Prepare to embark on a perception-stretching, linearity-quashing adventure of amorphous proportions. Every level contains a pristine red door, only usable for exiting purposes after one or more red keys have been collected. Sounds straightforward enough, but it's funny just how much this game will twist your perceptions of both straight AND forward. All levels are composed of a number of squares, shiftable in a manner akin to a sliding tile puzzle. Each square contains a finite fraction of the overall level itself, and the key to victory lies in prudent transfigurations of the landscape.
I guess Dismantlement just couldn't compete with On. Radio remains a nitty-gritty puzzle favorite of mine.
Well, this was an amazing category. So hard to pick just one! While the winner wasn't my personal favorite, I enjoyed almost every single game here--and I'm so proud of all the top contenders. GREAT YEAR for puzzles!
I'm so glad Continuity beat the Grow games and won! I think Continuity was one of the best games of the year, full-stop; it was excellent in every facet of design and execution.
why did grow have 2 games nominated? the votes would obviously split on the 2 wonderful games making neither game win.
I can't believe I haven't played so many of the winners in all the categories! Geez. Off I go to entertain myself for hours, beginning with Small Worlds.