Professor Fizzwizzle Flash

Play Professor Fizzwizzle Flash
While the Flash version doesn't include anything new, its purpose is to introduce the game to anyone who hasn't had the opportunity to play yet and who may be curious to see what all the fuss is about. This is great news since there are several rather vocal visitors here at JIG that simply don't like to download anything.
Now we all can get down with the Professor in our browsers while we wait for Professor Fizzwizzle 2! Keep up the great work Ryan & Matt. =)
Loved the download version, stayed up way too late with it.
I'm sure this game is great but this preview is pretty weak. I need more than crates to warrant a download.
I'm one of the many who deosn't like to download anything, because I am in charge of 20 pcs and installing a game on them all would take ages!
I like o pretend that all these games are Educational you see. Something about reflexes and logic.
Carlos, couldn't you just, like, network them all together or something? I know at my high school, they had a special network that people could put stuff on and access from any computer on the network...
Yay! No download is good download.
PS This game is fun. I bet the flash version doesn't come with a level editor though. Now THAT would be fun!
Jay, I enjoyed this site when you reviewed it a few weeks ago. Glad to hear you can play on-line. Since I am old fashioned and have dial-up connection, downloading games can be tedious. This one was worth it. Tks for all your hard work. Graduation is just around the corner!!
That game is really fun! :)
I purchased and downloaded this game to my machine a few weeks ago. There are 26 easy, easy alphabet stages. About 75 easy kids levels. 50 regular levels moderate difficulty, and 40 advanced difficult levels. And Yes, DanielJ, it has a level editor and a link to levels others have created. Endless hours of solving. This demo doesn't show you half of the stuff the full game has... magnets, inflateable magnets, crates, and barrels you can pick up and carry around and inflate when you need one. Ice gun that freezes anything and makes it easier to push things, EMP device that temp. disables magnets and the mean robots that will chase the prof. around the board. Great find Jay.
correction** on last link to levels others have made.
Great game! The flash version is rather short though and stopped when it was just getting good. This might be worth a download!
Etheo - without a doubt worth the trouble of a download. It's also well worth the few bucks for the full version with the level editor that allows you to create your own levels to trade with your friends.
Really, I don't see why this game is so great, it bored me so easily i simply gave up after the tenth level. :(