Legend of the Void
Turn-based combat has lost favor in the world of console gaming, but it seems to be enjoying a resurgence in casual games, and Legend of the Void by Blake Kimball of Obelisk Games is the latest success in the field. Be a rogue, mage, or warrior and get your RPG fix as you struggle to stop an evil villain bent on a demonic ritual. Featuring solid writing, an excellent tutorial, and plenty of side-quests, it's amazing that this was all created by just one person.
You might want to keep the tutorial on if it's your first time playing, but even if you turn it off, you shouldn't have too hard a time figuring things out if you're at all familiar with RPG conventions. Walk (or run by toggling [R]) around a map by clicking to indicate where you want your party to travel. Interact with yellow-outlined treasure and quest-giving NPCs, blue-outlined NPCs, and red-outlined battles simply by walking into them. Once you're in battle, you'll have several hotkeyed attack and defense options to choose from, and everyone takes their turn in neat and orderly fashion, unless they're stunned or dead of course. As you level up, you can upgrade your attributes and buy spells and skills. At any point, you can reset and spend your points again if you're having difficulty.
Analysis: It's fairly unlikely you'll be having difficulty, because the game only has one difficulty level and it's on the easy side. If you prefer a more difficult game, you could always skip sidequests and go for a speedrun. The game is more adaptable in graphics quality, offering three levels of quality, but even the lowest level is surprisingly good. The writing is on the level of many console RPGs and the plot moves along at a good clip, which also avoids repetitive grinding. You generally don't fight the same kinds of normal enemies for more than a couple of fights, and the game includes lots of unique mini-boss type battles, as well as the final showdown of course. And with three classes with completely different (and super fun) abilities, it's got a lot of replay value.
The developer has really been top-notch in responding to ideas since the release of the game, resulting in a title that seems to have gotten better every time you check back. Most of the minor flaws that accompanied the first release have been fixed, and the developer plans to do even more, even perhaps adding difficulty levels, while still other improvements (such as female characters and more customization of appearance) are planned for future installments. This is a superb gem of a game that is just getting brighter and brighter.
Walkthrough Guide
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Legend of the Void Secret Shop
Posted by: joye
November 22, 2011 11:40 PM