An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Candy Box!

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Candy Box!

DoraThis is going to be hard.

Because how do you talk about aniwey's Candy Box without ruining it? Part webtoy, part wonder factory, it starts off and seems so simple. You've got a counter that accumulates candies every second, and the option to either scarf them all down, or throw them on the ground Lonely Island style. And that's it, right? Wrong! But we can't tell you what else happens, because that would spoil the wonderful, weird surprise that is Candy Box!, and a big part of the joy of aniwey's creative creation is figuring out not only what's just happened... but how to trigger what happens next. You might think it's simple, but you'd be wrong... unless you meant simply delightful. So just be patient. Leave the game running in another tab or window and check back on it often, and experiment. Make sure to write down the unique password when you save your game so you can pick it up again later! It's absolutely the sort of unexpectedly fun and unique experience the internet could use a lot more of. So go on. Give it a try. You know you're dying to know... what's in the baaaaaa-haaaaaax?!

Play Candy Box!

Walkthrough Guide

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Candy Box! Strategy guide / Walkthrough

Well here's a strategy guide / walkthrough. Many thanks to all the players whose hints and findings were so useful to me!

This is my first, and quite on the long side, but I really enjoyed writing it. Have fun!

This game might take quite a lot of your time... be prepared to take long breaks!
Also, it might be useful in some cases to run it in its own tab, so it can take all the place it needs (instead of windowed within JIG, for instance). You can do this from the start by going directly to, or later by loading a saved game in a new tab.

Let's play Candy Box!

Phase 1 - Candies

When the game starts, you have 0 candies, and you get one extra candy every second. That's really the base mechanics of the game. Well, almost. :)

You can eat all the candies you've been stacking, or you can keep them coming. Don't worry, you won't run out of space to keep them.

If you don't eat all your candies and wait until you have at least 10 of them, you can throw 10 candies on the ground. Just out of spite, I guess. Go on, throw all your candies on the floor, see if I care!

As you throw more and more candies on the ground, dots appear after the text, then a question mark, then a little emoticon. The more candy you throw down, the sadder the emoticon gets. At 100 candies thrown, the face becomes (;_;) and doesn't change anymore. Candies thrown on the ground don't have any effect other than that.

Ok, let's try and be patient now. Keep filling your endless pockets with candy. I'm not using the word 'endless' lightly, here. #foreshadowing

Look! When you reach 60 candies someone appears! It's the candy merchant, you can trust him because he looks like Doctor Who.
The candy merchant is offering to sell you a lollipop. You can buy it if you want, or you can just hang out and wait.

The candy merchant is ticklish.

If you click on his hat repeatedly, he will end up giving you 100 candies!

He also likes to sell only the cleanest lollipops.

If you click repeatedly on the lollipop, he will eventually lower the price as far as 50.

Ok, let's buy some lollipops. You can even get 10 for a discount price if you wait some more. Now we have candies AND lollipops.
Clearly this game was made by dentists.

Waaaait a second. Actually, wait about 150 seconds (or less, if you haven't eaten anything). WHOA.
"Candy" merchant, you said? Riiiight.

Let's buy that wooden sword!!

Look at the top of the page: Tab Buttons have appeared!
Check your Inventory: that's right, Wood sword. Also lots of empty places just waiting there.
What's this, Quest? You're in the pink, ready for fighting? Let's go for an epic quest!

Phase 2 - New places and Quests (part 1)

(navigation note: you can go from one tab to another by clicking on them or by using the Left and Right arrows on your keyboard)

Notes for all quests:
You can always go on a quest again. Some quests have some randomized contents, but each stays basically the same.
Whatever you find during a quest will only be yours if you get out alive. If you don't (or if you do, but get hurt), you'll just have to wait before going on another quest. The more you're hurt, the longer you wait.
General hint:

Eating candy raises your HP. There's no upper limit.

The peaceful forest (Quest)

Trees! They don't fight back and they drop candies. This game is easy!

You might find a chest in the forest (but it's ok if you don't - chests are rare throughout the game, and always full of candy), and you'll certainly find a KEY. Hm.

Check your inventory: there it is! Mouse-over it for info: it's the key to the lollipop farm. Let's go check that out.

But before you go, look at the drop-down menu for Destination: you can now go to Mount Goblin.

The lollipop farm (not a Quest - I wish it was, though)

This is an important asset in the game. You'll plant lollipops and they will grow for you to collect.

So go on, plant a lollipop. Production: 1 lp/day. That actually means one real-time day. I told you this game took a while.
Ok, it's not THAT bad. Plant some more, maybe 10 at a time. Don't hesitate to buy more from the merchant so you can plant them faster. Your production rate will grow.

At 40 lollipops planted, you get a production of 1 lp/min. At 300 planted, you'll get 1 lp/sec. The peak is 100 lp/sec, reached a bit before 17,500 lollipops planted. But you don't need to reach that right now! This is a resource you'll have to manage during the game until you reach that peak.

And you'll want to reach it, trust me.

Cute place! ^_^

If you click inside the tree, the ASCII art inside it changes. Just for the looks.

The candy merchant

You may have noticed when you bought the Wood sword that another sword appeared for sale. There are many swords!

You have to buy the swords in order, you can't stack candies and skip one. Tough dealer, that guy.

Copper sword: 300 candies
Iron sword: 500 candies
Silver sword: 1000 candies
Diamond sword: 2000 candies
encrust Diamond sword with candy: 101 candies
polish encrusted candy sword: 30 lollipops

Once you get the best sword, the merchant starts selling potions and scrolls.

The health potion will give you 50 HP when you drink it.
The escape potion will let you get away from a quest without the time penalty for being hurt. (You have to escape while you're still alive, of course).

There are five types of scrolls, they're sold in random order (but not all are available from the start), with possible repetition:

Fire scroll
Acid rain scroll
Teleport scroll
Imp invocation scroll
Earthquake scroll

Their in-game descriptions are pretty clear. Note that in quests with more than one screen, the Teleport scroll will send you back to the start of that screen, not of the whole quest.

All these prices remain the same throughout the game.

All your potions and scrolls appear on the Quest tab. They're used by clicking on them during a quest.
Both potions and scrolls have a cooldown time before you can use another one. The countdowns appear at the bottom left of this screen.

Mount Goblin (Quest)

Did you boldly go to Mount Goblin right after your walk through the peaceful forest? With that wooden sword?

Well, that's not very sharp. ;)

Our good friend the merchant has better weapons to offer. Buy them when you can!
And don't forget your food!

Once you beat Mount Goblin, you'll have found a MAP.

There are actually two different maps to be found on this quest, so go through it again until you find both.

They'll appear in your inventory, together with new buttons on that page that lead us to those new places.

There is also a PAIR OF BOOTS here.

The boots make you move faster through the quests. Not absolutely indispensable for now, but you'll need them later to be a star.

So, yeah. Grind.

The next available quest is the Underwater cave.

You might want to visit the Sorceress and the Frog before going on this one. They can help whale you collect your candies. Oh, sorry, what a typo there.

The Sorceress' hut

This lady is going to be a huge help throughout the game. Let's start by getting her attention with some lollipops. Because throwing lollipops into people's houses is always a good idea, right?

One she's at the door, we see what she can do for us:

Candies, faster candies!
Sword, better sword!
Candies, more candies!

Pretty straightforward. And OMG what are those prices? They're in klp. 1 klp = 1000 lollipops. Ouch.
Back to the farm. I'll have to surpass myself if I want to get these services.

The 'faster candies' and 'better sword' spells will get more expensive every time you buy them, and the effects are cumulative. That's also something to manage during the game, and there's no upper limit.

You can't upgrade the sword straight away. It has to be enchanted first.

At the forge.

The 'more candies' thing is a bit subtler. You get a fixed amount of candy, and the price never changes. How much you get depends *greatly* on how advanced you are in the quests, and very little on how many times (if at all) it's been used. It's not very cost-effective at all during the first quests, but it can be peaked at 300k candies for 300k lollipops, which can be quite useful later on.

The Swampy Swamp

I know he looks creepy getting closer and closer like that, but the Frog is your friend. He just feels alone, so he wants to play with you and give you candy.

See? Not creepy at all.

He'll ask you plenty of questions. For each correct answer, you'll get something.

First more and more candy, then a chocolate bar, then some potions.

You can use the chocolate bar to coat your sword. No other uses for the chocolate. In-game, I mean.

The potions are Berserk potions. The only other place where you might get them is the Wishing well.

The questions are actually very easy to answer if you think a bit outside the box for some of them (and know your powers of 2 for one of them). Sometimes the answer might be staring right at you!

Some hints...

Question 1: Consider what kind of world this is, and what the polite answer must be.
Question 2: Follow the implications like arrows, starting from A. Stop when that doesn't imply anything else.
Question 3: Every "other day" here is "other than the first" - so every day. Just double it 9 times.
Question 4: Again, what could the polite answer be?
Question 5: Aren't you listening? I mean, aren't *you* listening?
Question 6: He asked you to do something. Just do it! :)

Underwater cave (Quest)

Strategy ideas:

Pack a health potion and a fire scroll. Use the health potion after the Eels, and the fire scroll on the Whale.
You might want to use a Berserk potion too, when you get to the Octopi. In that case, use the health potion earlier (or not at all) so the Berserk is available when you need it.

Lots to find in this quest:

Check the inventory for their descriptions!

Next: Castle's entrance! Better pack for this one.

The Forge

Ah, an opportunity to sharpen our sword. Why, of course!

Fancy that, I can enchant it too!

You need a scroll or a potion to enchant the sword.

A health potion, a fire scroll, or an imp summoning scroll. Each will give a different (enchanted) sword. You can only choose once, and then it's set for as long as the game works. Enchanted swords can be upgraded by the Sorceress.

A fire sword will deal more damage.
A life sword will regenerate some health with each blow.
A summoning sword will place an ally in front of you (if there is space) to fight for you. The ally changes with the upgrades.

The wishing well

As so many things in this world, the wishing well works with candy. Let's throw one in.
Choose wisely!

The multiplication of candies and lollipops are just that.

But you can get some potions that the merchant doesn't have! I'd go for that. Just sayin'.

Actually, you will be able to cook all those potions later on. But that can take a long while...

Castle's entrance (Quest)

Ok, so this one might be a bit hard at first. You'll need to move fast, that's for sure.
Here are some ideas:

You need the boots from Mount Goblin in order to escape the falling asterisk that sends you back to the start of the quest.

One (relatively) easy way to beat this is to have a good sword and a good amount of HP. Then just go Berserk.

Other than that, health potions can be very useful too but might be too slow to cool down, and a fire scroll is nice to get by the Knights faster.

You can get a PLATE ARMOUR from this quest. It's useful!

Next: Castle's stairs. Sounds pretty easy.

Castle's stairs (Quest)

The ghosts take away half of whatever health you have. Just like that. Daaaang.


Get an Imp invocation scroll before you go, and summon the imp as soon as you start. He will fight all the ghosts for you at no additional cost.

And then there's this guy at the top of the stairs, who doesn't look like he's into candy.

Stay healthy and make him burrrrrrrn. :)

The Necromancer drops the CAULDRON. You'll be using that, oh yes you will. Until your arms get tired.
There's even a new tab just for it. Go check!

He also drops the CANDY CONVERTER, which turns all your candies quickly into lollipops if you activate it in the Candy Box tab.

This is useful when you collect lots of candies from a quest, for instance, or have your candies coming in at a nice rate and want to contribute to the lollipop income. Mostly, you'll use it in order to buy upgrades from the Sorceress, or to obtain the right amount of lollipops for a recipe.

And then later on you'll wish that conversion happened a LOT faster. Oh boy.

Next step: Castle's keep. It's a big one.

The Cauldron - a bit of cooking with candies and lollipops

There's not much to say here... Just follow the instructions on the brewing manual, and you're good.

Note that you can burn water, here. No, seriously.

This is the tab you'll be coming to any time you need some more potions.

I recommend making some Major health potions, many Invulnerability potions, and many Seeds. These will all be useful for several upcoming quests.

You can make more than one potion or seed at a time, simply by using multiples of the quantities prescribed.

Castle's keep (Quest)

Welp, that's the big one. SPOILER ALERT: there's a Dragon at the end. Go on, try it once, he kills you pretty fast. Ow.

Also, this quest is in many "screens", and pretty much everything you use in one (potions and scrolls) is over by the time you get to the next. So take your timings well into consideration.

With good HP and a good sword, you can go through most of the Keep using Major health potions, some Invulnerability, and an Imp invocation for the ghosts. The trouble lies at the end, really.

One way to beat the Dragon is to go invulnerable as soon as you reach him, then teleport back to the door when this wears out, throw a Seed in front of you to make time for the invulnerability potion to be available again, and repeat. The Dragon has 1000 HP and deals quite a lot of damage every time. Keep your eye on those counters!

Also, you might want to redo some of the previous quests just to get more candy to cook. Or else let the game running and harvesting a while, go have some tea! It's the least you could do before tackling, I don't know, a FRIKKIN DRAGON.

The Castle is yours, hooraaaaay!

In there, a Unicorn might have dropped a HORN (which will make you heal during quests!).

You'll also find an AMULET, which greatly increases your candy income. Sweet!

So, is there anything left once you've killed the dragon? A prince or princess, perchance?


(before we go: A note on a recipe you don't *have* to prepare but might want to anyway)

The G.M.O.O.H. (Get Me Out Of Here) potion.

This will take you from wherever you are to a different Quest. Most of the time it will be a completely safe place that you can't reach otherwise (Sea or Desert), sometimes it will be the Peaceful forest, sometimes if will be an existing Quest with some monsters in it.

But once in a while you'll land in COW land.

While that's not particularly dangerous, as you fight three rows of COWS one of them may drop a HORN. This is different from the Unicorn Horn, and will triple your lollipop income. Neat!

Keep in mind that the jump provided by this potion is random - you might go from Sea to Sea again, then 3 times to Desert. So if you're really trying for that Horn of Plenty, make sure you have many bottles of this potion

This horn is the last item you can get. The two slots that remain empty in your inventory will be filled with "endgame" messages.

Why yes, I do like using quotation marks like this for no reason, why do you ask?

Let's move on? Further down and further in.

Phase 3 - More Quests

This is the part that leads to the end of the game. It gets a bit difficult sometimes, so hang in there!


You can save before each quest and reload if you fail, in order to keep your potions and scrolls. It's not really cheating if the game lets me save, is it?

Hell (Quest)

Brace yourself. Now brace yourself twice more because this is in three waves.
There are demons, ghosts, fireballs, a wall that hurts a LOT, and then the DEVil. He's the easy part, actually, once you get there

You might miss this crucial bit of information amidst the (relative) mess that is Hell: you can move up and down with the i and k keys on your keyboard. Use this to avoid and to aim!

Here's a bit of strategy, largely inspired by SirNiko's post:

First wave: Avoid the demons as much as you can, navigating away from them. You're aiming for the wall, and you'll need to turn invulnerable almost as soon as you touch it. So use your health potions wisely and with good timing.
Once you reach the wall, stick to one point. You'll break through and be sent back to the left of the screen. If you can, pick a point to break through near the top or the bottom.

Second wave: There's a line of ghosts at the top and another at the bottom. Line up with them and call an imp.

Phew! Get ready to go through the hole you made in the first wall, into another hurting wall which will call for more invulnerability.
As you go through, you'll be teleported back left again.

Third wave: Your imp might still be around, so get behind it, avoiding all you can as you get there. You might get a whole wall of ghosts, or of fireballs, or a mix of those and some others. Again, going through ghosts with your imp is the safest route.
Now the wall has a hole through all of it: you'll go straight to the DEVil! He packs a mean punch, but if you manage to become invulnerable just before you reach him, he's not that hard to kill.

You killed the DEVil, just like Mr. Punch! Now everyone can do what they want!

Well, sorta. You see, your worst enemy has always been...


Go ahead, try and kill yourself. You'll succeed! Just not the way you wanted.

Try again. Use a scroll. Potions. Become GOD and make it rain. Now go vent your frustration a little and come back when you're feeling better.

How can you surpass yourself?

Be honest, wasn't that a beautiful hint I dropped way back there?

About "surpassing myself". There was some farming involved for some reason.

To pay the Sorceress for her services.

Go ask her already!!

Well done! Take a rest. You don't have a choice anyway.

Ok, there's no way to properly introduce the next Quest.

Chuck Norris (I'm not even joking)

And you were afraid of Hell just now. Poor thing. Now enter the dragon.

Oops, sorry. Wrong reference?

It's actually a hint.

You can beat him like you beat the Dragon in the Castle's Keep.

Invulnerability when you reach him; Teleport back; Seed to wait for the potion to be available again; repeat.
Timing is of the essence here.

Congratulations, you've defeated Chuck Norris!

(It's a shame that the developer chose to abandon realism so late in the game, really.)

Things might start to get weird, now.

Developper's garden

Ok, so, giant flowers. Let's just walk through?


So... Try again?

We kinda know how to treat burns by now.

Same strategy as before should work: Invulnerability and Teleportation.

As I understand it, the tree you plant doesn't resist their plasma guns for very long at all, so you're left with teleporting back (and still getting hurt quite a bit).

The flowers were real nice, though.

Developper's moat

This one is actualy funny. Try and figure it out on your own. Take it slow.

I mean it. Stop going overboard! Show some self-control.

No, you can't take the Boots off. You'll have to change something else. Try reading about it.

You could try planting a tree at rhe right time, OR you could check that sweet Turtle potion.

Well that was suspiciously easy, don't you think?

Developper's computer

This here is the true mess. Don't let it get to you. Good luck!

Seriously, don't look at the mess. Look at what's (a little more) stable.

Keep an eye on your stats and your enemy's. This is how you'll see when you're facing the DEVelopper. He has like almost 20 digits worth of HP, you can't miss it. And he won't miss you, rest assured.

Did you see the info in red above the whole mess?

He'll die if you hit the right key. It's a random key, though.

So here's an idea: survive long enough to reach him (through Healing and Invulnerabilities), and try to turn invulnerable JUST when you're in front of him. Remember, don't look at the ASCII art, look at the stats.

Once you're facing him and invulnerable, ELEGANTLY mash your keyboard all over until you hit the right key.

This is a spot where it helps a lot if you have very high HP.

We're through? Really, alive after all that? Wooooooo look at all that candy, that's insane!!

You won the game! You now have all the candies in the world! (It says so in your inventory.)
Just imagine everything you can do with all that candy. You can cook any potion you want, you can eat it all and get super strong, you can convert it to lollipops and get a ridiculously high-leveled sword...

You can also check out that new tab over there, called Computer. Wow. It's not over.

This makes me... happy, I guess?

Phase 4 - NOW it gets weird

Also, now you redefine everything you thought about what "a lot" means.

Look at that Computer tab. This is what we're going to do now, we're going to mess with the game itself?

Yes. But of course, we need lollipops for that. Lots and lots and LOTS of lollipops.

The challenge in this whole phase is obtaining all those lollies. So let's get right to it.

You might want to keep the Converter running all the time, or almost, because lollipops is what we want.

Let's turn all that 10 billion candies into lollipops.

This will prove not to be enough for everything, so you'll have to harvest more candies and more lollipops pretty soon. With that, some of the bugs we can execute will help.

However, be prepared to run some quests again, especially the ones that bring the most candy: Castle's keep and Developper's computer. (Yes, the one you just barely beat.)

This means getting yout HP high and your potion bottles full. Grind time!

So we can affect the game in the strangest ways, you say? Let's see what's what in here.

The Bugs

They come in many levels, and a bug of level N costs 10^(N-1) mlp. One mlp is one million (10^6) lollipops.

At each level, a bug may simply not work. You can try it again, for a different result.

Here are the possible outcomes (when it doesn't fail):

Level 1: you get 1, 2 or 3 chocolate bars. Not very useful at all, since you can't coat your sword any more than you already did.

Level 2: You either pick all the candies you had thrown down (hello, five seconds rule?), talk to a shoemaker or journalist who gives you a lot of candies, or increase the production limit of your lollipop farm.

In this latter case, you'll be able to take it up to 10000 lp/sec, with something like 1,700,000 lollipops planted. Just keep clicking that '1000' button.

Level 3: Your sword level decreases by 3 (not often), or it increases by 1 (more often), or your candies are multiplied by three (more often).
This is how you can get to ridiculous amounts of candy once you have enough lollipops to run this bug many, many times (which, granted, might take a while).

And by ridiculous I mean in the order of 10^70. You should start with a big amount for this to be more effective.
(For instance, right after beating Developper's computer again.)

This bug can also give you the wonderful Sword of Liflamesummoning (just once).

Level 4: This costs ONE BILLION lollipops. Better be worth my time.

It's not.

Level 5: You may get the Sword of Randomness with this (once only). It has level infinite + (your previous sword level), kills everything except the DEVelopper in one hit, and seriously messes with your health on its own (even against trees!).

You may also get PONY TIME!! Every one becomes a pony, even the trees and cows and you. Interestingly, the DEVelopper seems to be immune to the whole keyboard while in pony form. You can get out of Pony Time by reloading the game.

Have you heard of the WOOD PONY?

Well, if you have, it has nothing at all to do with this. It is a creature that may appear *very* seldom in the Peaceful forest, and Pony Time is actually a sure way to miss it.

Level 6: What, I don't get anything for 100,000 mlp??


how long do you think it'll take to get to 10^13, I mean ten trillion, lollipops?

I think I'll do the dishes while it converts my candy

my god, it's full of stars

Hm. Yes. I see. Well that changes things a bit now, doesn't it?

You're free. You can do anything. You can say you've won.

You'll notice the game didn't stop, though.

Go ahead, go crazy. Get 3 quintillion HP and beat Chuck Norris with your left nostril alone. Go to Hell dressed as Superman. Collect more candy than there are atoms in the observable universe.

(It kinda freaks me out that my computer just counted so far beyond that, btw. SEVERAL orders of magnitude beyond that.)

And then eat them all.

Intro to walkthrough:

This game took me about a week, maybe two to finish. I often left it open running in the background. I am a level grinder so that got me pretty far along in the game without too much help. I never used the forge, so some of my experiences with the levels may be different that yours. I suggest you do some upgrades either at the end of your day or the beginning of your day and then let it run while you do other stuff on your computer. If you do not like level grinding then just waiting is your best bet. At a certain point much later in the game it becomes something fun to play with, kind of a web toy.



Candy Box
-Eating candy...

well it just makes that number go up (or does it)

eating candies gets you hp
You start with 100hp
total candies eaten (difference from previous level)= total hp gained
50c(50) +10hp
300c(250) +20hp
800c(500) +30hp
1600c(800) +40hp
2800c(1200) +50hp
4400c(1600) +60hp
apx 6400c(2000) +70hp
apx 9100c(2700) +80hp
apx 13,000c +93hp
apx 16,000c +102hp
apx 30,000c +130hp
apx 100,000c +210hp
apx 243,000c +300hp
apx 505,000c +400hp
apx 673,000c +450hp
apx 905,000c +506hp
apx 1,128,000c +553hp
apx 1,405,000c +604hp
apx 1,871,000 +677hp
apx 2,030,000 +700hp
apx 2,901,000 +807hp
apx 4,000,000 +918hp
apx 6,700,000 +1128hp
apx 8,000,000 +1211hp
apx 14,000,000 +1515hp
apx 1,000,000,000 +8360hp
apx 2,880,000,000 +12,863hp
apx 5,000,000,000 +16,015hp
not high enough?

Infinity + infinity hp
when fighting the Developer your health will not go to 0 it will go to NaN, so you do not die, but even with a 1,500 level Liflamesummoning is still takes quite a while to beat him, so since I just ate all of the candy I am going to go multiply them again until I have infinite candy again. I have to do something while I wait, right? Still taking too long back to leveling sword up. 10,000 maybe that will work. Nope, not even with that, nor with sword of Randomness, even after letting it run for an hour. See Developer's computer section below for answers
Warning: if you eat infinite candies and reload it resets your candies eaten to 0 as well as your level of candies per second gets set back (not 0, but much lower) or at least it did when I had it at e+139 and went down to 46,116,860,141,324,210,000

-Throwing them on the ground�

changes the text emoticons
You threw 10 candies on the ground.
20 �
30 ?
40- : |
50 : /
60 : (
70 : [
80 : {
90 : ' (
100 ( ; _ ; )
It does not seem to change past 100, but you can keep trying if you want

-Other candy uses and farm

chocolate \o/ or : ( if you use it it adds 4 to your hitting power)
Now I don't' have a chocolate bar! wait until much later in the game and you can have many many more (see computer)

use 101 (I think it was candies) to encrust your diamond sword and make it even more powerful
+2 to hitting power

use 30 lollipops to make lollipop powder to polish your candy sword and make it awesome (and more powerful)
+3 to hitting power

use 1 chocolate bar to coat your sword with melted chocolate and make it incredibly powerful (adds 4 to your hitting power)

The Candy Merchant (silly since he takes not give candy, maybe he is made of candy :O )
Poke the candy man
from Dena Gillespie

Found something neat on the candyman
If you keep clicking his hat, he'll give you 100 candies

save some candy
from Patricia Sanvictores

if you click the lollipop, the merchant with lower the price.
Also if you do it multiple times he keeps doing it; it is limited, the price of 50 candies for a lolli and 450 for 10 lolls
or as adelay243 put it: if you click the lollipop a few times and continue, the merchant will lower the price to 50. not that useful later but helpful to get lollipops(a tiny bit) faster when you start

60c gets you a lollipop
In case you missed the flavors (there may be more):

(lime, lychee, chocolate, kiwifruit , strawberry, pear, kitten, blueberry, blackberry, raspberry, kiwifruit, tomato, desire, dracula, pancake, fatalism, gluttony, causality, cookie, cherry, cuteness, apple, love, leprechaun, door, lollipop, snow, water, storm, apricot, banana, mandarin, peach)
If you click too many times there is a lollipop shortage, I think it lasts about 20 minutes after a good 50 clicks or so

More lolli and candy uses

"There's now a discount for 10 lollipops! Buy them please.. I need candiiiies!"
500 c gets 10 lollipops (various flavors)

150c for a wooden sword; hits for 1 hp (buying a sword begets you a candy box, inventory and quest tabs)
300c for a copper sword; hits for 2 hp
500c for an iron sword; hits for 3hp
1000c for a silver sword hits for 4hp
200 candies diamond sword for 5hp

600c health potion

150c escape potion

400c scroll
fire (burns enemies)
acid (instantly damages everyone including you)
teleport (brings you back to beginning of quest to recover health)
imp invocation (imp invocation scroll will, if there's enough place, invoke in front of you an imp which will fight for you)
earthquake (will inflict a lot of damage to everyone in the whole land)

lollipop farm

(gain more lollipops by planting them)
plant 1/10/100/1000
Break down of planting lollipops planted versus growing:
Short version

1 = 1 per day
2 = 4 p day
3 = 9 p d
4 = 16 p d
5/6 = 1 p hour
22 = 20 p h
37 = 57 p h
38-53 = 1 per minute
54-65 = 2 p m
85-92 = 5 p m
120-125 = 10 p m
292-294 = 59 p m
295 = 1 per second
approximately 475 = 2 p s
apx 645 = 3 p s
apx 995 = 5 p s
apx 1855 = 10 p s
apx 5315 = 30 p s
apx 10,000 = 57 p s
apx 10,500 = 60 p s
apx 18,000 = 100 p s max? (tried 40,000 and no change) but...

apx 173,000 = 1,000 p s (allowed only when bug 2 is applied (See computer: level 2 bug))

Long version

1 = 1 per day
2 = 4 p day
3 = 9 p d
4 = 16 p d
5/6 = 1 p hour
7/8 = 2 p h
9 = 3 p h
10 = 4 p h
11 = 5 p h
12 = 6 p h
13 = 7 p h
14 = 8 p h
15 = 9 p h
16 = 10 p h
17 = 12 p h
18 = 13 p h
19 = 15 p h
20 = 16 p h
21 = 18 p h
22 = 20 p h
23 = 22 p h
24 = 24 p h
25 = 26 p h
26 = 28 p h
27 = 30 p h
28 = 32 p h
29 = 35 p h
30 = 37 p h
31 = 40 p h
32 = 42 p h
33 = 45 p h
34 = 48 p h
35 = 51 p h
36 = 54 p h
37 = 57 p h
38-53 = 1 per minute
54-65 = 2 p m
66-75 = 3 p m
76-84 = 4 p m
85-92 = 5 p m
93-100 = 6 p m
101-107 = 7 p m
108-113 = 8 p m
114-119 = 9 p m
120-125 = 10 p m
126-131 = 11 p m
132-136 = 12 p m
137-141 = 13 p m
142-146 = 14 p m
147-151 =15 p m
152-156 = 16 p m
157-160 = 17 p m
161-165 = 18 p m
166-169 = 19 p m
170-173 = 20 p m
174-177 = 21 p m
178-181 = 22 p m
182-185 = 23 p m
186-189 = 24 p m
190-193 = 25 p m
194-197 = 26 p m
198-200 = 27 p m
201-204 = 28 p m
205-207 = 29 p m
208-211 = 30 p m
212-214 = 31 p m
215-217 = 32 p m
218-221 = 33 p m
222-224 = 34 p m
225-227 = 35 p m
228-230 = 36 p m
231-233 = 37 p m
234-236 = 38 p m
237-249 = 39 p m
240-242 = 40 p m
243-245 = 41 p m
246-248 = 42 p m
249-251 = 43 p m
252-254 = 44 p m
255-257 = 45 p m
258-260 = 46 p m
261-262 = 47 p m
263-265 = 48 p m
266-268 = 49 p m
269-270 = 50 p m
271-273 = 51 p m
274-276 = 52 p m
277-278 = 53 p m
279-281 = 54 p m
282-283 = 55 p m
284-286 = 56 p m
287-288 = 57 p m
289-291 = 58 p m
292-294 = 59 p m
295 = 1 per second
approximately 475 = 2 p s
apx 645 = 3 p s
apx 815 = 4 p s
apx 995 = 5 p s
apx 1165 = 6 p s
apx 1335 = 7 p s
apx 1505 = 8 p s
apx 1685 = 9 p s
apx 1855 = 10 p s
apx 2025 = 11 p s
apx 2205 = 12 p s
apx 2375 = 13 p s
apx 2545 = 14 p s
apx 2715 = 15 p s
apx 2895 = 16 p s
apx 3065 = 17 p s
apx 3235 = 18 p s
apx 3415 = 19 p s
apx 3585 = 20 p s
apx 3755 = 21 p s
apx 3925 = 22 p s
apx 4105 = 23 p s
apx 4275 = 24 p s
apx 4445 = 25 p s
apx 4615 = 26 p s
apx 4795 = 27 p s
apx 4965 = 28 p s
apx 5135 = 29 p s
apx 5315 = 30 p s
apx 10,000 = 57 p s
apx 10,500 = 60 p s
apx 18,000 = 100 p s max? (tried 40,000 and no change) but...

apx 173,000 = 1,000 p s (allowed only when bug 2 is applied (See computer: level 2 bug))

-Other locations (Tabs, you will soon see them)
As George Takei would say Oh Myyy!


Stronger sword

You can increase the level of your sword by visiting the sorceress, there is a trick, first you have to enchant it at the forge, other wise you cannot increase the level of your sword
Other swords

Sword of Randomness

Infinite level plus the level you add to the sword

(When you have the Sword of Liflamesummoning at level 1,500 it even beats chuck norris and everything level easily except the developer on the last level; to beat him see the developer's computer section below)

Key for lollipop farm (peaceful forest)
Boots (I am pretty sure I found it on Mount Goblin) increase quest walking speed (may also decrease wait time between levels, 2 seconds countdown instead of 1)
Magician's hat (Underwater cave from SrPilha) enhances magic (presumably makes your spells stronger)
Pink ring of calmness (Underwater cave from SrPilha) recover faster after a quest
Plate armor (castle's entrance)
Candies converter use it to make candy into lollipops at a 1 to 1 ratio (much cheaper than buying lollis)

(if you leave it running for 20 minutes it converts all of the candies to lollipops or rather they increase adding very quickly and then they are added faster than the per second can keep up; you only notice this once you get more candies like 1.72358725349716e+49(made up number, but you get the idea) )

Cauldron (see Cauldron section below for Cauldron help)
Magical horn (castle's keep) regain health continuously
Horn of plenty; multiplies lollipop production by 3 where?

(cow level, one of the hidden levels found by using G.M.O.O.H. potion)

An old amulet; multiplies candy production by 3 (castle's keep)

Last two items you can get

Bravo ! You won the game :) You now have all the candies in the world.

(you can now ask the dev for a real candy, if you find him !)

Swampy Swamp (Mount goblin)
Sorceress' hut (Mount goblin)

faster candy

faster candy 30 klp candy is now +2 total candies per second
faster candies 90 klp +3 total candies per second
faster candies 250 klp +5 total candies per second
faster candies 640 klp 8 total candies per second
faster candies 1690 klp 13 tcps
faster candies 4410klp 21 tcps
faster candies 11560klp 34 tcps
faster candies 30250klp 55 tcps
faster candies 79210klp 89 tcps
faster candies 207,360klp 144 tcps
faster candies 542,890klp 233 tcps
faster candies 1,421,290klp 377 tcps
faster candies 3.721,000klp 610 tcps
faster candies 9,741,690klp 987 tcps
faster candies 25,504,090klp 1597 tcps
faster candies 66,770,560klp 2584 tcps
faster candies 174,807,610klp 4181 tcps
faster candies 457,652,250klp 6765 tcps
faster candies 1,198,149,160klp 10,946 tcps
faster candies 3,136,679,5210 klp 17,711 tcps
faster candies 8,212,236,490 klp 28,657 tcps
faster candies 21,499,914,240 klp 46,368 tcps
faster candies 56,287,506,250 klp 75,025 tcps
faster candies 147,362,604,490 klp 121,393 tcps
faster candies 385,800,307,240 klp 196,418 tcps
faster candies 1,010,038,317,210 klp 317,811 tcps
faster candies 2,644,314,644,410 klp 514,229 tcps
faster candies 6,922,905,616,000 klp 832,040 tcps
faster candies 18,124,402,203,610 klp 1,346,269 tcps
faster candies 47,450,300,994,810 klp 2,178,309 tcps
faster candies 124,226,500,780,840 klp 3,524,578 tcps
faster candies 325,229,201,347,690 klp forgot to write this one down
faster candies 851,461,103,262,250 klp just clicked a bunch of time after this point
when the next is 2.1966987880072746e+139klp you now receive 2.748013549049151e+69 candies per second
When the cost reached about e+304 klp I did not have enough to buy it even with e+307 lollipops

better sword

better sword 60 klp (adds a level to your sword, since I did not use this until after beating all of the levels so I did not keep track of how much more powerful it makes your sword)
level 2500 sword next level for 6,840,622,090 klp
level 3,000 next level 10,987,315,310 klp
level 5,000 next level 41,452,222,610 klp
7,777 nl 130,694,298,160 klp
10,000 nl 251,253,957,420 klp
Not high enough? have you beaten the last level?

nope not good enough
you need 10 billion lollipops

now try using bug 3 to get more lollis, then use the randomize for sword power once you get e+any number you have a super awesome sword
You can only get the bugs once you beat the developer and you can only get next to infinite sword power by using the radomize section after you have about 1 trillion lollipops

more candy 300 klp
The best use of this is if you need candy instead of lollipops

starts giving you about 3,000candies, then 5,000c then 9,000c then 55,000c then 71,000c, then 300,000c (really only worth it at 300,000 if you need to convert lollipops to candy)

Forge (map found in Underwater cave)
I did not use the forge so I will let some of SrPilha's words help you out

You need a scroll or a potion to enchant the sword.

(You will need Either) A health potion, a fire scroll, or an imp summoning scroll.
Each will give a different (enchanted) sword. You can only choose once, and then it's set for as long as the game works.
Enchanted swords can (then) be upgraded by the Sorceress.

(health potion:) A life sword will regenerate some health with each blow.
(fire scroll) A fire sword will deal more damage.
(imp summoning scroll) A summoning sword will place an ally in front of you (if there is space) to fight for you.
The ally changes with the upgrades.

Wishing well single use (map found in Underwater cave)

multiply candies by 5
multiply lollipops by 8
potions and scrolls; I got 78 on one try, refreshed and got 53



beat a quest to get the next one
wait time is less the higher up the level you have beaten; if you beat the next level the previous level has less wait time and lower levels often have none.
wait time seems to be less if you win, more if you lose the level

Average candy take for each level is listed below each title unless you find a CHS. As well as some object/baddie stats and strategies. Depending on the level you can get higher more candy from CHS on higher levels

CHS chest 80hp (full of candy 60-440 or higher; seems to depend on how high of a level you are on)
shows up randomly on levels

Part 1 of 2

Peaceful forest

Candies 6-12
The first epic quest I played "the peaceful forest" got me candy and a key to the lollipop farm

lll tree 5hp
WPY 12hp wood pony

Mount goblin

Candies 70
rest 200 only applies if you have only beaten the previous level and not later levels
need at least an iron sword to beat goblin mountain
beat it with a silver sword

GOB nasty goblins 20hp
GSB sick goblin (dies faster) 20hp
GTB tenacious goblin 30hp

Underwater cave

Candies 700

F~H fish 10-12hp
EEL eel 3hp
OCT octopus 45hp
The Whale 100hp

For the whale:

(it helps to use scrolls and have high enough hp, use health potions as well)

Castle's entrance

Candies 900-6,000 averages 1,000 unless you have higher hp and health replenish then you can leave it playing and it will play until your character hits it just right and breaks through

GUA 25hp
KNI 70hp armored
You either hit it right or you don't (depending on where the * starts will make it whether or not you make it through) You may need the boots to walk fast enough through this level

If you hit it correctly you can go through; two factors here. First you have to be able to beat the baddies and second the teleporter is hitting just right. In some cases you can use the teleport scroll to make the timing better. Good time to use the chocolate bar if you have not already. Once you get enough health and upgraded your weapon, if it happens to hit one of the "impossible" to pass levels you can let it run for a bit and then use teleport (once or so) to get at a better point to get past the *. It is never impossible to beat, that is once you have enough health and upgraded your sword in the candy box you can run it through a good ten times and you will get past the * without using the teleport scroll, you just get more candies

Castle's stairs

Candies none, but you still have to beat the level

GHO ghost hits hard (halves health) 5hp
POC pile of corpses doesn't hit, takes longer to beat 180-220hp
NEC necromancer 150hp

Necromancer help:

I needed acid rain for this one (earthquake should work as well), take the ghosts out right before or right after beating a POC so that there are less, may have to take the ghosts out again if too many appear. You mostly just need enough health left to beat the necromancer

Castle's keep

Candies 6,000-80,000 (about per CHS)
GUA guard 25hp
FBL hits for about 40 1hp (acid or earthquake helps)
KNI knight 70hp
GHO ghost hits hard (halves health) 5hp
WAL stone wall 300-400hp
WZW walled off zombie warrior 170-240hp
UNI unicorn 100hp
| | 70hp its not a door
GOR gorilla 50hp
RHI sumatran/javan rhinoceros 160hp
DEO doediciuus 120hp
DST dromorist Stortini 70hp
TRL troll 250hp
GAU gaur 80 hp
KOM komodo dragon 5hp
CPY capybara 20hp
Dragon 1,000hp
I wanted to put the picture of the dragon, because it is full of awesome, I really did; I even tried spacing it, but it just doesn't translate well with the different text formatting.
To beat the dragon:

Use Invulnerability potion. Don't have it? Visit the cauldron. Teleport back and use health potions to regain health.

Part 2 of 2


Candies 100,000

DEM demon 90hp
GHO ghost hits hard (halves health) 5hp
FBL hits for about 40 1hp (acid or earthquake helps)
DEV the devil itself (weapon: religion) 250 hp

Help for beating each wave and the boss:

Imps, Invulnerability, earthquake or acid scroll and any combination there of are good for beating DEMs. GHO are easily beat by using Imps or even clones, you can also use acid and earthquake to get past them faster. If you take long enough you hit FBLs; you can take them out the same as ghosts, but if you use Imps you will need more. If you get to the point where there is a solid wall of FBLs coming you can use teleport, seeds and health potions to bring up your health while simultaneously using acid or earthquake to take out the FBLs before they hit your tree. It doesn't always work when you get a wall of FBLs so you can choose to try or quit at that point. If you get through the GHOs fast you do not have to deal with the FBLs. Use Invulnerability when facing DEV


Candies none

Same hp as you except if

you go to the sorceress first and buy surpass yourself

Chuck Norris

Candies none

CN kills you in one hit

To beat CN:

Just like the Dragon Use invulnerability when really close to CN, then teleport use seeds and health to recover, repeat.
You could also use clone, but that takes much longer

Developer's Garden

Candies none
CGG Cheated garden gnome (has an ultra plasma ray) 70hp
your health goes down to 4, but just don't run into them and it will not go lower

To beat the gnomes:

acid and earthquake can help, if you hit them use invulnerability potion (if health is low quickly receed before it runs out)

Developer's Moat

Candies none
hint 1

hint 2

turtle, turtle

turn into a turtle when you hit the platform; can't see the platform, block yourself immediately with a seed when you enter, then you will know where it is because it starts moving, you have to start the level over (do not block yourself with a seed or use teleport) get across using turtle.

Developer's computer

Candies 4,000,000 to 1,300,000,000 400mil to 1.3bil

Most baddies
Now it helps if you have health recovery you need Magical horn found in the castle's keep. I used a lot of health potions and seeds to give me time to recover between baddies.

Developer hp umm lots of 9's

Use an invulnerability spell and Smack the keyboard (well not hard, just hit all the keys until he is beat) Sometimes it takes a couple tries, so you might have to dies and play this level again to beat the developer.
I tend to drag my fingers across trying to hit all 4 rows at the same time and hit the space, shift, control, alt at some point. It does not always work. If I do not do this calmly I tend to hit too many shortcuts taking focus off the game. Maybe you can find a technique that works better for you.
Later after you have beaten him once, you can beat him without the smacking of the keyboard:

You will need infinite health, a randomness sword, use the "sword power" random button until you get something with a e + number and voila you got him

beat the delveloper and then the bugs are available

Bonus levels

(found when using G.M.O.O.H. potion)
You will be sent to one of the below or the Peaceful forest
In order of where it sent me more often (top) to less often (bottom)

The cow level
apx 4300-5200 candies
COW cow 12hp 9000hp? hp might depend on your level

The sea
you get to sail across the sea
I'm on a boat!

The Desert

Random baddie(?) Nah, he helps you beat baddies
CND candy monster, exploding candies (I am not sure where they came from, randomly started appearing on every level much later in the game)
helps beat baddies and you still get to collect the candy, but you can no longer see the baddies stats while the CND is in front of you

Computer (click this after to beat the developer)
I would have put this after the Cauldron, but that is too much of a spoiler

Level 1 1mlp

-1-3 chocolate bars "You found 3 chocolate bars !!!!! \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/"
-There's a bug with the bug, it didn't worked :/

Level 2 10mlp

-You picked up all candies you have thrown on the floor. (0)
-The production limit of your lollipop farm has increased ! (* temporary, lasts until you reload the game)
-A priest, monk, vet, translator, reporter, farmer, student, butcher, electrician or other will give you a pile of candies 7-19million

Level 3 100mlp

-Even clicking this 1,000 times you always gain more than you have lost, that is if you have a lot of candy to multiply (it ads up very quickly)
-Sword gains 1 level
-Your candies were multiplied by 3 !
-There's a bug with the bug, it didn't work :/
-Sword loses 3 levels
-Sword of Liflamesummoning (you only get this once, that is if you save)

Need more candy? use your tab key till this bug is highlighted and hold down Enter/return. Once You have 1.1061115016657442e+308 candies! (a bit above the last number being 307/308 one more multiply by 3 and it will turn into Infinity candy) Once you have Infinite candy there is not much else to do. I am going to convert them to lollipops

Level 4 1,000mlp

-Fake bug ! I guess you'll need 10000 mpl :)

Level 5 10,000mlp

-You found a new sword : the Sword of Randomness ! (you only get this once, that is if you save) It also makes you random when fighting (rar, r-r, rmr,___, r,r, rpr, r^r, ror, rsr, rnr, r+r, r'r, or just blank
-It's pony time !! Everyone is a pony now ! (*)
-There's a bug with the bug, it didn't work :/

Level 6

-No level 6 bug, sorry :( (maybe level 7 ?)

Level 7

-Crap, no level 7 bug either :s Don't give up !

Level 8?

looks like no
-You now have ( at least I am guessing this happened at 1,000,000mlp) random and the bug factory

Randomize and
Add a bug

Save before messing with these.
It also helps if you look at your stats before clicking these. I got a lot of candy by using this. I already had a ton of lollipops so I did not bother with that one, besides candy turns into lollis right?.

Randomize is great for helping your stats if you want to earn more candy.

Add a Bug is practically a web toy. Play with it have and fun


I like to make 100 at a time so I do not have to come back so often.
You can make potions while on a quest. This can be helpful if you forgot to make more health potions, then if you have a weak enough sword you can go make some health potions while you are stuck at a tree
If you put in 180,000 candies mix for 60 second, stop and put in bottles you get 90 invulnerability potions and 1,000 superman potions

-Minor health potion
50 health

-Major health potion
100 health
1.- Put 100 lollipops into your cauldron, 2.- Click Mix, 3.- Add 100 candies, 4.- wait until mixing timer is at 20 and click stop, 5.- Put into bottles (thanks to dararobinson)

-Invulnerability potion
makes you invulnerable for a few seconds
Takes 60 seconds or more of continuous mixing for your arms to hurt.

-Turtle potion
You turn into a slow turtle with high defense

-Cloning potion
It makes another of you in front of you

Burning the water
Boiling... cold, lukewarm, hot., very hot., very very hot !, bubble begin to appear, and, BOILING!, the water is burnt ! How is that even possible ? (about 31 seconds format he start after you click Boil)

-G.MO.O.H. potion
kind of like an escaping potion, but you get sent some where else (another level or hidden level)
Superman potion
you look like superman?

Creates a tree
seed grows trees with random hit points about 400-700hp and the ever so rare Yggdrasill at 10,000hp (Yggdrasill is its name, a tall tree, showered with shining loam.)
Heat to at least hot, add a multiple or just 650 candies, stop only if it is to boiling and bottle

I do not know what good these are, I could not manage so successfully use them in "battle".
(For convenience) Cook Book:
It does not look that bad so I left it in full form

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 0 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 1 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| Welcome to the : ||||
|||| potions brewing : The present ||||
|||| manual for : manual will focus ||||
|||| beginners ! : on potions that ||||
|||| : require materials ||||
|||| (second edition) : such as : ||||
|||| : - candies ||||
|||| __ __ __ __ : - lollipops ||||
|||| )( )( )( )( : ||||
|||| (__)(__)(__)(__) : ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 2 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 3 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| The three rules : 2. You can do ||||
|||| of potion brewing : several potions ||||
|||| ----------------- : in one go. ||||
|||| : ||||
|||| 1. The effect of : 3. It's possible ||||
|||| a potion depends : to mix ||||
|||| on its content as : instructions to ||||
|||| well as on the : brew potions of ||||
|||| steps followed to : different types ||||
|||| prepare it. : in one go. ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 4 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 5 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| Table of contents : ||||
|||| ----------------- : 14-17 ||||
|||| Pages 10 to 20 : Major health ||||
|||| (Good potions) : potion ||||
|||| ----------------- : ||||
|||| : 18-20 ||||
|||| 10-13 : Invulnerability ||||
|||| Minor health : potion ||||
|||| potion : ||||
|||| : ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 6 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 7 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| Table of contents : 28-33 ||||
|||| ----------------- : Cloning potion ||||
|||| Pages 22 to 41 : ||||
|||| (Strange potions) : 34-37 ||||
|||| ----------------- : G.M.O.O.H. ||||
|||| : potion ||||
|||| 22-27 : ||||
|||| Turtle potion : 38-41 ||||
|||| : Superman potion ||||
|||| : ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 8 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 9 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| Table of contents : ||||
|||| ----------------- : ||||
|||| Pages 42 to 50 : 42-45 ||||
|||| (Various magical : Magical seed ||||
|||| objects you can : ||||
|||| brew in your : ||||
|||| cauldron) : 46-50 ||||
|||| ----------------- : Magical jelly ||||
|||| : ||||
|||| : ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 10 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 11 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| Minor health pot. : 50 health points. ||||
|||| ----------------- : ||||
|||| The minor health : For one potion, ||||
|||| potion is the : you will need 100 ||||
|||| easiest to brew : candies. ||||
|||| for beginners. : ||||
|||| : Put them in the ||||
|||| Used during a : cauldron and mix ||||
|||| quest, it will : during about 15 ||||
|||| make you recover : seconds. ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 12 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 13 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| You can mix a : Congratulations ! ||||
|||| little more or : You just made ||||
|||| less longer, it : your first minor ||||
|||| doesn't matter so : health potion ! ||||
|||| much. : ||||
|||| : ||||
|||| When you're done, : N.B. : use 200 ||||
|||| put the resulting : candies for 2 ||||
|||| mixture into : potions, 300 for ||||
|||| bottles. : 3, etc. ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 14 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 15 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| Major health pot. : efficient : by ||||
|||| ----------------- : drinking it ||||
|||| The major health : during a quest, ||||
|||| potion is a bit : you will gain ||||
|||| harder to make : 100 health points ||||
|||| than the previous : instead of 50. ||||
|||| one. : ||||
|||| : How to make a ||||
|||| But it's also : major health ||||
|||| a lot more : potion : ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 16 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 17 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| 1. Put 100 : cauldron. ||||
|||| lollipops into : ||||
|||| your cauldron. : 4. Stop mixing ||||
|||| : after 20 seconds. ||||
|||| 2. Begin mixing : ||||
|||| forcefully. : 5. Put the result ||||
|||| : into bottles. ||||
|||| 3. While you're : ||||
|||| mixing, add 100 : 6. You're done ! ||||
|||| candies into the : ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 18 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 19 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| Invulnerability : The recipe is ||||
|||| potion : simple : just ||||
|||| ----------------- : put 2000 candies ||||
|||| : inside your ||||
|||| This potion, : cauldron and mix ||||
|||| although being : them until your ||||
|||| quite easy to : arms hurt. ||||
|||| brew, require a : ||||
|||| lot of candies. : This potion will ||||
|||| : make you ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 20 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 21 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| invincible for : ||||
|||| some time, : ||||
|||| during which you : ||||
|||| won't feel any : ||||
|||| pain or physical : ||||
|||| damage. : ||||
|||| : ||||
|||| : ||||
|||| : ||||
|||| : ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 22 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 23 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| Turtle potion : potion ! ||||
|||| ----------------- : ||||
|||| A turtle ! : When you will be ||||
|||| A turtle ! : a turtle, you ||||
|||| Do you want to : will resist a lot ||||
|||| become a turtle ? : more to physical ||||
|||| : damage. But you ||||
|||| You'll be able to : will be slower, ||||
|||| become one with : too. ||||
|||| this fantastic : ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 24 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 25 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| Now, let's get : Now, heat up the ||||
|||| down to business. : cauldron until ||||
|||| : your preparation ||||
|||| Put 10000 : is boiling. ||||
|||| lollipops in your : ||||
|||| cauldron. Do not : When it's boiling,||||
|||| add any candy, or : stop heating it ||||
|||| your potion will : up and mix a ||||
|||| be a failure. : little bit. ||||
|||| : ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 26 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 27 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| Add the same : Stop boiling, ||||
|||| quantity of : put into a bottle,||||
|||| lollipops as you : begin a quest, ||||
|||| put at the : drink the potion, ||||
|||| beginning, and, : you're a turtle !!||||
|||| one more time, : ||||
|||| heat up : _ .----. ||||
|||| everything until : (_\/ \_, ||||
|||| it's boiling. : 'uu----uu~' ||||
|||| : ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 28 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 29 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| Cloning potion : Now, candies are ||||
|||| ----------------- : a very malleable ||||
|||| There's a little : material. ||||
|||| bit of candies in : ||||
|||| everyone of us. : These two facts ||||
|||| : led us to the ||||
|||| This is actually : realisation of ||||
|||| a physical law of : this cloning ||||
|||| our universe. : potion. ||||
|||| : ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 30 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 31 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| The potion will : Steps : ||||
|||| copy your inner : ||||
|||| structure and : Burn the water in ||||
|||| make a clone of : your cauldron. ||||
|||| you almost : ||||
|||| entirely made : Then, while it's ||||
|||| of candies : still burning, ||||
|||| (there's a bit of : add as many ||||
|||| water, too). : candies as you ||||
|||| : can. ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 32 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 33 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| It's simple : the : \o/ -> \o/ ||||
|||| more candies you : ||||
|||| put, the more : ^ | ||||
|||| potions you'll : | V ||||
|||| get ! : ||||
|||| : \o/ |||| (be sure to put : ||||
|||| a minimum : "The circle ||||
|||| quantity, though) : of life" ||||
|||| : ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 34 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 35 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| G.M.O.O.H. potion : It will teleport ||||
|||| ----------------- : you to another ||||
|||| G.M.O.O.H. means : location. ||||
|||| "Get Me Out Of : ||||
|||| Here". : Maybe it will ||||
|||| : be safer, maybe ||||
|||| This potion is to : it won't. Who ||||
|||| be used in : knows ? ||||
|||| critical : Quite exciting ||||
|||| situations. : isn't it ? ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 36 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 37 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| First, put in : Never change the ||||
|||| your cauldron a : base quantity of ||||
|||| base quantity of : 10 000 candies. ||||
|||| 10 000 candies. : ||||
|||| : Then, mix a little||||
|||| Then, add 500 : bit and put into ||||
|||| lollipops for : bottles. ||||
|||| each potion you : ||||
|||| want to brew. : Enjoy your random ||||
|||| : potions ! ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 38 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 39 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| Superman potion : useful. ||||
|||| ----------------- : ||||
|||| This potion will : We respond them ||||
|||| transform you : that it is just ||||
|||| into Superman, : so cooooool ! ||||
|||| providing you : ||||
|||| a fantastic cape. : Anyway, to make ||||
|||| : one : ||||
|||| Some people say : ||||
|||| that this isn't : Put 180 candies ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 40 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 41 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| in your cauldron. : You're done ! ||||
|||| : ||||
|||| Mix them. : ___________ ||||
|||| : /.'_______` \ ||||
|||| Think about : /( |||| Superman. : `.`.______ \.' ||||
|||| : `..-.___>.' ||||
|||| Think once again. : `.__ .' ||||
|||| : `.' ||||
|||| Put into bottle. : ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 42 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 43 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| Seed : somewhere in the ||||
|||| ----------------- : universe a giant ||||
|||| According to an : tree, which ||||
|||| ancient legend, : remains unnamed. ||||
|||| trees would be : ||||
|||| the source of all : This tree would ||||
|||| candies in the : provide its ||||
|||| whole world. : discoverer an ||||
|||| : infinite flow of ||||
|||| There would exist : candies. ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 44 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 45 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| Anyway, we didn't : Heat up the water ||||
|||| find it yet, but : in your cauldron. ||||
|||| we found that it : ||||
|||| was possible to : Add 650 candies, ||||
|||| craft a magical : stop boiling and ||||
|||| seed so that it : put the seed into ||||
|||| grows a resistant : a bottle. ||||
|||| tree. And this : ||||
|||| can be useful : Now, plant some ||||
|||| during a quest. : trees ! ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 46 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 47 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| Jelly : please you ! ||||
|||| ----------------- : ||||
|||| Did you ever : It is a bit hard ||||
|||| thought about : to prepare, but ||||
|||| some kind of bomb : it's quite ||||
|||| that you could : powerful. ||||
|||| use during a : ||||
|||| quest ? If so, : This jelly ||||
|||| then this magical : explodes on ||||
|||| jelly should : contact and deals ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 48 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 49 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| high damage. : Put 600 candies, ||||
|||| : boil the water, ||||
|||| There are three : stop boiling. ||||
|||| peparation steps : ||||
|||| which correspond : Second step : ||||
|||| to the three : ||||
|||| layers of the : Add 6 000 ||||
|||| jelly. : lollipops, ||||
|||| : mix, ||||
|||| First step : : stop mixing. ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 50 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 51 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| Third step : : ||||
|||| : ||||
|||| Repeat first step.: ||||
|||| : ||||
|||| Note that you can : ||||
|||| only place the : ||||
|||| jelly behind you. : ||||
|||| : ||||
|||| Good luck for : ||||
|||| your quests ! : ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 52 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 53 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| ~ The end ~ : Co-authors : ||||
|||| ----------------- : ||||
|||| : - the sorceress ||||
|||| Thanks for : - the necromancer ||||
|||| reading ! : - a shoemaker ||||
|||| : - a mathematician ||||
|||| We hope this book : - ??? ||||
|||| helped you. Feel : ||||
|||| free to : Happy brewing ~ ||||
|||| redistribute it ! : ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||


OOH fun bits.

I seem to like to play a game that I do not have to stare at, this is perfect. I can play without having to spend all my effort doing it.

More to post about on this one.

Reply May 1, 2013 6:56 PM

This game is amazing! It makes you feel like you've accomplished so much merely by waiting.

Plus, I haven't played a game with truly unexpected features in a long time.

A triumph!

P.S.: Anyone else think the candy merchant looks a bit like the Fourth Doctor? Hehehe...

Zanoushe May 1, 2013 7:36 PM

Hah, this is awesome! Never thought I'd have so much fun with such a simple thing.

Patreon Donator Infant Tyrone May 1, 2013 7:37 PM

How can this be so addicting?!

Patreon Donator dsrtrosy May 1, 2013 7:40 PM

<3 THIS!! I loved those little "aha!" moments.

shadowmax May 1, 2013 7:45 PM

This is simply delightful!!

Patreon Donator dsrtrosy May 1, 2013 7:47 PM

hahaha....whoops...I forgot that I can't do a "heart" icon here because of the bracket.

So basically, the blank comment there says I heart this game!


I have trouble loading this on Chrome. Turned off all my add-ons as well.

However, it works fine on the other browsers and was certainly a pleasant surprise.

Patreon Donator dsrtrosy May 1, 2013 8:08 PM

How does one use

the map to the sorceress' hut? The hut didn't pop up on the screen, it wasn't added to the list of quests, and I can't find a way to scroll beyond the first screen, even tho it seems to indicate that tabs will do something. Help?

Patreon Donator Infant Tyrone May 1, 2013 8:23 PM


when you open your inventory (button at the top of the screen) there should be a clicky button on the right that sez "go to the sorcess' hut." Then off you go!


SirNiko May 1, 2013 9:17 PM

This has destroyed the productivity of a whole office today. This borders on criminal.


If you click on the credits for the ASCII art, and follow the one for the candy merchant, you will find that it is indeed a Doctor Who site.


I noticed at the farm you can

click on the tree (silo?) to change the art inside it

but I haven't figured out what that does yet!

Livingpyramid May 1, 2013 9:32 PM

Stuck on one of the Frogs riddles:
What is the only thing to go beyond the limits of our universe? I tried the obvious answers, like "candy", "frog", "me", and "the universe", but he's stopped me at every turn. Anyone able to help me out?


"the answer"

jnighlight May 1, 2013 10:03 PM

Really good game!
I have a few comments/criticisms though...

I wish I knew that the witches upgrades happened multiple times, because now I have to wait an hour before I can upgrade any of them anymore, and I could have shortened my time by a factor of 8. X.x
Also, do NOT do the more candies. It only handed me about 800 candies (50 minutes of waiting for the lollipops at max lollipop farm), which is NOT worth 300k pops

it's also REALLY bugging me that I can't see my stats during the castle level. I have no idea when to use my potions. :(

Other than that though, amazingly creative and fun game! I love games like this!

j.david.b May 1, 2013 10:18 PM

Does anyone know ...

If there is a maximum lollipop rate at the farm?

I am at 1/sec and don't want to keep dumping them in if it's worthless.

jnighlight May 1, 2013 10:22 PM


Max rate seems to be 100/second. It gets that at about 20,000 planted, and I upped it all the way to 50,000 with no change. So I think it's the max.

j.david.b May 1, 2013 10:24 PM

Wow. Thanks, jnighlight!

Patreon Donator dsrtrosy May 1, 2013 10:55 PM

I got to the

max lollipop limit at 17,500

Patreon Donator dsrtrosy May 1, 2013 11:07 PM

Well, crum...

at the sorceress' hut, do you have to buy the items in order? I don't want faster candies, just a better sword, but I have way more lollipops than I need and the sword button isn't active. So am I forced to buy faster candies?

Patreon Donator dsrtrosy May 1, 2013 11:09 PM


Patreon Donator dsrtrosy May 1, 2013 11:12 PM

OK....guess I was wrong. I still can't buy it. Help?

j.david.b May 1, 2013 11:14 PM


You have to enchant your sword at the forge first.

Patreon Donator dsrtrosy May 1, 2013 11:17 PM

Ha! Ok. It makes it sounds so ominous: "choose wisely", etc., that I thought I needed to wait!


Need Castle's Entrance help :(

It seems like I could get there if the asterisk that comes from the top of the tower didn't catch up with me and send me back to the beginning. Any way to disable or avoid?

hamfist May 1, 2013 11:23 PM

Delia -

Keep going through the first two levels of quests until you get the chest that has the boots in it. Then go to the wishing well and ask for potions and scrolls, and use a berserk porion.


hamfist -

phew, on my last one. thanks!

Patreon Donator dsrtrosy May 1, 2013 11:28 PM

Is it a browser issue that makes the Castle Entrance quest impossible to see? Like jnighlight, I can't see my stats--or much else of that quest for that has disappeared off the bottom of the screen.

hamfist May 1, 2013 11:46 PM

Dstrosy - I tried it in IE, Chrome, and Firefox, and got the same results you did (with the exception of being able to see my head in IE, so I could at least keep my place)

Patreon Donator dsrtrosy May 1, 2013 11:47 PM

Hmmm....OK. I can see my head, but nothing lower. I've reported it and sent a screenshot to the dev.


That might be how we've embedded the game on the site. I've just made the game window 100px taller, so try reloading the page (but make sure you know what your save game ID is first!) and see if that fixes it.


I really shouldn't have tried out this game when I have schoolwork due tomorrow. So...addictive...must...keep...playing...

I've made it to the castle stairs thanks to the 'berserk potion' tip others gave above, but the ghosts' HP-halving attacks are a killer. I have to actually finish my real-life work sometime tonight, though, so I guess I'll leave the game running until I get a ton of candies to eat and gain enough HP to survive the ghosts.


The worst thing about this game is that it doesn't ACTUALLY give you candies. Other than that horrendous oversight, this is amazing. Why is this so entertaining???


Well, I lied about trying to find a way to pry myself away from this game. I discovered an easy trick to get through the castle's stairs with minimum fuss:

Simply use an imp scroll before you run into any ghosts. Sit back and watch your helpful imp clean up all these pesky ghosts and corpses for you, and pick up the mouse again only when you get to the necromancer.

And now that I've gained the ability to make as many potions as I can mix until my arms get tired, I'm in serious danger of playing this game until six in the morning. HELP.

nonnymowz May 2, 2013 2:28 AM

Jade, how'd you do this? --

I've gained the ability to make as many potions as I can mix until my arms get tired.

And, btw, do your work! There, that help?



I was just referring to the


I got from beating the castle's stairs.

I slightly overexaggerated my newfound ability to keep on mixing potions until my arms got tired as I still have to wait for my candies and lollipops to replenish, but I'm currently working very hard on wearing out my virtual little arms in making a ton of invulnerability potions.

Not really, unfortunately. Ah well, there's always dawn to get work done. :P

nonnymowz May 2, 2013 2:52 AM

As yes, I was just writing to say I'd passed the stairs and found what you were talking about. Sorry I can't help. I for one am going to sleep. I can't even read the spell book straight. Who knows what I might make! But I'm leaving the game open all night.


I had no problem seeing the stats etc. for the castle entrance earlier today. Now I've loaded my game and all I see is the top of the castle. What happened?

lazy_panda May 2, 2013 4:32 AM

Was anyone else confused by the third question posed by the frog?

It says that each other day, it will give me twice as many candies as it gave me the previous day.

"Each other day" is poorly worded, but the closest meaning would have to be "every other day". If so, then aside from receiving 2 candies on day 2, it should be giving me 0 candies from day 3 onwards. Hence, he will give me 0 candies on day 10. Or at least that's how I interpreted its question.


@Lazy-Panda - By "Every other day", he means "every day but the first"

ThemePark May 2, 2013 5:02 AM

Did anyone else think, when reading the spoilered comments here, that

This was another one of those incredibly simple mock games where people make up their own mindblowing stuff about what happens in the game, just for the fun of it?


I'm enjoying totting up the numbers on the screen to figure out how long I've been playing it in real terms (currently 15 minutes with copper sword and a whole bunch of candies on floor/in stomach).

A VERY interesting game.


As an update to this - I can't believe I got to the Iron sword without noticing the quests tab.

It is now a VERY VERY interesting game.

Livingpyramid May 2, 2013 6:50 AM

By the way, I just think it would be a good idea if we could share the different flavor lollipops the candy merchant has given us. Some of the more notable ones he's given me are:

Pancake flavor
Love flavor
Kitten flavor (O_o)
and Causality flavor

Anyone got any other noticeable flavors?

kevmac27 May 2, 2013 7:15 AM

For those having problems seeing stats on the castle level, it seems to be a constraint with the small window on JIG. If you save the game, the "here" link in a new window and you'll go to the main site which uses the full browser.


Found something neat on the candyman

If you keep clicking his hat, he'll give you 100 candies

Leemondo May 2, 2013 9:07 AM

Why is this game so annoyingly addictive? I want to stop playing but I find myself waiting to see what happens next...

cendare May 2, 2013 9:27 AM

So, I mention this in case anyone else had the same misconception as me: the candyman's scrolls are not always the same one. The first two times I bought it, it was


, so I assumed that's always what he sold. Nope! Now I'm off to try my new spells at the castle's entrance.

Patreon Donator dsrtrosy May 2, 2013 9:35 AM

So I left the game running all night and collected enough lollipops to upgrade my sword a couple of times. Now I'm following Jade's arm-dropping example of potion-making. Almost ready to try to beat the Castle's Keep!


Frog riddles:

The only thing to leave our universe is ...

light. Which is wrong. It should say 'galaxy' or something.

And I agree with lazy_panda that the 'every other day' riddle is phrased poorly. The answer to it as phrased would be 'zero', which I think is a pretty clever riddle. I was annoyed I had to figure the maths.


anyone have any idea what candies on the ground are for?

riguello May 2, 2013 11:15 AM

Any advice on the Castle's Keep?

The Dragon kills me always, and the invulnerability potion has such a huge cooldown

rubenwulms10 May 2, 2013 11:37 AM


the invulnerability potion�s cooldown can be countered with the teleport scroll. use it untill the cooldown is finished.

jaredevans1985 May 2, 2013 11:47 AM

I'm trying to come up with a complete inventory list. Any help would be appreciated!

I wish I'd kept better track of this as I was going, but I've beaten all of the quests up to and including the Castle Keep. So far I have the following items in my inventory:

- Sword
- Key
- Boots
- Magician's Hat
- Pink Ring of Calmness
- Plate Armor
- Candies Converter
- Cauldron
- Swamp Map
- Sorceress Map
- Forge Map
- Wishing Well Map

Should I have any other items, by now? If so, do you know what level they are on? I still have 5 empty slots. Thanks!

riguello May 2, 2013 11:53 AM


I just figured this literally 2 minutes ago, hehe. I thought the teleport the pastebin file referred to was the Get me out of here potion and I was so confused. I didn't know there was a teleport scroll too.

Hippasus May 2, 2013 12:08 PM


I found an amulet in the keep, but I didn't survive and hold onto it.


I just realized that

eating candies increases your hp.

I feel pretty dumb.

Hippasus May 2, 2013 12:12 PM

A choice of upgrades:

Which upgrade did everyone take - the fire sword or the healing sword?


oh gods...

has anyone seen the link for 'hard mode'?
forward slash

I'm almost scared to try it...

surfmadpig May 2, 2013 12:18 PM

I have questions re: frog riddle (only thing to go beyond the limits of our universe)

"light", which pesky mentioned, does not seem to work for me. :o


jaredevans1985 May 2, 2013 12:19 PM


Thanks! I'm going to have to try and track it down.

My choice of upgrade:

I took the fire sword, which is good, but I wish I had taken the summoning sword instead

rubenwulms10 May 2, 2013 12:34 PM

where did you get the plate armor???
haven't got it and I am at the keep

jaredevans1985 May 2, 2013 12:42 PM

Plate Armor:

I wish I remembered! It was either the entrance or the stairs.

MalkyTop May 2, 2013 12:45 PM

I think I got the plate armor in the castle stairs.

I beat the dragon. Trying to figure out how to pass the next level.


Plate armor:

At the entrance, a knight can drop it

Surfmadpig, re: the frog riddle

Read the question very carefully and respond with exactly what it asks you to.

bearharry May 2, 2013 12:59 PM

I just can't buy the sword from the sorceress... even with 60K Lollipop...

jaredevans1985 May 2, 2013 1:08 PM


You have to get your sword enchanted at the forge first before the which will let you upgrade it

rubenwulms10 May 2, 2013 1:09 PM

is there a way to get more berserker potions?

bearharry May 2, 2013 1:21 PM

@jare then where to get to the forge?... I just can't go through the whale...

jaredevans1985 May 2, 2013 1:53 PM


I wish I remember where I got it. I think it was from the underwater cave level. To beat that whale, you might just need to buy a lot of scrolls and health potions. Imps are really useful to help clear out the early guys. Teleport scrolls will also give you time to use multiple potions if you need to heal alot. Also, keep eating candy to up your total HP!

j.david.b May 2, 2013 2:07 PM

GMOOH question:

When you use one to teleport out of a quest and into another one, do you get to keep the items from the first quest if you survive the second?

j.david.b May 2, 2013 2:20 PM

Never mind, found the answer to my own question by experimenting.

It's no.

Patreon Crew SonicLover May 2, 2013 2:22 PM

One addition I can make to ruben's tip...

Teleport scrolls can't be acquired very reliably; another strategy worth pursuing is to plant trees in your path to stall yourself until the cooldown finishes.

Doesn't stop the dragon from mopping the floor with me every time, though. I've upgraded my Sword of Life to level 5 and everything...

jaredevans1985 May 2, 2013 2:31 PM

Another item location tip:

In the castle's keep, Unicorns (UNI) will sometimes drop a horn.


Reminds me a lot of Kingdom Of Loathing. That's a good thing.

At first I wondered what this game was about, then the surprise happened and awesome stuff everywhere.


potion tip:

If you use 900 candies and mix about 15 seconds, you'll get 9 healing potions and also 5 superman potions.

j.david.b May 2, 2013 3:20 PM


Is this the same as the one dropped by the Cow King on the Cow Level (the Horn of Plenty)?

Reply May 2, 2013 3:35 PM

For the sake of completeness, it is possible to cheat if you are using Firefox (likely other browsers that include a Javascript console)

To bring up the console:
1) Right click anywhere on the page, and select "Inspect Element"
2) At the bottom of the page an HTML viewer / editor will appear -- click on "Web Console"

To actually cheat (all do what you would expect):
1) candies.setNbrOwned(500000)
2) lollipops.setNbrOwned(500000)
3) candies.candiesPerSecond = 50
4) To increase lollipop production, give yourself loads of lollipops and plant them all (this is safer than adjusting the parameters directly, as lollipop production is more complex than candy production).
5) To increase hit points, get lots of candies and eat them all -- this is the only way to do this, as Max HP is reset at the start of the quest based on the # of candies eaten.

Shudog May 2, 2013 3:48 PM

JiG, is your box too small? The

Castle Entrance

does not show on the whole screen. I have to blindly click to get through it, without seeing my stats.

Shudog May 2, 2013 4:07 PM

Oops! I meant to add that I have Firefox.

prairiegal May 2, 2013 4:23 PM

I had the same problem using Chrome

Jay May 2, 2013 4:40 PM replied to Shudog

Can you show me a screenshot? I'd be happy to increase the size of the window, but I need some way of knowing how large it should be.

Mantus May 2, 2013 4:41 PM

Tip for the dragon:

Don't just spam teleport scrolls and invulnerability potions. You also need seeds. Invulnerable once you reach the dragon -> Attack until it wears off -> Teleport -> Seed to wait out the cooldown -> repeat.

7thart7thart May 2, 2013 4:42 PM

Not that I tried, but none of the cheat codes listed above seem to work in Firefox following the listed directions. Keeps giving a reference error, saying the first element of each "phrase" is not defined.

Mantus May 2, 2013 4:44 PM


I'm getting the error in Chrome as well. I have a feeling the issue is with width, not height. On a similar note (if it helps), the ascii text jumps down similarly when you break through the wall in the keep.

Patreon Donator dsrtrosy May 2, 2013 4:47 PM

Shudog--I was having that problem last night and Jay increased the size a bit, but it was still too small for that quest. So I saved and went over to the dev's site where the whole browser is filled with the game.

Livingpyramid May 2, 2013 4:52 PM

I'm having a bit of a glitch:

At the witch's hut, it won't let me upgrade my sword for 60 klp. It would let buy the candy rate upgrade after it, but it won't let me buy that particular upgrade. Any help?

Shudog May 2, 2013 4:57 PM

Thanks all! I'm going to try to restart, as this machine is a bit finicky, and see if that helps. For the most part, I could just see the tops of their heads at the bottom edge of the screen. There were a few times where nothing was in view, so I'll tinker on my end.


Not a glitch

You need to enchant your sword first

Jay May 2, 2013 5:01 PM replied to Mantus

Thank you. I've widened the game window by 100px. Hopefully that should do it.


Has anyone completed the Quest Yourself yet?

Livingpyramid May 2, 2013 5:18 PM

@Christopher Landry: Power of posting. Figured that out as soon as I said that. Silly me :P


Hey, if you click the lollipop, the merchant with lower the price.

SirNiko May 2, 2013 7:25 PM

Quest Yourself -

Use a scroll (like acid rain) right before your HP hits 0. That seems to do it, though I'm not sure why or how.

surfmadpig May 2, 2013 7:27 PM

any tips on yourself? meh.

MalkyTop May 2, 2013 7:51 PM

I am sure having trouble with Hell...

MalkyTop May 2, 2013 7:54 PM

And then I beat it. Power of posting, I guess.

adelay243 May 2, 2013 8:23 PM

if you click the lollipop a few times and continue, the merchant will lower the price to 50. not that useful later but helpful to get lollipops(a tiny bit) faster when you start

BlueBird May 18, 2013 1:46 PM

Hehe, I now have 6.01882888821014e+39 candies and 392609906489456000 lollipops... now what...

rhearith May 18, 2013 9:44 PM

One time, when I was fighting the dragon, I used a Seed and

instead of growing a magic tree, it grew into Yggdrasil. It had 10,000 HP but otherwise was like a normal tree.

Anyone else seen this easter egg before?


I beat the Developper with 1940 HP.

And for anyone curious about the ending's message :

Bravo ! You won the game ! You now have all the candies in the world.

(you can now ask the dev for a real candy, if you find him!)

saviourv May 19, 2013 6:14 AM

For those of you having trouble getting focus (usually when the battle screen decides to descend out of your vision), your best bet is to play on the author's site.

Trust me, the Developper's Garden pulled that trick off far too many times, so I tried it on the author's site, and it stayed right where I wanted it.

SrPilha May 19, 2013 6:28 AM

about my nested-nested-nested comment near the end of the walkthrough

It is indeed just a 2001 reference, to show my (anyone's?) amazement (a.k.a. mind being blown) at how far this game has taken us.
Sorry if I misled anyone into looking for actual stars! :)


working on a walkthrough, reveals a few things SrPilha missed and including ones I missed that SrPilha and other users techniques or tips that may be useful.

If there are any other tips please put them up. I would like to add them to make the walkthrough as useful as possible.


Note to developer

If you eat infinite candies and reload it resets your candies eaten to 0 as well as your level of candies per second gets set back. I am not sure how far it sets it back; the next faster candies was some decimal number e+304 and it set it back to 46,116,860,141,324,210,000


I was using the game at about 1200 by 800 on my 13" screen playing at, any size much smaller and the playing field would move out of view on quests when enemies with a longer descriptions came up


@SrPilha, I half got the 2001 reference, but considering the game started out so simply yet ended up having swords, potions, a witch, a dragon and a journey through hell... it wasn't beyond belief that there could have been actual stars. Who knew what this game would end up throwing at us? Nothing seemed impossible!

But don't worry, your unintentional red herring didn't cause me too many sleepless nights. Plus your walkthrough helped me a lot, thank you.



anyone have any advice on

defeating the developer? I've reached him multiple times but everytime I try to smash my keyboard I get taken out of the game or a bunch of things start popping up or I open new tabs ._. does this happen to anyone else??


ok nvm haha I beat him :>


Can anyone give me a help on hard mode entarnce?


Now waiting for my 103,493,279,318,047,570 candies to convert into lollipops :D

I'm going to rot my teeth.

kitty-chan May 21, 2013 8:41 PM


Yep. Look back through the other comments.


I discovered the reset much to my disappointment! Was not a happy moment in my day, even though it didn't really take all that long to get back up to max. Ah well.


Now with my 1.4076809026300909e+38 Sword of Liflamesummoning and my 2.3103137764734985e+33 HP I can beat the Developper with no potions and no scrolls !

ralphmerridew May 22, 2013 7:35 AM

s11883: You mean the castle entrance?

Buy a bunch of healing potions. Eventually the enemies will stop coming.


thanks... now trying to deal with hell.

joemomma May 23, 2013 5:57 AM

Can anyone help? When I go to the developer's garden, the scene moves down so I can't see it and all the potion buttons at the same time. I saw someone mention that this can be remedied by playing it straight from the author's webpage, however... it doesn't offer to load my saved game there, so I assume my save is specific to the jayisgames site... I really really don't want to replay the entire game, is there a way to get my save to work over there? Or is there another workaround? Shrinking the screen size somewhat helps, but I have to make it VERY small to get everything on the screen at once.

joemomma May 23, 2013 6:08 AM

Woot! I just fixed my own problem... for anyone who is having trouble with certain levels (ie castle entrance and developer's garden) jumping to the bottom of the screen, you can right click the window, click "This Frame" and then click either "show only this frame" or "open this frame in new tab/window" and problem solved!

Now time to beat this thang!


You can also right-click on the word "here" in the top left of the game window and select "Open in a new Tab".


Any tips for hard mode?
The main hard thing I've found is that

I can't have more than 100 HP

Fire Sidoni May 26, 2013 10:50 AM

In stage 4...

The converter is taking a really long time - I've beaten the dev a few times, and have, uh, roughly 203 billion candies. I know the converter's supposed to keep speeding up, and maybe I'm just impatient, but I've left it for several hours and it's only converting at about 100,000/second. I assume this waiting game is just part and parcel of stage 4?

Fire Sidoni May 26, 2013 10:54 AM

...okay, fine, it's laughing at me. Disregard my previous comment -

I beat the dev again moments after posting that, then went back to the candy box and the converter ate everything in moments. Whaaaaaaaat.


How do i use the forge because i have some scrolls and potions but it dosen't have an option to enchant the sword?!?!


Folks, a quick query:

Is there a limit on the benefit you get from using the 'sword, better sword' spell from the sorceress? I have a Sword of Summoning and the last few times I have used it the creature has not changed - it's a

candy monster.

Does it get stronger or something?


IC Omolon

You have to go to the forge. If you have a fire, life potion or I believe a summoning potion you use one of those to enchant your sword. Also try upgrading your sword at the sorceress.


Lucy Kennedy

If you are that far, I could to get past it, the CND candy monster seems to be your helper once you get far enough in the game (possbily when get a higher up sword


or as it seems in your case a result of using a summoning sword.


Note to game author:

I wish it left the results up longer after each battle so you could see what happened if you are not looking at it when it finishes. Or even better during the time that you have to wait before you can play again instead of waiting for the level to end and then the timer to start.

This is very useful in the earlier levels. This way I know how much candy I have gotten and more importantly if I found any items.


Intro to walkthrough:

This game took me about a week, maybe two to finish. I often left it open running in the background. I am a level grinder so that got me pretty far along in the game without too much help. I never used the forge, so some of my experiences with the levels may be different that yours. I suggest you do some upgrades either at the end of your day or the beginning of your day and then let it run while you do other stuff on your computer. If you do not like level grinding then just waiting is your best bet. At a certain point much later in the game it becomes something fun to play with, kind of a web toy.



Candy Box
-Eating candy...

well it just makes that number go up (or does it)

eating candies gets you hp
You start with 100hp
total candies eaten (difference from previous level)= total hp gained
50c(50) +10hp
300c(250) +20hp
800c(500) +30hp
1600c(800) +40hp
2800c(1200) +50hp
4400c(1600) +60hp
apx 6400c(2000) +70hp
apx 9100c(2700) +80hp
apx 13,000c +93hp
apx 16,000c +102hp
apx 30,000c +130hp
apx 100,000c +210hp
apx 243,000c +300hp
apx 505,000c +400hp
apx 673,000c +450hp
apx 905,000c +506hp
apx 1,128,000c +553hp
apx 1,405,000c +604hp
apx 1,871,000 +677hp
apx 2,030,000 +700hp
apx 2,901,000 +807hp
apx 4,000,000 +918hp
apx 6,700,000 +1128hp
apx 8,000,000 +1211hp
apx 14,000,000 +1515hp
apx 1,000,000,000 +8360hp
apx 2,880,000,000 +12,863hp
apx 5,000,000,000 +16,015hp
not high enough?

Infinity + infinity hp
when fighting the Developer your health will not go to 0 it will go to NaN, so you do not die, but even with a 1,500 level Liflamesummoning is still takes quite a while to beat him, so since I just ate all of the candy I am going to go multiply them again until I have infinite candy again. I have to do something while I wait, right? Still taking too long back to leveling sword up. 10,000 maybe that will work. Nope, not even with that, nor with sword of Randomness, even after letting it run for an hour. See Developer's computer section below for answers
Warning: if you eat infinite candies and reload it resets your candies eaten to 0 as well as your level of candies per second gets set back (not 0, but much lower) or at least it did when I had it at e+139 and went down to 46,116,860,141,324,210,000

-Throwing them on the ground�

changes the text emoticons
You threw 10 candies on the ground.
20 �
30 ?
40- : |
50 : /
60 : (
70 : [
80 : {
90 : ' (
100 ( ; _ ; )
It does not seem to change past 100, but you can keep trying if you want

-Other candy uses and farm

chocolate \o/ or : ( if you use it it adds 4 to your hitting power)
Now I don't' have a chocolate bar! wait until much later in the game and you can have many many more (see computer)

use 101 (I think it was candies) to encrust your diamond sword and make it even more powerful
+2 to hitting power

use 30 lollipops to make lollipop powder to polish your candy sword and make it awesome (and more powerful)
+3 to hitting power

use 1 chocolate bar to coat your sword with melted chocolate and make it incredibly powerful (adds 4 to your hitting power)

The Candy Merchant (silly since he takes not give candy, maybe he is made of candy :O )
Poke the candy man
from Dena Gillespie

Found something neat on the candyman
If you keep clicking his hat, he'll give you 100 candies

save some candy
from Patricia Sanvictores

if you click the lollipop, the merchant with lower the price.
Also if you do it multiple times he keeps doing it; it is limited, the price of 50 candies for a lolli and 450 for 10 lolls
or as adelay243 put it: if you click the lollipop a few times and continue, the merchant will lower the price to 50. not that useful later but helpful to get lollipops(a tiny bit) faster when you start

60c gets you a lollipop
In case you missed the flavors (there may be more):

(lime, lychee, chocolate, kiwifruit , strawberry, pear, kitten, blueberry, blackberry, raspberry, kiwifruit, tomato, desire, dracula, pancake, fatalism, gluttony, causality, cookie, cherry, cuteness, apple, love, leprechaun, door, lollipop, snow, water, storm, apricot, banana, mandarin, peach)
If you click too many times there is a lollipop shortage, I think it lasts about 20 minutes after a good 50 clicks or so

More lolli and candy uses

"There's now a discount for 10 lollipops! Buy them please.. I need candiiiies!"
500 c gets 10 lollipops (various flavors)

150c for a wooden sword; hits for 1 hp (buying a sword begets you a candy box, inventory and quest tabs)
300c for a copper sword; hits for 2 hp
500c for an iron sword; hits for 3hp
1000c for a silver sword hits for 4hp
200 candies diamond sword for 5hp

600c health potion

150c escape potion

400c scroll
fire (burns enemies)
acid (instantly damages everyone including you)
teleport (brings you back to beginning of quest to recover health)
imp invocation (imp invocation scroll will, if there's enough place, invoke in front of you an imp which will fight for you)
earthquake (will inflict a lot of damage to everyone in the whole land)

lollipop farm

(gain more lollipops by planting them)
plant 1/10/100/1000
Break down of planting lollipops planted versus growing:
Short version

1 = 1 per day
2 = 4 p day
3 = 9 p d
4 = 16 p d
5/6 = 1 p hour
22 = 20 p h
37 = 57 p h
38-53 = 1 per minute
54-65 = 2 p m
85-92 = 5 p m
120-125 = 10 p m
292-294 = 59 p m
295 = 1 per second
approximately 475 = 2 p s
apx 645 = 3 p s
apx 995 = 5 p s
apx 1855 = 10 p s
apx 5315 = 30 p s
apx 10,000 = 57 p s
apx 10,500 = 60 p s
apx 18,000 = 100 p s max? (tried 40,000 and no change) but...

apx 173,000 = 1,000 p s (allowed only when bug 2 is applied (See computer: level 2 bug))

Long version

1 = 1 per day
2 = 4 p day
3 = 9 p d
4 = 16 p d
5/6 = 1 p hour
7/8 = 2 p h
9 = 3 p h
10 = 4 p h
11 = 5 p h
12 = 6 p h
13 = 7 p h
14 = 8 p h
15 = 9 p h
16 = 10 p h
17 = 12 p h
18 = 13 p h
19 = 15 p h
20 = 16 p h
21 = 18 p h
22 = 20 p h
23 = 22 p h
24 = 24 p h
25 = 26 p h
26 = 28 p h
27 = 30 p h
28 = 32 p h
29 = 35 p h
30 = 37 p h
31 = 40 p h
32 = 42 p h
33 = 45 p h
34 = 48 p h
35 = 51 p h
36 = 54 p h
37 = 57 p h
38-53 = 1 per minute
54-65 = 2 p m
66-75 = 3 p m
76-84 = 4 p m
85-92 = 5 p m
93-100 = 6 p m
101-107 = 7 p m
108-113 = 8 p m
114-119 = 9 p m
120-125 = 10 p m
126-131 = 11 p m
132-136 = 12 p m
137-141 = 13 p m
142-146 = 14 p m
147-151 =15 p m
152-156 = 16 p m
157-160 = 17 p m
161-165 = 18 p m
166-169 = 19 p m
170-173 = 20 p m
174-177 = 21 p m
178-181 = 22 p m
182-185 = 23 p m
186-189 = 24 p m
190-193 = 25 p m
194-197 = 26 p m
198-200 = 27 p m
201-204 = 28 p m
205-207 = 29 p m
208-211 = 30 p m
212-214 = 31 p m
215-217 = 32 p m
218-221 = 33 p m
222-224 = 34 p m
225-227 = 35 p m
228-230 = 36 p m
231-233 = 37 p m
234-236 = 38 p m
237-249 = 39 p m
240-242 = 40 p m
243-245 = 41 p m
246-248 = 42 p m
249-251 = 43 p m
252-254 = 44 p m
255-257 = 45 p m
258-260 = 46 p m
261-262 = 47 p m
263-265 = 48 p m
266-268 = 49 p m
269-270 = 50 p m
271-273 = 51 p m
274-276 = 52 p m
277-278 = 53 p m
279-281 = 54 p m
282-283 = 55 p m
284-286 = 56 p m
287-288 = 57 p m
289-291 = 58 p m
292-294 = 59 p m
295 = 1 per second
approximately 475 = 2 p s
apx 645 = 3 p s
apx 815 = 4 p s
apx 995 = 5 p s
apx 1165 = 6 p s
apx 1335 = 7 p s
apx 1505 = 8 p s
apx 1685 = 9 p s
apx 1855 = 10 p s
apx 2025 = 11 p s
apx 2205 = 12 p s
apx 2375 = 13 p s
apx 2545 = 14 p s
apx 2715 = 15 p s
apx 2895 = 16 p s
apx 3065 = 17 p s
apx 3235 = 18 p s
apx 3415 = 19 p s
apx 3585 = 20 p s
apx 3755 = 21 p s
apx 3925 = 22 p s
apx 4105 = 23 p s
apx 4275 = 24 p s
apx 4445 = 25 p s
apx 4615 = 26 p s
apx 4795 = 27 p s
apx 4965 = 28 p s
apx 5135 = 29 p s
apx 5315 = 30 p s
apx 10,000 = 57 p s
apx 10,500 = 60 p s
apx 18,000 = 100 p s max? (tried 40,000 and no change) but...

apx 173,000 = 1,000 p s (allowed only when bug 2 is applied (See computer: level 2 bug))

-Other locations (Tabs, you will soon see them)
As George Takei would say Oh Myyy!


Stronger sword

You can increase the level of your sword by visiting the sorceress, there is a trick, first you have to enchant it at the forge, other wise you cannot increase the level of your sword
Other swords

Sword of Randomness

Infinite level plus the level you add to the sword

(When you have the Sword of Liflamesummoning at level 1,500 it even beats chuck norris and everything level easily except the developer on the last level; to beat him see the developer's computer section below)

Key for lollipop farm (peaceful forest)
Boots (I am pretty sure I found it on Mount Goblin) increase quest walking speed (may also decrease wait time between levels, 2 seconds countdown instead of 1)
Magician's hat (Underwater cave from SrPilha) enhances magic (presumably makes your spells stronger)
Pink ring of calmness (Underwater cave from SrPilha) recover faster after a quest
Plate armor (castle's entrance)
Candies converter use it to make candy into lollipops at a 1 to 1 ratio (much cheaper than buying lollis)

(if you leave it running for 20 minutes it converts all of the candies to lollipops or rather they increase adding very quickly and then they are added faster than the per second can keep up; you only notice this once you get more candies like 1.72358725349716e+49(made up number, but you get the idea) )

Cauldron (see Cauldron section below for Cauldron help)
Magical horn (castle's keep) regain health continuously
Horn of plenty; multiplies lollipop production by 3 where?

(cow level, one of the hidden levels found by using G.M.O.O.H. potion)

An old amulet; multiplies candy production by 3 (castle's keep)

Last two items you can get

Bravo ! You won the game :) You now have all the candies in the world.

(you can now ask the dev for a real candy, if you find him !)

Swampy Swamp (Mount goblin)
Sorceress' hut (Mount goblin)

faster candy

faster candy 30 klp candy is now +2 total candies per second
faster candies 90 klp +3 total candies per second
faster candies 250 klp +5 total candies per second
faster candies 640 klp 8 total candies per second
faster candies 1690 klp 13 tcps
faster candies 4410klp 21 tcps
faster candies 11560klp 34 tcps
faster candies 30250klp 55 tcps
faster candies 79210klp 89 tcps
faster candies 207,360klp 144 tcps
faster candies 542,890klp 233 tcps
faster candies 1,421,290klp 377 tcps
faster candies 3.721,000klp 610 tcps
faster candies 9,741,690klp 987 tcps
faster candies 25,504,090klp 1597 tcps
faster candies 66,770,560klp 2584 tcps
faster candies 174,807,610klp 4181 tcps
faster candies 457,652,250klp 6765 tcps
faster candies 1,198,149,160klp 10,946 tcps
faster candies 3,136,679,5210 klp 17,711 tcps
faster candies 8,212,236,490 klp 28,657 tcps
faster candies 21,499,914,240 klp 46,368 tcps
faster candies 56,287,506,250 klp 75,025 tcps
faster candies 147,362,604,490 klp 121,393 tcps
faster candies 385,800,307,240 klp 196,418 tcps
faster candies 1,010,038,317,210 klp 317,811 tcps
faster candies 2,644,314,644,410 klp 514,229 tcps
faster candies 6,922,905,616,000 klp 832,040 tcps
faster candies 18,124,402,203,610 klp 1,346,269 tcps
faster candies 47,450,300,994,810 klp 2,178,309 tcps
faster candies 124,226,500,780,840 klp 3,524,578 tcps
faster candies 325,229,201,347,690 klp forgot to write this one down
faster candies 851,461,103,262,250 klp just clicked a bunch of time after this point
when the next is 2.1966987880072746e+139klp you now receive 2.748013549049151e+69 candies per second
When the cost reached about e+304 klp I did not have enough to buy it even with e+307 lollipops

better sword

better sword 60 klp (adds a level to your sword, since I did not use this until after beating all of the levels so I did not keep track of how much more powerful it makes your sword)
level 2500 sword next level for 6,840,622,090 klp
level 3,000 next level 10,987,315,310 klp
level 5,000 next level 41,452,222,610 klp
7,777 nl 130,694,298,160 klp
10,000 nl 251,253,957,420 klp
Not high enough? have you beaten the last level?

nope not good enough
you need 10 billion lollipops

now try using bug 3 to get more lollis, then use the randomize for sword power once you get e+any number you have a super awesome sword
You can only get the bugs once you beat the developer and you can only get next to infinite sword power by using the radomize section after you have about 1 trillion lollipops

more candy 300 klp
The best use of this is if you need candy instead of lollipops

starts giving you about 3,000candies, then 5,000c then 9,000c then 55,000c then 71,000c, then 300,000c (really only worth it at 300,000 if you need to convert lollipops to candy)

Forge (map found in Underwater cave)
I did not use the forge so I will let some of SrPilha's words help you out

You need a scroll or a potion to enchant the sword.

(You will need Either) A health potion, a fire scroll, or an imp summoning scroll.
Each will give a different (enchanted) sword. You can only choose once, and then it's set for as long as the game works.
Enchanted swords can (then) be upgraded by the Sorceress.

(health potion:) A life sword will regenerate some health with each blow.
(fire scroll) A fire sword will deal more damage.
(imp summoning scroll) A summoning sword will place an ally in front of you (if there is space) to fight for you.
The ally changes with the upgrades.

Wishing well single use (map found in Underwater cave)

multiply candies by 5
multiply lollipops by 8
potions and scrolls; I got 78 on one try, refreshed and got 53



beat a quest to get the next one
wait time is less the higher up the level you have beaten; if you beat the next level the previous level has less wait time and lower levels often have none.
wait time seems to be less if you win, more if you lose the level

Average candy take for each level is listed below each title unless you find a CHS. As well as some object/baddie stats and strategies. Depending on the level you can get higher more candy from CHS on higher levels

CHS chest 80hp (full of candy 60-440 or higher; seems to depend on how high of a level you are on)
shows up randomly on levels

Part 1 of 2

Peaceful forest

Candies 6-12
The first epic quest I played "the peaceful forest" got me candy and a key to the lollipop farm

lll tree 5hp
WPY 12hp wood pony

Mount goblin

Candies 70
rest 200 only applies if you have only beaten the previous level and not later levels
need at least an iron sword to beat goblin mountain
beat it with a silver sword

GOB nasty goblins 20hp
GSB sick goblin (dies faster) 20hp
GTB tenacious goblin 30hp

Underwater cave

Candies 700

F~H fish 10-12hp
EEL eel 3hp
OCT octopus 45hp
The Whale 100hp

For the whale:

(it helps to use scrolls and have high enough hp, use health potions as well)

Castle's entrance

Candies 900-6,000 averages 1,000 unless you have higher hp and health replenish then you can leave it playing and it will play until your character hits it just right and breaks through

GUA 25hp
KNI 70hp armored
You either hit it right or you don't (depending on where the * starts will make it whether or not you make it through) You may need the boots to walk fast enough through this level

If you hit it correctly you can go through; two factors here. First you have to be able to beat the baddies and second the teleporter is hitting just right. In some cases you can use the teleport scroll to make the timing better. Good time to use the chocolate bar if you have not already. Once you get enough health and upgraded your weapon, if it happens to hit one of the "impossible" to pass levels you can let it run for a bit and then use teleport (once or so) to get at a better point to get past the *. It is never impossible to beat, that is once you have enough health and upgraded your sword in the candy box you can run it through a good ten times and you will get past the * without using the teleport scroll, you just get more candies

Castle's stairs

Candies none, but you still have to beat the level

GHO ghost hits hard (halves health) 5hp
POC pile of corpses doesn't hit, takes longer to beat 180-220hp
NEC necromancer 150hp

Necromancer help:

I needed acid rain for this one (earthquake should work as well), take the ghosts out right before or right after beating a POC so that there are less, may have to take the ghosts out again if too many appear. You mostly just need enough health left to beat the necromancer

Castle's keep

Candies 6,000-80,000 (about per CHS)
GUA guard 25hp
FBL hits for about 40 1hp (acid or earthquake helps)
KNI knight 70hp
GHO ghost hits hard (halves health) 5hp
WAL stone wall 300-400hp
WZW walled off zombie warrior 170-240hp
UNI unicorn 100hp
| | 70hp its not a door
GOR gorilla 50hp
RHI sumatran/javan rhinoceros 160hp
DEO doediciuus 120hp
DST dromorist Stortini 70hp
TRL troll 250hp
GAU gaur 80 hp
KOM komodo dragon 5hp
CPY capybara 20hp
Dragon 1,000hp
I wanted to put the picture of the dragon, because it is full of awesome, I really did; I even tried spacing it, but it just doesn't translate well with the different text formatting.
To beat the dragon:

Use Invulnerability potion. Don't have it? Visit the cauldron. Teleport back and use health potions to regain health.

Part 2 of 2


Candies 100,000

DEM demon 90hp
GHO ghost hits hard (halves health) 5hp
FBL hits for about 40 1hp (acid or earthquake helps)
DEV the devil itself (weapon: religion) 250 hp

Help for beating each wave and the boss:

Imps, Invulnerability, earthquake or acid scroll and any combination there of are good for beating DEMs. GHO are easily beat by using Imps or even clones, you can also use acid and earthquake to get past them faster. If you take long enough you hit FBLs; you can take them out the same as ghosts, but if you use Imps you will need more. If you get to the point where there is a solid wall of FBLs coming you can use teleport, seeds and health potions to bring up your health while simultaneously using acid or earthquake to take out the FBLs before they hit your tree. It doesn't always work when you get a wall of FBLs so you can choose to try or quit at that point. If you get through the GHOs fast you do not have to deal with the FBLs. Use Invulnerability when facing DEV


Candies none

Same hp as you except if

you go to the sorceress first and buy surpass yourself

Chuck Norris

Candies none

CN kills you in one hit

To beat CN:

Just like the Dragon Use invulnerability when really close to CN, then teleport use seeds and health to recover, repeat.
You could also use clone, but that takes much longer

Developer's Garden

Candies none
CGG Cheated garden gnome (has an ultra plasma ray) 70hp
your health goes down to 4, but just don't run into them and it will not go lower

To beat the gnomes:

acid and earthquake can help, if you hit them use invulnerability potion (if health is low quickly receed before it runs out)

Developer's Moat

Candies none
hint 1

hint 2

turtle, turtle

turn into a turtle when you hit the platform; can't see the platform, block yourself immediately with a seed when you enter, then you will know where it is because it starts moving, you have to start the level over (do not block yourself with a seed or use teleport) get across using turtle.

Developer's computer

Candies 4,000,000 to 1,300,000,000 400mil to 1.3bil

Most baddies
Now it helps if you have health recovery you need Magical horn found in the castle's keep. I used a lot of health potions and seeds to give me time to recover between baddies.

Developer hp umm lots of 9's

Use an invulnerability spell and Smack the keyboard (well not hard, just hit all the keys until he is beat) Sometimes it takes a couple tries, so you might have to dies and play this level again to beat the developer.
I tend to drag my fingers across trying to hit all 4 rows at the same time and hit the space, shift, control, alt at some point. It does not always work. If I do not do this calmly I tend to hit too many shortcuts taking focus off the game. Maybe you can find a technique that works better for you.
Later after you have beaten him once, you can beat him without the smacking of the keyboard:

You will need infinite health, a randomness sword, use the "sword power" random button until you get something with a e + number and voila you got him

beat the delveloper and then the bugs are available

Bonus levels

(found when using G.M.O.O.H. potion)
You will be sent to one of the below or the Peaceful forest
In order of where it sent me more often (top) to less often (bottom)

The cow level
apx 4300-5200 candies
COW cow 12hp 9000hp? hp might depend on your level

The sea
you get to sail across the sea
I'm on a boat!

The Desert

Random baddie(?) Nah, he helps you beat baddies
CND candy monster, exploding candies (I am not sure where they came from, randomly started appearing on every level much later in the game)
helps beat baddies and you still get to collect the candy, but you can no longer see the baddies stats while the CND is in front of you

Computer (click this after to beat the developer)
I would have put this after the Cauldron, but that is too much of a spoiler

Level 1 1mlp

-1-3 chocolate bars "You found 3 chocolate bars !!!!! \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/"
-There's a bug with the bug, it didn't worked :/

Level 2 10mlp

-You picked up all candies you have thrown on the floor. (0)
-The production limit of your lollipop farm has increased ! (* temporary, lasts until you reload the game)
-A priest, monk, vet, translator, reporter, farmer, student, butcher, electrician or other will give you a pile of candies 7-19million

Level 3 100mlp

-Even clicking this 1,000 times you always gain more than you have lost, that is if you have a lot of candy to multiply (it ads up very quickly)
-Sword gains 1 level
-Your candies were multiplied by 3 !
-There's a bug with the bug, it didn't work :/
-Sword loses 3 levels
-Sword of Liflamesummoning (you only get this once, that is if you save)

Need more candy? use your tab key till this bug is highlighted and hold down Enter/return. Once You have 1.1061115016657442e+308 candies! (a bit above the last number being 307/308 one more multiply by 3 and it will turn into Infinity candy) Once you have Infinite candy there is not much else to do. I am going to convert them to lollipops

Level 4 1,000mlp

-Fake bug ! I guess you'll need 10000 mpl :)

Level 5 10,000mlp

-You found a new sword : the Sword of Randomness ! (you only get this once, that is if you save) It also makes you random when fighting (rar, r-r, rmr,___, r,r, rpr, r^r, ror, rsr, rnr, r+r, r'r, or just blank
-It's pony time !! Everyone is a pony now ! (*)
-There's a bug with the bug, it didn't work :/

Level 6

-No level 6 bug, sorry :( (maybe level 7 ?)

Level 7

-Crap, no level 7 bug either :s Don't give up !

Level 8?

looks like no
-You now have ( at least I am guessing this happened at 1,000,000mlp) random and the bug factory

Randomize and
Add a bug

Save before messing with these.
It also helps if you look at your stats before clicking these. I got a lot of candy by using this. I already had a ton of lollipops so I did not bother with that one, besides candy turns into lollis right?.

Randomize is great for helping your stats if you want to earn more candy.

Add a Bug is practically a web toy. Play with it have and fun


I like to make 100 at a time so I do not have to come back so often.
You can make potions while on a quest. This can be helpful if you forgot to make more health potions, then if you have a weak enough sword you can go make some health potions while you are stuck at a tree
If you put in 180,000 candies mix for 60 second, stop and put in bottles you get 90 invulnerability potions and 1,000 superman potions

-Minor health potion
50 health

-Major health potion
100 health
1.- Put 100 lollipops into your cauldron, 2.- Click Mix, 3.- Add 100 candies, 4.- wait until mixing timer is at 20 and click stop, 5.- Put into bottles (thanks to dararobinson)

-Invulnerability potion
makes you invulnerable for a few seconds
Takes 60 seconds or more of continuous mixing for your arms to hurt.

-Turtle potion
You turn into a slow turtle with high defense

-Cloning potion
It makes another of you in front of you

Burning the water
Boiling... cold, lukewarm, hot., very hot., very very hot !, bubble begin to appear, and, BOILING!, the water is burnt ! How is that even possible ? (about 31 seconds format he start after you click Boil)

-G.MO.O.H. potion
kind of like an escaping potion, but you get sent some where else (another level or hidden level)
Superman potion
you look like superman?

Creates a tree
seed grows trees with random hit points about 400-700hp and the ever so rare Yggdrasill at 10,000hp (Yggdrasill is its name, a tall tree, showered with shining loam.)
Heat to at least hot, add a multiple or just 650 candies, stop only if it is to boiling and bottle

I do not know what good these are, I could not manage so successfully use them in "battle".
(For convenience) Cook Book:
It does not look that bad so I left it in full form

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 0 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 1 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| Welcome to the : ||||
|||| potions brewing : The present ||||
|||| manual for : manual will focus ||||
|||| beginners ! : on potions that ||||
|||| : require materials ||||
|||| (second edition) : such as : ||||
|||| : - candies ||||
|||| __ __ __ __ : - lollipops ||||
|||| )( )( )( )( : ||||
|||| (__)(__)(__)(__) : ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 2 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 3 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| The three rules : 2. You can do ||||
|||| of potion brewing : several potions ||||
|||| ----------------- : in one go. ||||
|||| : ||||
|||| 1. The effect of : 3. It's possible ||||
|||| a potion depends : to mix ||||
|||| on its content as : instructions to ||||
|||| well as on the : brew potions of ||||
|||| steps followed to : different types ||||
|||| prepare it. : in one go. ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 4 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 5 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| Table of contents : ||||
|||| ----------------- : 14-17 ||||
|||| Pages 10 to 20 : Major health ||||
|||| (Good potions) : potion ||||
|||| ----------------- : ||||
|||| : 18-20 ||||
|||| 10-13 : Invulnerability ||||
|||| Minor health : potion ||||
|||| potion : ||||
|||| : ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 6 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 7 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| Table of contents : 28-33 ||||
|||| ----------------- : Cloning potion ||||
|||| Pages 22 to 41 : ||||
|||| (Strange potions) : 34-37 ||||
|||| ----------------- : G.M.O.O.H. ||||
|||| : potion ||||
|||| 22-27 : ||||
|||| Turtle potion : 38-41 ||||
|||| : Superman potion ||||
|||| : ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 8 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 9 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| Table of contents : ||||
|||| ----------------- : ||||
|||| Pages 42 to 50 : 42-45 ||||
|||| (Various magical : Magical seed ||||
|||| objects you can : ||||
|||| brew in your : ||||
|||| cauldron) : 46-50 ||||
|||| ----------------- : Magical jelly ||||
|||| : ||||
|||| : ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 10 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 11 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| Minor health pot. : 50 health points. ||||
|||| ----------------- : ||||
|||| The minor health : For one potion, ||||
|||| potion is the : you will need 100 ||||
|||| easiest to brew : candies. ||||
|||| for beginners. : ||||
|||| : Put them in the ||||
|||| Used during a : cauldron and mix ||||
|||| quest, it will : during about 15 ||||
|||| make you recover : seconds. ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 12 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 13 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| You can mix a : Congratulations ! ||||
|||| little more or : You just made ||||
|||| less longer, it : your first minor ||||
|||| doesn't matter so : health potion ! ||||
|||| much. : ||||
|||| : ||||
|||| When you're done, : N.B. : use 200 ||||
|||| put the resulting : candies for 2 ||||
|||| mixture into : potions, 300 for ||||
|||| bottles. : 3, etc. ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 14 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 15 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| Major health pot. : efficient : by ||||
|||| ----------------- : drinking it ||||
|||| The major health : during a quest, ||||
|||| potion is a bit : you will gain ||||
|||| harder to make : 100 health points ||||
|||| than the previous : instead of 50. ||||
|||| one. : ||||
|||| : How to make a ||||
|||| But it's also : major health ||||
|||| a lot more : potion : ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 16 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 17 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| 1. Put 100 : cauldron. ||||
|||| lollipops into : ||||
|||| your cauldron. : 4. Stop mixing ||||
|||| : after 20 seconds. ||||
|||| 2. Begin mixing : ||||
|||| forcefully. : 5. Put the result ||||
|||| : into bottles. ||||
|||| 3. While you're : ||||
|||| mixing, add 100 : 6. You're done ! ||||
|||| candies into the : ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 18 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 19 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| Invulnerability : The recipe is ||||
|||| potion : simple : just ||||
|||| ----------------- : put 2000 candies ||||
|||| : inside your ||||
|||| This potion, : cauldron and mix ||||
|||| although being : them until your ||||
|||| quite easy to : arms hurt. ||||
|||| brew, require a : ||||
|||| lot of candies. : This potion will ||||
|||| : make you ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 20 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 21 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| invincible for : ||||
|||| some time, : ||||
|||| during which you : ||||
|||| won't feel any : ||||
|||| pain or physical : ||||
|||| damage. : ||||
|||| : ||||
|||| : ||||
|||| : ||||
|||| : ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 22 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 23 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| Turtle potion : potion ! ||||
|||| ----------------- : ||||
|||| A turtle ! : When you will be ||||
|||| A turtle ! : a turtle, you ||||
|||| Do you want to : will resist a lot ||||
|||| become a turtle ? : more to physical ||||
|||| : damage. But you ||||
|||| You'll be able to : will be slower, ||||
|||| become one with : too. ||||
|||| this fantastic : ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 24 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 25 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| Now, let's get : Now, heat up the ||||
|||| down to business. : cauldron until ||||
|||| : your preparation ||||
|||| Put 10000 : is boiling. ||||
|||| lollipops in your : ||||
|||| cauldron. Do not : When it's boiling,||||
|||| add any candy, or : stop heating it ||||
|||| your potion will : up and mix a ||||
|||| be a failure. : little bit. ||||
|||| : ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 26 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 27 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| Add the same : Stop boiling, ||||
|||| quantity of : put into a bottle,||||
|||| lollipops as you : begin a quest, ||||
|||| put at the : drink the potion, ||||
|||| beginning, and, : you're a turtle !!||||
|||| one more time, : ||||
|||| heat up : _ .----. ||||
|||| everything until : (_\/ \_, ||||
|||| it's boiling. : 'uu----uu~' ||||
|||| : ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 28 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 29 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| Cloning potion : Now, candies are ||||
|||| ----------------- : a very malleable ||||
|||| There's a little : material. ||||
|||| bit of candies in : ||||
|||| everyone of us. : These two facts ||||
|||| : led us to the ||||
|||| This is actually : realisation of ||||
|||| a physical law of : this cloning ||||
|||| our universe. : potion. ||||
|||| : ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 30 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 31 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| The potion will : Steps : ||||
|||| copy your inner : ||||
|||| structure and : Burn the water in ||||
|||| make a clone of : your cauldron. ||||
|||| you almost : ||||
|||| entirely made : Then, while it's ||||
|||| of candies : still burning, ||||
|||| (there's a bit of : add as many ||||
|||| water, too). : candies as you ||||
|||| : can. ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 32 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 33 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| It's simple : the : \o/ -> \o/ ||||
|||| more candies you : ||||
|||| put, the more : ^ | ||||
|||| potions you'll : | V ||||
|||| get ! : ||||
|||| : \o/ |||| (be sure to put : ||||
|||| a minimum : "The circle ||||
|||| quantity, though) : of life" ||||
|||| : ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 34 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 35 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| G.M.O.O.H. potion : It will teleport ||||
|||| ----------------- : you to another ||||
|||| G.M.O.O.H. means : location. ||||
|||| "Get Me Out Of : ||||
|||| Here". : Maybe it will ||||
|||| : be safer, maybe ||||
|||| This potion is to : it won't. Who ||||
|||| be used in : knows ? ||||
|||| critical : Quite exciting ||||
|||| situations. : isn't it ? ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 36 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 37 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| First, put in : Never change the ||||
|||| your cauldron a : base quantity of ||||
|||| base quantity of : 10 000 candies. ||||
|||| 10 000 candies. : ||||
|||| : Then, mix a little||||
|||| Then, add 500 : bit and put into ||||
|||| lollipops for : bottles. ||||
|||| each potion you : ||||
|||| want to brew. : Enjoy your random ||||
|||| : potions ! ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 38 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 39 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| Superman potion : useful. ||||
|||| ----------------- : ||||
|||| This potion will : We respond them ||||
|||| transform you : that it is just ||||
|||| into Superman, : so cooooool ! ||||
|||| providing you : ||||
|||| a fantastic cape. : Anyway, to make ||||
|||| : one : ||||
|||| Some people say : ||||
|||| that this isn't : Put 180 candies ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 40 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 41 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| in your cauldron. : You're done ! ||||
|||| : ||||
|||| Mix them. : ___________ ||||
|||| : /.'_______` \ ||||
|||| Think about : /( |||| Superman. : `.`.______ \.' ||||
|||| : `..-.___>.' ||||
|||| Think once again. : `.__ .' ||||
|||| : `.' ||||
|||| Put into bottle. : ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 42 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 43 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| Seed : somewhere in the ||||
|||| ----------------- : universe a giant ||||
|||| According to an : tree, which ||||
|||| ancient legend, : remains unnamed. ||||
|||| trees would be : ||||
|||| the source of all : This tree would ||||
|||| candies in the : provide its ||||
|||| whole world. : discoverer an ||||
|||| : infinite flow of ||||
|||| There would exist : candies. ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 44 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 45 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| Anyway, we didn't : Heat up the water ||||
|||| find it yet, but : in your cauldron. ||||
|||| we found that it : ||||
|||| was possible to : Add 650 candies, ||||
|||| craft a magical : stop boiling and ||||
|||| seed so that it : put the seed into ||||
|||| grows a resistant : a bottle. ||||
|||| tree. And this : ||||
|||| can be useful : Now, plant some ||||
|||| during a quest. : trees ! ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 46 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 47 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| Jelly : please you ! ||||
|||| ----------------- : ||||
|||| Did you ever : It is a bit hard ||||
|||| thought about : to prepare, but ||||
|||| some kind of bomb : it's quite ||||
|||| that you could : powerful. ||||
|||| use during a : ||||
|||| quest ? If so, : This jelly ||||
|||| then this magical : explodes on ||||
|||| jelly should : contact and deals ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 48 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 49 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| high damage. : Put 600 candies, ||||
|||| : boil the water, ||||
|||| There are three : stop boiling. ||||
|||| peparation steps : ||||
|||| which correspond : Second step : ||||
|||| to the three : ||||
|||| layers of the : Add 6 000 ||||
|||| jelly. : lollipops, ||||
|||| : mix, ||||
|||| First step : : stop mixing. ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 50 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 51 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| Third step : : ||||
|||| : ||||
|||| Repeat first step.: ||||
|||| : ||||
|||| Note that you can : ||||
|||| only place the : ||||
|||| jelly behind you. : ||||
|||| : ||||
|||| Good luck for : ||||
|||| your quests ! : ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||

___________________ ___________________
.-/| 52 ~~**~~ \ / ~~**~~ 53 |\-.
|||| : ||||
|||| ~ The end ~ : Co-authors : ||||
|||| ----------------- : ||||
|||| : - the sorceress ||||
|||| Thanks for : - the necromancer ||||
|||| reading ! : - a shoemaker ||||
|||| : - a mathematician ||||
|||| We hope this book : - ??? ||||
|||| helped you. Feel : ||||
|||| free to : Happy brewing ~ ||||
|||| redistribute it ! : ||||
||||___________________ : ___________________||||


What are the allies you can get from the Sword of Summoning?
I remember these:

lvl 4: Chupacabra
lvl 5: Golem
lvl 6: Chimera
lvl 7 and above: Candy Monster


A certain boss enemy doesn't always kill you in one hit.

Might have something to do with the fact that it took me so long to realize I could eat candies to increase my HP and I couldn't make any progress on Hell and I spent like 3 weeks levelling up my Life sword - still didn't help - then gorged myself on candies once I realized (I've only got about 1000 HP now, but a level 35 sword). So yeah! Take that, Chuck Norris!

bluegriffin18 July 9, 2013 9:40 PM

Good game, but it really needs a level of balance. I often get stuck on level after level and grinding really take too long sometimes even if you just leave it running in the background.

On the Chuck Noris stage the amount he pushes you varies and that sometimes makes it impossible to use a scroll to move away while waiting for the god potion wait to wear down.

The castle entrance was tough, but then is a great grind level when you get the unicorn horn.


Guys... Someone Knows How to Answer

I Really Want The 3rd Question Answer :(


*Sigh* I Did The Spoiler Wrong.. I Just Want The 3rd Question Of The Frog


Andressa Lara -

Check the comments by Dora and Mike on page 2 of these comments.


Jazz -

Thank You


Oh Yes I Forgot.. Im Brazilian And Someone Knows How To DEFEAT THE DRAGON In The Castle?
I Used Clones.. Major Potions.. Imps... Scrolls... Ivulnerability And Many More!!! X(


Imma try the power of posting: I can't get the scroll to the swamp.


That moment when you're addicted to it and it's driving you like hell and suddenly you beat it and WOOHOO you didn't save the game and BOOM the browser freezes for like 2 hours


Quentin7079 September 3, 2013 12:21 PM

I can't seem to find the Load Game button.

Quentin7079 September 3, 2013 12:23 PM

Nevermind, figured it out. Love this game, and for the life of me I couldn't say why x.x

Quentin7079 September 5, 2013 5:54 PM

Anybody know the formula for candy per cloning potion?

Quentin7079 September 12, 2013 2:47 AM

Tip for Developer's Garden:

Just keep being a turtle. You'll get hit down to 4hp but no further.


I can't seem to get the game to load... there's just a blank white screen. :(

richardb.aiiix October 11, 2013 11:30 AM

you can make clones and seeds at the same time by following the recipe for cloning potion but putting in an amount of candies that satisfies seed too, here are the 21 most efficient amounts of candies to put in. (I went up to 21 to include the most efficient and cheapest amount)

number of candies number of clones number of seeds wasted proportion wasted candies
869050 650 1337 0.000 0
704600 527 1084 0.001 1
540150 404 831 0.001 2
375700 281 578 0.002 3
211250 158 325 0.003 4
46800 35 72 0.004 5
751400 562 1156 0.004 6
586950 439 903 0.005 7
422500 316 650 0.006 8
258050 193 397 0.007 9
93600 70 144 0.007 10
798200 597 1228 0.008 11
633750 474 975 0.009 12
469300 351 722 0.010 13
304850 228 469 0.010 14
140400 105 216 0.011 15
845000 632 1300 0.012 16
680550 509 1047 0.013 17
516100 386 794 0.013 18
351650 263 541 0.014 19
187200 140 288 0.015 20
22750 17 35 0.016 21


Am I the only person getting nothing but whiteness and a save button? How do you do anything?

ilovepats2000 November 27, 2013 8:54 PM

Not to spoil anything, but if you keep throwing candy on the ground after 100 something will start to happen.
If you don't want to start wasting your candy though here is what happens:

He starts to dig away from you and ends up finding a world made of candy. You get a chocolate bar in the process.

jennykim610 December 5, 2013 1:02 AM

Stupidest fail ever....

I died the moment I killed the whale thing

jennykim610 December 8, 2013 1:09 AM

In addition to the walkthrough..

you don't always get the items where it says you will. I had to repeat things a lot because my computer goes down before I save, and I got..

the boots twice at the underwater cave and once at mount goblin

the magician's hat thing once at the underwater cave


the pink ring of calmness once at the underwater cave.

Qwertster52 August 22, 2015 4:53 PM replied to Jade

If you're making invulnerability potions, make some seeds too!

Notiophilus January 10, 2016 7:16 PM

Something really useful that you might want to add to the walkthrough (I don't think it's been mentioned yet):

Acid rain melts ghosts. The cooldown makes the imp still the better option on the castle stairs, but

in Hell it can be a lifesaver. Unlike the imp it's a one-shot spell, clearing a line before you, but when you're teleported left into a mass of ghosts it can be the breather you need to summon an imp.

Alas, I only discovered this after beating them the hard way.


Is something broken? I've tried loading it on Chrome and Firefox, but it's not loading.


Never mind. The link does not work on this site, but I found the GitHub link via Google.


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