Best of 2008:

Ben There, Dan That! is another of those old-school adventure games that explodes the "fourth wall", like the recently-reviewed Inquisitive Dave. Also like Dave, Ben There, Dan That! features adorably naive retro artwork (Ben & Dan lean more to the tiki cocktail end of the retro spectrum, which I am sure you will enjoy despite the fact that they are clearly Real Ale drinkers). Unlike Dave, Ben & Dan features some fairly witty writing with that rather unique British self-deprecating sense of humour.
Why we picked it: On the surface it looks like a clean-cut old-school adventure game, right? If you walk in with that kind of attitude, you're in for a surprise (and a bit of an OMG-style shock). More like some kind of interactive adventure-comedy, this game pours on the crude humor at every turn, putting you in wacky situations with even wackier outcomes. The visuals are fun and cartoony, the puzzles are strange and only make sense in context of the game, and the whole premise is just too good to ignore. Ben There, Dan That! hits you in the funnybone with a big foam cow, and you can't help but have a good time.
Audience Award:

Ben There, Dan That! is another of those old-school adventure games that explodes the "fourth wall", like the recently-reviewed Inquisitive Dave. Also like Dave, Ben There, Dan That! features adorably naive retro artwork (Ben & Dan lean more to the tiki cocktail end of the retro spectrum, which I am sure you will enjoy despite the fact that they are clearly Real Ale drinkers). Unlike Dave, Ben & Dan features some fairly witty writing with that rather unique British self-deprecating sense of humour.
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