What you think is irrelevant, in this text-based adventure/interactive fiction by John Cooney. The man behind the mirrored glass tells you that you are a llama and if you know what is good for you, you will believe him. Following any and all instructions given to you is also not a bad idea if you enjoy things like breathing and not being dead.

Slouching Towards Bedlam is a work of interactive fiction created by Daniel Ravipinto and Star Foster. Set in the Bedlam Hospital insane asylum in a steampunk-style 1885 London, you begin in an office with a brass-laden phonograph playing a demented soliloquy. It's a subtly disturbing game that draws you into a rich, elusive world of intrigue and allows you to react to the story however you see fit, carving out five unique endings based upon your interpretation of the plot.
Why does 4th place get to share 1st?
[Edit: The JIG editorial team made a few selections to share awards in some categories. -Jay]
Sorry Jay, yeah I just read the intro page. That'll teach me for jumping ahead! My excuse is I was just too keen to see the winners ;)
I am very pleased to see that Slouching Towards Bedlam got recognition here. An amazing game. If you havn't played it, do it. Now.
I'm really happy you guys singled out Slouching Towards Bedlam. I was rooting hard for it, I voted for it every time!
Not sure what I think about editorial decisions, but meh, it's JIG's choice, not mine. I'm glad Llama adventure won, though I think Fail-Safe should have come higher.