Best of 2010 (Top 5):

Choice of the Dragon is a choose your own adventure browser game where you live the life of a dragon, moving from decision to decision and being as docile or cruel as you want. It emphasizes character and story interaction, not puzzles, allowing you to grow into the game's world like few modern titles allow you to do.

In 2007, Mardek set a new standard for flash RPG gaming. Now, fans of the series can rejoice as not only the latest installment finally sees the light of day, but the previous titles begin a significant overhaul. The turn-based fantasy themed tale centers around Mardek, a hero who starts off the series with the modest hero-type ambition of rescuing a princess from a dragon, and winds up... well, you'll see.

Epic Battle Fantasy 3 has taken such a huge jump up from the first two games that it seems like a whole new series. Where the previous RPGs focused almost entirely on the turnbased "battle" portion of the title, kupo707's latest effort remembers the "epic" part--provided you're okay with a definition of epic that includes kitten slaying, shark battering rams, cow outfits, the shoop-da-woop face, and copious amounts of Comic Sans.

London is Fallen. It has something to do with the Traitor Empress... or perhaps Hell... or perhaps... No, too dangerous to even speculate. You've left the Surface and now make your home there, in the Neath. Why did you do so? Write your own answers in this fascinating multiplayer roleplaying browser game from Fail Better Games.

Think you've got what it takes to be a traditional RPG hero? In this series of minigame-like puzzles aping the genre, it's your knowledge of typical RPG stereotypes,
not your sword skill, that will see you through to victory. It's a bite-sized bit of retro charm to fit into your day that requires thinking outside the box.
Choice Of The Dragon is an excellent and very worthy winner. Would have liked to see Choice Of Romance get to the Top 5, but at least its sister game made it.
Okay, voters, this helps our relationship.
Bah, Broadside's the best of the Choice Of games in my opinion. But Dragon getting the top spot does not displease me in the least.
I'm still playing Echo Bazaar! The later levels are a bit repetitive, but new cards and arcs are fun and so is the new Rose event this month. Buy a mask in the Bazaar!