A tower defense browser game that stands head and shoulders above all others in its class, Kingdom Rush has itty-bitty visuals but an ogre's worth of style and strategy.

Protect your kingdom's roads and countrysides against incoming hordes of goblins, bandits, wulves, other nasties and bosses, too! Build towers, upgrade your army in and out of battle, take on challenges, and enjoy all the POW SOK SHUNT battling you can handle while you're at it. The audience loved it in their browser, and when it hit the iOS in glorious HD it quickly climbed to the top of the charts all over again. Kingdom Rush takes the well-deserved prize of being voted Game of the Year by our audience in 2011, the first year we ever offered this award! Congratulations to developer, Ironhide Game Studio, and publisher, Armor Games!
Wooo, yay, go Kingdom Rush! :D Oh, and first. (A)
Yeehaw! Congratulations Kingdom Rush! :D
Go Kingdom Rush! Cough cough you should make a second one cough cough
[You'll be pleased to know that a sequel is already well underway. -Jay]
Tower defense games never really appealed to me, but I think I may have to give this one a try.
I tried this game but I didn't see what made it different from all other tds, other than fantasy theme monsters.
This was such an awesome game, and I'm happy to say that I turned several other people on to it, all of whom promptly became addicted!
Well deserved. Looking forward to other great releases from this game studio.
This has to be one hell of a Tower Defense game. I never paid too much attention to TD games but I'll have to try this one :) especially when it won in a year with so many fantastic games like Limbo and binding of Isaac.
Yay!!! Love this game.
I don't think I even noticed this game when it came out. I like TD games, and this one is so cute it makes it extra worth my time :)
Kingdom Rush is like entry-level TD with extremely, extremely well-thought out levels. It removes the difficulty of quick tower placement, and boils it down to enjoying the cute explosions until the wargs come and you're doomed. The more you play, the more you appreciate the nuances.
I agree with Vanessa9 and Isi. Tower defense games never appeal to me, and this one was no different. The only tower defense game I ever liked was Bloom Defender for some reason.
Congrats to all the winners!
The Previous and Next links are set up strangely. Clicking Next on the Game of the Year page goes to the Nominations page for Action or Arcade, but clicking Next on any other Results page goes to the next category's Results page rather than the Nominations page, while clicking Previous on a Results page goes to the corresponding Nominations page rather than to the previous category's Results page.
[Thanks for pointing that out. It's fixed now. I did some last minute changes to the page scripts yesterday to make them easier to maintain moving forward, and the Game of the Year page is a special case that didn't get set up right. As for the previous links going to the nominations, that is by design. You have to click previous twice to get to the previous category's results. I'll see what I can do to support both previous results and nominations links while keeping the layout simple. -Jay]
I'm really pleased to see Grey won an award. It went from being in the Link Dump Friday, to having its own review, to winning an award :)
A lot of the games that won I didn't expect to see, but I'm very happy that along with Grey, OneMrBean and Bart Bonte got some recognition too. They produced some of my favourite stuff over the past year. I'm also happy to see Tiny Bang Story get an award: that was my choice for game of the year. NightSky was another of my favs that got an award.
Very well polished levels, not too hard, not too easy. There is so much to discover in this game without being too complex. You have some chance to make errors and correct them without being punished.