On of Eyezmaze has been busy at work lately on a game commissioned for the online RPG, Lineage II, and it was just released today.
Dwarf Complete is an adventure puzzle game that features dwarfs from the Lineage II game, and On claims it will pose quite a challenge for you. So, get your collaborative skills in order and help each other out in the comments.
The objective of the game is to advance through all the rooms of the dungeon, collecting items, weapons and armor along the way. With each item found, a door opens somewhere within the dungeon. Use a combination of arrow keys and clicking to use items and solve puzzles.
And they're FREE!
- Dwarf Complete
for iPhone and iPod Touch is now available!- Dwarf Complete HD
for iPad is also available!
The game features On's characteristically charming graphics, a wonderful soundtrack, and it has an auto-save feature so you can play it casually, step-by-step in your free time.
Cheers to Wouter for the alert about this brand new On game.
If the links above don't load, then you may use our mirror of the game to play. Seems the Lineage site experiences trouble from time to time, and the game is down for long periods.
Walkthrough Guide
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Dwarf Complete Walkthrough Complete ;)
Let's get started.
Go south (down) and pick up object.
South gate opens - go through it. Get the object to the right (i.e. use the right arrow on your keyboard - ignore which way you are facing).
Go into the little room to the south and get object. The gate locks behind you.
Go to the right and go through the hole in the wall. You will notice that on some walls their shadow is missing. That means that there is a hole in the wall than you can walk through.
Walk through the gate on the left side of the room. Pick up the object in the middle. If you fall down a hole, take a look around then climb up the stairs.
Downstairs you will notice there is a locked room with an object in it. To get to that object, fall through a hole from the floor above. You will have collected 5 objects by now.
The silver key.
Go into the top-right room. Step on the button. Some circles will appear that are made up of different numbers i.e. 1-8 circles in eight different positions which relate directly to the positions of the buttons in the room that you see on the left.
Push these buttons in order from 1-8 e.g.
top/middle, then,
You can now collect the silver (or bronze, whatever you want to call it) key.
The sack and the stick.
Go north (up). Stand directly in front of, and facing, the silver lock then click on the silver key at the bottom of your screen. The lock will open.
Walk through. Walk over the little bridge and collect the object.
A gate on the left will open. Go through that and unlock the green chest with your silver key. You have now collected a sack.
Go back to the room with the holes in it.
Go downstairs and open the silver lock, then the chest. You now have the stick.
Go back to the room just south of the room you started in.
Open the silver lock at the bottom.
Go and get the 2 objects at the bottom. You should now have 8 objects.
The book.
Go up then to the room to the right. Go down the stairs.
Go up to the blue book. Flick through by clicking on the arrow. It shows you what ingredients you need to make some tools.
When you have collected the correct ingredients for a particular tool, the button at the bottom of the page will turn red. You can then click on the button to collect the tool.
The first page shows you that you need a round thing, to go with the sack you have already collected, in order to make a magnet. Lets go get the round thing.
The maze.
Go back upstairs. Open the lock bottom/right and collect the object. The gate at the right will open. Go through.
You are confronted with a maze with 2 objects in it.
If you follow the wall down to near the bottom of the room, you will notice that there is a hole in the wall (no shadow).
Go through and collect both objects.
A gate has opened at the top and bottom of the room.
Go back out of the maze and go through the top gate.
The swinging cannon.
This is where you get to blow stuff up. Wahoo. This involves timing and accuracy. You need to step on the button precisely when the swinging cannon is aimed at a block.
Blow all three up.
Collect 2 objects and unlock the chest and collect the round thing. You now have enough ingredients for the magnet. Lets go get it.
The magnet.
Go south one room then left one room. Go downstairs.
Go up to the book.
The button on the magnet page is now red. Click on that and collect the magnet.
Go back up stairs.
The ice-rink.
Go right and down to the ice-rink room.
There are several different strategies for this room. Here is one:-
Go around the outside of the rink to the bottom. Face the right-hand gap. Click on the magnet and the metal block will slide towards you. Go back around to the top. Go into the 3rd gap from the left. Go to the left of the screen and you will have collected an object. Leave the ice-rink. Go back to the top. Go through the first gap on the left. Go right, down, right, up. Voila. 2nd object collected. (if you stuff up you can reset the metal blocks by stepping on the button in the top right-hand corner.)
Two more gates have opened on the left.
Collect an object from the top room. You will hear a gate open but won't see it.
The bottom one is pitch black. You will get a torch later that will light up this room. Leave it for now.
You will have collected 16 objects by now.
The bone, the pickaxe, and the controllable cannon.
Go back to the room with the swivelling cannon. You get to blow some stuff up again.
There is a metal block at the top-right of your screen. Line yourself up with it i.e. directly below it.
Click on your magnet and you will suck it towards you and into a hole. Go up. Another cannon.
Step on the button to fire the cannon. You want to aim at the floating moon so that it drops to the ground so you can collect it.
In order to do this you must push 2 buttons - one controls trajectory (height), the other controls direction (north, south etc.).
Go back to the room with the swinging cannon. Go through the gate at the top-left.
Collect the object hiding behind the torch. The gate on the left will open. Go through it.
Collect the object. A gate to your right will open.
You will also notice that there is a block with an object on top. Lets blow that up, shall we?
Go to the little room on the right. Step on the button once (the cannon is now pointing skywards).
Go back to the swinging cannon room.
Go into the top-middle room. Step on the button twice.
Go back to the room with the floating moon. Step on the button once. The cannon fires to the left and it sounds as though it has hit something important. We'll come back to that.
Go back to the top-middle room and step on the button once more.
Go back to the floating moon room. Step on the button. Collect the moon.
Leave that room then return to it immediately. Step on the button again. All will be revealed.
Go down, far-left, up, left. Collect the object that has been knocked off its block.
Go to the top of the room where there are 2 objects.
Line yourself up with the metal part of the top wall then click your magnet. You will be sucked across the ditch. Don't worry - this is a good thing. Collect both objects.
Move over to the right-hand side of the screen. You will see 3 little rooms and 2 bigger ones, the biggest one now has a bit of a dent in it - this happened when you fired the cannon in the same direction as the floating moon.
Push the metal block with the object on top to the right and into the hole in the wall. Walk over it and collect an abject at the same time. You now have 22.
Push the next metal block with the object on top onto the spot that your cannon landed on (the dent).
Go back to the floating moon room and step on the button. This will blow that block up.
Go and collect the object that you have knocked off its block.
Go left and then into the top-left little room.
Unlock the chest and collect the bone.
You now have enough ingredients for the pickaxe.
Go back to the room with the book and cook up the pickaxe.
For a short-cut you can fall into the white swirly vortex to the bottom-left of the big room.
Now you are armed and dangerous.
Go upstairs.
Go left then up to the very first room that you started in.
Use your pickaxe to bash the 4 arrows.
Step on the button and watch what happens. Alrighty.
Go down the stairs that the arrows were hiding.
Face north. Click on your magnet. Go up and collect the object (24th).
Go and use your pickaxe on the blobs (or whatever) at the bottom of the room.
Drop through the vortex, just to see where you end up.
Go right then down. Go and attack the blob at the top-right. Collect the moon.
Go down and left.
The leaf.
Hack your way through the blob. Then more blobs.
Collect the object in the middle.
Fight your way to the chest and unlock it. Collect the leaf.
Go directly up from the chest and collect a moon.
Go to the bottom of the room.
Now for some fun (of the timed-maze variety).
You have to work your way through the timed-maze, pushing the purple, blue and pink buttons along the way before the fuse on the cannon is burnt and the cannon fires. The coloured buttons, when pushed, make the coloured blocks drop out of the way of cannon fire so that the beige block on the left gets blown to smithereens.
Toldja it was fun.
This is the way that works for me:- Push the blue, pink then purple buttons, in that order. There are other ways. As soon as you push the brown button below you the fuse starts burning, and it burns FAST. OK.
Push the brown button, push metal block down, walk over it, go left, hack through blob, go to far-left of room, go up, click on your magnet to drag metal block towards you and into hole, go up over block-in-hole, go right, up and left, hacking blobs along the way, step on blue button.
1 down, 2 to go. Easy-peasy.
Go right, down, left and down over the block-in-hole, push the nearest metal block one step right and one down into hole, go down over block-in-hole then right hacking blobs again until you can get to the pink button.
Two down, nearly there.
Go right, go up, face metal block and click on your magnet, go up and you will have stepped on the purple button. Wahoo.
If you beat the fuse (it may take many, many goes) the cannon will have blown up the bottom-left block.
Make your way to the little room at the bottom-left, collect the object, step on the green button, unlock the chest and collect the bottle.
Make your way out of the top of the room and all the way back to the book room.
You're gonna make a torch.
Now you have fire.
Once you have the torch go back upstairs, go right then down into the ice-rink room.
Go through the gate at the bottom left.
Go up and click on your torch. You now have light in this room.
Uh oh. A room overrun with vortexes.
Carefully make your way to the object. The top gate will open. Drop into the vortex at the top left-hand corner. Collect the 28th object.
While we're in the mood for collecting stuff lets collect that moon that you can see.
Go to the outside of the left wall of the little room with the moon in it. There is a hole in the wall. Go collect the moon.
Leave that little room and go down.
Go down the next room (stair-maze) and right.
Go downstairs.
Hack your way to the object and the gate will open.
Take a deep breath. You're gonna need it, and some patience, because its stair-maze time.
Go into the bottom part of the stair-maze.
Go up two steps. Click on your magnet.
Go into the stairs to the left, then the next lot of stairs, You are back on the basement floor.
Go right one step, up two, face right, click on your magnet to drag metal block into hole.
Go up into stairs.
Go into next lot of stairs, and again, and again. You should be in the basement again.
Collect object - notice that the gate at the top right of the screen opens.
Go into the right stairs.
Step right, up, right, up, right and you will drop into a hole.
Whack the blob and collect the moon.
Pull (with your magnet) and push the metal block until it drops into the hole on the left.
Walk over block-in-hole.
Go left into stairs. You are back where you were a minute ago.
Pull and push the metal block as far right and up as it will go. It will block off the pathway. That's OK.
Retrace your steps (go into 6 lots of stairs) until you are directly north of the metal block you just shifted.
Use the magnet on the block. It will drop into a hole.
Retrace the steps that you just retraced until you get back to that block-in-hole.
Go over it into another lot of stairs, and another lot.
Go down one step. Face left and drag the metal block into the hole using your magnet, yet again.
Go right until you are facing two metal blocks.
Drag the first one into the hole, then, drag the second one on top of the first one.
Retrace your steps again *sigh* until you get to the block-in-hole that you just did over on the left.
Go over it and go into the next set of stairs, and again. Ahhhhh, now you can unlock the chest and get the map. Wahoo.
Now we have a map, and map references, to refer to. Phew.
Go back through the last set of stairs you just came through.
Go right into the vortex. Collect object, whack blobs, into vortex again.
Go back to start of basement maze, go up through gate at top-right.
Collect object, go up through now-opened gate. Keep going up. Light torch. Aha. We've got to get the gold key.
Go down, keep going through the right of the maze, then right and into the stairs. Go left and up out of the top floor maze. At last.
Out of the maze.
Go all the way back to 1E (timed-maze nightmare).
Go over lowered green block and hack your way into 2E. Light her up.
Go right to the middle, in front of, and facing, the hole. Use your magnet to suck your way over the hole and collect the object (33).
Push the metal block into the hole and go over it.
Go up through the now-opened gate and all the way back to 4B.
The big hand.
Go up and left into the little alcove with the gate opened. Step on the button.
We have water. And trees.
Burn the tree and collect the object.
Go down and step on the button in the next alcove. We now have more ramps.
Go over the first ramp.
Whack the big middle blob above the big hand.
Go inside and push the metal block down. Scoot around the other way and use your magnet to drag the block so that its positioned below the index finger.
Get out and whack the far-left blob which is hiding a hole.
Drop down into the hole and light the torch. Push the button, go over the ramp, scoot on over to the bottom right torch, light it and go into the stairway.
3 down, 1 to go.
Go back over the ramp, go up and left. Collect the object.
Go up into the alcove and drop into the vortex. Light the torch. The gold key is now obtainable. Drop back into the vortex.
Go whack some more blobs and step on the button. More water for the trees.
Go right to another screen, then left. The baby tree has grown. Collect the object after burning the tree.
Now, lets go for a train ride.
Jump on the tracks. The idea is, first of all, to navigate your way safely to the room below, collecting the object that will open the bottom gate along the way.
As soon as you enter the top train track room, click on the middle bottom join 3 times, the top middle one once, then the middle one two more times (so long as you've already gone over it once), the middle right one once, then the bottom one once.
You are now travelling on the bottom train tracks.
Click on the join (to the right of the bottom left one) once, the next one in your path 3 times, then once, once, twice, none, twice (collecting object), three times, once - you're out. Yay.
Step on the button and more ramps appear.
You now have 38 objects and 5 moons. Lets go get the rest, and the gold key. But first, lets have a look inside the big head.
Inside the big head.
Make your way over the ramps until you get to the big head house with the button on top.
Once you disappear into it (make sure you have the sound on) go left 2 steps, up 1, left 1 (you should hear stairs being climbed), then go down 2, right 6 (you will see her going across the front part of upstairs), then up 2.
You are now on the roof.
Step on the button and watch the little movie. Cute, huh? If you positioned the metal block in the wrong place before, you gotta go fix it and do this part again. Bummer.
The gold key.
Get out of the big head.
Once you're out, head right until you get to the stairs near the vortex.
Go into stairs. Collect gold key.
Go back into stairs.
Have a wee look at your map.
You can toggle between the top floor and the basement. Find where you still have things to collect.
Head off over to A4 and whack a blob and collect moon number 6.
Now armed with a gold key, go back to D4, open the lock, whack a blob, collect a moon.
Go to D3, open the gold lock, collect object.
The smiley face room.
Make your way to C1 (a.k.a. the smiley face room).
Open both locks.
Whack both blobs, collect a moon and drop into a vortex. Or two.
Back to the smiley face room, drag and push the metal block on the left as high up as it will go.
Now, the only way to get out is to drop into the vortex because you have blocked your exit. Do that.
Go back into the room.
Drag and push the same metal block until it drops into the vortex on the right. Follow it into the vortex.
Push the metal block into the hole.
Go right.
You are now in C4.
Collect moon number 9.
Go back to C3 and into the stairs.
You are back at the start.
Nearly there.
A couple of trees have grown around the "complete" sign.
So, "how do I get those?" you asked. Well, lets see.
Go and burn the bush hanging over the wall to the right of the sign.
Use your gold key on the lock.
Watch the stone sign swap over with a metal sign.
Position yourself below the sign and use your magnet.
Burn some trees and collect the last object and moon.
Be patient while something else happens for a bit.
Click on the blue round thing.
To cross the watery ditch, position yourself above the metal arrow and use your magnet. Wheeeee.
The gem.
Make your way back to the book room and brew up a gem.
Make your way to C4. Enter the flying saucer, click on your new gem.
Bon voi-arr-gee :o)
Posted by: jan.jan
March 23, 2007 12:35 AM
I didn't see a photo of the map any where, so I thought i might as well post one, so here it is!
the basement:
the upper floor:
i hope this helps!
Posted by: mallcost
January 4, 2011 1:28 PM