An adventure of epic proportions. Perfect for young readers.

Legend of the Void

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Rating: 4.5/5 (190 votes)
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joyeLegend of the VoidTurn-based combat has lost favor in the world of console gaming, but it seems to be enjoying a resurgence in casual games, and Legend of the Void by Blake Kimball of Obelisk Games is the latest success in the field. Be a rogue, mage, or warrior and get your RPG fix as you struggle to stop an evil villain bent on a demonic ritual. Featuring solid writing, an excellent tutorial, and plenty of side-quests, it's amazing that this was all created by just one person.

You might want to keep the tutorial on if it's your first time playing, but even if you turn it off, you shouldn't have too hard a time figuring things out if you're at all familiar with RPG conventions. Walk (or run by toggling [R]) around a map by clicking to indicate where you want your party to travel. Interact with yellow-outlined treasure and quest-giving NPCs, blue-outlined NPCs, and red-outlined battles simply by walking into them. Once you're in battle, you'll have several hotkeyed attack and defense options to choose from, and everyone takes their turn in neat and orderly fashion, unless they're stunned or dead of course. As you level up, you can upgrade your attributes and buy spells and skills. At any point, you can reset and spend your points again if you're having difficulty.

Legend of the VoidAnalysis: It's fairly unlikely you'll be having difficulty, because the game only has one difficulty level and it's on the easy side. If you prefer a more difficult game, you could always skip sidequests and go for a speedrun. The game is more adaptable in graphics quality, offering three levels of quality, but even the lowest level is surprisingly good. The writing is on the level of many console RPGs and the plot moves along at a good clip, which also avoids repetitive grinding. You generally don't fight the same kinds of normal enemies for more than a couple of fights, and the game includes lots of unique mini-boss type battles, as well as the final showdown of course. And with three classes with completely different (and super fun) abilities, it's got a lot of replay value.

The developer has really been top-notch in responding to ideas since the release of the game, resulting in a title that seems to have gotten better every time you check back. Most of the minor flaws that accompanied the first release have been fixed, and the developer plans to do even more, even perhaps adding difficulty levels, while still other improvements (such as female characters and more customization of appearance) are planned for future installments. This is a superb gem of a game that is just getting brighter and brighter.

Play Legend of the Void

Walkthrough Guide

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Legend of the Void Secret Shop


In the area before Stonefell, where the lava is at the top of the screen and some NPCs talk about Stonefell is under lava, there is a secret shop entrance in the upper right corner.
A wolf inside is selling the best weapons in the game. However, these are weapons that you can get dropped elsewhere. But if you have bad luck or have money to burn, you might want to buy the weapons here.


This is a pretty solid game in my first hour or so of gameplay. The controls and basic animations of the battle screen feel a lot like the setup from DragonFable, but not so much it feels like a direct ripoff. I've had some problem with the dialog sort of spilling over from one NPC to the next, as well as Rogan responding to what appears to be entirely different NPC or at random at times after ending the conversation.

Still, a solid game and a nice polish to a comfortable old favorite genre. :3


Those are actually the second best weapons in the game in the secret shop :$

Mr. Bobbyjoe10 November 23, 2011 6:24 PM


I also think it has the same feel as DragonFable, but not as humorous. I quite like this game, but I haven't gotten very far. It's pretty hard in some spots.

Smoothfonzo November 23, 2011 9:32 PM

Pretty great game. I found it actually rather easy, which is good enough for me. I focused on using strength, agility and health, and I was able to breeze through even the toughest enemies. The trick is to target the mages first when available, as their fireballs can be quite devastating. Make sure you have the best armour available for your level, and you shouldn't have too much of a problem.


I think a found a BUG in the game. When I went into the black gate, my character stuck in the rock. I can't go back or forward right now...What can I do?


lovely game. played for 2 hours straight xD
i'm having a problem though - i dont know how to get the map for the black gate. they say that i should go south but i cant get past the barricade. there are these guys having a 'private conversation', but i cant talk to them either. where should i go now???


@Janet Hau try saving the game and then refreshing the page - i dont know if it will work though.




go to what's left of the village Stonefell (that's left of where you see the lava when going north from the first village) and go south from there, if I recall it was at the left of the screen.

Here's another hint if you get stuck at the river:


Remember how you got pass the last river


Look for a different light colored "path" within the river and cross it.


or there's the reset stuck character button in options menu.


How do you find Eldric?


Hey everyone, creator of LOTV here! Just wanted to let you know that an updated version has been put on the sponsor site that fixes a bunch of issues and completely rebalances the difficulty of the game (and offers 4 different difficulty options to boot). Hope you enjoy! And thanks for feature my game here on JayisGames!

[Thanks for the note about the update! I've uploaded the update here for JIG visitors. -Jay]


Great game.

Didn't stop until I'd finished the whole thing.


Is it possible that the new version of the game errased my previous character? It's not there anymore, and I don't want to restart...


I also lost all my achievements...


@thenana: Your saved character should be accessible again. Give it a try.

When uploading the new version, I changed the filename, which also changes where Flash stores data if the developer doesn't specify a constant identifier for the shared object.

Developers should always use an identifier so the saved games aren't reliant upon the filename remaining constant.


now my character is gone. i probably saved it before you changed the new version's filename back. any chance of getting it back?

[The old filename had been up for days, the new one only a few hours, so I'm going to leave it as it is. Sorry, but you'll have to recreate your character. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again. -Jay]

Anonymous December 1, 2011 8:28 AM

does exist a chapter 2???


need a little help. any tips?


The Arch-Mage Gazzen and Blaek, Lord of the Void seem to be impossible. Both keep using stun techniques to trap me until eventually I die. There's not much I can do about it, I'm pretty much trapped after my first round of attacked then dead.


Does anyone know where to find the smugglers map?


Felina - me too! I read somewhere that you can change your skills. I wondered if it might help to do that, but can't work out how to change them!!


@Felina I've completed the game, though


I reccomend you to use the warrior class. try not to waste any money (I have around 1000 golds) until you find the secret shop as the walkthrough above says.
to beat these two, simply stun Gazzen, then knock him out. if in the process you have a low health, heal immediately. after that, you can take down Blaek without worry. it may seems tricky, but actually it's easy enough if you bought a lot of healing potions before entering the dungeon.

@Bowman try to go south in the new city (what's the name of the city? I forgot about it)


I cannot find the smugglers map anywhere. I've looked all over and cannot seem to find anything into retrieving it. Someone please help?


There is a harder difficulty! Go to Options and its on the bottom :)


i cannot go into this path which is nearby the river to find the smugglers.
should i have to some special attributes or something like this?




the smugglers map can be retrieved by talking to the smugglers boss (I forget his real name again). He was in the house with guards in front of it that needs to be taken care of. the location of the house is south (try to move from the downside to the left of the new city until you find a way).

crossing river doesn't need any special attributes. you just need to find the shallow part of the river, like crossing other rivers. if you has problem with it, try to do it slowly until you can cross it.


Great game. Other than DragonFable, what other games use this sort of turn-based combat?

Directions to the smuggler's map:


Go to the area right before the one that you actually need the map. This is the area where you're told you need the map. It's big area, has two shops, the guy that gives you the sword valence, etc. There is a southwest (bottom left) exit that you go through. This will take you to a forest where you fight a bunch of people and finally get the map.


My advice for Arch-Mage Gazzen and Blaek, Lord of the Void is that you use rogan to stun one of them it doesnt really matter which and then focus all your firepower on the other and take them down one at a time.


Took me a little over an hour to beat it as an archer, got to level 10, found the secret shop on my own, with my exploring nature, wasn't too hard -- when they tell you to spend the rest of your coins on potions.... I kinda spent 2k, and only used 4 potions for the end fight, 2 for each character, I was critting for 230 with most archery talents minus the +25% stamina and extra loot stats. If anyone wants to mess around with my setup, here it is: -- Just import it at the loading character screen



labyrinthian October 30, 2012 12:06 PM

I can't find the thieves with the gems in Griffonwald. I feel like I've been all over, even down into the woods, the cave, and the... place that comes after that.

Any advice?


@labyrinthian, you can walk across the river in the bottom right corner of the city where the water is lighter. You'll end up in some caves -- keep going through those.


why is the mage female if you cant change character gender


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