Playing Sling Ice is easy, though the levels you must beat often aren't. You take control of Sling or Slingette, the one-handed blob of goo who goes to reclaim the element. Grab your character by clicking on it, drag to stretch it back, and release to send it flying across the level, hopefully to grab onto one of the other grab pegs. As you touch each peg, it turns green. When you've turned them all green, a portal will appear. Grab hold of it to complete the level. As you grab, stretch, sling, and bounce your way through each of the game's 50 levels, watch out for spikes, freezing water, special grabs, monsters, and more!
If you've played either of the previous Sling games, Sling Ice will seem very familiar. The same basic system has once again been spiced up with a few new tricks. While it's not revolutionary, it's every bit the good game we've come to expect from the Sling series.
What are you waiting for?
What an awesome little game! I need to go back and play the others as well I think
This game feels... recycled. :/
I mean, it was fun, but there weren't very many new things compared to Sling Fire.
Madacaek: I had some of the same reaction at first, but in thinking back over it, I think there may be more new things in Sling Ice than in Sling Fire. What really causes that feeling of "been there, done that" is that most of the game doesn't use the new stuff.
I'm a big fan of learn-as-you-play, but by the third game, that model is getting tiring. In the next game, I hope to see the game start off with all we have so far and then add new stuff as it goes.
Sling is usually fun, and this game isn't too much of an exception. If the Edis Brothers continue to make games for each of the elements, I hope they move off from the obvious easy ones, Fire, Ice, etc. and onto the ones which will really be interesting like Space and Magic!
Meesh: Completing the bonus level gives you a sneak peek of the next game, which will be:
Sling Metal
I love the game, but the been-there-done-that feeling comes a little bit too strongly now.
How does the goo stay gooey in an ice world?
Fun game, but other than a change of scenery, thee nothing new or innovative.
i wonder does anyone know how does this game relate to physics??? can anyone hurry up and respond back to me?? thank you
Why does it always sound like someone's coughing in the background of the boss-stage music?
this game is recycled... the only thing new here is maby 3 or 4 lev's and the drippy hold i mean if the Edis brothers were looking onto this form i would say if you don't make something new i will get to your origanil webpage, ping it and then i will come and... you get the idea
I love the sling series and i've beaten all three, but i agree there needs to be a change in the new one. Its always the exact same pattern, and the map of the worlds never once change. I hope that the upcoming game changed those two aspects in a very creative way.
personally i thought this was the better of the 3 sling games, and i played them all in order
I feel so disappointed....
I've always been a fan of the Sling games, and after Sling Fire, I thought maybe they would add even more cool features. Sling Fire had more features than Sling Ice! Besides the breakable icicles, this is just the exact same thing as the first Sling with "icy" graphics. Not only that, but this one also seems to be much easier.
I don't know, maybe in Sling Ice they would have snow ground, or falling snow, or falling icicles, or Grabs attached to icicles, or maybe the Goo in the apprentice dude solidifies and there are cannons that de-solidify you, or maybe a pool of icy water that freeze you and limit your bounciness, with clever puzzles and a different bonus level. But there wasn't.
I wonder if Sling Metal will be any different.
If your such a fan do you even know what site made it?I go to the site that made sling for along time and I was even there when it came.It should be sling space the next one and i dont know how the edis brothers can get ideas for sling metal(i cant think of anything).
I forgot what site made it...
Shockwave? eZone?
Sling metal: Modern technology, I think. Heated sling dude can melt the metal. Who knows?
Sheesh. They (The sling games) have just been getting worse and worse! It took me several days of playing to beat sling, but I beat both fire and ice in the same day. I really hope there is actually some degree of challenge in Sling Metal.
Has anyone gotton to the
sling metal screen at the end of the game if you finish it perfectly?