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Link Dump Friday №13

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Link Dump Fridays

John BeaverFriday, Friday, Friday. It's generally acknowledged to be the best day of the week other than Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Most people know that Friday gets its name from the fact that Medieval England forbade the consumption of boiled or roasted foods on this day (a tradition still followed in parts of Rutlandshire). But did you know that in Norway, there are TWO Fridays every week and no Mondays? And in parts of the Xiangong province of China, it is illegal to wear a hat on a Friday. I know all of this to be true because I read it on Wikipedia

  • Orbit - a fun little game in which you must destroy the incoming misslies with the orbiting weapon of the corresponding colour. Uses both mouse and keyboard. Very similar to the recently reviewed SlingStar, don't you think? And that's not such a bad thing.
  • Cell - like patting your head and rubbing your tummy at the same time. Use the mouse and the keyboard to reach the goal. Sorry You Failed. So pick up your keyboard and throw it at your monitor. But don't hurt your mouse.
  • Uber Breakout II - a refreshing take on a familiar theme. Use the arrow keys to control the paddles and collect the green power-ups whilst avoiding the red ones. Also features a nifty two-player mode.
  • JIG theme song - courtesy of art begotti. =)
  • Indestructotank! - destroy the enemies using your bouncing tank which is ... erm ... indestructible. Chain destructive combos together for more points which allow you to purchase more enemies (I know... I know... stick with me here) so you can cover the required distance before your fuel runs out. This game is based on a true story.
  • Cubic Tragedy - follows the growing tradition of providing a non-gaming link in the Link Dump and is hosted on YouTube—a place rarely frequented by us serious-minded JIG reviewers. This three and a half minute effort will be particularly appreciated by web designers although the stylish design and humour gives the piece a wider appeal.

Remember, no matter how bad things get, they always get better. Just hang on through the storm. ;)


Retarded Dog Child April 13, 2007 3:15 PM

Cubic Design is awesome. Great idea, great use of 3d. The movements were very natural and the 'uncanny valley' too often seen in 3d animations was completely nonexistent. Great concept, and an idea that almost everyone can relate to.


Cell isn't working for me - I can move the box with the mouse, but the keyboard doesn't do anything.


Well, it works on my Mac but not on my PC.

Mac users' revenge against PC-only games(!) ;)

Slanzinger April 13, 2007 4:16 PM

Octochan:- I got that too, to start off with. Then I switched over to Internet Exploder (AKA Internet Explorer AKA The Accursed Browser) and it seemed to work.
Doesn't seem to like FireFox, for some reason...


Well, I like Indestructotank... but if your fuel runs out while you're still in the air, you lose anyway. I had ten xp left to level up and I'd just finished a five hit combo when I ran out of fuel and it gave me the game over screen. *sulk*


For the JIG theme- Wither techno?


it's too bad wfmu's greasy kid stuff is off the air because the JIG theme song would go great on it! Seriously, it captures the light hearted pure joy this site gives me just perfectly.

FlyingSheep April 13, 2007 6:00 PM

HURRAY! a link dump!
And now JIG has a theme song! hurray!

MANAXAMAX April 13, 2007 6:25 PM

Woo! Great theme song, art! I'm gonna download it, put it on a CD, put the CD in my car, roll down the windows, and blast the stereo at it's highest volume in the dead of night! (I actually did this once when I was going to Cedar Point.) -MANAX

I hope nobody shoots me! If they do, though, remember it's your fault!


Weird, I left the Cell game alone for a minute to put on some music, and it reset to level 1 when I wasn't looking.

I was on 20 too :|


I've got the same problem with Cell - mac only, it seems.

Also, Indestructotank was fun.


Indestructotank was pretty fun. After you max out the frequencies (at ten each) you get unlimited fuel so you can try to get as high a score as possible. My highest combo was 61 for 6816 points, which ended up being a third of my total. After I got 61, though, I realized I probably wasn't going to be bettering that any time soon, so I stopped playing.

Still kind of fun, in a bloing-things-up-is-fun way.

Although you think the enemies would catch on after a while and just stop shooting. :)


Moral of Cubic Tragedy:
Never trust those beauty magazines.


Uber Breakout II is pretty cool. Uber Pool is pretty good too. Good stuff.


I was under the impression Friday got its name either from the german goddess of love Freya or the goddess of beauty Frige. And I could quote Wikipedia on this, so like you say it's like 99.999% true. :)


Hey Jay, I really like playing Indestructotank! Is there a way to add just that game to my favorites without adding the entire "link dump"?


Cubic Tragedy...So Funny...So True


glommie: Link-dump games that receive favorable comments may eventually get their own reviews — if Indestructotank is chosen, you could add it to your favorites then. Meanwhile, you can either add this link dump to your favorites, or bookmark the game's page in your browser.


I like the concept of Indestructotank, but there seems to be a lot of luck involved, in terms of when and where enemies appear (unless the sequences are always the same). It's really annoying running out of fuel because there just haven't been any enemies for half a minute.


Love the idea behind the tank game, but it gets really samey after a while - I'd like to see more development over the 'levels'.

Hi-res downloads of the Cubic Tradegy animation (scroll down):

off to try Cell in IE now :)


yay, just read the author's comments on Indestructotank:
Update: I'm looking for artists to work on Indestructotank 2, if you are interested PM me for details :)

Thanks for all the support guys, I'd love to hear your ideas for the sequel - NG message me :)

Anonymous April 17, 2007 2:33 PM

I got 897 on the Uber Breakout II minigame, and got #93 in the all-time highscores!


I got a big kick out of the Uber Breakout minigame. I went back and played it a few more times while listening to Sufjan, it was rather soothing. You should have reviewed it! ;)


i am addicted to uberbreakoutII
i finally got a score that would be the high score king (224,000 somthing) and it said "error entering high score"

that really stinks.
i was wondering why the top people on the high scores stopped at 199,900
oh well


I love Uber II but if you score over 200,000 it will not save your score!

It took me a bit but I finally beat the highest score, only to find out that there are probably tons of people who have and it won't save your high score. It errors out which is why you see the scores close to 200,000.

If you want the highest score, the trick is to get 199,999 on the nose and lose on purpose. Pretty hard to do!!


Its not really revenge because I use PC and it works perfectly.


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