Best of 2010 (Top 5):

Have you ever wondered what ponies dream about? It's not hay or salt licks. They dream of racing with shiny dolphins across a purple landscape, leaping to avoid smashing into stars and racking up a high score. That's right, they dream of being a magical robot unicorn! And now, thanks to this weird yet addictive two-button game from Adult Swim, so will you. Neigh, my friend. Neigh like you've never neighed before!

Exit Path is a non-stop, single-
and-multiplayer feast for the senses. You'll be running and jumping the field, trying to make your way through a number of screens, each with its own set of challenges, tempted with freedom in a dystopian future, and dodging vicious death machines at every turn. John Cooney has proven himself more than capable of making a wide variety of games, but some of his best work seems to lie in creating fast-paced, action-packed games, and he certainly hasn't missed the mark with this one.

Want to play a hero? How about dozens? Great Dungeon in the Sky is a sort-of roguelike platformer where the foes you vanquish become playable characters. Be a yeti marksman or a drow mage, or slash it up old-school as a knight. Destroy four dragons to reach the boss of the mysterious floating dungeon in this cute, fast-paced retro title.

Control a paper plane bound for the North Pole in this launch game that combines fast-paced gameplay and a whole lot of charm with an extremely clean design. Catch shooting stars, paper cranes, and fight hazardous wind conditions to reach your destination. All one little girl wants for the holidays is to see her mother again, so she jots Santa a letter and tosses it out the window as a paper plane. When it winds up in the hands of different people who all want different things all over the world, will anyone get what they really want for Christmas?

Cooperate, or backstab? Build, or destroy? All for one and one for all, or every mouse for himself? That's the tension driving Transformice, a multiplayer puzzle platformer.
No Solipskier? :-(
All the above games were really good, but Solipskier has a special place in my heart (awww). Any chance you could put up a table with the results in it, like you did last year?
Wow. I will never know how Exit Path didn't end up number 1. One of the best games EVAR for replay value -- I couldn't quit playing until I had ALL the medals -- and I've never played and replayed any other game to that degree before.
Great graphics, fantastic sound...will be MY #1 for a long time to come.
Besides the exception of Moby Dick, these results are just alright with me!
A shallow, gag game got #1.
I thought for sure it would be Minecraft or Transformice, or Great Dungeon in the Sky.
Oh well, they're the reviewers.
Oh sorry, I thought this was overall, not just adventure.
Well dungeon in the sky is still better IMO, but atleast it wasn't overall :D
This isn't overall: just for the Action/Arcade category. Besides, the only votes in there are from actual people: no boosting from JIG. Just because a lot of other people think differently from you doesn't mean they're "wrong". Games are subjective.
I certainly didn't vote for Robot Unicorn Attack, but I did vote for Solipskier and Hostage Crisis a lot: they didn't get into the final standings. Sure, I'm disappointed, but if other people think different to me, then, well, I can't change that.
The problem is people can vote lots of times, and some people only vote once.
It's not surprising that someone would think these were overall awards, due to the poor layout of the top of the page.
image: browser ACTION OR ARCADE
<<< Nominations Action Adventure >>>
Best of 2010 (Top 5):
Robot Unicorn Attack
It's pretty obvious that this page is only for action or arcade games. The layout is the same as they've been using for years and is logical.
If people don't vote, that's their problem. Besides, this discussion has been had every year for the past few Best-Of's. If you really think it should change, email Jay. And also, Robot Unicorn Attack, was one of the runaway hits of 2010. Heck, how many Flash games do you know of that have t-shirts?
I know it's roughly the same layout they've been using for years, but I think it's a bit worse this year.
Two pieces of information that must be understood in relation to each other are instead presented as completely unrelated, both in form (text in a stylized font in an image banner vs. actual text in a simple font) and position (separated by unrelated links and a wide blank space).
It's not any worse than it was last year. Take a look:
Anyways, instead of criticizing, why dont you offer up some suggestions for making it better to show some support for all the hard work they do.