Taking home first prize in the Casual Gameplay Design Competition is no small feat, but David Shute's deceptively simple game of exploration does it with just a few small worlds. A short platformer that may stay with you a long time, Small Worlds offers detailed and surprising environments for you to reveal in your search for... a little peace and quiet.
Almost every one is a fantastic game. So much replay value in just this post!
I was kinda hoping Every Day The Same Dream would win, mainly because I was so blown away by it. ;p
All great games though. I could entertain myself for a few hours with just this one post.
I'm really glad Small Worlds got to win this, my heart was with Don't Look Back, Terry really did awesome work and I would also have liked to see Everyday the same dream a bit higher, at work we kinda spent a whole afternoon just playing it and talking about it :) Then again so did we with Small Worlds :)
Well, since I was never able to get out of the first room in Small Worlds I didn't really get it--and I am not a big fan of platformers anyway. Kind of wish an actual toy had one this one, but the pictures looked pretty!!
I'm really glad this came first, with Today I Die as third. They were both awesome games, but only one could win.
I can't say I'm not slightly disappointed that Today I Die didn't win, purely because it completely blew me away with the meaning behind it. The same goes for Every Day The Smae Dream.
On the other hand, the ending of Small Worlds was also powerful and devastating. All three of those games were my favourites from the start anyway, so I am very happy with this result. Bring on another year of glorious, deep interactive art !
Why are nearly all of the interactive art and webtoy winners pixelart? I thought we, as a culture, had progressed past the "retro is cool" thing.
I don't think pixel graphics are as much "retro" as they are really gorgeous to look at.
And so there is Minecraft :D
Also Small Worlds is an nice game, i enjoyed playing it :D