builder

Get the van across to the flag spot without using the bridge piece. One of the easier ways to do this is to use the saucer to beam it up, them transport it. Return to the bridge gap and click I'LL JUMP THAT POND AND WE'LL BE RUNNING FREE. Answer: Johnny Cash

19 Them!

After destroying all the ants in the fire, fly back over to the left side of the level. There will now be a crystal coming out of the ground. Collide with it, then click the broken crystal. Answer: Phase IV

20 The Fantastic Dramatic Spike-o-matic

Click RUN HANNA, RUN! Answer: Forrest Gump

21 Harvest

At the top part of the giant moon, click BECAUSE I'M STILL IN LOVE WITH YOU, I WANT TO SEE YOU DANCE. Answer: Harvest Moon

22 Trial by Chuck Norris


23 The Walking Dead

Use the weight to kill all the zombies. Go to the upper left corner and click THEY SAY A HIGH POWERED SHORT RANGE WEAPON IS A MAN'S BEST TOOL. Answer: Jeffrey Lewis

24 Disgruntled Pheasants

Click LEVEL 24: DISGRUNTLED PHEASANTS. Answer: Angry Birds

26 The Colour of Disco

Go to the left side of the level. Click WE ALL LIVE IN AN ORANGE SUBMARINE. Answer: The Beatles

26 The Colour of Disco


26 The Colour of Disco

Go to the right of the level and click I SEE A RED DOOR AND I WANT IT PAINTED ORANGE. Answer: Rolling Stones

26 The Colour of Disco

After you paint the submarine, field, and door, a statue of a raven will appear on top of the door. Paint it orange using the sponge, then click NEVERMORE. Answer: The Raven

27 Wacca Wacca Wacca

Click LEVEL 27: WACCA WACCA WACCA. Answer: Pac Man

29 Biffo's Big Escape

Click BIFFO'S BIG ESCAPE. Answer: Hanna in a Choppa

31 Unbeatable OXOBot


32 Twisted Firework Starter


32 Twisted Firework Starter

Launch all five fireworks with a single fuse. High on the right wall, click JAMIE WANT BIG BOOM. Answer: Mythbusters

32 Twisted Firework Starter

Launch all five fireworks with a single fuse. Go up over and down the left wall, and a little more along the floor. Click HE TOOK MY SHOULDERS AND HE SHOOK MY FACE AND HE TAKES AND HE TAKES. Answer: Sufjan Stevens

33 Learning to Fly

Click CLASSIC 1: LEARNING TO FLY. Answer: Pink Floyd

35 A Weighty Problem

Click BACK OF THE NET. Answer: Football

36 Blustery Day

Right under the fan, click F=MA. Answer: Second Law Of Motion

38 Pulling the Plug

Click USE THE WINCH LUKE. Answer: Star Wars

39 Flight of the Bumblebee

Use the winch on the classic copter to drag one of the bees flying around the flag back towards the start of the level. When it appears, click ON LONGER FLIGHTS HE'LL SOMETIMES WHEEZE BUT STILL I LOVE TO SQUEEZE MY BEE. Answer: Blode and the Giant Bee

40 Fan-tastic

Click MY HEAD IS SPINNING. Answer: Vic Reeves

41 Raining Hard on a Tiny Planetoid

Click on f=Gm1m2/r^2. Answer:Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation

42 Cement Mixer

Click RAWHIDE. Answer: Blues Brothers

43 Yosamite SAM-Site

Click CLASSIC 11: YOSAMITE SAM-SITE. Answer: Bugs Bunny

43 Yosamite SAM-Site

You must avoid two missiles for quite a while for the reference to activate. The best strategy is to use the TARDEO, and capture both in your tractor beam. After a while, the secret will unlock and, by the flag, click THERE GOES THE CHALLENGER BEING CHASED BY THE BLUE BLUE MEANIES ON WHEELS. Answer: Vanishing Point

46 Like Hearding Cats, Erm, But with Sheep


47 Enclosed Box of Goo

Click CLASSIC 15: ENCLOSED BOX OF GOO. Answer: World of Goo

49 Entrapment


52 Deja Vu?

Click WE CAN REBUILD YOU. Answer:Dogma

52 Deja Vu?

Click BETTER STRONGER FASTER. Answer: The Six Million Dollar Man

53 The Cake is a Lie

Click CLASSIC 21: THE CAKE IS A LIE. Answer: Portal

Complete Secrets Walkthrough

01 Training Wings

Go left.

02 Gatey-Matey

On the second button, don't use the ball. Don't jump on it with the jetpack.
Hit it with your object manipulator.

03 Uncorkage

Instead of pulling it up, push the cork down into the chamber below. Easiest to do with explosives.

04 I am a Mazey

Required: jetpack or SAM.

Slip past the center piece without turning it. There is a gap above it, and the orange back of the piece is not actually solid.

05 Mothership

Set your vehicle in the Probulator.

Stay there for 30 seconds.

06 Trial by Rotatey Slidey Things

A secret passage indicated by a crack, big enough for all vehicles, is at the bottom left side of the first Splatotron.

Find Eric the Cat at the bottom of the orange space.

07 The Shrooms of Doom

Required: SAM.

On the way to the second switch, touch the mushroom labeled "Magic!" with the SAM.

08 Negative Space

Near the goal there is another Figure/Ground passage that looks like the others, except not labeled with words. Eric the Cat is directly below it.

09 Puzzling

After putting the puzzle together, go back down to the cellar again to find a new message.

10 The Vom-o-tron

After "Whoa!" go down to the right, where there is a large crack with which to exit the maze. Go down to find Eric the Cat.

11 Spelling Bee

Required: jetpack.

After finishing the test, go past the the flag without touching it. Just beyond the flag is a crack too small for any vehicle but the jetpack to pass through, hereafter referred to as a "jetcrack".

The secret message is at the upper right corner of the orange space.

12 Strange Loops

After finishing the last lap, go up again. There is now a crack at the top. The secret is just above it.

13 The Rotumbulator

Stop the room with the level title right-side up.

14 Catenaries and Dirigibles

You have to help the ship home first.

Then go under the dock and to the right to get to Eric.

15 The Best Joke in the World, Evah

Wait a while after the answer to the third joke. A fourth joke will appear. Bring the appropriate donkey.

16 Retro

At the start, go up.

17 Spin Ya Later Alligator

Required: jetpack.

The jetcrack is to the left of the flag. The secret message is at the left side of the orange space.

18 Ode to the Bridge Builder

Push the delivery van over the gap without having fixed the bridge. This is a matter of skill.

19 Them!

First exterminate the ants.

Go to the left side of the level and touch the crystal thing that has appeared.

20 The Fantastic Dramatic Spike-o-matic

There is a hidden basin in the floor where the Addicting Games logo is. Wait in it for the spikes to pass, and go back for the off switch.

21 Harvest

Cut ALL the grain.

22 Trial by Chuck Norris

When you see the message indicating that you're close to the flag, make your way back to the start, where another message will appear.

23 The Walking Dead

Destroy ALL the zombies.

24 Disgruntled Pheasants

Throw the birds at the target yourself, without using the cannon.

25 Rotatey-Thing Factory

Required: jetpack or SAM.

The jetcrack is in the ceiling to the left, leading directly up to the flag.

26 The Colour of Disco

After painting the necessary things, a raven will appear over the door on the right. Paint the raven too.

27 Wacca Wacca Wacca

Eat all the dots to finish the level and leave both of the ghosts alone.

28 Clearing Out the Cobwebs

First, finish cleaning. A hidden passage will open, but it won't look like a crack.

The front door is open on the right side of the house.

The secret is under the bottom of the house.

29 Biffo's Big Escape

After getting the dog back in his cage, close it again.

30 The End of the World

Successfully disassemble the doomsday machine.

At the left end of the level, a sign will appear.

Drop all of the machine parts into the garbage disposal. Beams work on the gears, but vehicles with physical manipulators will have to push them there with the vehicle body. Be careful of the flag; touching the floor OR the ceiling near it will finish the level.

31 Unbeatable OXOBot

Win a game with the database chip in place.

To do this, take it out, and put it back in before making the winning move.

32 Twisted Firework Starter

Launch ALL the fireworks.

33 Learning to Fly

Hover in the circle for 20 seconds.

Then go to the left and find Eric the Cat in the corner.

34 Finesse of Flight

Required: jetpack.

The jetcrack is next to where you start. The secret is along the bottom of the orange space.

35 A Weighty Problem

Required: jetpack.

The jetcrack is to the right of the flag. The secret is within the upper right of the orange space.

36 Blustery Day

Notice the symbol under the flag.

Get the weight to where the flag is.

Eric the Cat will appear up where you started.

37 Gone Fishin'

Required: jetpack.

A very subtle jetcrack is above where you start.

There is nothing to find in the outside space.

Without opening the gate, go to the flag and touch the floor from the outside with your feet.

38 Pulling the Plug

Required: jetpack.

Remove all the balls, and then the weight. Don't let any of the balls fall in. Go down and push the button yourself.

Eric appears on the ceiling. Just get near him.

39 Flight of the Bumblebee

Drag a bee away from its swarm to the area at the top of the level.

A vehicle with the traditional winch is recommended. The bees are too strong to be moved with heavy lifters or beams.

40 Fan-tastic

Against the current, complete a full circuit clockwise around the center of the level.

41 Raining Hard on a Tiny Planetoid

Go up.

Keep going up.

42 Cement Mixer

Hit the switches and get into the center, but don't touch the flag yet.

Go out again into the chamber opposite the one you started in.

Go out the gap. The secret is to the lower right of the level.

43 Yosamite SAM-Site

The clock in the middle of the background is a timer.

Let both missiles chase you around for 30 seconds without letting them touch you. The saucer is good for this.

44 Beat the Lift

Get inside the lift at the middle and ride it up.

Eric the Cat appears on the ceiling of the goal area. Be quick when the lift nears the top; you still need to get out and over it before it stops.

45 Magneto Completo

Pull the magnet past the switch and through the crack at the end of the channel.

46 Like Herding Cats, But With Sheep

Herd ALL the sheep.

47 Enclosed Box of Goo

Pass through the tower without touching it.

This can be done easily by sliding along the floor.

48 Rescue at Sea

Required: jetpack or SAM.

Plunge deep into the water and come up underneath the platform.

49 Entrapment

Required: jetpack or SAM.

The crack is in the ceiling where the net falls from.

Eric is in the upper left corner of the orange space.

50 Running With Scissors

After finishing the haircut, go back to where you found the scissors. Eric is waiting there.

51 The Crush-O-Tron

Choose a hardy vehicle and allow yourself to be crushed. You will likely be pushed safely into the orange.

The floor has ends; fall past it. The secret is along the bottom of the orange space.

52 Deja Vu?

As in 47, pass through the tower without touching it. Required: jetpack or SAM.

53 The Cake is a Lie

Required: jetpack or SAM.

Descend into the cake ingredients shaft.

Eric the Cat is at the top of the orange space.


SO EXCITED! It's great so far.

IIAOPSW June 4, 2012 12:48 PM

The vehicles make the game. nothing quite so fun as the zombie level in a hot air balloon. The "TARDIO" is by far my favourite vehicle

Cyberjar88 June 4, 2012 6:56 PM

I HATE the jetpack!

Solatoral June 4, 2012 11:05 PM

Disliked the jetpack as well. I LOVED the original, and the game having a sequel makes me overjoyed. It really does.

I enjoyed learning to use all the new machines, but the jetpack was nothing short of irritating. Too much time was spent in frustration over it rather than having fun.


In level 15,

the hidden reference is "Donkeytastic!" Does anyone have any clue as to what the source might be? Google turns up a bunch of design pages.


Any chance of a walkthrough for all the hidden stuff? I've found a handful of secrets, but some levels I can't figure out where they could be.

SirNiko June 8, 2012 10:02 PM

I also am not finding the reference for Level 15.

I also am missing the Secrets for 2, 5, and 7.

I've cleared everything up to and including level 16, so I'm open to helping with any of those levels. I can probably help with others as I reach them... I've cleared the game, but now I'm playing the levels one at a time through to get 100% on all vehicles.


Drat, I'm missing those too. And 31 OXObot, which is too tedious to bother to check if it's "lose twenty games" or something like that. Also a lot of the ones in Classic (33, 37, 39, 48) but I find it quite rewarding to discover the secrets so I would appreciate just hints.

General hints on secrets for those who haven't gotten this far:

Whenever there is more of something, get ALL of them. Look for ways to get away with not doing something you're expected to. Secret passages are sometimes but not always indicated with cracks. Most are small and require the jetpack, and as such some of them are in plain sight. When there's an area you've left behind and ordinarily wouldn't need to visit it again, it's sometimes worth going back.

SirNiko June 9, 2012 12:24 PM

Level 33 Secret:

You have to successfully complete the "Hover" challenge to make the secret appear. It shouldn't take long to find it then, though.

Level 37 Secret:

This is another secret you get upon completing the level if you've avoided doing a thing a normal person would assume is mandatory.

Still stuck?

The rocket pack can escape the boundaries of the level. Try to beat the level from outside the box!

Level 39 Secret:

Your Winch works on more than just blocks.

Still stuck?

You don't need to herd all the bees like you might assume. Just drag one into a place it'd normally never bee and the secret will appear.

Level 48 Secret:

Get somewhere you can see, but you're not supposed to be.

Still stuck?

The SAM has enough thrust to dive.

SirNiko June 9, 2012 2:20 PM

I'm not about the references for Them! and Spike-o-Matic. I can find the references, but I don't recognize them.

SupremeEntity11 June 9, 2012 5:08 PM

For level 7:

There are two reference quizzes in level 7. One is right where the last switch is. It is the text saying, "I always knew there'd be mushrooms in hell". The answer to that one is "Monkey Island", a computer game. The other one is a little bit more difficult. Right by the second switch is a mushroom, with the word "magic!" beside it. Using the SAM(so that you don't explode), collide with that mushroom. That will get you the level secret. Some text will have appeared that says, "you have stayed upon the motorway to hell". That is the second reference quiz. The answer to it is "Road to hell", for the song of that name by Chris Rea.


Excellent, thanks. That just leaves 31 for me, and 2 and 5 for apparently everybody.

20 Reference: If you replace Hanna's name, it's not the title, it's something a title character is told a lot.

Forrest Gump


5 secret!

Be contrary and stubborn.

Set your vehicle in the probing station and stay there for 30 seconds.


Level 31 Secret -

Rub in your ill-gotten victory by giving OXOBot back his brain before you make the winning move.

SirNiko June 10, 2012 1:52 PM

I'm still missing:

Secrets from levels 2, 24, 40 and 41 (and maybe more - I stopped at 41 for this morning).

What's it From from 19 (found it, just don't know the reference), 29, 35 (sounds like it's probably a specific basketball game?) and 40. Maybe more, because I stopped at 41.

Azrael H June 10, 2012 6:26 PM

What's all of the games from level 16? I know Tetris and Pac-Man, and some of them look familiar but I don't play games outside of the computer so..

SirNiko June 10, 2012 7:09 PM

All references from level 16, starting from the very top (the secret):

Pixelated alien:

Space Invaders



Familiar blocks


Man with outstretched hands

Street Fighter

Greek letter

Half life

Man with sword

Prince of Persia

Round symbol



Complete Secrets Walkthrough

01 Training Wings

Go left.

02 Gatey-Matey

On the second button, don't use the ball. Don't jump on it with the jetpack.
Hit it with your object manipulator.

03 Uncorkage

Instead of pulling it up, push the cork down into the chamber below. Easiest to do with explosives.

04 I am a Mazey

Required: jetpack or SAM.

Slip past the center piece without turning it. There is a gap above it, and the orange back of the piece is not actually solid.

05 Mothership

Set your vehicle in the Probulator.

Stay there for 30 seconds.

06 Trial by Rotatey Slidey Things

A secret passage indicated by a crack, big enough for all vehicles, is at the bottom left side of the first Splatotron.

Find Eric the Cat at the bottom of the orange space.

07 The Shrooms of Doom

Required: SAM.

On the way to the second switch, touch the mushroom labeled "Magic!" with the SAM.

08 Negative Space

Near the goal there is another Figure/Ground passage that looks like the others, except not labeled with words. Eric the Cat is directly below it.

09 Puzzling

After putting the puzzle together, go back down to the cellar again to find a new message.

10 The Vom-o-tron

After "Whoa!" go down to the right, where there is a large crack with which to exit the maze. Go down to find Eric the Cat.

11 Spelling Bee

Required: jetpack.

After finishing the test, go past the the flag without touching it. Just beyond the flag is a crack too small for any vehicle but the jetpack to pass through, hereafter referred to as a "jetcrack".

The secret message is at the upper right corner of the orange space.

12 Strange Loops

After finishing the last lap, go up again. There is now a crack at the top. The secret is just above it.

13 The Rotumbulator

Stop the room with the level title right-side up.

14 Catenaries and Dirigibles

You have to help the ship home first.

Then go under the dock and to the right to get to Eric.

15 The Best Joke in the World, Evah

Wait a while after the answer to the third joke. A fourth joke will appear. Bring the appropriate donkey.

16 Retro

At the start, go up.

17 Spin Ya Later Alligator

Required: jetpack.

The jetcrack is to the left of the flag. The secret message is at the left side of the orange space.

18 Ode to the Bridge Builder

Push the delivery van over the gap without having fixed the bridge. This is a matter of skill.

19 Them!

First exterminate the ants.

Go to the left side of the level and touch the crystal thing that has appeared.

20 The Fantastic Dramatic Spike-o-matic

There is a hidden basin in the floor where the Addicting Games logo is. Wait in it for the spikes to pass, and go back for the off switch.

21 Harvest

Cut ALL the grain.

22 Trial by Chuck Norris

When you see the message indicating that you're close to the flag, make your way back to the start, where another message will appear.

23 The Walking Dead

Destroy ALL the zombies.

24 Disgruntled Pheasants

Throw the birds at the target yourself, without using the cannon.

25 Rotatey-Thing Factory

Required: jetpack or SAM.

The jetcrack is in the ceiling to the left, leading directly up to the flag.

26 The Colour of Disco

After painting the necessary things, a raven will appear over the door on the right. Paint the raven too.

27 Wacca Wacca Wacca

Eat all the dots to finish the level and leave both of the ghosts alone.

28 Clearing Out the Cobwebs

First, finish cleaning. A hidden passage will open, but it won't look like a crack.

The front door is open on the right side of the house.

The secret is under the bottom of the house.

29 Biffo's Big Escape

After getting the dog back in his cage, close it again.

30 The End of the World

Successfully disassemble the doomsday machine.

At the left end of the level, a sign will appear.

Drop all of the machine parts into the garbage disposal. Beams work on the gears, but vehicles with physical manipulators will have to push them there with the vehicle body. Be careful of the flag; touching the floor OR the ceiling near it will finish the level.

31 Unbeatable OXOBot

Win a game with the database chip in place.

To do this, take it out, and put it back in before making the winning move.

32 Twisted Firework Starter

Launch ALL the fireworks.

33 Learning to Fly

Hover in the circle for 20 seconds.

Then go to the left and find Eric the Cat in the corner.

34 Finesse of Flight

Required: jetpack.

The jetcrack is next to where you start. The secret is along the bottom of the orange space.

35 A Weighty Problem

Required: jetpack.

The jetcrack is to the right of the flag. The secret is within the upper right of the orange space.

36 Blustery Day

Notice the symbol under the flag.

Get the weight to where the flag is.

Eric the Cat will appear up where you started.

37 Gone Fishin'

Required: jetpack.

A very subtle jetcrack is above where you start.

There is nothing to find in the outside space.

Without opening the gate, go to the flag and touch the floor from the outside with your feet.

38 Pulling the Plug

Required: jetpack.

Remove all the balls, and then the weight. Don't let any of the balls fall in. Go down and push the button yourself.

Eric appears on the ceiling. Just get near him.

39 Flight of the Bumblebee

Drag a bee away from its swarm to the area at the top of the level.

A vehicle with the traditional winch is recommended. The bees are too strong to be moved with heavy lifters or beams.

40 Fan-tastic

Against the current, complete a full circuit clockwise around the center of the level.

41 Raining Hard on a Tiny Planetoid

Go up.

Keep going up.

42 Cement Mixer

Hit the switches and get into the center, but don't touch the flag yet.

Go out again into the chamber opposite the one you started in.

Go out the gap. The secret is to the lower right of the level.

43 Yosamite SAM-Site

The clock in the middle of the background is a timer.

Let both missiles chase you around for 30 seconds without letting them touch you. The saucer is good for this.

44 Beat the Lift

Get inside the lift at the middle and ride it up.

Eric the Cat appears on the ceiling of the goal area. Be quick when the lift nears the top; you still need to get out and over it before it stops.

45 Magneto Completo

Pull the magnet past the switch and through the crack at the end of the channel.

46 Like Herding Cats, But With Sheep

Herd ALL the sheep.

47 Enclosed Box of Goo

Pass through the tower without touching it.

This can be done easily by sliding along the floor.

48 Rescue at Sea

Required: jetpack or SAM.

Plunge deep into the water and come up underneath the platform.

49 Entrapment

Required: jetpack or SAM.

The crack is in the ceiling where the net falls from.

Eric is in the upper left corner of the orange space.

50 Running With Scissors

After finishing the haircut, go back to where you found the scissors. Eric is waiting there.

51 The Crush-O-Tron

Choose a hardy vehicle and allow yourself to be crushed. You will likely be pushed safely into the orange.

The floor has ends; fall past it. The secret is along the bottom of the orange space.

52 Deja Vu?

As in 47, pass through the tower without touching it. Required: jetpack or SAM.

53 The Cake is a Lie

Required: jetpack or SAM.

Descend into the cake ingredients shaft.

Eric the Cat is at the top of the orange space.

coveritwithgas June 11, 2012 2:46 PM

Level 2 secret:

On the second button

Don't use

the ball.

Don't jump on it with the jetpack.

Hit it with your object manipulator.

SirNiko June 11, 2012 6:26 PM

Mission accomplished! Great work everyone!

Cyberjar88 June 12, 2012 1:42 AM

Level 7 is EVIL!


Thanks for the guides! And I wanted to point out that there does seem to be some wiggle room in the references quiz.

Like in the Color of Disco level, I put Yellow Submarine and Paint it Black for the references instead of the Beatles and Rolling Stones like the guide lists them, and it counted.

I actually don't mind the jetpack as much as some of the other vehicles, mostly because I learned to get used to it looking for secrets. How much I like a vehicle seems to be determined by how I liked the first level it made you use it. I had a hard time when I first used the biplane and SAM, so those are my two least favorites. Though I've started developing an aversion to the saucer as well...

mooney.jacob June 18, 2012 2:40 PM

Was looking through the achievement list and didn't recognize the Button Basher task. Can anyone explain or help?

SirNiko June 27, 2012 8:15 PM

For button basher,

Step 1

Click the link in the bottom left of the main menu to get to the "tell the author" page, where you will find a button. It will speak different dialogue each time you click it.

Step 2

After clicking the button repeatedly, it will begin to repeat itself. Exit the author menu. You might need to play a level or two at this point. Return to the button later and it should have a different dialogue for you. (You might have to repeat this step a second time, I'm not certain). Eventually the button will get its revenge, and you will get the achievement.


02 Gatey-Matey

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On the second button, don't use the ball. Don't jump on it with the jetpack.
Hit it with your object manipulator

What the heck is the object manipulator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


'H2G2' is another answer for level one ;)

Reply August 27, 2012 7:16 AM

Could anyone help me with a hint, how to do the Crushotron (level 51) in the perfect way? It seems to be almost impossible. Which wehicle to use? Most of them won't fitt, jetpack and sam are hard to controll. I tried classic and jouster may times, but the fail at the top. HELP ME, this is the only perfect I am missing...

Reply August 27, 2012 9:42 AM

I made it! :) with the lifter. The big help was to make the touching circles wisible with teh T button. :)


I noticed a lot of you are bashing on the jet-pack. I actually find it the best vehicle of them all. It's easy to control w/o being TOO easy, and has a decent speed to make up for its weakness. My least favorite vehicles are the TARDIO (Saucer is WAY better, and I hate that sideways beam) and the SAM (Too fast and likely to crash when you try to go fast). I wonder why you hate the jet-pack so much when there are worse vehicles in the game.


stupid wheres it from questions.
it doesnt even work!


Level 2 secret:

On the second button,
Don't use the ball.
Don't jump on it with the jetpack.
Hit it with your object manipulator.

Posted by: Author Profile Page coveritwithgas | June 11, 2012 2:46 PM

you mean the rope as the manipulator)


For level 7's secret you may use Jouster. Not only SAM. Use Jouster.


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