Best of 2008 (shared):

IncrediBots is a brand new physics-based webtoy from Grubby Games, creator of the Professor Fizzwizzle series. Much like Fantastic Contraption and Line Rider before it, IncrediBots gives you a handful of simple tools and sets you free to explore your creative impulses. Draw shapes, connect them with joints, and tweak their basic properties to create living, moving, and functioning 'bots that can perform any task. You can even make movies, complete with text, than can be shared with the IncrediBots community.

A fun little experimental game where your only goal is to uncover the five hidden endings. Using the mouse, take pictures of the scene and "move" objects around to discover things. Depending on what you put where, you get one of the endings. Recently updated with two more endings as well as a secret ending!
Why we picked them: Interactive Art and Webtoys go together better than you might think—both are vehicles for telling stories, either by a single author or by the collective efforts of the masses. On the elaborate side of the coin, Grubby Games' Incredibots was an ideal tool for setting up complex physics-driven mini-scenes, complete with dialogue. On the simple side is I Wish I Were the Moon, which allows us to reconstruct a small suite of iconic tales with an elegant touch. By discarding all the traditional ideas behind interactive storytelling, Daniel Banmergui practically created a new game genre overnight. Both are excellent representatives from the Best of 2008 in the Interactive Art or Webtoy category.
Audience Award:

The Majesty of Colors is an expressive interactive story about choices and consequences. You play the part of a nightmarish Lovecraftian beast from the undiscovered ocean depths, as it creeps to the surface and encounters the human race for the first time. A first-person narrative provides context, and helps guide you through your emotional encounter with this confusing new world.
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